EUROPEAN BUSINESS ANGEL NETWORK EUROPEAN DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS ANGEL NETWORKS IN EUROPE - November 2005 - This document has been coordinated by: Claire Munck and Christian Saublens EBAN Secretariat C/o EURADA Avenue des Arts 12 Bte 7 B-1210 Brussels T: +32 2 218 43 13 F: +32 2 218 45 83 E: W:

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> DIRECTORY<br />

OF<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong>S IN EUROPE<br />

- November 2005 -<br />

This document has been coordinated by:<br />

Claire Munck and Christian Saublens<br />

EBAN Secretariat<br />

C/o EURADA Avenue des Arts 12 Bte 7<br />

B-1210 Brussels<br />

T: +32 2 218 43 13 F: +32 2 218 45 83<br />

E: W:

‘ Due to the private and confidential nature of the informal venture capital market, it is very<br />

difficult to collect comprehensive information on that market as it is feasible for the venture<br />

capital market.<br />

The data published in this document is based on the best knowledge of the EBAN<br />

Secretariat, the contribution and good will of its members and the collaboration of business<br />

angel networks across Europe.<br />

This document can be freely reproduced in order to support the development of the<br />

European informal venture capital industry.<br />

The 2001 and 2002 versions of this document had received financial support from the DG<br />

Enterprise of the European Commission.<br />

The EBAN Secretariat wishes to thank all of the organisations and individuals who have<br />

contributed to this document.’<br />


EBAN, the European Business Angel Network, was established by the European<br />

Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) with the support of the European<br />

Commission in 1999.<br />

EBAN is an independent body, financed by its members and the provision of secretariat<br />

support for day-to-day and project management. As such, it is free to pursue the best interest<br />

of its members with the sole objective of advancing the recognition of the BA and BAN<br />

industry in Europe.<br />

The Association has the purpose of:<br />

• Encouraging the exchange of experience among business angels networks and<br />

encouraging " best practice ".<br />

• Promoting recognition of business angels networks.<br />

• Contributing to working out and carrying out local, regional and national programs of<br />

assistance to the creation and development of a positive environment for business<br />

angels activities.<br />

Board of Directors<br />

- Paolo Anselmo, IBAN, Italy<br />

- Martin Carr, Equity Link, UK<br />

- Anthony Clarke, London Business Angels, UK<br />

- Albert Colomer, BANC, Spain<br />

- Christian Stein, i2/aws, Austria<br />

- Arne-G. Hostrup, f.u.n NetzwerklNordbayern,<br />

Germany<br />

Executive Committee<br />

- Risto Kalske, SITRA, Finland<br />

- Roland Kirchhof, BAAR, Germany<br />

- Philipp Oberli, ASBAN, Switzerland<br />

- Claude Rameau, France Angels, France<br />

- Birgitta Österberg, NUTEK, Sweden<br />

- Roger Piqué, CIDEM, Spain<br />

- Ute Günther, BAND, Germany<br />

President of the Association: Anthony Clarke, London Business Angels (UK)<br />

Vice-President of the Association: Claude Rameau, France Angels (F)<br />

Members of the Executive Committee:<br />

Brigitte Baumann, MBAN (MT)<br />

Paolo Anselmo, IBAN (I)<br />

Philipp Oberli, ASBAN (CH)<br />


Table of contents<br />

Directory of business angel networks operating in Europe 6<br />

Austria 12<br />

Belgium 15<br />

Czech Republic 27<br />

Denmark 35<br />

Finland 37<br />

France 40<br />

Germany 63<br />

Greece 93<br />

Hungary 97<br />

Italy 98<br />

Latvia 113<br />

Luxembourg 114<br />

Malta 116<br />

Norway 118<br />

Poland 125<br />

Portugal 128<br />

Spain 130<br />

Slovenia 152<br />

Sweden 155<br />

Switzerland 163<br />

The Netherlands 179<br />

Turkey 179<br />

United Kingdom 182<br />

Russia 227<br />

M<br />

EBAN member 2005 Updated<br />


EBAN Directory of networks operating in Europe in 2005<br />

*EuBAN, as a tri-national network, is mentioned in the Belgian, German and Dutch Statistics<br />

but counted only once for the total of networks.<br />

**DVCA conducts an annual survey near its member networks. The results of the survey will<br />

be forwarded to EBAN once completed.<br />

Networks having responded to our survey in 2005.<br />

EBAN Directory of business angel networks 2005<br />

Name of BAN<br />

Austria 2<br />

i2 - aws<br />

AICO (Linz – Upper Austria)<br />

Belgium BeBAN 6<br />

Africa Synergie<br />

BAMS<br />

Solvay Business Angels Connect<br />

BAN Vlaanderen<br />

EuBan<br />

WABAN<br />

Czech Republic 2<br />

BANET<br />

Angel Investor Association<br />

Denmark DVCA 8<br />

RBAN Switzr<br />

RBAN Østjylland<br />

RBAN Midt/Vest<br />

REBAN Oresund<br />

REBAN Syd<br />

RBAN København<br />

DVCA IT Forum<br />

DVCA Lifescience Forum<br />

Finland 1<br />

Sitra PreSeed-Finance / Intro Service<br />

France France Angels 38<br />

Anjou Amorçage<br />

Arcange - Plurin (22)<br />

Altantic Emergence - Nantes<br />

Aurinvest - Paris/France<br />

Aube Investissement - Troyes<br />

Bourgogne Angels - Dijon<br />

Chevaliers D'Entreprise - France<br />

Club 3c - Toulouse<br />

Club B2A Nord Pas de Calais<br />

Club Inv'est 77 - Melun<br />

Coach'Invest - Paris<br />

Dilen - Paris<br />

Fa Dièse<br />

Femmes Business Angels - Paris/France<br />


Finance & Technologie - Paris/France<br />

Flamingo Ventures<br />

Grenoble Angels<br />

GSO Investissement<br />

Invest'95<br />

Invest'Essor - 92<br />

Invest'Y - Hedera - Versailles<br />

Irus Partenaires - Nantes<br />

Leonardo - Paris/France<br />

Loire Business Angels<br />

Logoden - Rennes<br />

Lorraine Business Angels - Metz<br />

Lyon Angels<br />

Mar-Tech & Finance - Paris/France<br />

Méditerranée Investissement - Nice<br />

Norm'Invest - Honfleur<br />

Octave - Lorient<br />

Paris Business Angels<br />

Savoie Business Angels - Chambéry<br />

Sophia Business Angels Club<br />

Start Me Up - Lyon<br />

Sud Angels - Montpellier<br />

Symbiose 53 - Laval<br />

Synergence - Angoulême<br />

X.M.P Business Angels - Frances<br />

Germany BAND 43<br />

BAAR-Business Angels Agentur Ruhr e.V.<br />

BACS Business Angel Club Schwaben<br />

BANKO e.V. Business Angels Netzwerk Rheinland<br />

BANO - Business Angel Nord Ost<br />

BANSON - Business Angel Netzwerl Süd-Ost Niedersaschsen<br />

BIC Leipzig<br />

BrainsToVentures GmbH<br />

Business Angel Fondsverwaltungs gmbh<br />

Business Angel Initiative Mittelhessen ev<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Baden Baden<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Bremen<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Hamburg (HK)<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Lausitz ev<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Nordwestdeutschland e.V. (BANN)<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Ostwestfalen (BANOW)<br />

Business Angel netzwerk|nordbayern<br />

Business Angel Team gmbh<br />

Business Angel Venture GmbH<br />

Business Angel-Netzwerk Niedersachsen (BAN-NDS)<br />

Business Angels Club Berlin<br />

Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain e.V. (BARM)<br />

Business Angels Initiative Südwestfalen - ASIO<br />

Business Angels Netzwerk Saarland<br />

Business Angels Netzwerk Thüringen c/o STIFT<br />

Business Angels NRW e.V.<br />


Business Angels Pfalz e.V.<br />

Business Angels Rheinhessen<br />

Business Angels Weser Ems w.v<br />

CatCap GmbH<br />

EcatInvestor<br />

Forum Kiedrich gmbh<br />

icon innovation gmbH<br />

IHK-Expertenkreis Innovationsfinanzierung<br />

InnovationsCampus Wolfsburg<br />

Investoren für Unternehmen in Schleswig-Holstein e. V.<br />

MCG Beratungs und Beteiligungsnetzwerl Berlin Brandenburg<br />

Munich Business Angels AG<br />

NUK-Verband Neues Unternehmertum Köln-Bonn-Aachen e.V.<br />

Raphael - Sächsisches Business Angels Netzwerk e.V<br />

SABAA - in creation<br />

Venture Forum Neckar ev<br />

win - Wagniskapital für Innovationen NRW GmbH<br />

euBAN<br />

Greece 1<br />

Mentoring Business Development Services SA<br />

Hungary 1<br />

Business Angel Club<br />

Ireland 1<br />

Business Angel Partnership<br />

Italy IBAN 12<br />

Ban Bologna<br />

Ban Brescia<br />

Ban Campania<br />

Ban Lazio<br />

Ban Lombardia 1 – BIC La Fucina s.cons.r.l<br />

Ban Puglia<br />

Ban Sardegna<br />

Ban Toscana Sud<br />

BAN Umbria<br />

BAN Alpe Adria<br />

BAN Nord-Ouest<br />

Club Milano Centro<br />

Latvia 1<br />

CONNECT Latvia Business Angels Network (In creation)<br />

Luxembourg 1<br />

Luxembourg Business Angels<br />

Malta 1<br />

MBAN<br />

Norway NorBAN 7<br />

Roban<br />

Artic BAN<br />

BioBAN Oslo<br />

ICT BAN Oslo<br />

NorBAN London<br />

Partus<br />

Connect Norge - 4 regional networks below<br />


Connect Vest Norge<br />

Connect Nord Norge<br />

Connect Ostlandet<br />

Connect Mid Norge<br />

Poland 2<br />

PolBAN<br />

Lewiatan Business Angels<br />

Portugal 1<br />

Gesventure<br />

Russia 4<br />

Moscow Business Angel Network<br />

BRAIN<br />

Business Angels Club<br />

Private Capital<br />

Slovenia 1<br />

Slovene Business Angel Club<br />

Spain CIDEM + ESBAN 20<br />

ABANT<br />

BAN Madrid<br />

BANC<br />

BANCO<br />

BANG<br />

BAXI<br />

BCN Business Angels<br />

Club d’Inversors La Salle –URL<br />

ESADE – Club d’emprenedors I Inversors<br />

Esfera UAB – Not Operative<br />

IESE BAN<br />

MADBAN<br />

Madrid Capital<br />

PIMEC Capital – Not Operative<br />

Proexca – Canarias<br />

UNIBAN<br />

SODERCAN - Cantabria<br />

XARXAP - ALTA Partners<br />

XIP Mataro<br />

XIPJEC – Not Operative<br />

Sweden SVCA / NUTEK 28<br /><br />

Affärsängelnätverket Delfinerna (ALMI Skane)<br />

ALMI Stockholm Änglar<br />

Uppsala Privatinversterarnätvrk (UPPI)<br />

Business Angels Syd<br />

Connect Halland<br />

Connect Norrbotten<br />

Connect Skane<br />

Connect Sydost - 3 local networks<br />

Connect Väst - 4 local networks<br />

DalaBAN<br />

Delfinerna I Västerbotten<br />

Entrepreneurial Capital Network<br />


Affärsänglar i Mittsverige<br />

Kista Innovation & Growth<br />

Result Network<br />

Roslagens Affärsängkar<br />

Investment AB Spiltan<br />

ITP Invest<br />

W Venture Network<br />

X Invest<br />

Y Network<br />

Änglanätverk Norr - Umea<br />

Switzerland ASBAN 7<br />

Bisange SA<br />

Brains to Venture AG<br />

Business Angels Schweiz<br />

Club valaisan des Business Angels<br />

MSM Invertorenvereinigung<br />

Start Angels Network<br />

Venturix AG<br />

The Netherlands 5<br />

Nebib<br />

euBAN<br />

ABN Amro<br />

Rabo Bank<br />

PPM Oost NV<br />

Turkey 2<br />

BANTR<br />

Banatolia<br />

UK British Business Angels Association 35<br />

Advantage Business Angels<br />

Anglo American Angels<br />

Angel Bourse<br />

Beer and Partners<br />

Business Link Devon and Cornwall<br />

C2 Ventures London & Berkhamsted<br />

Capital partners Group<br />

Cavendish Management Resources<br />

Catapult Investment Partners<br />

East Midlands Business Angels Ltd<br />


Envestors<br />

Equity Link<br />

E-Synergy<br />

Finance South East<br />

First Capital<br />

Halo<br />

Hotbed<br />

K@talyst<br />

Katalyst Ventures Ltd<br />

Kingston Business Angels (KBA)<br />

LINC Scotland<br />

London Business Angels<br />


Oxford Early Investments<br />

Oxford Investment Opportunity Network Oxfordshire<br />

Pi Capital Limited<br />

Solent Investment Opportunities Network<br />

SWAIN<br />


Thames Valley Investment Network<br />

University of Warwick Science Park Limited<br />

Venture Site<br />

Winsec Corporate Exchange Ltd<br />

Xenos<br />

Yorkshire Association of Business Angels<br />

Total 231<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

In Austria, Business Angel (BA) activities were initiated in 1997 by I2, a department of<br />

Innovationsagentur, a state-owned non-profit organisation supporting innovative ideas and<br />

entrepreneurs in Vienna. Innovationsagentur was merged with AWS (The Austrian Investment<br />

Agency and Promotional Bank) in August 2003.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of Business Angels 1<br />

37 (21) 35 (20) 47 (34) 81 (49) 83 96 91 90<br />

(57) (72) (76) (82)<br />

Number of deals 2 2 4 4 4 7 8 1<br />

Number of accredited projects 37 39 47 63 92 103 69 60<br />

Number of commercial BANs - - - - - - - -<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs - - - - - - - -<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

The BAN (i2-The Business Angels Network) is a department of AWS.<br />

4. National association<br />

i2 is a branch of aws, the Austrian national business support agency and is the main BAN in<br />

Austria. aws helps the creation of regional networks, such as AICO operational since Mid-<br />

2005, and therefore acts as a quasi-national association for Austria.<br />

5. Lobbying<br />

Dissemination of the BAN concept: cooperation-partners in all Austrian countries and<br />

Bratislava (Slovakia) as well as the South Tyrol; partnerships with Universities,<br />

Academies/Colleges, science parks, network of lawyers, public relations.<br />

6. EU support<br />

i2 has received co-funding from DG Enterprise to strengthen its BA activities.<br />

7. Operating Model<br />

i2 has developed interesting synergies between BA and seed and guarantee schemes.<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

i2, department of AWS.<br />

1 Numbers in brackets concern private individuals; others include also strategic and institutional investors.<br />

12<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

i2 – AWS<br />

2005 M<br />

Contact person DI Stefan Kreppel, MBA<br />

Contact details Ungargasse 37<br />

Austria Wirtschaftsservice GMBH<br />

1030 Vienna<br />

T: +43 1 501 75 524<br />

F: +43 1 501 75 907<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National network<br />

Date of creation 1997<br />

Employees 3.5<br />

Legal status Department of AWS<br />

Hosting organisation AWS<br />

Formal partner organisations Ministry of economics, M&A advisor, tax<br />

advisor, law firms<br />

Funding sources:<br />

22%<br />

12%<br />

66%<br />

Public National<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

and enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects<br />

submitted<br />

37 39 47 63 81 103 69 60<br />

Number of Angels 37 35 47 81 83 96 91 90<br />

(21) (20) (34) (49) (57) (72) (76) (82)<br />

Number of deals made 2 2 4 4 4 7 8 1<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 140.000€ 150.000€<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

13<br />

Deals<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Computerised data-base matching service<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks, public<br />

relations, direct mailings.<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 390€ for 6 months (reimbursed if no contact), in addition i2<br />

levies a success-fee for investments limited to 1% of investment.<br />

o Fees charged to Business angels: (for 1 year): 90€ (higher fees for other investor<br />

categories).<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 100 jobs<br />

Success story :<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />

Mediornet IT/Mutlimedia 2003 3.8 m € 1 + VCs - -<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Since 1998, seven BANs have emerged in Belgium. These networks were set up in the period<br />

1998-2001. They guaranteed a complete coverage of the Belgian area: 4 networks in<br />

Flanders, 2 in Wallonia and 1 in Brussels. In the beginning of 2004, the 4 Flemish networks<br />

merged into 1 Flemish network: BAN Vlaanderen.<br />

As per today, Belgian counts 4 networks: 1 network in Flanders, 2 in Wallonia and 1 in<br />

Brussels.<br />

The international (inter-regional) network Euban (B-D-NL) operates in the eastern part of the<br />

country.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003* 2004**<br />

Number of BANs 1 4 6 7 7 7 5<br />

Number of Business Angels 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 160<br />

Number of deals 0 1 19 39 31 37 29<br />

Number of accredited projects 0 n/a 260 370 273 229 136<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 2 2 2 2 2 1<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 1 2 4 5 5 5 4<br />

Number of national BANs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Number of regional BANs 1 4 6 7 7 7 5<br />

National association 0 0 1 1 1 1 1<br />

*Up to 2003, 7 networks were operating in Belgium, 4 in Flanders and 3 in Wallonia and Brussels.<br />

**Including Euban<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

In Belgium, 4 out of 5 networks are not for profit organisations. The other one is a commercial<br />

BAN.<br />

Not-for-profit does not mean that these are public organisations: some are created together<br />

with development agencies, others are emanations of business schools, of business<br />

innovation centres and of private investors.<br />

4. National association<br />

The 5 Belgian networks all join forces in BeBAN, the Belgian Association of Business Angels<br />

Networks. Its main goal is the promotion of the visibility of business angel finance and<br />

business angel networks. A code of conduct was elaborated and subscribed by all existing<br />

networks.<br />

BeBAN became the facilitator in setting up cooperation between all Belgian BANs and other<br />

governmental, public and private organizations active in the field of risk capital. For instance,<br />

in 2002 a new product, the “business angel+”-loan, was launched by the national Participation<br />

Fund to give a favourable subordinated loan collateral to a BA-input realized through a BAN.<br />

The BeBAN contact details are:<br />

Mr Reginald VOSSEN, Chairman BeBAN<br />

C/o BAN Vlaanderen vzw<br />

Kunstlaan 18<br />

3500 HASSELT (B)<br />

E:; W:<br />


5. Lobbying<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Since 2000 and mid 2001, the Belgian BANs used BeBAN as a platform to discuss with the<br />

Finance and Banking Commission in order to clarify the scope of BAN intervention and the<br />

compatibility of their action with Belgian legislation on public issues and the obligation to make<br />

a prospectus. Because of this legislation business proposals cannot be submitted to more than<br />

50 people and business angel networks cannot ask for money from the entrepreneurs looking<br />

for money in their function as a matchmaker. If this would be the case, entrepreneurs are<br />

obliged to write a prospectus.<br />

6. National/regional Support<br />

All BANs in Belgium have secured financial support from their regional government. This<br />

support varies from region to region because of the fact that the economical policy is a<br />

regional (not a national) competence.<br />

The support of all regional authorities constitutes an official recognition of the contribution of<br />

Business Angels to the stimulation of the Belgian economy.<br />

In Wallonia, a guarantee scheme for BA-investments was installed through Sowalfin.<br />

7. EU support<br />

The European Commission supported several initiatives:<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

Ten awareness seminars have been conducted in the late 90’s. They were co-ordinated by the<br />

Réseau des Jeunes chambres économiques. Seminars were held in Bruges, Kortrijk, Gent,<br />

Antwerp, Leuven, Hasselt, Brussels, Mons, Liège and Wavre.<br />

� Feasibility studies<br />

Two feasibility studies were co-funded in Belgium: one done by GOM Vlaams Brabant and<br />

NCMV and another done by PYTHAGORAS n.v. , a private company.<br />

� Pilot projects<br />

DG Enterprise supported one pilot project in Belgium. The beneficiary was the Vlerick Leuven<br />

Gent Management School.<br />

� ERDF-support<br />

One network was supported through the European Regional Development Fund. The<br />

beneficiary was Limburg BAN vzw, which merged into the new Flemish network: BAN<br />

Vlaanderen.<br />

� Interreg III<br />

3 Belgian organizations (BAN Vlaanderen, SOCRAN and WfG Ostbelgien), together with a<br />

German (AGIT) and a Dutch (LIOF) partner started the Interreg-project Euban in January<br />

2004. EUBAN is a tri-national network in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, which aims to generate<br />

more BA-activity in this region and to enhance cross-border investments through BA’s. Euban<br />

is partially subsidised through Interreg III-funds.<br />

8. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

The Dutch-speaking economic daily newspaper Financieel Economische Tijd published<br />

articles on BANs operating in Flanders. So did the French-speaking daily L’Echo for the<br />

Walloon networks. Many articles were originally inspired by the BAN's initiatives and by the<br />

efforts of Mr Rudy AERNOUDT, a Belgian European Commission official.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

In 2000, RTBF (the French-speaking public TV corporation) dedicated an edition of its weekly<br />

magazine ECO to the concepts of Business Angels and BANs in the Walloon Region.<br />

Economic magazines such as Trends/Tendance and PME/KMO have published several<br />

pieces on BA and BAN activities in Belgium in both French and Dutch.<br />

In May 2001, BeBAN organised a congress on “BAs: accelerators of economic growth” to state<br />

clearly the role of BA financing among other financial actors. Some 150 market players<br />

attended.<br />

The start-up of BAN Vlaanderen in February 2004 raised a lot of attention in all national media<br />

(TV, newspapers, business magazines…) and enhanced the knowledge about the existence<br />

of BANs. A large publicity-campaign with commercial spots, advertisements and a region-wide<br />

road show expanded the BAN-concept throughout Flanders.<br />

9. EBAN members<br />

BAMS<br />

BAN Vlaanderen<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAMS<br />

2005 M<br />

Contact person Christophe Guisset<br />

Contact details Champ Vallée 17C<br />

B-1348 Louvain la Neuve<br />

T: +32 (0) 10 48 50 20<br />

F: +32 (0) 10 48 50 21<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional network<br />

Date of creation 1999<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Limited Company<br />

Formal partner organisations BeBan, BAN Vlaanderen, ING Bank<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

40%<br />

10%<br />

50%<br />

Regional funds<br />

F ees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

F ees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 30 50 50 40 40<br />

Number of Angels 30 40 50 50 50<br />

Number of companies financed 3 6 10 9 14<br />

Number of deals made 8 9 16 19 23<br />

Average amount of the deal 103.125€ 70.576€ 71.015€ 69.597€ 72.400€<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />

