Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library

Police appointments - Canton Public Library


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Volume 2 Number 80<br />

(Obsc<br />

Thursday, August 12,1976<br />

,'.v<br />

prove themselves."<br />

Greenstein agreed with one audiencp<br />

4.<br />

Greenstein agreed a fulltime force was<br />

needed and admitted the reserves were an<br />

interim measure<br />

But he said the board was bound by the<br />

will of the people.<br />

"Twice 14 mills was defeated by the<br />

voters and until the residents of this township<br />

are willing to pay for a fulltime force<br />

we should try for the next best thing.<br />

"This is only a stop gap measure, but<br />

the people have spoken and we have to listen.<br />

The reserves are not a fulltime force,<br />

but they are better than nothing.''<br />

Cheske said the board had to make a<br />

choice between a millage effort for a second<br />

fire station and a police force, "and<br />

we felt the fire station was the first priority"<br />

MYERS, IN voting no listed 11 reasons<br />

against the reserves as presently constituted.<br />

citing economic reasons, lack of<br />

political safeguards, and the fact that it<br />

" was against the will of the people."'<br />

Poole said he saw a potential conflict of<br />

interest with the supervisor serving as police<br />

chief.<br />

He said the reserves had gone from a<br />

traffic control device to a fully authorized<br />

police force. He applauded the dedication<br />

of the reserves, but said he had searched<br />

his conscience and couldnt vote for them.<br />

Supervisor Robert Greenstein demonstrates how the new magnetic signs will be used on dualpurpose<br />

tpwnship-owned vehicles.<br />

The status quo of the Centennial Educational<br />

Park ! (CEP) physical education requirements<br />

was supported Monday night<br />

when school board members failed to muster<br />

a quorum of votes needed to cany two<br />

resolutions regarding the CEP's secondyear<br />

gym requirements.<br />

Defeated was a motipn by Trustee Mar<br />

da Borowski to eliminate the second-year<br />

physical education requirement as well as<br />

a motion by Treasurer Richard Arien to<br />

refer the matter to the district's Curriculum<br />

Coordinating Committee (CCC).<br />

With board President Joe Gray, Secretary<br />

Flossie Tonda and Trustee George<br />

Lawton absent from Monday's meeting,<br />

the remaining four board members needed<br />

a unanimous vote to take action on the proposed<br />

elimination of the second-year .requirement.<br />

THE LAC* OF four votes also stymied<br />

payment of the bills, when trustees Marcia<br />

Borowski and Tom Yack cast "no" votes.<br />

1he trvstoes objected to the admtatetration's<br />

failure to anvMr Mrs. DmUMSi •<br />

on two of the bills.<br />

The physical education Issue was placed<br />

on Monday 's agenda at the request of Mrs<br />

Borowski who favors shaving the CEP s<br />

- /<br />

Irequire<br />

gym requirements from two to one year In<br />

light of a possible millage defeat in !ep^<br />

tember*and a reduced. 5Vfc-hour day at the<br />

Mrs. Borowski. arguing that the (XX<br />

will not meet until September to discuss<br />

the CEP's physical education requirements,<br />

cast the one fatal, dissenting Vote<br />

against Arien's motion to refer the msjtter<br />

to the CCC. '<br />

••We. have cut out all physical education<br />

requirements for elementary kids without<br />

referring to the CCC," said Mrs. Borowski,<br />

referring to one of the board's recent budg<br />

et cuts. "We're now moaning and groaning<br />

over this.<br />

"If physical education Is so important,<br />

it's Just as important for elementary<br />

kids—probably more so. I just think you're<br />

becoming illogical. \<br />

"U students are going to be limited to<br />

five hours at the part," she continued. "I<br />

only hope physical education will jm<br />

required for one year."<br />


Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong> High School, told<br />

members be favors continuation<br />

two-year gym requirement EUmir<br />

the second-year requirement at this<br />

he added, would create<br />

duiing proDiems •<br />

the<br />

vr it 4<br />

rx<br />

j g m \ w i S S $ V i V ^'"'* V'/V" '• ""' v> j' *' g<br />

Eccentric<br />

<strong>Canton</strong>, Michigan 52 Pages Twenty Five Cent* ;<br />

Wives of <strong>Canton</strong> firefighters recently met to<br />

form an auxiliary to perform community service!<br />

functions. Among members of the new<br />

T<br />

TO missi at Greenstein's request<br />

Fire auxiliary forms<br />

organization are (from left) Joan Chakrabarty,<br />

Shirley Hamilton and Dian Harrison. For the<br />

story, see page 4A.<br />

imbario signed letter,<br />

investigation continues<br />


Planning commissioner Tom Timbano<br />

laid to (rest any questions about who signed<br />

a lettelr distributed late in the primary<br />

campa gn alleging that Supervisor Robert<br />

Greenstein referred to mobile home<br />

owners as "trailer trash."<br />

On Tuesday night, a tight lipped Timbario<br />

issued the press a seven-point statement<br />

Explaining why he signed the letter<br />

and how he had become disenchanted with<br />

Greenitein.<br />

Tirol >ario, a former supporter of Greenstein.<br />

was appointed to the planning com-<br />

Despite Timbario's admission of signature.<br />

trie Wayne County Prosecutors office<br />

is investigating the incident, alleged by<br />

Greenstein to be one of many dirty tricks<br />

used ^gainst him in his unsuccessful campaign<br />

for re election.<br />

Gre< nstein. who said after Timbario admitted<br />

signing the letter thaf'nothkig surprises<br />

1 me about this campaign." had earlier<br />

naintained the letter was fraudulent<br />

and f )rged.<br />

He Went Monday to the prosecutor's office<br />

seeking an investigation into the matter.<br />

He said the letter was "a pack of<br />

lies" and constituted an unlawful, act. because<br />

it improperly influenced tne Aug. 3<br />

election.<br />

Greenstein said while the letter was not<br />

forge^—in light of Timbario's statement.—<br />

it wap still illegal because it was "completely<br />

untrue."<br />

For reasons unclear at press time, the<br />

State <strong>Police</strong>, Plymouth Subpost were investigating<br />

the matter, although they had<br />

not been asked to by the prosecutor s office<br />

or the state elections committee.<br />

merits draw fire<br />

"We have done considerable work in the<br />

physical education curriculum to involve<br />

studenttfn life-time sports and prepare students<br />

for the greater amount of leisure<br />

time they will encounter," Buikema said.<br />

"We feel the two-year requirement Is a<br />

minimal requirement rather than a burdensome-type<br />

of requirement."<br />

According to school Supt. John M.<br />

Hoben, a four-year physical education requirement<br />

once Influenced high school<br />

schedules In the Plymouth School District.<br />

The requirements were later reduced to<br />

three years and then to two.<br />

Currently, students must take physical<br />

education courses in ninth grade and an additional<br />

one year of gym in their sophomore,<br />

Junior or senior year.<br />

ALTHOUGH ARLEN supported Mrs Borowski'i<br />

motion to eliminate the secondyear<br />

physical education requirenwnt at<br />

the CEP, he moved to amend Mrs. Borowski's<br />

motion to implement the change<br />

during the CEP's second semester rather<br />

than the atari of the school year.<br />

With no support of Aries's amended motion,<br />

board members voted S-l against<br />

Mrs. Borowski's motion and took no action<br />

on the physical eduoatkn matter.<br />

In lother<br />

and yack<br />

board action, Mrs. Borowski<br />

vetoed payment of the bills.<br />

On Monday afternoon. Mrs. Borowski<br />

had requested the administration explain<br />

two bills—a rent payment for the CAS-<br />

TLES building and a uniform bill for the<br />

CEP band's Rifle Squad.<br />

I when the answers were not forthcoming<br />

at Monday night s board meeting. Mrs.<br />

' cast her vote against payment<br />

of the bills.<br />

"I have questions on two items that<br />

arent answered," she said, "so none of<br />

the bills will be paid."<br />

Co rrection<br />

In the Mpnday. Aug. 9 edition of the <strong>Canton</strong><br />

Observer k Eccentric, Harold Stefo,<br />

Democratic candidate for township superwas<br />

quoted as sayhg if elected he<br />

disarm the reserve and take away<br />

uniforms.<br />

Stein said he will disarm the reserve,<br />

but he said he wfll not take away their uniforms.<br />

-• •<br />

A spokesman said Wednesday they had<br />

dropped the matter and that it had been<br />

turned over in full to the prosecutor's office.<br />

IN HIS TWO page statement. Timbario<br />

said Greenstein had pressured him to sign<br />

an affadavit "indicating I did not sign the<br />

letter. '<br />

"I refused to sign his affadavit spite of<br />

his attempt to intimidate and pressure, because<br />

it would not have been truthful.<br />

"The pressure however seems to be con*<br />

sistent with his attitude concerning the<br />

relationship between citizens and their<br />

elected officials."<br />

Timbario reiterated his statement that<br />

the letter was "true and factual."<br />

'Earlier, he had refused to say whether<br />

or not he signed the letter although commenting<br />

he had nothing to do with its distribution.<br />

Trustee Robert Myers admitted he was<br />

behind the distribution of the letter and<br />

added that he had personally paid for duplication<br />

of the letter as charged by Greenstein<br />

In his statement Timbario listed seven<br />

reasons for signing the letter<br />

They were:<br />

^Greenstein taking credit for the master<br />

pUim concept "when in fact nearly a dozen<br />

township goals specifically related to Agricultural-open<br />

space preservation, reduced<br />

tax burdens for farmers" were developed<br />

by the original 25-member Citizens Advisory<br />

Council in 1973.<br />

•Greenstein telling him that "I must be<br />

insane for suggesting a member of the<br />

farming community be appointed to the<br />

planning commission as Bob Simmons replacement<br />

and that only people sharing<br />

the same thinking as the administration<br />

should be appointed to the planning commission.<br />

• "Being told by a member nf the administration<br />

that subdivision homeowners<br />

would have to pay almost a quarter of a<br />

million dollars for streetlight installation<br />

because of the administration's negligence<br />

in enforcing the township's current subdivision<br />

ordinance<br />

Amusements<br />

Bowling<br />

Brevities<br />

Cassified Ads<br />

Editorial Opinion<br />

Religion<br />

Sports<br />

Suburban Life<br />

Stroller<br />

Witch Watch<br />

4-14C, Sec. D<br />

'-0i tic/'<br />

• "Announcing that the master plan is a<br />

revolutionary concept'' when in it has been<br />

successfully accomplished in several other<br />

states<br />

• "Refusing to release publically the mas^<br />

ter plan critique by Professor Robert Ho<br />

taling. which was paid (or with township<br />

funds, since the report suggested many al^<br />

ternative methods by which agriculture<br />

could be preserved "<br />

•That Greenstein said concepts that<br />

might signifigantly affect the master plan<br />

be discussed in private "among the boys'<br />

before being made public. This way. the<br />

public would then be exposed to a united<br />

position, and public discussion discouraged."<br />

• That Greenstein took credit for commercial<br />

establishments built within the<br />

last year and a half "when in fact many of<br />

these establishments were approved before<br />

the Nov. 1974 election. '<br />

V<br />

TIMBARIO SAID he was disillusioned<br />

and frustrated "in seeing the way the<br />

Greenstein campaign was being present<br />

ed" and that he felt that mobile heme<br />

owners "had a right to know just what Mr.<br />

Greenstein's private opinion and attitude<br />

is toward mobile home owners."<br />

In his final volley. Timbario charged<br />

that Greenstein failed to "keep complete<br />

openness" in his administration.<br />

"Bob Greenstein believes what he does<br />

is right, and takes whatever steps are necessary<br />

to implement those beliefs.' Timbario<br />

said "I hope that this experience<br />

proves to be a lesson for all who are elected<br />

in the future. If this is the real world of<br />

politics, then the public deserves to know<br />

about it."<br />

Greenstein said everything in Timbario's<br />

statement was "absolutely false" and he<br />

intended to continue his efforts to get criminal<br />

charges filed in tlje letter incident<br />

"A lie is still a lie at no time did I ever<br />

say thafpeople who live in mobile homes<br />

are trash. I worked for them for five years<br />

for free and I think they got got cheatefl<br />

out of their vote.<br />

"A great majority of those people didnl<br />

(CM*lnor* oa page<br />

"I would<br />

recommend it<br />

to anyone!<br />

Mrs. Sekgneurie will tell anyone<br />

about her successful Observer<br />

ad<br />

"We've never had quch raaults<br />

from any other paper<br />

PINTO 1973 Wagon, top conditio*. 4<br />

. »1S00 or btf offer Ca ifor S<br />

DIAL<br />

522-0900<br />

TO I<br />

I<br />



Thursday, Augu< 12. 1<br />

Plymouth Township's massive water tower arrived at its new<br />

site after a week of pulling and straining without incident. The<br />

technological master piece was necessitated by the construction<br />

•R "•<br />

Skirmish planned<br />

forAug.14,15<br />

• **t Men in blue will mart men in gray on a<br />

field west of Plymouth next weekend to reer&nt<br />

a page from American history. The<br />

eriy casualties will be day pigeons when<br />

titare than 250 costumed shooters from<br />

sfftzleloading clubs across the midwest attend<br />

the Northwest Territories "Lone<br />

Star" regional Skirmish.<br />

;] Military<br />

; Service<br />

—*-<br />


Airman Michael G. Coon, son of Mr. and t<br />

Mrs. Gerald E. Coon of 1553 Lexington,<br />

has been selected for technical training at<br />

Stepard Air Force Base. Texas, in the Air<br />

Force dental field<br />

The airman recently completed basic<br />

training at Lackland AFB. Texas and studied<br />

Air Force mission, organization and<br />

customs and received special instruction<br />

human relations.<br />

^ Airman Coon is a 1972 graduate of Mar-<br />

(Mich.) High School<br />


Lawrence MeUetal. 22, a 1972 graduate<br />

Plymouth Salem High School has enin<br />

the United States Air Force. His<br />

_Jve duty will begin Nov 29.<br />

W He will have six weeks of basic training<br />

Lackland AFB in San Antonio. Texas<br />

He is the son of Mr. Mrs Marvin<br />

tal of Ann Arbor.<br />


Air Force has announced the enlistotf<br />

Donald J. Groom. 24. of 8375<br />

Park. Plymouth, into the delayed enprogram.<br />

He will enter the Air<br />

orce on active duty on Nov. 30. He is a<br />

1 graduate of Plymouth High School.<br />

He will take his basic training at Lack-<br />

Air Force Base in San Antonio,<br />

A «rr 0 MOVfl TMi NMTI<br />

Order now<br />

& get off to a<br />

good start any winter<br />

morning<br />

with a<br />

I .<br />

or Compact<br />

Kno-Thro and gtl ta Dtotrtc<br />

Starter FREE.<br />

Simp* to operate •"deaey to<br />

monomer Limited time offer. A deposit<br />

will hofd your machine qn Lay-<br />

4 h.p. *42fl"<br />

Whf hr tk§ §*4m *xc*pt<br />

tkinin"<br />

5871.<br />

•AM AIM!<br />

niftn.ir / HUNT!<br />

u j m i i £34290.<br />

MUM nu<br />

litis<br />

Host of the event will be the Western<br />

Wayne County Conservation Association<br />

which has loaned its facilities four miles<br />

west of Plymouth at 6700 Napier Road,<br />

north of North TerritioriaL<br />

Admission is free but a

... v.v. T • {.. v m .\. .V.. "" / U<br />

1 ^2H3B22? w,Vi#; . , .,- v.- ...• ..v.., lip .m'IIii i • — —•• - ». -<br />

: ><br />

Some 15 hours later, Ms. Golec is still busy tallying votes.<br />

Jane Shepard stamps a ballot application early in the day.<br />

m<br />

Irene Golec, precinct chairman, opens up shop at 6:35 a.m.<br />

Election day means<br />

hard work at precincts<br />

Running for office may take its toll on<br />

active candidates, but there's another<br />

group of people for whom elections mean<br />

work—and plenty of it.<br />

They are the precinct workers and on<br />

election days, like Aug 3. they put in long<br />

hours at the polls.<br />

Election day starts early, at 6:30 a.m..<br />

and if everything goes smoothly, some 15<br />

hours later around 10 p.m. after tabulating<br />

the vote, they can expect to go home<br />

During those 15 hours, pollworkers are<br />

instructed not to leave the polling place—<br />

and that means either a brown-bagged<br />

lunch, or a sprint by family members to<br />

the local burger palace for a cheese burger<br />

minus mayo.<br />

The job is not entirely charity—workers<br />

received $40 for their services and the satisfaction<br />

they helped implement one of the<br />

privileges, although not exercised by all<br />

citizens, of our democratic system<br />

WOMEN WHO staffed the polls at <strong>Canton</strong>'s<br />

Precinct No. 3 said their main task<br />

was to alleviate some of the uncertainty<br />

voters face once they pull the curtains<br />

shut<br />

"The most common problem was that a<br />

lot of voters didn't realize they couldn't<br />

split the ticket in the primary election."<br />

Kathleen Byrd explained<br />

"When they found out they couldn't<br />

cross party lines, some people became<br />

Staff photos<br />

by Gary Caskey<br />

Poll worker Marie Fefetaki (left) siQns in first voter of the day Ed Vandervennet as Janet L.<br />

McMurray and challenger Gary G. Kelley look on.<br />

If !•!'<br />

•>&&< .'41r<br />

f ^ v<br />

• .Jm<br />

Workers (from Madrtyn Plon«kl, Marto Fafeltkl and Jane Shapard total the end-of-the-day<br />

results.<br />

-i r 'i .<br />

very disturbed. They wanted to know why<br />

and Who made up that rule 9 ' We politely<br />

explained that those where the rules concerning<br />

primary electiore>. You get your<br />

chance to split your ticket in November "<br />

Another common problem was the fact<br />

that many people in <strong>Canton</strong> vote in one<br />

place for school elections and another in<br />

township elections. That caused confusion<br />

and resentment from many voters, according<br />

to poll workers. The staff at the nine<br />

precincts were equipped with a map which<br />

outlined precinct boundaries.<br />

"But I think some people who went to<br />

the wrong place got disgusted or didn't<br />

have time and just went home." Mrs<br />

Byrd said.<br />

The workers at Precinct 3 said courtesy<br />

was their main concern.<br />

"IF SOMEONE has a problem, it's important<br />

not to treat them like they're some<br />

kind pf jerk for asking a question.'' said<br />

Mrs Jean Sheppard<br />

"For many of the people, this was the<br />

first time they'd voted in <strong>Canton</strong> Township<br />

and the first time they'd used that type of<br />

voting machine. I remember how scared I<br />

was the first time I voted. So we've done<br />

our job if we can put them at ease "<br />

While many of the poll workers have<br />

strong personal views about the candidates<br />

and issues. Mrs. Byrd says the polling<br />

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Thurad«y, Augut 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC (C)3A<br />

L." f<br />

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place is no place to express them—regardless<br />

of good intentions.<br />

"When we are in that polling area we<br />

are not to express an opinion, even among<br />

ourselves, regarding politics." Mrs Byrd<br />

said.<br />

"The same thing applies to school elections<br />

1 remember one year I was working<br />

at the polls and the precinct chairman said<br />

to the poll workers that everyone should<br />

be voting in fSvor of the millage.<br />

"I was so angry that she expressed her<br />

opinion in a polling area." Mrs. Byrd said.<br />

ONE OF THE reasons the poll workers<br />

signed up for election work is that they believe<br />

voting is important.<br />

"1 talked to some people and asked<br />

them if they voted and they said they<br />

never found time for it." explained Mrs<br />

Byrd. "Then, when someone gets in office<br />

who they don't like, who's to blame 7 '<br />

Mrs. Sheppard said there is no better example<br />

of the fact that each person's vote<br />

is important than the June 14 defeat of the<br />

school millage by one vote.<br />

Aside from civic responsibility. Mrs<br />

Sheppard admitted that 'the extra money<br />

comes in handy."<br />

"The pay I received from working at the<br />

polls last Tuesday paid for the food for a<br />

family get-together for my daughter's<br />

birthday." she said, laughing<br />

-Li<br />

K<br />

V<br />

*<br />

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Pvi,,,-<br />

Madelyn Plonski hangs a<br />

sample ballot before the polls<br />

open.<br />



SALE<br />

We are featuring<br />

Sertapedic<br />

Savings<br />

Days<br />

Come in now for low, low prices on these famous<br />

sertapedic mattresses and foundations.<br />

You get marvelous firmness, great Serta quality<br />

and terrific savings, too!<br />

NOW ONLY<br />

reg: $89.95<br />



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for perfect sleeping comfort and firmness<br />

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Tb# mattr»s» mod* lik* no oth«r in th* world. Beautiful Mi»t Gr»en ^ n ' y Q_<br />

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29111 TELEGRAPH AT 12 MILE<br />

