NEw SARS-likE viRUS EMERGES iN MidEASt - Kuwait Times

NEw SARS-likE viRUS EMERGES iN MidEASt - Kuwait Times

NEw SARS-likE viRUS EMERGES iN MidEASt - Kuwait Times


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Forest fire forces 2,000 to evacuate in Spain<br />

VALENCIA: Firefighters battled a forest fire<br />

whipped up by strong winds in the Spanish region<br />

of Valencia yesterday, forcing the evacuation of<br />

about 2,000 people, officials said. The blaze broke<br />

out Sunday afternoon and spread quickly, threatening<br />

villages about 50 kilometres (30 miles) inland<br />

of the eastern city Valencia, which lies on the<br />

Mediterranean coast.<br />

About 2,000 people have been evacuated from<br />

villages in the area since it broke out Sunday afternoon<br />

and several roads were cut off, Valencia officials<br />

said. Some 500 firefighters on the ground,<br />

backed by 27 aircraft, were attempting to get the fire<br />

under control, they said.<br />

“We are trying to protect areas of housing,” said<br />

senior Valencia region government policymaker<br />

Turkey clips military’s<br />

wings in landmark verdict<br />

Court jails more than 300 officers<br />

ISTANBUL: The jailing of hundreds of Turkish army<br />

officers including top generals accused of plotting<br />

to topple Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan underscored<br />

how far he has come in gaining control of<br />

the country’s once all-powerful military.<br />

But Erdogan, 10 years in power, must grapple<br />

with suspicions among critics and even some sympathisers<br />

that he is using this and other coup investigations<br />

to silence opposition as he sets about<br />

taming a militant secularist establishment. Far from<br />

flinching, he may seek more power in a revamped<br />

presidency. The verdict against 325 officers at the<br />

end of the 21-month trial on Friday would have<br />

been unthinkable a decade ago, when generals<br />

regularly intervened in policy-making as selfappointed<br />

guardians of Turkish secularism.<br />

Judges in the case, dubbed Sledgehammer,<br />

handed down prison sentences ranging from six to<br />

20 years against the officers for plotting to wreck<br />

Erdogan’s rule almost 10 years ago, soon after his<br />

Islamist-rooted party swept to power with the<br />

biggest share of the vote in decades.<br />

Hilmi Ozkok, who was head of the armed forces<br />

at the time, rejected accusations the court’s decision<br />

was driven by revenge.<br />

“The ruling will serve as a deterrent and has a<br />

lesson for everyone ... in understanding how much<br />

Turkey and the rest of the world has changed,”<br />

Ozkok told Milliyet newspaper on Sunday.<br />

Turks reading such words from the mouth of the<br />

former armed forces chief will gain a measure of<br />

the scale of change since Erdogan’s AK party was<br />

first elected in 2002. The generals then made no<br />

secret of their disdain for a man who had served a<br />

brief prison sentence for relgious incitement and<br />

had backed a short-lived Islamist government they<br />

eased from power in 1997 When AK was elected for<br />

a second term in 2007 with an even larger margin<br />

of victory, an emboldened Erdogan launched a<br />

series of investigations into officers, lawyers, politicians,<br />

journalists and others that exposed several<br />

alleged conspiracies against the government.<br />

The plots consisted of plans to foment unrest<br />

and pave the way for an army takeover.<br />

Sledgehammer, a war game scenario played out at<br />

a barracks in Istanbul in March 2003, included plans<br />

to bomb historic mosques in Istanbul and trigger<br />

conflict with Greece. For many, it was all to easy to<br />

believe. Turkey’s military, NATO’s second biggest,<br />

staged three outright coups between 1960 and<br />

1980 and pressured a fourth government, the first<br />

Islamist-led, from power in 1997.<br />

ANKARA: Turkey’s Chief of Staff Gen. Necdet Ozel, left, and his Somalian counterpart Gen.<br />

Abdikadir Sheikh Ali Dini inspect guard of honour at the Turkish army headquarters in<br />