Companies<br />

financed<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€ - 500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Reginald Vossen<br />

Contact details Kunstlaan 18<br />

3500 Hasselt<br />

T: +32 (0) 11 30 01 76<br />

F: +32 (0) 11 30 01 02<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional network<br />

Date of creation 2004 – Result of the merger of 4<br />

regional networks in the Flanders<br />

region of Belgium<br />

4 regional antennas Antwerpen, Gent, Hasselt/Leuven, and<br />

Kortrijk.<br />

Number of employees 6<br />

Legal status: Non-profit organisation<br />

Funding sources:<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

5%<br />

60%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

O ther (sponsors)<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 64*<br />

Number of Angels 75<br />

Number of deals made 8<br />

Average amount of the deal 108.000<br />

*249 Submitted to BAN Vlaanderen, and 64 submitted by the network to the investors.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Special actions to target groups<br />

• Yearly BA “get together” day<br />

• Yearly Angel-Academy<br />

20<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€ - 500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 15-20<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SOLVAY <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S CONNECT<br />

Contact person Evelyne Heyvaert<br />

Contact details 40, rue Joseph Wybran<br />

B-1070 Bruxelles<br />

T: +32 2 529.58.11<br />

F: +32 2 529 59 22<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional, Region of Brussels and<br />

surroundings<br />

Date of creation August 1998 as Business Angels Connect<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Not-for-profit association<br />

Hosting organisation EEBIC<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

28%<br />

10%<br />

7%<br />

55%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Success fee from<br />

business angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 40 115 122 173 245 113<br />

Number of Angels 34 35 50<br />

Number of deals made 0 7 3 6 9 5<br />

Average amount of the deal N/a 201.000 80.000 170.000 78.000 93.000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

Database of contacts<br />

Meetings (one to one)<br />

Investment forums and fairs<br />

Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

Event and information fairs<br />

Targeted publicity<br />

Visits to enterprises<br />

Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Other - Institutional prescriptions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 325€<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 300€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

WABAN<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Alix Housiaux<br />

Contact details Aéropôle - Télécom 2<br />

Rue Clément Ader, 12 - B 260<br />

B-6041 Gosselies<br />

T: +32 71 352 350<br />

F: +32 71 354 115<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional network for the Walloon region.<br />

Date of creation 2000<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Hosting organisation Groupement d’Intérêt Economique des Centres<br />

Européens d’Entreprise et d’Innovation Wallons<br />

(GIE des CEEI) - Economic grouping of Interest<br />

of the Walloon European Centres of Enterprise<br />

and Innovation (GIE of the CEEI)<br />

Formal partner organisations:<br />

Since mid-2002, WABAN has developed a partnership with the Club B2A called « WABAN –<br />

B2A Nord-Pas-de-Calais ». It is a cross border business angel network covering the cross<br />

border areas of the Walloon Region (B) and the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (F), aiming to contribute<br />

to the development of cross border risk capital, and to foster the creation and development of<br />

innovative projects looking for finance. This network was created following the initiative of both<br />

regions, through two operators, the Economic grouping of Interest of the Walloon European<br />

Centres of Enterprise and Innovation (GIE of the CEEI) and the Regional Chamber of<br />

Commerce and Industry of Nord-Pas-de-Calais.<br />

The network benefits from a financial support from the ERDF, the Walloon Region, the<br />

Economic grouping of Interest of the Walloon European Centres of Enterprise and Innovation<br />

(GIE of the CEEI), the association APARTE, EDF (Electricité de France) and ANVAR (French<br />

Agency for Innovation).<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

20%<br />

40%<br />

40%<br />

Regional funds<br />

European Funds<br />

GIE of CEEI<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted (BP) +/-10 4<br />

Number of Angels 30 29<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a<br />


Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: Not published.<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

EuBAN<br />

2005<br />

EuBAN, the euregional Business Angels network aims to provide a solution to improve the<br />

framework conditions of early-stage SME finance in the EUREGIO Maas-Rhine. Five partners<br />

have joined forces to form the cross-border business angels network:<br />

• Aachen region (AGIT)<br />

• Belgian Limburg (BAN Vlaanderen)<br />

• Dutch Limburg (Industriebank LIOF)<br />

• province of Liège (SOCRAN)<br />

• German-speaking community of Belgium (WFG Ostbelgien)<br />

The euBAn coordination office is based with AGIT.<br />

Contact person Mirella Feldmann<br />

Contact details c/o AGIT mbH (coordination office)<br />

Technologiezentrum am Europaplatz<br />

52068 Aachen<br />

T: +49 (0) 241 963-1026<br />

F: +49 (0) 241 963-1033<br />

E:;<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional network, EUREGIO Meuse-<br />

Rhine (Belgium/Germany/Netherlands)<br />

Date of creation 01.01.2004<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Hosting organisation AGIT mbH (coordination office) Partners<br />

(see above)<br />

Funding sources:<br />

45%<br />

5%<br />

50%<br />

Regional funds<br />

European Funds<br />

Sponsor: AGIT<br />

*Regional funds:<br />

- 25% Walloon Region (B)<br />

- 12.5% Province of Limburg (NL)<br />

- 7.5% NRW (D)<br />

*European Funds: INTERREG IIIA<br />

*EuBAN foresees to charge fees to business angels in the future.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 24<br />

Number of Angels 17<br />

Number of deals made 0<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

In 2004 there have been two business angels who decided to invest in two of the presented<br />

companies, but the deals haven’t been accomplished yet . The BA’s and the companies are<br />

still in negotiation.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Giving lectures in regional service clubs<br />

Fees:<br />

o No Fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Since the fall of communism in the then Czechoslovakia and now The Czech Republic, there<br />

have been several attempts to create an informal marketplace to match private investors and<br />

investee companies.<br />

Although over the past 14 years several transactions which could be classified as Business<br />

Angel deals have been done, there has not been a structured approach which would marry up<br />

the best practices from advanced European and US markets.<br />

The primary problem is the lack of awareness of both the investment process and the<br />

implications for both sides of the equation and without this awareness the deals which will be<br />

taking place are likely to be rather random and haphazard.<br />

BANET is the brainchild of Michael Prokop, an experienced London based Business Angel<br />

who decided to set up a formal Business Angel network in Prague in conjunction with a local<br />

company BID services s.r.o.<br />

The aim is to not only provide a matching service for investors and investees but also to add<br />

value by providing educational backup as a pre requisite to successful matching.<br />

The intention is to carry on with the successful UK experience of Ready4Growth and<br />

Ready2Invest seminars which will provide the necessary awareness to both sides of being<br />

Investment Ready and providing Intelligent Capital.<br />

Therefore, throughout the summer of 2004, over 6000 SMEs are being contacted in a<br />

concerted Direct Mail drive with the intention of selecting the most promising initial deals to be<br />

trained up in September 2004 in Investment Readiness, i.e. the ability to put together a<br />

sensible Business Plan and the skills to make a visual presentation to a group of investees.<br />

The first BANET meeting is planned for November 2004.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

There are no reliable statistics available at the moment as the business angel market is rather<br />

latent and unregulated. However from anecdotal evidence, the number of deals which could<br />

be classified as Business Angel finance (i.e. equity purchase of up to 500 k Euro from<br />

investors who are not related to the investees) is less than 30.<br />

3. BAN Legal Status<br />

At the moment, BANET is a subsidiary of Bid Services s.r.o. and following the first Business<br />

Angel meeting in November 2004 will become a s.r.o. (Limited company)<br />

4. National Association<br />

BANET<br />

5. Lobbying<br />

Lobbying has been carried out by making presentations at various SME conferences in<br />

Prague and Brno, several presentations to the main Venture Capital players and the Ministry<br />

of Trade and Industry, Czechinvest, major commercial banks and Cesko Moravska Zarucni a<br />

Rozvojova Banka (CMZRB). The lobbying has included the attempt to obtain tax breaks for<br />

investors and to provide support for both investors and investees from the Structural Funds<br />

and from the CMZRB in the form of soft loans to match the Angel investment.<br />


6. National and Regional Support<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

At the moment there is no support from any external organisation and all the setting up costs<br />

have been borne 100 % by the principals.<br />

7. EU support<br />

To date no support has been received. The Czech Republic acceded only on 1/5/2004<br />

8. Contact<br />

Michael Prokop or Michal Pop<br />

BID services s.r.o<br />

Milicova 20<br />

130 00 Prague 3<br />

Czech Republic<br />

T: +420 222 781 017<br />

F: +420 222 780 147<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BANET<br />

Contact person Michael Prokop<br />

Contact details BID Services, Milcova 20<br />

130 00 Prague 3<br />

T: +420 222 781 017<br />

F: +420 222 780 147<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National network<br />

Date of creation 11 March 2004<br />

Number of Employees 7<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Founders<br />

2005 M<br />

Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a<br />

Number of Angels n/a<br />

Number of deals made n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Products:<br />

• Awareness and training sessions for investors and investees<br />

• Creation of database of HNWI and investee prospects from the ranks of local SMEs<br />

• Matching investors and investees<br />

Fees:<br />

o Investors: 150€ per annum to include a synopsis of prospective SMEs and an invitation to<br />

regular investment forums, access to private web pages<br />

o Entrepreneurs: 500€ for the opportunity to present their Business plan to a forum of HNWI<br />

at regular investment forums plus the attendant publicity of their investment proposals.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>ANGEL</strong> INVESTOR ASSOCIATION<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Joanna Rzesiewska<br />

Contact details Na Prikope 15<br />

110 00<br />

Prague 1<br />

T: +420 272 143 524<br />

F: +420 272 143 516<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network National Network<br />

Date of creation Formally registered on 7 th of January<br />

2005 but existing since January 2004<br />

Number of Employees Only volunteers (board members are not<br />

paid as well as the management team,<br />

which is provided by partner organization)<br />

Legal status Non-profit association<br />

Formal partner organisation Myall Consulting Europe<br />

Funding sources:<br />

100%<br />

Sponsors<br />

2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 5<br />

Number of projects 10<br />

Number of deals made 3<br />

Average amount of the deal N/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other- through the network of partners<br />

Fees:<br />

• No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

• Less than 100€ charged to business angels<br />

31<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

RAAL<br />

Contact person Jiří Janák<br />

Contact details<br />

tr. Gen. Píky 9<br />

613 00 Brno<br />

T: + 420 545 223 982<br />

F: + 420 545 223 989<br />

E:<br /><br />

Website<br />

Date of creation 1997<br />

Number of employees 4<br />

Type of network n/a<br />

Legal status of the BAN GmbH / Ltd.<br />

Funding sources:<br />

5%<br />

95%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2005<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 2 2 3 3 4<br />

Number of projects 8 12 16 10 18<br />

Number of deals made 1 2 2 2 3<br />

Average amount of the deal 50.000 50.000 60.000 4.000.000 75.000<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

33<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />


How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€-500€<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€-500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

In 1999, the Danish Government conducted a survey on the feasibility of creating a network for<br />

private individual investors in Denmark.<br />

The survey revealed that there was a need for creating meeting points, which could bring<br />

private investors and innovative and investment seeking entrepreneurs together. The survey<br />

also showed that the meeting points were better off being placed in decentralised areas and<br />

locally in close co-operation between the investors and investment seeking firms. On the other<br />

hand it also came clear that a centrally located organisation was needed in order to coordinate<br />

the co-operation and contact among the local meeting points. The Danish state<br />

therefore decided to finance the creation of a Danish Business Angel Network with 673.000<br />

Euro for a period of 3 years (2000-2002) and Euro 640.000 for the period 2003 – 2005. DBAN<br />

became a part of the DVCA in Spring 2004, the Danish Venture Capital Association,<br /><br />

The Danish Venture Capital Association (DVCA) was established in 2000 by a group of people<br />

interested in innovation, entrepreneurship and private equity funding. Today DVCA has about<br />

60 member companies representing venture capital as well as a number of related<br />

professions.<br />

In 2004, 94 business angels joined the association.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 4 6 8 8(+2) 2<br />

Number of Business Angels 10 30 65 200 94<br />

Number of deals 0 1 8 60 n/a<br />

Number of accredited projects 1 25 65 60 160<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 1 4 6 7 8<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 3 5 6 7<br />

National association 1 1 1 1 1<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

All the networks set up in Denmark now by the DVCA (previously by DBAN) are private<br />

entities public funded.<br />

4. National association<br />

DVCA acts as the national association.<br />

Contact person:<br />

Peter Much-Kofoed<br />

Borsen – 217 Copenhagen<br />

T: +45 72 25 56 21<br />

E:, W:<br />

2 DVCA will establish two sectoral networks around Autumn 2004: AgroBAN and CreativeBAN.<br />

35<br />


5. Lobbying<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

As a branch organisation, an important issue for DVCA is lobbying towards the political system<br />

in order to improve the conditions for start-up companies, business angels and venture capital.<br />

In 2003 DVCA handed in 10 new proposals to improve market conditions. 5 proposals have<br />

been accepted by the Danish Government.<br />

6. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

DVCA has had several articles in the national press as well as presentations and road shows.<br />

7. EU support<br />

None.<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

DVCA<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

BA activities Finland emerged as organised structures in 1996 under the leadership of SITRA,<br />

a formal seed and venture capital fund. SITRA is a nation wide organisation. For the first 5<br />

years the activity was more based on the private activities of BAs on a database basis. The<br />

concept was restructured in 2001: the new concept of pre-seed finance was launched in May<br />

2001, including two major instruments: LIKSA and INTRO. LIKSA is a programme for<br />

professional completion of business plans, arranged by SITRA and Tekes. INTRO is a<br />

marketplace for business angels and other venture capitalists to meet technology companies<br />

in the start-up or restructuring phase. This well functioning platform has shown, that far too<br />

many investments fail due to start-ups’ lack of marketing & sales professionalism. As an<br />

answer to this, since the beginning of this year, INTRO also offers a channel (DIILI) for<br />

marketing & sales professionals to look for a new ‘entrepreneurial’ career in companies<br />

presented at the INTRO marketplace.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mid<br />

2005<br />

Number of BANs (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) 1 1 1 1<br />

Number<br />

Angels<br />

of Business<br />

- 90 207 253 284<br />

Number of deals - 12 10 12 7<br />

Number<br />

projects<br />

of accredited<br />

- 35 52 41 21<br />

Number of commercial<br />

- 1 0 0 0<br />

BANs<br />

Number of national BANs - 0 0 0 0<br />

Number of regional BANs - - - - -<br />

National association - 1 1 1 1<br />

(1)During the period 1997-2001, the BA activities of SITRA can be presented as follows:<br />

• BA: between 60 and 150<br />

• n. of deals: between 8 and 12 per year<br />

• n. of accredited projects: between 60 and 100<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

INTRO is an initiative started by SITRA, involved in private investors’ venture capital activities,<br />

with a clear vision to empower public/private partnerships.<br />

4. EBAN members<br />

SITRA<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SITRA<br />

Finnish National Fund for Research and Development<br />

2005 M<br />

Contact person Tuula LAITINEN<br />

Contact details Itämerentori 2<br />

FI-00180 Helsinki<br />

Finland<br />

T: +358 9 6189-9429 / +358 9 618 991<br />

F: +358 9 6189 9277<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network National network<br />

Date of creation 2001 (Initial start 1996 as Sitra Matchingservice)<br />

Number of Employees 7<br />

Legal status Part of SITRA<br />

Hosting organisation SITRA<br />

Formal partner organisations TEKES, National Technology Agency, for<br />

LIKSA programme (development of<br />

professional business plans).<br />

Funding sources:<br />

Number of<br />

projects<br />

submitted<br />

Number of<br />

Business angels<br />

Number of deals<br />

made<br />

100%<br />

Public/National<br />

Funds<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mid<br />

2005<br />

20 60 80 100 100<br />

35 52 41 21<br />

Reorganisation<br />

20 60 80 130 140 of 90 207 253 284<br />

2 8 8 10 12 activities 12 10 12 7<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

1996<br />

1998<br />

2000<br />

2002<br />

38<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Internet Presentations<br />

• Bulletin / Newsletter (both printed and email)<br />

• Investment Forums<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one to one or one to group basis)<br />

• Investment clubs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Direct mailings<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with local institutional investors<br />

Fees:<br />

No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

FRANCE<br />

2005<br />

The first associative network, named Léonardo, was set up at the beginning of nineties.<br />

A private BAN was set up by IPEN Financial Consultants in 1998 under the name<br /> The first local network (non-profit) initiative in this field was taken by an<br />

association of young entrepreneurs called Club Essor 92, and by André Jaunay in Hauts de<br />

Seine in 1998, under the name of Invest’Essor.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid Mid<br />

2004 2005<br />

Number of BANs 1 3 4 13 32 - 48(35) 3<br />

40 38<br />

Number<br />

Angels<br />

of Business n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of deals 0 0 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number<br />

projects<br />

of accredited n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number<br />

BANs<br />

of commercial 1 2 3 4 5-10 5-10 n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of non-commercial<br />

BANs<br />

0 0 1 5 16 18 n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of national BANs 1 2 3 3 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 1 1 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

National association 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

In France, private and associative BANs coexist. Also notable in this country is that, for tax<br />

purposes, a number of private investors have created investment companies that manage<br />

their personal stakes in start-ups.<br />

In France, several local saving mobilisation instruments (such as loans without interest and/or<br />

guarantee and Love Money) are to a certain extent comparable to Business Angel activities,<br />

even though they do not share the exact same characteristics.<br />

In 2003/2004, a new legal framework was adopted in order to support entrepreneurship. Part<br />

of the legislation concerns the fiscal environment of investment made by private individuals in<br />

start-up enterprises: the tax deduction system was improved and a new type of investment<br />

company with fiscal advantages (SUIR: Société Unipersonnelle d’Investissement à Risque)<br />

was created.<br />

4. National association<br />

FRANCE <strong>ANGEL</strong>S, the national association of local BANs that was created in April 2001, tries<br />

to highly increase the number of business angels in France in order to stimulate<br />

entrepreneurship in France.<br />

3<br />

48 organisations claimed to be networks, while France Angels evaluated the real number of networks<br />

around 35.<br />


5. Contact<br />

Contact person: FRITZ Nicolas<br />

16, Rue de Turbigo<br />

75002 Paris<br />

T: 33 1 44 82 77 77<br />

F: 33 1 44 82 77 76<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

6. Funding sources (2004):<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

30%<br />

2%<br />

68%<br />

Sponsors<br />

Conference &<br />

trainings programs<br />

Fees from business<br />

angels and<br />

entreprises<br />

Sponsors: CDC (Groupe Caisse des Dépôts), DECAS et DIGITIP (Ministry of Economy,<br />

Finance & Industry), Ministry for Research and new Technologies, Salmon Foundation,<br />

ANVAR (French Agency for Innovation), APCE (Agency for Enterprise Creation).<br />

7. Lobbying<br />

The national network has established contacts with the relevant Ministries in order to discuss<br />

BA and BAN status, to improve legislation and to promote the BA concept.<br />

8. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

France Angels provides tools to BANs (website, information centre, guide…).<br />

France Angels has created the concept of “business angels school” in order to set up or to<br />

develop business angel networks, by informing and training business angels. 14 schools were<br />

organised in 2003.<br />

France Angels has also created a special 4 days training program for people who are<br />

interested in setting up BANs or who want to have a better understand and to work with<br />

business angels (1 or 2 seminars organised per year).<br />

9. EU support<br />

In France, EU support has included:<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

Three awareness seminars were held. The first one was organised by CEBANOR (Regional<br />

Development Agency of Basse-Normandie), the second one by the Metz BIC and the third one<br />

by ADEM in Martinique.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Professional Network, a private firm (since re-named IPEN) received support from<br />

DG Enterprise to consolidate and develop its activities in the field of Business Angels. Other<br />

organisations having received EU subsidies include:<br />

- Bordeaux Technovest<br />

- Club B2A Alsace<br />

- Proxicap Invest<br />

9. EBAN members<br />

France Angels<br />

Femmes Business Angels<br />

***********************************************************************************************************<br />

Below is the list of networks operating in France in Mid-2005. More detailed information is<br />

available on the website of the French Federation of Networks<br />

Consolidated data: Information received from 24 networks (38 in operation in Mid 2005)<br />

Number of members (business angels): 1375<br />

Number of projects received: 3963<br />

Number of projects presented to investors: 659<br />

Number of projects financed (deals): 128<br />

Total investment for the period (Thousand euros)over the last 12 months: 11.729.000€<br />

Average amount of the investment:: 92.000€<br />

Anjou Amorçage<br />

Jeanneau Olivier<br />

CCI d'Angers 8 Boulevard du Roi René BP 626 49006 Angers<br />

T: +33 241205420<br />

F: 0241205414<br />

E :<br />

W:<br />

Arcange<br />

Francis Fallu<br />

T: +33 6 07530764<br />

E:<br />

Legal form: association<br />

Number of members: 25<br />

Atlantic Emergence<br />

Blot Henri<br />

16 quai Ernest Renaud 44000 Nantes<br />

T: +33 240446223<br />

F: +33 240446223<br />

E:<br />


Aube Investissement<br />

Dieudonné François<br />

Technopole de l'Aube 10430 Rosières<br />

T: +33 325752776<br />

E:<br />

Number of members: 7<br />

Aurinvest<br />

Demont Michel<br />

11bis rue Portalis 75008 Paris<br />

T: +33 144907320<br />

F: +33 144907324<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Bourgogne Angels<br />

Winter Philippe<br />

30A cours du Parc 21000 Dijon<br />

T: +33 380678922<br />

F: +33 380678922<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: April 2004<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 29<br />

Chevaliers d'entreprise<br />

Delabie Hervé<br />

T: +33 232321289<br />

E:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Club B2A Nord Pas de Calais<br />

Guillain Bruno<br />

2 Palais de la Bourse BP 500 59001 Lille Cedex<br />

T: +33 320637972<br />

F: +33 320130200<br />

E:<br />

Club Capitaux et Compétences (Club 3C)<br />

Mader Georges<br />

CRCI Midi-Pyrénées 5, rue Dieudonné Costes BP 32 31701 Blagnac<br />

T: +33 5 62 74 20 37<br />

F: +33 5 62 74 20 20<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />


Club Invest 77<br />

Huet Martine<br />

14 avenue de Saria 77700 Serris<br />

T: +33 164634343<br />

F: +33 160439035<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Date of creation: July 2000<br />

Legal form: Association (July 2000) and Risk Capital Company (November 2004)<br />

Number of members: 28<br />

Coach Invest<br />

Legrain Thomas<br />

49 rue de Lourmel 75015 Paris<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Dilen SA<br />

