SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute


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Servant Leadership – Lesson 24 11<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supremacy of Love by Wayne Taylor<br />

Let’s refer back to how we as human beings lock up our treasures. We put them in impenetrable<br />

vaults and in places where they are secure because we do not want anyone to take our treasures.<br />

But God wants people to take His treasures. God wants us to go tell everyone the combination:<br />

repent and receive Christ! He wants us to spread high and low that the door is open because of<br />

what Jesus Christ did. And then He lets us be broken so the contents will come pouring out.<br />

That is what Paul is talking about here. He says, “We are hard pressed. We are perplexed,<br />

persecuted and struck down, bearing in our bodies the dying of Jesus in order that the life of Jesus<br />

may come pouring out and may be manifested.”<br />

You see when we, as servants of Christ, are hard pressed by difficult circumstances, when we are<br />

confused, when we do not understand what is going on, when we are hurt deeply by people, when<br />

life has knocked us down, when we feel we are going to die and it is impossible for us—what do<br />

we do? We cry out to the Lord and we find His grace is sufficient. He pours His grace into our<br />

hearts and He heals our hearts. He works in our hearts. He fills our hearts. And we find that there<br />

are people all around us who have the same exact needs, and now we can relate to them. We<br />

know what the answer is because we had that too. We can say, “Here is the comfort I received<br />

when I was going through something like that. This is what the Lord did in my life. This is how<br />

He ministered to me.” It is a hard but blessed process.<br />

And part of it is that we are being emptied of ourselves and emptied of focussing on ourselves.<br />

We cannot really be very useful vessels when we are full of ourselves. I think of Stephen who is<br />

really an inspiration. He is such a great example. In Acts 6:3, 5 it says of him that he was a man<br />

full of faith, full of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, and power. Why? He had these qualities because he<br />

was full of Jesus.<br />

What are you full of? What am I full of? When people say, “You are full of it,” what is “it”? You<br />

are full of yourself. You are full of pride. You are full of baloney. But it boils down to being full<br />

of myself, and that has to change, right? <strong>The</strong>re has to be an emptying process that takes place.<br />

Even for wonderful people, even for very useful people like Paul, there is the process of emptying<br />

so that we can be filled. <strong>The</strong>n we can have His love, which is a greater love. Perhaps we are<br />

loving people, but do we love like Jesus loved?<br />

Maybe some of you have seen movies depicting the terrible cost of God’s love, as Jesus dies on<br />

the cross covering a multitude of sins, absorbing sin and showing God’s grace. Recently the Lord<br />

was telling me that is what He wants to do in my life. He wants to make me more like Jesus. And<br />

it was killing me. I will have to admit I said, “Lord, I do not want to be like You to that degree. I<br />

mean, I want to be like You, but not totally, in the sense of dying.” He said, “Well, that is My<br />

love, you see. You can absorb things. You can be a shock absorber and you can bring Jesus into<br />

the midst of that.” I was protesting. And He said, “Well, not your will but Mine be done. I desire<br />

what is best for you. I really want you to be like Me. And I want to bless you and use you, and I<br />

want you to be filled with Me.”<br />

He empties us of ourselves and then He causes us to be broken-hearted through the ordeal. Now,<br />

there is something beautiful about a broken-hearted person. It is a lovely thing when our self-will<br />

is melted, when our stubbornness is softened, when our pride is humbled and the tenderness and<br />

the grace of Jesus Christ shines out. That is a beautiful person. That is a wonderful person.<br />

David talked about a weaned child in Psalm 131:2. What is a weaned child? A weaned child is<br />

one who cannot get fed the way it used to be fed. That time is over; now there is another way.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do not like that at first.

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