ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XIX<br />

[Venus Lady of the Year in Sagittarius]<br />

Moreover if Venus is Lady of the Year and in Sagittarius, well dignified<br />

accidentally, she denotes peace and quietness amongst men in the western parts,<br />

also health of body and prosperity to men in general under that Revolution, and<br />

in those places subject to Sagittarius unless is hindered by Mars, the<br />

earth shall be fruitful, and the winter somewhat abated of its cold; but if she is<br />

afflicted by Mars or any other way judge the contrary, or at least not so much<br />

good by the quantity of the evil afflicting.<br />

[Venus Lady of the Year in Capricorn]<br />

Also if she is in Capricorn free from all manner of impediments and is Lady of<br />

the Year, there shall during that Revolution be little or no war, thieving,<br />

pillaging, plundering or robbing; little rain in the eastern parts, and abundance<br />

of provision, and the earth shall be fruitful and the year generally successful.<br />

But if she is impeded, it will be nothing so well.<br />

[Venus Lady of the Year in Aquarius]<br />

Again if Venus is in Aquarius in any annual Revolution, and free from<br />

impediment, men shall be in a happy and prosperous condition during that<br />

Revolution; and there shall be no abundance of rain nor snow, neither much<br />

cold in winter; the year shall be successful and plentiful, and people in a happy<br />

condition and prosperous if Mars work not the contrary.<br />

[Venus Lady of the Year in Pisces]<br />

Lastly, if Venus is in Pisces free from the malevolent aspects of the infortunes<br />

and Lady of the Year, there shall not be much cold weather in winter, nor much<br />

snow nor rain, but what shall be necessary and convenient, and that too in due<br />

season; the earth shall be fruitful, the year plentiful, and the sea quiet and safe<br />

from shipwrecks and pirates. But if she is afflicted, retrograde or combust, and<br />

beholding the Ascendant, she denotes thunders and lightnings; also death<br />

amongst men, and pains in the eyes, and generally, unless Mars hinder, they<br />

shall abound in all things that are produced by the earth.<br />


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