Zumino Daniel<br />

5 Allée de la Terrasse 92190 Meudon<br />

T: +33 146267839<br />

E:<br />

Fa Dièse<br />

De Baillenx Isabelle<br />

12 cours Xavier Arnozan 33000 Bordeaux<br />

T: +33 556440407<br />

F: +33 556793311<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Legal form: Public Limited Company and Risk Capital Company (2002)<br />

Number of Members: 17<br />

Femmes Business Angels<br />

Jauffrineau Béatrice<br />

9 rue Fondary 75015 Paris<br />

T: +33 680577317<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: May 16 th 2003<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 32<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Finance et Technologie<br />

Devaivre Frédéric<br />

2 route de la Noué BP 76 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex<br />

T: +33 164865838<br />

F: +33 164865860<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 1999<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 50<br />

Flamingo Ventures<br />

Lavigne Eric<br />

1095 rue Henri Becquerel 34000 Montpellier<br />

T: +33 467697456<br />

F: +33 467697469<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Grenoble Angels<br />

Brunet Jean-Louis<br />

CCI de Grenoble Place André Malraux 38016 Grenoble<br />

T : +33 476282926<br />

E:<br />

GSO Investissement<br />

Balandrau Gérald<br />

C/o Datus Sud Ouest Le Stratège BP 37/06 31312 Labège Cedex<br />

T: +33 607518501<br />

E:<br />

Legal form: Public Limited Company + Risk Capital Company (2002)<br />

Number of members: 50<br />

Invest Y<br />

Meurin Janine<br />

25 rue du Maréchal Foch 78000 Versailles<br />

T: +33 139027575<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 2001<br />

Legal form: Creators Club + Risk Capital Company HEDERA<br />

Number of members: 55<br />


Invest 95<br />

Farrache Jean Lucien<br />

21 rue Héloise 95160 Montmorency<br />

T: +33 139780448<br />

F: +33 139789079<br />

E:<br />

Date of creation: 2000<br />

Legal form: Association<br />

Number of members: 60<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Investessor and « Essor 92 »<br />

Boulot Claude<br />

123 Avenue Salvador Allende 92000 Nanterre<br />

T: +33 149670033<br />

F: +33 149671032<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 1998<br />

Legal form: 2 Not for Profit Associations<br />

Number of members: 125<br />

Irus Partenaires<br />

De Champsavin Henri<br />

8 rue de Gorges BP 79035 44090 Nantes Cedex 1<br />

T: +33 240356942<br />

F: +33 251720207<br />

E :<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 2002<br />

Legal form: Limited Company + Risk Capital Company<br />

Number of members: 29<br />

Leonardo<br />

Delacour Yves<br />

58 avenue d'Iena 75116 Paris<br />

T: +33 147202488<br />

F: +33 149520101<br />

E:<br />

Legal form: Association + Leonardo Finance<br />

Number of members: 250<br />

Loire Angels<br />

Perrin Yves<br />

13 Place de l'hôtel de ville 42000 Saint Etienne<br />

T: +33 477484403<br />

E:<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Lorraine Business Angels (LBA)<br />

Ouarnier Boris<br />

CEEI Synergie 13 rue Claude Chappe 57070 Metz Technopôle<br />

T: +33 0387763636<br />

F: +33 387762303<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: February 2005<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 18<br />

Lyon Angels<br />

Arrivé Agnès<br />

40 avenue Guy de Collongue 69130 Ecully<br />

T: +33 472408172<br />

F: +33 472405921<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: April 2004<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 35<br />

Mar-Tech & Finance<br />

Chevalier Thierry<br />

Centre nautique Paris Boulogne Face au 33/36 quai Alphonse le Gallo 92100 Boulogne<br />

Billancourt<br />

T: +33 141316262<br />

F : +33 141310964<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 1997<br />

Legal form: Association<br />

Number of members: 350<br />

Mediterranée Investissements<br />

Baujard Hervé<br />

06000 Nice<br />

T: +33 618653436<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: December 2004<br />

Legal form: Association<br />

Number of members: 25<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Norm'Invest<br />

Reynaud Gérard<br />

Chemin de l'ancien Presbytère 14600 Gonneville sur Honfleur<br />

T: +33 231890593<br />

F: +33 231899974<br />

E:<br />

Date of creation: June 2003, re-launched December 2004<br />

Legal form: Not for profit association<br />

Number of members: 25<br />

Octave<br />

Le Jossec Bruno<br />

56100 Lorient<br />

T: +33 297882251<br />

Date of creation: 2004<br />

Legal form: Non-stock corporation<br />

Number of members: 8<br />

Paris Business Angels<br />

de Maleprade Cyril<br />

16 rue de Turbigo 75002 Paris<br />

T: +33 144827773<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: July 2003<br />

Legal form: association<br />

Number of members: 35<br />

Sophia Business Angels Club<br />

Da Fonseca Edgardo<br />

Place Sophie Laffitte BP 127 06904 Sophia Antipolis<br />

T: +33 671171724<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 2003<br />

Legal form: Not-for-profit association<br />

Number of members: 32<br />

Start Me Up<br />

Malaise Cédric<br />

69000 Lyon<br />

T: +33 472003382<br />

F: +33 472003381<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: 2000<br />

Legal form: Public Limited Company<br />

Number of members: 15<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Symbiose 53<br />

Thomas Marcel<br />

Laval Développement BP 1405 53014 Laval Cedex<br />

T: +33 243498600<br />

F: +33 243498608<br />

E:<br />

Synergence<br />

Treny Jean-Pierre<br />

7, rampe du Secours 16000 Angoulême<br />

T: +33 545673600<br />

E:<br />

XMP Business Angels<br />

Cherruau François<br />

École Polytechnique 91128 Palaiseau<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation: December 2004<br />

Legal form: Association<br />

Number of members: 45<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

CLUB 3C<br />

Contact person George Mader<br />

Contact details CRCI Midi-Pyrénées<br />

5 Rue Dieudonné Costes BP 32<br />

31701 Blagnac Cedex<br />

T: +33 5 62 74 20 37<br />

F: +33 5 62 74 20 20<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network Regional – Midi-Pyrénées<br />

Date of creation 2002<br />

Employees 1<br />

Legal status Club<br />

Funding sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 12 18 18<br />

Number of angels 5 11 12<br />

Number of deals made 2 4 3<br />

Average amount of the deal: between 80.000€ and 150.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Investment clubs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the local / national Press<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to Business Angels or entrepreneurs.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Bruno Guillain<br />

Contact details 2 Palais de la Bourse<br />

59000 Lille<br />

T: +33 3 20 63 79 72<br />

F: +33 3 20 55 14 67<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network Regional, Nord-Pas-de-Calais<br />

Date of creation 2002<br />

Number of employees 1<br />

Legal status n/a<br />

Hosting organisation CRCI Nord-Pas-de-Calais<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50%<br />

10%<br />

40%<br />

European Funding<br />

Regional funds<br />

Sponsors: EDF, Aparte<br />

2003 Mid-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 5 5<br />

Number of angels 10 20<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a<br />

Average Amount of the deal 100.000€ N/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Investment Forums<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the local / national Press<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Thomas Legrain<br />

Contact details 49 Rue de Lourmel<br />

75015 Paris<br />

T: +33 892 35 00 85<br />

F : +33 1 45 75 60 53<br />

E :<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation April 2000<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status: SA<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Investment in<br />

the Coach<br />

Invest SA<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 2000 2000 1000 1000 300<br />

Number of Angels 30 54 54 50 50<br />

Number of deals made 10 10 6 4 3<br />

Average amount of the deal: 30.000€ in seed phase<br />

150.000€ in leverage buy-out phase<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Newsletters<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs or business angels.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Frédéric Devaivre<br />

Contact details 2 Route de la Noué BP 76<br />

91193 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex<br />

T: +33 1 64 86 58 38<br />

F: +33 1 69 28 84 89<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation January 1999<br />

Number of employees 3<br />

Type of network National with regional perspectives.<br />

Funding sources:<br />

15%<br />

5%<br />

10%<br />

35%<br />

35%<br />

Regional funds<br />

National funds<br />

Fees from Business<br />

Angels<br />

Others<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 5 12 83 81 80 80 30<br />

Number of angels 10 50 70 85 100 105 105<br />

Number of deals made 3 12 20% 20% 20% 12% 16%<br />

Average amount of the deal: 150.000€ for NTIC to 1million€ for biotechnologies.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings / binomial meetings<br />

• Investor Clubs<br />

• Investment forum/Fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: Administrative fee: 50€, event 100€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Eric Lavigne<br />

Contact details 1095 Rue Henri Becquerel<br />

34000 Montpellier<br />

T: +33 4 67 69 74 56<br />

F: +33 4 67 69 74 69<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network Regional: Languedoc Roussillon<br />

Date of creation 2000<br />

Number of employees 1<br />

Legal status Risk Capital Company (Société de<br />

Capital Risque)<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Private Funding<br />

2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 20 15 10 8<br />

Number of angels 6 6 6 6<br />

Number of deals made 1 1 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal: 50.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

INVEST Y<br />

Contact person Janine Meurin<br />

Contact details 25 Avenue du Maréchal Foch<br />

78000 Versailles<br />

T: +33 1 93 02 75 75<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation June 2000<br />

Number of employees 0. 10 very active volunteers<br />

Type of network Regional, West, Ile de France<br />

Legal status None<br />

Hosting Organisation Club des Créateurs d’Entreprises and<br />

creation of a Risk Capital Company, to<br />

gather BA, HEDERA SAS<br />

Partner organisations Ile de France Region, Caisse d’Epargne<br />

Ile de France Ouest<br />

Funding sources:<br />

10%<br />

30%<br />

10%<br />

50%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from Business<br />

Angels<br />

Forum, conferences…<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 7 14 9 12 4<br />

Number of angels 2 5 8 15 20<br />

Number of deals made 1 3 1 4 2<br />

Average amount of the deal: 10.000-40.000€ per business angel and per deal.<br />

From now on, business angels can also indirectly invest through the new system of Risk<br />

Capital Company HEDERA of which they buy shares. HEDERA invests between 25.000€ and<br />

75.000€.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Investor Clubs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

No fees charged. 180€ membership fee to the club. Enterprises pay once an additional fee of<br />

270€.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Henry de Champsavin<br />

Contact details 8 Rue de Gorges BP 79035<br />

44 090 Nantes Cedex<br />

T: +33 2 40 35 69 42<br />

F: +33 2 51 72 02 07<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional: Grand Ouest France<br />

Date of creation April 2002<br />

Number of Employees 0<br />

Legal status: Risk Capital Company (SA de Capital<br />

risque)<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Shareholders<br />

(30 private<br />

individuals)<br />

2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 2 3 2<br />

Number of Angels 5 5 5<br />

Number of deals made 2 3 2<br />

Average amount of the deal: 120.000€ since the creation of the BAN. Low: 40.000€; High:<br />

180.000€.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

LORRAINE <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S (LBA)<br />

Contact person Boris Ouarnier<br />

Contact details 13 Rue Claude Chappe<br />

57070 Metz Technopôle<br />

T: +33 3 87 76 36 36<br />

F: +33 3 87 76 23 03<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional: Lorraine<br />

Date of creation 2003<br />

Number of Employees 1,2 ETP<br />

Legal status: Association<br />

Hosting organisation CEEI Synergie<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

32%<br />

4%<br />

32%<br />

32%<br />

European funds<br />

National funds<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 7 16<br />

Number of Angels 10 15<br />

Number of deals made 1 0<br />

Projects presented look for 80.000€ to 100.000€ on average.<br />

Offers vary from 60.000€ to 80.000€ on average.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings / Binomial Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Thierry Chevalier<br />

Contact details Centre Nautique Paris Boulogne Face au<br />

Quai 33/36 Alphonse le Gallo<br />

92100 Boulogne Billancourt<br />

T: +33 1 41 31 62 62<br />

F: +33 1 41 31 09 64<br />

E:<br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation November 1998<br />

Number of Employees 8<br />

Legal status: n/a<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

The network does not receive any subsidies, but several public partners have paid for the<br />

expenses of certain companies participating in events, under certain criteria of selection.<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 80 80 80 80 80 40<br />

Number of Angels n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal - - - - - -*<br />

*Approximately 3 Million € in the last 12 months<br />

This network is concerned with the development of IT and Bio companies under 3 aspects -<br />

Financing of the companies already created<br />

- Development of the visibility of the these companies<br />

- Development of the business of these companies through the installation of these<br />

companies.<br />

The public made of is venture capitalists and professional business angels<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings / binomial meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletters<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 600€ if under 2 years old;<br />

800€ if more than 2 years old.<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 600€.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

RESEAU FEMMES <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Béatrice Jauffrineau<br />

Contact details<br />

9 Rue Fondary<br />

75015 Paris<br />

T: +33 1 45 75 49 09 / 06 80 57 73 17<br />

F: 33 1 45 77 99 82<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

May 16 th Date of creation<br />

2003<br />

Activity start January 2004<br />

Number of employees<br />

0.5<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional, Ile de France<br />

Legal Status<br />

Association loi 1901, not-for-profit<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

France Angels<br />

Partner organisation<br />

Conseil Régional d’ Ile de France<br />

Funding sources:<br />

15%<br />

5%<br />

80%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2003 2004 Mid-2005<br />

Number of projects submitted 2 33 18<br />

Number of angels 2 20 30<br />

Number of deals made - 5 3<br />

Average amount of the deal 20.000€ N/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings / binomial meetings<br />

• Investor club<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Alumni associations<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 30€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 150€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 11<br />

Success stories: Canicrèche (nusery for dogs), Stelae (software editor).<br />

60<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SOPHIA <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

Contact person Edgardo La Fonseca<br />

Contact details Place Sophie Lafitte BP 127<br />

06904 Sophia Antipolis<br />

T: +33 6 71 17 17 24<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional, Sophia Antipolis, PACA -<br />

Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur<br />

Date of creation<br />

July 2002<br />

Number of Employees<br />

1 part time in the administration<br />

Legal status<br />

Not-for-profit association<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 10 30 30<br />

Number of Angels 10 20 25<br />

Number of deals made 0 1 3<br />

Average amount of the deal* n/a n/a n/a<br />

*Around 100.000€-200.000€ for the first round.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Annual membership fee: 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SYMBIOSE 53<br />

Contact person Marcel Thomas<br />

Contact details<br />

Laval Développement BP 1405<br />

53014 Laval Cedex<br />

T: +33 2 43 49 86 00<br />

F: +33 2 43 49 86 08<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional – Mayenne<br />

Date of creation<br />

17 July 1998<br />

Number of Employees<br />

0<br />

Legal status<br />

Informal Club – no juridical status<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Laval-Développement – Economic Development<br />

Agency for the Lavalloise agglomeration<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

• Regional subsidies: space of the network operations.<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mi-2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a 3 7 5 5 6<br />

Number of Angels 30 30 35 35 35 35<br />

Number of deals made n/a 1 3 1 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal: 40.000€ to 86.000€.<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings / binomial meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Technology Park network, enterprise prospecting<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


The first German BAN was set up in 1998. The same year also saw the creation of BAND, a<br />

national organisation whose objective is to raise awareness about the importance of regional<br />

BANs as factors of the emergence of a new entrepreneurial culture. BAND is sponsored by the<br />

Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour and by leading state agencies as well as by bodies<br />

from the financial sector and the industries. These original sponsors mainly formed the<br />

membership. BAND has now achieved the sponsorship of the Ministry for Economics of<br />

Rhineland–Palatinate or the Business Angels Day 2004. It developed strong relations with<br />

potent media-partners. BAND has most recently restructured the membership to include<br />

Business Angel Networks. The Board has changed in 2000 and the headquarters moved to<br />

Essen, North Rhine-Westphalia. BAND provides information for entrepreneurs and Business<br />

Angels and the general public about Business Angel culture and acts as speaker for their<br />

interest. BAND provides and organizes further education for all players in the market of Private<br />

Equity.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of BANs 0 - 43 36 40 40 40<br />

Number of Business Angels 0 n/a n/a 750 1200 1025 1025<br />

Number of deals 0 1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of accredited projects 0 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 1 3 4 4<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 0 0 1 35 37 36 36<br />

Number of national BANs 0 0 0 1 1 n/a n/a<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 n/a n/a 30 n/a n/a<br />

National association 0 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

*Information concerning EuBAN can be found on page 29.<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

BANs operating in Germany are set up as either public sponsored associations, non-profit<br />

associations or private enterprises.<br />

4. National association<br />

As indicated above, the German association BAND was set up as early as 1998 to conduct an<br />

awareness campaign on the concepts of Business Angels and BANs in the regions.<br />

Contact: Dr. Roland Kirchhof / Dr. Ute Günther<br />

Semperstr. 51<br />

45138 Essen<br />

Germany<br />

T.: + 49 201 89 415 –60; F.: + 49 201 89 415 –10<br />;<br />


5. Lobbying<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAND is namely conducting actions to secure a more attractive tax status for Business Angels<br />

and fight against tax discrimination against investment in the shares of unlisted companies<br />

compared to other forms of tangible or intangible investment.<br />

6. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

BAND has established its website as the prime source of information about Business Angels<br />

culture and issues a quarterly newsletter BAND has achieved the collaboration of 2 mediapartners<br />

and organizes the annual German Business Angels Day. BAND provides jumpstart<br />

information for new networks through a BAND starter-kit. BAND organizes seminars and<br />

conferences to various topics relevant to Angel Investors and entrepreneurs and has several<br />

working groups of Business Angels and Business Angel Network managers dealing with<br />

important topics as syndication, taxes and financing of networks.<br />

7. EU support<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

2 awareness seminars have been conducted in Germany (in Cologne and Hamburg).<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

BAND<br />

BAAR<br />

netzwerk|nordbayern<br />

BANSON<br />

Venture Forum Neckar<br />

Peter Jungen Holding<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Employees<br />

Legal status<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S AGENTUR RUHR e.V. (BAAR)<br />

100%<br />

2005<br />

Dr. Roland KIRCHHOF<br />

Dr. Ute GÜNTHER<br />

Semperstr. 51<br />

45138 Essen<br />

Germany<br />

T: +49 201 89 415 -30<br />

F: +49 201 89 415 -10<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional Network: operates nationwide with<br />

focus on the Ruhr region<br />

December 1999<br />

3 (part-time work)<br />

eingetragener Verein<br />

Member of Business Angels Netzwerk<br />

Deutschland e.V. (BAND)<br />

Member of EBAN<br />

Membership<br />

fees<br />

Membership fees charged to Business Angels, intermediaries and other organisations in the<br />

membership like VC’s, credit institutions etc.<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects of<br />

n/a 80 150 40 150 57 (enterprise<br />

submitted<br />

presentations)<br />

Number of Angels 20 60 90 80 90 59<br />

Number of deals made 0 8 6 3 n/a 5<br />

Average amount of deals n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

65<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Monthly investment forums<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Special meetings for turnaround cases<br />

• Cooperation with Business Angels Forum Deutschland, the BAND Internet matching<br />

tool<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars / awareness<br />

• Direct mailing advertisement<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants<br />

Fees:<br />

o Symbolic presentation fee only for those entrepreneurs presenting at the BAAR Forums<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Pegasus-Mail<br />

Dienstleistungs<br />

GmbH<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Services December<br />

2001<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date of<br />

exit<br />

25.000 1 Probably<br />

2006<br />

66<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S CLUB BERLIN e.V.<br />

Contact person Peter Matthies, Member of the Board<br />

Ingrid Abel<br />

Contact details<br />

Bundesallee 171<br />

10715 Berlin<br />

T: +49 (30) 21 25 48 84<br />

F: +49 (30) 21 25 48 83<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Berlin, Brandenburg<br />

Date of creation<br />

July 2005<br />

Employees<br />

2<br />

Legal status registered society (Club),<br />

foundet Dec. 2004<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Investitionsbank Berlin<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

BAF Business Angels Fonds Ges. mbH<br />

(founded May 2005)<br />

Funding sources:<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

85%<br />

Regional Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Other<br />

2005<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 2 7 35 36 30 30 24<br />

Number of Angels 8 22 35 57 42 48 33<br />

Number of deals made - - 6 6 - - 1<br />

Average amount of the deal - - 20.000 20.000 - - 30.000<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

67<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


Matching services of the network<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />

The Club in its present constellation was founded in December 2004. We are not able nor<br />

allowed to announce information according to Success stories in between the time 1998-Dec.<br />

2004 .<br />

Club Board: Axel Gropp, Peter Matthies, Dr. Karl Hinrich Vöge<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> CLUB SCHWABEN<br />

Contact person Marcus Wagner<br />

Contact details<br />

C/o IHK Innotec gmbh<br />

Stettenstr. 4<br />

86150 Augsburg<br />

T: +49 700 31 31 62 62<br />

F: +49 700 31 31 62 62<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation July 2002<br />

Number of Employees<br />

1/2<br />

Legal status<br />

No legal status<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

IHK Innotec GmbH<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Initiative Gründerregion Schwaben<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8 18 5<br />

Number of Angels 14 17 17<br />

Number of deals made 0 1 0<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a 300.000€ n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> NETZWERK SÜD OST NIEDERSACHSEN E.V<br />

BANSON<br />

Contact person: Rolf Richter / Uwe Koehler<br />

Contact details<br />

C/o Gründervilla im Technologiepark<br />

Rebenring 33<br />

38106 Braunschweig<br />

T: +49 531 3804 265<br />

F: +49 531 3804 269<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional/local<br />

Date of creation<br />

June 2003<br />

Number of Employees<br />

None (management by external firm)<br />

Legal status<br />

Non-profit organisation<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Business angel team GmbH<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Local economy assistance by city and legal<br />

profit organisations<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

95%<br />

5%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 4 8<br />

Number of Angels 8 11<br />

Number of deals made n/a 1<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

70<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of Employees<br />

Legal status<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BRAINSTOVENTURES GmbH (b-to-v)<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />

2005<br />

Florian Schweitzer<br />

Pfisterstrasse 6<br />

80331 München<br />

T: +49 89 2080 5880<br />

F: +49 89 2080 5888<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

National<br />

2000<br />

8 (based in Switzerland)<br />

Private limited company<br />

Altium Capital, Capitalbank – GRAWE<br />

Gruppe AG, SWX Swiss Exchange,<br />

Venture Capital Magazin, VI Partners AG,<br />

Wenger&Vieli<br />

80%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mid 2005<br />

Number of projects submitted 500 1500 1800 2000 1000 2200<br />

Number of Angels 10 100 250 300 330 350<br />

Number of deals made 2 5 0 4 10 8<br />

Average amount of the deal 0.1m€ 0.2m€ - 1.2m€ 0.5m€ 0.7m€<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Mid 2005<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or private information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts (not public)<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Regular telephone conferences on specific topics<br />

