ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XVII<br />

[Oriental] If oriental, many infirmities shall be incident to man,<br />

especially in the lower and secret parts, if other testimonies concur.<br />

[Occidental] If occidental, small piety among men.<br />

[Retrograde] If retrograde, he denotes many tribulations, fears and troubles.<br />

[Direct] If direct, things will be so much the better.<br />

[Mars Lord of the Year in Sagittarius]<br />

Also, Mars in Sagittarius, if he is Lord of the Year, he signifies wars shall<br />

happen in the eastern parts; also damage and mischief unto the inhabitants of<br />

those parts, and the regions subject to the sign Sagittarius; death, infirmities,<br />

coughs and infirmities in the eyes, as also in the loins and back; little or no rain,<br />

and extreme cold weather in winter, as also the spring, so that the fruits of trees<br />

shall be blasted and nipped; also plants, herbs and seeds shall be very much<br />

damnified, and the year generally shall be scarce and indigent of provisions,<br />

also honey shall not be plentiful; for by reason of the scarcity of herbs, bees<br />

shall many of them be destroyed. And if therein he is well aspected and free<br />

from the malevolent aspects of the infortunes, all such as bear arms, or have<br />

any relation thereunto of what degree so ever, shall be in good condition,<br />

fortunate and successful.<br />

[If strong] Some of the ancients with Albumasar 1<br />

say, that if Mars is in the last<br />

fifteen degrees of Sagittarius, and Lord of the Year in any Revolution; or in any<br />

human sign, he denotes wars, tumults and insurrections of the people against<br />

their king and superiors, sudden death, fevers both tertian, quartan, and<br />

pestilential, and many other infirmities; robberies, sackings and spoiling,<br />

bloodshed, fire and sword, and lightnings.<br />

[If weak] And if he is unfortunately aspected by the malevolents, and otherwise<br />

also debilitated, he signifies all these things you have now heard, but more<br />

mischievously, unless the benevolent aspects of Jupiter prevent and contradict<br />

his fury.<br />

[Northern] If his latitude is northern, he signifies the air shall be good, pleasant<br />

and temperate.<br />

1 Abu Ma’shār<br />


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