ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter IX<br />

Chapter IX<br />

Containing instructions touching the alteration of the air and change of weather in<br />

any year<br />

Much pains and diligent observation is required for the delivering rules<br />

infallible in this matter; I mean for these regions and parts of the earth wherein<br />

we live being islands. 1<br />

But doubtless, the ancients did sufficiently treat hereof;<br />

neither is the validity and certainty of their rules which they have left to<br />

posterity to be questioned; for such is the reason they carry with them, that<br />

question they were most authentic and seldom or never admitted of<br />

correction in those parts of the continent wherein they lived. And perhaps in<br />

these parts also, with a little amendment, they may be made infallible;<br />

wherefore I shall here, my utmost endeavour to deliver them unto you;<br />

and perhaps hereafter according as I shall have life, liberty and leisure afforded<br />

me, I may give you them more short, compendious and efficacious. For I must<br />

confess the present philosophers of this our age, are more to seek in their<br />

judgments of weather than in any one thing whatsoever and do oftenest therein<br />

deviate from the truth.<br />

[How to judge of the alteration of the air and change of the weather]<br />

In the judging then of these matters have regard unto the whole figure of the<br />

Sun’s ingress in Aries, for the general judgment thereof for the whole year, if<br />

no more figures are to be erected; but if two, or four (as you have heard in the<br />

1 st chapter of this treatise) you are to have respect unto them; to know the state<br />

of the weather quarterly and half-yearly. But you are also to remember <br />

you join them in judgement with the figures at the time of the preventional<br />

conjunction and opposition of the luminaries. And if you would judge of the<br />

alteration of the air for every month, you may consider the figure of heaven at<br />

the time of every conjunction of the luminaries, as also every square and<br />

opposition if you would predict for every week.<br />

[Of the chief and general significator of the weather]<br />

When you would judge of any of these times, consider the ascending degree of<br />

the figure, whether it is for the year, half-year or quarter, and see in what<br />

mansion of the Moon these places fall, i.e. whether dry, moist, cold, or<br />

1 Ramesey of course living on the British Isles<br />


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