• Investment Clubs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Circle)<br />

71<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Events and information fairs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Talks)<br />

• Monthly Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other: Referrals of existing members<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels: more than 500€.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 100<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br /> Networking<br />

Platform<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested (€)<br />

April 2004 Undisclosed 6<br />

72<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Karl-Heinz Wenzel<br />

Contact details<br />

C/o WSC Gmbh Mühlenstr.42<br />

03046 Cottbus<br />

T: +49 355 288 90347<br />

F: +49 355 288 90348<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

04/2004<br />

Number of Employees<br />

0<br />

Legal status<br />

Vereinsregister 1787 CB<br />

Partner organisations<br />

BAND<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

90%<br />

10%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 1<br />

Number of Angels 5<br />

Number of deals made 0<br />

Average amount of the deal 0<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 100€.<br />

o No fees charged to business angels.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk NordwestDeutschland<br />

BANN<br />

Contact person Jörg Rensmann<br />

Contact details<br />

Westerbreite 7<br />

49078 Osnabrück<br />

T: +49 541 977 8559<br />

F: +49 541 977 8599<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional Network<br />

Date of creation<br />

August 2001<br />

Number of Employees<br />

n/a<br />

Legal status<br />

Club<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

BAN-NDS<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Different<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

75%<br />

25%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 60 100 70 45<br />

Number of Angels 12 15 16 16<br />

Number of deals made 3 6 9 3<br />

Average amount of the deal 40.000€ 30.000€ 25.000€ 45.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other: clients find us by Internet research etc.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Ostwestfalen e.V – BANOW<br />

Contact person Franco RIZZO<br />

Hans-Boeckler Str. 20-22a<br />

59423 Unna.<br />

T: +49 2303 239938<br />

F: +49 2303 239968<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional Network – Northrhine Vestfalia<br />

(no regional or national limit)<br />

Date of creation<br />

January 2000<br />

Employees<br />

3<br />

Legal status<br />

Registered association – not-for-profit<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Consortium zur Forderung des<br />

Europäischen Mittelstandes e.V.<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

BDS, etc.<br />

Funding sources:<br />

100%<br />

Own Funds<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted to BA 120 2900 4000 1800 1200<br />

Number of Angels 40 84 101 110 108<br />

Number of deals made 40 80 112 42 34<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

4500<br />

4000<br />

3500<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

75<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Profile matching<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants/<br />

associations, etc.<br />

• Personal introduction<br />

• Internet<br />

Fees:<br />

o 3 % success fee<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: Known to us, created or saved: about 570<br />

Success story: n/a<br />

Nothing particular, all companies still running, but without spectacular manner.<br />

Bigger projects still in treatment in Italy.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BANKO – Business Angels Netzwerk Rheinland<br />

im TechnologieZentrum Koblenz<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Stefan Dresen<br />

Contact details Maria Trost 23<br />

56070 Koblenz<br />

T: +39 0261 88 54 – 255<br />

F: +39 0261 88 54 - 119<br />

E:<br />

F:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional - Rheinland<br />

Date of creation<br />

n/a<br />

Employees<br />

n/a<br />

Legal status<br />

n/a<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

n/a<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

n/a<br />

Funding sources:<br />

40%<br />

60%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 15 35 26<br />

Number of Angels 9 12 11<br />

Number of deals made 1 2 1<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: between 100€ and 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 30<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

LEDX Advertisement 2002 n/a 1 - -<br />

S4B IT-Security 2003 n/a 2 - -<br />

BMIB Life Science 2003 n/a 1 - -<br />

wizAI Artifical<br />

Intelligence<br />

2004 n/a 1 - -<br />

78<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

netzwerk|nordbayern<br />

2005<br />

Contact person: Arne-G. HOSTRUP<br />

Contact details<br />

netzwerk|nordbayern<br />

Neumeyerstr. 48<br />

90411 Nürnberg<br />

T: +49 911 59 724 8031<br />

F: +49 911 59 724 8049<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional Network – Region of Northern<br />

Bavaria<br />

Date of creation: December 1999<br />

Employees: 9<br />

Legal status: Limited company<br />

Hosting organisation: F.U.N. e.V.<br />

Funding sources<br />

60%<br />

30%<br />

10%<br />

P ublic/N ational<br />

Funding<br />

Fees from<br />

enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mid-2005<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a 84 70 44 46 63 32<br />

Number of Angels 4 136 85 77 68 68 68<br />

Number of deals made 5 24 19 10 8 8 6<br />

Average Amount of Deals n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,4 Mio. € 600.000€ 850.000€<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Matching through Bulletin / Newsletter<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment forum/ fairs<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

79<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Own newsletters<br />

• Direct mailing advertisement<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants<br />

• Cooperation with local Business plan Competition<br />

• Other (networking)<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 2000<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> VENTURE<br />

Contact person Martin Heinemann<br />

Contact details<br />

Richmodstr.31<br />

50667 Köln<br />

T: +49 221 25 86 60<br />

F: +49 221 25 866 99<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Date of creation<br />

8.12.2000<br />

Number of Employees<br />

5<br />

Legal status<br />

GmbH<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Deutsche Bank AG and others<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50% 50%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 1024 n/a<br />

Number of Angels n/a n/a<br />

Number of deals made 11 n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal 845 T€ n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: more than 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S FRANKFURTRHEINMAIN e.V.<br />

Contact person Frank Müller<br />

Contact details<br />

Börsernplatz 4<br />

60313 Frankfurt am Main<br />

T: +49 69 21 97 15 91<br />

F: +49 69 21 97 13 83<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

2000<br />

Number of Employees<br />

1<br />

Legal status<br />

Registered society<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Chamber of Commerce Frankfurt am<br />

Main<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50% 50%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of Angels 5 9 39 48 55<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a 3 3 n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a 100.000€ 100.000€ n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Internet<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: between 100€ and 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Business Angel Netzwerk Saarland<br />

Contact person Dr. Mathias Hafner<br />

Contact details c/o IHK Saarland<br />

Franz-Josef-Röder-Strasse 9, 66119<br />

Saarbrücken<br />

T: +49 (0681) 95 20 - 300<br />

F: +49 (0681) 95 20 - 388<br />

E:<br />

F:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

2000<br />

Employees<br />

1/2<br />

Legal status<br />

Initiative<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

n/a<br />

IHK Saarland<br />

2005<br />

IHK Saarland, Ministerium für Wirtschaft und<br />

Arbeit des Saarlandes, ZPT- Zentrale für<br />

Produktiviät und Technologie Saar e. V.<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 18 21 36 26 29<br />

Number of Angels 49<br />

Number of deals made 3 3 2 2 2<br />

Average amount of the deal - - - - -<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Matthias Schulze<br />

Contact details<br />

C/o STIFT Management GmbH<br />

Mainzerhofstr. 10<br />

99084 Erfurt<br />

T: +49 361 789 2358<br />

F: +49 361 789 23 47<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation:<br />

Number of Employees:<br />

Legal status:<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Regional Funds<br />

2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 1 3 2<br />

Number of Angels 3 5 6<br />

Number of deals made 1 3 2<br />

Average amount of the deal 80.000€ 100.000€ 100.000€<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Other: STIFT Foundation for Technology, research and innovation Thuringia<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs.<br />

BANT is one of the youngest German business angel networks and is still working on its<br />

structure and organisation.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S WESER EMS<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Andreas Wilhelm<br />

Contact details<br />

Julius-Mosen-Platz 3, 26122 Oldenburg<br />

T: +49 (04 41) 77911617<br />

F: +49 (04 41) 77911620<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

2004<br />

Employees<br />

n/a<br />

Legal status<br />

n/a<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

n/a<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

n/a<br />

Funding sources:<br />

12%<br />

16%<br />

72%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 4<br />

Number of Angels 5<br />

Number of deals made 1<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: between 100€ and 500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

CATCAP<br />

Contact person Michael Moritz<br />

Contact details<br />

An der Alster 82<br />

20099 Hamburg<br />

T: +49 40 30 08 360<br />

F: +49 40 30 08 36 22<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

National/local<br />

Date of creation<br />

2000<br />

Number of Employees<br />

8<br />

Legal status<br />

GmbH<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

10%<br />

90%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004 Mid 2005<br />

Number of projects submitted 550 600 650 410 420<br />

Number of Angels 30 41 52 55 65<br />

Number of deals made 2 4 7 9 4<br />

Average amount of the deal 150.000€ 150.000€ 200.000€ 200.000€ 200.000€<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

Mid 2004<br />

Mid 2005<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€ - 500€.<br />

o No fees charged to business angels.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 200<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Frank Wilde<br />

Contact details<br />

Hamburger Landstr. 24<br />

24113 Molfsee/Kiel<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of Employees:<br />

Legal status:<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

T: +49 431 640 61 65<br />

F: +49 431 640 61 45<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional with focus on Schleswig-Holstein<br />

29.05.2000 (official Registration:<br />

20.01.2001)<br />

0<br />

Eingetragener Verein” (e. V.) resp.<br />

registered association/membership<br />

corporation<br />

BAND – Business Angels Netzwerk<br />

Deutschland e. V. (;<br />

Wirtschaftsförderung und<br />

Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein<br />

GmbH (,<br />

mbg Mittelständische;<br />

Beteiligungsgesellschaft Schleswig-Holstein<br />

GmbH (<br />

Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein<br />

(; HSH Nordbank AG<br />

(; Dr. Neuhaus<br />

Techno Nord GmbH (;<br />

Mentoren für Unternehmen in Schleswig-<br />

Holstein e. V. (<br />

Funding Sources (approximately in 2003 which is not representative for other years):<br />

60%<br />

n. p. = not published / undisclosed<br />

40%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted* 40 90 110 70 35<br />

Number of Angels **<br />

10 12 13 13<br />

Number of deals made n. p. n. p. n. p. n. p.<br />

Average amount of the deal n. p. n. p. n. p. n. p.<br />

*<br />

Submitted by companies/entrepreneurs searching for capital, the number of screened projects<br />

is significantly lower!<br />


**<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

The number indicated<br />

is the number of our registered mem bers . In f act we do not only<br />

address to registered members but to a group of approximately. 3 5 -40 Business Angels/Investors<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Other: Personal contacts<br />

and recommendations by members and BAs/Investors we<br />

work with<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€.<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Thomas R. Villinger<br />

Contact details Weipertstr. 8-10<br />

74076 Heilbronn<br />

T: +49 (07 131) 7 66 91 00<br />

F: +49 (07 131) 7 66 91 00<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

n/a<br />

Employees<br />

n/a<br />

Legal status<br />

n/a<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

n/a<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

n/a<br />

Funding sources:<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

40%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 100 250 380<br />

Number of Angels 7 19 41<br />

Number of deals made - - 3<br />

Average amount of the deal - - 215.000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other: Corporate venture activities<br />

90<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Success fee charged to the entrepreneur, depending on the size of the investment<br />

o Fee charged to business angels: 600€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: Approx. 60<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


WIN<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Dirk Meissner<br />

Contact details<br />

Ernst Schneider Platz 1<br />

40212 Düsseldorf<br />

T: +49 211 82 89 79 11<br />

F: +49 211 82 89 79 20<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional (NRW), but not limited<br />

Date of creation<br />

1/2000<br />

Number of Employees<br />

2<br />

Legal status<br />

GmbH<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Boerse Duesseldorf AG<br />

Partner organisations<br />

Gruendungsnetzwerk GO!; BAND<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

20%<br />

80%<br />

Regional funds<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted<br />

Number of Angels 5 30 65 78 88 94 98<br />

Number of deals made<br />

Average amount of the deal<br />

5 4 3<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels or entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 82<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

GREECE<br />

2005<br />

The early stage funding market in Greece is underdeveloped. Only during the last years the<br />

Government launched some initiatives to support the creation and development of SMEs.<br />

Programs like “Support and Creation of Scientific and Technological Parks and Incubators",<br />

“Support and Creation of Innovative SMEs for the exploitation of RTD results (Spin- offs)" and<br />

funds like the “Fund for High Technology Business Ventures” and the “Guarantee Fund Facility<br />

Scheme for SMEs” aimed at leveraging the entrepreneurship in Greece. The results of these<br />

programs are not yet visible leaving SMEs highly dependent on bank loans and overdrafts for<br />

early stage financing.<br />

Angel investment in the country is occasional but yet considerable. Although there are no<br />

favourable policies for angel investment in Greece, business angels are investing, preferably<br />

in traditional sectors (like tourism and retail). There is a strong need to raise the awareness<br />

about the benefits of angel investment and to inform potential angels and entrepreneurs about<br />

the advantages of Business Angel Networks. Public administration and local government have<br />

a critical role to play in order to promote informal investing.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1<br />

Number of Business Angels 7 13<br />

Number of deals 1 1<br />

Number of accredited projects 4 12<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 0<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 0 0<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 0<br />

National association 0 0<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

“Mentoring” is a privately held company (SA) offering business development services to startup<br />

and early stage companies.<br />

4. National association<br />

Not existing<br />

5. Lobbying<br />

“Mentoring” is actively networking with academic and research institutions, players of the<br />

formal venture capital market (incubators, VCs), Banks etc.<br />

6. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

“Mentoring” has had several articles in business magazines and financial newspapers to raise<br />

the awareness of angel investment in Greece. It has also participated in a series of seminars<br />

for new entrepreneurs, organized in Greece and Cyprus by i-Ven (GR) OneLondon (UK) and<br />

Barcelona Activa (E) under the Ready4growth initiative. Furthermore, “Mentoring” will<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

contribute at the seminar of “The Association of European Science & Technology Transfer<br />

Professionals” (ASTP) that will be held on October 2005 in Athens.<br />

7. EU support<br />

None.<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

Mentoring Business Development Services SA<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />



Contact person George KRIKELAS<br />

Address<br />

6 Egialias St. 151-25<br />

T: +30 210 68 00 743<br />

F: +30 210 68 00 744<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Date of creation<br />

01 June 2003<br />

Number of Employees<br />

3<br />

Legal status<br />

S.A<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

85%<br />

15%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other<br />

(sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 4 12<br />

Number of Angels 7 13<br />

Number of deals made 1 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 120.000€ 72.500€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin;<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

Clients are acquired through:<br />

• Event and information fairs;<br />

• Newsletter;<br />

• Targeted publicity;<br />

• Visits to enterprises;<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press;<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Word of mouth;<br />

• Personal network.<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€<br />

o No fees charged to business angels<br />

95<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 2<br />

Success story : n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

The information concerning the organization dealing with the actors of the Hungarian venture<br />

capital and private equity market can be summarized as follows:<br />

Name of organization: Hungarian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HVCA)<br />

President: Julian TZVETKOV ( )<br />

Executive Secretary: Ádám SERKE ( ) -<br />

Address: 32 Nádor u. Budapest, 1051, Hungary<br />

T: +36-1-475-0924<br />

F: +36-1-475-0925<br />

W:<br />

Private investors can also be found among the members of the club.<br />

Innostart BIC (Hungary) - Business Angel Club<br />

The BAC is not a legally registered formal organisation. The Hungarian Innovation Association<br />

and Innostart BIC established it in June 2000. Since then it has been working as an informal<br />

forum.<br />

1-3 programs are organised annually – in cooperation with the experts of HVCA - to inform the<br />

interested entrepreneurs on the characteristics of the venture capital market and business<br />

angel financing. It also provides innovative SMEs with the possibility of introducing themselves<br />

to investors.<br />

Innostart BIC assists the development of innovative SMEs by its services (counselling,<br />

business plan preparation, proposal writing, training etc).<br />

There is no membership fee at BAC; all occurring costs of Innostart are covered from other<br />

sources and grants.<br />

Contact: Kinga Garab, director or Piroska Kalmár ,<br />

project manager.<br />

Innostart BIC<br />

1116 Budapest, Fehérvári út 130, Hungary<br />

Phone: +36.1.382.1504<br />

Fax: +36.1.382.1510<br /><br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ITALY<br />

2005<br />

Interest in the BAN concept first arose in Italy in 1997. It emerged from a few Business<br />

Innovation Centres in Northern Italy, more precisely in Valle d’Aosta and Lombardia.<br />

Several regional BANs were set up in 1999, as well as IBAN, the national association created<br />

to foster the development of BANs in all Italian regions and to federate their activities.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 2 5 12 11 10 12<br />

Number of Business Angels 65 183 300 350 350 219<br />

Number of deals 0 3 2 3 2 12<br />

Number of accredited projects - 70 70 101 30 437<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 0 0 0 0 2<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 2 5 12 11 10 10<br />

Number of national BANs 0 0 0 0 0 1<br />

Number of regional BANs 2 5 12 11 10 11<br />

National association 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

3. IBAN funding sources<br />

4. BAN legal status<br />

500<br />

450<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

60%<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

40%<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />

Fees from BAN<br />

Other (Sponsors)<br />

10 BANs are set up as non-profit organizations, 1 is a commercial BAN, and 1 is a club of<br />

investors.<br />

The BANs are often emanations of BICs, development agencies and private investors.<br />

98<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

In general the founding sources come from fees (entrepreneurs and angels), regional funds<br />

and local sponsors (especially banks).<br />

5. National association<br />

IBAN was set up in 1999 for the purpose of stimulating the development of activities in the field<br />

of informal venture capital in Italy and to raise the awareness of administrative authorities as to<br />

the environment in which such activities could flourish. Furthermore, IBAN has established<br />

privileged relations with the banking sector and the venture capital sector (IBAN is member of<br />

AIFI - Italian Association of Institutional Investor in Risk Capital).<br />

IBAN has also adopted a code of conduct that clarifies the rights and duties of BANs.<br />

IBAN has established cooperation with most important Italian banks, financial institutions,<br />

regional Institutions and the national accountants association.<br />

6. Lobbying<br />

In order to create a legal and fiscal framework more appropriate to develop the private informal<br />

investors, IBAN has established a dialogue with the relevant Italian Ministries with a view to<br />

clarifying the legal status of BANs with regard to several existing statutes. In October 2000,<br />

IBAN submitted to the Italian Ministries attention a law proposal concerning the tax status of<br />

the business angels investment activities. Other documents were presented in 2003 and in the<br />

end of 2004.<br />

7. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

The economic daily Il Sole 24ore and Italia Oggi; the weekly Milano Finanza and Il Mondo<br />

Economico, newspapers and magazines have published several feature articles on IBAN,<br />

BAN and BA activities.<br />

8. Regional Bans in Italy<br />

BANs are fully connected to IBAN. All the BANs are managed following the IBAN code of<br />

conduct.<br />

FIGURES (2004)<br />

Projects Number of Deals Average amount in<br />

submitted Angels Made<br />

Euros<br />

LAZIO 57 15 0 0<br />

NORD OVEST 156 125 1 20.000<br />

TOSCANA n/a n/a n/a<br />

LOMBARDIA 80 9 0<br />

PUGLIA 0 0 0<br />

UMBRIA 36 n/a n/a n/a<br />

SARDEGNA 4 3 0 0<br />

BOLOGNA 16 14 1 50.000<br />

CALABRIA 0 0 0<br />

CAMPANIA 0 0 0<br />

FRIULI 5 43 1 5.000<br />

CLUB MILANO 83 10 9 136.700<br />

TOTAL 437 219 12 108.775€<br />


9. EU support<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

Awareness seminars have been held in the following cities: Torino, Tortona, Venezia and<br />

Bologna. They were organised and co-ordinated by IBAN with the EBAN support.<br />

� Feasibility studies<br />

SVI Lombardia received financial support from the European Commission to investigate the<br />

setting up of an Italian BAN. This project led to the creation of IBAN and stimulated the<br />

emergence of regional networks.<br />

� Pilot projects<br />

Gepafin S.P.A., the Regional Finance firm from Umbria, received subsidies from<br />

DG Enterprise to set up a regional BAN as well as to explore the potential benefits of<br />

establishing a transnational electronic BAN.<br />

IBAN, the Italian association of BANs, was also selected to deliver a pilot project aimed at<br />

improving the administrative and cultural environments in which BANs operate.<br />

10. EBAN members<br />

IBAN<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Alpe Adria<br />

Contact person Fabio Apollonio<br />

Contact details<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

Private company<br />

Date of creation<br />

March 2003<br />

Employees<br />

None<br />

Legal status<br />

Società in accomandita per azioni<br />

Funding sources:<br />

100%<br />

Private<br />

Shareholders<br />

2005<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 6 5<br />

Number of Angels 36 43<br />

Number of deals made 3 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 85.000 5.000<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Computerised data-base matching service<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public<br />

relations, direct mailings.<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to Business angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 11<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Bologna<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Francesca Polluce<br />

Contact details<br />

Via Benedetto XIV, 3 – 40125 Bologna<br />

T: +39.051.6598166<br />

F: +39.051.6599608<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional - Emilia Romagna<br />

Date of creation<br />

2001<br />

Number of Employees<br />

1<br />

Legal status<br />

Agreement<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Provincia of Bologna (Public Administration)<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50% 50%<br />

Regional Funds<br />

Sponsors<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 7 9 10 16<br />

Number of Angels 9 9 10 14<br />

Number of deals made 0 0 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal - - - 50.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Lazio<br />

Contact person: Andrea Cosentino<br />

Contact details Via Casilina, 3/T<br />

00182 Roma<br />

T: +39 06/9784501<br />

F: +39 06/97845001<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

Lazio region<br />

Date of creation<br />

04/06/2001<br />

Number of Employees<br />

3<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

BIC Lazio Spa<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2005<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8 38 13 57<br />

Number of Angels 1 4 10 15<br />

Number of deals made 0 0 0 0<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 0 0 0<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€ - 500€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Lombardia 1 – BIC La Fucina s.cons.r.l.<br />

Contact person Sabina Liebschner<br />

Contact details<br />

c/o BIC La Fucina s.cons.r.l.<br />

Viale Italia, 548<br />

20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI)<br />

T : +39 02/<br />

F : +39 02/<br />

E :<br />

Type of network<br />

BAN<br />

Date of creation<br />

Mar. 1999<br />

Employees<br />

1/2+1/2<br />

Legal status<br />

Associato IBAN<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

BIC La Fucina s.cons.r.l.<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

IBAN<br />

Funding sources<br />

22%<br />

12%<br />

66%<br />

Public National<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

and enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 80<br />

Number of Angels 09<br />

Number of deals made 00<br />

Average amount of the deal /<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Computerised data-base matching service 18<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis) 10<br />