EL 6-2222 • 442-5688

4AM B5.5 at» A.M.. 12 NOON and 5:30 P.M<br />

^ ^ ^ ^ "<br />

"WE WANT TO GO to convalescent<br />

homes and entertain the patients with<br />

bingo games, and visit with them And.<br />

there will be social events for the families<br />

of firemen—especially a Qiristmas party<br />

for everybody "<br />

Mrs. Hamilton summed it up: "We feel<br />

that through involvement, we will achieve<br />

civic pride and better communication with<br />

in the township."<br />

Working closely with Mrs. Hamilton in<br />

the formation of the auxiliary was Joan<br />

Chakrabarty Although the need for such<br />

an organization had been discussed for<br />

some time, it wasn't until the ladies attended<br />

a fire fighters convention in Ann Arbor<br />

in June of this year that they decided go<br />

ahead.<br />

Four members of the Dearborn Heights<br />

Ladies Auxiliary attended the first meeting.<br />

They learned of bylaws, charters, union<br />

dues, and how to arrange their association<br />

with the National Association of Fire Fighters<br />

Ladies Auxiliary<br />

Since then, things have moved quickly.<br />

With a few changes, they will adopt their<br />

bylaws, elect officers, receive their nonprofit<br />

tax number from the State of Michigan<br />

and receive their charter<br />

THE ADDITION of a second fire station<br />

in the township will bring more prospective<br />

members for the auxiliary<br />

"Out of nine fire fighters." said Mrs.<br />

Hamilton. "Some of them should be married."<br />

She explained that one of their present<br />

members. Connie, and one of their<br />

cadets, are planning a September wedding<br />

Members are Lois Daley. Mary Berger,<br />

Debbie Champagne, Dian Harrison, and<br />

Doris Kelley (honorary member)<br />

They plan monthly meetings in members'<br />

homes.<br />

The auxiliary has contacted the <strong>Canton</strong><br />

Township Chamber of Commerce, the <strong>Canton</strong><br />

Jaycees and the <strong>Canton</strong> Township<br />

Board of Trustees for recognition.<br />

From a promising beginning, the new<br />

group will be a credit to the community.<br />

Timbario signed letter<br />

(Continued from Page 1A)<br />

know that I spoke on the floor of the legislature<br />

for them in Lansing to get their<br />

charter If they had. they might have<br />

voted differently."<br />

The supervisor said he didn't understand<br />

Timbario's reversal.<br />

"WE HAD SOME disagreements over<br />

zoning on <strong>Canton</strong> Center but I dont think<br />

that was it.<br />

"I just don't understand He had one of<br />

my signs on his lawn and he crossed out<br />

Jerry Cheske's name and Joyce Willis'<br />

name so I took the sign back. But how<br />

does he support me one day and then write<br />

thus the next."<br />

Greenstein said he did. at one meeting in<br />

the summer 1975. tell Myers, then a mem<br />

ber of his slate, that "he dtdnt want trash<br />

like you moving next door."<br />

' "It was done in jest, as comic relief<br />

after he said he wanted to move his mobile<br />

home next door to me There's was<br />

nothing malicious about itv it was a joke.<br />

But I never called mobile home owners<br />

trailer trash'."<br />

He added. "It was just another one of<br />

the lies and filth that has been spread in<br />

this campaign and it was a complete misrepresentation<br />

"<br />

Myers said the statement in the letter<br />

was completely true and that he had fired<br />

Greenstein from his position as attorney<br />

for the mobile home owners in 1970 because<br />

"he wanted the people to come to<br />

him instead of him going to the people.''<br />

Company to leave<br />

The Anchor Coupling Co. Inc. that has<br />

been doing business in Plymouth area for<br />

the past 60 years, is considering closing<br />

the plant on Amelia Street in the<br />

Plymouth and moving to a location with<br />

more suitable facilities .<br />

The decision was announced by James<br />

Elgin, general manager of the plant, who<br />

stated that the move is expected to be<br />

made within the next month or so.<br />

The possibility of relocating, according<br />

to Elgin, is attributed to various factors<br />

that make the present facility inadequate<br />

for the company's growing operations<br />

Engaged in the production of hose assemblies<br />

for the automobile industry, the company<br />

has approximately 300 employees.<br />

Most of the employees are residents of<br />

Plymouth or the surrounding areas.<br />

The proposed move already has been<br />

made known to the employees and union<br />

representatives.<br />

Meetings with the union are scheduled to<br />

begin within the next week<br />

Should the final decision bring about the<br />

To Rezone From:<br />

Date of Hearing:<br />

Time of Hearing:<br />

Place of Hearing:<br />

closing of the plant it will be the third industry<br />

affected in the past year. "Hie first<br />

of these was Evans Products Co. on<br />

tackles Road. Next came Whitman and<br />

Barnes on Plymouth Road that announced<br />

a move to Augusta. Georgie. and now the<br />

Anchor Coupling Co. whose removal whuld<br />

leave a large gap in the industrial picture<br />

of the greater Plymouth area.<br />

m<br />




J f J NOW $ 7<br />




9 5<br />

74.yi> 10,000 Sq. Ft<br />

.CALL 453-5240<br />

R-l-H to C-2<br />

August 18. 1976<br />

7:30 P.M.<br />

42350 Ann Arbor Road<br />

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plymouth Township Planning Commission<br />

has received a petition to rezone the following described property from R-l-H, One<br />

Family Residential District, to a C-2, Commercial District:<br />

AG<br />

Rod -1061<br />

04<br />

ARBOR<br />

i'<br />

\ J .<br />

i-<br />

(Appl. No. 333. Stoja)<br />

50? (-0<br />

N 10" >i<br />

'AST V4 CO'iNF.R<br />

SECTION 42—.J.<br />

R-l-H<br />

That part of the E. 4 of the NE . % of Sec. 32 described as beginning at a point<br />

distant S. 1* 00' 30" W. along the E. line of said section 1454.08 ft. and N. 8T 59'<br />

30" W. 302 60 ft. and S. 57° 35' 30" W. 341.44 ft. from the NE comer of Sec. 32 and<br />

proceeding thence S. 57° 35' 30" W. 139.66 ft.; thence S. 0* 16' 23" W. 20.45 ft.;<br />

thence S 68° 03' W 211.36 ft., thence S. 0* 16' 23" W. 150.0 ft. to the N . line of Ann<br />

Arbor Road; thence Westerly along said tine on a curve concave to the south,<br />

Radius 106155 ft A distance of 94.04 ft.; thence N. (T 16' 23" E. 392.60 ft. to the<br />

center line of Ann Arbor Trail, thence N. 45* 33' 43" E. along said center line<br />

228.96 ft. thence S. 44° 26' 20" E. 337.14 ft. to the point of beginnkig.<br />

That part of the NE V« of Sec. 32 described as begbinkig at a point on the N. line<br />

of Ann Arbor Road distant N. 1' 00' 30" E. 39941 ft. and N. 61* 26' 30" W. 476.47 ft.<br />

md Westerly on a tangent curve to the left, radius 106145 ft... a distance of 210.0<br />

ft. from the E 'A corner of Sec. 32 and proceeding thence Westerly along siad N.<br />

line on said curve 200.0 ft., thence N. 0* 16" 23" E. 150 ft.; thence N. 6T 03' E.<br />

211.36 ft., thence S. 0* 16' 23" W 26995 ft > the' point of beginning.<br />

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the proposed Amendment to the Map and<br />

Text may be examined at the Township Hall, 42350 Ann Arbor Road from 8:30<br />

AM. to 5:00 P.M. each day Monday through Friday until the date of the <strong>Public</strong><br />

Hearing.<br />

AT THE PUBLIC HEARING the Planning Commission may recommend rezonkig<br />

of the petitioner's Premises to any use allowable under the provisions of the<br />

Plymouth Township Zoning Ordinance No. 47.<br />

Publish: July M and Augutt 12, Wi Township of Plymouth<br />

Planning Commission<br />

% GAL<br />

LIMIT 1<br />

WRSot<br />



ARRIEM<br />



VA,<br />


0<br />


51 COUNT<br />



• A . R . M H<br />


•MEDICINfl<br />


C-110 OR C-121<br />



AT SUPERx.<br />



YOU* PPtNTS<br />



6 9 e #<br />





\mm<br />

CIGARS<br />





in Plymouth I in <strong>Canton</strong><br />

240 N. Main I 5780 SHELDON ROAD<br />

453-8860 I 455-2820<br />

OPEN MON. - SAT. 9-9 SUN. 10-7 I OPEN MON. - SAT. 9-W SUN. 10-7

l+f-'JL*SSX y '£».&\t*.t} v ' • • • \ .;.

PPfwi «t •»» -i -- *.<br />

6A(L»P,C) OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC Thursday, Augutt 12. 1976<br />

By W W. EDGAR<br />

A sure sign that we were entering the<br />

fall season and the time when the county<br />

fairs become the most popular of all<br />

events came the other day when State Attorney<br />

General Frank Kelley announced in<br />

the public prints that he was considering<br />

investgating the games that appear on the<br />

midways of these annual functions when<br />

the farmers and the agricultural leaders<br />

hold sway<br />

He said he wanted to find out if the<br />

games were conducted honestly—whether<br />

there was a good reason why the hall<br />

djdn't stay in the basket when you threw<br />

it. And he wants to know if the wheels at<br />

the baby doll stands are controlled by the<br />

man at the counter<br />

Well, take it from a fellow who knows,<br />

the man running the baby doll booth<br />

knows who is going to win And the man<br />

with the bushel basket can make the ball<br />

pop out—anytime he wants to save one of<br />

the prizes on display.<br />

Reading about the attorney general s<br />

plans reminded The Stroller of the day he<br />

was educated' in the intricacies of the<br />

'con' games when he innocently accepted<br />

an offer to work for one of the "pitch"<br />

men at the Lehigh County Fair back<br />

home<br />

TO HELP out a neighbor who owned and<br />

operated a food concession. The Stroller, a<br />

mere youth, was serving a sauerkraut dinner<br />

to a man from one of the concessions<br />

"How would you like to come over and<br />

work with me 0 " he asked "You can do it<br />

along with your job here-«nd I'll pay you<br />

one dollar a day "<br />

It sounded interesting, especially when<br />

he told me that he had the baby doll stand<br />

Tlfcc Scroller<br />

Carnival tricks nothing new<br />

and all I had to do was come in and pla<br />

when he called me<br />

"All 1 want you to do." he said, "is U<br />

drop bv when you are answering a cal<br />

from Mother Nature and you are on th<<br />

way to get relief.<br />

"You stand in {he back of the crowd a<br />

the stand until you hear me shout. 'Plea*<br />

come in and try it for a dime. TTien you<br />

come in and play. When you win 111 giv^<br />

you the choice of the doll or a dollar. You<br />

take the dollar. That will be yours ."<br />

That sounded simple and more so<br />

five other 'pitch' men extended the sa<br />

invitation The Stroller still remembers 1<br />

thrill of earning six dollars a trip just wal<br />

ing to the comfort station<br />

Then came the first trip Standing at tl<br />

rear of the gathering at the stand he final<br />

ly heard the plea. "Please come in and try<br />

it for a dime." Heeding the call he worked<br />

his way to the counter where he placed a<br />

dime on a number and waited for the<br />

wheel to spin.<br />

ANXIOUSLY. The Stroller placed hip<br />

dime on a number Sure enough, when tl<br />

wheel stopped it was on his number,<br />

great cheer went up when the gatherii<br />

saw "the kid" win. Given the choice of "<br />

doll or the dollar he followed instructit<br />

and took the dollar that was pushed to hrt<br />

along with his original dime.<br />

By the time he had returned to the<br />

sauerkraut stand. The Stroller had made<br />

six stops and had "earned" six dollars.<br />

He had visions of making a lot of<br />

money—imagine six dollars every<br />

time he heeded Nature's call.<br />

But what an education he got later in t|e<br />




• When your walls start taking<br />

on that "please don't<br />

[look at me" look, it's time<br />

; to do a little redecorating.<br />

• With a little paint or a few<br />

, rolls of wallcoverings you<br />

; can put a "smile" back on<br />

; any wall. Anyplace and<br />

• everyplace in your home.<br />

.Simply and in-<br />

! expensively. We have everything<br />

you'll need to<br />

• brighten up your walls. In-<br />

• eluding all the tools and<br />

; tips. Stop in and see us.<br />

We're decorating experts.<br />

Your Complete Art and Craft Center<br />


570 S. MAIN STREET<br />


453-5100<br />

DAILY MON.-FRI. 8 9<br />

SAT. 8 6<br />


Ang. 14<br />

•orthwest<br />

"Lone<br />

Regional<br />

9 am—7pm<br />

Ang. 15<br />

Territory<br />

Star"<br />

Skirmish<br />

250 TB00PERS FIRING<br />


PUBLIC<br />


(PABIU8 $2)<br />

WITNESS: Stake Cutting; Costumed<br />

Shooters; Intiqne Cars;Crafts ft Arts<br />

TO BE HELD AT:<br />

Western Wayne Connty<br />

Conservation Assoeiation<br />

8700 Mtpior Ed.<br />

(4 Miles West of Plymouth Off<br />

lorth Territorial Road)<br />

-/.vV? ,vv«yv /.s^.i r.vv:.'.•'»>'. - i;.|>y». g^t3Ai J/ V U t 1.1 :V£ ./ ?} >' Vt\'Vv ! ' f: v -' r »*} . . . --#v «•» »> ^ ><br />

