ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter III<br />

Chapter III<br />

Containing considerations from the Sun and Moon when the Revolution is either<br />

diurnal or nocturnal, also when the Revolution happens at sun-setting and break of<br />

day; from the Lord of the hour, Part of Fortune, the indisposition of Saturn and<br />

Mars, from their conjunction with the Dragons Head and Tail in any annual<br />

Revolution.<br />

[If any Revolution is diurnal]<br />

You are to diligently observe whether the Revolution in any year is by night or<br />

by day, i.e. diurnal of nocturnal. If it is diurnal, have regard to the Sun; how and<br />

where he is posited in the figure at the time of the Revolution, and how<br />

aspected of the fortunes or infortunes, for if he is well aspected by benevolent<br />

and adjuvant 1<br />

planets it signifies according to the nature and signification of the<br />

planets aspecting him and the nature of the signs they are in. If he is beheld<br />

maliciously and unfortunately by malevolents, judge the contrary, <br />

damage and evil.<br />

For if, the Sun is strong, well dignified and aspected, he signifies 2 the<br />

accomplishment of some high and remarkable action. See also if the Lord of the<br />

then Ascendant is strong essentially and accidentally well aspected. For if so,<br />

he shall signify prosperity, health and happiness during that Revolution to those<br />

regions, cities, towns and places subject to the sign which is then upon the cusp<br />

of the Ascendant; also to that kingdom or nation for which the Revolution is<br />

made and the kingdoms, regions and places subject to the Lord of the<br />

Ascendant. But, if he 3 is weak, afflicted and impedited, he shall signify trouble,<br />

vexation, misery, detriment and very much unhappiness 4<br />

unto those aforesaid<br />

places subject to the Lord of the Ascendant and the sign thereof.<br />

And if the Ascendant is Libra, and Venus who is Lady thereof is cadent from it<br />

or from an angle, impedited, retrograde or combust, afflicted by the<br />

malevolents or any other ways unfortunate; it signifies there shall<br />

happen sadness, vexation, trouble, misery, and many infirmities and destruction<br />

1<br />

ad•ju•vant – adj. that helps or aids; auxiliary n. 1) a person or thing that helps 2) a substance<br />

added to a drug to aid its action, specifically in increasing immune response.<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: the Revolution being diurnal.<br />

3<br />

the Sun<br />

4<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: according to the quantity and quality of his affliction.<br />


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