Ankara, Turkey, yesterday. — AP<br />

Under Erdogan, a devout Muslim, curbs on religion<br />

have been relaxed. Women are allowed to<br />

more freely wear the Islamic headscarf, alcohol is<br />

heavily taxed, and students at religious high<br />

schools are able to more easily attend university.<br />

Journalists complain of pressure to write<br />

favourable stories about the government, and a<br />

number of writers are among those arrested under<br />

another plot investigation, “Ergenekon”. “This<br />

(Sledgehammer) case is an important step towards<br />

ending the army’s political role but it’s not enough<br />

to stop it completely,” said Sahin Alpay, professor of<br />

political science at Bahcesehir University and a<br />

columnist for Zaman, seen as close to the government.<br />

“Now we need a new constitution and laws that<br />

place the army under civilian supervision and<br />

reform military schools to reflect the values of a liberal<br />

democracy,” he said. A new constitution is now<br />

under consideration to replace a restrictive code<br />

Sudan, S Sudan leaders meet<br />

for deal on conflict issues<br />

ADDIS ABABA: The presidents of Sudan and South<br />

Sudan met for a second day yesterday as pressure<br />

mounts to settle long-running bitter disputes that<br />

have brought the rivals to the brink of renewed conflict.<br />

Former civil war foes President Omar al-Bashir<br />

of Sudan and his Southern counterpart Salva Kiir are<br />

facing the looming threat of UN Security Council<br />

sanctions unless they reach a deal, after they missed<br />

a Saturday deadline.<br />

The protracted talks under African Union mediation<br />

began in the Ethiopian capital several months<br />

before South Sudan split in July 2011 from what was<br />

Africa’s biggest nation, following an independence<br />

vote after decades of war.<br />

The leaders met Monday for talks hosted by<br />

Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn in<br />

the presidential palace, alongside AU chief mediator<br />

and former South African president Thabo Mbeki.<br />

“The presidents met, now they are discussing<br />

issues,” including contested border areas and oil,<br />

said top South Sudanese official Deng Alor, as the<br />

leaders broke mid-morning for discusions with their<br />

own teams.<br />

Face-to-face meetings expected to resume later<br />

yesterday, Alor added. The pair kick-started the talks<br />

with a two-hour meeting late Sunday, following<br />

marathon efforts by rival delegations to close gaps<br />

on a raft of issues left unresolved when the South<br />

became independent last year.<br />

Little information has filtered out about progress<br />

of the meeting, but both leaders have been seen<br />

smiling and chatting in each other’s company.<br />

“There is still optimism some form of a deal can be<br />

settled,” said a Western diplomat.<br />

Key issues include the ownership of contested<br />

regions along their frontier especially the flashpoint<br />

Abyei region-and the setting up of a demilitarised<br />

border zone after bloody clashes.<br />

The buffer zone would also potentially cut support<br />

for rebel forces in Sudan’s Southern Kordofan<br />

and Blue Nile regions that Khartoum accuses Juba<br />

of backing. The UN set a deadline for a deal after<br />

brutal border clashes broke out in March, when<br />

Southern troops and tanks briefly wrested the valuable<br />

Heglig oil field from Khartoum’s control, and<br />

Sudan launched bombing raids in response.<br />

UN leader Ban Ki-moon has called on the leaders<br />

to tackle their remaining differences, “so that their<br />

summit concludes with a success that marks an end<br />

to the era of conflict”.<br />

For once, the mood in the long-running talks<br />

appeared largely positive, with both Khartoum and<br />

Juba apparently keen to end conflict and a stalemate<br />

over stalled oil production that is crippling<br />

both their economies.<br />

While the two leaders have met several times in<br />

recent months, delegates said there was a real sense<br />

some form of a deal was possible.<br />

A comprehensive deal-as opposed to another<br />

stepping-stone agreement-would have to include<br />

settlement on Abyei, a Lebanon-sized border area<br />

claimed by both sides and currently controlled by<br />

Ethiopian peacekeepers.<br />

But amidst the diplomatic optimism, there<br />

