ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XIII<br />

Chapter XIII<br />

Teaching by other rules how to judge of the alterations of the air and to know when<br />

rain is to be expected<br />

You must still remember to erect your figure for the exact time for which you<br />

require judgment, and place the planets therein being reduced to the time of day<br />

and see what planets are then in conjunction or aspect with the Sun and Moon,<br />

especially if the figure is made at any lunation. For if, it is Jupiter or Venus and<br />

they corporally joined to the Sun and Moon, or Jupiter in a sextile or trine of<br />

them, and they are then free of conjunction or aspect of all the malevolents<br />

neither applying to them after their separation from Jupiter, it is an<br />

assured testimony of fair weather. But if Jupiter beholds them by a square or<br />

opposition, and they free also from the malevolent configurations of the<br />

infortunes, as has been said, he shall denote gentle pleasant showers. But if any<br />

of the malevolent planets, especially Saturn is in aspect with them or<br />

conjunction, although by sextile or trine, or they apply unto him after their<br />

conjunction, especially if by square or opposition, rain shall inevitably<br />

follow; for it is the natural property of the malevolents to disturb and thicken<br />

the air with offensive vapours, as it is the disposition of the fortunes to<br />

disperse then and clear the air thereof, resisting the quality of the malevolents.<br />

Now you must know that although Venus is one of the fortunes, yet she<br />

disposes the air and weather to moisture by reason of her moist nature,<br />

especially if she is in any configuration with the Sun in moist signs and<br />

Mansions or has any commixture or participation with the malevolents; but yet<br />

she seldom sends noisome or unseasonably wet weather unless, when she<br />

participates with the infortunes, she is then also very weak and afflicted. For<br />

then, she is not able to lessen their malicious influence.<br />

If the Sun is in the south part of heaven and Venus under his beams and the<br />

Moon is then in conjunction with either of them, especially Venus, or applying<br />

unto her by aspect, you shall assuredly judge when that configuration is, i.e.<br />

that very day and hour, there shall be rain and showers; and if Mercury also is<br />

in the same part of heaven applying to the Moon by conjunction or aspect, it<br />

shall denote rain, especially if the Moon is in Scorpio; so also, if Mars and<br />

Venus are in conjunction, especially also in Scorpio. When the Sun is in<br />

Aquarius and the Moon applying by opposition to him, and Venus is also<br />

placed as aforesaid, you shall judge rain at that very hour. When Mars<br />


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