ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section III – Chapter II<br />

[Venus exalted above]<br />

[Saturn] Venus being exalted above Saturn, men shall be perplexed with much<br />

grief and trouble; [Jupiter] above Jupiter, great and noble men shall be in a<br />

prosperous and happy condition, and all things shall succeed well with them;<br />

[Mars] above Mars, women shall willingly use the art of generation and soon<br />

conceive, and men shall be troubled in their stomachs through surfeits and<br />

eating too much; [the Sun] above the Sun, men shall be lavish and expensive;<br />

[Mercury] above Mercury, men shall domineer and triumph one over another;<br />

[the Moon] above the Moon, men shall have much joy and gladness; [Dragons<br />

Head] above Dragons Head, joy and gladness to great and noble men and all<br />

prosperity and happiness; [Dragons Tail] but if above Dragons Tail, judge neither<br />

prosperity nor good; [Blazing Star] and if she be exalted above any Blazing Star,<br />

being in configuration with it, she signifies that there shall be a scarcity of<br />

waters and that women shall not be in any great esteem, shall miscarry and<br />

come to many misfortunes and mischance.<br />

[Mercury exalted above]<br />

[Saturn] Also Mercury being exalted above Saturn, men shall go about to<br />

deceive, cheat and betray one another; [Jupiter] above Jupiter, kings, great men,<br />

and those in power and authority shall increase in health and honour; [Mars]<br />

above Mars, fear and terror shall fall upon men; [the Sun] above the Sun, kings<br />

and rulers shall be famous and addict themselves to knowledge and learning;<br />

[Venus] above Venus, men shall addict themselves to sports and the study of<br />

necromancy, occult and secret arts; [the Moon] above the Moon, he signifies joy<br />

and gladness and that men shall do wonderful and strange feats; [Dragons Head]<br />

above the Dragons Head, there shall be many manifest thefts and robberies;<br />

[Dragons Tail] above the Dragons Tail it signifies men shall be scoffers and<br />

jeerers of one another; [Blazing Stars] above a Blazing Star, men shall slay and<br />

destroy those that are masters of their militia and such as are in most eminent<br />

and chief command and best soldiers.<br />

[Luna exalted above Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sol et al]<br />

[Saturn] The Moon being in any configuration of Saturn, and exalted above him,<br />

signifies evil and mischief, and that men shall be ill-conditioned one towards<br />

another; [Jupiter] above Jupiter, rich and noble men shall increase in health,<br />


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