LabAutomation 2006 - SLAS

LabAutomation 2006 - SLAS LabAutomation 2006 - SLAS


MP27 J. Colin Cox Duke University Medical Center Duke University Biochemistry Durham, North Carolina Protein Fabrication Automation LabAutomation2006 Co-Author(s) Janel Lape Mahmood A. Sayed Homme W. Hellinga Duke University Medical Center The ability to ‘write’ a gene sequence has widespread applications in biological analysis and engineering. Rapid writing of open reading frames (ORFs) coding for expressed proteins has the potential to transform the way by which proteins can be engineered and produced, and has applications in protein design, synthetic biology, crystallography, etc. Here we present a process, Protein Fabrication Automation (PFA), that facilitates the rapid de novo creation of any desired expressed ORF with low effort, high speed, and little human interaction. The method is robust and scaleable. Our PFA scheme is based on the total synthesis of genes from synthetic oligonucleotides and contains three main components: 1) software to handle and manipulate ORF design (GeneFab), maintain a database of oligonucleotides and generate robotic movement scripts (FabMgr); 2) a programmable commercial liquid handling robot; 3) a genetic selection scheme to enhance yields of correctly assembled synthetic ORFs. A wild-type protein, or scaffold, is assigned a primer assembly scheme based upon inside-out nucleation PCR gene assembly. Next, a mutation list is provided to the PFA software package which then applies desired codon variants to a wild-type scaffold (in our applications, these mutation lists are generated by protein design algorithms). The DNA sequences are analyzed for restriction site and codon frequency usage, and an oligonucleotide list is generated for electronic ordering. After synthesis of the primers, FabMgr then produces a script program for programmable liquid handling robots (here, any Tecan Genesis or Evo). MP28 Matthew Cu Beckman Coulter Fullerton, California Co-Author Michael Gary Jackson Automation of Total RNA Isolation From Cultured Eukaryotic Cells on Beckman Coulter’s Biomek ® 3000 Laboratory Automation Workstation Using Agencourt ® Manual isolation of total RNA can be tedious and prone to nuclease degradation due to human error. Recognizing the role of automation in addressing these conditions, we developed an automated method on Beckman Coulter’s Biomek 3000 Laboratory Automation Workstation to purify total RNA from cultured eukaryotic cells using Agencourt RNAPrep. Since total RNA is the starting material for a number of downstream applications including reverse transcriptase-PCR1 (RT-PCR), quantitative real-time PCR, cDNA synthesis, cDNA library construction and microarray analysis, confidence in the data corresponds directly to the quality of the purified RNA. Various cell lines, in a 96-well format, were used to demonstrate the automated process for RNA isolation. Purification begins with the addition of a magnetic lysis solution to disrupt cell membranes and bind RNA to the paramagnetic particles. RNA remains affixed to the beads during DNase treatment and washing, and then is eluted from the particles. Purified total RNA is evaluated spectrophotometrically and then is observed by gel electrophoresis for quality. This total RNA isolation method is the starting point for additional automated methods that conveniently use the same deck configuration in applications such as cDNA Synthesis, In-vitro Transcription and Fragmentation. The information presented here will include: • The description of the automated methods • The results obtained when using the methods. 1. The PCR process is covered by patents owned by Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. and F. Hoffman-LaRoche, Ltd. 116

