SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute

SERVANT LEADERSHIP - The Blue Letter Bible Institute


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Servant Leadership – Lesson 17 10<br />

<strong>The</strong> Suffering Servant by Clark Van Wick<br />

offspring; He is going to be dead. Do you follow me? So, there is nobody to carry on His<br />

line because of the Suffering Servant aspect of His life. “For He was cut off from the land<br />

of the living;” that of course speaks of His death. Daniel 9:26 talks about the fact that<br />

“Messiah would be cut off; not for Himself, He was to die.” In the Old Testament, as in<br />

Zechariah 12:10, it prophesies “that we would look on Him whom we have pierced.”<br />

Psalm 22 talks about the crucifixion of Messiah; Isaiah 53 talks about this fact as well,<br />

and Daniel 9 talks about the death of Messiah. It is difficult to escape the fact that the<br />

Lord’s servant would suffer and die. He would be cut off form the land of the living.<br />

Isaiah 53:8 says, “For the transgressions of My people He was stricken.” We have seen<br />

that as recorded in the New Testament. Why was He smitten, why was He stricken? It<br />

was for our sins and for our transgressions. And Isaiah 53:9 says, “<strong>The</strong>y made His grave<br />

with the wicked,” pointing to Luke 22:33 when Jesus died between the two thieves on the<br />

cross. Matthew 27:57 says, “But with the rich at His death;” this of course points to<br />

Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man who put Jesus in his own newly carved tomb. Why? It<br />

was because “He had done no violence nor was any deceit found in His mouth,” as we<br />

have already looked at in 1 Peter 2:22-23.<br />

Now, we have looked at His death and we already understand that. Let’s come to the<br />

seventh thing that Isaiah discusses and that is His righteousness. In Isaiah 53:10-11,<br />

Isaiah talks about His righteousness.<br />

Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise [crush] Him;<br />

He has put Him to grief.<br />

When You make His soul an offering for sin,<br />

He shall see His seed,<br />

[Which speaks of us, the byproduct of His death, His offspring]<br />

He shall prolong His days,<br />

[Which is an interesting concept because we just read that He would be<br />

cut off, He would die, and yet His days will be prolonged. This is a<br />

beautiful picture of the resurrection of the Messiah. Do not let anyone tell<br />

you that the resurrection is not found in the Old Testament. It truly is<br />

sprinkled throughout and you can see it clearly.]<br />

And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.<br />

In other words, Messiah is going to accomplish the will of God. “<strong>The</strong> pleasure of the<br />

Lord, God Almighty shall prosper.” It shall go forth in Messiah’s hand because He will<br />

do the will of God. We looked at that in John 4:34 when Jesus said, “My food is to do the<br />

will of Him who sent me.” John 6:38 says, “I came down from heaven not to do my will<br />

but the will of Him who sent me.” In Luke 22:42 Jesus said, “Not My will, but Thy will<br />

be done.” So constantly, Messiah will be accomplishing the will of God.<br />

Isaiah 53:11 says,<br />

He shall see the travail [or the stress] of His soul,

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