Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council

Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council Annual report 2006-2007 - Taranaki Regional Council


Site E: Kahouri Stream (KHI000400) This site in the Kahouri Stream at the Flint Road bridge was located nearly 800 metres below the confluence of the tributary stream from the stockcar grounds catchment, and 2.7 km downstream of site C. A moderately high community richness of 27 taxa was found at this site, slightly higher than the long term median richness (Table 2) but similar to that recorded at the nearest upstream site (C). The community was characterised by one ‘highly sensitive taxon (Deleatidium mayfly), five ‘moderately sensitive’ taxa (Coloburiscus and Austroclima mayflies, elmid beetles, Archichauliodes dobsonfly and Aphrophila cranefly), and two ‘tolerant’ taxa (Aoteapsyche caddisfly and orthoclad midges). MCI value 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream below Flint Road bridge (KHI000400) Jan-88 Jan-89 Jan-90 Jan-91 Jan-92 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 MCI value M edian M CI to date No. of taxa M edian no. of taxa to date Figure 7 Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream at site E (KHI000400) As was the case with the community upstream at site C, the high proportion of ‘sensitive’ taxa (62% of total richness) was responsible for the MCI score of 104 units, slightly higher than the long term median value (Figure 2). It was also slightly higher than the score recorded 2.7 km upstream at site C despite the distance between these two sites and the documented natural deterioration in communities in a longitudinal direction (eg: 2.6 MCI units/km in ringplain streams (TRC, 1999)). This site actually recorded the highest MCI score of this survey. The increased abundance of a number of ‘sensitive’ taxa from site C to site E resulted in the significant increase of 1.2 SQMCIS unit over this stream reach (Stark,1998). The SQMCIS value at site E (6.0 units) was the highest recorded at this site to date, and significantly higher than the median value from the eight most recent surveys (Table 2) at this site (Stark,1998). These results indicate that the cumulative discharges from the various industries situated in the Kahouri Stream catchment upstream of Flint Road had not recently had significant detrimental impacts on the biological communities of the stream, particularly considering the relatively low flow conditions over the summer period. The downstream trend in SQMCIS scores (Figure 3) followed the trend in historical median scores through this reach of the Kahouri Stream. Site F: Kahouri Stream (KHI000457) This site, immediately upstream of the Stratford Power Station (elevation: 270 m asl), was located about 2.2 km downstream of site E. A moderately high community richness of 26 10 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No. of taxa

taxa was found at site F, slightly above the historical median (Table 3). This richness was only slightly less than the number of taxa recorded at the nearest upstream site (E) (Figure 2). Three ‘highly sensitive’ taxa were present (indicative of good water quality conditions), one of which was abundant (Deleatidium mayfly), along with five ‘moderately sensitive’ taxa (Coloburiscus and Austroclima mayflies, elmid beetles, Archichauliodes dobsonfly and Aphrophila cranefly); and four ‘tolerant’ taxa (very abundant Aoteapsyche caddisfly, and abundant orthoclad, Maoridiamesa and Austrosimulium midges). These characteristic taxa were similar to community compositions at upstream sites and there were very few significant differences within individual taxon abundances between the adjacent sites E and F as emphasised by the similar SQMCIS scores (Table 2). MCI value Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream u/s of Stratford CC pow er station (KHI000457) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Jan-88 Jan-89 Jan-90 Jan-91 Jan-92 Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 MCI value M edian M CI to date No. of taxa M edian no. of taxa to date Figure 8 Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream at site F (KHI000457) Similar to the communities of upstream sites, the community at site F had a moderately high proportion of ‘sensitive’ taxa (62% of total richness), which was reflected in the MCI score of 96 units, similar to the long term median score (Table 3). The MCI score was slightly (but not significantly) lower than that recorded at site E upstream, reflective of the loss of two ‘highly sensitive’ taxa in the community at this site upstream of the Stratford Power Station. Small differences in community composition between adjacent sites E and F were illustrated by the small difference in SQMCIs scores which were within 0.5 unit. The score at site F (5.5 units) was significantly higher than the median score recorded by the eight most recent surveys at this site (Table 2). The MCI and SQMCIs both indicated that there was no real downstream deterioration of macroinvertebrate communities in the reach of the Kahouri Stream between site E and F, which is often demonstrated in catchments due to non-point sources of nutrients (TRC, 1999). This was demonstrated by the median SQMCIs (Figure 3) which decreased in a downstream direction. This may reflect the generally intact and good quality riparian vegetation in the Kahouri Stream which may limit effects during summer low flow conditions. Site G: Kahouri Stream (KHI000465) This partially shaded site located downstream of the Stratford Power Station discharges was about 1 km downstream of site F, and downstream of discharges from the power station. A community richness of 22 taxa found at this site was very similar to the historical median (Table 3). Two ‘highly sensitive’ taxa were recorded, reflecting good water quality conditions, and one of these taxa was abundant (Deleatidium mayfly). The community was also characterised by eight ‘moderately sensitive’ taxa (Coloburiscus and Austroclima 11 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No. of taxa