day when he started on another round of<br />

the games.<br />

At the first stop he waited again for the<br />

plea " Please come in and try it for a<br />

dime." This time when he placed his dime<br />

on a number he didn't win. "Try it again."<br />

the 'con' man said. So. he placed another<br />

dime on another number-«nd lost. That's<br />

the way it went until he got to his 10th<br />

dime.<br />

With the last dime of the original dollar<br />

the 'con' man smiled.<br />

This time the wheel stopped at the chosen<br />

number and the young helper walked<br />

away with a dollar.<br />

Can you imagine that, he thought, that<br />

fellow at the counter must control that<br />

wheel He must know where it will stop<br />

Or he can stop it where he wishes.<br />

His education became complete when he<br />

experienced the same treatment at the<br />

other five stations<br />

IT WAS QUITE an experience for a<br />

young fellow, but he learned that all is not<br />

gold that glitters. And he learned »hat the<br />

games are just a "come on" to the farmers<br />

So. Mr. Kelley. you don't have to go<br />

very far in your planned investigation.<br />

Just walk along the midway at the fair<br />

where the games are being played, and<br />

wait for the 'pitch' man to plea, "Come in<br />

and try it for a dime."<br />

Then watch what happens Maybe you<br />

will leam the lesson just as The Stroller<br />

did a half century ago.<br />

Vitamin C<br />

helps fish<br />

Scientists have known for yuear that fish<br />

use vitamin C. for proper bone growth and<br />

to increase their tolerance to invironemental<br />

stresses. Yet they never<br />

knew exactly how this occurred Now they<br />

do. and the discovery may help biologists<br />

in combating the efffects of pollution on<br />

fish, the Department of the Interior announced.<br />

Biologists at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife<br />

Service's Fish Pesticide Laboratory in Columbia,<br />

Mo., first learned of the mechanism<br />

while studying catfish that were affected<br />

by the insecticide toxaphene. This<br />

pesticide is widely used on cotton crops in<br />

the South where channel catfish are also<br />

commercially raised.<br />

About six years ago, biolgists notices<br />

that the channel catish grown on fish<br />

farms in that area were developing a curvature<br />

of the spine that, in extreme cases,<br />

broke the fish's back and stunted growth<br />

as much as one-third. Last year, Fish and<br />

Wildlife scientists linked this syndrome to<br />

toxaphene residues in the<br />

water.Concentrations as low as 37 parts<br />

per trillion in the water were found to<br />

have serious long-term effects on catfish.<br />

EarUer this year, they documented for the<br />

first time the specific rote' vitamin C plays<br />

in this process, and the implications of fish<br />

in the wild, the discovery of its importance<br />

in fish metabolism has been quite beneficial<br />

to the multi-million dollar fish farming<br />

business of the South, where up to five<br />

per cent of pond-cultured catfish showed<br />

the symptom Vitamin C is now included<br />

in many commercially prepared fish<br />

foods, and its inclusion in the diet of<br />

farmed catfish is helping to eliminate the<br />

"broken back syndrome."<br />

However, the discovery of vitamin C's<br />

importance in fish metabolism is equally<br />

beneficial to biologists studying the chronic<br />

effects of pollutants. Biologists believe<br />

that the mechanism which fish use in<br />

detoxifying toxaphene is the same used to<br />

neutralize the effects of other pollutants,<br />

but further studies are necessary before<br />

any firm conclusions can be drawn<br />

Jean Greis<br />

gets EMU post<br />

Jean A Greis. daughter of Mr and Mrs<br />

Robert Greis. 19609 Aubumdale. Livonia,<br />

recently was awarded a resident advisor<br />

intern for the 1976-77 academic year at<br />

Eastern Michigan University.<br />

Jean will receive a $650 leadership scholarship<br />

and will attend workshops and seminars<br />

preparing her for a resident advisor<br />

position.<br />

A resident advisor is responsible for<br />

peer advising, discipline and organizing activities<br />

on a residence hall floor.,Jean, a<br />

freshman majoring in occupational therapy.<br />

was chosen from a field of 125 applicants.<br />


CLOCKS<br />



Watch & Clocks Shop<br />

132 W. DUNLAP<br />

(1 Blk. North ot Mam Street)<br />


349-4038<br />


Hours Daily 9 30-5 30<br />

Thurs ft Fri. til 9 p m<br />

2" thick and a» «liirrf« a- ihr Iri-r il-rlf.<br />

Smooth \»i-iilh«T-r«'Hi»iaiu finish ... Ii\<br />

\ anCraft.<br />

Reg. S22I.20<br />

SALE $ 179 00<br />


221 Hamilton Row<br />

!* j<br />







42" TABLE & 4 CHAIRS<br />

Vnliqur (»r«*«"n • Satin W hiir<br />

Daffodil Vrllow<br />

( Pad- Kvlra)<br />

.j-PIW KSKT It KG. $277.00<br />


29500 W. Six Mile<br />

522-9200<br />

inney<br />

shoes<br />

SALE $ 219 00<br />





Tennis Shoes<br />

slashed to<br />

pair<br />

Here's your chance to stock up<br />

Men's Shoes<br />

Regularly $10.99 and up<br />

Slashed to<br />

pair<br />

Over 500 pairs to choose from<br />

Hours Mon Tues TH urs Fr. 9 30-9 00<br />

W«d Sat 9 31 5 30<br />

Sunday 10 00 OO<br />

Children's<br />

Shoes<br />

$192 pair m\<br />

Women's<br />

Dress and<br />

Casual Shoes<br />

Regularly $5.99 and up<br />

Slashed to<br />

Women's Dress and Casual<br />

Shoes<br />

Regularly $10.99 and up<br />

Slashed to<br />

pair<br />

3 DAYS ONLY<br />


August 12,13 and 14<br />


34800 Plymouth Road<br />

• T ' V

« »»«. v* y*\'.%h vi j*» ^ v;-«vVt'-*'v. .'AAm- - •<br />

r;.»«*•»:.."-'.m \,r.'»v V ft" »*i'» J /.'»/» *•' " '.* '• '- •*<br />

HA*(PtC-7AJt,WtQ-12A) OBSERVER fc ECCENTRIC Thur»d«y, August 12. 1976<br />

Wayrie Dems t<br />

Communication<br />

chief<br />

Kenneth Rust, a graduate of<br />

Troy High School, is the director<br />

of the new Madonna College department<br />

of Interpreting and<br />

communication with deaf and<br />

hearing impaired persons. A professional<br />

interpretor for 10 years,<br />

he Is the president of the Michigan<br />

Registry of Interpreters for<br />

the Deaf. Rust earned his BS in<br />

deaf education at Eastern Michigan<br />

University and is pursuing a<br />

master's degree at the University<br />

of Michigan. Madonna offers a<br />

baccalaureate degree with a major<br />

In interpreting, enrichment<br />

opportunities for deaf senior citizens<br />

snd college enrollment for<br />

deaf students.<br />

Innocent victims of crime who have uncompensated<br />

medical bills, lost wages or<br />

earning power will be entitled to be repaid<br />

by the state up to $15,000.<br />

A new state law will allow .victims of<br />

crimes occuring on for after Oct 1. 1977 to<br />

submit claims to the;stale for review.<br />

"The victims of crime—often the poor<br />

and the elderly—are. in a sense, persons<br />

wty> have been denied protection of the<br />

la*." said Gov. William Mlliken when<br />

signing the law. "This progressive new<br />

law is designed to aid those citizens most<br />

in need of the state s assistance. It could<br />

help restore citizen faith n government<br />

and I sincerely hope It will encourage citizens<br />

to report crime and cooperate more<br />

L<br />

I<br />

i<br />

Suburban Wayne County Democrats will<br />

hold a series of district conventions Satur<br />

day as they prepare to fill out their state<br />

ticket for the November election.<br />

Saturday's meetings are to pick dele<br />

gates to the Aug. 28-29 state convention in<br />

Detroit's Cobo Hall.<br />

Attending the local meetings will be persons<br />

elected precinct delegates at the Aug<br />

3 primary.<br />

HERE'S THE schedule of district convention<br />

times and places:<br />

•2d District-Wayne—10 a m in the Armstrong<br />

Buick-Opel dealership, 30500<br />

Plymouth Road. Livonia. "Hie district includes<br />

the communities of Livonia.<br />

Plymouth and Northville.<br />

• 15th Districts: 30 a.m. in UAW Region<br />

1-E hall. Telegraph Road in Taylor. The<br />

district includes Garden City. Westland<br />

and <strong>Canton</strong> Township.<br />

• 17th District—10 a.m. at Mercy College<br />

of Detroit. Outer Drive at Southfield The<br />

district includes northwest Detroit. Redford<br />

Township, the Southfield and Farmington<br />

communities<br />

WHILE LOCAL delegates technically<br />

elect their state convention delegates, in<br />

practice the local conventions adopt a blanket<br />

rule for seating state convention delegates.<br />

Oakland County Democrats will hold a<br />

series of district conventions Saturday as<br />

tbey prepare to fill out their state ticket<br />

for the November election<br />

Saturday's meetings are to pick dele<br />

gates to the Aug. 28-29 state convention in<br />

Detroit's Cobo Hall.<br />

Attending the local meetings will be persons<br />

elected precinct delegates at the Aug.<br />

3 primary.<br />

HERE IS WHERE and when local delegates<br />

will meet:<br />

• 12th District—10 a.m. in ML Clemens<br />

High School's small auditorium. 155 Cass.<br />

Stale to aid the innocent<br />

fully with the police and law enforcement<br />

agencies'* J<br />

The law creates a commission to review<br />

claims from victims or survivors. A threemember<br />

Crimes Victims Compensation<br />

Board will be appointed by the governor,<br />

subject to senate confirmation. The board<br />

will hold hearings on claims, direct medical<br />

examinations and make awards for the<br />

true costs of eligible losses Board decisions<br />

may be appealed to the court of appeals.<br />

No total award may exceed $15,000<br />

for any case.<br />

Officials estimate the program will cost<br />

the state about $1.5 million in the first<br />

year of operation.<br />

warn Shades of the past.<br />

VODKA<br />

/ * * * • ' * fU'Xw •lf.Vtf *Vt • I*; viYv iVvvi-Vv.i;,. Vv/ Wi i -is"<br />

«.r« iwnpr v j » « w ~ »•.»•«*-«!•»»•• *•»•*<br />

The district includes the eastern half of<br />

the Rochester community.<br />

•17th District—10 a.m. at Mercy College<br />

of Detroit. Outer Drive at Southfield. The<br />

district inlcudes northwest Detroit, Redford<br />

Township, the Southfield and Farmin<br />

gton communities.<br />

• 18th District—1 p.m. in UAW Region 1-<br />

B hall. 711 Thirteen Mile near 1-75, Madison<br />

Heights.<br />

• 19th District—1 p.m. in the Oakland<br />

County Board of Commissioners auditorium.<br />

1200 N. Telegraph. Pontiac.<br />

WHILE PRECINCT delegates technically<br />

elect their state convention delegates, in<br />

practice, the local conventions adopt a<br />

blanket rule for seating state convention<br />

delegates<br />

Tlie standard rule is that all elected pre-<br />

cinct delegates and all paid-up party members<br />

may Attend the state convention as<br />

delegates<br />

District conventions may also take care<br />

of one other routine but honorary chore:<br />

picking a person to be the official member<br />

of the Electoral College. If Jimmy Carter<br />

carries Michigan in the presidential election,<br />

the local member of the Electoral College<br />

will cast one of the state's 21 electoral<br />

votes for Carter.<br />

THE STATE CONVENTION will pick<br />

the party's candidates for three state supreme<br />

court seats and two members each<br />

for three university boards<br />

Chief JujGce Thomas Giles Kavanagh. a<br />

Democrat of Troy, is expected to seek<br />

renomination for a new eight-year term,<br />

probably fithout opposition.<br />

slate Saturday<br />

Democrats will nominate other candidates<br />

to run against Republican Justices<br />

Lawrence Lindemer of Stock bridge for a<br />

six-year term and James Ryan of Redferd<br />

Township for a two-year term.<br />

Lindemer was appointed by Gov. William<br />

Milliken to replace the late Thomas<br />

ML Kavanagh. and Ryan was picked V> replace<br />

John B. Swainson. who resigned.<br />

TWO STATE BOARD of Education vacancies<br />

will be up for grabs with the retirement<br />

of Democrat Marilyn Jean Kelly of<br />

Detroit and Republican appointee Gorton<br />

Riethmiller of Chelsea.<br />

Seeking renbmination to the University<br />

of Michigan Board of Regents will be Democrats<br />

Robert E. Nederlander. Birmingham<br />

lawyer, and Gerald Dunn, a lobbyist<br />

for nine area school districts.<br />

Tlie standard rule is that all elected pre- probably fitnbut opposition. for nine area school districts. long service.<br />

On the Michigan State University Board<br />

of Trustees, the terms of Democrats War- ^<br />

ren M. Huff of Plymouth and Or. Blanche<br />

Martin of East Lansing are expiring. They<br />

have yet to announce whether they wil<br />

seek renomination<br />

And on the Wayne State University<br />

Board of Governors, the terms of Democrats<br />

Augustus J. Calloway Jr. and George<br />

C. Edwards, both of Detroit, are expiring ,<br />

They also have yet to reveal renomination 1<br />

plans • '«<br />

TT>e state convention will routinely confirm<br />

the nominations of 19 members of the<br />

Electoral College from their dtstrrts and *'<br />

nominate two more a Marge TynicaBy.<br />

these nominations go to long-time party<br />

workers as • non-monetary reward for<br />

long service.<br />

County lake boasts more fish<br />

Belleville Lake in western Wayne County<br />

has surprisingly good fish populations, according<br />

to the state department of natural<br />

resources.<br />

The Huron River impoundment was restocked<br />

in recent years after its existing<br />

population of rough fish had been killed<br />

off.<br />

DNR fisheries crews made their surveys<br />

the week of July 21. using both nets and<br />

electroshocking techniques. The shock<br />

stuns fish long enough to allow a count but<br />

does no permanent damage, and the fish<br />

were all released after counting<br />

THE RESULTS showed:<br />

•Bluegills—348 fish averaging 7 inches,<br />

with many 74 to 8 inches. Most were<br />

spawning along the shore at Cemetery<br />

Point. •<br />

•Crappie—373 fish, averaging 7.6 inches.<br />

83 per cent keeper sifce. They were fat and<br />

healthy. . •<br />

•Smallmouth bass—19 fish averaging 9i<br />

inches; 47 per cent were 12-inch keepers.<br />

•Northern pike—averaged 32 inches,<br />

with 20 inches being a keeper.<br />

' *Tiger fnuskellunge—three fish ranging<br />

from Wt\ to 38 inches, with 30 inches<br />

being a keeper. Their condition was fat<br />

The tiger muskie is a hybrid that eats<br />

more and grows faster than the standard<br />

muskie.<br />

•Channel catfish—34 fish averaging 14.5<br />

inches, all keepers (no minimum size limit).<br />

This was considered a good population.<br />

•Walleye-«4 fish. 17 per cent keeper<br />

size (15 inches) The 1975 plant already averages<br />

more than nine inches, the 1974<br />

plant averages nearly 15 inches and a number.of<br />

thf 1973 plant are in the 18- to 22inch<br />

class. Natural reproduction is occuring.<br />

and |t looks like it will be a self-sustaining<br />

fishery.<br />

. Moderate numbers of carp are still in<br />

Nancy Dickerson, prominent national<br />

correspondent, reports for Detroit Edison:<br />

the lake, but not enough to alarm biolo-<br />

A continuing creel census Indicates that<br />

more than 51.000 angler trips in 1976 have<br />

yielded more than 66.800 fish—or an average<br />

of 1.3 fish per angler per trip. A lot of<br />

people dont know the spots yet.<br />

ITS PRETTY tough to leam about the<br />

stars from a book, but a lot easier when<br />

someone teaches you.<br />

Kensington Park naturalists will take the<br />

public on an astronomy cruise Aug. 12 at<br />

9:30 aboard the Island *en excursion<br />

boat.<br />

You have to register in advance, so call<br />

the Kensington Nature Center at 685-1561.<br />

The charge is $2, and excursionists will<br />

meet at the west side boat rental dock to<br />

board the Island Queen.<br />

A TWO-HOUR "night walk ' to study the<br />

"Here are some air-conditioning tips<br />

that will keep you from getting<br />

hot under the collar this summer.<br />

Detroit Edison is a concerned participant<br />

in America's crusade for conservation.<br />

The wise use of energy plays one of the<br />

most important roles in that effort. But<br />

it requires a working partnership<br />

between those who supply energy and<br />

those who use it. Here are some ways<br />

you can help conserve energy and save<br />

yourself some money the restof this<br />

summer -<br />

You can dial up and<br />

hold your costs down.<br />

Don't overcool your home. That's a<br />

wasteful use of ehergy. And expensive.<br />

For the most comfort and the most<br />

efficiency, set your thermostat no<br />

lower than about 10 degrees below the<br />

outside temperature. If it's 85 degrees<br />

outside, then set your thermostat at<br />

about 75 degrees. Otherwise your air<br />

conditioner has to work extra hard and<br />

your costs go up and up. In a typical<br />

house, you can save about 5 percent in<br />

operating costs for every degree you<br />

move the thermostat up. So, if your<br />

house is going to be empty for a few<br />

hours, move your thermostat up 5 more<br />

degrees and pocket the savings.<br />

Staying comfortable this<br />

summer can be a breeze.<br />

When the sun beats down, the heat in<br />

your attic builds up and it can be like<br />

living under an oven. An attic exhaust<br />

fan will get the hot air out and let the<br />

cooler night air in, and take the strain<br />

off your air conditioner. Good attic<br />

insulation works wonders at keeping<br />

your home cooler in summer and it will<br />

pay off again by saving on heating costs<br />

next winter. And don't forget lightcolored<br />

shingles reflect heat. Whatever<br />

you do to keep heat out of your house<br />

saves money in air conditioning. Window<br />

fans work, too. ; '<br />

Before you had air conditioning,<br />

were things you did to keep coi<br />

like pulling down the window si<br />

closing the draperies on the sum<br />

of the house. That's smart. Beci<br />

bare window lets in as much as<br />

times more heat than an insulal<br />

if<br />

if<br />

TsT:<br />

So do the same now and you can reduce<br />

your air-conditioning costs by as much<br />

as 12 percent. Shade your windows from<br />

the outside with ventilated awnings or<br />

trees and save even more-up to 22<br />

percent of your air-conditioning<br />

operating costs.<br />

Maintain your cool.<br />

If you want your air conditioner to take<br />

good care of you, keep it clean. This<br />

means changing or washing the air filters<br />

often. Also, vacuum the inside coils and<br />

keep outside coils free of debris. Glean -<br />

registers arid return ducts regularly on<br />

central air-conditioning sysfems, and<br />

keep the cooling drain open for free<br />

condensate flow. And don't block air -<br />

fldw with furniture or draperies. Your<br />

owner's manual lists other maintenance<br />

tips. Follow them and keep cool all<br />

summer.<br />

Buying a new air conditioner?<br />

Maybe the most important<br />

numbers aren't on the price tag.<br />

First of all, it's important that you get<br />

the right size unjt (BTU's). Your salesman<br />

can help on this if you tell him the length<br />

and width of the area you want to cool.<br />

Another /lumber that's important is the<br />

EER number. This stands for Energy<br />

Efficiency Rating.<br />

\fu<br />

skv and summer insects is offered at the *<br />

Kensington Metropark Nature Center at..<br />

9:30 p.m.. Aug 20. 7T<br />

Bring insect repellent and a flashlight -• .<br />

PHEASANT HUNTERS should have*.,<br />

more luck this year in the stalled "piA» ...<br />

take" areas around Michigan The state ••<br />

plans to release 120.000 birds, nearly<br />

double the 70.000 released for the 75 sea- >:<br />

son. * w<br />

~ Put-take hunting begins Aug 16 at )&<br />

lower peninsula locations and Sept. 15 ai-,..<br />

five other spots Pheasant hunting stopa r<br />

with the Nov. 15-30 deer season. bU the «<br />

put-take season resumes afterwards and<br />

runs to Jan 2.<br />

'•>11*<br />

To hunt in a put-take area you need<br />

special $10 permit in addition to your<br />

small game license.<br />

o model number<br />

ACR20B74F<br />

VOLTS<br />

115<br />

CYCLE<br />


6400)<br />

BTUs<br />

60-<br />

EH<br />

e<br />

m<br />

WATTS<br />

(800}<br />

*<br />

WATTS<br />

You can figure this out yourself. Just<br />

divide the BTU number by the number<br />

of watts. For example, a unit that<br />

delivers 6400 BTU's with 800 watts has<br />

an EER rating of 8. (800 goes into 6400<br />

8 timet.) The recommended EER<br />

number for any air conditioner is 8<br />

or more. You may pay a little more, but<br />

you'll save on energy costs in the long run<br />

Detroit Edison has a folder, "How to<br />

stretch your air-conditioning<br />

dollar: Pick one up at any cuf<br />

office and start saving, or write _<br />

Customer Relations, Detroit E<<br />

2000 Second, Detroit, Michtaan 4S226<br />

Save energy for all it's worth.<br />



Delroif<br />

H m m<br />


« > t v * v w , v ,*.•» vm? rv.t vsvt ^ t * > V i<br />

»*»« »» v *-. ,r. ,r . v« *•• «. <br />

Michigan Mirror<br />

•fVA*» v - ' •<br />

Day care may be<br />


You're getting older. Your sight isn't as<br />

good as it used to be. You can! get around<br />

too well. You'd like more than anything to<br />

spend the rest of your Hfe in your own<br />

home But you cant make it by yourself<br />

An institution may be the solution<br />

But must it be?<br />

State Senate Majority Leader William<br />

Fitzgerald < D-Detroit) and others think<br />

there are alternatives.<br />

"Upwards of 25 per cent of thoae in nursing<br />

homes right now do not need that kind<br />

» of care." Fitzgerald said in a speech before<br />

the Michigan Hopsital Association<br />

• And if you ask the elderly they will<br />

more often than not say they want to stay<br />

In their homes " f<br />

Day care nurses are one answer.<br />

There is a need.'' Fitzgerald said, "to<br />

• expand the availability of home health<br />

! care and other less expensive alternatives<br />

• to institutional long-term care by expand-<br />

! ing Medicaid reimbursement options ''<br />

Such action could cut the Medicaid budg<br />

et while it also helps older folks who dont<br />

want to be institutionalized.<br />

Fitzgerald pointed out that the five per<br />

cent of Medicaid recipients in nursing'<br />

homes account for almost one-third of the<br />

program budget And. he said, "the size of<br />

the elderly population in this state is expected<br />

to increase by at least onethird in<br />

the next 20 years "<br />

CONCERN GROWS in some state government<br />

circles over the proposed constitutional<br />

amendment to cap the amount<br />

of taxes Michigan can levy on its citizens<br />

Supporters of the amerxfcnent—in effect,<br />

a spending limitation aimed at forcing lawmakers<br />

to reorder priorities and keep a<br />

tighter rein on the state pursestrings-re-<br />

I cently turned in petition signatures to put<br />

the question on the November ballot.<br />

And opponents fear that a sufficient number<br />

of valid signatures could be disastrous.<br />

\ ><br />

<<br />

f<br />

$<br />

^VV h y P a y More<br />

m<br />

m e i J E R j<br />

thrifty acres<br />

#41425<br />



13Vi"x24-H"x36<br />

Ready to finish<br />

#21025|<br />



Top: 24H"x8%". Height 36"<br />

in carton, easy to assemble<br />

Chances are. some say. that if the questi in<br />

is on the ballot, it will pass.<br />

Taxpayers United, the group behind the<br />

petition drive, wants to write into the Cc restitution<br />

a limit on the amoung of money<br />

lawmakers can work with each yer—IJ<br />

per cent of the personal income of Michigan<br />

reported for the previous fiscal year<br />

or the average of personal income of Michigan<br />

for the previous five calendar years,<br />

whichever is greater.<br />

Such a system, supporters say. wodld<br />

hvwt;'. - r> »•>* u<br />

answer for seniors<br />

give taxpayers a handle on spending and<br />

help ease the constant increase in taxes.<br />

But those against the limitation warn of<br />

complicated fiscal problems that would result<br />

from the 8.3 per cent lid What about<br />

years when the state needs more money to<br />

take care of serious, unexpected problems?<br />

What about the talkedK)f proprety<br />

tax reduction ideas? How would that be affected<br />

by a tax and spending cap?<br />

Dont tie the hands that handle the<br />

money, opponents seem to say<br />

Medical aide training set<br />

A new osteopathic medical assistant inservice<br />

training program will be offered at<br />

Schoolcraft College beginning Seot If.<br />

A series of nine courses, it will run on<br />

Sundays through May 15. 1977<br />

Cosponsored by Schoolcraft and the Michigan<br />

Osteopathic Medical Assistants<br />

ciation (MOMAA). the series can be<br />

to earn up to 18 units toward MOMAA<br />

tification. Two MOMAA units will<br />

awarded for each of the nine eight-h<br />

courses scheduled<br />

To qualify for MOMAA certification,<br />

medical assistans must be employed by an<br />

osteopathic physician or hospital, be a<br />

member of the association, accumulate 50<br />

units, complete its certification exam-<br />

ination and accumulate 25 additional units<br />

a<br />

nually after certification.<br />

Pre-registration for each session is essential<br />

since enrollment is limited. MOMAA<br />

members pay $20 per session, and nonmembers<br />

pay $25. Fees include luncheon,<br />

morning and afternoon coffee and program<br />

materials<br />

Pre-registration information and materials<br />

will be available monthly prior to<br />

each scheduled program.<br />

Requests for registration and programming<br />

information should be directed to<br />

Barbara Gruenwald. 28101 Kendallwood<br />

Drive. Farmington Hills, or telephone 476-<br />

4983<br />

Care of elderly to be taught<br />

Tuition scholarships at Madonna College<br />

are offered for the fall term to persons<br />

learning how to care for the elderly.<br />

Designed for those who work with older<br />

persons, the courses also provide jobehtry<br />

skills for those interested in such employment.<br />

The college, with partial funding from<br />



After Ad: $34.97<br />


Create your own decor for any room ot me<br />

house when you finish raw wood furniture<br />

wMh paint or varnish In the color and tones<br />

of your oholce. Available in the Paint Department.<br />

the state, will offer classes in social gerontology.<br />

nutrition for the aging, nuring<br />

care, and art for the aging<br />

Credit and certificates will be awarded<br />

upon completion of the course<br />

Dorothy Gagnier has more information<br />

about the course at 4254J000, ext 4<<br />

the hardware department<br />

#73636<br />


ADJUSTABLE After Ad $29 97<br />


3e"x14'/.x36<br />

Ready to finish.<br />

#Z1434|<br />


Top: 33% x13%". HeiQht: 29". Ready<br />

to finish. In carton, easy to assemble<br />

#1183<br />



15 " x w r f f c v r<br />

Ready to finish<br />

After Ad: $11.97<br />

$G»B<br />


m<br />

M6N. TWWU IAT. I<br />

o.m.<br />

Q-m.<br />

to<br />

f lOtlfl p.m. fUN. 9 q.m. H 1 p . w . _ J<br />

_<br />

'ii<br />

They may have a .hard time convincing<br />

the taxpayers who themselves live on limited<br />

funds.<br />

And it certainly wont help when some<br />

amendment backers start reminding<br />

voters about the payhike—deserved or<br />

not—that legislative leaders have mentioned<br />

in recent weeks.<br />

ADDING 40 more birds to the total population<br />

doesn't seem like much But when<br />

it's Kirtland's warblers you're counting,<br />

that's a different story.<br />

Michigan—the summer nesting ground<br />

of the endangered bird—reports the latest<br />

beakjjaunt-£*--t9Sr nesting pairs. 20 pairs<br />

ffi5rethan last summer's estimate.<br />

"Tbii-uptunrfflay not seem very significant<br />

at a glance, but we are encouraged<br />

by it." says John Byelich. a wildlife biologist<br />

with the department of natural resources.<br />

"In face of the fact there are less<br />

than 400 of these birds left in the world,<br />

every one of them counts preciously in our<br />

efforts to save this species."<br />

The Kirtland's warbler winters in the Bahamas.<br />

then moves to northern lower Michigan<br />

for the summer.<br />

Nesting grounds, in area posted against<br />

trespassing through Aug 15. can be found<br />

in Crawford. Oscoda. Roscommon. Oge-<br />

- maw. Kalkaska and Wexford counties.<br />

You'll<br />

RAKE IN<br />


mmm m «« •>4** —> mm*<br />

. • . . : -<br />

. tt_fl.9B.Bfl a a taaa fluum a i fl-O-a.Q<br />



Thuridiy, Augut 12, 1976 OB8ERVER k ECCENTRIC (PtC-8AtR-9A,W,G-7A)* 11A<br />

Saturday *<br />

August 14<br />

11A.M.<br />

FOR KIDS AGES 7-12<br />




• First 200 to register are eligible to participate<br />

• Registration starts 10:30 a.m.<br />

Plymouth at Middiebeit, Livonia • 522-4100<br />

8 8 8 r » T » 8 BBBBBTB 8 8 5 I T O l 5 8 »TriT» BBBOBOBBOBB tnr<br />

' • • - . . : ; ' . ; ' »• • . \ . y ' • • -v'V< : "<br />

I<br />

' .<br />

I<br />

1<br />


at<br />



PAINT<br />

NOW $Q95<br />

W gal.<br />

LATEX BASE Reg12.10<br />

GEL-FLOW<br />

NOW $ 10 9 5<br />

OIL BASE 1 W 9 <br />

Reg. 13.70<br />



LAUAN V ' 5 - 99<br />


NO LIMIT<br />

CASH & CARRY<br />

STUDS<br />


2" x 4" -7'<br />

641<br />


2" x 4" -8' .<br />

74<br />





s 780 00<br />

20'x20'<br />

INCLUDES...<br />

e 2 foot overhang<br />

e Your ohotoe of hip or geble<br />

e Free delivery In local eree<br />

e ir O.C. oonetructton e rxi" reflate<br />

e Your ohoioe of •* or r Dolly Varden tiding<br />

ee shown to the right<br />


l a | A J |<br />

i<br />

•<br />


WITH<br />



DOORS<br />

48" x 80"<br />

Opening 2 Doors<br />

60"...Complete with gold anodlzed metal<br />

*92"<br />

72"...Complete with gold anodlzed metal<br />

•108"<br />

The Regency<br />

STEEL 8HED<br />






10' x 10'<br />


See Our Other 3 tee/ A Wood<br />

Modoi* on Dltploy<br />

e««<br />

$ 144 M<br />

DOLLY<br />

VARDEN<br />

SIDING<br />

SALE<br />

i i *<br />

Free Delivery<br />

Within Local Area<br />

Just the ticket for<br />

that shed or barn.<br />

6" width 16'iinMiioot<br />

8" width 20* im* M<br />

Kiln /dried ruatlc apruce, lenfltha<br />

mostly 14' -16'. Haa amaH paintknots.

