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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter IX<br />

weather is altered. Observe also, to what planet he is joined, either by body or<br />

aspect in the «opening of the gates 1<br />

»; for if it is Saturn, he causes fierce blasts,<br />

darkness of the air and rain; if Venus, clouds and showers in convenient times<br />

and places; and so the rest.<br />

It is also an approved rule that when Saturn goes out of one sign of the zodiac<br />

into another, the air and weather does immediately alter, no matter what time of<br />

the year it will be; and sometimes causes thunder, lightning and very<br />

tempestuous stormy weather. Also when the Moon, after any conjunction,<br />

square or opposition of the Sun, applies to the chief significator or to the<br />

ascending degree at the time of the same conjunction, square or opposition,<br />

the weather will be disposed according to the nature of the significator<br />

in the figure.<br />

[What «opening of the gates» is]<br />

Opening of the gates is when a planet applies to another that rules the<br />

sign opposite to his 2 house; or when another planet separates from any and<br />

applies immediately to another that has dominion by house in the signs opposite<br />

to those ruled by the planet from whom he last separated. 3 As for example, if<br />

the Sun applies by any aspect or conjunction to Saturn, it is an opening of the<br />

Gates 4 because Aquarius, which is the domicile or sign under the dominion of<br />

Saturn, is opposite Leo, which is the domicile of the Sun. So likewise, if any<br />

other planet should separate from the Sun and immediately apply next to<br />

Saturn, or separate from Saturn and apply to the Sun, it is also an<br />

«opener of the Gates», because that planet transfers the light and nature of the<br />

planet with whom it was last joined, either by body or aspect, to the planet it<br />

next applies to and so causes an alteration of the air; as rain ever follows upon<br />

«opening of the Gates». 5<br />

1 This is a conceptual term that I have come across in earlier writers such as Al Biruni. Ramesey<br />

explains at the end of this chapter what «opening of the gate» is.<br />

2 I.e. the applying planet<br />

3 That is to say, if some lighter planet [C] transfers the light of one planet [A] to the ruler of the<br />

domicile [B] opposing the domicile of the first planet [A].<br />

4 NOTE BY RAMESEY: or windows as it is termed by Moses in the 7 th chapter of Genesis, verse 11.<br />

«In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the<br />

same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were<br />

opened.»<br />

5 This is an interesting concept. But I also would tend to think that this is true only if the planet being<br />

applied to «receives» the disposition (matters) of the planet applying or whose light is transferred!<br />


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