Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library


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6A(L»P,C) OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC Thursday, Augutt 12. 1976<br />

By W W. EDGAR<br />

A sure sign that we were entering the<br />

fall season and the time when the county<br />

fairs become the most popular of all<br />

events came the other day when State Attorney<br />

General Frank Kelley announced in<br />

the public prints that he was considering<br />

investgating the games that appear on the<br />

midways of these annual functions when<br />

the farmers and the agricultural leaders<br />

hold sway<br />

He said he wanted to find out if the<br />

games were conducted honestly—whether<br />

there was a good reason why the hall<br />

djdn't stay in the basket when you threw<br />

it. And he wants to know if the wheels at<br />

the baby doll stands are controlled by the<br />

man at the counter<br />

Well, take it from a fellow who knows,<br />

the man running the baby doll booth<br />

knows who is going to win And the man<br />

with the bushel basket can make the ball<br />

pop out—anytime he wants to save one of<br />

the prizes on display.<br />

Reading about the attorney general s<br />

plans reminded The Stroller of the day he<br />

was educated' in the intricacies of the<br />

'con' games when he innocently accepted<br />

an offer to work for one of the "pitch"<br />

men at the Lehigh County Fair back<br />

home<br />

TO HELP out a neighbor who owned and<br />

operated a food concession. The Stroller, a<br />

mere youth, was serving a sauerkraut dinner<br />

to a man from one of the concessions<br />

"How would you like to come over and<br />

work with me 0 " he asked "You can do it<br />

along with your job here-«nd I'll pay you<br />

one dollar a day "<br />

It sounded interesting, especially when<br />

he told me that he had the baby doll stand<br />

Tlfcc Scroller<br />

Carnival tricks nothing new<br />

and all I had to do was come in and pla<br />

when he called me<br />

"All 1 want you to do." he said, "is U<br />

drop bv when you are answering a cal<br />

from Mother Nature and you are on th<<br />

way to get relief.<br />

"You stand in {he back of the crowd a<br />

the stand until you hear me shout. 'Plea*<br />

come in and try it for a dime. TTien you<br />

come in and play. When you win 111 giv^<br />

you the choice of the doll or a dollar. You<br />

take the dollar. That will be yours ."<br />

That sounded simple and more so<br />

five other 'pitch' men extended the sa<br />

invitation The Stroller still remembers 1<br />

thrill of earning six dollars a trip just wal<br />

ing to the comfort station<br />

Then came the first trip Standing at tl<br />

rear of the gathering at the stand he final<br />

ly heard the plea. "Please come in and try<br />

it for a dime." Heeding the call he worked<br />

his way to the counter where he placed a<br />

dime on a number and waited for the<br />

wheel to spin.<br />

ANXIOUSLY. The Stroller placed hip<br />

dime on a number Sure enough, when tl<br />

wheel stopped it was on his number,<br />

great cheer went up when the gatherii<br />

saw "the kid" win. Given the choice of "<br />

doll or the dollar he followed instructit<br />

and took the dollar that was pushed to hrt<br />

along with his original dime.<br />

By the time he had returned to the<br />

sauerkraut stand. The Stroller had made<br />

six stops and had "earned" six dollars.<br />

He had visions of making a lot of<br />

money—imagine six dollars every<br />

time he heeded Nature's call.<br />

But what an education he got later in t|e<br />




• When your walls start taking<br />

on that "please don't<br />

[look at me" look, it's time<br />

; to do a little redecorating.<br />

• With a little paint or a few<br />

, rolls of wallcoverings you<br />

; can put a "smile" back on<br />

; any wall. Anyplace and<br />

• everyplace in your home.<br />

.Simply and in-<br />

! expensively. We have everything<br />

you'll need to<br />

• brighten up your walls. In-<br />

• eluding all the tools and<br />

; tips. Stop in and see us.<br />

We're decorating experts.<br />

Your Complete Art and Craft Center<br />


570 S. MAIN STREET<br />


453-5100<br />

DAILY MON.-FRI. 8 9<br />

SAT. 8 6<br />


Ang. 14<br />

•orthwest<br />

"Lone<br />

Regional<br />

9 am—7pm<br />

Ang. 15<br />

Territory<br />

Star"<br />

Skirmish<br />

250 TB00PERS FIRING<br />


PUBLIC<br />


(PABIU8 $2)<br />

WITNESS: Stake Cutting; Costumed<br />

Shooters; Intiqne Cars;Crafts ft Arts<br />

TO BE HELD AT:<br />

Western Wayne Connty<br />

Conservation Assoeiation<br />

8700 Mtpior Ed.<br />

(4 Miles West of Plymouth Off<br />

lorth Territorial Road)<br />

-/.vV? ,vv«yv /.s^.i r.vv:.'.•'»>'. - i;.|>y». g^t3Ai J/ V U t 1.1 :V£ ./ ?} >' Vt\'Vv ! ' f: v -' r »*} . . . --#v «•» »> ^ ><br />