• Investment forum / fairs 01<br />

• Networking events for investors 01<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors 08<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact 02<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants,<br />

lawyers; embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public relations,<br />

direct mailings.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: Success fee 3% on equity<br />

o Fees charged to Business angels: Entry fee: 1550,00 euro.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN North West<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Paolo Anselmo<br />

Andrea Pallais<br />

Deborah Barathier<br />

Contact details Centro Sviluppo SPA - BIC Vallée d’Aoste<br />

Via Lavoratori Vittime Col du Mont, 24<br />

11100 AOSTA (ITALY)<br />

T: +39 (0)165 305511<br />

F: +39 (0)165 305540<br />

E:<br />

E:<br />

Type of network<br />

National (focused on North West Italy<br />

regions: Valle d’Aosta, Piemonte, Liguria)<br />

Date of creation<br />

October 1999<br />

Employees<br />

3<br />

Legal status Società per Azioni – SpA<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Funding sources<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />

(shareholders company)<br />

Centro Sviluppo SpA<br />

80%<br />

Public National<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

and enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 60 270 - 178 172 156<br />

Number of Angels 30 100 - 125 470* 125**<br />

Number of deals made 0 0 - 0 1 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 0 - 0 396.000€ 20.000€<br />

*All contact, included latent investors<br />

**Interested and active angel investors<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• E-mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Internet web site<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels after first contact<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / VC’s / accountants,<br />

lawyers; embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public<br />

relations, direct mailings.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs until successful deal. In case of<br />

closing, the fees charged are the following:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 1,5%<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 2,5%<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 5<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Summary of BAN North West activity in 2004<br />

The Ban North West received 165 business ideas in the whole 2004.<br />

The main channels used were the IBAN web site and the promotion of its activity in Italian<br />

financial conventions and events.<br />

As for the business ideas screening process:<br />

� 54 ideas (about the 33%) have been positively evaluated and they went on requiring<br />

the complete Business Plan;<br />

� 99 ideas (about the 60%) have been negatively evaluated or regarded not good for VC<br />

investment;<br />

� for 12 ideas instead the analysis was not possible for the few information provided.<br />

99<br />

PROJECTS 2004<br />

12<br />

positive evaluation negative evaluation impossible evaluation<br />

Between the 49 business ideas, the BAN received 28 Business Plans which have been<br />

carefully analysed to verify the economic financial and market project feasibility. Then 11<br />

Business Plans were positively evaluated and they were spread through the newsletter<br />

channel between the panel of Business Angel.<br />

The BAN North West published 3 newsletter during the whole 2004 in the following months:<br />

March, May and October: each newsletter contained three selected project summaries.<br />

The sectoral overview of all 2004 projects can be summarized as follow: ICT 33%,<br />

commercial initiatives 12%, services 21%, Industrial projects 11%, food production 4%,<br />

editorial projects 2%, environment 2% and other sectors 17%.<br />

109<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ICT<br />


Services<br />

Food<br />

production<br />

Other<br />

Editorial<br />

Industrial<br />

Environment<br />

Commerce<br />

As for the geographical distribution of 2004 projects, the 46% of them came from north<br />

regions, the 23% from central regions, the 10% from south regions and the 2% from abroad.<br />

27<br />

8<br />

38<br />


16<br />

76<br />

NORTH<br />

CENTRE<br />

SOUTH<br />

ABROAD<br />

OTHER<br />

Between these projects the 12% were only sent to the BAN North West, the 5% to all Italian<br />

BAN structures and the other percentage to a selected number of BAN.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Sardegna 4<br />

Contact person: Alfredo Bacigalupo<br />

Contact details Via Jenner 13<br />

09121 Cagliari<br />

T: +39 070 529 01250 Mon to Fri 9-1 pm<br />

F: +39070 5290 01213<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional - Sardegna<br />

Date of creation<br />

19 December 2002<br />

Number of Employees<br />

0<br />

Legal Status<br />

Association<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2005<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 46 0 4<br />

Number of Angels 3 3 3<br />

Number of deals made 0 0 0<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 0 0<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100-500€<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />

4 Strategic and operational revision 01.07.2004<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

UBAN – Umbria Business Angel Network<br />

Contact person Marco Tili, Chiara Borgarelli<br />

2005<br />

Contact details Via Campo Di Marte, 9<br />

06124 Perugia<br />

T: 00390755059811<br />

F: 00390755005156<br />

E: ;<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional - Umbria<br />

Date of creation<br />

29/6/2001<br />

Number of Employees<br />

0<br />

Hosting organisation<br />


Funding Sources:<br />

Matching<br />

services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment<br />

forums and fairs<br />

How<br />

are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional<br />

or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking,<br />

financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees<br />

charged to business angels and entrepreneurs.<br />

Estimate<br />

of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success<br />

story: n/a<br />

25%<br />

5 14 through the website, 12 University spin-offs<br />

6 24 Projects from the website at 30/06/2004<br />

75%<br />

European Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 35 25 26 5<br />

36 6<br />

Number of Angels 2 1 0<br />

Number of deals made 0 0 0<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 0 0<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

CONNECT Latvia Business Angel Network (In creation)<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Elmars Baltins<br />

Contact details Azenes iela 20<br />

Riga, LV-1048<br />

T: +371 708 9178<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation September 2005<br />

Employees 1<br />

Legal status Project run by CONNECT Latvia<br />

Hosting organisation CONNECT Latvia<br />

Formal partner organisations Latvian Investment and Development agency<br />

Funding sources (foreseen):<br />

5%<br />

20%<br />

75%<br />

Public National<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

and enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

Number of projects submitted -<br />

Number of Angels -<br />

Number of deals made -<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Financial forums<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Assistance in preparation of a business proposal summary<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits / meetings with enterprises / entrepreneurs<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public relations,<br />

direct mailings.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs or business angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

LUXEMBOURG <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

Contact person Chris VIGAR, CEO<br />

Contact details BP 823<br />

L-2018 Luxembourg<br />

T: +352 404 034 455<br />

F: +352 291 030<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Non profit organisation<br />

Date of creation November 2004<br />

Employees 0<br />

Legal status Asbl<br />

Hosting organisation LBAN asbl<br />

Formal partner organisations Chamber of Commerce, Ministry of the<br />

Economy, Luxinnovation, CRP HT,<br />

FirstTuesday<br />

Funding sources:<br />

5% 10%<br />

85%<br />

Public National<br />

Fees from Business<br />

Angels and<br />

enterprises<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 3<br />

Number of Angels 8<br />

Number of deals made -<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching<br />

products of the network:<br />

• Computerised data-base matching<br />

service<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within<br />

two weeks after first contact<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Direct introduction<br />

2005<br />

How<br />

are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national<br />

media<br />

• Established co-operation with local<br />

banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public<br />

relations, direct mailings.<br />

• Personal network of the board as well as its members<br />

• Word of Mouth<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 120 EUR for each introduction<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100 EUR annually<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

MALTA<br />

MBAN is the first business angel network set up on the island.<br />

2005<br />

Due to Malta’s relatively small size and island status, along with an undeveloped capital<br />

venture market both formal and informal, in an environment where entrepreneurship is often<br />

mentioned but not yet culturally firmly established, it was deemed essential to create the<br />

necessary structures in a way that maximises the efficient use of available support and<br />

incentives, stimulating the dynamism of the Maltese economy so that it can better sustain<br />

formal business angel activities through a network.<br />

With this in mind, along with the facts that Malta has a very limited local market, and<br />

knowledge that local business angels have an eye for foreign investments along with local<br />

entrepreneurs seeking to establish themselves in markets outside of the domestic one, it was<br />

decided to create MBAN in such a way that it could gather various synergistic aspects together<br />

under one roof whilst allowing for market expansion throughout the Mediterranean and<br />

Europe.<br />

2. Background statistics<br />

2003 Mid-2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 0 0<br />

Number of commercial BANs 1 1<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

MBAN is a private limited company registered in Malta and is a national representative for<br />

BA's (Business Angels) and BA syndicates.<br />

4. National association<br />

None as MBAN is the only BAN in Malta.<br />

5. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

Two pronged educational and awareness programme targeted directly at stimulating the BA<br />

and entrepreneurship markets both of which need to be available for this endeavour to<br />

succeed. These will take the form of seminars, training sessions and resources, provided and<br />

supported by sponsoring organisations and individuals. In addition MBAN maintains a website<br />

which will be expanded to include online forums.<br />

6. EU Support<br />

None<br />

7. EBAN Members<br />

MBAN<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

MBAN<br />

2005<br />

Contact person ALLMARK Pamela<br />

Contact details 101, St. Ursula Street<br />

Valletta VLT 06<br />

T: 356 2142 3148<br />

F: 356 2540 1147<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network National<br />

Date of creation July 2003<br />

Legal Status of BAN Private Company<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

95%<br />

5%<br />

Sponsors<br />

Equity<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 15<br />

Number of Angels 4<br />

Number of deals made n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Online database<br />

• Online discussion groups<br />

• Events, seminars, training courses<br />

• Educational programs<br />

• Awareness programs<br />

• Presentation dinner events<br />

Fees:<br />

o Business Angel fee: MLT 200<br />

o Entrepreneur: MTL 50<br />

NB: Because many aspects of the running of MBAN at a management level are also<br />

automated through the system, the platform will also provide for the ability of BA’s to form and<br />

manage their own syndicates, also online using exactly the same setup.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

n/a<br />

117<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

NORWAY<br />

Until October 2003, VentureLab, created in February 2001, was acting as the national network<br />

of Norway. Late 2003, VentureLab, ,together with the Seed Forum<br />

Norway and Seed Forum Alumni, have organised a new entity called NorBAN.<br />

NorBAN is now the national Norwegian network organisation for business angels. The purpose<br />

of NorBAN us to be an interest organisation for private investors, to organise and to take the<br />

initiative to establish local and regional business angel networks as local organisations in<br />

NorBAN, to develop and carry out systems for matchmaking between entrepreneurs and<br />

private investors and to work for the reduction of risk among private investors.<br />

NorBAN organises “Road shows” to start up regional BAN structures in at least 7-10 regions.<br />

The shows are organised in cooperation with Seed Forum Norway - the Norwegian national<br />

tool to finance Norwegian early stage companies with (foreign) private equity<br /> - and possibly in cooperation with Innovation Norway (national<br />

coordinator) and SIVA as the national coordinator for the local innovation centres.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2000 2001 2002 Mid 2003* Mid 2004<br />

Number of BANs - 1 1 3 7<br />

Number of Business Angels - 100 125 175 n/a<br />

Number of deals - 3 2 3 n/a<br />

Number of accredited projects - 50 30 30 n/a<br />

Number of commercial BANs - 1 1 1 n/a<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs - - - 2 n/a<br />

Number of national BANs - 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs - - - 2 6<br />

National association - - - - 1<br />

3. Funding Sources<br />

n/a<br />

4. BAN legal status<br />

Membership organisation.<br />

5. National association<br />

Contact person for NorBAN<br />

Steinar Hoel Korsmo<br />

Gaustadallèen 21<br />

N-0349 Oslo<br />

T: +47 92 01 14 15<br />

F: +47 92 17 40 32<br />

E:<br />


6. Lobbying<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

As an interest organisation for private investors, NorBAN seeks to promote tax incentives for<br />

business angels, establish new BAN structures and a national seed capital scheme.<br />

7. EU support<br />

None<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

ArticBAN<br />

ROBAN<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ArticBAN<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Erling Adelstein Bortne<br />

Contact details Teknologiveien 10<br />

N-8517 Narvik<br />

Norway<br />

T: +47 769 672 00<br />

F: + 47 769 672 01<br />

E:<br />

W: /<br />

Type of network Regional network: North of Norway,<br />

covering the counties of Nord Trondelag,<br />

Nordland, Troms og Finnmark<br />

Date of creation 2003<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Legal status Private foundation<br />

Hosting organisation VINN (North Norwegian Institute of<br />

Technology and Innovation), created in<br />

1956 as a private foundation.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

8%<br />

10%<br />

25%<br />

8%<br />

50%<br />

Regional funds<br />

National Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Sponsors<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 18<br />

Number of Angels 4<br />

Number of deals made 5<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

120<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

On behalf of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, VINN runs several services targeted to<br />

entrepreneurs and businesses; a national toll free help desk service for companies,<br /> - a portal for business information, - a national net-based<br />

start-up school and meeting place for entrepreneurs.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ROBAN (Rogaland BAN)<br />

Contact person Svein Dybdahl<br />

Contact details C/o Synergia AS, Professor Olvav<br />

Hanssensvei 11<br />

Po Box 8034<br />

4068 Stavanger<br />

T: +47 51 87 43 09<br />

F: +47 51 87 43 24<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional: South-west of Norway<br />

including the counties Rogaland,<br />

Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane, Møre &<br />

Romsdal, Vest- og Aust Agder<br />

Date of creation June 2003<br />

Number of employees 2<br />

Legal Status Non-profit department of Synergia AS<br />

Formal partner organisations Rogaland County Council,<br />

(,<br />

Rogaland Science Park<br />

( Norwegian<br />

Industrial and Regional Development<br />

Fund Rogaland (<br />

Hosting organisation Synergia AS<br />

Funding Sources (Mid-2003):<br />

Private<br />

companies<br />

42%<br />

Fees from<br />

Enterpreneur<br />

s<br />

13%<br />

Regional<br />

County<br />

Authorities<br />

42%<br />

Fees from<br />

Bas<br />

3%<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a n/a<br />

Number of Angels n/a n/a<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Meetings between the BAs and the entrepreneurs 4 times a year<br />

• Electronic as a foreplay to the meetings<br />

Fees:<br />

o Entrepreneurs: NOK 3000 for registration and presentation for BAS plus 2.5% of the<br />

company if a match is successful and the company prosper.<br />

o BAs: NOK 1000 yearly fee for the first year, NOK 2000 for second and NOK 3000 for third<br />

122<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Kjell Hilde<br />

Contact details<br />

St. Jakobsplass 9<br />

5008 BERGEN<br />

T: +47 5521 2890<br />

Mob: 9134 7976<br />

E:<br />

W: /<br /><br />

Type of network Regional network<br />

Hosting organisation Connect NORGE<br />

Partner organisation Innovation Norway<br />

CONNECT Vest Norge has no formal function as a BAN. During the latest three years they<br />

have though arranged for several CONNECT Financial Forums both national and regional<br />

where also typical angels has participated.<br />

Together with Innovation Norway (Government based and national leading<br />

Organization for innovation in Norway), they will during the next months try to establish a BAN<br />

in Bergen and the surrounding region.<br />

CONNECT Vest Norge is a part of Norwegian CONNECT including networks in Oslo,<br />

Trondheim and Tromsø as well as Bergen.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Jorun Pedersen<br />

Contact details Gaustadalleen 21<br />

0349 Oslo<br />

T: +47 926 31 425<br />

F: +47 908 25 434<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional network, part of a national<br />

network<br />

Date of creation September 2002<br />

Number of Employees 2<br />

Legal status: Membership organisation<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

30% 30%<br />

30%<br />

European Funds<br />

Sponsors -<br />

members<br />

National Funds<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 4 4<br />

Number of Angels - n/a<br />

Number of deals made - 1<br />

Average amount of the deal - n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs or business angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

POLAND – PolBAN<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Wojciech Dolkowski<br />

Contact details 85-766 Bydgoszcz, ul. Fordonska 393<br />

T: +48 52 347 14 81, +48 604 244 199<br />

F: +48 52 347 23 25<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National network<br />

Date of creation 14 December 2003<br />

Number of Employees n/a<br />

Legal status Not-for-profit association<br />

Formal partners Fundusz Mikro, Polish Private Equity<br />

Association,<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

30%<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />

50%<br />

European Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Sponsors -<br />

members<br />

National Funds<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 3 35<br />

Number of Angels 0 21<br />

Number of deals made 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal - 150.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

n/a<br />

125<br />


Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

Confidential Insurance/IT Feb 05 150.000 1 N/a N/a<br />

126<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

LEWIATAN <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Michal Olszewski<br />

Contact details Polska Konfederacja Pracodawców<br />

Prywatnych Lewiatan Ul. Flory 4/9<br />

00-586 Warszawa<br />

T: +48 22 565 20 60<br />

F: +48 22 565 20 80<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National network<br />

Date of creation May 2005<br />

Employees 1<br />

Legal status Non-profit organization<br />

Hosting organisation Polska Konfederacja Pracodawców<br />

Prywatnych Lewiatan<br />

Formal partner organisations Polish Confederation of Private Employers,<br />

PriceWaterhouseCoopers<br />

Funding sources:<br />

20%<br />

80%<br />

Public National<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

Number of projects submitted -<br />

Number of Angels -<br />

Number of deals made -<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events and seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public<br />

relations, direct mailings.<br />

Fees:<br />

n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


1. Background information on BAN activity in Portugal<br />

2005<br />

The BAN activity in Portugal is still taking its first steps, and there isn’t any legal and official<br />

framework for this kind of investments. However, Gesventure has developed the first and<br />

unique BAN and is still working on the concept recognition from the public and official entities.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of Business Angels 10 14 16 18 21<br />

Number of deals 1 1 1<br />

Number of accredited projects 6 4 5 5 6<br />

Number of commercial BANs 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs - - - - -<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs - - - - -<br />

National association - - - - -<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

n/a<br />

4. National association<br />

None.<br />

5. Lobbying<br />

No lobbying activities.<br />

5. National/regional Support<br />

None.<br />

6. EU support<br />

No<br />

7. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

Gesventure organises since 1999 the “Encontros Gesventure” (Gesventure Meetings), an<br />

annual conference that takes place in December about Business Angels, Start-Up’s,<br />

Entrepreneurs and existing incentives. We also organize an international conference, the<br />

Venture Capital IT, more related to venture capital dissemination but also important for BAN<br />

diffusion. Besides our conferences, we often participate in other conferences and room<br />

classes and organize regular private meetings within our Business Angels Club. Gesventure<br />

also owns two websites with plenty information about venture capital, business angels and<br />

entrepreneurship: and<br />

8. EBAN members<br />

Gesventure – Business Angels Club<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Francisco Banha<br />

Rua 7 de Junho de 1759 n°1 Lagoal<br />

2760-110 Caxias<br />

T: +351 214 416 460<br />

F: +351 214 417 387<br />

E:<br />

W:<br /><br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation 1999<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Partner organisations Chausson Finance, Alta Partners,<br />

Global Startup<br />

Funding Sources: n/a<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 6 4 5 5 13<br />

Number of Angels 10 14 16 18 21<br />

Number of deals made 1 0 1 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 300.000€ n/a 200.000€ n/a 150.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Personal Contacts<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs or business angels except for a success fee in case a<br />

deal is closed<br />

129<br />

Deals<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SPAIN<br />

2005<br />

A number of Spanish regions including Navarra, Catalunya, Valencia, Madrid, Andalusia and<br />

Castilla y Leon have expressed an interest in setting up regional BANs since 1997-1998. As<br />

per today, the majority of business angel networks identified in Spain operate in Catalunya.<br />

CIDEM BAN, the main BAN in Spain and established in Catalunya, will no longer offer its<br />

services to entrepreneurs and business angels and will refocus its positioning to become a<br />

network of networks in Catalunya.<br />

CIDEM has implemented a policy with the aim of creating and developing business angel<br />

networks in Catalunya. Currently, 11 BANs are under the CIDEM’s umbrella. CIDEM also<br />

carries out other initiatives related to business angels such as guides to informal investment,<br />

monthly meetings, business angels academies and investment forums.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1 2 4 20<br />

Number of Business<br />

Angels<br />

(11 in Catalunya)<br />

58 65 93 180 356 (other catalan BANs) +<br />

176 (CIDEM BAN) + 48 (other Spanish<br />

networks)<br />

Number of deals 3 8 10 24 8 (other catalan BANs) +<br />

32 (CIDEM BAN) + 3 (other Spanish<br />

Number of accredited<br />

projects<br />

networks)<br />

88 171 190 247 216 (other catalan BANs) +<br />

424 (CIDEM BAN) + 86 (other Spanish<br />

networks)<br />

- - - - 2<br />

Number of commercial<br />

BANs<br />

Number of non-commercial 1 1 2 4 9 (Catalunya) +<br />

BANs<br />

9 (other Spanish networks)<br />

Number of national BANs 0 0 0 0 5 (other catalan BANs)<br />

Number of regional BANs 1 1 2 4 6 (Catalan BANs)<br />

+ 9 other Spanish members<br />

National association 0 0 0 0 2 (CIDEM and ESBAN)<br />

Note: The information displayed is the one collected from the networks – therefore all<br />

categories represent the minimum number as we are lacking some information.<br />

Two BA Schools, organized by CIDEM, have taken place in 2004 with 90 attendants.<br />

In December, the CIDEM BAN organized the 10 th Venture Capital Forum as an act of the<br />

Innovation Week. 12 entrepreneurs/managers presented their ideas/firms in order to raise<br />

funds besides contacting futures employees, raising brand awareness and fostering their<br />

networking opportunities. A book with information about 90 projects was also edited. Near to<br />

300 investors attended the event.<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Most of BANs of the country have opted for the non for profit organisation status or are part of<br />

the regional administration. BCN BA and Alta Partners are commercial BANs.<br />

4. EU support<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

European Union support in Spain has made it possible to organise two awareness seminars<br />

on the BA concept. One was organised jointly in Valladolid by Castilla y Leon RDA and<br />

IBERAVAl, a mutual guarantee firm. The other seminar was held in Malaga under the aegis of<br />

the Malaga Business Innovation Centre (Andalusia).<br />

� Pilot projects<br />

Three projects received financial assistance from the European Commission with a view to<br />

setting up operational BANs. The recipients of these subsidies were:<br />

- Instituto Aragonés de Fomento<br />

- CIDEM, Catalunia's development agency<br />

- Alta New Venture<br />

5. EBAN members<br />

CIDEM<br />

BANC<br />

UNIBAN<br />

BAN Madrid<br />

BANG<br />

ESBAN<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

CIDEM<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Roger Piqué, Oriol Sans<br />

Contact details C/ Passeig de Gràcia 129<br />

08008 Barcelona<br />

Catalunya<br />

T: + 34 93 476 7317<br />

F: +34 93 476 7233<br />

E:<br /><br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional: Catalunya region.<br />

Date of creation June 2000<br />

Employees 4<br />

Legal status Governmental network<br />

Hosting organisation Cidem<br />

Formal partner organisations Alta Partners - XARXAP, BANC (CECOT),<br />

ESADE - Club d’emprenedors i Inversors,<br />

PimecSefes, UPC Programa Innova –<br />

BAXI, BCN Business Angels, IESE BAN,<br />

Club d’Inversors La Salle, PIMEC Capital,<br />

Esfera UAB, XIP Mataró BAN, XIPJEC<br />

Funding sources<br />

100%<br />

Public<br />

Funds<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 88 171 190 247 424<br />