seemed little chance of a breakthrough to solve the<br />

growing humanitarian crises in Sudan’s civil war<br />

states of Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.<br />

However, it was hoped the summit would settle<br />

the details of last month’s deal to fix the oil export<br />

fees that landlocked South Sudan will pay to ship<br />

crude through Khartoum’s pipelines to the Red Sea.<br />

At independence, Juba took two-thirds of the<br />

region’s oil, but processing and export facilities<br />

remained in Sudan. In January, the South shut off<br />

oil production after accusing Sudan of stealing<br />

its oil. — AFP<br />

Serafin Castellano. “Right now our biggest enemy is<br />

the weather, a lot of wind,” he told COPE radio.<br />

Dramatic images in the Spanish media showed<br />

flames lighting up the night sky and illuminating<br />

clouds of smoke that billowed along hillsides just<br />

behind houses.<br />

Enrique Silvestre, mayor of one of the evacuated<br />

villages, Chulilla, said the situation was “very diffi-<br />

inherited from the military after a 1980 coup.<br />

Turkey may well emerge from the debate with a<br />

presidential republic and a powerful president in<br />

Erdogan. Alpay acknowledged there were questions<br />

about the case with so many defendants on<br />

trial at once, the judges’ refusal to allow in some<br />

defence evidence and the lengthy sentences.<br />

A key issue at appeal is likely to be the defence’s<br />

inability to submit legal expert testimony that computer<br />

documents submitted as evidence appeared<br />

fake. Defence lawyers said they would appeal the<br />

verdict this week to Turkey’s upper court and, if<br />

necessary, eventually apply to the European Court<br />

of Human Rights.<br />

Generals Cetin Dogan and Halil Ibrahim Firtina<br />

and retired admiral Ozden Ornek, who were considered<br />

Sledgehammer’s ringleaders were given life<br />

terms, reduced to 20 years because the coup plot<br />

had failed. Critics of the government have said the<br />

trial was a purge of the government’s opponents in<br />

the army’s ranks.<br />

“This isn’t really a legal case,” said Pinar Dogan,<br />

Cetin Dogan’s daughter and a lecturer at Harvard<br />

University. “It’s a wider operation with powerful<br />

forces behind it ... and we see those with firm secularist<br />

beliefs are the ones targeted.” She said her<br />

mother Nilgul Dogan, 60, faces three years in prison<br />

in a separate case for planting a rose bush near the<br />

courthouse to protest against the trial.<br />

Others said the case failed to go far enough.<br />

Gultan Kisanak, co-chairwoman of parliament’s<br />

pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, said the<br />

indictment did not include crimes she says were<br />

committed in a 28-year long war with the Kurdistan<br />

Workers Party (PKK) that has killed more than<br />

40,000 people.<br />

“Military tutelage, a tradition of coups, contraguerrilla<br />

activities, extrajudicial killings and other<br />

dark events are all part of our recent political history,”<br />

she said. “While we need a process to confront<br />

and reconcile our past, the government instead<br />

opted to settle its own scores.” Sledgehammer is<br />

one of a series of trials that has raised questions<br />

about whether the government is using the courts<br />

to silence political opponents.<br />

Others include the “Ergenekon” case, which<br />

involves a web of alleged plots against Turkey’s<br />

government, and the “KCK” trials which accuse<br />

thousands of Kurdish journalists, academics,<br />

lawyers and others of belonging to the PKK, viewed<br />

as a terrorist group by the United States and Europe<br />

for its campaign of violence for greater autonomy<br />

in southeastern Turkey.<br />

The court ruling also has the potential to undermine<br />

morale in the military as it battles the PKK in<br />

the heaviest fighting in more than a decade and<br />

faces a growing challenge maintaining security<br />

along its southern border with war-torn Syria.<br />

A hundred or so people gathered near Taksim<br />

Square in central Istanbul to protest the verdict.<br />

“This case was an effort to silence those who<br />

defend the secular republic,” said Hanife Kopuz, 55,<br />

clutching a cloth banner of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk,<br />