^ ^• H ^ I . / o . ' . ^ s w -^'v;.vr.wAW»w<br />

• ,•; »**? WtvV*V "• ^ 1<br />

-<br />

#<br />

#1<br />

#<br />

4<br />

*<br />

*<br />

$<br />

i<br />

1<br />

7 NUU RD<br />

and<br />

FftRlMNGTON<br />

ftauMEmmmn<br />


.Hi<br />

'LIMITS'ExpkM Aug Mtti<br />

, •<br />

... . ;<br />

•v U '-'{. ... . j<br />

inney<br />

shoes<br />


UP TO<br />

50% OFF i<br />


with purchase of any N.B.A.<br />

action shoes<br />

between Aug. 15 and Aug. 21<br />


7 Mile & Farmington Rd.<br />


SALE<br />

V2 OFF<br />

NEW<br />



Selected Party Qoode-Qltt Wrap<br />

Niany Gift Iteme-Reduced for final Clearance<br />

NIcDevitt<br />

Livonia. 7 Mile Farmington Rd.<br />

MIKTIIM Mm£S<br />


10 OZ.<br />

99 0<br />

Rtg.SI.37<br />

LIMIT 1 Exp»M<br />

Sal* Starts Todayl<br />

Ends Sat. August 14th<br />


. -j-i . . - " v r v : . ,<br />

M<br />

Thursday, Aufr* 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC (L TA^.C-gAJl-SAXPftA<br />

Don't be<br />

superstitious,<br />

there are values you<br />

can't afford to miss.<br />

Remember, up to<br />

70% off Friday<br />

the 13th only<br />

10o.m. to<br />

11 p.m.<br />

. .

s, ,, .ur -m<br />

4C(BXlto-9B)a*(P,C'lQAJUWT0-4A) OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC _ Thuriday, Augu* 12.<br />

! » ' 4<br />

. A - ^ V, iHl'.Vrff ft*** M. V W » V* W M )W. » t//A<br />

I I<br />

I m<br />


M<br />

rtMu/mr^<br />

A i<br />

• 2 DAYS<br />

• 15 WORDS<br />

• $6.00<br />

There's no better time than now to have your garage sale and<br />

there's no better time today to advertise it with a classified ad.<br />

Call one of our professional ad-visors and she'll help you place<br />

an effective, well-worded ad designed to draw people to your<br />

sale.<br />

A<br />

; v<br />

t<br />

b a e r u<br />

€ Bm]<br />


644-1070 OAKLAND COUNTY<br />

522-0900 WAYNE COUNfY<br />

852-3222 ROCHESTER/AVON<br />

r: m<br />

- 1<br />

m<br />

I »<br />

7, - • " J?. *

tvw•••• »*» M<br />

lei lafc itiMMftMrtiiili<br />

• -<br />

' i* , ;<br />

over lea In ote f<br />

. mm<br />

/ •<br />

/ £<br />

for the f art an<br />

tb«<br />

cool<br />

'with<br />

ju P'cof, VkOhawk Vvdkc; ; . Pre >•<br />

For cool summer drinks, request recipe booklet from MOHAWK LIQUEUR CORPORATION. 1965 Porter St., Detroit Mich. 48216<br />

Pay More! Why Pay *More! Why Pay More!<br />



(regardless of make or condition)<br />




Press a button...jets of<br />

extra steam charge into<br />

fabric to loosen even the<br />

most stubborn wrinkles.<br />

Convenient thumb control.<br />

Up front figertip fabric<br />

dial. Model 4526.<br />

Our $0088<br />

Reg. L L<br />

LESS $ 5 TRADE-IN<br />

Model<br />

CT-925<br />

SAVE<br />

sgget<br />

Our Reg. $399.97<br />

19"<br />

diag. meat.<br />

COLOR TV<br />

100% S0U0 STATE<br />


Quick-Start syslem needs no pre-heating<br />

?0-channel UHF Click Tuner, wood<br />

grained vinyl on wood products cabinet<br />

222230223<br />

COLOR-<br />

L0K®<br />

One-button control<br />

automatically<br />

locks r cokx.<br />

tint and<br />

frequency<br />

JET-LINE®<br />


with In-lne cokx<br />

guns and black<br />

matrix screen, tor<br />

sharper, brighter<br />

picture<br />



FREE<br />

WITH<br />


19" DIAMETER<br />

COLOR<br />


MODEL CT-925<br />


DEPT.<br />

PRICES GOOD THRU SAT. AUG. 14,1976<br />


1 HON. THRU SAT. • am to 10:M p.m. SUN.I a.m. t«7 pm<br />

i<br />

•J*<br />

:<br />

i S I<br />

'• 1 I<br />

> i I<br />

11 I<br />

•' i<br />

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•«<br />

• i<br />

•»<br />

• •<br />

.» ;

