ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XX<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Leo]<br />

Also if he is in Leo and is Lord of the Year, he denotes excessive and vehement<br />

hot weather in summer; also hot and warm winds; also if he be beyond the tenth<br />

house, i.e. towards the seventh, he signifies impediment and damage to those<br />

parts, or to that quarter of heaven, i.e. southwest, southwest and by south, and<br />

southwest and by west; and a diminution or a scarcity of provisions and fruits,<br />

but not an absolute famine. If he is in any configurations of the fortunes, the<br />

evil will be lessened by so much as the adjuvant planet is in strength, and the<br />

aspect in goodness. But if beheld by the infortunes, by so much the more is the<br />

mischief increased by how much the worse is the aspect and power of the<br />

malevolent planet. He also signifies the death of lions, wolves, and such beasts<br />

as are ravenous.<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Virgo]<br />

Again, if he is in Virgo, and Lord of the Year, there shall be much rain and<br />

plenty of corn 1 and there shall be many infirmities of the eyes and death in the<br />

southern parts. I should truly rather conclude contrary to the precepts of my<br />

predecessors in this most heavenly science, 2<br />

[Mercury Lord of the Year in Libra]<br />

126<br />

that there will be a pleasant<br />

wholesome healthy air, and a diminution of infirmities both of the eyes and<br />

other parts of the body, comfortable and seasonable showers, and gusts of wind,<br />

and plenty of all manner of fruits and provisions convenient for the life of man,<br />

unless the malicious beams of Saturn and Mars prevent it.<br />

Mercury in Libra and Lord of the Year denotes great and high winds, and if he<br />

is free from impediment of the malevolents, the air shall not be so troublesome<br />

and the year shall be pretty plentiful. 3 Yet the ancients say 4<br />

there shall be a<br />

diminution of provisions if he is in Libra; and truly, I am of their opinion, if he<br />

is then afflicted, otherwise not. If Saturn is either joined to him in this sign by<br />

either conjunction or aspect, he signifies men shall be troubled with pains and<br />

1<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: and the fruits of the earth too, I may add.<br />

2<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: this sign being the house wherein he is both exalted and essentially dignified<br />

by house.<br />

3<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: says my own natural reason.<br />

4<br />

NOTE BY RAMESEY: without any exceptions.

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