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710 Mbc. For Sate<br />

Octoand County<br />

f i g f<br />

LE-Aag, imk, 9 AM - 8<br />

awuth Rd.. Apartment<br />

Plyn Md k. Mayflower Co^p<br />

H g S r S S<br />

hot triad m MUM<br />

JSC OF Furniture, gnrdea<br />

Jacobean trlmmer-edger,<br />

antlqaaa. microscope,<br />

rrs, ouUlde Iroa furol<br />

Brittany Drive. II Kite -<br />

Rd<br />

K .<br />

«MMgg. ant<br />

typa Ore wars,<br />

lore >4455 Bril<br />

LUGGAGE I ptoec M B E fife-<br />

poedU TouriaUr vary nod condi<br />

ItaMNdi Ask for Nfck.<br />

GARAGE SALE Bric-a-brac. low.<br />

boy's aad latkee ctdMag. eMt-<br />

mai trim, school supplies and mls-<br />

ueHaanua. 372* W.TemkortoB. o—<br />

- > U . . L —<br />

north oI<br />

block weat ef<br />

Bloomfield HUU.<br />

•graph<br />

P1VE FAMILY carage aale<br />

Friday ta Wadaaada; clothing<br />

710 Misc. For Solo<br />

Oddond County<br />

COLLECTABLE* aM afdi newemr<br />

parta. motor*, chalna, S.hp<br />

hi to tj<br />

, typewrttare, Twwwlaji<br />

(Ma. iwtag aat. chain IUk<br />

Md aao« lendng. Nov portabfe<br />

toaaal Now gaa Tight flituro. Ro-<br />

cord playera. *lolh««^MU-<br />

cailaaooua 24845 Olen Orehard.<br />

d l* Mile ead d Farmington<br />

luiuat 14. IS. ttom - Ipm<br />

Rd<br />

OARAGE BALE. Ad*ma cadie.<br />

Aag II 4 lOUt; IS AM - S PM. Mia<br />

Liilinnin bouaehold lUms Palnt-<br />

lag*, prlata. glassware. lawn<br />

mawora. tools, palnu. garden hooa<br />

and taola. lumbar. Bloomfield<br />

Towaahip, MO Adama Caatle Dr.. M.<br />

mila north at Big Baa«*r. wart of<br />

Rd<br />

710 Misc. For Solo<br />

Oddand County<br />


MS dhere, now and back jmm.<br />

phone weekdays 883-1897<br />

OARAGE SALE Aug. IS * 14<br />

Tm baby furnishings almort naw<br />

J ^ r L m S d t h S n " blto. MM.<br />

Toro 420 a ia. rider mowor. |M0.<br />

Bloomfield<br />

GARAOE SALE - IS to S. Friday<br />

SSyTaS Rewald Off Elisabeth.<br />

Rochester.<br />

SM7S Everett South<br />

OARAOE SALE. 28820 Arancl.<br />

Farmiadea. W. of Orchard Late<br />

off 11 MUe Aug 11 13. l«h • AM<br />

•I PM<br />

GIGANTIC MULTI Family aala.<br />

Fri. Sat II AM 4 PM Furniture.<br />

liMM. household goods 10 naw<br />

drapn. rod*, picture frame*, chil-<br />

dren's Md iMt'i clothing. toya.<br />

skates. hooka. plants Mill North<br />

•ay; wool of Evergreen. be-<br />

ll • II MUe<br />


• Grandma's treasures. Uncle<br />

Bob's goodie*, back to aehool doth<br />

lag Friday. Saturday. 9-2PM mil<br />

Pepper mill. Farmington<br />

OARAGE SALE • Furniture, toys,<br />

window fan cameras. Friday after<br />

lpm All day Saturday. 17MI Blr-<br />

wood. Birmingham.<br />

GARAOK SALE Miscellaneous Au-<br />

gMrt IS. II. 14. 22229 Wood will.<br />

CuthlWid. haawaon Southfield and<br />

off I Mila.<br />


SALE Including Grandma's<br />

•Bodies. Aug II. IS. 14th. I to I.<br />

Sense antiques, twin beda. dres-<br />

aors. I piece dining room art Uy-<br />

ing room art. kitchen aat. amal) ap<br />

fiances pots aad pans, dishes<br />

etc . drapes and curtains, air condl-<br />

tioner. light flxturaa. lamps. cMI<br />

dr«i and women's clothing, mater<br />

SM. •srJJrsa<br />

Drive. Troy; south of WatUaa.<br />

West of Uvernds Troy Meadows<br />

Sub<br />

OARAGE SALE Aug. I. g. A 7th. I<br />

AM Antique lea bo*, golf clubs. ai<br />

tension ladder, well pump motor<br />

com bi nation screen door. clot hi ag<br />

houaahold goods misc Free col<br />

lea Mb571 Woodland. Blrmlng<br />

ham. Acroaa Holy Name Church |<br />

MOVING SALE Miscellaneous In-<br />

ciutbnj antiques 14881 CloverdaleJ<br />

Oak Park 4 blocks weat of Cool-<br />

kdM 1 blocks north ol I MUe. Sat .<br />

S 987-0190<br />

OARAGE Sala House Plants. Gar<br />

den Tools. Toboggan. This * Thd<br />

Evenlnp pti» Sat.. Sun 24142 Com-<br />

mon, ft .Farmington Hills S. of<br />

14 MUe. W. of Farmington Rd<br />

AFTER MOVING Sal*. Washer,<br />