ii<br />

I.<br />

f<br />

Thur«d«v. Augurt 12. 1976<br />

•» -•*<br />

editorial opinion<br />

Politicians' best-laid<br />

plans upset by voters<br />

An extraordinarily unusual thing happened at<br />

the polls Aug. 3 whep no one was paying much attention.<br />

Wayne County votprs nominated aPman to countywide<br />

office who l]adnt first been appointed to<br />

the office and who hadnt been groomed for it by<br />

the previous officeholder. What's more, he hadnt<br />

even been endorsed by the AFL-CIO.<br />

Raymond J. Wojtowicz, a one-time mayor of<br />

Hamtramck, was nominated for county treasurer<br />

on the Democratic ticket For a candidate to<br />

come from nowherje, figuratively, and beat the<br />

machine is an extreme rarity.<br />

WOJTOWICZ, whoever he is and whatever his<br />

other qualifications, defeated Clark G. Finley of<br />

Plymouth.<br />

Finley had been deputy to the late Louis Funk,<br />

who as you recall 'pulled a fast one a couple of<br />

weeks before his death. Funk filed for re-election;<br />

so did deputy Finley, which seemed strange because<br />

a deputy rarely runs against his boss. At<br />

the last moment, Funk withdrew. Later he died.<br />

The effect of Funk's maneuverings was to set<br />

up his deputy to succeed him, and it almost<br />

worked. Finley presented, on paper, as good a set<br />

of credentials as one could hope for. He is. at the<br />

moment and for the next few months, the man<br />

running the treasurer's office.<br />

Enter Raymond ^J. Wojtowicz, hardly a household<br />

word and even less likely to become one.<br />

Despite Finley's near-incumbency status, and<br />

despite the labor federation's endorsement of Finley,<br />

Wojtowicz beat him in the Democratic primary.<br />

THE USUAL PATTERN is for a Wayne County<br />

officeholder to die or resign, to have his deputy<br />

take over, id to have the deputy win election<br />

next time ou it.<br />

The last t [iree or four sheriffs have come in<br />

through app intment; ditto with the registers of<br />

deed (the cu . rent incumbent got the job when his<br />

72-year-old tether resigned in the middle of a<br />

four-year te ditto with clerks and prosecutors<br />

and drain commissioners.<br />

Until the ntry of Raymond J.Wojtowicz on the<br />

county scene no relative outsider had got a coun-<br />

tywide job rtther than through the appointment<br />

route in man y, many years. And so the Aug. 3 pri-<br />

mary for W£ yne County treasurer qualifies as an<br />

extraordinar ly unusual thing.<br />

THE REAL QUESTION, however, is why the<br />

ballot needs to be cluttered with such posts as<br />

county treas irer, county clerk, county drain commissioner,<br />

ounty prosecutor, county sheriff and<br />

especially * c rnnty auditors.<br />

Essentially these are persons who don't make<br />

laws or policies or rules, lliey simply carry out<br />

legal duties.<br />

Most voteis can't name three-fourths of their<br />

countywide )fficholders, let alone tell you anything<br />

about ihem. Even less do the voters have a<br />

method of tt lling- whether those officeholders are<br />

doing a go(d job under the circumstances.<br />

But let anyone suggest this array of 19th century<br />

elective posts be eliminated and replaced by<br />

(say) a county executive or manager—or better<br />

yet, a home ule charter—and the county officeholders<br />

are first in line, sometimes howling publicly,<br />

sometimes r laneuvering behind the scenes, to put<br />

a stop to s Juch reforms.<br />

The whole system of electing county admin istrators<br />

is a *igantic farce. It ought to be abolish-<br />

ed.<br />

Candidates, issu s, media<br />

failed to arouse the voters<br />

Last week's primary election is now history.<br />

The winners have grinned in their victories, the<br />

losers have frowned in defeat, and the air is full<br />

of the sounds of the political pundits noisily sucking<br />

their prognosticating thumbs.<br />

The big story of the election is not who won and<br />

who lost, but rather with the voters themselves. It<br />

all reminds me of the old radio commercial for<br />

Pepsodent: I wonder where the voters went.<br />

Voter turnout was 1 not merely light; it floated<br />

into the sky, lighter than air.-<br />

Statewide, unofficially less than one-quarter of<br />

the registered voters bothered to go to the polls, a<br />

record low for an August primary election.<br />

THINGS WERE little better in these suburbs.<br />

Only 19 per cent of the registered voters in<br />

Avon Township turned out, leading Clerk Thelma<br />

Spencer to say, "I can't remember when a turnout<br />

has been this poor."<br />

Farmington Hills registered a 19.5 per cent turnout<br />

(versus 42.7 per cent for the May primary),<br />

while the City of Farmington weighed in with 26<br />

per cent (versus 49.2 per cent in May); both figures<br />

were the worst in history for both cities.<br />

Livonia voters, despite the presence on the ticket<br />

of home towner Marvin Stempien in the 2d District<br />

congressional race, only turned out at a 22<br />

per cent clip, fully 10 points under City Clerk Addison<br />

Bacon's prediction. Garden City (18 per cent),<br />

Southfield (27 per cent), and the City of Plymouth<br />

(25 per cent) also contributed uninspiring voter<br />

performance.<br />

NOT SURPRISINGLY voter turnout was highest<br />

in. those suburbs where a hot contest seized the<br />

minds of the people.<br />

In <strong>Canton</strong> Township, where incumbent Supervisor<br />

Robert Greenstein lost his primary bid to<br />

Howard Stein in a hotly (and dirtily) contested<br />

campaign, voters turned out at a 35 per cent clip.<br />

Politics in Redford Township, always volatile,<br />

produced a big race over the township clerk office.<br />

Incumbent Ruth Sullivan survived bitter attacks<br />

from challengers Earl Patchett and Louise<br />

Laurila. Voters responded with a 32 per cent turnout.<br />

. -<br />

Plymouth Township has a new favorite for supervisor,<br />

local Realtor Tom Notebaert; the race<br />

drew out 37 per cent of the registered voters.<br />

IN LIGHT of these generally poor voter participation<br />

figures, lots of weighty generalizations are<br />

being thrown out as explanations. Watergate. Suspicion<br />

of government generally. Alienation of the<br />

electorate. 4<br />

, The Detroit daily newspapers called it a dull<br />

campaign, conveniently forgetting that it was<br />

their own coverage that made it that way. The<br />

local television stations went the same way. On<br />

Observation<br />

Fbint<br />

the other<br />

they were<br />

play.<br />

Where i<br />

people did<br />

by I 9 HI LIP //. POWER<br />

land, most candidates I talked to said<br />

having a terrible time getting news<br />

all ends up, I suspect, is that a lot of<br />

stay at home because they saw no rea-<br />

son to go tut and vote. In some cases, campaigns<br />

were dull because the issue was never in doubt;<br />

in other leases, candidates failed to get their<br />

issues across to the voters; in some cases, the<br />

media did a poor job.<br />

But where the campaigns were alive and where<br />

the issue^ were salient, the voters turned out.<br />

Hiis is the way it always has been, and I suspect<br />

this is th$ way things are likely to be in the future.<br />

American democracy is not dead in these sub-<br />

urbs; it's there, just as it always has been. All it<br />

needs is good candidates, debating the issues<br />

frankly, vith adequate coverage from the media.<br />

I just hope all three elements will perform better<br />

this all.<br />

Last ^eekend, while we were sailing in the<br />

east, we were fogbound for a day on Martha's<br />

Vineyard. With nothing else to do, we decided to<br />

take the! short, one-mile hike from the Edgartown<br />

ferry to lhat famous bridge on Chappaquiddick.<br />

The short, one-mile hike is in fact more like<br />

three miles. And the bridge is not easy to find.<br />

But there were a couple of things about the physical<br />

characteristics of the place that helped us unbetter<br />

what had happened.<br />

really possible for a person to mistake<br />

the fe road for the bridge road, as has been<br />

If you are driving along the ferry road,<br />

which paved and banked, in order to get on the<br />

road, which is not paved, you have to<br />

ilmost a U-turn.<br />

make<br />

ON<br />

you an<br />

and dri<br />

<strong>Canton</strong><br />

©hserurrCyErrentrtr<br />


I -4. v% J - I * v f \ x •<br />

RICHARD GOLD, Editor<br />

439 2700<br />

_ OTHER HAND, it is very easy, once<br />

on the bridge road, to miss the bridge<br />

e off the road.<br />

The bridge road is two lanes wide, and the<br />

HENRY M. HOGAN. JR., Co-Publisher<br />

PHILIP H POWER. Co-Publither<br />

•<br />

JOHN REODY. Executive Editor<br />

ARTHUR LANGER, Acting Advertising Manager<br />

GARRY HEATH, C la uified Advertising Manager<br />

'•<br />

,—;..v *<br />


SOME BAD NEWS... 77//S IS THE<br />

muommss<br />

Zoo news: More trash,<br />

but suburban groups help<br />

There are a couple of things new at the Detroit<br />

Zoological Park, which, as every one knows, isnt<br />

in Detroit at all but two miles north in Oakland<br />

County.<br />

One is that the litter explosion has hit the beloved<br />

zoo. Some say the zoo's maintenance has<br />

gone to pot, but I'm more inclined to think it's<br />

part of the trend toward trashing that has infected<br />

public facilities everywhere in the past<br />

three years.<br />

The management has placed no-littering signs<br />

everywhere, but the situation is deteriorating. Although<br />

the ostrich is a dumb-looking bird, it was<br />

pathetic to see one try to shed the Styrofoam coffee<br />

cup it had stuck its beak through.<br />

The monkeys are smarter and ignore the corn<br />

chips and junk foods people toss them.<br />

THE OTHER new thing is the overwhelming<br />

numbers of suburban schools and groups which<br />

are "adopting" animals by raising the cost of<br />

feeding them for a year.<br />

Not all the persons making contributions are<br />

identified by community, but where identifications<br />

are possible, it seems that suburban<br />

groups are lining up to support the zoo by a margin<br />

of 7-1 compared to Detroiters.<br />

Bloomfield Hills Junior High and Gallimore<br />

school of Plymouth have adopted giraffes. Botsford<br />

school of the Clarenceville district, the<br />

WHW Club of Inkster and groups from Huntington<br />

Woods, Utica and Richmond have adopted aoudad<br />

monkeys.<br />

Redford Union High School is supporting Jim-<br />

Jim the Gorilla; Channel 7 in Southfield has<br />

adopted another gorilla.<br />

Detroit Diesel Engineering—which everyone<br />

knows is in Redford Township, not Detroit—and<br />

the Dearborn Holiday Inn are the food supplies<br />

for monkeys.<br />

Llamas have been adopted by Volney Smith<br />

school of Redford Towrship. Franklin school of<br />

Birmingham, Plymouth O.o Prck 860 and such<br />

non-metropolitan groups as Pinckney High,<br />

Owosso High and Brownie Troop 151 of Saline.<br />

Oh, there were Detroit organizations represented—Li<br />

ngeman school for a crane, Region 7<br />

Middle School for a bushbuck, Greenfield Park<br />

Elementary for Jo Mendi II and Roosevelt school<br />

for a monkey.<br />

Richard<br />

BUT THE OVERWHELMING impression was<br />

that it was groups and businesses from all over<br />

southeast Michigan, and not Detroit groups and<br />

businesses, that were kicking in funds to help feed<br />

and preserve the animals.<br />

Our auto licenses are issued at random, so it's<br />

impossible now to do a random plate survey tdV<br />

see where zoo patrons hail from.<br />

An enlightened but unfortunately unaggressive<br />

group called Regional Citizens did a member sur^<br />

vey on the institutions of southeast Michiganwhich<br />

should be considered for some kind of regional<br />

or state funding. The zoo came in second<br />

only to the Institute of Arts and ahead of the historical<br />

museums, the Detroit Symphony. Channel<br />

56. the Science Center. Belle Isle, the Freedom.<br />

Festival and suchlike.<br />

The zoo's official history. "The First Fifty<br />

Years," published in 1974, gave this breakdown of<br />

revenues: Refectory (food stand) sales, 38 per<br />

cent; admissions. 12 per cent; taxes (no brealC-»<br />

down). 28 per cent; parking, the railroad and miscellaneous<br />

fees. 22 per cent.<br />

IT'S PRETTY CLEAR suburbanites and outstaters<br />

are being smeared with a bum rap when t<br />

certain politicians profess to see a "hate-Detroit" •<br />

attitude here.<br />

And it's also clear suburbanites endorse, at<br />

least implicitly, the notion that they have a re<br />

sponsibility to help support the zoo. For evenwhen<br />

they're paying to feed animals, subur- j<br />

banites are easing the pressure on Detroit's city •<br />

budget and enabling the city to divert money into<br />

wages, which make up 68 per cent of the zoo's<br />

budget.<br />

Now if only Detroit abandon its vicious policy of<br />

hiring "residents only" ... ;<br />

local folks saw Chappaquiddick<br />

Member of<br />




1<br />

ft<br />

by HA IS K HOG AN<br />

bridge itself is only a single-lane, plank bridge set<br />

at an angle, so even a sober driver in broad<br />

daylight would have trouble negotiating it. There<br />

are ho guardrails, so that anyone coming from<br />

the bridge at any rate of speed could end up in<br />

the drink.<br />

What was more interesting were the comments<br />

of the natives of Chappaquiddick Island. They<br />

have their own theory about what happened on<br />

that fateful night of the EdgartOAm Regatta.<br />

They claim that Teddy Kennedy was driving<br />

down the road with a girl. Later, another<br />

woman's purse was found in the car.<br />

THEY SURMISE that Mary Jo Kopechne had<br />

fallen asleep in the back seat of the car, and neither<br />

Teddy nor the lady with him was aware of<br />

her presence. They also surmise that when his<br />

Icar left the road and hit the water, he did. in fact,<br />

get his companion out of the car and the two<br />

walked back two miles to the cottage where their<br />

party had been going on.<br />

j Within 50 yards of the scene of the accident,<br />

there is a cottage which, that night, had its lights<br />

on. The locaLpeopie feel that no human<br />

matter how ambitious for further public<br />

would walk away from a situation where a person<br />

could be dying and bypass the opportunity to get<br />

help.<br />

They then surmise that the whole group ^ attending<br />

the party realized Mary Jo was missing any!<br />

they went, en masse, back to the scene to see if<br />

she was in the submerged car.<br />

When they were either unable to find her or gft<br />

her out, they went their separate ways, not knyw<br />

ing what was in store for them the next morom^<br />

This is much more logical because the stoiy.-a;<br />

told over and over again by the people involvEfl<br />

makes the senator from Massachusetts appear t<<br />

be a cold-blooded, ambitious and callous indtvifi<br />

uai. :::<br />

PEOPLE SAY that if the events of<br />

paquiddick were to happen today, the echoes cf<br />

Watergate would force complete disclosure^<br />

m £<br />

I<br />

TTiere are certainly elements of coverup by A 1<br />

local district attorney and the friends of Te

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©harrup -SUBURBAN<br />

Thwnday, Augu* 12, 1976<br />

Model of the year for 1976, Sherry Joy Michalski, is a Plymouth<br />

resident who hopes one day to open her own dance studio.<br />

(Photos by Cynthia Abatt)<br />

Top models win<br />


Fourteen-year-old Lori Lahnala and 19year-old<br />

Sherry Joy Michalski walked<br />

away from the "Model of the Year" pageant<br />

with titles, trophies, new crowns and<br />

a host of prizes/*<br />

Lori, one of the youngest in the competition.<br />

took the title in the junior pageant,<br />

facing 25 others in the 14-17 age division<br />

The young miss will be entering the<br />

ninth grade in Garden City's Burger Junior<br />

fligh School next fall .1<br />

Sherry Joy. of 11449 Aspen, in Plymouth,<br />

won over 68 other contendere in the senior<br />

division before a capacity frowcTtn Southfield's<br />

Raleigh House this week<br />

The pageant, now in its,sixth year, is<br />

sponsored by Louise Bums Wright Tops<br />

'N' Talent Agency and Pamela Roberts. It<br />

is open to all girls, with o^ without modeling<br />

experience, and regardless of marital<br />

status<br />

The contestants were judged on a walkon<br />

which displayed their fashion and modeling<br />

know-how and the veraaUllty they<br />

New book out<br />

could display for photographic modeling<br />

In addition, the senior contestants wrote<br />

their own scriptdevised their own costume<br />

and pulled together their own props for a<br />

60-second TV commercial.<br />

FOLLOWING LORI in the Junior Pag<br />

eant. Pamela Sterling, a student in Livonia's<br />

Bently High School took the first<br />

prize for best fashion modeling. Fifteen<br />

year-old Kim Tomaszak. from St. Clair<br />

Shores, won the prize for best photographic<br />

modeling.<br />

In the senior division, Linda Reizen. of<br />

Huntington Woods won the best fashion<br />

modeling title, and Kathy Digon. of Madi<br />

son Heights, took the award for best photographic<br />

modeling<br />

Master of ceremonies for the event was<br />

WXYZ's Jack McCarthy while a panel of<br />

12 judges tallied up the girls' scores.<br />

Lori won a scholarship to the Barbizon<br />

School of Modeling, which she is sure shC<br />

is going to use. and a scholarship to the<br />

Michigan School of Beauty she's not too<br />

f<br />

Gundella doesn't find<br />

ghosts in graveyards<br />


"Detroit's just as spooky as London or<br />

New Orleans." said Gundella the witch,<br />

who has a love affair with the metropolitan<br />

area.<br />

There's a connection: What makes<br />

ghosts la people. And what makes metropolitan<br />

Detroit fascinating is people, said<br />

the witch from Garden City.<br />

Gundella makes her case in her new<br />

book. 1Tie Werewolf of Grotew Pointe and<br />

Other Stories." which is schfduled to be in<br />

bookstores my day. "Werewolf" 111.96 in<br />

paperback. Earsight Productions. 110<br />

pages) contains 26 stories and myths, all<br />

of a nature at least slightly spooky<br />

ONE STORY-takes place in a church<br />

yard in Farmington. It was related to Gundella<br />

by a local resident because H actually<br />

happened to him. That story first appeared<br />

in her column in Observer It Eccentric<br />

Newspapers.<br />

"Some go back to Indian legends, like<br />

the make goddess of Belle Isle.'' Raid Gundella.<br />

bubbling \<br />

"Another is the Red Dwarf—Naki<br />

Rouge." she laid. "Tt» most recent sight<br />

ing of the dwarf was March lof this yeer<br />

by a Detroit Edison limnbn."<br />

Other stories occur at Peche Isle in the „<br />

Detroit River, the Sister Wands in Lake<br />

the site of the Renaisafcnce Center in<br />

Detroit. L'Anse C^euse (now St.<br />

Shores). Mount aetnens. Lincoln<br />

Park, the Roeedale Park section of northwest<br />

Detroit. Ann Arbor. Ypaflanti and<br />

River Rouge , 1<br />

The characters range from Indians to •<br />

modem artists. French ribbon farmers to<br />

Jurt plain homeowners.<br />

THEY DONT occur in graveyards.<br />

- f - 4:';<br />

"That's the least likely place to find a<br />

ghost." Gundella said, eyes glowing. "If I<br />

ghost haunts, it's because he wants to com<br />

municat^. and who's it going to communicate<br />

with in a graveyard"<br />

"If anyone sees a ghost and it Isn't a figment<br />

of their imagination, it's because the<br />

ghost wants to communicate or doesn't<br />

know it's dead."<br />

"Werewolf' is Gundella's first book of<br />

this sort, although in her 22 years as a<br />

school teacher, she has written children's<br />

books and teacher manuals<br />

Sociologist Mar cello Truzzi. Eastern<br />

Michigan University specialist in the study<br />

of witchcraft, wrote the book's Introduction.<br />

He calls it "an important contribution<br />

to regional and urban folklore."<br />

' ' , V ' \<br />

'THE WAY I happened to write the<br />

book." Gundella said, "is that I've always<br />

been Interested in folklore. H»e story<br />

about Idols at the Renaissance Centerthat<br />

*as in my history book in third grade<br />

in Tawas".<br />

• Roman Babiak. head of Earsight Produc<br />

lions, once suggested that Gundella lead a<br />

ghost tour of New Orleans and lamented it<br />

was too bad there ooulch't be such a tour<br />

of the Detroit area.<br />

"I said I could write a book!" Gundella<br />

responded. "He sai

*<br />

2B*<br />

vj v?vfcv>; *v W<br />

-j>', -varLJ'TOtfrv- , | - r 5 >' •'?Tr..ng<br />

OBSERVER at ECCENTRIC Thursday, August 12. 1976<br />

BABY<br />

CRIBS<br />



I I I K<br />

F I I R W T l<br />

nut ottrvtMY IAIV1<br />

694 W Ann Arbo* Ti. Plymouth<br />

fm i*rMtM>ln |<br />

498-4700 I _-„<br />

Oqm M* • JO-S P M Th 1 M WjSfM<br />

Good Hope<br />

has opening<br />

* . i<br />

• Good Hope Nursery School, located in<br />

Good Hope Lutheran Church. 28680 Cherry<br />

Hill. Garden City, still has openings In the<br />

three-year-old class which meets Wednesday<br />

and Friday fronp 9-11:15 a.m.<br />

For more information contact Mrs<br />

Marge Pellegrino. 420 CentraL Inkier, or<br />

Mrs. Sally Neslund. 31908 Hauk, Garden<br />

City.<br />

:Go back to school with good skin!<br />

**> t< »«><br />

€<br />

Helena Rubinstein<br />

^ [> 2 Scenes of Beauty<br />


- --<br />


•••"••> 1<br />

Nancy Smith, one of the few women parts managers in Michigan<br />

Plymouth woman<br />

knows car<br />


A young woman who says she was "driving<br />

something with a motor and four<br />

wheels since the time 1 was 6" is now one<br />

of the few female car par& managers in<br />

Michigan. She works for Bob Saks Olds<br />

handling a $200,000 monthly inventory<br />

Nancy Smith, who grew up in the country<br />

north of Battle Creek, marks the beginnings<br />

of her career at 17 when she couldn't<br />

get a job after high school graduation<br />

She was offered a free course in foreign<br />

car repair and took it to fill up the time "<br />

That led to her first job as a car mechanic<br />

That was in 1966. before the advent of<br />

"The Feminine Mystique."' Women's liberation<br />

and NOW<br />

"It took a lot of nerve fbr him (the<br />

owner) to give me that chance The same<br />

kind of daring it must have taken for Mr<br />

Saks when he moved me from assistant<br />

manager to manager." she said.<br />

Of her boss, she says. "He's a good guy<br />

to work for. He lets the managers manage.<br />

'<br />

INTERIM JOBS found her driving courtesy<br />

care, working as a service writer,<br />

woricing as a pit mechanic and singing in<br />

a rock and roll band<br />

Mrs Smith earned her living for two<br />

years as a singer, which she refers to as<br />

"a competitive art form and not the most<br />

secure business in the world ''<br />

Bringing four people together to render<br />

a creative offering is a far Cry from bringing<br />

many times that many together to render<br />

a specific service, she explained<br />

She has hired the majority of her own<br />

crew of seven who work out of the Farmington<br />

dealer's lot on Grand River<br />

"My crew is young, but they perform<br />

and that's all that counts,* she said<br />

Her young crew and Saks' daring apparently<br />

paid off because last February Mrs.<br />

Smith was named manager of the month<br />

stemming from a high in sales of $91,000,<br />

parts<br />

about $30,000 higher than could be ei<br />

pected for a February<br />

HER FEELINGS about this is that s<br />

is selling a service, and parts are but<br />

by-product of that service. She followed<br />

this feeling by rattling off a string of instances<br />

where members of her crew wou<br />

be sent to as far away as Howell or La<br />

sing in order to give one-day service<br />

"If a part is tying up a car for someon^.<br />

we'll do it. We do it constantly. We'fe<br />

going to be her next year and for years<br />

after that. It doesn't make much sense n6t<br />

to do a good job for our customers." sne<br />

said<br />

She suspects she works an average of il<br />

hours a day, often takes work home wi(h<br />

her "but that is necessary to do the job. St<br />

comes with the territory," she says.<br />

The service she renders, she believe 5.<br />

goes hand in hand with that of the servii e<br />

mechanic, whom she calls a trained tec inician.<br />

"We don't have a heavy turnover at i II<br />

of the men who service the cars and th< y<br />

are constantly being sent out to the GM<br />

Tech Center just to keep up. A tune-up<br />

used to be a simple operation, but cars a|e<br />

getting so complicated now. all part of our<br />

complicated society. I guess. Basic invent)<br />

ry is just not what it used to be," she sai< I.<br />

"A dealership just keeps playing catcfi<br />

up with supply and demand and it seems<br />

everybody wants all the goodies they a n<br />

load onto a car. Selling a basic car is practically<br />

unheard of. Most of the cars so d<br />

here are sold fully loaded and that meats<br />

more switches and nuts and bolts for me. '<br />

Keeping all of the switches and nuts ar d<br />

bolts in their proper place comes easy for<br />

her because "I like things in order. I lil e<br />

things to be where they're supposed o<br />

be." she said.<br />

Mrs. Smith lives in Plymouth with to r<br />

husband Dan who is drummer for the Tom<br />

Powers Trio now playing at the Pepperrnill.<br />

MCEN&mONA.<br />

BUST<br />


IDEA<br />

M<br />

^ Luxurious room<br />

^ Leisurely breakfast / */<br />

•fa Cocktail and<br />

dancing<br />

r<br />

V '//<br />

//<br />

Call<br />

879-2100<br />

for a color brochure<br />

X<br />

Northfield Hilton Inh<br />

5500 Crooks Rd. at I-75<br />

Troy, Michigan 48084<br />

'<br />

r ' V y;i-:'.V'->(,•> .T/WiW*; »V7.WWY-Mv' TVv.v ;. -A'..- Vv,' • i; .- v.'> I„y->,,.v. -v. .**T>r>!<br />

juggles a $200,000 monthly inventory in Farmingtor|'s Bob Saks Olds.<br />

Thursday, August 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC •3B<br />

Feminist club<br />

offers buffet<br />

' Buffet and entertainment every Fnday<br />

evening is offered by the Feminist<br />

Women's City Club, 2110 Parte, Detroit<br />

Food and music will be available in the<br />

lounge on the second floor from 5-7 p.m.<br />

The cafe also has business women's<br />

luncheon specials at $2 25 every Wednesday<br />

from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. It is located<br />

on the third floor of the club.<br />

Pharmacy Dept.<br />

Sweaters<br />

You're ready<br />

fa them.<br />

The weather is ready<br />

for them.<br />

Rancbra is ready<br />

with them.<br />

Sweaters called "Angles."<br />

In taste-tingling colors -<br />

like strawberry and cranberry.<br />

Over-sweaters that are long on collars<br />

and cuffs, but not short on sizes:<br />

thirty through thirty-eight.<br />


Under-sweaters are skinny turtlenecks<br />

with lots-of-color striping. All sizes too<br />


On the lower half — corduroy slacks,<br />

narrow-as-a-pin waled<br />

and deeper berry colored.<br />

Corduroys in all junior sizes,<br />

and almost all colors<br />


Next to Meijer Thrifty Acres at Ford Road and <strong>Canton</strong> Center.<br />

11-6 Sunday 10-10 Vteekdays<br />

Colonial House<br />

ol Furniture<br />

19532 W.McNichols<br />

Open MOD., Thora., Fri.til9<br />

KE2-7900<br />

Scientific Medication Works Quickly, for Hours, to<br />

Stop the<br />

Torture of<br />

Vicious Itching<br />

Even Personal Membrane Itching<br />

Now you can get fast, long-lasting<br />

relief from the tortures of itching,<br />

chafing, rashes, dry skin eczema,<br />

even embarrassing membrane itch<br />

(vaginal and rectal) with LANACANF.<br />

Medicated Creme. Any itch causes<br />

scratching, causes more itching.<br />

I hat's the misery of what Doctors<br />

recognize as the "itch-scratch-itch<br />

cycle." LANACANF. works because it<br />

breaks this cycle ... relieves itching<br />

fast, quiets the urge to scratch.<br />

i<br />

checks bacteria growth, speeds<br />

healing. Soothing, greaseless.<br />

And now t ANACANE brings you<br />

new LANACANF. SPRAY — specially<br />

medicated to relieve skin in pain<br />

due to sunburn, itching, everyday<br />

cuts and scrapes. Brings prompt,<br />

temporary relief without stinging<br />

even on irritated surface tissue.<br />

Helps prevent infection as it promotes<br />

healing. Amazing LANACANF.<br />

— Famous Creme. New Spray.


