MEMORANDUM FOR A1 - Air Force E-Publishing

MEMORANDUM FOR A1 - Air Force E-Publishing MEMORANDUM FOR A1 - Air Force E-Publishing
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76 AFI91-202 5 AUGUST 2011 8.7.3. Military-Unique Situations. OSHA standards do not apply to military-unique workplaces, operations, equipment and systems. However, Air Force policy is that OSHA standards shall apply as much as possible, practicable and consistent with military requirements, unless HQ AFSC approves an exemption or variance. 8.7.4. Variances and Exemptions. The affected work center shall process a request for variance when it is impractical or impossible to meet OSHA Standards or AFOSH guidance due to operational needs, mission impact or technical reasons. Variances are temporary and are normally granted for periods not to exceed five years. Exemptions grant permanent relief from a requirement and can be approved when the applicant can substantiate that their proposed methods, equipment or facilities protect the worker as well or better than the AFOSH or OSHA Standards. AFSC may grant exemptions or variances to AFOSH Standards and guidance that are more stringent than OSHA requirements. AFSC does not have the authority to grant a waiver or exemption to an OSHA Standard. Only OSHA can grant waivers or exemptions to Title 29 (OSHA) requirements (even if included in AFOSH Standards). However, for safety related issues, AFSC will serve as the liaison between OSHA and the Air Force requestor. NOTE: A unit’s inability to fund corrective actions does not constitute sufficient justification to request a variance. Request extensions for variances through MAJCOMs to HQ AFSC/SEG. Variance/Exemption Process. Affected work center personnel shall implement interim control measures and notify the installation ground safety, fire or health officials to validate the effectiveness of interim controls. With effective controls in place, the work center will coordinate the variance/exemption package with installation ground safety, fire and health officials. The installation safety office will assemble a detailed staff package that identifies the request, rational why the standard cannot be followed, interim control measures, drawing, maps, etc. (see paragraph, and forwards the request to MAJCOM headquarters through appropriate command safety, fire or health channels. The MAJCOM safety staff reviews and, if recommended for approval, forwards requests to AFSC/SEG (safety-related issues), AFCESA/CC (fire prevention-related issues) or AFMOA/SGO (health-related issues), as appropriate, for final approval. NOTE: Requests received without MAJCOM coordination will be returned to requestor without action. The MAJCOM/installation ground safety manager maintains a master file of approved variances or exemptions that apply to the installation/MAJCOM/AF as long as they are in effect and for one year thereafter. The safety manager distributes copies of variances and exemptions to fire protection, health and functional managers, as needed. Functional managers must train affected employees and employee representatives on approved variances, exemptions or any special procedures required and document training. Post copies in affected work areas until integrated into the JST guide. Written variance or exemption requests must contain:

AFI91-202 5 AUGUST 2011 77 A description of the situation identifying the OSHA or AFOSH standard and specific reason(s) compliance is not possible or practical. The number of personnel exposed to the operation or condition on a regular basis and any major items of Air Force property involved. The description and risk assessment of permanent control measures planned, date they will be in place, plus any interim control measures used to protect personnel, equipment or property. 8.7.5. Safety Changes to Technical Orders. Process recommended changes to TOs IAW TO 00-5-1, Air Force Technical Order System. Send a copy of recommended changes to AFMC/SEG and HQ AFSC/SEG. 8.7.6. Changes to Directives. Submit requests for changes to OSH guidelines in Air Force instructions through command channels to the directive OPR. Safety, Fire and Health reviews, as appropriate, shall be accomplished at each level of command between the requester and the directive OPR. Send a copy of recommended changes to HQ AFSC/SEG, AFCESA/CEXF, and/or AFMSA/SG3P, as applicable. 8.8. Department of Labor (DoL) Inspection. DoL Inspections may be in response to a mishap or a complaint from an Air Force employee, may be part of OSHA’s annual evaluation of Air Force programs, or may be solely at the Secretary of Labor’s discretion. 8.8.1. The DoL may conduct, as part of its evaluation program, annual targeted inspections or program assistance visits of Air Force installations based on the comparative incidence of worker compensation claims. The DoL will prescribe special procedures in the notification process. OSHA inspectors may question or privately interview any employee, supervisory employee, or official in charge of an operation or workplace. Federal or state OSHA officials must present identifying credentials and state the purpose of the visit to the installation commander or authorized representative before conducting an inspection of a workplace on an Air Force installation. Installation commanders must: Notify SE, Bioenvironmental Engineering, medical and fire prevention sections immediately to attend the OSHA in-brief. Appropriate staff agencies should accompany the OSHA inspector based on area to be inspected. Establish procedures to meet OSHA and escort them during their visit. Allow DoL OSHA representatives to conduct inspections. If entry into a restricted area is necessary, they must have an appropriate security clearance. Safety, fire protection or Bioenvironmental Engineering personnel will accompany DoL OSHA representatives while on Air Force installations. Have an initial in-brief with DoL OSHA representatives. Upon request, provide available safety, fire protection and health information on workplaces. Do not release reports marked ―For Official Use Only.‖ OSHA officials may review ―For Official Use Only‖ mishap reports. However, release of copies of the reports must be obtained by DoL from AF/SE (see AFI 91-204).