dryer, horse miscellaneous, books,<br />

much mora Coo ley Lake Rd, weat<br />

of Union Laka Rd.. aouth on<br />

Barnea Mil Immensee. Union<br />

GARAGE SALE Dining room sat.<br />

barroom sat. ate. Thurs. through<br />

Mon II AM • I PM 174M Devon-<br />

shire In Beacon Square Sub off<br />

II Mile, between Evergreen Lah-<br />

OARAGE SALE - Misc. Aug II<br />

llth. Tamerlane. W<br />

Bloomfield All farm Subdlviaion<br />

S of Maple bet Middlebelt. Or<br />

chard Lake<br />


ty good adactlon. Stands, lampa.<br />

u ra<br />

APARTMENT Sale Must sail<br />

everything. Micro Wave. I months<br />

old color T V. (new), humidifier.<br />

Fisher Stereo, king-slse bed. an-<br />

tique barber chair, much more<br />

Ml 207i Ml-7100<br />


Sale Farmington Rd between II<br />

MUe - 14 MUe Aug. II. II. 14th 10<br />

AM4 PM Wedgewood Commons<br />

OARAOE SALE - Aua. 19-2421, An-<br />

». Furniture. Wcydea. Misc.<br />

Mohr. off Kensington, oear II<br />

Mila<br />

MOVING SALE White ailk sofa,<br />

print sofa. Italian end tables,<br />

brown recliner bachelor's chmt.<br />

lawn mower, trimmer, amplifier<br />

equipment, other miscellaneous<br />

household brie-a brae 7145<br />

grove. Birmingham Farms IS Glen-<br />

B1-7454<br />

XI Crafj<br />

IN STORE Garage Sale on<br />

supplies and fixturea. FN-Sat<br />

PriaU dscoupage and macrame<br />

supplies Finished samples etc<br />

Crahlque. Sunaet Plasa. Troy I<br />

JALOUSIE WINDOWS (11). and<br />

door, bast offer Shallow Welt<br />

Pump. II gallon storage tank. MA<br />

SUPER GARAGE SALE - 4 fami-<br />

lies Off II Mile near Southfield.<br />

17440 Nadora Thura . Fri.. Sat I<br />

GARAGE SALE Bltos. toys, cloth-<br />

ing. bric-a-brac Aug II - 14th<br />

3jVs Huntley Court. N W 11 Mile<br />

and Southfield Rd in Huntley<br />

Square<br />

YARD SALE - No preaalesl<br />

Couch, refrigerator, unfinished<br />

wood cabinets. Graeo Formica<br />

aheets. Metal atorage cabinet*<br />

house plants hooked rug. spin-dry<br />

washer, lots more 110*4 McOung.<br />

Southfield. East off Lahser. bet<br />

tween 1-10 MUe Saturday. 14 PM<br />

Sunday n>« PM<br />

GARAGE SALE August II. if<br />

14Ui »am to Spm Clothing men 4.<br />

women'a. boys . summer snd win<br />

ter Miscellaneous books snd house<br />

bold items Mtt Shallow Brook off<br />

i-«H Lake Rd . one block east Of<br />

Telegraph<br />


On Back to School Bargains<br />



M45 Orchard Lake Rd at Caas<br />

Lake Rd<br />

M1-5S44<br />

Mon - Sat 10 - i<br />

Thurs till • PM<br />

TELESCOPE See Mars, IM power<br />

Tssco Refractor SUrbrlte Still In<br />

original case and condition Only<br />

- 640-07M<br />

MOVINO EVERYTHING from air<br />

conditioner to yard<br />

bw signs; seat of Adams, north of<br />

WatUes oh Route Orde Wurday<br />

I PM 1777 Juniper Court<br />


Can't put It all out at one Ume. SaW<br />

urday, Sunday; Auguat 14 18th. li<br />

PM. Thuraday thru Saturday; Au-<br />

gust II.M.Ilrt. 10147 Georgetown<br />

Dr; between Lahser and Tele<br />

graph, off II Mile<br />

OARAOE A yard s^e Thursday<br />

thru Saturday 11144 Whltlock. east<br />

ofFarmlngt<br />

vonia; 1 block W of Merriman. 1W<br />

blocks S. of I Mile, enter df I<br />

MUe. Furniture, misc Collie pupe<br />

August 11 A llth. I AM • 5 PM<br />

MOVING SALE 1 air conditioners.<br />

S iwn mower and spreader, cheat,<br />

resser and mirror, miscellaneous.<br />

15550 Schoolcraft. Redford; East d<br />

Beech Daly 511-MM<br />

GARAGE SALE, furniture, cloth-<br />

ing. misc household Hems, space<br />

heaters, lawn spraying equipment,<br />

utility boxes for pickup 11177 Wey-<br />

her; near 7 MUe A Middlebelt Sat-<br />

urday A Sunday. August 14-15.<br />

POOL. 11x15, Udder filter $60.<br />

Porch gUder with cushions. |10 Bi-<br />

cycles After SPM S35-61U<br />

GARAGE SALE. S950 Harrison<br />

Garden City 1 Blocks north d<br />

Ford Rd Saturday - 14th. 9-8 PM<br />

Every th ing!<br />