day when he started on another round of<br />

the games.<br />

At the first stop he waited again for the<br />

plea " Please come in and try it for a<br />

dime." This time when he placed his dime<br />

on a number he didn't win. "Try it again."<br />

the 'con' man said. So. he placed another<br />

dime on another number-«nd lost. That's<br />

the way it went until he got to his 10th<br />

dime.<br />

With the last dime of the original dollar<br />

the 'con' man smiled.<br />

This time the wheel stopped at the chosen<br />

number and the young helper walked<br />

away with a dollar.<br />

Can you imagine that, he thought, that<br />

fellow at the counter must control that<br />

wheel He must know where it will stop<br />

Or he can stop it where he wishes.<br />

His education became complete when he<br />

experienced the same treatment at the<br />

other five stations<br />

IT WAS QUITE an experience for a<br />

young fellow, but he learned that all is not<br />

gold that glitters. And he learned »hat the<br />

games are just a "come on" to the farmers<br />

So. Mr. Kelley. you don't have to go<br />

very far in your planned investigation.<br />

Just walk along the midway at the fair<br />

where the games are being played, and<br />

wait for the 'pitch' man to plea, "Come in<br />

and try it for a dime."<br />

Then watch what happens Maybe you<br />

will leam the lesson just as The Stroller<br />

did a half century ago.<br />

Vitamin C<br />

helps fish<br />

Scientists have known for yuear that fish<br />

use vitamin C. for proper bone growth and<br />

to increase their tolerance to invironemental<br />

stresses. Yet they never<br />

knew exactly how this occurred Now they<br />

do. and the discovery may help biologists<br />

in combating the efffects of pollution on<br />

fish, the Department of the Interior announced.<br />

Biologists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife<br />

Service's Fish Pesticide Laboratory in Columbia,<br />

Mo., first learned of the mechanism<br />

while studying catfish that were affected<br />

by the insecticide toxaphene. This<br />

pesticide is widely used on cotton crops in<br />

the South where channel catfish are also<br />

commercially raised.<br />

About six years ago, biolgists notices<br />

that the channel catish grown on fish<br />

farms in that area were developing a curvature<br />

of the spine that, in extreme cases,<br />

broke the fish's back and stunted growth<br />

as much as one-third. Last year, Fish and<br />

Wildlife scientists linked this syndrome to<br />

toxaphene residues in the<br />

water.Concentrations as low as 37 parts<br />

per trillion in the water were found to<br />

have serious long-term effects on catfish.<br />

EarUer this year, they documented for the<br />

first time the specific rote' vitamin C plays<br />

in this process, and the implications of fish<br />

in the wild, the discovery of its importance<br />

in fish metabolism has been quite beneficial<br />

to the multi-million dollar fish farming<br />

business of the South, where up to five<br />

per cent of pond-cultured catfish showed<br />

the symptom Vitamin C is now included<br />

in many commercially prepared fish<br />

foods, and its inclusion in the diet of<br />

farmed catfish is helping to eliminate the<br />

"broken back syndrome."<br />

However, the discovery of vitamin C's<br />

importance in fish metabolism is equally<br />

beneficial to biologists studying the chronic<br />

effects of pollutants. Biologists believe<br />

that the mechanism which fish use in<br />

detoxifying toxaphene is the same used to<br />

neutralize the effects of other pollutants,<br />

but further studies are necessary before<br />

any firm conclusions can be drawn<br />

Jean Greis<br />

gets EMU post<br />

Jean A Greis. daughter of Mr and Mrs<br />

Robert Greis. 19609 Aubumdale. Livonia,<br />

recently was awarded a resident advisor<br />

intern for the 1976-77 academic year at<br />

Eastern Michigan University.<br />

Jean will receive a $650 leadership scholarship<br />

and will attend workshops and seminars<br />

preparing her for a resident advisor<br />

position.<br />

A resident advisor is responsible for<br />

peer advising, discipline and organizing activities<br />

on a residence hall floor.,Jean, a<br />

freshman majoring in occupational therapy.<br />

was chosen from a field of 125 applicants.<br />


CLOCKS<br />



Watch & Clocks Shop<br />

132 W. DUNLAP<br />

(1 Blk. North ot Mam Street)<br />


349-4038<br />


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Daffodil Vrllow<br />

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29500 W. Six Mile<br />

522-9200<br />

inney<br />

shoes<br />

SALE $ 219 00<br />





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3 DAYS ONLY<br />


August 12,13 and 14<br />


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• T ' V

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