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ASTROLOGIA MUNDA - Classical Astrologer Weblog


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Book IV – Astrologia Munda<br />

Section II – Chapter XVI<br />

and that the earth shall be afflicted with barrenness, according to the nature of<br />

the planet or planets assisting him, etc.<br />

[Jupiter Lord of the Year in Taurus]<br />

Jupiter in Taurus, Lord of the Year and well dignified or assisted by adjuvant<br />

planets, shall denote fertility and the good condition of the fruits of the earth;<br />

and that there shall be a temperate and good air; men shall delight in the<br />

husbandry and manuring of the ground, and shall profit thereby. The King also,<br />

and the rulers or great and noble men, shall do well to the people and encourage<br />

them, and do them justice and equity; and again, the people shall love, honour,<br />

and respect their superiors. There shall also be sufficient and moderate rain, and<br />

sweet southern winds; and all things signified by Jupiter shall chiefly be<br />

manifest in the southern parts and those places subject to Taurus. But if he is<br />

weak and afflicted, judge the contrary and judge the nature thereof from the<br />

significator afflicting, as you have been often taught before.<br />

But you are ever to remember this general rule, which I would also have you<br />

observe and take notice of in all the other planets, that although Jupiter does in<br />

Taurus signify good when he is well disposed, he being naturally good in<br />

himself, yet he does not effect it so powerfully or so fully as when he is in<br />

Aries; for he has therein both triplicity and term; but in Taurus only term, and<br />

in Sagittarius more power than in Aries to effect what he denotes; for therein he<br />

has house, triplicity and term. For by how much the stronger essentially a planet<br />

is, by so much his power is increased; and so on the contrary, when he<br />

is debilitated, etc. This I say; I would have you still remember what you have<br />

already heard, as also, in what follows and in all the other planets.<br />

[Jupiter Lord of the Year in Gemini]<br />

If Jupiter is Lord of the Year in Gemini, well dignified and in some aspects of<br />

the malevolents, men shall be perplexed with extreme warm winds. And<br />

if he is in aspect with Mars, many casualties shall be incident unto them<br />

through thunder and lightning. But if he is aspected with Saturn, he denotes<br />

corruption of air; and if other testimonies concur, pestilential air and diseases<br />

through corruption of blood are to be feared. But if you see him free from any<br />

aspect of the malevolents, yet he shall not denote very pleasant air, many<br />

sudden gusts of winds and storms of rain, which shall be somewhat destructive<br />

to the fruits of the earth and not pleasant unto men. For it is certain, that when<br />

Jupiter is in Gemini, if he does no hurt, he does as little good, or rather none at<br />

all, especially if retrograde, weak or afflicted.<br />


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