711 Misc. For Solo<br />

Wayno County<br />

BIO MOVINO Sala. mlacafiaai<br />

furniture, TV, stereo, beds d<br />

sera. etc. Mortag out d Stale.<br />

Plymouth Rd. L4. Plymouth.<br />

EARLY AMERICAN bpby bad.<br />

dreaaer and deak Toys, baby<br />

ctothea. small appliances. ClaMtaf.<br />

miscellaneous Reasonable Aucuat<br />

13 thru Auguat It. II nooa to I PM.<br />

JOm Hennepin. Garde* CKy. south<br />

d Ford Road, left on Merriman<br />

OARAGE SALK. Furniture, toys,<br />

misc. 1111 Blaekbara. S. of<br />

Plymouth, between Merrimaa and<br />

Farmington. II am to I pm Thurs<br />

lo Sun J<br />

GARAGE SALK. misc Items. M.<br />

Thursday. Friday A Saturday.<br />

17711 FaVway Dr . Llvoale.<br />


10-11, and other misc Starts<br />

Friday, August II. 111SS<br />

Marquette. Garden City<br />


screen set. 115.<br />

140 Fir<br />

replace<br />

maiM<br />

THREE FamUy Garage Sale Aim<br />

It 11. 14 17441 Rexwood. N d I<br />

E of Merriman. I AM 5 PM<br />

GARAGE SALE • I Family Hottae-<br />

hold goods, sports equipment, bs-<br />

cycle, toys, bumper pool, air hock-<br />

ey. clotnkng. books, baby Heme<br />

31488 Washington. Livonia. 1 blocks<br />

north of Joy, west off Hubbard Au-<br />

gust 11. 13. 14. $ Am<br />

GARAGE SALE - Thursday thru<br />

Sunday 3»M Martin, Kimberley<br />

Oaks sub : nesr Fsrmlngton and 5<br />

Mile Lota of misc MI-IM4<br />

POOL TABLE. $125 Ping Pong<br />

tsble, $25 Two used snow tires.<br />

$14. Super I movie camera, MO<br />

Used Ill's; lxl's. lxlO's; 15c per<br />

fod. Colonial chair, 110 Coffee<br />

table. $15 KE 5-1921<br />

GARAGE SALE! LoU of mis-<br />

cellaneous. August 11.14,15th. 10<br />

AM -1 PM. 31514 Judy DrAe. West-<br />

land<br />

711 Misc. For Sale<br />

Wayno County<br />

BEDROOM SET - 3 piece, $100.<br />

Bkck Leather Chair $50 141-1417<br />

GARAGE SALE 1st time Whst<br />

you've always wanted Cheaply<br />

priced 41M2 Lindsay. Plymouth.<br />

E. d Riverside Dr.. between<br />

Arbor Trail A Hines Park<br />

Thursday. Friday. A Ssturday<br />

TWO Family Garage Sale Sal-<br />

Sun. IAM-5PM. Infant, children,<br />

maternity and adult clothing<br />

Stove, many misc items 19448<br />

Hsrdy. 7 Mile A Merrlmsn area f<br />

GE DRYER, ping pong table, port-<br />

able air conditioner, bird house<br />

471-2771<br />

GIGANTIC garsge sals. 10 tables<br />

full of knicinacs, tabks of new<br />

Jewelry, toys, electric roaster,<br />

shower door, clothes • sll slxee, W<br />

of Fsrmlngton, } blocks E d<br />

Levan. take Golf view N off I Mle<br />

to 17M1 Park lane<br />

MOVINO. GARAGE Sale, mis-<br />

cellaneous items for all aaes<br />

Friday, I to I PM, Ssturday. Sun-<br />

day, 10 to 5 11000 Milburn. off<br />

Plymouth Rd west of Mlddkbek.<br />

MULTIPLE FAMILY Gsrage Sak<br />

Aug II. 11. 14. 15 • ? 10 AM • 8 PM<br />

17715 Sheridan. Garden City.<br />

GARAGE SALE. Almost every-<br />

thins Including antiques, household<br />

J oods Wednesdsy Aug llth . M<br />

M 40580 Ann Arbor Rd ,<br />

Plymouth<br />

GARAGE SALE, II7S5 Pollysnna,<br />

Liv $ Mile and Farmington Rd<br />

area. Saturday. 9-7 PM.<br />

GARAGE SALE 31135 Avondak.<br />

Westland Thurs - Sun . I AM to I<br />

PM. Some variety, mosUy clothes<br />

snd iewelry Between Merriman<br />

and venoy.<br />

GARAGE SALE - Friday at I AM,<br />

antlquen. glassware, and appi-<br />

ances, 1730 McCkimphs. Plymouth.<br />

I MUe west d Sheldon Rd.<br />

SALE Trsiler. snowmobile - util-<br />

a lit Pair walnut barrel back<br />

rs. red velvet Chest, hide-a-<br />

EL 1-1793<br />

WATER SOFTNER. Culligan Mark<br />

50 Like new 474-3059<br />

MOVING SALE Antiques, fla<br />

urines, leaded glass windows, furni<br />

ture. 18 mm sound projector and<br />

many misc items Friday. Aug<br />

13; Saturday. Aug 14th. 71 North<br />

Llvernois. Rochester<br />

PORCH SALE 1978 Bates. Blrming<br />

ham Friday and Saturday. August<br />

13 snd 14th 9 sm to 5:30 pm. North<br />

