ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog

ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XVII<br />

Chapter XVII<br />

Showing the significations of Mars, when he is Lord of the Year in any of the twelve<br />

signs<br />

[Mars Lord of the Year in Aries and afflicted]<br />

In the next place you see Mars follows, who is next under Jupiter and therefore<br />

now to be treated of. Wherefore, if he is Lord of the Year and in Aries, he<br />

signifies many great and high winds and various mutations in the air, in the<br />

Eastern parts especially. He signifies also little or no rain and men shall have<br />

pain in their eyes, quarrels, dissentions and debates amongst men, especially in<br />

the eastern parts, and such places and cities subject to Aries, and that kings<br />

shall disagree amongst themselves and fight. But understand this is when he is<br />

maliciously aspected of Saturn, or any other infortune.<br />

[Free from affliction.] But if he is free from their affliction, as also <br />

retrogradation and combustion; the common people in that Revolution, as also<br />

those subject unto Aries, shall be in a happy and good condition, shall prosper<br />

and overcome all their enemies, the air shall be temperate, and the year fruitful,<br />

and there shall be much plenty chiefly if he is then Lord of the Ascendant; and<br />

men shall generally be joyful and merry, as having no other cause.<br />

[Northern] And if he has northern latitude, he notes little or no rain, and a hot air.<br />

[Southern] If he has southern latitude, he signifies much thunder and lightning.<br />

[Oriental] Also, if he is oriental, wars and discords amongst noble,<br />

great and rich men, or such as are the grandees of the earth.<br />

[Occidental] But if he is occidental, many fears and troubles shall fall upon men,<br />

as also discords and contentions.<br />

[Retrograde] Again, if he is retrograde, men shall be perplexed with many<br />

infirmities in many parts of their body, but especially in their eyes.<br />

[Direct] But if direct and combust, or otherwise impeded, men shall be<br />

hypocritical, clothed in sheep’s clothing, but shall inwardly be ravening wolves.<br />


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