Number of Angels 58 65 83 154 angels 176 angels<br />

47 VC firms 60 VC firms<br />

121 consultants 145 consultants<br />

Number of deals made 3 8 10 24 32<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a n/a 6.200.000€ (total)<br />

Average 259.000€<br />

477.000 €<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

132<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

De als<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment clubs. Club CIDEM (breakfast monthly)<br />

• Investment forum / fairs. 1 early stage forum<br />

• Internet<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Formation to entrepreneurs and investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars. BA School<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with financing institutions / lawyers / Corporate finance firms.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

CIDEM BAN, in Catalunya, will no longer offer its services to entrepreneurs and business<br />

angels and will refocus its positioning to become a network of networks in Catalonia (National<br />

Network).<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Vincent Fuerte<br />

Contact details C/ Francisco Verdú, 30 bajo dch.<br />

03009 Alicante<br />

T: +34 659 42 09 43<br />

F: +34 965 15 95 16<br />

Email: E:<br />

Website: W:<br />

Type of network Local Network<br />

Date of creation 29/03/2003<br />

Number of Employees 7<br />

Legal status Private Network<br />

Hosting organisation 3 DID’S<br />

Partner organisations 3 DID’S, Cuatrecasas, Talde, Fundesem,<br />

Beta Capital<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

83%<br />

15%<br />

2%<br />

European<br />

Funds<br />

National Funds<br />

Regional Funds<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 26<br />

Number of Angels 28<br />

Number of deals made 3<br />

Average amount of the deal 320.000 €<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 16<br />


Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Agua<br />

Nafree<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Alimentary 10/05/2003 260.000 1<br />

135<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BANC<br />

2005<br />

Contact person: Albert Colomer; Jordi Clos<br />

Contact details San Pau 6<br />

08221 Terrasa Barcelona<br />

T: + 34 93 490 8860<br />

F: +34 93 7366013<br />

E: ;<br /><br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional Network: Catalunya region.<br />

Date of creation 21 st July 2002<br />

Employees 2<br />

Legal status Non profit organisation<br />

Hosting organisation Patronal CECOT/ Fundación CP’AC<br />

Formal partner organisations Catalan Government<br />

Funding sources:<br />

60%<br />

15%<br />

25%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Public/European<br />

Funds<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8 54 63<br />

Number of angels 10 40 57<br />

Number of deals made n/a 1 4<br />

Average amount of deals n/a 120.000€ 135.000€<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Web site application<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

136<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Direct mailing advertisement<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees from business angels as well as from entrepreneurs.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

17 jobs in 4 deals.<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of activity Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

WINBOL Computer related 1<br />

SAMCLA Engineering 1<br />

Terceros<br />

de<br />

Confianza<br />

Computer related 1<br />

Inspecta Artificial vision 1<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />

All of these enterprises are young SMEs. In 4 years we hope to have information about the<br />

real growth and return for every investor.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BANG<br />

Contact person Jose Calvo Caneiro<br />

Contact details Praza das Damas, 1<br />

32005 Ourense<br />

T: +34 98 83 91 110<br />

F: +34 98 83 91 957<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional Network: Galicia<br />

Date of creation 09/01/2004<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Non-Profit organisation<br />

Hosting organisation Confederacion de empresarios de<br />

Ourense<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

55%<br />

3%<br />

8%<br />

34%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Other - sponsors<br />

Regional Funds<br />

Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a<br />

Number of Angels n/a<br />

Number of deals made n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Entrepreneurs less than 100; Business angels: between 100€ and 500€<br />

138<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAN Madrid<br />

Contact person Miguel Palacios Fernandez<br />

Contact details C/José Gutiérrez Abascal 2<br />

28006 Madrid<br />

T: +34 91 336 42 64<br />

F: +34 91 336 30 05<br />

E:<br />

2005 M<br />

Eduardo Díaz<br />

Velázquez, 76<br />

28001 Madrid<br />

T: +34 917816573<br />

F: +34 915766052<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network Regional/Madrid<br />

Date of creation n/a<br />

Number of Employees n/a<br />

Legal status n/a<br />

Hosting organisation: Regional Government of Madrid<br />

Partner organisations n/a<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

European Funds<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 15<br />

Number of Angels 5<br />

Number of deals made 0<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Alumni Clubs<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 100€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BAXI –<br />

Xarxa d'inversors del Programa Innova-Universitat<br />

Politècnica de Catalunya<br />

Contact person Mireia de la Rubia.<br />

Contact details Jordi Girona<br />

29. Edifici Nexus II<br />

08034 Barcelona<br />

T: + 34 93 413 76 23<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional, Catalonia Region<br />

Date of creation September 2004<br />

Number of Employees 2<br />

Legal status Not for profit<br />

Hosting organisation Programa Innova UPC<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2005<br />

Mid 2004 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 3 90<br />

Number of Angels 15 17<br />

Number of deals made 0 2<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 € 522.000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BCN BA<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Antoni Sala<br />

Diputació, 238, 4t 7a<br />

08007 Barcelona<br />

T: +34 93 581 33 14<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional, Catalonia Region. National.<br />

Date of creation September 2004<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status For profit<br />

Hosting organisation BCN BA<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Fees from<br />

business<br />

angels<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 120<br />

Number of Angels 20<br />

Number of deals made 2<br />

Average amount of the deal € 561.500<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: more than 500€<br />

o Other payment services as company valuations, business plans, portfolio management,<br />

exit strategy implementation etc.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Xarxa d’inversors IESE<br />

Contact person: Neus Martínez<br />

Contact details Av. Pearson, 16<br />

08034 Barcelona<br />

T: +34 93 253 42 00<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Catalunya and Madrid Region<br />

Date of creation September 2003<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Not for profit<br />

Hosting organisation IESE<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 148<br />

Number of Angels 181<br />

Number of deals made 5<br />

Average amount of the deal € 677.000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Investment forums and fairs: X 4<br />

2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

o IESE BAN Membership is free for IESE members. For outstanding investors who are not<br />

IESE members, the requirement is to join the association. Automatically, they have access<br />

to all services provided by the Association, and to the network.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Xavier Capellades<br />

Contact details Quatre Camins, 18-34<br />

08022 Barcelona<br />

T: +34 93 290 24 73<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional, Catalunya Region<br />

Date of creation September 2004<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Non for profit<br />

Hosting organisation La Salle Technological and Business<br />

Innovation Park<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

30%<br />

70%<br />

Regional Funds<br />

Other: Park<br />

Founds<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 0 48<br />

Number of Angels 2 22<br />

Number of deals made 0 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 0 200.000 €<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

UNIBAN, University Business Angels Network<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Luis Fernández<br />

Lope Gómez de Marzoa s/n (Edificio FEUGA -<br />

Despacho 1)<br />

15705 Santiago de Compostela<br />

T: +34 981 563 100 Ext. 16844<br />

F: +34 981 54 70 77<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional Network Galicia region (SPAIN)<br />

Date of creation November 2003<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Not-for-profit<br />

Hosting organisation: University of Santiago de Compostela<br />

(Entrepreneurship program UNIEMPRENDE)<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

30%<br />

5%<br />

5%<br />

60%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

O ther - sponsors<br />

Regional Funds<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 5 45<br />

Number of Angels 12 15<br />

Number of deals made n/a 0<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a 0<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• UNIEMPRENDE: the entrepreneurial program of the University of Santiago de<br />

Compostela (awards, incubator, seminars,…)<br />

146<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 100€.<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Marta Perpiñá<br />

Contact details Av. Diagonal, 399, pral 2a,<br />

08008 Barcelona<br />

T: +34 93 238 72 30<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Catalonia Region. National.<br />

Date of creation September 2004<br />

Number of Employees 2<br />

Legal status For profit<br />

Hosting organisation Alta Partners<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8<br />

Number of Angels 35<br />

Number of deals made 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 600.000 €<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Specific service for business angels<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Entrepreneurs Contests<br />

Fees<br />

o Fees of 3-4% charged to business angels and entrepreneurs.<br />

o Other payment services such as company valuations, business plans, etc.<br />

2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Carles Fillat, Òscar Valdivielso<br />

Contact details C/ Herrera nº 70<br />

08301 - Mataró [Barcelona]<br />

T: +34 93 758 26 40<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional - Catalonia Region<br />

Date of creation January 2005<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Legal status Not for profit<br />

Hosting organisation Mataró City Council<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Public<br />

funds<br />

2005<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8<br />

Number of Angels 5<br />

Number of deals made 0<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises and local chambers of commerce<br />

• Articles in the regional press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Formation programmes<br />

Fees:<br />

o 1% fee charged to entrepreneurs (pending of approval)<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Club d’Emprenedors, Empresaris y Inversors d’ESADE<br />

Contact person Maite Usón<br />

Contact details Avda. D’Esplugues 92-96<br />

Edifici 3 d’ESADE<br />

08034 Barcelona<br />

T: +34 93 280 61 62<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional, Catalonia Region. National<br />

Date of creation January 2005<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Legal status Non for profit<br />

Hosting organisation ESADE Business School<br />

This BAN belongs to CIDEM development BANs Program.<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

Public<br />

funds<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 0<br />

Number of Angels 0<br />

Number of deals made 0<br />

Average amount of the deal -<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Entrepreneurs contests<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Alumni from ESADE Business School<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Networking events<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fee charged to entrepreneurs.<br />

2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Slovenian Business Angels Club is a joint project of Podjetnik (entrepreneur magazine) and<br />

Small Business Development Centre (SBDC). It is a non-profit association. A certain amount<br />

of funding was secured through the budget of Slovenian government. In its first year of activity<br />

(2001/2002) the network was focused mainly on promotion of the concept.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of Business Angels 11 21 21 25<br />

Number of deals 2 2 - 1<br />

Number of accredited projects 51 66 79 98<br />

Number of commercial BANs - - - -<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs - - - -<br />

National association - - - -<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

2005<br />

Business Angels Club is placed in the SBDC strategy as an additional financial mechanism for<br />

promoting the business development. It is connected with other projects like voucher system<br />

of consulting and e-work.<br />

4. National association<br />

Business Angels Club is the only BAN in Slovenia operating at the national level.<br />

5. Lobbying<br />

Business Angels Club is connected with partners at national level (Network of Local Business<br />

Centres, Regional development agencies), Universities, Technology Parks and Financial<br />

Institutions.<br />

6. National/regional Support<br />

Slovenian Business Angels Club has financial support from Slovenian government.<br />

7. EU support<br />

The EU does not financially support Slovenian Business Angels Club.<br />

8. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

• Regular Business Angels Club’s activities;<br />

• Informing the entrepreneurs about financing possibilities for their projects with informal<br />

venture capital;<br />

• Promotion activities by publishing articles in SLEVCA Novice/News, Podjetnik –<br />

Entrepreneurial Magazine, Kapital - Entrepreneurial Magazine, organising trainings and<br />

seminars for entrepreneurs, attending conferences;<br />

• Running active webpage.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Slovene business angel Club<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Mr. Jaka VADNJAL<br />

Contact details SBDC - Slovene Business Angels Club<br />

WTC – Dunajska 156<br />

1000 Ljubljana<br />

T: +386 1 530 98 04<br />

F: +386 1 589 18 77<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation: 2001<br />

Number of Employees 3<br />

Legal status Project<br />

Hosting organisation SBDC<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

100%<br />

National<br />

Funds<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 51 66 79 98<br />

Number of Angels 11 21 21 25<br />

Number of deals made 2 2 - 1<br />

Average amount of the deal - 16.000 € - 10.416 €<br />

120<br />

100<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

153<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs.<br />

Deals – Slovenia<br />

Deal Sector : Estimated value of the deal<br />

Deal 1 : 2001 Real estate No data<br />

(partners do not want to share the<br />

Deal 2: 2001 (merging of<br />

two companies)<br />

amount of deal with BAC)<br />

Retail No data<br />

(partners do not want to share the<br />

amount of deal with BAC)<br />

16.000 € (share)<br />

Deal 3: 2002 Real estate –<br />

construction & craft<br />

Deal 4: 2002 (invention; IT Technologies No data<br />

software programe)<br />

(partners do not want to share the<br />

amount of deal with BAC)<br />

Deal 5: 2004 (patent in<br />

construction)<br />

Real estate 100.000 €<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

SWEDEN<br />

2005<br />

The business angel community in Sweden is expanding with increased investments activity<br />

and enhanced cooperation between regional BANs. As the formal VC market now tends to<br />

invest more funds into later stage companies, there is a lack of funding for early stage<br />

businesses. This equity gap has significantly raised the awareness of the business angel<br />

concept in Sweden. In order to further increase business angel investments into early stage<br />

companies, NUTEK – the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth –has<br />

supported the creation and development of regional BANs in Sweden. A number of BANs are<br />

now operational throughout the country and the cooperation between the BANs is increasing.<br />

Going forward, the Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (SVCA) will be<br />

responsible for supporting the regional BANs on a national level, as well as for enhancing the<br />

level of knowledge about business angel activities in general.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs 2 1<br />

2 1<br />

2 3<br />

24 ~30<br />

Number of Business Angels 85 140 250 ~5000 ~5000<br />

Number of deals n/a n/a n/a n/a >100<br />

Number of accredited projects n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

Number of commercial BANs 0 1 1 2 3<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs 1 1 1 21 27<br />

Number of national BANs 0 1 1 0 0<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 5 6 23 ~30<br />

National association 1 1 1 1 1<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

The majority of BANs are organized as networks within non-profit entrepreneurial networks,<br />

consulting firms or state-supported organisations.<br />

4. National association<br />

In 2002, NUTEK launched a pilot scheme, with the aim of increasing the number of regional<br />

BANs in Sweden, thus supporting the growth of business angel investments in general. At the<br />

end of 2004, close to 30 BANs were already active. Most of the BANs are non-commercial,<br />

hence striving to finance their activities through sponsorships and other financial sources.<br />

In 2005 NUTEK gave the Swedish Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (SVCA) the<br />

mandate to act as a national association for business angels in Sweden and to work as a<br />

support organisation for the regional BANs.<br />

5. Contact<br />

Contact person SVCA: Maria Nilsson<br />

Grev Turegatan 18<br />

114 46 Stockholm<br />

1 For the year 2000 and 2001, we considered that only Norkkoping and ALMI were acting as BANs.<br />

2 About 30 Networks have received funding from NUTEK. 8 are currently in operation and 22 are in the<br />

process of creation.<br />

155<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

T: + 46 8 678 30 81 / +46 708 36 22 31 F: + 46 8 678 40 90<br />

E: W:<br />

Contact person: Birgitta Österberg<br />

Liljeholmsvägen 32<br />

117 86 Stockholm<br />

T: +46 8 681 9484; F: +46 8 744 4045<br />

E:; W:<br />

6. Lobbying<br />

The current tax climate in Sweden does not provide for tax incentives for investing in early<br />

stage companies. SVCA and NUTEK therefore continuously work for a more BA investment<br />

friendly tax environment as well as for simplified regulations, with the aim of attracting more<br />

private capital to entrepreneurial businesses.<br />

7. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

NUTEK in cooperation with FSF and University of Lund have started a long-term research of<br />

the Swedish business angel market in order to map the actors in this market and to get a more<br />

accurate picture of the business angel activity in Sweden.<br />

SVCA will continuously work to increase the level of knowledge about the business angel<br />

concept and its importance for growth and development of new businesses. The effort will<br />

include among other things educational activities, creating national BA forums, lobbying as<br />

well as PR activities.<br />

8. EBAN Members<br />

SVCA<br />

NUTEK<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Nicholas Jacobsson<br />

Contact details Connect Skåne, Box 117, 221 00 LUND<br />

T: +46 222 12 73<br />

Cell: +46 733 70 35 50<br />

E:<br />

Website W:<br />

Type of network Regional<br />

Date of creation 2003<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Legal status Organisation<br />

Hosting organisation Connect Skåne<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

85%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Other - sponsors<br />

National Funds<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 4 50<br />

Number of Angels 50 80<br />

Number of deals made 3 7<br />

Average amount of the deal 250.000€ 100 000€<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

Fees: n/a<br />

0<br />

2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />

157<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Björn Sjöholm<br />

Contact details Stena Center 1 A; 412 92<br />

Gothenburg; Sweden<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional<br />

Date of creation 2000-01<br />

Number of Employees 1<br />

Legal status Filial<br />

Hosting organisation: Connect Väst AB<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

Sponsors: Connect Väst, NUTEK.<br />

2005<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 32 145<br />

Number of Angels 75 101<br />

Number of deals made 5 23<br />

Average amount of the deal – Swedish Kronor 2.600.000 2.500.000<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs or business angels.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Christer Navjord<br />

Contact details DalaBan, Rommehedslägret 1, S-78463<br />

Borlänge, Sweden<br />

E:<br />

Type of network Regional network<br />

Date of creation n/a<br />

Number of Employees n/a<br />

Legal status n/a<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

National Funds: 200 Tkr<br />

Regional Funds: 200 Tkr<br />

50%<br />

50%<br />

National Funds<br />

Regional Funds<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 2<br />

Number of Angels 6<br />

Number of deals made 1<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees are charged to entrepreneurs and business angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Kista Innovation and Growth – KIN<br />

Contact person Pär Hedberg<br />

Contact details Electrum 209<br />

164 40 Kosta<br />

T: +46 708 55 03 18<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Local Network<br />

Date of creation October 2003<br />

Number of Employees n/a<br />

Legal status Kommanditbolag<br />

Hosting organisation Kista Innovation & Growth AB<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50%<br />

50%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Host<br />

organisations<br />

(80% public and<br />

20% sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 2 6<br />

Number of Angels 8 16<br />

Number of deals made n/a 4<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a 400.000€<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Clients com from our own incubator;<br />

• Investors are personally recruited with personnel meetings and they are found via our<br />

own network<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Roslagens Affärsänglar AB<br />

Contact person Lennart Ohlsson<br />

Contact details Roslagens Affärsänglar AB<br />

Campus Roslagen<br />

Kaserngatan 1<br />

S-76146 Norrtälje<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network Regional and local<br />

Date of creation 19/12 2003<br />

Number of Employees 0<br />

Legal status Incorporated<br />

Hosting organisation NIHAB, Campus Roslagen<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

- Fees from business angels<br />

- Sponsor: NUTEK > SEK 200.000 for 2-year period<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n/a 35<br />

Number of Angels 10 45<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs: Connect, Seed Cap Arena<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Contacts of business angels, courses in venture capital, centre of excellence of a<br />

connected company, specialize network in Stockholm an Uppsala, etc.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br /><br />

Contact person Margrethe Höglund<br />

Contact details Mårdvägen 22<br />

S-167 56 Bromma<br />

E:<br />

Type of network Swedish International network<br />

Date of creation 2003<br />

Number of Employees 0<br />

Legal status Non-profit association<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

50%<br />

National Funds: 175 TSEK<br />

Sponsors and Business Angels:175 TSEK<br />

50%<br />

National<br />

Funds<br />

Sponsors and<br />

business<br />

angels<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted ≈ 100<br />

Number of Angels 250<br />

Number of deals made 3%<br />

Total growth amount 61MSEK<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Active exchange via our Homepage connected to NUTEK<br />

• Meetings<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Entrepreneurs mostly from our Homepage and e.g. Seed Cap Arena meetings<br />

• Business Angels via recommendations and Homepage<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to and meetings with entrepreneurs and Business Angels<br />

Fees: No fees are charged to entrepreneurs and business angels yet<br />

162<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Switzerland has a long tradition of business angel investment, however business angels did<br />

not organise themselves until the late 90’s.<br />

The first BAN in Switzerland was named Business Angel Club and created in 1997 by Ueli<br />

Stüssi. In the late 90’s and in the beginning of the new century, a number of additional BANs<br />

have been created, private BANs as well as commercial ones. In 2004, Band of Angels<br />

(Schweiz) and Business Angel Club merged into Business Angels Schweiz.<br />

The national association was set up in 2003 under the name Association of Swiss Business<br />

Angel Networks (ASBAN). ASBAN has today 7 active and 2 passive members.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of BANs n/a 7 7 7 7 7<br />

Number of Business Angels 45 110 260 408 n/a n/a<br />

Number of deals 3 6 6 8 n/a n/a<br />

Number of accredited projects 20 139 210 271 n/a n/a<br />

Number of commercial BANs - 2 2 2 2 2<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs - 5 5 5 5 5<br />

Number of national BANs - 3 3 3 3 3<br />

Number of regional BANs - 5 5 5 5 5<br />

National association 0 0 0 0 1 1<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

Private, non-commercial BANs usually are associations while commercials BANs normally<br />

choose the legal form of an AG (stock corporation).<br />

4. National association<br />

ASBAN<br />

5. ASBAN Funding Sources<br />

100%<br />

163<br />

Fees from<br />

members<br />


6. Contact<br />

Contact person: Philipp Oberli<br />

ASBAN, Technoparkstrasse 1<br />

CH-8005 Zürich<br />

T: +41 1 445 24 24<br />

F: +41 1 445 10 01<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

7. Lobbying activities<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ASBAN is actively participating in the opinion building for the revision of the company taxation<br />

law in Switzerland. Furthermore, good contacts to the national government are maintained on<br />

various levels.<br />

8 EU support<br />

None.<br />

9. EBAN members<br />

ASBAN<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BrainsToVentures AG (b-to-v)<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Florian Schweitzer<br />

Contact details Blumenaustr. 36, Postfach 142<br />

9000 St. Gallen<br />

T: +41 71 242 2000<br />

F: +41 71 242 2001<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National<br />

Date of creation 2000<br />

Number of Employees 8<br />

Legal status Private limited company<br />

Partner organisations Altium Capital, Capitalbank – GRAWE<br />

Gruppe AG, SWX Swiss Exchange,<br />

VentureCapital Magazin, VI Partners AG<br />

Wenger&Vieli<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

10%<br />

10%<br />

80%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Other (sponsors)<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Mid 2005<br />

Number of projects submitted 500 1500 1800 2000 2000 2200<br />

Number of Angels 10 100 250 300 330 350<br />

Number of deals made 2 5 0 4 10 8<br />

Average amount of the deal 0.1m€ 0.2m€ - 1.2m€ 0.5m€ 0.7m€<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or private information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts (not public)<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Regular telephone conferences on specific topics<br />

• Investment Clubs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Circle)<br />

500<br />

0<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

165<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Mid 2005<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Events and information fairs (e.g. b-to-v Investor Talks)<br />

• Monthly Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other: Referrals of existing members<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs and business angels: more than 500€.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 100<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br /> Networking<br />

