Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council

Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council


54 An additional inspection was undertaken in response to an odour complaint on 11 November 2006. The wind conditions were a moderate westerly, and an ambient odour survey down wind of property on boundary found light intermittent "sulphide" type odours. On site, staff outlined that de-hairing of possums skins had been taking place over the few 3-4 days. The process included the soaking of the skins in lime/sulphide solution. Staff also outlined that as a result of recent rainfall any odours found offsite may be due to a pig sty to the rear of the main building, which contained two or three sows and a small number of weaner pigs. The area was routinely cleaned, however odours increased during rain events. Although some point sources were present onsite the odours offsite were not found to be objectionable. The compliance monitoring inspection was conducted on 14 December 2006. It was found that all wastewater is directed to the final sump, where it is used to wash areas down. However, during the inspection it was found to be entering an alkathene pipe that discharged to the large freshwater pond. The consent holder was advised that this was to cease immediately, as it was not a consented activity. A pit located in the paddock to the rear of the site contained some offal, but this practice had since stopped. The stormwater area looked clear, with no chemicals stored outside. Results of discharge monitoring The results of chemical monitoring of the discharge from Egmont Tanneries' stormwater drain for 2006-2007 year are presented in Table 15. The results of previous years' monitoring are summarised for comparison. Table 15 Results of Egmont Tanneries stormwater discharge monitoring during the 2006-2007 monitoring year, with summary of previous monitoring data. TRC site code STW001022 Date Temperature (°C) Cond (mS/m) pH Acid soluble Chromium (g/m3 ) Acid soluble Zinc (g/m3 ) Dissolved Zinc (g/m3 ) 18-Apr-07 13.1 22 6.8 - - 0.06 - Turbidity * (NTU) N 32 43 42 35 29 8 16 Maximum 17.7 12900 7.3 0.41 0.17 0.982 8.7 Minimum 9.9 14.5 1.0

55 acid soluble zinc concentration of 0.127 (g/m 3) and a dissolved zinc concentration of 0.126 (g/m 3), both well above their respective medians. This high zinc content is due to a historical event, where Taranaki Galvanisers waste was disposed of at the tannery site. Zinc (g/m3) Zinc concentrations in Egmont Tanneries stormwater discharge (STW001022) 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Oct-91 Oct-92 Oct-93 Oct-94 Oct-95 Oct-96 Oct-97 Oct-98 Oct-99 Oct-00 Oct-01 Oct-02 Oct-03 Oct-04 Oct-05 Oct-06 Zinc (acid soluble) Zinc (dissolved) Zinc (total) Figure 18 Zinc concentrations in the Egmont Tanneries stormwater discharge Results of receiving environment monitoring Consent condition 1 in resource consent 1816 states that after a mixing zone of 50m the discharge shall not give rise to the following effects in the receiving Kahouri Stream tributary: i) the production of any conspicuous oil or grease films, scums or foams, or floatable or suspended materials; ii) any conspicuous change in colour or visual clarity; iii) any emission of objectionable odour; iv) the rendering of freshwater unsuitable for consumption by farm animals; and v) any significant effects on aquatic life. Water chemistry and biological monitoring were conducted to assess compliance with the above. Water chemistry The chemical water quality survey for the summer low-flow period was performed on 18 April 2007 during fine weather. The results for all sites in the 2007 survey are presented in Table 4 (refer to section One chemical monitoring site is located in the receiving waters downstream of the Egmont Tanneries discharge (site 6, KHI000369), which also encompasses discharges from Fletcher Concrete and Taranaki Galvanizers (Figure 1).

54<br />

An additional inspection was undertaken in response to an odour complaint on 11<br />

November <strong>2006</strong>. The wind conditions were a moderate westerly, and an ambient<br />

odour survey down wind of property on boundary found light intermittent<br />

"sulphide" type odours. On site, staff outlined that de-hairing of possums skins had<br />

been taking place over the few 3-4 days. The process included the soaking of the<br />

skins in lime/sulphide solution. Staff also outlined that as a result of recent rainfall<br />

any odours found offsite may be due to a pig sty to the rear of the main building,<br />

which contained two or three sows and a small number of weaner pigs. The area was<br />

routinely cleaned, however odours increased during rain events. Although some<br />

point sources were present onsite the odours offsite were not found to be<br />

objectionable.<br />

The compliance monitoring inspection was conducted on 14 December <strong>2006</strong>. It was<br />

found that all wastewater is directed to the final sump, where it is used to wash areas<br />

down. However, during the inspection it was found to be entering an alkathene pipe<br />

that discharged to the large freshwater pond. The consent holder was advised that<br />

this was to cease immediately, as it was not a consented activity. A pit located in the<br />

paddock to the rear of the site contained some offal, but this practice had since<br />

stopped. The stormwater area looked clear, with no chemicals stored outside.<br /> Results of discharge monitoring<br />

The results of chemical monitoring of the discharge from Egmont Tanneries'<br />

stormwater drain for <strong>2006</strong>-<strong>2007</strong> year are presented in Table 15. The results of<br />

previous years' monitoring are summarised for comparison.<br />

Table 15 Results of Egmont Tanneries stormwater discharge monitoring during the <strong>2006</strong>-<strong>2007</strong><br />

monitoring year, with summary of previous monitoring data. TRC site code STW001022<br />

Date<br />

Temperature<br />

(°C)<br />

Cond<br />

(mS/m)<br />

pH<br />

Acid soluble<br />

Chromium<br />

(g/m3 )<br />

Acid soluble<br />

Zinc<br />

(g/m3 )<br />

Dissolved<br />

Zinc<br />

(g/m3 )<br />

18-Apr-07 13.1 22 6.8 - - 0.06 -<br />

Turbidity *<br />

(NTU)<br />

N 32 43 42 35 29 8 16<br />

Maximum 17.7 12900 7.3 0.41 0.17 0.982 8.7<br />

Minimum 9.9 14.5 1.0

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