Thursday, August 12. 1976<br />

w * AY*»'*MrAY' f ..-r-V*' » •es-vvi-e** + Y' •**•"• *fr Vi k ^vw-.feTf<br />

English Synod sets up shop in Livonia<br />


The new English Synod, a Lutheran organization<br />

that may eventually include<br />

many congregations across the country<br />

that have found themselves in conflict with<br />

the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, curently<br />

is a home in Livonia<br />

The building housing the denomination is<br />

the former parsonage next boor to Faith<br />

Lutheran Church. 30000 Five Mile.<br />

And when the Rev Harold Hecht and his<br />

secretary moved in last month, deserting<br />

their former headquarters at 23001 Grand<br />

River in Detroit, it marked one more step<br />

in the long dispute over doctrine that has<br />

rocked the Lutheran Church—Missouri<br />

Synod in recent years.<br />

A final step, said Mr. H^cht, who had<br />

just come from a convention at River Forest.<br />

III., in which the English District of<br />

the synod had voted to begin dissolution of<br />

its ties with the parent organization and revert<br />

to the independent synod status it had<br />

known before 1911.<br />

"I feel the battling is over and we can<br />

get on with our work." he said in the vacated<br />

parsonage that will house the splitoff<br />

organization for now<br />

"Now." he added, "it becomes the great<br />

coocern of every congregation to come to<br />

grips with the issue and decided on its future<br />

affiliation" ,<br />

tU-L*<br />

THE MOVE TO LIVONIA, he sad.<br />

cajne at the invitation of the board of<br />

trastees of Faith Church, one of three Livonia<br />

congregations that had moved earlier<br />

this year to leave the Michigan district<br />

of the LCMS and affiliate with the more liberal<br />

English district.<br />

The parsonage was available because<br />

Faith's associate pastor was leaving The<br />

invitation, said Mr Hecht. "made me feel<br />

God really provides"<br />

"I had gone to the convention knowing I<br />

would have to resign." explained the<br />

clergyman He had been president and executive<br />

officer of the English district but<br />

was removed from office April 2 in a dispute<br />

over ordinations<br />

"I really didn't know where the office<br />

was going to go. The vote to seek independent<br />

status was 2% to 75. and electing to<br />

stay with the Missouri Synod were one<br />

vice-president and one member of the<br />

board of directors, so the district is continuing.<br />



CHURCH<br />

41355 SIX MILE ROAD<br />

NORTHVILLE. MICH. 48167<br />

Ministers<br />

Irving M Mitchell. Patlor<br />

Edgar R Cook. AssistantjPasior<br />

John M Shortness. OCE<br />



11:00 A.M.<br />

Special Guest-<br />


Missionarv—Spain<br />

7:00 P.M.<br />


Vacation Bible School-Closing Service<br />

Nursery Provided lor all Xctivities<br />

348-9030<br />



33015 W. 7 Mile<br />

474-5405 I 522-9209<br />

DanielOeKonty. Pastor<br />

Sunday Services 10 A M 11 A.M. 7 P.M.<br />

Family Night 7:00 P.M.<br />



8900 Middle be*t<br />

North of Joy Rd<br />

GA 1-9140 261-1957<br />


9:45 A.M 10:35 A.M. 6:30P.M.<br />

Wednesday Service 7:30 P.M.<br />

Psstor J.J. Traub<br />


UNITED<br />


CHURCH<br />

(Redford Township)<br />

10000 Beech Dety Seed<br />

Between Plymouth and West Chicago<br />

.837-3170<br />

Sr. MMeler-Wm. O.Wafer<br />

Aeeec M Meter-Oevtd k Kesfci<br />

Dtr. ef IS—sHss She ere a CeereM<br />

Minister el Mweto-ftwth Hadtoy Turner<br />

Morning Worship A Sunday School<br />

9:30 a.m.<br />

iNurse'vCare Wi* Be Provided)<br />



Asm AfSer YreM I 422-0149<br />


NSV. JOHN PSMHS, AaeeaMM MbsMar<br />

Director ^IduceMon<br />

Swnmer Worship 8 Church School Hour<br />

ttM<br />


of Garden City 8443 Merriman Road<br />

Morning Worahip 9:30 A.M.<br />

Nursery and Toddler Care<br />

Children's Hour Program for<br />

4 year oM thru 8th grade<br />

2SSS1 leaaH Defc-der. I SM<br />

834-4887 834-7878<br />

10:00A.M. Church School<br />

10:00 A.M. Worship Service<br />

(Nursery Provided)<br />

i J.LI<br />

The Rev. Harold Hecht, president of the new<br />

English Synod of the Lutheran Church. (Staff<br />

photo by Bob Woodring)<br />

"Other are taking over in our office in<br />

Detroit, but we can begin the work of the<br />

new synod from here "<br />

THE FIRST STEP, said Mr Hecht. wio<br />

for the present is serving without salary 1 .<br />

will be determining which of the 227 Lutheran<br />

congregations that had comprised<br />

the English District will become part of<br />

the new English Synod.<br />

"Some will not." Mr Hecht said, "either<br />

through inertia or because they prefer tjie<br />

more conservative doctrine that has dominated<br />

the Missouri Synod under its current<br />

president. Dr. J. A. O. Preus.<br />

"But delegates from three congregations<br />

indicated at the time of the convention<br />

they had made the decision to separate no<br />



matter what happened at that meeting,<br />

and we expect many more will' do the<br />

same."<br />

The Rev. Roger Schleef, pastor of Faith<br />

in Livonia, said his congregation would<br />

meet early in the fall to make a decision<br />

on its future affiliation<br />

"We had a strong majority when we<br />

voted to affiliate with the English District,<br />

and our board voted unanimously to rent<br />

the parsonage to the English Synod." he<br />

said, "so that may well be indicative of<br />

the feeling at Faith."<br />

FOLLOWING the convention. Mr Hecht<br />

said, a booklet was prepared by the English<br />

Synod, outlining the reasons for the decision<br />

to leave the Missouri Synod and the<br />

steps for congregations to follow in involving<br />

themselves with the new group.<br />

This booklet is now being distributed, he<br />

said.<br />

It explains reasons for the action of convention.<br />

going into the dispute that has involved<br />

the firing of a president of Concordia<br />

College in St. Louis. Mo. because<br />

he was accused of approving the teaching<br />

of false doctrine, and the subsequent formation<br />

of a Seminary in Exile, or Seminex.<br />

It Was the matter of ordaining graduates<br />

of Seminex that led to the removal from office<br />

of Mr Hecht and several other district<br />

presidents.<br />

Also included in the book is a history of<br />

the group of churches that in 1911 was<br />

known as the English Synod, different<br />

from Missouri Synod churches in that they<br />

used the English language rather than German.<br />

These churches tended to have a somewhat<br />

more liberal view from a doctinal<br />

standpoint, even after becoming part of<br />

the Missouri Synod 75 years ago<br />

It was this difference that made the<br />

synod a central part of the doctrinary dispute<br />

that began after Preus took office,<br />

and in the last couple of years it has received<br />

a number of congregations formerly<br />

in geographical districts, including<br />

three in Livonia—Faith. Holy Trinity and<br />

All-Saints.<br />

THE DISPUTE in the Lutheran Church-<br />

Missouri Synod is a doctrinary one. Mr<br />

Hecht said<br />

"I've heard the comment that we are<br />

Bible-doubters and that the dispute is over<br />

such matters as whether one should believe<br />

literally that Jonah lived inside that<br />

whale," he said<br />

"I've never known a Bible-doubter<br />

There would not be a split over a small<br />

matter like the story of Jonah<br />

"The point worth splitting over is our belief<br />

that the word of God is supreme. The<br />

Bible needs interpretation and the individual<br />

must find his own understanding of the<br />

Holy Spirit.<br />

"We cannot accept limiting interpretation<br />

and understanding with Dr.<br />

Preus* 'Statement of Scriptural and Confessional<br />

Principles' and directives from<br />

the Missouri Synod."<br />

He pointed to a paragraph in the new<br />

English Synod book listing as one of the<br />

reasons for separation the fact that "the<br />

theology of 'A Statement of Scriptural and<br />

Confessional Principles' continues to dominate<br />

the Missouri Synod."<br />

The book states that the statement "is<br />

non-Lutheran and borders on nocvChristian<br />

because it established criteria other than<br />

faith in Christ for salvation-dangerously<br />

close to suggesting that faith in the Bible<br />

is essential for salvation."<br />

MR. HECHT said the new synod probably<br />

will stay in the Detroit area, where<br />

he owns a home, and will concentrate<br />

membership development in the Great<br />

Lakes area and Canada, while also welcoming<br />

English District congregations<br />

from all over .the country and congregations<br />

from the Michigan and other geographical<br />

districts.<br />

"An important part of our program," he<br />

added, "will be seeking to be in fellowship<br />

with other Lutheran churches, those in the<br />

American Lutheran Church and the Lutheran<br />

Church in America<br />

"We'll have a convention later this year<br />

and. unlike recent Missouri Synod conventions.<br />

it will be a joyful one There will be<br />

a small amount of business and then celebration.<br />

We have a lot to celebrate "<br />

St. Paul sets<br />

vacation school<br />

Bible learning and other activities will<br />

be on the program during the vacation<br />

church school Aug. 16-27 of St. Paul United<br />

Presbyterian Church, 27475 Five Mile. Livonia.<br />

Children from three-years-old to those in<br />

fourth grade are welcome to the program,<br />

the theme of which will be "Christ is our<br />

Shalom."<br />

Vets picnic<br />

Members of Michigan Palatyzed Vets of<br />

America Inc. will enjoy their annual picnic<br />

Saturday. Aug. 14 at the home of Don Lapham<br />

in Brooklyn. Mich, near Irish Hills.<br />

Cost will be $4 per family<br />

JybciR invitation to CDonsteip*<br />


To Attend Our Beautiful New Sanctuary<br />

Fully Air Conditioned<br />

Join Us In Sunday School<br />

& Church this coming Sunday<br />

10:15 and 11:00 a.m.<br />

Renaissance In Concert,<br />

a group of 13 young people<br />

7:00 p.m.<br />

Rev. and Mrs. Harry Held<br />

Remember—Jesus loves you<br />

and so do we!<br />



North of Michigan Ave.<br />

Edward W. Rekner, Peetor<br />

Serving Wayne. Westland and <strong>Canton</strong><br />

721-6S32<br />

UNITED<br />


42021 Ann ArborTrail. Plymouth<br />

David H. Krist. Pastor<br />

422-6000 Home Church--453-4530<br />

10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL<br />

11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP<br />

6:30 P.M. EVENING<br />

WED. 7:30 P.M. FAMILY NIGHT<br />




w<br />


Samuel F Stout<br />

Dwayne Lee Ksieey<br />

Frederick C. Vosburg<br />


Morning Worship Service<br />

Nursery Care, Church School (pre-echobl)<br />

0:30 A.M.<br />

453-5280 453-5285<br />



SSSOOSli Mils Read 422-8038<br />


9:30 A.M.<br />

CHURCH SCHOOLS 9:30 A.M.<br />

Nursery Available<br />

William D. Rickard, Pastor<br />



321 Ridge Rd. Can lettTwp.<br />

So. of Cherry H H Rd.<br />

Rev. Leeward Ritzier 488-81 28<br />

Sunday School 9:30 a^n.<br />

Worship<br />

11:00 a.m.<br />


(IN AMERICA)<br />


Lutheran Church in America<br />

41390 Five Mile Road<br />

4S3-SS07<br />

(One Mile West of Haggerty Rd)<br />

Fred Prezloeo, Pastor 453-1191<br />

Worship July thru August: 9:00 A.M.<br />

Nursery Provided<br />


9300 Farmington Road<br />

421-0749 Tr>« Rev John A Root 464 2906<br />



30650 West Si < M.ie<br />

Pastor William C Lindholm<br />

427-1414 464-3908<br />

Worship Church School and Nursery<br />

9 30 and '1am<br />

St. Michael Lutheran Church<br />

James Gaiiimore Eiemer.iary School<br />

Sheldon Rd near Jo* Bd<br />

m <strong>Canton</strong> Twp<br />

455-8123<br />

Paaior noeen Scnecht<br />

Wo'Sh.p Service lOOOam<br />

Sunday Schoo' 11:00 am<br />

ST. JOHN'S<br />

13542 Mercedes. Redford 538-266n<br />

(1 block E. of Inkater, 1 block S. of Schoolcraft)<br />

Robert G. Johnson. Pastor<br />

Sunday Services<br />

9:30 a.m. Worship; Sunday School;<br />

Nursery provided for<br />

pre-school children<br />

11:00 a.m. Worship<br />


CHURCH<br />

35300 Eight Mile Rd . Farmington Hills<br />


474-2579<br />

Worship & Sunday .School<br />

10;30 a.m. -<br />

Wisconsin<br />

Evangelical<br />

Lutheran Churches<br />


Radio Hour WIID AM 109C<br />

Sunday 10:00 a.m.<br />

leLht<br />

Si Pawl* I*. I veteran Church<br />

17S18 Ferminften M . •<br />

Psaior wmfred Koetpm 291-9759<br />

Worship Services 9:30 4 1100 a.m.<br />

SiMday S afteef M l e.m.<br />

in Ptymemh .<br />

Si Peter's 8*. Lutheran Church<br />

1941 Pemtfcstan Avenue<br />

Pastor Leonard Koenlnger 453-3393<br />

Worship Services 9 snd 10:30 am.<br />

Sunday School 9:19 em.<br />

Lois Parti St. LMItersw Chore*<br />

14798 RMeeh<br />

Pes tor E dwar d Zstl S32-9955<br />

Worship Services 8:30 and 11 a.m.<br />

aunoey School 945 a.m.<br />

Be.<br />

Pastor Jscfe A. dcAuaer 42^-9119.<br />

OMne Worship ~ 9 JO AM.<br />

r<br />

a.- fcv to ' ' .• r. W t* »- •±£ y j'-rf *>-».<br />




20240 Merrimen, Liven la<br />

South of 8 Mile Road<br />

471 *222<br />

Oar rail I Dean. Miniater<br />

SUNDAY aeavicia<br />

Bible School 9 45 A M<br />

Morning Worship 1100 A M<br />

Christian Hour on WBFG 145PM<br />

Evening Service 6 30PM<br />


Hour o< Power 7:30 P M<br />


(Chriatian Church)<br />

35475 Five MUe Roed-421-S722<br />

MARK McOllVWE* Minister<br />

CHUCK tMMEPT Youth Minister<br />

Bible School (for all ages) 9 30a m<br />

Morning Worship 10 43am.<br />

Evening Worship and Youth Meetings 6 30p.m.<br />


15431 Merrlman Rd.<br />


10:50 a.m. 4 8:00 p.m.<br />

Bible School 9:45 a.m.<br />

Wed. 7:30 p.m Worship<br />

Wayne Baker. Minister<br />

427-8743<br />


1657 Middlebeit Rd.<br />


11 a.m. and 6 p.m.<br />

Bible School 10 a.m.<br />

Wed. 7:30 p.m. Worship<br />

Hobari E. Ashby. Minister<br />

422-8880 or 251 -1884<br />

See Herald o1 Truth<br />

TV Channel 20 Sunday 9:30 a.m.<br />

Call or Write for<br />

Free Correspondence Course<br />


w r s<br />

R T C H<br />

F<br />

S2ie<br />

33321 Grand Phror<br />

Sunday Serve s 10 30 a m Sunday School 10:30 a m.<br />

Wednesday vemog T estimony Meetmg - 8 00 o m<br />

Child Care Room<br />

New Reedfc 1 Room location 32121 Grand River<br />

Mond sv-Saturdav 10 00 a m -5 00 p.m.<br />

F idayEve 7.00 p m-9:00 p.m<br />




Hi )0W Ann Arbor Trsll<br />

10 JO a m<br />

tO)Oam<br />

Sunder Serwei<br />

Sondey Senooi<br />

Reading Boom<br />

Mon Sat<br />

Fri €«e<br />

nng Tetlmoniei Mee»«Q too P m<br />

Child Cere Room<br />

Locaton '0 Forest Place Mas<br />

to 00 a m -S 00 p m<br />

roo-eoopm<br />




24400W Seven Mile (nesr Telegraph)<br />

1 I0UR8 OP 81RVICB /<br />

11:00 A.M. AJ<br />


11:00AM. /<br />

h ursery Care Provided • -<br />





993 N. HOLBROOK, PLY.<br />

455-4061<br />

334-6040<br />

P 19T0R C. T.GRAY<br />

Sunday 8ch<br />

(<br />

10:00 A.M.<br />

Sunday Evai igeiiattc 7:00 P.M.<br />

Wed. Eve. B ble Study 7:00 P.M.<br />

"74. t<br />

Om 7 * &*4 '<br />

Matt. 16-18<br />

«<br />

T<br />

— \ \<br />

Saint Andrews, Livonia<br />

16360 Hubbard Road<br />

421-8451<br />

Sunday Worship<br />

Holy Commion 8:00 a.m.<br />

Family Service 10:00 a.m.<br />

Saint John's, Plymouth<br />

574 S. Sheldon Road 453-0190<br />

8ATURDAY<br />

HOLY EUCHARIST 5:00 P.M.<br />

SUNDAY<br />

HOLY EUCHARI8T 9:30 A.M.<br />


27500 Marquette (Nr inksier ><br />

427-3820<br />





8 00a m<br />

10 00 a m<br />

'st 4 3rd Sun<br />

2nd 4 4th Sun<br />


24699 Grand River Avenue Oet'oit<br />

Near Seven Mile Roed<br />

Rev Robert L Miller Rerfor<br />

SUNOAY SERVICES-8:00 ft 10:00 A M<br />


Ca/' office for further information<br />

sflUMfr<br />

Holy Spirit, Wastland<br />

34645 Cowan Rd.<br />

East o> Wavne Rd<br />

. . 261-8480<br />

The Rev. John H. Hayden. Vicar<br />

9:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist<br />

and Sermon<br />



14350 Wormer Poad Redford<br />

Rev. Jerry Stroud<br />

Worship Service<br />

Nu'serv P'cv'dod<br />

CD<br />

m<br />

X<br />

o<br />

*<br />

O<br />

X<br />

Z<br />

X<br />

—1<br />

m<br />

m<br />

O<br />

X<br />

><br />

ACACIA X x u<br />


9:30 A.M.<br />



SS20 Wayne Roedet Joy 427-2290<br />

George A. Fleischer, Pastor<br />


848 A.M. ft 1S4S AM.<br />

Sword ol the Spirit<br />

34583 W. 7 Mile Rd. 478-3818<br />

W. Dickinson, Pastor 464-6635<br />

10:00 a.m. w<br />

Cleasee lor all ages begin in September.<br />


Felician<br />

is treasure<br />

Sister Mary Harold<br />

Lopata. the Livonia .<br />

delegate to the Sisters of the Congregation<br />

of St Felix of Cantali tt (Felician Sisters)<br />

was elected to the position ot treasurer<br />

general of the organization during the<br />

XVII General chapter meeting held<br />

Rome. Italy<br />

A former elementary and secondary<br />

school teacher, Sisteir Mary Harold assumed<br />

the office of business manager at<br />

Madonna College in 1967 and held this position<br />

until 1970.<br />

The surroundings of Rome will not be<br />

new to her in her new position since she resided<br />

in Rome for th^ee years during her<br />

employment as sec :reiary re to Msgr. Joseph<br />

J. Doheny. judge of! the Sacred Roman<br />

Rota<br />

In 1973. Sister Mary Harold returned to<br />

the states and accepted the office of assocaite<br />

principal at St Florian High School.<br />

Hamtramck. and served until her promotion<br />

to the position of principal of the<br />

school and superior of the sisters at St. Florian<br />

Convent. In 1975. Sister Mary Harold<br />

was elected delegate to the chapter and<br />

took an active part in the proceedings at<br />

Rome.<br />

Three other delegates. Mother Mary Columbine.<br />

Sister Mary Emebta and Sister<br />

Mary Clarentine represented the Sisters of<br />

Livonia Province. Sister Mary EsteHe accompanied<br />

the delegates to assume the position<br />

of secretary at the chapter meetings.<br />

•LUTHERAN!<br />


South Livonia-<br />


8850 Newburgh Road<br />

Rev. David Paap 427-9575<br />

Worship 9:30 A.M.<br />

East Livonia-<br />


30000 Five Mile Road<br />

Rev. Roger Schleef 421-7249<br />

Rev. David Hodgson<br />

Worship B:30 and 10:30<br />

West Livonia-<br />



39020 Five Mile Road<br />

Rev. Fred Balke 464-0211<br />

Rev. James Spllos<br />

Worship 0:00 and 10:30<br />



5885 Venoy N. of Ford Rd., Weettend<br />

425-0260<br />

Ralph Fis^^ier Pastor<br />

Divme Worship - 8 4 11AM<br />

Bibie Class 4 $ S • 9 30 AM<br />


OF THE<br />


Anr. Arbor Hd a'McCltimp^a<br />

(1 mile West of Sheldon Rd.)<br />

453-5252<br />

Worship 8 |00 & 10 30 a m<br />

B'Die C'assft S S 9 a m<br />


ST. Ml IC<br />


28355 W Chicago Rd<br />

Redford Twp 48239<br />

937-2120<br />

Rt Rev Michael E Barna. Pastor<br />

Divine Liturgy-Sunday 10:00 A.M.<br />

Divine Liturgy-Holidays 10:00 A.M.<br />

Saturday Vespers<br />

o: HAEL'S<br />

Sunday School-Sunday 9:45 A.M.<br />

Come and Worship with Us!<br />




38K)0 Five Mile Rd.<br />

SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:45 A.M<br />


^ tl Jf; •» • s "<br />

Chinese Bible Skjdy-1sN -1st & 3rd Fri. 8 P.M.<br />

464-106J 10*2<br />

Rev. Ronetd Va» Der W Were, P<br />

Rev. Needy Yap, Mbrtslsr<br />

, txt27!

Heinzman plays<br />

organ<br />

iui<br />

Music by Bach. Brahma. rranck and<br />

others will be played by Davis Hetoanan<br />

Jr. at an organ'recital at 7:30 pjn. Sunday.<br />

Aug. 15 in the First United Methodist<br />

Church of Plymouth, 45201N. Territory<br />

Heinzman has been interim organist this<br />

summer at the Methodist Church. He is<br />

also subsUtute organist for St Paul Lutheran<br />

Church in Northville. and hps played in<br />

Cross of Christ Lutheran Church to South<br />

Lyon I<br />

In September he will begin his duties as<br />

organist and choir director at St. Andrew<br />



CHURCH<br />


• WMUZFM103S<br />

5 30 a.m ft<br />

8:00 p.m.<br />

C<br />

JB<br />


I : " •...•'••• |k '• •"' ;v ' ,r ' r "' v '"' ' '"'- M ' r '"' '' v ' ' r:>:t •'? i'- -^' r '••'*••'-v • •"• *vtV%; .* v»v . -• j.-.r.,.,V<br />

Lutheran Church, Bloomfield Township.<br />

A June graduate of Northville High<br />

School. Heinzman will enter the University<br />

of Michigan this faU as a student in organ<br />

performance. He has studied privately<br />

with Steven Egler. former organist at the<br />

Rosedale Gardens Presbyterian Church. A<br />

doctoral candidate at UM. Egler has accepted<br />

an appointment to the Central Michigan<br />

Uiiversity music faculty.<br />

At the concert Sunday evening, Hemzman<br />

will perform on a Zimmer organ, an<br />

instrument of 28 ranks and 1.510 pipes.<br />

"A Vibrant Fellowship With Your Family in Mind'<br />

R sERvicrs<br />

Y<br />

9 ijBiBL-P SCHOOL<br />

»i 00 WORSHIP<br />


Church<br />

Buletin<br />

a. y<br />


Haman, north of Michigan, in Onion<br />

Township will host a group of 13 collegeage<br />

Christian musicians who call themselves<br />

Renaissance, in concerts at 10:15<br />

ajn. and li a.m., Aug. 15.<br />

The group sings patriotic numbers, contemporary<br />

songs, spirituals and old<br />

hymns. They incorporate puppets into several<br />

humorous numbers to present a different<br />

view of familiar Bl>le truths.<br />

Renaissance has recorded under the<br />

Tempo label, and one of their afcums received<br />

a special merit award from Billboard<br />

Magazine.<br />

The concert is free and open to the public.<br />


CHURCH; 42021 E. Ann Arbor Trail.<br />

Plymouth, will also welcome the Renaissance<br />

singers for a free concert to the<br />

church at 7:30 p.m.. Aug. 18.<br />

At 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Aug. 15, the church<br />

will feature a concert by Merrill Womach,<br />

whose voice has been compared to that of<br />

Mario Lanza. The theme of the event is<br />

"He Restoreth My SouL"<br />


CHURCH OF PLYMOUTH, 701 W Church,<br />

will have as its guest speaker the Rev.<br />

Richard Dunkelberger at 10 a m., Aug. 15.<br />

Dr. Dunkleberger, currently director of<br />

Presbyterian Village in Redford Township,<br />

is the former pastor of Rosedale Gardens<br />

United Presbyterian Church. Livonia. He<br />

is a graduate of Western Michigan University<br />

and McCormick Seminary.<br />

His topic will be "The Long' Way<br />

Home."<br />

Maintaining the "Biblical" family in an<br />

age when such a unit is becoming a<br />

"defunct institution" in America can be<br />

one way of preventing further erosion of<br />

American society, says a Michigan State<br />

University professor.<br />

"We're at a crossroads in America." curriculum<br />

research specialist Ted Ward<br />

feels. "U.S. political events have demonstrated<br />

our potential for becoming a nation<br />

of slippery values, and we can keep slipping<br />

or recognize the alternatives of Biblical<br />

values."<br />

The professor of education explained<br />

flouu \nufcation tc<br />

43065 Joy Road<br />


453-6749 455-0022<br />

l?lifinoulli .» justi'd (fiowitUf diiirdi<br />


670 Church $t 456-7711<br />

Plymouth<br />


4*000 «0«TM TtNSrtONMi. AOAD<br />

nVMOUIMMCMOAM «•< >0<br />

4S42J00 .1<br />

mssarssto' Sr>«c)o't j<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Dr. Stan Jenkins<br />

Sunday School 9:30 A.M.<br />

Morning Service .'.10:30 A.M.<br />

Sunday Evening 6:00 P.M.<br />

Wednesday Service ?:00 P.M.<br />

*<br />

Fundamentale Soul winning e Buses • Nurseries<br />

c ^/nt>cA<br />

Sunday School K40A.M.<br />

Morning WorsNp 1ip0AM<br />

* Bvantng Worship ft30 P.M.<br />

DNESD AY<br />

rouMPsa<br />

Family Night 7 00 P.M.<br />

Nursery si S« sorv«*»<br />



tSSTf AMI AiberTi<br />

(.''lAaiMM tAietMa A<br />

frayne o<br />

e BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.<br />

e MORNIN* WORSHIP . ^11:00 A.M.<br />

e EVENING 8IRV»Ce .....1.^:00 P.M.<br />

e WEDNESDAY SERVICE.... 7:00 P.M.<br />

W.Y.F.C 1620 A.M. SUN ^8 00 A.M.<br />


Wtdimdty<br />

7:00 P.M.<br />

Air CorxJltorUng<br />

Nurstry at all Adult Sarvfcaa<br />



MICHIGAN •<br />


* 421-2373<br />




Sundey School 10:00 A.M.<br />

Morning Worship i...11:00 A.M.<br />

Evening Worship .... 7:00 P.M.<br />

Wednesday 7:30 P.M.<br />

W.M.UX 101.5 FM SAT. 1.-00 P.M.<br />


Community<br />

Baptist Church<br />

2S117W Warraa<br />

Qardan City<br />

ra.JamaaB. Allan. F<br />

i School..<br />

r Morning teMoe.<br />

Cjfui e Cluirili<br />

i<br />

)ejn.<br />

, 11:00 Sjn.<br />

of JLii'oniu<br />

28440 Lyndon Office 425-6215<br />

MV.CUItHY THOMAS, PeeHjT'i<br />

A.M. Primsry Church 1100 A.M<br />

ChufchServioe 1100 A.M. JunforChuroMIOOA.M<br />

«venk>g Sarv^catrOO P.M.<br />

t<br />

/ Thursdqr, August 12, 1976 OBSERVER at ECCENTRIC *5B,<br />

1<br />

Renaissance, a group of 13 college-age musicians, will hold<br />

several concerts in the area soon. Two of them will be this<br />

Sunday in Tri-City Assembly of God, <strong>Canton</strong> Township, Another<br />

