ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter XII<br />

[To Venus]<br />

To Venus if in airy or watery signs and moist Mansions, rain will without doubt<br />

thereon follow, especially if they or either of them is beheld of either Saturn or<br />

Mars. But it will be infallibly true if then they are beheld of both Saturn and<br />

Mars, especially if Saturn behold the Moon and Mars Venus, because these are<br />

«Openers of the Gates» as you have heard. But you must note the rain will not<br />

be so great if but one of them behold the Moon and Venus or either of them. If<br />

Jupiter beholds them in like manner, judge there will be no rain, but<br />

contrariwise faire weather or at least such moderate and gentle showers as shall<br />

be very seasonable and acceptable. And, if Venus is free from impediment<br />

when she is thus aspected of the Moon, fortunate, and not in moist signs or<br />

Mansions, there shall not be any rain on their then configuration, whether it is<br />

conjunction or an aspect; but clouds and dews.<br />

[To Mercury]<br />

And if she immediately applies to Mercury and they are in moist signs and<br />

Mansions, there shall be continual rain and that daily, especially if Saturn and<br />

Mars do then behold them. Also, if Venus then have any dignity in the place of<br />

the conjunction or aspect of the Moon and Mercury, there shall be unusually<br />

wet weather; so likewise if 1 Mercury is also in the same degree with them in a<br />

moist sign and Mansion and apply to Venus. And if you find these<br />

configurations in other Mansions and signs, you shall also judge we weather is<br />

threatened, but not so abundantly. And if Mercury and the Moon are alone in<br />

conjunction or aspect, dews and gentle showers are most commonly<br />

produced. But if Jupiter beholds them when they are in conjunction or Mercury<br />

at any time, he shall cause much rain and winds according to the nature of the<br />

signs and Mansions. And this much shall suffice to be said of the Moon’s<br />

applications to the other planets, having been immediately before in<br />

conjunction or opposition of the Sun. I know the ancients have been larger but I<br />

question whether all their rules will be agreeable to the nature of the climate<br />

wherein we live. Wherefore, if what has been already delivered unto you and<br />

what is beneath on this particular further said, be not infallible rules for the<br />

judging of weather as I said before, being very intricate, especially if islands, I<br />

shall desire you lovingly to accept of my weak endeavours and well wished to<br />

the propagation of this divine science, and also to study 2<br />

to perfect some rules<br />

1<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction.<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: By a diligent observation and trial of these rules and others, thou shalt in thy<br />

practice find out.<br />


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