Of 14 Mile, between Greenfield and<br />

Southfield<br />

AREA RUGS, csrpet pieces, pole<br />

Ismp. large picture, curtains<br />

drapes, rode, lawn sweeper, muffel<br />

bosrd set. basketbsll hoop snd<br />

backboard Bike, must sell. 478-1425<br />


Sale. Thursdsy. Friday. August<br />

12.11, 10 AM- 4PM, toys snd treas-<br />

ures. household Items. chUdren snd<br />

adult's cldhes. used snd never<br />

worn, msternity clothes, sixes 10 to<br />

18. 17M Colonial Way. Bloomfield<br />

Hills, west of Woodwsrd South of<br />

Square Lake Road, off Hickory<br />

Grove and Laftser.<br />

YARD Sale Antiques. Primitives,<br />

drysink. Cupbosrds, trunks, boxes<br />

small wooo items. Ids d pood<br />

junk 3855 VanAmberg Rd.. Bright-<br />

on 1 mile N of Spencer Rd Take<br />

1-90 turn right »t Pleasant Valley<br />

turn left on VanAmberg. fdlow<br />

sign Thurs . Fri.. Aug. II. 11. 10<br />

AM 5 PM No Early Birds<br />

LAWN Mower 11 inch reel type,<br />

IHP. self propelled with gress<br />

catcher like new $45, or best offer.<br />

357 4428<br />

OARAOE SALE, »4t0 Pardo. Au<br />

C I3 through 18. 1 block south of<br />

1. West d Venoy.<br />

SKIPPER'S BED oompkte, never<br />

used. 3 drawers, 4 shelves for stor-<br />

age 427-4511<br />

GARAGE SALE Several famlles.<br />

some furniture, typewriter, pic-<br />

tures, linens, kmps Clothes from<br />

Infants to Urge slxe Avon bottks<br />

Starting Fri. 9 - Ull? 558 N Mil.<br />

Plymouth.<br />

BASEMENT SALE Furniture and<br />

miscellaneous SaL A Sun 14 A 15.<br />

from I AM to 5 PM 9310 Sarasota.<br />

Redford; between Joy and W Chi-<br />

cago.<br />

COLOSSAL SALE Antique ice<br />

cream chairs. Orientsls. sports<br />

equipment, tools, appliances, treas-<br />

ures galore Aug 13.14th. 150 South<br />

Rawles. Romeo<br />

709 Housohold Goods Wayno County<br />

GARAGE SALE st M250 Woodlore<br />

corner Franklin Rd.. Franklin<br />

Friday. Saturday. Sunday Chil<br />

dren's clothes, miscellaneous<br />

REFRIGERATOR, frost free, gold<br />

$185 Electric self-cleaning oven,<br />

white $185 Snapper self propelled<br />

mower. $85 855-1735<br />

BASEMENT SALE MiscelUneous<br />

househdd items, books, typewriter,<br />

furniture, tods. 24750 Lois Lane.<br />

Southfield; 1 block east of Lahser<br />

and 10 MUe Rd<br />




MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9 AM-9 PM<br />

SATURDAY 9 AM 5:30 PM<br />

MANY 1-2-3 OF A KIND<br />

Discontinued Models- plastic kits - • from<br />

$9 50 to $350 Great spare time ac-<br />

tivity for men<br />

at<br />

The Doll Hospital<br />

&<br />

Toy Soldier Shop<br />

3047 12 Mile. Berkley. LI 3-3115<br />



Save up to 20% on most items in<br />

our shop on volume purchases<br />

through August 31 1978<br />

•t .<br />

The Doll Hospital<br />

Enter our Summertime Give Away<br />

d over 10 prizes h gift certificates<br />

worth 11500 Free<br />

5947 12 Mile. Berkley. LI 3-5115<br />

GARAGE SALE starts (Aug 15.1<br />

AM Dresser with mirror, chest.<br />

Dime Buggy, dishes, clothing, odds<br />

t ends 2*775 Alycekav. north oil<br />

12 Mile, east d Orchard Lake Rd<br />

GARAGE sale. » AM - 5 PM. Aug<br />

12.15. Misc and clothes. 4430 Ar-<br />

dmore Ct.. Bloomfield Hills. N of<br />

Looe Pine. W of Lahser.<br />

GARAGE SALE Antigues and<br />

household Thurs thru $at. 9AM<br />

SPM 38070 Brookview, N d I<br />

Mile. E of Levan.<br />

TANDEM construction utility trai<br />

er, 1850 or best offer. Sofa-bed. up-<br />

right piano, dflce desk, file c»»-<br />

nd 484-0575<br />

GARAGE SALE starts » AM.<br />

Friday Household goods, clothes,<br />

mtny unusual items 31801 Varao. 1<br />

Livonia; off Merriman. near Six<br />

Mile.<br />

YARD Swings, heavy duty Grass<br />

catcher, tractor type Wash bowk,<br />

one barber Work bench Ught fix-<br />

ture 1210885<br />

BIG GARAGE Sale Bargains Ga-<br />

lore Thurs. through Sun , 10 AM •<br />