MP29 Jon Curtis GSK Stevenage, Herfordshire, United Kingdom Where Laboratory Technologies Emerge and Merge Co-Author(s) Zoe Blaxill, Suzanne Baddeley, Liz Clark, Jim Chan, Jim Laugharn, Covaris Phil Robinson, Kbioscience The Use of Adaptive Focused Acoustic Technology to Improve uHTS Assay Performance and Compound Dissolution. Compound Management and high throughput screening can both be impacted by incomplete compound dissolution as well as precipitation, the latter occurring on storage or after addition of aqueous buffer. To date, mixing and dissolution have been performed using vortexing, sonication or centrifugation. However, all these methods have drawbacks. Mixing in low volume 384 and 1536 plate formats also presents difficulties in overcoming high surface tensions and slow diffusion kinetics. High frequency focused acoustics has demonstrated effective mixing in 1536 formats in multiple assay types including SPA bead based assays, which are particularly prone to settling thus reducing the efficiency of the assay. Adaptive focused acoustics has been shown to significantly improve the Z’ value, lower standard deviation, accelerate assays and reduce compound precipitate in aqueous. All these factors increase positive confidence by reducing false positives which lessen the requirement for retests. High Frequency Adaptive Acoustic technology from Covaris is a patented non-contact, isothermal technology capable of rapid mixing in all common types of tubes, vials and high density microtitre plate formats. We will describe the acoustic technology and how it has been evaluated within GlaxoSmithKline. Data will be presented from different areas of Compound Management and ultra high throughput screening (uHTS), including compound dissolution, investigation of compound degradation and improved assay performance assay data. Sample formats covered will include 2D coded tubes, 4ml vials, 96, 384 and 1536 well microtitre plates. MP30 Teresa Damico Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan Co-Author(s) Paul Root Dana M. Spence Wayne State University Detection of Endothelial Cell Derived Nitric Oxide Using a Microfluidic Device With the advancement of immobilizing bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (bPAECs) in confluent layers within poly(dimethylsiloxane) based micro-chip channels, a need has arisen to monitor certain physiological occurrences, such as signal transmission by nitric oxide, in the channel using methods other than amperometry. One such method that has become of interest in recent years is the use of fluorescent indicators, and of particular importance are diaminofluorescein (DAF) derivatives. Here, a difluorinated derivative, DAF-FM, was employed to conduct studies in which adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) was used as a stimulus to observe nitric oxide production in bPAECs. We were also able to utilize L-NAME, a known competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, to verify that the resultant NO production was the result of ATP stimulation. When combined with microfluidic methods, such a system has the potential for high-throughput drug efficacy studies. 117

MP29<br />

Jon Curtis<br />

GSK<br />

Stevenage, Herfordshire, United Kingdom<br /><br />

Where Laboratory Technologies Emerge and Merge<br />

Co-Author(s)<br />

Zoe Blaxill, Suzanne Baddeley, Liz Clark, Jim Chan, Jim Laugharn,<br />

Covaris<br />

Phil Robinson, Kbioscience<br />

The Use of Adaptive Focused Acoustic Technology to Improve uHTS Assay<br />

Performance and Compound Dissolution.<br />

Compound Management and high throughput screening can both be impacted by incomplete compound dissolution as well as precipitation,<br />

the latter occurring on storage or after addition of aqueous buffer. To date, mixing and dissolution have been performed using vortexing,<br />

sonication or centrifugation. However, all these methods have drawbacks.<br />

Mixing in low volume 384 and 1536 plate formats also presents difficulties in overcoming high surface tensions and slow diffusion kinetics.<br />

High frequency focused acoustics has demonstrated effective mixing in 1536 formats in multiple assay types including SPA bead based<br />

assays, which are particularly prone to settling thus reducing the efficiency of the assay.<br />

Adaptive focused acoustics has been shown to significantly improve the Z’ value, lower standard deviation, accelerate assays and reduce<br />

compound precipitate in aqueous. All these factors increase positive confidence by reducing false positives which lessen the requirement<br />

for retests.<br />

High Frequency Adaptive Acoustic technology from Covaris is a patented non-contact, isothermal technology capable of rapid mixing<br />

in all common types of tubes, vials and high density microtitre plate formats. We will describe the acoustic technology and how it has<br />

been evaluated within GlaxoSmithKline. Data will be presented from different areas of Compound Management and ultra high throughput<br />

screening (uHTS), including compound dissolution, investigation of compound degradation and improved assay performance assay data.<br />

Sample formats covered will include 2D coded tubes, 4ml vials, 96, 384 and 1536 well microtitre plates.<br />

MP30<br />

Teresa Damico<br />

Wayne State University<br />

Detroit, Michigan<br /><br />

Co-Author(s)<br />

Paul Root<br />

Dana M. Spence<br />

Wayne State University<br />

Detection of Endothelial Cell Derived Nitric Oxide Using a Microfluidic Device<br />

With the advancement of immobilizing bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells (bPAECs) in confluent layers within poly(dimethylsiloxane)<br />

based micro-chip channels, a need has arisen to monitor certain physiological occurrences, such as signal transmission by nitric oxide, in<br />

the channel using methods other than amperometry. One such method that has become of interest in recent years is the use of fluorescent<br />

indicators, and of particular importance are diaminofluorescein (DAF) derivatives. Here, a difluorinated derivative, DAF-FM, was employed<br />

to conduct studies in which adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) was used as a stimulus to observe nitric oxide production in bPAECs. We were<br />

also able to utilize L-NAME, a known competitive inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, to verify that the resultant NO production was the result<br />

of ATP stimulation. When combined with microfluidic methods, such a system has the potential for high-throughput drug efficacy studies.<br />


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