who founded the modern Turkish republic from the<br />

ruins of the Ottoman Empire.<br />

“This may be a turning point, reducing support<br />

for the government. They can’t stay in power<br />

forever but I fear what they will leave in their<br />

wake,” she said. — Reuters<br />

SUSSEX: An undated handout picture released<br />

by Sussex Police yesterday shows missing<br />

British teenager Megan Stammers. — AFP<br />

Police hunt teen<br />

who fled<br />

with teacher<br />

LONDON: British police were liaising with French<br />

colleagues yesterday in an effort to track down a<br />

missing 15-year-old girl said to have fled across the<br />

Channel with a married teacher twice her age.<br />

Megan Stammers, 15, was last seen on Friday<br />

and “is believed to be in France with Jeremy Forrest<br />

from Ringmer, East Sussex”, according to a statement<br />

from Sussex Police. Several British newspapers<br />

cited police sources as saying that Forrest, 30, was<br />

her maths teacher at Bishop Bell Church of England<br />

School in Eastbourne, southeast England.<br />

Forrest, who plays in a rock band under the stage<br />

name Jeremy Ayre and is married to a 31-year-old<br />

woman, had hinted at a “moral dilemma” in a blog<br />

four months ago. Police have appealed to him and<br />

Megan to make contact after CCTV footage showed<br />

them in a Ford Fiesta car boarding a ferry from<br />

Dover to the French port of Calais on Friday. They are<br />

thought to have remained in France.—AFP<br />

MINSK: Not a single opposition politician<br />

won a seat in Belarus’ parliament in a weekend<br />

vote that has been condemned by international<br />

observers and looks set to deepen<br />

the former Soviet nation’s diplomatic isolation.<br />

Critics also said the 74.3 percent turnout<br />

reported by the Central Elections Commission<br />

chairman yesterday was way too high and<br />

indicated widespread fraud. The main opposition<br />

parties, which were ignored by state-run<br />

media, boycotted the election to protest the<br />

detention of political prisoners and ample<br />

opportunities for election fraud.<br />

The vote filled the parliament with representatives<br />

of three parties that have backed<br />

the policy agenda of President Alexander<br />

Lukashenko. “This election was not competitive<br />

from the start,” said Matteo Mecacci,<br />

leader of the observer mission of the<br />

Organization for Security and Cooperation in<br />

Europe. “A free election depends on people<br />

being free to speak, organize and run for<br />

office, and we didn’t see that in this campaign.”<br />

Belarus’ parliament has long been considered<br />

a rubber-stamp body for Lukashenko’s<br />

policies. He has ruled the former Soviet<br />

nation since 1994 and Western observers<br />

have criticized all recent elections in Belarus<br />

as undemocratic.<br />

Local independent observers estimated<br />

the overall turnout as being almost 19 percent<br />

lower than the official 74.3 percent figure.<br />

“Belarus gets ever closer to the worst<br />

standards of Soviet elections,” said Valentin<br />

Stefanovich, coordinator of the Rights<br />

Activists for Free Elections group.<br />

At least 20 independent election<br />

observers were detained, according to rights<br />

activists. Political analyst Leonid Zaiko said<br />

the way the elections were held highlighted<br />

Lukashenko’s desire to prepare for another<br />

beckoning economic crisis. “He plans to control<br />

the situation with an iron fist. He has no<br />

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2012<br />

cult”. “The wind is not helping at all and the night<br />

was terrible,” the mayor told Cadena SER radio.<br />

Spain is at particularly high risk of fires this summer<br />

after suffering its driest winter in 70 years.<br />

Flames destroyed more than 184,000 hectares<br />

(454,000 acres) of land between January 1 and<br />

September 16, the largest amount in a decade,<br />

according to agriculture ministry figures. — AFP<br />

MINSK: The Head of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission, Antonio<br />

Milososki (R) speaks, while the Head of the OSCE PA delegation, Matteo Mecacci (L),<br />

looks on during their press conference in Minsk, yesterday. Western observers<br />

slammed the weekend election in Belarus as neither competitive nor free, after<br />

results showed every seat in parliament was won by factions loyal to authoritarian<br />