8 PM 35449 MTchele. Livonia 1<br />

block north of Joy, off Farmington<br />

Rd-<br />


ANTIQUE Crystal, flassware. di-<br />

ver. Mahogany. Wanut furniture,<br />

bedroom furniture "Lots of<br />

Goodies!'. Daily-Sunday 10 to 6<br />

PM. Westland Colonial Village<br />

Apartments, 8111 Wavne Road,<br />

Bldg M, Apt 1120. Westland<br />

LATE VICTORIAN armless cane<br />

seat rocker 88 Inch mahogany buf-<br />

fet. Kenmore electric self-prop-<br />

efled, lawn mower. 1880-1877 bound<br />

Harpers Monthly, complete After<br />

8PM 421-8882<br />

BABY DRESSER, crib complete<br />

GM infant's seat, and Jumper<br />

45*0747<br />

GARAGE * YARD SALE August<br />

12. 15 Household, glassware, furni-<br />

ture. small appliancer. misc. 18 Ft<br />

pool with accessories 9288 Hn,<br />

west of Newburgh, south d Aim<br />

Arbor Road<br />

MOVING SALE, bikes, furnltura.<br />

toys', tools, household kerns, misc<br />

Fri. Sat and Sun 10 to 5 PM,<br />

18884 Lennane. Redford; South d 7<br />

MUe. East of Beach Daly<br />

GARAGE SALE Kids bikes, toys,<br />

clothes Dinette set. Commercial<br />

buffer, antiques, mist galore<br />

11578 Lucerne. Plymouth; Beech<br />

Aug 13. 14<br />

GARAGE SALE! dining table,<br />

glass top vanity. 12 ft round rug.<br />

cameras, recorders, books. Aucust<br />

12 thru 14. 9 AM 5 PM 2359 Lost<br />

Tree Way off Square Lake.<br />

Bloomfield Twp<br />

GARAGE SALE, cdor TV cldh-<br />

ing, numerous items 841 Spartan<br />

Dr Rochester. University Hills Sub-<br />

d»vision Thursday. Friday. Satur<br />

day 9 5<br />

GARAGE SALE. Saturday * Sun-<br />

day Aug 14-15 from 10 AM - 5 PM.<br />

Furniture, misc items 25080 York<br />

at Lincdn k Woodward In Hunting<br />

ton Woods<br />

THREE FAMILIES no junk. Wed<br />

Aug II - 15.9:30 to dark. 32717<br />

a earthstone Road, north of 12<br />

ile. 5 blocks east of Farmington<br />

Road.<br />


ISO 2 Blue occasional chairs HO<br />

each Blond double bed. vanity $50<br />

2 Mahagony end tables with glass<br />

tops $15 each. 1 White Lany>$15<br />

GARAGE SALE - Antiques, radios,<br />

tools, forge, two 10 speeds, mini-<br />

bikes. engine, motorcycle parts,<br />

toys, clothes and books Thru Sun-<br />

day 15412 Fairfield. Livonia, north<br />

of 5 Mile<br />

TWIN BED. dresser, fuD sue bed,<br />

J snow tires and wheels H78 x 15<br />

Sliding window air conditioner<br />

Misc 35504 Park dale. Liv. 53-7818<br />

or KE 5 2735<br />

GARAGE SALE Bif variety, good<br />

bargains Thursday thru Sunday. 9<br />

AM - 7 PM. 8452 Liberty. 1 block<br />

east of Merriman, south of Joy Rd<br />

COMPRESSOR. $35 Mini bike. $49<br />

Check writer. $31 Bicycle. $2$.<br />

Typewriter. $35 CB, $25 4 2281J2<br />

GARAGE SALE. Fri * Sat .W.<br />

Household goods clothes, dishes,<br />

table k 4 chairs, lounge char,<br />

misc Items 8402 Hawthorne, off<br />

Maplewood, between Middlebek k<br />

Merriman<br />

GARAGE SALE, 38414 NorthBeM*<br />

Livonia. Wayne and Joy Rd Au<br />

gust 12-18. 1MPM<br />

HUGE GARAGE SALE, camptog<br />

equipment, trailer awning, furni-<br />

ture, snow blower, bikes, books,<br />

clothes, toys 14700 Berwick; south<br />

of Five, west of Merriman<br />

Tuesday. Aug. 10 • Saturday. 14th<br />

10 to 5<br />

BEAUTIFUL 5 ft taU artificial<br />

Yucca plant from Arizona Beat<br />

offer CaU after 4 PM 4b-ss21<br />

FLUFFY soft and bright - are car-<br />

pets cleaned with Blue Lustre<br />

Rent electric shampooer. $2 Loefl-<br />

ler Pro Hardware, 20150 Five Mie<br />

at Middlebelt GA 2-2210<br />

A-l GARAGE Sale. Hitchcock rock-<br />

er. chairs, dresser, coffee table,<br />

wedding gown. chUd's work bench,<br />

toys, clothes 1972 Maverick, books,<br />

lawn mower, brass pony bit Wed<br />

thru Sat. 15450 F«x, Redford. near<br />

5 Mile<br />

GARAGE SALE-c loth ing. dishes,<br />

misc Thurs 25550 W Warren<br />

Dearborn Hts near Beech Dtfr-<br />

DRAPERIES * SHEERS. Stereo<br />

