Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library


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•••"••> 1<br />

Nancy Smith, one of the few women parts managers in Michigan<br />

Plymouth woman<br />

knows car<br />


A young woman who says she was "driving<br />

something with a motor and four<br />

wheels since the time 1 was 6" is now one<br />

of the few female car par& managers in<br />

Michigan. She works for Bob Saks Olds<br />

handling a $200,000 monthly inventory<br />

Nancy Smith, who grew up in the country<br />

north of Battle Creek, marks the beginnings<br />

of her career at 17 when she couldn't<br />

get a job after high school graduation<br />

She was offered a free course in foreign<br />

car repair and took it to fill up the time "<br />

That led to her first job as a car mechanic<br />

That was in 1966. before the advent of<br />

"The Feminine Mystique."' Women's liberation<br />

and NOW<br />

"It took a lot of nerve fbr him (the<br />

owner) to give me that chance The same<br />

kind of daring it must have taken for Mr<br />

Saks when he moved me from assistant<br />

manager to manager." she said.<br />

Of her boss, she says. "He's a good guy<br />

to work for. He lets the managers manage.<br />

'<br />

INTERIM JOBS found her driving courtesy<br />

care, working as a service writer,<br />

woricing as a pit mechanic and singing in<br />

a rock and roll band<br />

Mrs Smith earned her living for two<br />

years as a singer, which she refers to as<br />

"a competitive art form and not the most<br />

secure business in the world ''<br />

Bringing four people together to render<br />

a creative offering is a far Cry from bringing<br />

many times that many together to render<br />

a specific service, she explained<br />

She has hired the majority of her own<br />

crew of seven who work out of the Farmington<br />

dealer's lot on Grand River<br />

"My crew is young, but they perform<br />

and that's all that counts,* she said<br />

Her young crew and Saks' daring apparently<br />

paid off because last February Mrs.<br />

Smith was named manager of the month<br />

stemming from a high in sales of $91,000,<br />

parts<br />

about $30,000 higher than could be ei<br />

pected for a February<br />

HER FEELINGS about this is that s<br />

is selling a service, and parts are but<br />

by-product of that service. She followed<br />

this feeling by rattling off a string of instances<br />

where members of her crew wou<br />

be sent to as far away as Howell or La<br />

sing in order to give one-day service<br />

"If a part is tying up a car for someon^.<br />

we'll do it. We do it constantly. We'fe<br />

going to be her next year and for years<br />

after that. It doesn't make much sense n6t<br />

to do a good job for our customers." sne<br />

said<br />

She suspects she works an average of il<br />

hours a day, often takes work home wi(h<br />

her "but that is necessary to do the job. St<br />

comes with the territory," she says.<br />

The service she renders, she believe 5.<br />

goes hand in hand with that of the servii e<br />

mechanic, whom she calls a trained tec inician.<br />

"We don't have a heavy turnover at i II<br />

of the men who service the cars and th< y<br />

are constantly being sent out to the GM<br />

Tech Center just to keep up. A tune-up<br />

used to be a simple operation, but cars a|e<br />

getting so complicated now. all part of our<br />

complicated society. I guess. Basic invent)<br />

ry is just not what it used to be," she sai< I.<br />

"A dealership just keeps playing catcfi<br />

up with supply and demand and it seems<br />

everybody wants all the goodies they a n<br />

load onto a car. Selling a basic car is practically<br />

unheard of. Most of the cars so d<br />

here are sold fully loaded and that meats<br />

more switches and nuts and bolts for me. '<br />

Keeping all of the switches and nuts ar d<br />

bolts in their proper place comes easy for<br />

her because "I like things in order. I lil e<br />

things to be where they're supposed o<br />

be." she said.<br />

Mrs. Smith lives in Plymouth with to r<br />

husband Dan who is drummer for the Tom<br />

Powers Trio now playing at the Pepperrnill.<br />

MCEN&mONA.<br />

BUST<br />


IDEA<br />

M<br />

^ Luxurious room<br />

^ Leisurely breakfast / */<br />

•fa Cocktail and<br />

dancing<br />

r<br />

V '//<br />

//<br />

Call<br />

879-2100<br />

for a color brochure<br />

X<br />

Northfield Hilton Inh<br />

5500 Crooks Rd. at I-75<br />

Troy, Michigan 48084<br />

'<br />

r ' V y;i-:'.V'->(,•> .T/WiW*; »V7.WWY-Mv' TVv.v ;. -A'..- Vv,' • i; .- v.'> I„y->,,.v. -v. .**T>r>!<br />

juggles a $200,000 monthly inventory in Farmingtor|'s Bob Saks Olds.<br />

Thursday, August 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC •3B<br />

Feminist club<br />

offers buffet<br />

' Buffet and entertainment every Fnday<br />

evening is offered by the Feminist<br />

Women's City Club, 2110 Parte, Detroit<br />

Food and music will be available in the<br />

lounge on the second floor from 5-7 p.m.<br />

The cafe also has business women's<br />

luncheon specials at $2 25 every Wednesday<br />

from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. It is located<br />

on the third floor of the club.<br />

Pharmacy Dept.<br />

Sweaters<br />

You're ready<br />

fa them.<br />

The weather is ready<br />

for them.<br />

Rancbra is ready<br />

with them.<br />

Sweaters called "Angles."<br />

In taste-tingling colors -<br />

like strawberry and cranberry.<br />

Over-sweaters that are long on collars<br />

and cuffs, but not short on sizes:<br />

thirty through thirty-eight.<br />


Under-sweaters are skinny turtlenecks<br />

with lots-of-color striping. All sizes too<br />


On the lower half — corduroy slacks,<br />

narrow-as-a-pin waled<br />

and deeper berry colored.<br />

Corduroys in all junior sizes,<br />

and almost all colors<br />


Next to Meijer Thrifty Acres at Ford Road and <strong>Canton</strong> Center.<br />

11-6 Sunday 10-10 Vteekdays<br />

Colonial House<br />

ol Furniture<br />

19532 W.McNichols<br />

Open MOD., Thora., Fri.til9<br />

KE2-7900<br />

Scientific Medication Works Quickly, for Hours, to<br />

Stop the<br />

Torture of<br />

Vicious Itching<br />

Even Personal Membrane Itching<br />

Now you can get fast, long-lasting<br />

relief from the tortures of itching,<br />

chafing, rashes, dry skin eczema,<br />

even embarrassing membrane itch<br />

(vaginal and rectal) with LANACANF.<br />

Medicated Creme. Any itch causes<br />

scratching, causes more itching.<br />

I hat's the misery of what Doctors<br />

recognize as the "itch-scratch-itch<br />

cycle." LANACANF. works because it<br />

breaks this cycle ... relieves itching<br />

fast, quiets the urge to scratch.<br />

i<br />

checks bacteria growth, speeds<br />

healing. Soothing, greaseless.<br />

And now t ANACANE brings you<br />

new LANACANF. SPRAY — specially<br />

medicated to relieve skin in pain<br />

due to sunburn, itching, everyday<br />

cuts and scrapes. Brings prompt,<br />

temporary relief without stinging<br />

even on irritated surface tissue.<br />

Helps prevent infection as it promotes<br />

healing. Amazing LANACANF.<br />

— Famous Creme. New Spray.

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