Platform<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested (€)<br />

April 2004 Undisclosed 6<br />

166<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Business Angel Schweiz (BAS)<br />

Contact person: Dr. Urs Rechsteiner<br />

Contact details Birmensdorferstrasse 318<br />

8055 Zürich<br />

T: +41 1 461 81 18<br />

F: +41 1 461 82 10<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network National<br />

Date of creation May 2000<br />

Employees 0<br />

Legal status Club (association)<br />

Hosting organisation n/a.<br />

Formal partner organisations TCA (Tech Coast Angels, San Diego,<br />

California), Venturix AG<br />

Funding sources:<br />

5%<br />

10%<br />

85%<br />

Fees from Business Angels<br />

Others (sponsors)<br />

Fees from enterprises<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 90 100 50 110 60<br />

Number of Angels 20 30 35 36 43<br />

Number of deals made 2 2 0 2 0<br />

Average amount of deal n/a n/a n/a 500.000€ n/a<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Monthly Dinner Meetings<br />

• Computerised data-base matching<br />

service<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment fora / fairs<br />

• Internet Matching Service<br />

How<br />

are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national<br />

Press<br />

• Other (by word to mouth / deal flow<br />

from members)<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees<br />

charged from entrepreneurs: 250 € for Dinner Meeting Presentation<br />

o Fees charged from Business Angels: Entry fee: 900 €; yearly Club fee: 400 €, yearly<br />

Dinner Meeting fee: 500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Club Valaisan des business angels<br />

2005<br />

Contact<br />

person: Christophe Beaud<br />

Contact details Haabweg 2<br />

8806 Bäch<br />

T: +41 44 208<br />

98 62<br />

F: +41 79 403 54 23<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network Regional - Suisse Romande<br />

Date of creation 1999<br />

Employees 1<br />

Legal status N/ a<br />

Hosting organisation CCF SA Centre de Compétences<br />

Financières<br />

Formal partner organisations Bisange SA (<br />

Funding<br />

sources:<br />

100%<br />

Regional<br />

Funds<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects<br />

submitted<br />

4 11 14 10 7 15<br />

Number of Angels 11 21 29 35 45 70<br />

Number of deals made 2 3 1 0 0 2<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal (CHF)<br />

2.000.000 2.000.000 0 0 0 350.000<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

1999<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment<br />

Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

168<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Articles in local<br />

/ national Press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Only a success fee charged to entrepreneurs: 1.5% to 3% on the amount invested by the<br />

business angel in the company<br />

Estimate<br />

of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success<br />

story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of activity Date of<br />

investment<br />

Mimotec Fabrication of<br />

SA micromolds and<br />

microcomponents<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

1999 CHF<br />

100’000.-<br />

169<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

1 2001<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return<br />

on money)<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person: Dr. Jürg Martin<br />

Contact details MSM Fininco AG, Merkurstrasse 25<br />

8400 Winterthur<br />

T: +41 52 269 21 12<br />

F: +41 52 269 21 10<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network National<br />

Date of creation 2001<br />

Number of Employees None<br />

Legal status Club (association)<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

30%<br />

70%<br />

Fees from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees from<br />

enterpreneurs<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 8 14 17 16<br />

Number of Angels 40 45 50 70<br />

Number of deals made 1 0 1 2<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a n/a n/a<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Events<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

170<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100 CHF per annum<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 200 CHF per presentation<br />

Estimate<br />

of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 25<br />

Success<br />

story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Nicolas Berg<br />

Contact details Alte Bernstr. 78<br />

4500 Solothurn<br />

E:<br />

Type of network Virtual business angel network<br />

Date of creation 2002 (2000)<br />

Employees 0<br />

Legal status AG (Ltd.)<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

80%<br />

20%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Shareholders<br />

2005<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 50 800 600 400 500<br />

Number of Angels 50 200 100 90 80<br />

Number of deals made 1 2 2 1 2<br />

Average amount of the deal 300.000 300.000 200.000 250.000 275.000<br />

900<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Computerised data-base matching service<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment forum / fairs<br />

• Networking events for investors<br />

• Mail presentation to all private investors<br />

• Contacts to potential Business Angels within two weeks after first contact<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Search engine optimising<br />

• Asban Homepage<br />

•<br />

• Entrepreneurs have heard about us<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in local / national media<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants, lawyers;<br />

embedding in sector of public promotion companies for SMEs,<br />

• Other: Partnerships with universities, academies/colleges, science parks; public<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 0 to 5%<br />

o Fees charged to Business angels: 0% (except company search mandates)<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number<br />

of angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br /> ICT 2001, 2003 2 million 6 - Cash positive<br /> Media 2001, 2003 200’000 5 - Cash positive<br /> ICT 2001, 2002 1 million 10 - Cash positive<br /> Biotech 2002 50’000 2 - Not disclosed<br /> Real Estate 2003 1 million 4 - Cash positive<br /> ICT/Health 2001 25’000 2 - Cash positive<br /> Media 2002, 2003 500’000 14 - Break even<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

In the Netherlands, informal capital activities emerged as early as in 1995 from a private<br />

initiative known as NeBIB.<br />

NeBIB is a nation-wide organisation. Ever since its creation, it has published a monthly<br />

magazine with general information on the financing of businesses as well as profiles of<br />

companies looking for equity and investors.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid<br />

2004<br />

2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 (4*) 4<br />

(5*)<br />

Number<br />

Angels<br />

of Business 60 95 90 100 104 110 119 101 94 N/a<br />

Number of deals 40 75 65 51 19 14 10 N/a<br />

Number<br />

projects<br />

of accredited 140 180 180 175 123 115 104 79 44 N/a<br />

Number<br />

BANs<br />

of commercial 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of non- 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3<br />

commercial BANs<br />

Number of national BANs 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1<br />

Number of regional BANs 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 3<br />

National association 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

*Information concerning EuBAN can be found on page 29.<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

NeBIB was set up as a private organisation. As for ROBAN, the Rotterdam BAN, it was set up<br />

as 2000 as a non-profit organisation (Foundation). In-Brabant is a mutual project.<br />

4. National association<br />

None, as NeBIB is a nation-wide organisation and has a close partnership with the other<br />

BANs.<br />

5. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

NeBIB undertook a large programme of seminar organisation throughout the country and<br />

publishes a monthly magazine called “It Takes 2 to Tango”.<br />

- Startech; nation-wide event with 700 visitors;<br />

- INNOZUID with 470 visitors;<br />

- Training programs in contracts, sales and communication, fiscal studies, etc.<br />


6. EU support<br />

� Awareness actions<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

39 awareness seminars have been conducted in the Netherlands, with NeBIB acting as coordinator.<br />

The cities chosen to host these seminars were Utrecht, Amsterdam, Putten,<br />

Enschede, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Rotterdam, etc, completely spread over the country. 5 of which<br />

were supported by the EU.<br />

7. EBAN members<br />

NeBIB<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

NEBIB<br />

2005 M<br />

Contact person Ben LACOR<br />

Contact details Post bus 154,<br />

3620 AD Breukelen,<br />

The Netherlands<br />

T: +31 346 55 57 74<br />

F: +31 346 56 11 54<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of Network. National<br />

Date of creation May 1995<br />

Employees 6<br />

Legal status Company with limited responsibility<br />

Funding Sources<br />

75%<br />

20%<br />

5%<br />

Fees from Business<br />

Angels and<br />

enterprises<br />

Public/National<br />

Other (Sponsors,<br />

events)<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 140 180 180 175 123 115 96 79 86<br />

Number of Angels 60 95 90 100 104 110 102 101 98<br />

Number of deals 40 75 65 51 25 18 19 14 17<br />

Average amount of the deal: around 100.000€ every year, except 1999 and 2000 which gave<br />

an higher average of about 125.000€ and 175.000€<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Matching through Bulletin / Newsletter<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment fora / fairs<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Own newsletters<br />

• Direct mailing advertisement<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Specific services for high-tech investments<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged from entrepreneurs: 385 €<br />

o Fees charged from Business Angels: 285 €<br />

o Success Fee: 2%<br />

Estimate number of jobs created as a result of network activity over the last 3 years:<br />

150-200<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Money Meets Ideas<br />

Contact person Yvette Molin – van den Berg<br />

Contact details Money Meets Ideas<br />

UCO 432, Postbus 17100<br />

3500 HG Utrecht<br />

T: +31 30 216 4731<br />

F: +31 30 216 5617<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network National network<br />

Date of creation 1997<br />

Employees 2<br />

Legal status Part of Rabobank Group<br />

Hosting organisation -<br />

Formal partner organisations -<br />

Funding sources:<br />

80%<br />

20%<br />

Fees from<br />

enterpreneurs<br />

Other (Sponsors)<br />

2005<br />

2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 39<br />

Number of Angels 175<br />

Number of deals made N/a<br />

Average amount of the deal N/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€<br />

o No fees charged to business angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

TURKEY - BANTr<br />

Contact person Ersin Galgi / Rob Van der Gaast<br />

Contact details Bizz-e Ltd Bagdat cad 85/9+10<br />

Kizitopark-Kadilöy Istanbul<br />

T: +90 (0) 216 347 69 62<br />

F: +90 (0) 216 347 69 63<br />

E: /<br /><br />

W:<br />

Date of creation 2004<br />

Number of employees 3<br />

Type of network National<br />

Legal status Start from Bizz-e Ltd<br />

Hosting organization Bizz-e Ltd<br />

Formal Partner organization Bizz-e Ltd<br />

International business club Istanbul<br />

Funding sources:<br />

n/a<br />

Mid-2004<br />

Number of Business Angels n/a<br />

Number of projects n/a<br />

Number of deals made n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 250€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: 100€-500€<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BANatolia<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Alp ASLAN, LLB, MBA, LLM<br />

Contact details Bilkent Cyberpark B-103<br />

06800 Bilkent Ankara<br />

T: 90 312 2650 154<br />

F: 90 312 2650 154<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation April 1996<br />

Number of employees 5<br />

Type of network Regional<br />

Legal status Private, not-for-profit<br />

Hosting organisation -Middle East Technical University Technopolis<br />

Management – ODTU Teknopark<br />

-Hacettepe University Technopolis Management<br />

– Hacettepe Teknokent<br />

-Capital City Industrialists and Businessmen<br />

Association – BASIAD<br />

- Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen<br />

Foundation - TUSIAV<br />

Formal Partner organisation Bilisim Teknolojileri ve Danismanlik San. Ve Tic.<br />

Ltd. Sti.<br />

(Information Technologies and Consultancy<br />

Ltd.)<br />

Funding sources:<br />

Number of<br />

Business Angels<br />

Number of<br />

projects<br />

Number of deals<br />

made<br />

Average amount<br />

of the deal (€)<br />

100%<br />

Sponsors<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005<br />

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3<br />

1 2 5 6 4 8 7 12 21<br />

1 1 2 4 2 1 4 5 11<br />

15.000 23.000 68.000 125.000 57.000 27.000 35.000 72.000 115.000<br />

180<br />


25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1997<br />

1999<br />

2001<br />

2003<br />

Mid 2005<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to entreprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

• Other: Clients yielded from various different business’ clientele and social networks.<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

o No fees charged to business angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 100<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

CD Medya<br />

Yazilim<br />

Ltd<br />

Onbir41<br />

Design<br />

Group<br />

EDA<br />

Tasarim<br />

Ltd<br />

Sector of activity Date of<br />

investment<br />

IT Company<br /><br />

Architecture and<br />

design office<br />

Engineering Design<br />

and IT company<br /><br />

181<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005 M<br />

The first BANs operating in the UK were already up and running in the early 80s. As of 1999,<br />

nearly 50 BANs were operating in the vast majority of UK regions. However, the Welsh and<br />

Scottish BANs are a more recent creation—both of them were set up in 1997. BANs with a<br />

regional geographic coverage coexist with national BANs.<br />

BBAA Contact person<br />

Liz Carrington<br />

52/54 Southwark Street<br />

London SE1 1UN<br />

T: +44 020 70892305<br />

F: +44 020 0892301<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

2. Funding sources (of BBAA) projected for 2005<br />

182<br />

Public Funding<br />

Fees<br />

Other (inc sponsorship)

3. Statistics<br />

Number of<br />

BANs<br />

Number of<br />

Business<br />

Angels<br />

Number of<br />

deals<br />

Number of<br />

accredited<br />

projects<br />

Number of<br />

commercial<br />

BANs<br />

Number of<br />

noncommercial<br />

BANs<br />

Number of<br />

national<br />

BANs<br />

Number of<br />

regional<br />

BANs<br />

National<br />

association<br />

Contact<br />

details of<br />

BAN<br />

members<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Mid 2003 Total<br />

2003<br />

Mid 2004 2004<br />

42 46 49 52 48 48 51 Not<br />

available<br />

101* 34<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 300 100 n/a 3297**<br />

196 314 234 252 239 299 n/a n/a n/a 170**<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a >6000<br />

commenced<br />

>500<br />

completed<br />

n/a n/a n/a<br />

2 2 2 6 5 5 14 n/a n/a 7**<br />

0 0 0 46 43 41 37 n/a n/a 13**<br />

4 5 5 5 5 5 3 (excluding<br />

NBAN)<br />

25 29 31 9 9 9 9 (not<br />

including<br />

Scotland)<br />

2 2 2 2 2 (NBAN<br />

and BANA)<br />

2937 (as of<br />

31 dec<br />

2002)<br />

3<br />

(excluding<br />

NBAN<br />

3<br />

(excluding<br />

6**<br />

n/a<br />

NBAN<br />

n/a 14**<br />

2 (NBAN<br />

and<br />

BANA<br />

2 (NBAN<br />

and<br />

BANA<br />

n/a n/a<br />

1<br />

(BBAA)<br />

*Change in the series of statistics for mid-2004. Up to and including mid-2003, the figures<br />

represent the number of networks that were members of NBAN, not the number of networks<br />

operating in the UK.<br />

**These figures are based upon members of BBAA. BBAA currently has 20 full members (list<br />

also attached).<br />

We have to add to these statistics that the UK market is the most mature within the E.U<br />

countries. There are more than 100 different organisations in the business angel market place<br />

– some of these have more than one office with more than one recognised practitioner. The<br />

Business Links are good examples of this.<br />


4. BAN legal status<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

British BANs can be commercial, public sector, commercial and working for the public sector,<br />

or not-for-profit organisations.<br />

The majority of BANs enjoy privileged relations with the private banking sector and/or with the<br />

venture capital industry.<br />

5. National association<br />

Over the past year there has been a large change within the UK’s national association, the old<br />

organisation NBAN has evolved into the British Business Angels Association (BBAA). The<br />

British Business Angels Association (BBAA) is the new National Trade Association for the<br />

UK’s Business Angel Networks and its Associates and Affiliates. BBAA is promoting the<br />

recognition of Business Angel Networks (BANs) and organised angel groups. BBAA has a<br />

number of roles ranging from highlighting the contribution business angels make to the<br />

entrepreneurial culture to supporting its members and lobbying government to encouraging the<br />

exchange of best practice, experiences and ideas between its members. It specifically does<br />

not have a purpose to promote investment opportunities to investors or to advisers.<br />

6. Dissemination of the BAN concept<br />

Most media have published or broadcast pieces on Business Angels and BANs. Entire TV<br />

programmes have for example been dedicated to this issue. A VHS-Cassette was even<br />

produced explaining BAN and BA activities.<br />

Business angels are becoming increasingly publicised as a form of funding for small<br />

businesses in the UK. This is mainly though television programs such as ‘Dragon’s Den’. The<br />

BBAA continues to increase the awareness of business angels through the national press.<br />

7 EBAN members<br />

BBAA<br />

Equity Link<br />

LINC Scotland<br />

London Business Angels<br />

Finance South East Limited<br />

Advantage Business Angels<br />

Business Link Devon & Cornwall<br />


HALO<br />

Xénos<br />


Advantage Business Angels<br />

Beer and Partners<br />

C2Ventures<br />

Entrust<br />

Envestors<br />

Equity Link<br />

E-Synergy Ltd<br />

Finance South East<br />

Katalyst Ventures Ltd<br />

Kingston Business Angels<br />

London Business Angels<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

BBAA Members<br />

Organisation Contact<br />

Oxfordshire Investment Opportunity Network<br />

South West Angel and Investor Network<br />


Great Eastern Investment Forum<br />

Xenos<br />

YABA<br />

185<br />

Pat Sutton<br />

Rob Beer<br />

Paul Gardner<br />

Bob Marris/Ian Mudie<br />

Oliver Woolley<br />

Stuart McRoberts<br />

Cheryle Hart<br />

S.Goodsell/P.Coleman<br />

Anthony Collinson<br />

Barry Akid<br />

Aisha Ejaz<br />

Jon Cox<br />

Nicola Prosser<br />

Ruth Hollis<br />

John Goodger<br />

Ray Hurcombe<br />

Barbara Greaves

Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of employees<br />

Type of network<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

ADVANTAGE <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

30%<br />

2005<br />

Bob Barnsley<br />

Edgbaston House 3 Duchess Place<br />

Birmingham B16 8NH<br />

T: +44 121 456 7940<br />

F: +44 121 455 8547<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Originally 1994 but in present form 2002<br />

11 full time, 7 part time<br />

Regional: The UK, specialising in The West<br />

Midlands<br />

Company Limited by Guarantee, not for profit<br />

The local regional development agency<br />

Advantage West Midlands (AWM) and the<br />

Government Office for the West Midlands<br />

The University of Warwick Science Park,<br />

Hereford and Worcester Business Link,<br />

10% Regional Funds<br />

60%<br />

European Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business<br />

700+ 700+<br />

Angels<br />

33 37 38 44<br />

Number of projects 50 62 71 96 96 54<br />

Number of deals made 4 4 5 7 18 6<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a £150.000 £250.000<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

186<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€<br />

o No fees charged to business angels<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 200+<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Top Dog<br />

Jobs<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

IT<br />

recruitment<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

August<br />

2004<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

187<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date of<br />

exit<br />

November<br />

2004<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />

Trade Sale to<br />

Friends Reunited

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

DEVON & CORNWALL <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />


2005 M<br />

Contact person<br />

Stephen Pryor<br />

Contact details<br />

TAMAR Science Park<br />

Plymouth PL6 8BT<br />

T: + 44 845 600 9966<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

1995<br />

Number of employees 4 (with larger organisation 165)<br />

Type of network Regional<br />

Devon and Cornwall<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Department within a Limited Company<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Business Link Devon and Cornwall<br />

Formal partner organisation<br />

South West Angel Investment Network<br />

(SWAIN)<br />

Funding sources:<br />

15%<br />

85%<br />

National Funds<br />

European<br />

Funds<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005<br />

(March)<br />

Number of Business<br />

Angels<br />

24 32 26 40 20 20 20 65 72 79<br />

Number of projects 62 53 55 56 30 30 10 70 35 94<br />

Number of deals<br />

made<br />

10 9 5 5 10 3 5 8 0 3<br />

Average amount of<br />

the deal<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20.000£ 45.000£ n/a £25k<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

1996<br />

1998<br />

2000<br />

2002<br />

2004<br />

188<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />


Matching services of the network:<br />

• Equity workshops<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Referrals from partners<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 30<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of Employees<br />

Legal status<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

<strong>BUSINESS</strong> LINK STAFFORDSHIRE<br />

10%<br />

80%<br />

Mike Bird<br />

Commerce House, Festival Park<br />

Stoke on Trent<br />

Staffordshire ST1 5BE<br />

T: +44 1 889 508 332<br />

F: +44 1 889 508 089<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional & Local network<br />

1994<br />

1<br />

Proprietor<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 15 15 10 10 12 15 20 35 20<br />

Number of Angels 25 25 20 10 10 15 60 500 750<br />

Number of deals made 2 2 0 0 0 3 4 6 6<br />

Average amount of the deal £60K £60K 0 0 0 £75K £75K £80K £80K<br />

10%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Regional funds<br />

Sponsors<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: circa 750€.<br />

o No fees charged to business angels.<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

C2Ventures<br />

2005<br />

Contact person Paul Gardner<br />

Contact details Administration Ashridge House<br />

121 High Street, Berkhamstead<br />

Hertfordshire, HP4 2DJ<br />

T: +44 (0) 20 7871 4544<br />

F: +44 870 706 2199<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

2001<br />

Number of employees<br />

0 - All directors or associates<br />

Type of network<br />

National with SE & Central<br />

England Bias<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Private Limited Company<br />

Funding sources:<br />

30%<br />

10% Regional Funds<br />

2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 50 123 159<br />

Number of projects 16 9<br />

Number of deals made 2 5<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal<br />

£75K £250k £880k<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Data base of contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SMEs<br />

• Training and capacity building for investors<br />

How are clients acquired? n/a<br />

60%<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration fee: £385<br />

o SMEs success fees: Confidential & agreed on Contract<br />

European<br />

Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 20<br />


Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Fifty<br />

Lessons<br />

Media 2004/2004 500K 17<br />

Better<br />

Energy<br />

FMCG 2005 350K 7<br />

ClearPace Technology 2003 £3.2m 3<br />

192<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person: Claudio Rojas<br />

Contact details<br />

33 St James’s Square<br />

London SW1Y 4JS<br />

T: +44 (0) 7050 804 262<br />

F: +44 (0) 7050 804 263<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Date of creation<br />

2000<br />

Number of Employees<br />

25<br />

Legal status<br />

Limited Company<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Capital Partners Group Ltd<br />

Partner organisations<br />

3<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

40%<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 1000 1200 1500 2000 1000<br />

Number of Angels 50 100 200 1500 5000<br />

Number of deals made 1 2 3 3 1<br />

Average amount of the deal 100.000£ 100.000£ 200.000£ 500.000£ 500.000£<br />

30%<br />

30%<br />

National Funds<br />

Regional Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: more than 500€; No fees charged to business angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

CMR – Cavendish Management Resources<br />

Contact person Mike Downey<br />

Contact details T: +44 2076361744<br />

E :<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Date of creation<br />

1984<br />

Employees<br />

450<br />

Legal status<br />

Limited company<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

-<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

-<br />

Funding sources:<br />

100%<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

2005<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 434 466 498 512 478 490 500 690<br />

Number of Angels 422 423 443 456 477 487 490 582<br />

Number of deals made 9 15 11 17 25 18 13 10<br />

Average amount of the deal 100K 109K 77K 365K 312K 360K 170K 242K<br />

800<br />

700<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o No fees charged to business angels and entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 100<br />

Success story: All confidential<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Oliver Woolley<br />