Stand, Weddina gown sixe.l. bov's<br />

clothing size 9 mos to I 1 * Lke<br />

new. real cheap 522-2374<br />


Sale. Aug 12-I4th 9 AM-5 PM<br />

Lke new. girl's clothing, sixes 2-7<br />

Westinghouse dehumidnier, mac<br />

electrical and household items,<br />

toys 35280 Bennett. Livonia N of 6<br />

Mile. E of Wayne Rd .<br />

LOTS OF misc items, also cloth-<br />

ing and plants, and Muskin pool fil-<br />

ter. horsepower 190 Hamilton<br />

St. Plymouth 1W blocks N of Ann<br />

Arbor Trail<br />

NEIGHBORHOOD garage sale,<br />

baby items, toys, clothes, lots d<br />

misc 29138 Mmton, S. of W Chi-<br />

cago. E of Middlebek<br />

GARAGE SALE! Lots of mis-<br />

ceUaneous. August 13.14.15th. 10<br />

AM 9 PM 52584 Judy Drive. West<br />

land<br />

GARAGE SALE • Chrome Lampa.<br />

like new. double oven stove. Many<br />

Misc Sat Only. Aug. 13. 14475 Elen<br />

Dr. W of Farmington. bet 5 Mie<br />

Schoolcraft<br />

POOL FILTER Hp. Muskin. $85<br />

24' liner. $85 4x8 sun deck. $75<br />

555-1810<br />

GARAGE SALE. August 14 k IS<br />

ExceUent buys 45821 Rregate. Can-<br />

ton. "» Mile W of Lilley. T block N.<br />

of Warren<br />

HELP! We're bulging at the<br />

•seams! Gold contemporary sda.<br />

$75. $ x 4 Jalousie window with<br />

storms and screens, $75 Formica<br />

and metal table for two and 2<br />

chairs. $25 Duncan Phyfe table<br />

$25 Baby dressing table. $10 MBC<br />

clothing and household Items<br />

Thurs Fri. » to 5 PM 30920 Wen<br />

tworth. Livonia; 4 blks N d 5<br />

Mile, off Merriman Rd.<br />

YARD Sale Aug 14. 15th 10 AM-0<br />

PM 32911 Florence, corner Venoy.<br />

Garden City TV, Motorcycle hel-<br />

met. chUdren's items, household,<br />

much pise.<br />


Thursday. Friday. 1-5 PM 27755<br />

Bark ley. Livonia. Lyndon-Inkder<br />

area Tools, bric-a-brac. toys, chil-<br />

dren's clothes, much more<br />

SINGER sewing machine, 8iS<br />

Dress form, adjustable. $8. Sun<br />

lamp. $20. Clothing - women's. 2<br />

ra«n made fuV coats (slse M0).<br />

Cloth coat AU weather coat.<br />

927-114$<br />

WEDDING GOWN, white, slae 10.<br />

Victorian style, with train and vail<br />

$115 AfterS JO 427-8008<br />

WEDDING GOWN, ivory chiffon or-<br />

gandy with matching tram and<br />

vdl. Trimmed with Spanish lace<br />

Site 10 $90 After 1:00 45M788<br />

GARAGE SALE - August II thru<br />

IS. 10am-7pm 29081 Leona. Garden<br />

City. Home, auto k childrens<br />

Items Women's clothes Much,<br />

miich more at low prices ,<br />

GARAGE Sale Aug 12 • 14. M.<br />

Miac items. Toys. Books. Furni-<br />

ture 31715 Wyoming Joy • Merri-<br />

man<br />

GARAGE SALE, baby crib, movie<br />

camera, color TV. table k 4 (hairs,<br />

shrub trimmer 0518 Chirrewa.<br />

Westland<br />

HONDA 1972 CT70 traU bike, bump<br />

er pool table. 10 speed bike. 2 year<br />

crib 427 9568<br />

.GARAGE SALE. Thurs Fri .Sat.<br />

Noon-8 PM 28839 Barton. Garden<br />

City Kelsey Printing Press, type-<br />

writers. cameras, lawn mower.<br />

smaU appliances, skis. rugs, au-<br />

tomotive stuff, candles, books, re-<br />

cords. Christmas decorations, other<br />

misc<br />

NEW, NEVER been used: Indoor-<br />

outdoor carpeting, red tweed 12 x<br />

40. $200 42M106<br />

GARAGE SALE. Saturday. August<br />

14th, 9 AM 38852 Rayburn. North<br />

of 5 Mile and West Of Leva|i MB-<br />

ceUaneous Items including Nancy<br />

Drew Books and National Qeofjra<br />

phic Magazines<br />

SINGER, like new (lyr 1, Stretch<br />

Stritch. Zig-Zag. $140 $11-1732<br />

GARAGE SALE Inchidlnc many<br />

pieces of furniture. 43070 Ver-<br />

sallies, off She Id en, S. of Joy Rd.<br />

enter Sub on Arlington<br />

GARAGE SALE Girls bedroom<br />

furniture, antiques, furniture, mk-<br />

ceUaneous. 29891 W Warren. Gar-<br />

den City. ^<br />

GARAGE SALE. Fri..Sat 9A|I-<br />

8PM 5855 Woodland Pass. Fox<br />

croft Sub . Quarton Telegraph Rd<br />

couches. 2 arm chairs, metal<br />

