ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Introduction<br />

astronomy and astrology. The best known of these was Kankah, 1 who came to<br />

Baghdad during the reign of the Caliph al-Ma’mūn (754-775). This was the<br />

period of Māshā´allāh 2<br />

(c.740-c.815) who wrote several books on mundane<br />

astrology; Abū Hafs 'Umar ibn al-Farrukhān al-Tabarī (d.c.815), and known as<br />

Omar Tiberiades; Al Kindī and not least Abu Ma’shār.<br />

Most of what we know of the Persian or Sasanian strand of Astrology as well as<br />

the influence of the Indians is found written in or reported of by these<br />

astrologers. I can’t emphasise enough the influence that this conjunction in time<br />

and space had on the development of mundane astrology; between Persian and<br />

Indian astronomical tables, history and cycles and the astrological framework of<br />

Hellenistic astrology!<br />

This is why William Ramesey’s contribution to mundane astrology is both very<br />

interesting and enlightening and is perhaps the closest thing we have to a «text<br />

book».<br />

William Ramesey: the man and the times<br />

We know little about the man William Ramsey except what he tells us in the<br />

introduction to his opus Astrology Restored, of which Book IV (Astrologia<br />

Munda) is only a part.<br />

«I was born the thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord 1626, stilo Anglie, in the city of<br />

Westminster, in the country of Middlesex Anglie.<br />

My mother was by birth of England, as were all her predecessors; my father of Scotland and that<br />

of an ancient family i.e. of Eighther-house, which has flourished in great glory for 1500 years until<br />

these latter days, as the records there testify.<br />

The original of our name was from the residence of his and my progenitors in the land of Egypt,<br />

from the pleasantness of the soil where they inhabited, or of herbs growing thereupon, which<br />

therefore had the name, Ramesey, in English being as much as to say, joy and delight, and this<br />

was in that country which is called Goshen. From thence, they came into Germany under the<br />

1 Among his books, there were Calculations for Nativities, about periods of time; Secrets of Nativities;<br />

Conjunctions, a large book; Conjunctions, a small book.<br />

2 Among his books are The Revolutions of the Years of the World [Aries Ingresses], On Conjunctions,<br />

Religions and Peoples, and a Letter on Eclipses.<br />


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