Contact details London House<br />

100 New kings Road<br />

London, SE6 4LX<br />

T: +44 20 7348 6171<br />

F: +44 20 7348 6172<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

2004<br />

Number of employees<br />

7<br />

Type of network<br />

London & South<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Company Private<br />

Funding sources:<br />

30%<br />

10%<br />

60%<br />

Regional Funds<br />

European<br />

Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 50<br />

Number of projects 20<br />

Number of deals made 3<br />

Average amount of the deal<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Data base of contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Internet based matching service<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SME’s<br />

• Training and capacity building for investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Referrals (Banks, accountants, lawyers)<br />

• BBAA website<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration fees are £500-£5000<br />

o SMEs success fees 5%<br />

o £150<br />

196<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Stuart McRoberts<br />

Contact details 45 Grosvenor Road<br />

St. Albans<br />

Herts. AL1 3AW<br />

T: +44 1727 813 533<br />

F: +44<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

1996<br />

Number of employees<br />

3<br />

Type of network<br />

Hertfordshire & Essex<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Public<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Exemplas<br />

Funding sources:<br />

Funded by Success fees and Company and Investor registration fees<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business<br />

280 190 215 220 250<br />

Angels<br />

136 146 202 234<br />

Number of projects 97 171 131 111 140 75 90 80 108<br />

Number of deals<br />

made<br />

16 21 22 23 15 13 8 7 6<br />

Average amount of<br />

the deal<br />

£100K £100K £200K £150k £150K £150K £150K £125K £125K<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Data base of contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Forums & Fairs<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SME’s<br />

• Training and capacity building for investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Word of mouth<br />

• Website<br />

• Recommendation<br />

198<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration £400<br />

o SMEs success fees: £250k-£500k 2%, £500k-£750k 1.5%, £750k+ -1%<br />

o Investors £50 pa<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Sally Goodsell / Paul Coleman<br />

Contact details Devonshire Place<br />

New Road<br />

Crowthorne<br />

Berkshire RG45 6NA<br />

T: +44 1344 758 540<br />

F: +44 1344 762 002<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

2002<br />

Number of employees<br />

20<br />

Type of networks<br />

South East Capital Alliance – angel network<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Not for profit - Company Limited by Guarantee<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

30%<br />

Subsidiary of RDA<br />

South East England Development Agency and<br />

the six Business Links of the South East.<br />

10% Regional Funds<br />

60%<br />

European Funds<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 51<br />

Number of projects 20<br />

Number of deals made 2<br />

Average amount of the deal £27.500<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Data Base of Contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Investor Clubs/ Networking Meetings<br />

• Investment Forums & Fairs<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SMEs<br />

• Training an capacity building for Investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Website<br />

• Brochures<br />

• Reputation<br />

• Recommendation by partners (Business Links and an innovation centre)<br />

200<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs Initial Registration fee: £250. SMEs are expected to be in an Investment Ready<br />

state. Other services costing up to £650 are available to assist applicants become<br />

Investment Ready.<br />

o SMEs success fees:3% on amounts raised<br />

o Investors – no charge<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


Contact person:<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation:<br />

Number of Employees:<br />

Legal status:<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

n/a<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Paul Fisher<br />

Elsinore House<br />

77 Fulham Palace Road<br />

London W6 8JA<br />

T: +44 1 20 85 63 15 63<br />

F: + 44 1 20 85 63 27 67<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

National<br />

1999<br />

7<br />

FSA regulated<br />

2005<br />

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p<br />

Number of Angels n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p<br />

Number of deals made n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p<br />

Average amount of the deal n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p n.p<br />

n.p: non-published<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of activity Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Oxonica NantoTechnology June 2002 N/a N/a N/a N/a<br />

202<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of employees<br />

Type of network<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


100%<br />

2005<br />

A.R Collinson<br />

10 Fenchurch Avenue<br />

London, EC3M 5BN<br />

T: +44 20 7665 5454<br />

F: +44 871 990 6338<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

1999<br />

4<br />

National<br />

Limited<br />

Investors<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 60 90<br />

Number of projects N/A N/A<br />

Number of deals made 4 7<br />

Average amount of the deal £350k £425K<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Investor Clubs/ Networking Meetings<br />

How are clients acquired? By recommendation<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs success fees: 5%<br />

o Annual fee for angels: 2000 pa<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 335 over 5 years<br />


Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date of exit Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />

9<br />

ITM Fuel Cell April 2002 £680K 9 June 2004<br />

Power Ltd research<br />

Screen DVD July 2003 £600K 36 September 1.6<br />

Select rental<br />

2004<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

LINC Scotland<br />

2005<br />

Contact person:<br />

David GRAHAME<br />

Contact details<br />

19 St Vincent Place<br />

Glasgow GI2DT<br />

T: +44 141 221 3321<br />

F: +44 141 221 2909<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

National Network - Scotland<br />

Date of creation<br />

1994<br />

Employees<br />

7<br />

Legal status<br />

Private, Non-Profit.<br />

Hosting organisation Independent<br />

Formal partner organisations Scottish Executive (Government)<br />

European Regional Development Fund<br />

Many Private Sector<br />

Funding sources:<br />

27%<br />

13%<br />

4%<br />

19%<br />

37%<br />

European Regional<br />

Development Fund<br />

Public National<br />

Fees charged from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees charged from<br />

enterprises<br />

Donations<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of projects<br />

submitted<br />

141 163 127 121 152 113 131 129 127<br />

Number of Angels 152 245 357 423 447 486 473 1<br />

471 2<br />

447 3<br />

Number of deals made 18 20 22 21 29 37 39 34 37<br />

Average amount of<br />

deals<br />

n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 225.200€ 174,305€ 247,486€<br />

600<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

1996<br />

1 314 Individuals and 159 in syndicates<br />

2 288 Individuals and 183 in syndicates<br />

3 230 Individuals and 217 in syndicates<br />

1998<br />

2000<br />

2002<br />

205<br />

2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching products of the network:<br />

• Matching through Bulletin / Newsletter<br />

• Computerised data-base matching service<br />

• Personal introduction (on a one-to-one basis)<br />

• Investment clubs<br />

• Investment forum<br />

• Specific services for high-tech investments<br />

Other support:<br />

• Investment-Readiness Grant Scheme<br />

• Investor Development and Syndicate Building Programmes<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Information events / seminars<br />

• Own newsletters<br />

• Articles in local / national Press<br />

• Established co-operation with local banks / financing institutions / accountants<br />

• Other (referrals from public enterprise support agencies)<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged from entrepreneurs looking for financing: 150-2000 € and sometimes equity<br />

participation<br />

o Fees charged from Business Angels: 100-500€<br />

Note: LINC Scotland has been involved in setting up and supporting a number of Angel<br />

syndicates, which are getting a larger share of projects submitted and deals initiated each<br />

year. Where direct assistance has been given by LINC on individual deals these are included<br />

in the figures above.<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years:<br />

N.B.<br />

In 3 years to 31/12/04 number of jobs created or safeguarded = 1122 AT POINT OF DEAL<br />

Information on subsequent increase or decrease in employment, which could be significant, is<br />

not available.<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Wolfson<br />

Microelectronics<br />

Ltd<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number<br />

of angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Microelectronics 1999 £200,000 15 Oct<br />

2003<br />

206<br />

Multiple of<br />

return for<br />

investors (i.e.<br />

times return<br />

on money)<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Employees<br />

Legal status<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

LONDON <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

19%<br />

66%<br />

15%<br />

2005<br />

Aisha Ejaz, BAN Manager<br />

5 th Floor, 52/54 Southwark Street<br />

London SE1 1UN, UK<br />

T: +44 020 7089 2317/2327<br />

F: +44 020 7089 2301<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional Network – Strictly London<br />

and Home Counties Area<br />

LBA was created in 1982<br />

3<br />

Private, Non-Profit Subsidiary<br />

Greater London Enterprise Ltd.<br />

Fees charged<br />

from Business<br />

Angels<br />

Fees charged<br />

from enterprises<br />

Others (sponsors)<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 47 40<br />

Number of Angels 220 170<br />

Number of deals made 17 11<br />

Average amount of deals 174,598 € 433,704 €<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

2003 2004<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />

Products of the network:<br />

• Company Presentation Events – where six companies pitch directly to network<br />

investors for investment between £100k - £500k. These companies receive both<br />

presentation content and delivery training prior to making their presentations.<br />

207<br />

Deals<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

• London Seed Capital – Match fund of £5m exclusively invests with the LBA investors.<br />

Will match investment from a minimum of £50k to a maximum of £100k.<br />

• Ready2invest (r2i) programme – supported with funding by the LDA to increase<br />

London’s Business Angel capacity.<br />

Fees charged from investors:<br />

o Individual Membership: £170 + VAT = £199.75<br />

o Corporate Membership: £270 + VAT = £317.25<br />

Fees charged from investees:<br />

o £950 + VAT = £1,116.25 + 5% Success Fees<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: At least 100<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

UK<br />

Explorer<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

Technology 2001 300,000 1 Feb<br />

2005<br />

208<br />

Multiple of return for<br />

investors (i.e. times<br />

return on money)<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


Contact person Alastair Cavanagh<br />

Contact details OCFI<br />

Mill Street<br />

Oxford OX2 0JX<br />

T: +44 1865 811 120<br />

F: +44 1865 209 044<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

November 2004<br />

Number of employees<br />

1<br />

Type of network<br />

BAN<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Trading style of Company limited by<br />

Guarantee<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

OION<br />

Funding sources:<br />

1) Success fees on investments through OEI (3% - exc VAT)<br />

2) Membership fees for investor members (£125 + VAT annually)<br />

3) Sponsorship (Grant Thornton, Manches, Spinner, Frank B Dehn, Clik, Oxford<br />

Technology VCT, NESTA, Oxford Brookes, Business Link, The Oxford Trust)<br />

2005<br />

2004*<br />

Number of Business Angels 50<br />

Number of projects 18<br />

Number of deals made 2<br />

Average amount of the deal £100k<br />

*Network founded Nov 2004<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Data Base of Contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Investor Clubs/ Networking Meetings<br />

• Investment Forums & Fairs<br />

• Internet Based Matching Service<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SMEs<br />

• Training and Capacity Building for Investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Dealflow from peer networks<br />

• Oxford Innovation tenant companies<br />

• OEI’s investor members<br />

• University Tech Transfer offices<br />

• Entrepreneurs<br />

• Sponsors<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration fee: £200+VAT<br />

o SMEs success fees: 3%<br />

o Annual fee for Angels: £125 pa + VAT<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


<strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

Contact person Jon Cox<br />

Contact details Oxford Centre for Innovation<br />

Mill Street<br />

Oxford, OX2 0JX<br />

T: +44 1865 811 143<br />

F: +44 1865 209 044<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

1995<br />

Number of employees<br />

3<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Limited by guarantee<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Oxford Innovation Ltd<br />

2005<br />

Funding sources:<br />

1) Success fees on investments through OION (£1,000 + 3% - exc VAT)<br />

2) Membership fees for investor members (£175 + VAT annually)<br />

3) Sponsorship (HSBC, Grant Thornton, MTI, Laytons, Frank D Dehn, NESTA, Business<br />

Link Solutions)<br />

The Network reported turnover of £170,000 in its last audited financial year<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 140 45* 55 80 100 110 120 135 130<br />

Number of projects** N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A<br />

Number of deals made 11 6 7 11 12 14 18 13<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal<br />

£136k £178k £178k £145k £420k £215k £278k £192k<br />

*OION started charging for investor memberships in 1997<br />

**Not formally tracked before 2005; 45 companies are invited to present to the Network at its<br />

nine investment meetings each year. Typically 300-400 business plans are received by the<br />

Network each year<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Data Base of Contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Investor Clubs/ Networking Meetings<br />

• Investment Forums & Fairs<br />

• Internet Based Matching Service<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SMEs<br />

• Training and Capacity Building for Investors<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Dealflow from peer networks<br />

• Oxford Innovation tenant companies<br />

• OION’s investor members<br />

• University Tech Transfer offices<br />

• Entrepreneurs,<br />

211<br />


• Sponsors<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration fee: £400 to present at investment meeting<br />

o SMEs success fees: £1,000 + 3%<br />

o Annual fee for Angels: £175 pa + VAT<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: Assume 3-5 jobs per investment deal: approx. 200 jobs<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Hardide Industrial<br />

coatings<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of exit<br />

2000 420,000 5 April<br />

2005<br />

See for details.<br />

*For one specific institutional investor that exited on listing<br />

212<br />

Multiple of return for<br />

investors (i.e. times<br />

return on money)<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Solent Investment Opportunity Network (SION)<br />

Contact person Arthur Monks, Director<br />

Contact details Portsmouth Technopole<br />

Kingston Crescent<br />

Portsmouth<br />

Hants. PO2 8FA<br />

T: +44 2392 658 268<br />

F: +44 870 127 5790<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

2003<br />

Number of employees<br />

1 (part time)<br />

Type of network<br />

South Coast Investors<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Company Limited by Guarantee,<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

Solent Angels Ltd<br />

2005<br />

Grant Thornton, Blake Lapthorn Linnell, Univ<br />

Of Portsmouth<br />

2003 2004 2005<br />

Number of Business Angels 25 40 50<br />

Number of projects<br />

Number of deals made 4 3 n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal £65k £75k n/a<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Firms from any location/Sector<br />

• Private Investors targeted in the Solent region<br />

• Corporate investors welcome<br />

• Quarterly Presentation Events<br />

• Ad Hoc arrangements between events<br />

• Online investor self certification included in subscription.<br />

• Strictly registered investors only at events.<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Word of mouth<br />

• Web searches<br />

• Enterprise Hubs & Universities in South<br />

Fees:<br />

o Firms Review Process fee: £250<br />

o Firms success fee: £1000 + 5%<br />

o Annual fees for Private Investors: £100<br />

o Annual fees for Corporate Investors £500<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: 20<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


Contact person:<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of employees<br />

Legal Status<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


95%<br />

2005 M<br />

Vivienne Upcott Gill<br />

Northwest Regional Development Agency,<br />

Renaissance House<br />

PO Box 37, Centre Park<br />

Warrington WA1 1XB<br />

T: +441925 400302<br />

F: +441925 400402<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional, North West of England<br />

1993<br />

n/a<br />

Part of Northwest Regional Development<br />

Agency (NWDA) (UK Regional<br />

Development Agency<br />

NWDA<br />

1% 4% Fees charged from<br />

Business Angels<br />

Fees charged from<br />

enterprises<br />

European Funds<br />

2003/04 2004*<br />

Number of Business Angels c100 c115<br />

Number of projects 44 23<br />

Number of deals made 24 18<br />

Average amount of the deal £62.000 £70.000<br />

*Statistics collected by financial year (1 Apr to 31 Mar). These are 03/04 results.<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2003/04 2004<br />

214<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />


Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 250€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story:<br />

Name of<br />

company<br />

Sector of<br />

activity<br />

Date of<br />

investment<br />

Amount<br />

invested<br />

(€)<br />

Number of<br />

angels<br />

involved<br />

Date<br />

of<br />

exit<br />

Multiple of return<br />

for investors (i.e.<br />

times return on<br />

money)<br />

2.6<br />

Nursing Home Healthcare 1999 £60K 1 May<br />

05<br />

Travel<br />

Company<br />

Travel 1993 £7.5K 1 T/O 2004 £40m<br />

Surface Scientific<br />

AIM market<br />

Transforms technology<br />

Millbrook Scientific<br />

AIM market<br />

Scientific<br />

Instruments<br />

technology<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />


2005<br />

Contact person Eileen Modral<br />

Contact details Crowthorne Enterprise Centre<br />

T Wing Crowthorne Business Estate<br />

Crowthorne RG45 6AW<br />

T: +44 1344 753 365<br />

F: +44 1344 751 601<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Date of creation<br />

March 2003<br />

Number of employees<br />

1<br />

Type of network<br />

National<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Trading style of company limited by guarantee<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

OION<br />

Funding sources:<br />

1) Success fees on investments (3% - exc VAT)<br />

2) Membership fees for investor members (£125 + VAT annually)<br />

3) Sponsorship (TVEP, PwC, Kleinwort Benson PB)<br />

2003 2004<br />

Number of Business Angels 15 47<br />

Number of projects 73 77<br />

Number of deals made 1 5<br />

Average amount of the deal £50k £322k<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

2003 2004<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or Information Bulletin<br />

• Data Base of Contacts<br />

• Company Presentation Events<br />

• Investor Clubs/ Networking Meetings<br />

• Investment Forums & Fairs<br />

• Internet Based Matching Service<br />

• Training in Investment Readiness for SMEs<br />

• Training and Capacity Building for Investors<br />

216<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />


How are clients acquired?<br />

• Dealflow from peer networks<br />

• Oxford Innovation tenant companies<br />

• TVIN’s investor members<br />

• University Tech Transfer offices<br />

• Entrepreneurs<br />

• Sponsors<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Fees:<br />

o SMEs initial registration fee: £300+VAT to present at investment meeting<br />

o SMEs success fees: 3%<br />

o Annual fee for Angels: £125 pa + VAT<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: Assume 3-5 jobs per investment deal: approx. 25 jobs<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


Contact person<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation:<br />

Number of Employees:<br />

Legal status<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

Number of projects submitted<br />

Number of Angels<br />

Number of deals made<br />

Average amount of the deal<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

University of Warwick Science Park<br />

(Minerva business angel network)<br />

90%<br />

10%<br />

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002<br />

Harry Stott<br />

Barclays Venture Centre<br />

Sir Williams Lyons Road<br />

Coventry CV4 7EZ<br />

T: +44 24 7632 3114<br />

F: +44 24 7632 3001<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional<br />

1994<br />

3<br />

Publicly owned private limited<br />

company<br />

NBAN<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Sponsors<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100-500€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€<br />

218<br />

2003 Mid 2004

Contact Person<br />

Contact details<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of employees<br />

Type of network<br />

Legal status of the BAN<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Funding sources:<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

XÉNOS-THE WALES <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong><br />

<strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

40%<br />

60%<br />

2005<br />

Leanna Davies<br />

Oakleigh House, Park Place<br />

Cardiff, CF10 3DQ<br />

T: +44 02920 801713<br />

F: +44 02920 338178<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

September 1997<br />

8<br />

National- Wales<br />

Limited by guarantee<br />

Finance Wales and Welsh<br />

Development Agency<br />

European Funds<br />

National Funds<br />

1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004<br />

Number of Business<br />

Angels<br />

40 70 77 66 72 87 118 135<br />

Number of projects 8 82 44 64 58 49 45 56<br />

Number of deals made 1 3 14 15 10 10 7 9<br />

Average amount of the<br />

deal (£)<br />

40.000 130.000 63.000 95.000 86.000 45.000 53.000 74.000<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

219<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

Angels<br />

Projects<br />

Deals<br />


Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees from business angels: £100+vat<br />

o Fees from entrepreneurs: £250 +vat<br />

Estimate of t he number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong>S<br />

Contact person Barbara Greaves – Manager<br />

Charlotte Atkinson - Administrator<br />

Contact details Yorkshire Association of Business Angels<br />

1 Hornbeam House, Hornbeam Park<br />

Hookstone Road, Harrogate HG2 8QT<br />

T: + 44 1423 810149<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Type of network<br />

Regional<br />

Date of creation<br />

June 1995<br />

Employees<br />

2<br />

Legal status<br />

Formal partner organisations<br />

Funding sources:<br />

.<br />

11%<br />

3%<br />

Limited Company since Sept 2000<br />

Yorkshire Forward & South Yorkshire<br />

Investment Fund<br />

6% European funds<br />

20%<br />

Regional funds<br />

60%<br />

Fees from BAs<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Sponsors<br />

2005<br />

2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4<br />

Number of projects submitted 62 75 65 67<br />

Number of Angels 75 86 97 106<br />

Number of deals made 6 6 8 10<br />

Average amount of the deal £25k £30k £43k £47k<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2000/1 2001/2 2002/3 2003/4<br />

221<br />

Projects<br />

Angels<br />


<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Newsletter or information bulletin<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Investment Clubs<br />

• Investment forums and fairs<br />

• Internet<br />

• Specific service for business angels investing in high-technologies<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Visits to enterprises<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: less than 100€<br />

o Fees charged to business angels: less than 100€<br />

Estimate of the number of jobs created as a result of the network activity over the last 3<br />

years: n/a<br />

Success story: n/a<br />


1. Background<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

RUSSIA<br />

A number of Russian regions including Saint Petersburg, Nigniy Novgorod, Samara, and<br />

Novosibirsk have expressed interest in setting up regional BANs since the beginning of 2004.<br />

As for now, more or less formal BANs operate only in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, and Saint<br />

Petersburg.<br />

2. Statistics<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of BANs 1 4<br />

Number of Business Angels - n/a<br />

Number of deals - n/a<br />

Number of accredited projects - n/a<br />

Number of commercial BANs - 2<br />

Number of non-commercial BANs - 2<br />

Number of national BANs - 0<br />

Number of regional BANs - 1<br />

National association - 0<br />

3. BAN legal status<br />

Partnership, limited companies.<br />

4. EBAN members<br />

Russian National Business Angel Network<br />


Contact persons<br />

Contact details<br />

Type of network<br />

Date of creation<br />

Number of Employees<br />

Legal status<br />

Hosting organisation<br />

Formal partner organisation<br />

Funding Sources:<br />

Matching services of the network:<br />

• Database of contacts<br />

• Meetings<br />

• Internet<br />

<strong>EUROPEAN</strong> <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong> - Directory of Network 2005<br />

MOSCOW <strong>BUSINESS</strong> <strong>ANGEL</strong> <strong>NETWORK</strong><br />

45%<br />

Alexander Stavinov, Liana Hayrapetyan<br />

23 Dostoevskogo street, Moscow<br />

T: +7 095 780 08 11<br />

F: +7 095 780 08 13<br />

E:<br />

W:<br />

Regional<br />

September 2003<br />

4<br />

Not-for-profit partnership<br />

JSK Partners<br />

JSK Partners<br />

5%<br />

6%<br />

Fees from<br />

entrepreneurs<br />

Fees from<br />

business angels<br />

Sponsors<br />

2003 Mid 2004<br />

Number of projects submitted 17 72<br />

Number of Angels 7 22<br />

Number of deals made n/a n/a<br />

Average amount of the deal n/a n/a<br />

How are clients acquired?<br />

• Event and information fairs<br />

• Newsletter<br />

• Targeted publicity<br />

• Articles in the regional or national press<br />

• Cooperation agreements with local banking, financial or fiduciary institutions<br />

Fees:<br />

o Fees charged to entrepreneurs: 100€ - 500€<br />

o Fess charged to business angels: 100€ - 500€<br />


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