will be on Wednesday in United Assembly of Qod in Plymouth.<br />

Family life is changing<br />


Richard Duncan, Pastor - Phone<br />


SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m.<br />

MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 a.m.<br />

EVENING SERVICE 6:00 p.m.<br />

WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY ...7:00 p.m.<br />




CHURCH<br />


29475 W. Six Mile, - r<br />

H.L. Patty<br />

Psstor<br />

525-3664<br />

or<br />

261-9276<br />

CALL FOR<br />


that a Biblical family, valued by Chris-<br />

tiara, consists of parents who regard mar-<br />

riage as a lifeb ng bond and who regard<br />

children as a n ejjponsibility not a nuisance,<br />

"Research has suggested that this kind<br />

of unit plays a ital part in teaching moral<br />

values." he not ed "The family is the building<br />

block of so< ;ietv. and even one family<br />

r<br />

can make a diff< erence. I see no effective<br />

substitute for t le family as the center of<br />

moral developrti lent for the child."<br />

DR WARD OBSERV ED that American<br />

secular societv is moving more toward<br />

C v D o R s t e f p<br />


474-0350<br />




CHURCH<br />

Sunday School 10:00 a.m<br />

Morning Worship 11:00 s.m<br />

Evening Servlca 7:00 p.m<br />

Wadnaaday S arvlca 7:30 p.m<br />


Sunday, Augusts<br />

10:00 a.m •" Vhst WH Hsppan In Heaven<br />

W tso Jeaua Comst In ths Air"<br />

11:00 a.m. " ha NamaAbovaEvaryNsma"<br />

7:00 p.m. Mi steal Conosrt Featuring<br />

Ron Petty st ths Keyboard<br />

"J CUrcL DU one U e, t J s4boul People<br />

me<br />

Jfaitb paptisitCburcl)<br />

of llibonta<br />

seats CURTIS<br />



TELEPHONC: 9tt-1f r<br />

Sunday Softs* Ml A.M. -Sunday 'arsMK 11:00 A.M<br />

Sunday Bventaf: 70S P.M. Ws«ns»«sy Pr KOBIMS ... Study: 7J0 P.M.<br />


PravMed<br />

Join us as we go varaa by raraa through the Bible<br />



Athhatad mih<br />

tcutharn laptiit Coiwantton .<br />

•411 Msn« Slraai Plymouth<br />

* 4S3-47SS<br />

Tha Raw. M. Thwvan. Paatar 7M-73SS .<br />

Sunday iohoot fc«5s.m.<br />

Momma Worship 11.00 SJh.<br />

Baptist Training Union 6:30 p.m.<br />

Evening Wonhip 7:30 p.m.<br />

Wadnaaday Servlca 7S0 p.fn.<br />



(Disciples ol Chnst)<br />



W.il.am M HaSs. Mmistar<br />

jssrs r mas Rd.<br />

47SM7I<br />



P1LLOWSHIP " 1»:OeNOOH<br />


^tVKtdUTH<br />


4295 Napier Rd<br />

between Warren A M-14 v<br />

Plymouth 455-3590<br />

Saturday Services<br />

Bible Study Class ........ .\u.. 9 30 am.<br />

Sermon 11 :OOs.R\.<br />

1 • -•<br />


Aitiiiatad<br />

wi th $ out ham tapnit Convention<br />

32940 Schoolcraft 422-3763<br />

2 Blocks East of Farmington Road<br />

Paitor Elvln L. C lark<br />

Sunday Schooji 8:45 a.m.<br />

Moming Woranip - 10:45 a.m.<br />

Baptist TrsinMg Union 6 p.m.<br />

Evening Worsnip Hour 7 p.m<br />

• Wadnaaday Sjrviea 7 p.m.<br />




1SS27 MMdlabatt Rd.<br />

Rav.iarvf R. Vaunt<br />

ol 10 am<br />

Morning Wo »hip<br />

£y»mng Sa« v ee .. ,<br />

Wsd. Night.. .............<br />

47S-460I<br />

11am<br />

t p.m.<br />

i - 1<br />

1 IHftrMia Pe*H<br />

Anderson. Ind ><br />

11771 Net rburgh Rd. et Plymouth Rd.<br />

Rev. Tom 1 mlth f 464-0990<br />

9:30^ i.m. Sundav Service<br />

5 Morning Worship<br />

6:301 >.m. Ever.lng Service<br />

v. •<br />

•V<br />

"fluid marriages" not expected to last a<br />

lifetime with less parental responsibility<br />

for childrearing.<br />

"Our society is providing more and<br />

more elaborate ways to make the schools<br />

responsible for providing for children's<br />

health and nutrition, determining what<br />

kind of learning is vital and defining their<br />

goals and values." he said<br />

"When the schools take over responsibilities<br />

that were formerly family responsibilities.<br />

it's unlikely the family will resume<br />

them again." he added.<br />

Immunize<br />

Death and crippling are good enough reasons<br />

to have your child immunized For information<br />

about immunization cal the Metropolitan<br />

Detroit March of Dimes at 864-<br />

6000<br />

Getting<br />

settled<br />

New-town dilemmas fade after a<br />

WELCOME WAGON call.<br />

As your Hostess, t's my job to help<br />

you make the most dl your new<br />

neighborhood. Our shopping areas.<br />

Community opportunities. Special attractions.<br />

Lots of facts to save you<br />

time and money. Plus a basket of gifts<br />

for your family. I'll be listening for<br />

your call. i •<br />


961-7750<br />


425-5060 283-8333<br />

WARD UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Church of Livonia<br />

Farmington Road & Six Mile Road<br />

4??-1150<br />

Worship A SOndey School<br />

iiif V 9:30 & 11:00 a.m.<br />


Dr. Bartlett L. Hess '<br />

7.00 p.m.<br />



Rev. William C. Moore<br />

Wed. 7:30 p.m. HOUR OF POWER<br />

Nursery Provided for all Activities<br />

9:30 a.m. Broadcast WBFG-FM 98.7<br />

Air Conditioned Sanctuary<br />



Hubbard at West Chicago<br />

422-0494<br />


8:30 s.m. & 10:00 a.m.<br />

' I'd Know You Anywhere"<br />

Robert M Taylor<br />

CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 a.m.<br />

Classes lor Handicapped<br />

+<br />

Pastors<br />

Music<br />

Robert M Taylor<br />

Donald R. Elly<br />

Shirley E. Harden<br />

Steven Spoon<br />



CHURCH<br />

People Caring For People<br />

10:00 A.M. Farpily Worship Service<br />

i Nursery Carei<br />


iJust South o' Si* Miiei<br />

Rev. E. Dickson Forsyth<br />

Minister<br />

John Roberta<br />

Music i Cnoir Director<br />

Call 464-8844<br />


27475 Five Mile Rd (at Inkster) 422-1470<br />


10:00 a.m.<br />

Nursery Care<br />



Robert G. Cox preaching<br />

W.F. Whltledge. Charles M. Webster and Robert G. Cox. Ministers<br />




701 Church St. >453-6464<br />

Philip Rodflers Magee. Minister<br />

Theodore D. Taylor II. Associste<br />

Henry J. Walch. Emeritus<br />

WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M.<br />

CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 A.M.<br />

Age 5 thru 4th grade<br />

innovative<br />

contemporary .<br />

meaningful<br />

10:00 A.M. WORSHIP 4<br />


459-0013/453-1664<br />


Rev. Jeffreys. NORTH Of FORD R0.<br />

Goldsmith CAWTON TOWNSHIP<br />



36518 PsrHdsIa<br />

1 blk. South of Plymouth off Levan<br />

SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:30 A M<br />

Your Children Are Welcome<br />

w«.«t om' m*o*»i M.c» «r?ji<br />

OKITED<br />


IMTU CMIffCN Of CMOT w'<br />

Oakland at Qrand R^ar f armmgton<br />

^••Hla* h*|nm.| «m a.m.<br />

VaasUp 9aavtaa 9i99 em.<br />

Owf«I.Ofn«,GS« ftMO Par«mad»OSl.O**7<br />

CsrIH.<br />

T<br />

•<br />


, . CHURCH<br />

203 25 Haiataad Road Fsrmlngton HIHs<br />

474-S700 .<br />

Raymond H. Tukkl, MinMsr 474-0654<br />


Morning Worship<br />

Evening Worship '<br />

10.00 A M.<br />

7:00P.M.<br />

Song S<br />

» Third MMTdSg ofaeehmonih<br />

OWTT<br />

24640 Flva Mil*<br />

4*1-17*0<br />

Sunday 9:16 & 11:00 AJ*.<br />

Olal-Prayar 261-2440<br />


f J<br />

I<br />

/«<br />

t> m ^ •-»' * \% f '<br />

ThuretUy, Augul 12. 1976<br />

U<br />

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WW<br />

»•> SfeSte<br />

business people. Look for this colorful and special section in<br />

**k.<br />

the September 6 issue of your hometown newspaper.<br />

For advertising information call Audrey Roof'(Plymouth Sales),<br />

Nancy McFalda (<strong>Canton</strong> Sales), or Jack Padley (Classified) at<br />

TV<br />

261-8600.<br />

ttf<br />

E c c n t t r i c<br />

01<br />

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as:<br />

K*«V ** ^'v/« ifn-t 'A* •»*' "»'.*••" •<br />

Evans broke<br />

rr."<br />

(Put Twa of • thai port series)<br />

Edward S. Evans, the founder of Evans<br />

Products Company, had a flare for the dramatte.<br />

A firm beUever In research, he<br />

backed a foundation which was exploring<br />

the potential of shipping freight by air.<br />

' To dramatise this project—he invited fedsval<br />

officials to Detroit where he staged a<br />

httheon to which vine-ripened fruits and<br />

vegetables were flown.<br />

3hey arrived by eight air lines from five<br />

countries on two continents, within six to<br />

3G hours after the produce had been picked<br />

'<br />

But Evans, the astute businessmen who<br />

koaw how to make a buck, had another<br />

side to his nature. The astute pragmatist<br />

was also an adventurer at heart. The realist.<br />

the supersaleman. the dignified indus-<br />

trial leader (he was called Mister, or Colonel<br />

by all except a few intimates) was also<br />

a romanticist.<br />

During his boyhood in Virginia he had<br />

been told he was a descendant of Mary.<br />

Queen of Scots. When searching for someone<br />

to liken him to, the names of Frances<br />

Drake or Walter Raleigh come more readily<br />

to mind.<br />

HE WAS A member of the Adventurer's<br />

dub of Chicago, and a Fellow of the American<br />

Geographical Society. He managed<br />

two airplane expeditions to the Arctic for<br />

Sir Hubert Wilkins, and one for the University<br />

of Michigan.<br />

' He was a former assistant librarian for<br />

Congress; a believer in graphology who refused<br />

to hire a' man without jeein* a<br />

On one leg of their 1926 round-the-world trip, E.S. Evans (left)<br />

and Linton Well* posed In a U.S. Mall plane.<br />

SC boqrd ups tax levy<br />

Taxpayers in the Schoolcraft College District<br />

will be paying an additional 0.36 mill<br />

tax despite voter defeat of a 0.53 mill levy<br />

on June 14.<br />

The college's board of trustees June 28<br />

unanimously passed a resolution levying<br />

the additional tax which will mean that<br />

property owners will pay $2.13 per $1,000<br />

of state equalized valuation instead of the<br />

preaont $1.77.<br />

The board was able to levy the additional<br />

millage without voter approval because<br />

of the Michigan Community College Act of<br />

;a<br />

1966, which allows colleges to levy taxes i i<br />

excess Qf any limit or voted authorizatio i<br />

if necessay to pay debt service on bonds.<br />

Trustee Archibald Vallier. who has of<br />

posed the move since it was first discussed<br />

by the board in April, was absent when thfe<br />

vote was taken.<br />

A total of $640,422 will be raised by the<br />

additional tax and allocated to varioijs<br />

hond debt retirement: $149,431 (0.084 mil<br />

for 1964 bonds; $176,116 (0.099 mill) ft<br />

1966 bonds; and $314,875 (0.177 mill) f(<br />

1968 bonds<br />

Cheer up summer foods<br />

The American Dairy Association suggests<br />

trying chocolate ice cream with peppermint<br />

whipped cream on top for a festive,<br />

but easy summer dessert.<br />

Whip one cup of heavy cretin and fold in<br />

Vfc cup of crushed peppermint candy and<br />

two tablespoons powdered sugar.<br />

The association says canned, chopped<br />

ginger folded into creamy cottage cheeie<br />

with an assortment of fresh and canned<br />

fruit is another summer treat.<br />

9:30-5 30<br />

Men. thru Sot LAMPCRAFT, INC.<br />

e Lamps hades e Lamps & Fixturei<br />

bring your<br />

lamp »• buy a<br />

roplocomont lampthodo.<br />

4312<br />

N. Woodward<br />

Royol Oak. botwoon<br />

1) and U Mil* ltd*<br />

549-1399<br />

in<br />

lower<br />

level<br />

(4 Mil*<br />

13 MHo<br />

e Lamp Repairing<br />

If th«f* it a lampihod* you want but can't find —<br />

THY USi<br />

W« fool wo have tho flne»» awortmont of r«plac«<br />

mont lamMhadot lampolM In tho World. No ono coul<br />

thorn alt. Sut, we aro trylnfl<br />


B A R N A B E E ^<br />

Children's Stop<br />

FINAL DAYS!!!<br />

ALL % OFF<br />






BujtajMtdium<br />

At Ik* nfiltrprie* ?\Z2&<br />

IIS IOTN M.<br />

C IKIMIIM, lUfhrty «m«<br />

•f M.<br />

1 Ufht N. •» Wah««<br />

651-5714<br />

Get Idtatieel Medium PHI A<br />

FREE<br />

Little Caesars Pizza<br />

Qnc Coupon Par Cwtom* At Tlwai P«rtl«lMt»nS Local ton* Onhfl<br />


FivefcHleatLe^n • Natiwwtanat 14Mb 9Nl

M<br />

IKsr<br />

OBSERVER Thursday, August 12,1976<br />

P T » * *<br />

•'tvp<br />

1<br />

^ > V0 Q^°"<br />

. - • '<br />

1<br />


v .. v. ./». • •» v v * •• « ^ "1 4 f f », •. 'j'*'•*»'• .. • 1 .»» t ^r» •*»i'<br />

at 2 p.m. Any interested girb. 9th through<br />

12th grade may attend<br />


Aug. 28—Plymouth Hockey Association<br />

will hold final registration from 10 a.m to<br />

2 p.m. in the Plymouth Cultural Center.<br />

Cost is $25 for first child. $20 for second,<br />

and $15 for third There is no additional<br />

fee for four or more. Children must have<br />

proof of age and parent's signature. A<br />

used hockey equipment sale will be held at<br />

the same time<br />


Sept. 24—Plymouth Parks and Recreation<br />

Department is sponsoring a New York<br />

theater weekend which includes three days<br />

and two nights in New York, accommodations<br />

at Americana Hotel, round-trip<br />

air fare, bus transportation to and from<br />

airport, plus orchestra seat for one Broadway<br />

production (choice of four). Cost of<br />

package is $146.90. Call recreation department<br />

for further information.<br />


The Plymouth Parks and Recreation Department<br />

has discount tickets for Bob-Lo,<br />

Cedar Point and Sea World from 8 a.m. to<br />

5 p.m weekdays at the recreation department,<br />

525 Farmer Street<br />

Bookstore profits<br />

go in special fund<br />

Now that Schoolcraft College's bookstore<br />

has become more than self-supporting, the<br />

board of trustees is faced with the problem<br />

of what to do with the store's profits.<br />

But a recommendation offered by the col-,<br />

lege administration, that $25,000 of the<br />

$35,088 total profit be placed in a special<br />

contingency fund to improve and expand<br />

services to the college community, didnt<br />

seem to be quite what the board had in<br />

mind, although the resolution was eventually<br />

passed. ,<br />

The special fund, which will be a meted<br />

out primarily for cultural and public affairs<br />

programs, drew the critisism of<br />

Trustee Mark McQuesten "I have questions<br />

about the use of the money and reservations<br />

that the contingency fund stemming<br />

from bookstore profits might create<br />

the desire to maintain the fund at the<br />

same level." he said at Wednesday's<br />

board meeting.<br />

"1 suggest that we get the profits back<br />

to the students, or spend it on a place the<br />

students use the most, like the Waterman<br />

Center," he added<br />

Trustee Archibald Vallier was quick to<br />

agree: "The profit should be returned<br />

back. 1 dont think a majority of the students<br />

should be paying for things like an<br />

athletic travel fund (one of the suggested<br />

uses for the money)."<br />

Vallier later added that he was not<br />

happy with the recommended sum of<br />

money to be placed in the fund and sided<br />

with Trustee Leroy Bennett's stand that<br />

the money should go into the general operating<br />

fund rather than a special one.<br />

"I don't like these little niche holes for<br />

money." he said<br />

"Our general fund needs money. By putting<br />

the profits in a special budget, we're<br />

restricting the use of the money. If it can<br />

justify its existence in public affairs, it<br />

will find its way there," Bennett said.<br />


Bavarian Village<br />



cz<br />


ENDS<br />


AUG. 14th<br />

This it tha lorge*t ski equipment sola in our history and without a doubt the best ski buys ever. Three times , °''Q er<br />

than la it sal. that thouiond. .njoy.d and talktd about all winter. W. r. P» nf ' n .«<br />

warehouse .tyle in our shops to sove you money NOW. It has token months to gather t^ether tWs equ pm.n ,<br />

samples, closaouts, factory overstocks, special purchasas, and carryover merchandise. If it s not good<br />

chandise, we didn't buy it for this sale. SAVINGS up to 70%.<br />

OPEN TONIGHT til 9 P.M. and all this waalt dally 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sot. 10-5:30<br />

Lots of good demo skis, and discontinued skis and one of a kind items at unbelievable prices. Ramambar<br />

whan thasa itams are gone there will be no more. SO . . . shop early for bast selection. I n warehouse sale ends<br />

Saturday. SORRY, NO LAYAWAYS. Use your BankAmaricard, Master Charge, Dinars dub or American Express<br />

credit cards. Coma and visit our New Bloomfield store location.<br />


To Buy Ski Equipmant<br />

NOW!<br />


A FOX!<br />

Coma prepared to buy<br />

ski equipmant and<br />

HAVE FUN, .<br />

SAVf PlINTY<br />

Bavarian Village<br />


a BIRMINGHAM: 101 Townsand (Across from Hughes-Hatcher)<br />

• BlOOMMLD HILLS: 2540 Woodward (at Square Lake Rd.)<br />

a LATHRUP VILLAGE: 28645 Southfield (South of 12 Mile)<br />

a LIVONIA/REDFORD: 14211 Telegraph (at Schoolcraft)<br />

a EAST DETROIT: 22301 Kelly Rd. (Betw. 8 & 9 Mile)<br />

a MT. CLEMENS: 1216 S. Gratiot (ft Mile N. of 16 Mile)<br />

Trustee Rosina Raymond made a motion<br />

that provided for consultation on the use of<br />

the money with the Student Senate, which<br />

has been assuming a greater share of the<br />

cost of various student programs because<br />

of the strained condition of the general operating<br />

fund<br />

Tie motion was defeated by a 6-2 roll<br />

call vote.<br />

After a number of assorted motions and<br />

votes all failed to alter the original resolution<br />

for the special fund, the board voted<br />

5-3 for the establishment of the $25,000 contingency<br />

fund. Trustees McQuesten. Raymond<br />

and Vallier registered the three no<br />

votes against the proposition<br />

Thurdty, August 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC (P,C)9B<br />


Plymouth Cultural Center Arena has<br />

open skating Monday through Friday from<br />

3-5 p.m.. Saturday and Sunday from 2-4<br />

p.m. and Saturday evenings from 8-10<br />

Teen night is Wednesday from 8-10 p.m.<br />

Call recreation department. 4556620. for<br />

further information<br />


From now until Sept 5. Plymouth Parks<br />

and Rec wil extend drop-in hockey session<br />

to Friday nights from 8-10 p.m and Sundays<br />

from 7-9 p.m. Limited to persons 18<br />

years of age and older. Under 18 must provide<br />

written approval from parent or<br />

guardian. Fee for each session is $2.50.<br />

r<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

I<br />

i<br />

i<br />

The VILLAGE<br />


455-3141<br />


Repairs, Refinishing, Caning<br />


i<br />

10-4 140 W. LIBERTY<br />

i ^ Tues.-Sat OLD VILLAGE. PLYMOUTH ^<br />



See What $10 Will Buy!<br />


15" to 18" -2 for $ 10 00<br />


10,000 Sq. Ft. Bags-' $ 10 00<br />


18" - 2 for $ 10 00<br />


Yews, Pines, Spruce, Arborvitae Fir<br />



20 ft. Kits-Easy To Install<br />


4 Cu. Ft. Bales of<br />

Canadian Peal<br />

2 for $ 10 00<br />


Pachysandra, Ajuga,<br />

40 Plants<br />

Myrtle<br />

s 1 0oo<br />


3 Cu. Ft. Bags 4 lot MO 00<br />



Shredded Topsoil.<br />

Limestone, Landscape<br />

Gr*/el, Pea Gravel.<br />

Sand. Shredded Bat* & Wood Chips<br />

Reg . $14 .9 5<br />

TIRE<br />

90<br />

Drum Brake<br />

Reline<br />

%<br />


38.95<br />


(CROSS]<br />

WALK Don't take chances with faulty brakes! We install<br />

new Delco Brake Linings on all four<br />

wheels, lube backing plate, repack bearings,<br />

install new return springs and inspect wheel<br />

cylinders, grease seals, brake drums, master<br />

cylinder, brake hoses and road test your car.<br />

This Week Only!<br />

Regular<br />

Price<br />

$47.00<br />

$<br />

46.95<br />

Regular<br />

Screwdriver Set<br />

8INEJAL<br />

ns?<br />

Price<br />

$55.80<br />


$ 42.95 Regular<br />

Price<br />

$51.40<br />

$<br />

LUXURY<br />

50.95<br />

Regular<br />

Price<br />

$60.10<br />

Most American Cars Disc Brakes Extra JT" ~ 7.00-13<br />

Handy. 7-piece screwdriver set<br />

Unbreakable plastic handles. Forged<br />

with tool steel Popular sizes. Made lp<br />

the U.S.A.<br />

Priced as shown at<br />

General Tire<br />

Stores Competitively<br />

priced at<br />

independent<br />

dealers displaying<br />

tho General sign<br />

SUPER<br />

VALUE<br />

New-5 Shell<br />

37449 5 Mile at Newburgh<br />

Livonia 464-3322<br />

M a e M i a a e e M f MHMeaiaeiieieie*<br />

Terrific Tire Buys! ,<br />

General Jet-Air IE<br />

The Jet-Air HI features a rugged<br />

tour-ply construction, Duragen<br />

Tread Rubber, and tamous twintread<br />

design.<br />

SE/t-14<br />

Tubeiess Blackball<br />

s 2195<br />

^plua S2 25 Fed Ex Tax<br />

RAIN CHECK. Shoutd our supply of tome M O f * * • v# ° t ~ ^<br />

honor *t>i orders ptaoed now tor future delivery at tha advertised P"c«<br />

Charge it r®<br />

at General ;•££*<br />


19601 Middlebelt<br />

Livonia 477-1100<br />

Sooner or later, youll own Generals<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

plus SI 0' Fad Ex Ta«<br />

F78-14/F78-15<br />

Tubeiess Biackwall<br />

S23.95<br />

plus S2 39 to J? 43<br />

Fad Ex Ta*<br />

depending on site<br />

C78-14<br />

Tubeiess Biackwall<br />

S2Q95<br />

plus $2 04 Fed Ei Ta><br />

G78-14/G78-15<br />

Tubeiess Biackwall<br />

s 24.95<br />

plus $2 JS to $2 58<br />

Fad Ex Taa<br />

depandmg on si/a<br />

H78-14/H71-15<br />

Tubeiess Biackwall<br />

s 26.95<br />

o us S2 -S to S2 80<br />

Fad Ex Ta« *><br />

depending on sue<br />

e Maater Charge<br />

• BankAmaricard<br />

e OtnersCtub<br />

e American E»preea<br />

Evenson's Shell<br />

1490 W. Ann Arbor Road<br />

Plymouth 455-2636<br />

- L'

