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European Journal of Social Sciences - Volume 2, Number 1 (2006)<br />

clitoris is dangerous and that an unborn baby will die if its head touches it during child delivery. As a<br />

result of these beliefs, women who have not undergone the procedure are considered unsuitable for<br />

marriage and a poor risk as mothers. Despite the efforts of numerous human-rights organizations and<br />

the government to discourage FGM, the practice continues in Nigeria, with its prevalence exceeding 90<br />

percent in some communities (Briggs, 2002).<br />

The consequences of FGM on the health of its victims are well documented. Islam and Uddin<br />

(2001) identified the immediate consequences of FGM as hemorrhage, infection, difficulty in passing<br />

urine, urine retention, fever, stress, shock and damage to the genital organs. According to Brady<br />

(1999), long-term consequences of FGM include urinary incontinence, cysts, urogenital tract<br />

infections, severe dyspareunia and pelvic inflammatory disease.<br />

The effects of FGM on women’s reproductive system have been discussed in a number of<br />

studies (Badri, 1984; Egwuatu & Agugua, 1981; Toubia, 1994; Obuekwe & Egbagbe, 2001)<br />

Generally, FGM is linked with infertility and obstetrical problems such as delayed or obstructed<br />

second stage labor, trauma, and hemorrhage during child delivery. Other long-term medical<br />

complications might include extensive damage to the external reproductive system and uterus,<br />

increased risk of vesico-vaginal fistulae and complications in pregnancy and childbirth. An early study<br />

by Mustafa (1966) had estimated that 20 to 25 percent of cases of female sterility in Sudan could be<br />

linked to FGM. More recently, available research evidence (Aziz, 1980; Mahran, 1981 and<br />

McCaffrey, 1995; Obuekwe & Egbagbe, 2001) tend to lend credence to speculations that the high<br />

prevalence of female sterility in many areas of sub-Sahara Africa where FGM is practiced may have<br />

been one of the long-term consequences of exposing women to FGM.<br />

The effects of FGM on the female sexual response are more difficult to investigate<br />

scientifically than the obstetrical effects. However, it is reasonable to assume that the mutilation of the<br />

clitoris would adversely affect women’s sexual pleasure and sensitivity considering that the clitoris is<br />

probably the most erotically sensitive organ in women.<br />

The contributions of FGM to HIV transmission have not been empirically established though it<br />

has been postulated that FGM may play a significant role in facilitating the transmission of HIV<br />

infection through numerous mechanisms (Brady, 1999). One of the presumed explanations of the<br />

relationship between FGM and HIV transmission is that the presence of scar tissues and the abnormal<br />

anatomy of a mutilated vagina would predispose a woman to numerous small tears during intercourse<br />

thereby increasing the possibility of AIDS transmission (Hrdy, 1987).<br />

The major concern in the issue of FGM is not so much its effects on the number of women that<br />

have had the procedure already performed on them. What is more worrisome is why the practice<br />

seems to be thriving in spite of the international outcry against its continuation. It is logical to think<br />

that the attitudes of mothers to FGM would be a major factor in the continuation or discontinuation of<br />

the practice. Based on this premise, this study was designed to investigate the practice of FGM among<br />

the Yorubas and ascertain the factors which make women favorably disposed to its continuation. It<br />

was hoped that the outcome of the study would assist in providing information which would assist in<br />

the formulation of policies aimed at eradicating the practice of FGM.<br />

Method<br />

The study is a descriptive survey on the practice of FGM and the attitude of female parents to it<br />

among the Yorubas of South Western Nigeria. Respondents, who were mainly teachers and civil<br />

servants, were mothers selected by accidental but purposive sampling technique from three urban<br />

towns (Ile-Ife, Ilesa and Osogbo) in Osun State, Nigeria. The mothers, ranged between 25 to 45 years<br />

old, were approached in their places of work and asked to respond to a questionnaire on the practice of<br />

“female circumcision”. During collation and scoring of the questionnaire, responses of women who<br />

had not given birth to at least a female child within the last five years were discarded. Following this<br />

procedure, a sample of 1583 respondents was obtained for the study.<br />


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