ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter X<br />

[How to know the state of the weather by mutual aspects of the planets]<br />

Thus much of the malevolent aspects of the Moon with the other six planets.<br />

Now it remains we also see what may be predicted touching the<br />

alteration of the air when the planets are mutually aspected the one by the other.<br />

Saturn then in conjunction of Jupiter, in fiery signs, signifies a great drought; in<br />

watery , floods, continual rain, also inundations and overflowing of<br />

water; In airy signs, plenty of wind; in earthy , earthquakes and the fall<br />

of houses and eradication of trees; judge also the same when they are in a<br />

malicious square or opposition, etc.<br />

Saturn in conjunction, square or opposition of Mars in watery signs denotes rain<br />

in winter, autumn and summer, as also summer oftentimes thunder<br />

and lightning, especially in fiery signs; but in autumn and winter windy dry<br />

weather, as also spring; and in airy signs spring, summer, autumn and<br />

winter promises great winds and sometimes rain.<br />

Saturn in conjunction, square or opposition of the Sun in the spring denotes<br />

cold rain or hail, in summer much rain, thunder and lightning according<br />

to the nature of the sign; in autumn tempestuous stormy weather; and in winter<br />

grievous cold and snowy slabby weather.<br />

Saturn in conjunction, square or opposition of Mercury signifies winds and rain<br />

in the spring, especially in watery and airy signs, as also wind and showers in<br />

the summer; but if they are in fiery signs thunder, lightning<br />

and rain; in autumn, wind and cold according to the nature of the sign; and in<br />

winter cold and snow.<br />

Jupiter in conjunction, square or opposition of Mars shows the spring to be<br />

windy and tempestuous; a thundering and lightning summer; rain and<br />

storms in autumn; and in winter cold snows and sharp winds according to the<br />

nature of the sign.<br />

Jupiter in conjunction, square or opposition of the Sun in the spring signifies<br />

high winds; in the summer thunder and lightning; in autumn vehement winds;<br />

and very dry, cold, frosty weather in winter. For the most part they signify thus<br />

in every sign.<br />

Jupiter in conjunction, square or opposition of Venus shows temperate air<br />

according to the nature of the season all the year long. Yet if they are in watery<br />

signs, they will incline somewhat to moderate showers.<br />


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