Site E: Kahouri Stream (KHI000400)<br />

This site in the Kahouri Stream at the Flint Road bridge was located nearly 800 metres below<br />

the confluence of the tributary stream from the stockcar grounds catchment, and 2.7 km<br />

downstream of site C. A moderately high community richness of 27 taxa was found at this<br />

site, slightly higher than the long term median richness (Table 2) but similar to that recorded<br />

at the nearest upstream site (C). The community was characterised by one ‘highly sensitive<br />

taxon (Deleatidium mayfly), five ‘moderately sensitive’ taxa (Coloburiscus and Austroclima<br />

mayflies, elmid beetles, Archichauliodes dobsonfly and Aphrophila cranefly), and two<br />

‘tolerant’ taxa (Aoteapsyche caddisfly and orthoclad midges).<br />

MCI value<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream below Flint<br />

Road bridge (KHI000400)<br />

Jan-88<br />

Jan-89<br />

Jan-90<br />

Jan-91<br />

Jan-92<br />

Jan-93<br />

Jan-94<br />

Jan-95<br />

Jan-96<br />

Jan-97<br />

Jan-98<br />

Jan-99<br />

Jan-00<br />

Jan-01<br />

Jan-02<br />

Jan-03<br />

Jan-04<br />

Jan-05<br />

Jan-06<br />

Jan-07<br />

MCI value M edian M CI to date<br />

No. of taxa M edian no. of taxa to date<br />

Figure 7 Number of taxa and MCI values in the Kahouri Stream at site E (KHI000400)<br />

As was the case with the community upstream at site C, the high proportion of ‘sensitive’<br />

taxa (62% of total richness) was responsible for the MCI score of 104 units, slightly higher<br />

than the long term median value (Figure 2). It was also slightly higher than the score<br />

recorded 2.7 km upstream at site C despite the distance between these two sites and the<br />

documented natural deterioration in communities in a longitudinal direction (eg: 2.6 MCI<br />

units/km in ringplain streams (TRC, 1999)). This site actually recorded the highest MCI<br />

score of this survey.<br />

The increased abundance of a number of ‘sensitive’ taxa from site C to site E resulted in the<br />

significant increase of 1.2 SQMCIS unit over this stream reach (Stark,1998). The SQMCIS<br />

value at site E (6.0 units) was the highest recorded at this site to date, and significantly<br />

higher than the median value from the eight most recent surveys (Table 2) at this site<br />

(Stark,1998).<br />

These results indicate that the cumulative discharges from the various industries situated in<br />

the Kahouri Stream catchment upstream of Flint Road had not recently had significant<br />

detrimental impacts on the biological communities of the stream, particularly considering<br />

the relatively low flow conditions over the summer period. The downstream trend in<br />

SQMCIS scores (Figure 3) followed the trend in historical median scores through this reach<br />

of the Kahouri Stream.<br />

Site F: Kahouri Stream (KHI000457)<br />

This site, immediately upstream of the Stratford Power Station (elevation: 270 m asl), was<br />

located about 2.2 km downstream of site E. A moderately high community richness of 26<br />

10<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

No. of taxa

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