ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter IV<br />

But if the Part of Fortune and its’ dispositor is impedited when the Moon is so,<br />

in partile conjunction or aspect of Saturn, the evil that is signified or<br />

threatened shall be increased. 1<br />

Have regard also to the Sun how is placed,<br />

dignified and aspected by the malevolent planet, or by what aspect he beholds<br />

him, as you have heard of the Moon, and the Lord of the sign in which he is at<br />

the time of the partile conjunction or aspect, and make the Part of Fortune and<br />

its dispositor participate in signification therewith and judge accordingly<br />

mutatis mutandis as you have heard of the Moon. If the Sun was eclipsed, or to<br />

be eclipsed at the preventional or postventional conjunction of the luminaries or<br />

change of the Moon, to speak plainly, the evil then threatened shall continue so<br />

many years as the Sun is at that time eclipsed hours.<br />

Also if one planet transfers his light, nature and virtue to another, you are to<br />

diligently weigh their natures and significations, and judge accordingly as you<br />

have been sufficiently shown. As if the significator of the King transfer 2 his<br />

light and nature to Saturn, and he also is well disposed, such people and<br />

religious orders and things with you have heard elsewhere signified by Saturn<br />

shall be bettered and receive good from the bounty or liberality of the King or<br />

superiors; If Jupiter, nobles, judges, and such as converse in the law,<br />

and are signified by him shall receive honour, liberty and much good from the<br />

Kings hand, etc. And so judge in any other planet and if any other significator<br />

transfer 3<br />

his light to any, remember the nature of your significator transferring<br />

[committing] his light and the natural and accidental signification of the planet<br />

to which it is transferred [committed] and judge according thereunto and you<br />

1 Ramesey’s reasoning of this consideration may well be because the Lot is calculated from the Sun<br />

and the Moon. If the Moon is indicating something «bad» then the nature of the Lot also contains this<br />

impediment. So, he says if the Lot and/or its ruler are in anyway impedited then the threat indicated<br />

by the Moon is worse!<br />

2 Again, Ramesey is using the word «transfer» in place of the ancients’ term of «committing<br />

disposition»! «And know that a joining together happens in this manner; whichever one of the seven<br />

planets it may be, the swift planet is joined to the ponderous one and the ponderous one is not joined<br />

to the swift…when the swift planet is joined together to the ponderous planet…..and the swift<br />

commits to the ponderous its disposition…..and the first planet [the swifter] will commit its own<br />

matters to the other.» Cf Māshā´allāh – “On Reception” edited and translated by Robert Hand,<br />

published by ARHAT ©1999 Second printing. When the ancients spoke of a planet committing its<br />

disposition then, they were speaking of the planets matters; i.e. the natural significations of the planet<br />

and the accidental matters of the house that that planet had authority over! That is its «disposition».<br />

However, for a good outcome then, the planet to whom those matters were committed had to receive<br />

those matters!<br />

3 commit his disposition<br />


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