ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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associates; 1<br />

Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter III<br />

if in the fourth, from fathers, heritages, loss of professions, houses,<br />

farms, or destruction of seed and fruits etc. Judge still according to the nature of<br />

the house wherein your afflicter is found, which you have been taught<br />

elsewhere sufficiently.<br />

[How to judge of anything signified by the 12 houses of heaven]<br />

Having hereby now fully declared unto you the manner how you may exactly<br />

and truly judge of the state and condition of what is signified by the Lord of the<br />

Ascendant, so also it is requisite to acquaint you that you may (following the<br />

same method) judge of what is also signified by the Lord of the second, third,<br />

fourth, fifth, sixth, and so around the whole of heavens of everything<br />

appertaining to the life of man in a natural way, there being nothing in the<br />

world by what is signified by one house or another, and by which a man may<br />

judge of the quality and nature thereof.<br />

As if the Lord of the second house is strong, free from misfortune and<br />

impediment, judge the good success of all things thereby signified, and<br />

to all nations and places subject unto the sign thereof and its lord. But, if <br />

unfortunate, impedited, weak and afflicted, judge mischief, trouble,<br />

crosses and losses etc. according to the sign and Lord thereof. And so, I say,<br />

you may in this manner easily judge of any other thing, still remembering to<br />

derive your judgement from the significator of the house, nature of the<br />

planet afflicting or assisting, and that the good or evil will be incident to those<br />

regions and places subject to the sign and Lord thereof, etc.<br />

[If the Revolution is at Sun setting or day breaking]<br />

Look, also, that if your Revolution is at the time of the Sun setting, or within an<br />

hour and half thereof, you regard not the position and fortitudes of the Sun, but<br />

of the Moon who is the governess of the night, which does then immediately<br />

In like manner if the Revolution is about the same time before <br />

succeed. 2<br />

1 In mundane astrology, the third house has many significations not mentioned by Ramesey but<br />

indicated by the ancients. For example, it is also a house indicating matters of ‘religion’ and laws in<br />

civic matters. In our modern society, this could be lower courts as well as matters of the people’s<br />

obedience to civil laws etc. It is also a derived house from the 2 nd of wealth. It indicates wealth from<br />

wealth, i.e. wealth gained through money, it’s investment etc.<br />

2 On this particular point, the ancients would not agree. This is Ramesey’s choice – not the ancient’s<br />

conceptions. The Sun hands over the dominion of the sky to the Moon only after he has set. Consider<br />

this ancient text for example: «And the Sun, beginning for all eternity from the morning, hands over<br />

the vault when it completes the circle in the evening, during which time it is visible,» Completing its<br />


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