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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XX<br />

infirmities in the head and belly. 1<br />

But if the Sun does then behold Saturn, the<br />

malice and mischief of Saturn is taken away.<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Scorpio]<br />

Also if he is Lord of the Year and in Scorpio, there shall be much snow and<br />

cold weather in those parts wherein such are natural or usual; also wars and<br />

quarrels in the northern and western parts; and if he is beheld of Mars, they will<br />

be rather northern than western; and there will also be much thieving, pillaging<br />

and robbing, both by sea and land; the sea shall be very turbulent, and there will<br />

be many shipwrecks and mischief therein, also pestilences and contagious<br />

fevers in the northern parts 2<br />

and all manner of infirmities and diseases of the<br />

eyes.<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Sagittarius]<br />

Much snow during that Revolution shall fall in winter when you find Mercury<br />

Lord of the Year and in Sagittarius, especially in those parts of the world where<br />

such accidents are most usual, as also in the place under which your Revolution<br />

is; an inconstant turbulent air, a scarcity and diminution of the fruits of the<br />

earth, and provisions for the use of man; and wars and dissentions in the<br />

western parts, say the ancients; but if it should prove in the eastern parts, I<br />

know no reason why we should so much confide in everything they write.<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Capricorn]<br />

Again, in Capricorn Mercury signifies, if he is Lord of the Year in your annual<br />

Revolution; wars, tribulations and sorrows to the southern parts and places<br />

subject to the sign; this is if he is afflicted; but if assisted by the benevolent<br />

aspects of the fortunes, and free from all other impediments, the year will be<br />

pretty fruitful and healthy. But if he is afflicted by the malevolents, judge the<br />

contrary.<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Aquarius]<br />

Also, if he be is Aquarius and Lord of the Year or Quarter, he signifies many<br />

caterpillars and locusts in such places where they are naturally, and diminution<br />

1<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: I know no reason why they might not also have said in the neck, throat, back<br />

and reins.<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: why not in those regions and places subject to Scorpio?<br />


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