ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter III<br />

in an high measure to all those regions, towns, cities, kingdoms and nations<br />

under the dominion of Venus and Libra; those you are taught in the<br />

second book. And so likewise judge of any other planet and sign in the same<br />

nature.<br />

[If the Revolution is nocturnal]<br />

But if the Revolution is nocturnal, you are to have regard to the place and<br />

strength of the Moon, as you have heard of the Sun, and judge accordingly. For<br />

if the Moon is Lady of the Year or of the Ascendant; increasing in light and<br />

motion, in Cancer well dignified and aspected of the benevolent planets; you<br />

shall judge the year will be successful, the people generally healthy, fortunate<br />

and happy. But, if she is weak, impedited, afflicted of the malevolent planets,<br />

slow in motion, decreasing in light and impedited; judge the contrary<br />

and that this good or evil shall chiefly be incident to those regions and places<br />

signified by her and Cancer. But, if she is not in Cancer, look to the planet that<br />

is then her dispositor, i.e. he that is Lord of the sign she is in, and see whether<br />

he be essentially or accidentally debilitated or afflicted, and accordingly judge<br />

as you have heard of the Moon, good or bad, as he 1<br />

is strong or weak; and that<br />

it shall happen to the places subject to the sign ascending, the Lord thereof and<br />

to the sign wherein the Moon is and its Lord, as also the region for which your<br />

figure is erected.<br />

See also if the Moon 2 is either in conjunction or aspect with Saturn 3<br />

without any reception either of house [i.e. domicile], exaltation, triplicity, term<br />

or face, 4<br />

and the Moon decreasing in light. For if so, the mischief and<br />

1<br />

I.e. the ruler of the sign the Moon is in if she is not in her own domicile Cancer!<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: the Revolution being nocturnal.<br />

3<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: or any other malevolent planet if in your figure you find him also accidentally<br />

significator of mischief and impediment. [More than likely what Ramesey means by ’accidentally<br />

made significator of mischief’ is that the malefic or other planet is posited in a ’bad’ house, e.g. the<br />

6th , 12th , 8th or even 7th . –Or that malefic or other planet rules a bad house or ‘house of mischief’. –<br />

Editor]<br />

4<br />

The ancients were for the most part unanimous in that reception occurred when a planet was<br />

applying to another in that applying planet’s domicile, exaltation and at least two of these minor<br />

dignities (i.e. Triplicity, terms or Decan) or the applying planet was itself in the domicile, exaltation, or<br />

at least two of the minor dignities of the planet to whom it was applying. «The reception of the<br />

planets is when a planet is joined to planet by its own domicile or its own exaltation; then it<br />

receives it in a good spirit and in a perfect reception. There is also another reception that is below<br />

this, i.e. less than that , e.g. when a planet is joined to the ruler of its own triplicity and terms or<br />

to the ruler of the terms and the face, i.e. when it is joined to a planet that has in its own place two or<br />

more of those minor dignities; and then it will be a true reception. But if it has only one, there will<br />


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