President Alexander Lukashenko. — AFP<br />

Belarus elects entirely<br />

pro-govt parliament<br />

UNITED NATIONS: Britain, France and<br />

Germany have officially called for new<br />

European Union sanctions against Iran<br />

over its nuclear program, diplomats said.<br />

The foreign ministers of the three countries<br />

wrote to EU foreign policy chief Catherine<br />

Ashton last week calling for tougher measures<br />

as the showdown with Tehran<br />

becomes more tense, a European diplomat<br />

told AFP Sunday on condition of anonymity.<br />

The EU is working on more sanctions as<br />

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad seeks<br />

to counter the pressure on his country at<br />

this week’s UN General Assembly in New<br />

York. Ahmadinejad met UN leader Ban Kimoon<br />

on Sunday as the EU foreign policy<br />

chief held talks on Iran and other topics<br />

with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in<br />

New York.<br />

Details of the new EU measures are still<br />

being worked on but foreign ministers<br />

from the 27-nation bloc will discuss the<br />

move at a meeting in Brussels on October<br />

15. The United States and its European<br />

allies say that Iran is working toward a<br />

nuclear bomb. Iran says its research is for<br />

peaceful energy purposes. There has been<br />

mounting speculation in recent months<br />

that Israel is planning a military strike on<br />

Iran’s bunkered nuclear facilities.<br />

The United States, Britain and France<br />

warned at the UN Security Council last<br />

week that time is running out for a negotiated<br />

solution with Iran.<br />

“It is necessary that we sharpen the<br />

sanctions,” said a second western official,<br />

confirming the request by foreign ministers<br />

William Hague of Britain, Laurent<br />

Fabius of France and Guido Westerwelle of<br />

Germany. “We think there is still time for a<br />

political solution, a diplomatic solution,<br />

time for any opposition, not on the street and<br />

certainly not in parliament,” Zaiko said.<br />

Lukashenko’s landslide win in the 2010<br />

presidential election triggered a mass street<br />

protest against election fraud that was brutally<br />

suppressed. Some of the 700 people arrested<br />

at that protest are still in jail, including<br />

presidential candidate Nikolai Statkevich.<br />

Opposition politicians have cautioned<br />

supporters to refrain from holding protest rallies<br />

this time. The opposition had hoped to<br />

use this election to build support, but 33 of<br />

35 candidates from the United Civil Party<br />

were barred from television, while the stateowned<br />

press refused to publish their election<br />

programs.<br />

The United Civil Party and another leading<br />

opposition party, the Belarusian Popular<br />

Front, pulled their candidates off the ballot<br />

and urged voters not to show up at the polls<br />

a week before the election.<br />

The United States and the European Union<br />

have imposed economic and travel sanctions<br />

on the Belarusian government over its crackdown<br />

on opposition groups and independent<br />

news media.<br />

“The aim of giving President Lukashenko’s<br />

regime the appearance of democratic legitimacy<br />

has clearly failed,” German Foreign<br />

Minister Guido Westerwelle said in a statement.<br />

“In view of the glaring irregularities in<br />

these elections, it is clearly visible for everyone<br />

what Belarus is today: the last dictatorship<br />

in the heart of Europe.”<br />

Westerwelle said Germany and its<br />

European partners would step up their efforts<br />

to push for the release of political prisoners<br />

and isolate Lukashenko and his regime. EU<br />

foreign ministers are due to hold talks in<br />

Brussels next month on political freedoms in<br />

Belarus. They are expected to consider possible<br />

revisions to sanctions against the country<br />

aimed at more specifically targeting those in<br />

the leadership deemed responsible for the<br />

political crackdown. — AP<br />

Britain, France, Germany<br />

call for new Iran sanctions<br />

and this is what we are working for. But we<br />

cannot accept nuclear weapons in the<br />

hands of Iran,” said the official, also speaking<br />

on condition of anonymity.<br />

Ashton is to chair a meeting in New<br />

York on Thursday of the six nations-the EU<br />

three, plus the United States, Russia and<br />

China-who have been seeking to negotiate<br />

a solution with Iran.<br />

The international community has pursued<br />

a dual track of pressure through sanctions<br />

while seeking to negotiate. But the<br />

US and European nations say Iran is refusing<br />

to talk.<br />

UN chief Ban “urged Iran to take the<br />

measures necessary to build international<br />

confidence in the exclusively peaceful<br />

nature of its nuclear program,” said a UN<br />

spokeswoman, Vannina Maestracci.<br />

Ban and Ahmadinejad also discussed<br />

the war in Syria and the protests in the<br />

Muslim world against a US-made film that<br />

mocks Islam.<br />

The showdown with Iran is one of the<br />

key topics at the UN assembly where<br />

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu<br />

is also scheduled to speak. Ahmadinejad,<br />

who will address world leaders on<br />

Wednesday, is probably making his last<br />

appearance at the UN assembly where he<br />

has become a controversial figure. Western<br />

nations regularly walk out of his speeches<br />

in protest at his anti-Israeli comments.<br />

Meanwhile, US President Barack Obama<br />

compared Israel’s insistence on tougher<br />

approach to Iran to noise he tries to ignore,<br />

according to remarks aired Sunday. Obama<br />

told CBS’s “60 Minutes” program that he<br />

understood and agreed with Israeli Prime<br />

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s insistence<br />

that Iran not be allowed to obtain nuclear<br />


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