desk, bikes, wagon, toys, books,<br />

bedspreads * drapes, decorating<br />

items and accordions<br />

BLUE DANUBE DISHES, reduced<br />

price, blue driftwood stemware,<br />

must sell. Good Buys Early Ameri-<br />

can globe lamp. Red and Blue<br />

kitchen Items. Bates Queen Eliza-<br />

beth full White Spread. Blue oval<br />

table cldh. napkins perma press 5<br />

ft Pine Christmas Tree, Drapes<br />

Keep Trying. 478-4128<br />

GARAGE Sale. Aug 9 and Aug 12,<br />

13. 14th 5859 Tabor Drive•. W.<br />

Bloomfield; between Middlebelt<br />

and Orchard Lake. N of Maple<br />

Furniture, drapes, lawn mower,<br />

toys, carpeting, misc<br />

CHANDELIER, contemporary,<br />

crystal cracked glass and chrome<br />

like new. 478-3717<br />

YARD SALE, 2-family. .Fri.Sat.<br />

10AM 8PM 19981 Indian, S. d<br />

Grand River. E of Inkster<br />

DOUBLE SINK, coppertone w»h<br />

faucet $15 White metal cabinet. 24<br />

inches wide $20, T V outdoor ki-<br />

tenna $10 Girl's 20 in bke hMh-<br />

rise handle bars $20. 4S3-2587<br />

GARAGE SALE. August 13. M<br />

9055 Hemingway. South Redford.<br />

Washer, bike, stereo and much<br />

more,<br />

SUPER GARAGE Sale, furniture,<br />

household Items, clothes, misc.<br />

South d Maple, between Cranbrook<br />

and Boutnfleld. 091 South<br />

Glenhurst. Birmingham. Thurs..<br />

Fri . 9 to 5. Sat. 9 to 1.<br />


Sale. 4 families. August 13. 14. IS<br />

19729 W. 9-Mile Rd. near Ever<br />

green<br />


steamed glass walnd kitchen cup-<br />

board. chalra. chests, oak dressers<br />

beds, bookcases, marbletopi wash<br />

stands Queen Anne walnut 54 Inch<br />

round table. Ids. Ids more Starts<br />

Thursday 48735 12 Mile Rd near<br />

Beck. Novi<br />

TRASH TRINKETS Treasure Sa£<br />

Fri Sat Aug. 13.14. 10-8 >0783<br />

Wakednn. sAtold. $ Mile-Beech<br />

Daly area Cash and carry.<br />

MOVINO SALE. Tore 1<br />

wan old. Antique black kettles<br />

&£ dishwasher Maple bookcase^<br />

manv new items all reasonable v*<br />

mila Dorth d Maple off Orchard<br />

Lake 827S Nicholas. Thursday.<br />

Friday. Saturday<br />


Starttaf Saturday. August 14. AM<br />

22745 Hawthorn. Farmington. Otf<br />

Grand River MJsc. Items, tools<br />

GARAOE SALE- Mud OOD ereiy<br />

EF a-<br />

9AM SPM 17233 Klrkshire; 1 Mo<br />

Id 14 MUe.bdween Southfield<br />

block<br />

k<br />

FOUR FAMILY Qirofo SoU<br />

Super stuff Furnkurt. large swim<br />

mlng pool COW. » P ll0B<br />

rium. cldbds. toys.<br />

Mams Come see Anfuat 13,14th, 9<br />

AM 5 PM 5080 Snowshoe Orck.<br />

d Gilbert Lake Rd , bdwtea<br />

Maple Rd k Quarton '<br />


Winry. Rochester Somdhing for<br />

everybody Children's toys, clothes,<br />

furniture, etc. 9;30 am to 5 pm.<br />

Wed . Aug 11 thru Sat Aug 14<br />

SIX Family gsrsgeisie Baby fur-<br />

niture toys, children s clothes,<br />

household Item. A^g 12-14_9 AM to<br />

8 PM 23101 Purdue. 2 blocks N d<br />

9 Mile. 4 blocks W of Middlebelt<br />

U CU. Ft. Whirlpool frost-free<br />

freezer. 8 months old. Maytag 18<br />

lb washer. |New 20 In Craftsman<br />

snow thrower Craftsman rldlag<br />

lawn mower Assorted garden im-<br />

plants<br />

828-9847<br />

piements. potted indoor pli<br />

GARAGE SALE. Avoo Pn*»cU.<br />

air conditioner, lamps chair. chU-<br />

drens clothing, misc 7375 Heather<br />

SmU, -*ne ofr 14 Mile Rd be-<br />

tween Orchsrd Lake * Middlebelt<br />

Rds Thursday - Friday Saturday<br />

9 AM - 5 PM<br />

OIOANTIC MULTI • Family Oa-<br />

rage Sale. Aug. 12. IS. 14. 9AM to $<br />

PiT 391$ Edate Drive J Mock<br />

Wed d Cooiidm. South of Wdtles<br />

BIKES. kltdMB chairs, dining<br />

room chdi*. game table cbalrv<br />

toys A toy chest, assorted kitchen<br />

tons Lou d ddhlng. Infad «kn»<br />

$ years. M M<br />

GARAGE SALE, complde houae<br />


Rd<br />

MOVING BARAOE S«le. $•» in-<br />

Trall. 1 block wed d<br />

* Walnut Uka Rd Too*<br />

ITS!? Aug IMf • AM-4 PM<br />


