SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute


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Servant Leadership – Lesson 27 7<br />

An Abiding Relationship with Christ by Brian Brodersen<br />

And then thirdly—and I do not want to underestimate this, but again, I have just been trying to<br />

look at it in order or priority—there of course is the issue of converts and disciples. That is<br />

certainly an aspect of fruit as well. This is what Jesus is talking about. This is what He is desiring.<br />

This is what God was looking for with Israel. <strong>The</strong>y failed miserably. This is what God has been<br />

looking for throughout the church age. This is what God is looking for in our lives, that there<br />

would be fruit coming forth. That is, personal godliness, good works, and then impacting the lives<br />

of other people—seeing converts, seeing people come into a relationship with the Lord, or taking<br />

young Christians and building them up in the faith.<br />

When we went to London we just had the most fabulous time. Before we went, God really spoke<br />

to me and showed me that our ministry was not initially to be an evangelistic ministry. It would<br />

be first of all a ministry to the suffering sheep, and secondly out of that, evangelism would spring<br />

forth. And that is exactly what the Lord did when we got to England. He began to bring to us, by<br />

the dozens, sheep that had been wounded, sheep that had just been starving and abused. People<br />

came from situations where they had been so disillusioned with church that they had not been in a<br />

church in ten years. Others were still in the church but they were just hanging on by a thread, just<br />

hoping and praying that something else would come along to minister to them. God began to<br />

bring them to us and then, out of that, evangelism began to take place as well.<br />

I will never forget when we were leaving London. A number of the families in the church asked<br />

me one night, “Would you come over for dinner? We just want to have you over.” <strong>The</strong>y were all<br />

of Afro-Caribbean background and they wanted to give me a nice Jamaican meal, which sounded<br />

good to me. As we were there, each one of them wanted to just take a few minutes to tell me how<br />

much I had impacted their lives. It was one of those heart-wrenching times when everybody was<br />

weeping and telling their stories. As I was listening I was thinking, “All these guys are really<br />

doing is testifying to the power of the Word of God.” <strong>The</strong>y did not realize it because they were<br />

saying, “You did this and you did that.” After about 45 minutes of that I thanked them for their<br />

graciousness and all the wonderful things that they shared. I said, “But I want to draw your<br />

attention to something. I want you to notice there is a common thread in what you have been<br />

saying tonight. What I heard from every one of you was how the Word of God transformed your<br />

lives. I did not really do much. I just got up every week and faithfully taught you the <strong>Bible</strong> and<br />

God did the rest.”<br />

That is the kind of fruit that we are talking about—that fruit of conversion, that fruit of<br />

discipleship. I believe that is the definition of fruit. I think that is what Jesus is talking about when<br />

He is talking about bearing fruit. But now the question is: How is fruit born? Jesus gives us the<br />

answer in the text. He says,<br />

4 Abide in Me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of<br />

itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you<br />

abide in Me.<br />

5 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and<br />

I in him, bears much fruit. (John 15:4-5)<br />

We saw what fruit is, now how is it born? Jesus said, “Abide in Me,” but what does it mean?<br />

What does it mean to abide?<br />

Jesus said, “<strong>The</strong> Father and I will come and we will make our abode with you.” I would like to<br />

think of abide in that sense of abode. What is your abode? Your abode is your home. Your abode<br />

is the place you live. That is the place your life is centered. That is where you dwell. That is the<br />

place where everything that is of any importance to you is more or less based, isn’t it?

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