SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute


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Servant Leadership – Lesson 30<br />

Prayer and the Word by Bob Hoekstra<br />

I went to a seminary that is dedicated to the Word of God and the preaching of the Word<br />

of God. I have shared this before and I think it is (2 Timothy 4:2) that is their model.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are so dedicated that written on the walls, not in English but in Greek—I can still<br />

see it—was: Kēruxon ton logon. What did it mean? “Preach the Word.” And my heart<br />

thrills when I hear it. I remember one time in seminary when we almost died getting into<br />

the word, wanting to preach it and forgetting to pray! One of the easiest places to die on<br />

the spiritual vine is in seminary. <strong>The</strong>re were more days with more hang-dog expressions,<br />

coming out of hang-dog spirits saying, “I have another lesson, another analysis of another<br />

book of the <strong>Bible</strong>.” And we would be bleary-eyed up all night, not praying, just studying.<br />

And the same can happen on the other side. Praying, praying, praying until you fall over<br />

weary from praying, but never hearing from God. So the prayers get stale and ramble off<br />

target, and they are not a joy but become a load to carry.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se early leaders of the church were going to devote themselves to prayer and the<br />

ministry of the word. May the Lord give us nothing less than that same commitment. If<br />

God ordained to start the church that way, how is He going to finish the job? “Okay, they<br />

prayed, they heard up, they taught up, the rest of you can coast on to glory on the coat<br />

tails of the early apostles.” Not quite. If anything, the warfare is more intense today.<br />

Some do not agree with that and it baffles me how they cannot see it. I remember saying<br />

that once at a home <strong>Bible</strong> study and some young guy (maybe that was the deal, I did it<br />

too when I was young) begged to differ with me. Things have always been awful,<br />

granted, but they are worse now. <strong>The</strong> Scriptures say that in the last days, “evil men will<br />

go from bad to worse” (cf. 2 Tim 3:13). <strong>The</strong>y will wax worse and worse. May the Lord<br />

give us this heart to devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.<br />

And there was a man of God who pastored a big city church in Chicago whose name is<br />

A. W. Tozer. And that man has been an instrument used of God to touch my heart. He<br />

pastored a big city church and he walked what we are teaching right now. And someone<br />

shared a few sermons of his on tape with me recently. <strong>The</strong>y are very precious. Oh, my<br />

heart just burned with the fire of God, as I listened to that man teach!<br />

He was teaching on the classic rapture passage and those who sense the word teaching<br />

that the Lord is coming back before the great day of trouble. And then in the great<br />

tribulation there will be trouble like the world has never seen. <strong>The</strong>n the Lord will come<br />

back with His saints, according to Revelation 20 and establish His kingdom for a<br />

thousand years. And I was listening to A.W. Tozer teach on that great passage, which I<br />

have heard so many times, in fact, it is one of the cornerstones of the background of my<br />

teaching in the word. And I was just about to weep because my heart was so softened by<br />

his teaching in that passage. And what hit me as I was listening—get this—that man went<br />

into that passage devoted not only to the word and the truth of it but to prayer. He met<br />

God in that passage.<br />

I have taught about the Lord’s return so many times where the major points of the<br />

passage are to order your prophetic calendar. Now have you got it right? Shift your pieces<br />

around, I mean you need to get it right! Amen, there is nothing wrong with being right. I<br />

have been wrong too much, maybe you have too. I would like to be right more often,<br />


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