moss green, good condition<br />

GARAGE SALE. Augwt II k 141k,<br />

M • 4 PM. MlOMeope. telescope.<br />

field *kWn<br />

UPRIGHT Bel k HoweU tape re-<br />

corder. $50 48 Base Salanti accord-<br />

ion. $20. Kenmore gas dryer. $50<br />

Portable barbecue. $20 425-7900<br />

UTILITY Trailer. 5*18. 4 ft<br />

$17$.. 581-811$ or 27*4174<br />

GIGANTIC Yard Sale. Aug 13 thru<br />

18 Dishes. Toys. Furniture k Cloth-<br />

ing 20235 Floral between 74 Mle<br />

Ros.; between Middlebelt - Inkster<br />

take Angling St i<br />

MOVING * Garage sale.Yri.. SaL.<br />

urnlture. appliances, Itlcycles.<br />

G tio. lawn and misc items. 4x18<br />

i traUer. 15780 Riverside. U<br />

vonia.<br />

5 FAMILY GARAGE Sale AM. 13.<br />

M. 15th* 10 AM - I PM 12700 La-<br />

verne. between Beech 4 Inkster.<br />

south Schoolcraft. Baby items,<br />

clothes, books, miscellaneous<br />

BARGAINS Garage Sale. S820 Wi-<br />

nter. I block north of Ford. *<br />

blocks east d Newburgh August<br />

14. 1$.<br />

GARAOE SALE - 29SI4 Barton.<br />

Garden C&». between Ford Rd<br />

and Cherry HBI. Saturday. Sundmr.<br />

Formica dinette set. fender ampl-<br />

ftor Danish tumfcure. Upholstered<br />

chairs Misc<br />

FOUR FAMILY forage sa». houae<br />

hold Items, dothlni. humidifier<br />

kerosene stove. 11200 Mayfietd<br />

ead d Farmington Rd. south off<br />

Plymouth' Rd.<br />

GARAGE SALE, a little bk of ever-<br />

rthing Including some antiques<br />

Startinc Friday. 402» Gilbert, M<br />

Ann Arbor Trai k Haggerty Rd.<br />

GARAGE SALE. LIvobIb. —<br />

Rayburn. l.vonia. ? blocks N. Treaa<br />

ures August II. 12 15839 Noia<br />

Circle. 5 Mile Newburgh. 9 to 5<br />

Pm<br />

POOL FILTER make offer, as a.<br />

After 8 281 7887<br />


Air conditioner, room divider,<br />

large floor fan. mower, boat prop,<br />

etc . other miscellanous household<br />

items Saturday, Sunday. 276J7 Lyn-<br />

don North of Schoolcraft. West d<br />

Inkster.<br />

Aug 12<br />

Clothes,<br />


thru 15. 10 AM., school<br />

games, bike, unlcycle. truck tires,<br />

household goods, no junk 8014 Wil-<br />

low Creek. <strong>Canton</strong>. Nottingham For<br />

est Sub off Ford. Rd W of Lilley<br />

BABY BUTLER crib<br />

playpen, best offer.<br />

GARAGE SALE Aug I4-I5th.<br />

9AM-8PM Many Goodies. Bkes.<br />

Clothing, Furniture 8738 Deering;<br />

near Warren. Iqkster. Garden Cly<br />

YARD SALE household goods,<br />

clothes, books, quality articles Au-<br />

ust 13, 14 15130 Lahser. Detroit<br />

(ear 5 Mile<br />

BASEMENT sale. Fri.. Sat . Stm.<br />

10 AM - 4 PM. 843 Brandon, off<br />

Newburgh in Westland.<br />

GARAGE SALE Five femilifs<br />

Furniture, clothing, plants, MBC<br />

851 Pacific. Plymouth. Farmer and<br />

Sheldon area Thurs Fri Sat<br />

MOVING; selling aU Appliances,<br />

furniture, yard sports A household<br />

equipment, dishes, old trains k<br />

otter assorted items 9 AM - 9 PM<br />

Saturday k Sunday only. 9010<br />

Brookline, off Joy Rd.. in<br />

Hypo oft. i<br />

GARAGE SALE 7940 GarV. W«t<br />

land, corner of Ann Arbor Trai<br />

Machinist took, antique dresser,<br />

radio. Uble. sewing machine, can<br />

nng Jars Aug 12. IS. 14. and IS 10<br />

am to 8 pm<br />

Parage SALE. Rockwell saw. an<br />

tique glass and ceramics. smaU<br />

kan. bedroom ed 55585 Nancy,<br />

west of Farmington. south d W<br />

Chicago. Weekends only. Augu«<br />

14. IS. 21. 22<br />

GARAGE SALE. August It. 13 k<br />

14. Many-baby Hems, south d 5<br />

Mile, east of Middlebek istll Sun<br />

bury. 10 to 8.<br />

garage SALE.' miscellaneous,<br />

small appliance*, dishes, cameras,<br />

men and women's clothes Satur-<br />

day. Sunday. 124 PM 3S5S5 Wed<br />

Chicago, Livonia.<br />

GARAGE A household sale. Maple<br />

single bed. complete. 2 desks. waA-<br />

er. dryer k many other bouaehold<br />

Items Au«ud 13-14, 18 AM - • PM<br />

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