76 AFI91-202 5 AUGUST 2011<br />

8.7.3. Military-Unique Situations. OSHA standards do not apply to military-unique<br />

workplaces, operations, equipment and systems. However, <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> policy is that OSHA<br />

standards shall apply as much as possible, practicable and consistent with military<br />

requirements, unless HQ AFSC approves an exemption or variance.<br />

8.7.4. Variances and Exemptions. The affected work center shall process a request for<br />

variance when it is impractical or impossible to meet OSHA Standards or AFOSH guidance<br />

due to operational needs, mission impact or technical reasons. Variances are temporary and<br />

are normally granted for periods not to exceed five years. Exemptions grant permanent relief<br />

from a requirement and can be approved when the applicant can substantiate that their<br />

proposed methods, equipment or facilities protect the worker as well or better than the<br />

AFOSH or OSHA Standards. AFSC may grant exemptions or variances to AFOSH<br />

Standards and guidance that are more stringent than OSHA requirements. AFSC does not<br />

have the authority to grant a waiver or exemption to an OSHA Standard. Only OSHA can<br />

grant waivers or exemptions to Title 29 (OSHA) requirements (even if included in AFOSH<br />

Standards). However, for safety related issues, AFSC will serve as the liaison between<br />

OSHA and the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> requestor. NOTE: A unit’s inability to fund corrective actions does<br />

not constitute sufficient justification to request a variance. Request extensions for variances<br />

through MAJCOMs to HQ AFSC/SEG.<br /> Variance/Exemption Process.<br /> Affected work center personnel shall implement interim control measures<br />

and notify the installation ground safety, fire or health officials to validate the<br />

effectiveness of interim controls. With effective controls in place, the work center<br />

will coordinate the variance/exemption package with installation ground safety, fire<br />

and health officials.<br /> The installation safety office will assemble a detailed staff package that<br />

identifies the request, rational why the standard cannot be followed, interim control<br />

measures, drawing, maps, etc. (see paragraph, and forwards the request to<br />

MAJCOM headquarters through appropriate command safety, fire or health channels.<br /> The MAJCOM safety staff reviews and, if recommended for approval,<br />

forwards requests to AFSC/SEG (safety-related issues), AFCESA/CC (fire<br />

prevention-related issues) or AFMOA/SGO (health-related issues), as appropriate, for<br />

final approval. NOTE: Requests received without MAJCOM coordination will be<br />

returned to requestor without action.<br /> The MAJCOM/installation ground safety manager maintains a master file<br />

of approved variances or exemptions that apply to the installation/MAJCOM/AF as<br />

long as they are in effect and for one year thereafter. The safety manager distributes<br />

copies of variances and exemptions to fire protection, health and functional managers,<br />

as needed.<br /> Functional managers must train affected employees and employee<br />

representatives on approved variances, exemptions or any special procedures required<br />

and document training. Post copies in affected work areas until integrated into the<br />

JST guide.<br /> Written variance or exemption requests must contain:

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