I ..V • • • 7 "<br />


Some surprising new sounds are coming<br />

out of popular spots in metropolitan Detroit<br />

What's new is the old songs being revived.<br />

even discovered for the first time<br />

by young entertainers who play and sing<br />

them<br />

At the Top 0" The Pontch. the group<br />

Fancy Music has returned. Between sets.<br />

Tom Elias. its leader from Laurel. Mas<br />

explained in a gentle drawl, that he'd<br />

never heard Jolson before. Ehas has also<br />

discovered Judy Garland<br />

If you still have Al Jolson and Garland<br />

albums around, you well know how they<br />

sound— truly great But it's nice to hear<br />

, Thursday, August 12, 1976<br />


someone like Elias. who is finding them<br />

anew, take their songs and singing with<br />

fresh, exuberant interpretations.<br />

He sang the famous Jolson song "Back<br />

in Your Own Backyard," with a particularly<br />

nostalgic quality He bounded around<br />

the floor energetically, with a long mike<br />

cord, going into the audience for "Alabamy<br />

Bound."<br />

THOSE WHO come expecting to dance<br />

to soft strains or rock may be startled to<br />

hear a "show set" between "dance sets."<br />

It's something different for the Pontch—<br />

and some customers would rather dance.<br />

ryrn w •» ^ V' " r r * ' ' ' T r " v 1 • *• TT«. «• ^ 1W 'F w t « * I> * (> f « •" •# *• > . *• r-«* * »'<br />

Old songs return newly lis tenable<br />

or talk—but if you like to sit back and<br />

enjoy, it's an appealing show.<br />

Elias and his group give all they've got.<br />

and Elias said he and the drummer are<br />

always soaked in sweat at the end of a<br />

show. Elias wishes they'd dim the lights,<br />

to focus attention more on the stage.<br />

The circular room doesnt lend itself entirely<br />

to showtime, but if you're in view of<br />

the stage. Elias will probably be coming<br />

your way as he sings.<br />

He did "Zing Went the Strings of My<br />

Heart." a Garland specialty that was part<br />

of her mystique, with his own kind of zing<br />

Part of Elias' charm is his natural, easy<br />

Free family nights continue<br />

The last two Wonderful Wednesday evenings<br />

of free family entertainment will be<br />

Aug 18 and 25 at the Detroit Historical Museum<br />

Historic fun dances with easy steps<br />

will be featured You dont need a partner<br />

to join in these traditional group dances<br />

Watchers are welcome too.<br />

On Aug 18. an earl^ American dance of<br />

the 16th and 17th century will be demon<br />

strated by Fort Lernoult Militia, inviting<br />

audience participation.<br />

Traditional Polish songs and dance will<br />

be presented by Wisla during refreshment<br />

breaks. Dulcimers will be made and<br />

played by Stan Mate ma<br />

On Aug 25. square dancers are on the<br />

program. Caller Doug McKinnon and his<br />

dancers will demonstrate, inviting audience<br />

participation Matem again will be<br />

on hand with his dulcimers.<br />

GOOD OLD summertime games also<br />

will be revived Aug. 25. All ages may try<br />

jacks, hopscotch, marbles, cat s cradle,<br />

paper origami and spool art<br />

Wonderful Wednesday activities run 7-9<br />

p.m. Reservations are not required.<br />

Each week the 1840 Columbian hand<br />

press will be printing Wonderful Wednesday<br />

mementos. Quill pens can be dipped<br />

and used Lemonade and cookies will be<br />

served Silent movies. 18th century craft<br />

D i N i N G A N d ENTERTAINMENT G u i d e<br />

•<br />

• _<br />

_ _<br />

N/ I<br />

. « m % H ;•<br />

Restaurant<br />

Under New Management (Open 7 Days)<br />


X 'I % * i t fct t<br />

Special Businessmen's Luncheon<br />

Over 120 Dinner Selections • Carry-Out • Special rates tor big parties<br />


I<br />

8997 WAYNE RD. at Ann Arbor Trail WAITRESS WANTED 425-8910<br />

MING'S<br />

" "74* c* (9*IHC9H€4C & rfmexUA*<br />



5840 N.SHELDON RD.<br />


CANTON TWF. 459-0270 or 459-0271<br />

MAMA, Ma<br />

Serving a complete menu of Italian and American<br />

food in a tme family setting<br />




For Prompt Carry-Out Service<br />

CALL GA 7-1000<br />


HOURS' TUES., WED., THURS., 4 P.M.-1 A.M. FRI., SAT., 4 P.M.-2 A.M. ;<br />


« i l<br />



Warren and Wavne Roads - Ooposrte Hudson s Westland<br />

The World's Greatest Movie Comolex • 4 Theaters m One Building<br />

Burt Reynolds<br />

•ATM' |P«)<br />

Kris Krist offer son<br />


The Struggle To Stay Alive<br />

•mmrm<br />


PHONE 4?S 7700 ar HI-WOO<br />


G»den City GA 1-0210<br />

Mat Wed 1 P.M $2 00<br />

Ptter Falk<br />

•UROEftIV DEATH" |P8|<br />

Burt Reynolds<br />


MlctiaelSarrazin<br />

"8UMIALL MLLT"|PS)<br />

James Caan<br />


Barbra Streisand<br />

'THE WAY WE WEK" |P0|<br />

••21 CLUE"<br />

OR Tip TN QM VMis Thtatras<br />

TfcMtra Sean Spatial IN Wn limit) A brtf<br />

H|M M m ptai aiatostoa to ay I al fte 4 amies<br />

pto|to| * IM O h Va«$ Thaalrw. 18.50 Par Pima.<br />

TUn Bean Spatial tar Wei Hit 12 50 lar Had ,<br />

art atria 261-4530.<br />


KhcHtganaiTeieoraph *4AT. HID. Al I IHTAIPH 1 * H

' he V* • w •(•'•s'.'V • '<br />

HflBMrSt - . •&:, * • (<br />

-K».V .v/ • > » -<br />

« ty "V V ••• «<br />

Thursday, Augurt 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC *11B<br />

k Cabaret at Cobo concerts slated<br />

iW-Oetroil Symphony Orchestra wil<br />

offtfT three different musical evenings in<br />

Com HaU's Riverview Ballroom on<br />

TuHUy. Wednesday and Thursday (Aug.<br />

19 (-when DSO principal pope conductor<br />

Ri&rd Hayman mounts the podium for<br />

"C||laret at Cobo."<br />

fie aeries, which will Hghftght the talen&gof<br />

two promising yowg Detroit musician.<br />

is designed to raise fundi for the Detrfc<br />

Symphony OrcWstra's many youth<br />

coiBwts series.<br />

Ikese programs were tell without ade-<br />

fl/V FED<br />

: ERN<br />


A<br />

U.S.D.A.'<br />

CHOICE<br />



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Macaroni<br />

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PKG.<br />

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GRADE<br />




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GRADE A<br />

FANCY<br />

12, 1976<br />

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•CHOICE<br />

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SlEWEP<br />

^MATOICS<br />

COliTADHIA<br />

STEWED<br />


14%-OZ.<br />

CAN<br />



5 H i ,<br />

T<br />


Ford Field<br />

to host<br />

tournament<br />

Because Uvonians have been so receptive<br />

to Atkay league baseball, a regional<br />

qualifying tournament of the AU-American<br />

Amateur Baseball Association championships<br />

will be contested this weekend at the<br />

city's Ford Field.*<br />

Three out-of-state teams will Join Adray<br />

Photo, a squad consisting mainly of Eastem<br />

Michigan University players, in the<br />

double-elimination tournament which<br />

begins tomorrow (Friday) at 5:90 p.m<br />

New Orleans, La takes on Schenectedy.<br />

N Y. at that time and Adray Photo will<br />

battle New York Qty at 8:30 p.m. The following<br />

day (Saturday). Friday's losers<br />

will meet at 1:30 p.m., Friday's winners at<br />

5:30 p.m. and the winner of Saturday's<br />

first game will challenge the loser of Saturday's<br />

second game at 8:30 p:m<br />

The championship game is slated for 1<br />

p.m Sunday, with a second game following<br />

immediately, if necessary<br />

Additional bleachers have been installed<br />

at Ford Field to accomodate the expected<br />

large turnout, said Maurie' Moorawnick.<br />

Adray League secretary Admission and<br />

programs are free.<br />

"Two years ago. a regional tournament<br />

was also held at Ford Field and Mike<br />

Adray was pleased with the facilities, the<br />

recreation department and attendance."<br />

nwnick said, explaining the decision<br />

urn to Livonia this season. "Mike<br />

was extremely happy everything went off<br />

fine."<br />

The survivor of the weekend tournament<br />

earns a spot in the national finals next<br />

week in Johnstown. Pa.<br />

. T i p<br />

-.-w<br />

vTyr ».<br />

1<br />

•<br />

Redford Adray manager Jo^n Colley looks worried here as he<br />

flashes a sign to his batter, bi^t that expression turned to one of<br />

satisfaction when his charges dumped Ann Arbor twice last<br />

weekend to advance to the AAABA national finals. (Photo by<br />

Fred Hopkins)<br />

Berry bounced, 9-1<br />

Houghed up for nine runs on 11 hits by a<br />

Lincoln Park Adray all- star contingent.<br />

Berry Appliance (Red) last weekend was<br />

ousted from the state Connie Mack League<br />

baseball playoffs by a H count<br />

Coach Roger Frayer and his young band<br />

of diamondmen. champion of Livonia's<br />

Connie Mack National Division, split their<br />

four games in the double-elimination playoffs.<br />

Berry defeated Grosse Pointe and was<br />

awarded a forfeit decision over Detroit Stit<br />

and lost to Detroit PAL and to Lincoln<br />

Park, the host team of the playoffs Berry<br />

finished its summer campaign with an<br />

overall record of 16-5.<br />

Bill Parson, who pitched the first five innings<br />

against Lincoln Park, took the loss.<br />

Bill Bardwell relieved in the sixth frame.<br />

The two were touched for 11 hits<br />

Berry collected only five hits, scored its<br />

onlv run In the second inning. Parson and<br />

Steve Morman singled, both moved up a<br />

base on a sacrifice bunt by Dennis Slater<br />

and Parson crossed the plate on a passed<br />

ball<br />

Parson punched two of Berry's five hits.<br />

Frayer had mixed feelings following his<br />

team's elimination. "If we could have got<br />

a hit at the right time ..." Frayer said, his<br />

voice trailing off. "The kids, quite frankly,<br />

were overmatched " V .<br />

The Berry manager added that he was<br />

pleased with the season as a whole. "I'm<br />

proud of the kids They did a ni?e job and<br />

needed the experience." Frayer stated<br />

"Five of the last six years we have won<br />

a Connie Mack division title."<br />

Snyder's<br />

continues<br />

title drive<br />

By compiling a mark of 43-5. Redford<br />

Snyder's Softball Club finished with the<br />

best regular-season record in the hic*.ory of<br />

the Major Metro Travel League.<br />

However, the 1975 world champions will<br />

have to do it all over again in the playoffs<br />

if they 're to win their first league title.<br />

In the first round of a best-of-three<br />

series starting tonight (Thursday). Snyder's<br />

miBt face the same Detroit PUSH<br />

team that knocked it out of the playoffs in<br />

the first round last season.<br />

The game will be played at 7 p.m. at<br />

Ford Rotunda Field in Dearborn<br />

Snyder's recovered frem the upset to<br />

win the U.S. Slo-Pitch Softball Association<br />

World Series However, manager Jim Snyder<br />

said it still rankles him that in five<br />

years of play, he has never been able to<br />

win his own league.<br />

If it survives PUSH, Snyder's probable<br />

opponent In the best division finals would<br />

be Little Caesars. That confrontation, if it<br />

were to come about, would be no easy task<br />

for Snyder's.<br />

While the Redford contingent finished<br />

8Mi games in front of Caesars in the West<br />

Division, It managed to split only eight<br />

games in head-to-head competition Four<br />

of Snyder's five league losses came at the<br />

hands of Little Caesars.<br />

The two arch-rivals split yet another<br />

double header last week in the final games<br />

of regular-season play. Snyder's won the %<br />

first game. 8-3. thanks to a six-run rally in<br />

the sixth inning, then Mew a lead to lose<br />

the nightcap. U-9. in eight innings<br />

Rah, rah Glenn! I<br />

. Cheerleaders from Westland John Glenn<br />

captured the two mdet prestigious awarti<br />

aft a f mp in Pocono, Pa.<br />

The girts received a plaque for overall<br />

performance during the cUnic and a mega<br />

phone for being voted the squad that contributed<br />

moat to the camp<br />

The cheerleaders afco won a spirit stick,<br />

four blue ribbon and a red ribbon.<br />

« The squad consists of Theresa Westfall,<br />

Mary Ruthig, Kaye Gtaftaen. U>ri lx>ga*<br />

Karen BoazL Kris Grabowski. Jamie Clark<br />

and Becky McLeod<br />

iLA.<br />


Scoring five runs in the fifth inning anp<br />

two runs in the sixth inning the Crowe<br />

baseball team won the Connie Mack Cit<br />

title over Berry Blue<br />

Berry started the scoring in the first<br />

a single by Thorsby. Pollard and a doub ibfc<br />

by Longeway.<br />

Crowe came back to tie the game in t<br />

bottom of the inning when Pat O'Conn<br />

singled and stole second base, he w;<br />

knocked in when Brian Butcher drilled la<br />

single to right.<br />

In the second inning Berry scored tw<br />

runs on a walk, an error and RBI singl* s<br />

by Scarpace and and Thorsby.<br />

Pollard collected his second hit of tl e<br />

game when he drilled a two run triple n<br />

the fourth inning to give Berry Blue a 5 1<br />

margin.<br />

Crowe stormed back in the bottom of the<br />

fifth inning when Russ Hodges and Stefe<br />

McDerment singled with two outs. Pbt<br />

O'Connor singled to load the bases<br />

Dinsmore walked for one run, Brian Bt<br />

er singled in another. On a full count pit<br />

Mike Robbins drilled a single to rightfie<br />

The fielder missed the ball and three<br />

scored to give Crowe the lead<br />

Berry came back to tie the game when<br />

Longeway was safe on an error, went to<br />

third on a double by Rotter and scored 6n<br />

a sacrifice fly by Reeter.<br />

In the sixth inning Hodges walked. T<br />

Oakley singled and Cross was safe on<br />

error to load the bases Pat O'Connor<br />

laid down a perfect sacrifice bunt w<br />

scored two runs.<br />

Don Nalepka was the winning pitcher for<br />

Crowe while Wilkins suffered the defeat<br />

for Berry Blue.<br />

"Nalepka did a heck of a good job.'\sAid<br />

coach Dick Devries. "I'm am most proud<br />

of the team effort that we had all year "!<br />



Michigan National Bank bowed out of<br />

the Connie Mack District Tournament last<br />

3<br />

Hole-bound<br />

week in Pontiac when they lost to Detroit<br />

Woods 6-3<br />

MNB fell behind in the top of the first inning<br />

when John Dillard walked and advanced<br />

to second on a ground out He then<br />

scored on a triple to right by Dewey Dillon.<br />

MNB tied the game in their half of the<br />

inning when Jim Snyder drilled a two out<br />

single, he then stole second base Brian<br />

Butcher walked and Rob Rose laid down a<br />

bunt Single to load the bases. Randy Besh<br />

then walked to force in Snyder<br />

Woods scored four runs in the second<br />

when Bob Boyd singled. Dillard was safe<br />

on an error. Both runner moved up on a<br />

ground ball. With two out Dillon ripped a<br />

single to rightfield that went by the rightfielder<br />

allowing two runs to score. John<br />

Garcia was then safe on on error allowing<br />

one run to score. Tony Martin also was<br />

safe on an error allowing another run to<br />

score.<br />

MNB scored one run in the bottom of the<br />

second when Gary Beyrand walked Al<br />

Casterdale was safe on a fielder's choice<br />

and Beyrand scored when John Kolis was<br />

safe on an error.<br />

Woods scored its final run of the game<br />

in the fourth inning when Tim Murphy singled.<br />

John Vital walked and Boyd ripped<br />

an RBI single for one run.<br />

MNB came back in the fifth inning when<br />

Snyder singled, but was tagged out on the<br />

first controversial play of the inning when<br />

the umpire ruled he had made a move for<br />

second when the ball got by the first baseman.<br />

Brian Butcher then walked, as did Besh<br />

and Pelli. Gary Beyrand. on a full count<br />

pitch, hit what appeared to be a game<br />

tying double down the third baseline. However<br />

the umpire ruled^that the ball was<br />

foul. Beyrand then walked to force in<br />

MNB's final run.<br />

MNB threatened in the final inning when<br />

Dave Pellie hit a one out double. Beyrand<br />

walked as did Tom Pacion to load the<br />

bases. John Kolis then hit a hard smash<br />

back to the pitcher who saved two runs by<br />

spearing the grounder and turning it into a<br />

home to first doubleplay.<br />

Gary Whttener, dub pro kt Livonia's Whispering. Willows Golf<br />

Club and director of tha eighth annual Obeerver & Eccentric<br />

Opan Golf Tournament, addresses tha ball during a practice<br />

round on tha par-71 course! An entry coupon for tha tournament,<br />

elated Sept 11-12, may be fpund on the third aports page. (Staff<br />

photo by Chris Chagnon)<br />

• -u,: - . i<br />

• C ' J *<br />

ODbsmi? ttvmfi<br />

Thursday, August 12, 1976<br />

On to Johnstown<br />

Redfctrd wins regional<br />


Sports Editor<br />

Redford Adray next week will make its<br />

11th journey to the All- American Amateur<br />

Baseball Association championships in<br />

Johnstown. Pa.<br />

First-year manager John Colley and Ijis<br />

crew earned a spot in the l&team national<br />

finals by sweeping Belleville last weekend<br />

in a best-of-three regional series alt Eastem<br />

Michigan University. 9-0 and 8-1.<br />

Pitching carried the Redford aggregation<br />

into the finals. Colley admitted, as<br />

Steve Perry limited Belleville to three hits<br />

in the regional finals and Brian McMahon<br />

held Belleville to a like number of hits in<br />

the semi-finals<br />

Perry struck out 10 and did not walk a<br />

batter daring his nine innings of work,<br />

while McMahon 'was just as good. He<br />

fanned 13 and issued only one free pass.<br />

"I knew we had three kids back from<br />

last year's team that went to Johnstown,<br />

but 1 never expected it this year," an elated<br />

Colley said after the double triumphs.<br />

Redford scored early and spread around<br />

its production of runs in very similar manners<br />

during both contests.<br />

The regional champion notched one cun<br />

in the second inning of the deciding game<br />

on a walk to Scott Anderson, a stolen base,<br />

a passed bell and a fielder's choice. Bruce<br />

Robertson was credited with the RBI<br />

Redford collected three more runs in the<br />

fourth on walks to Ted Musto. Dennis Kuschel<br />

and Art Mezigian. a two-run single by<br />

Ted Ackerman and a wild pitch.<br />

A single by George Willard. a groundout<br />

and an error accounted for another Redford<br />

run in the fifth frame. Kuschel<br />

walked to start a two-run rally in the<br />

sixth. He stole second and scored on a Mezigian<br />

single. Mezigian stole second and<br />

scored himself on a single by Ackerman<br />

Walks to Ackerman, Randy Rodriguez<br />

and Willard proceeded a single by Robertson<br />

in the eighth inning for the final two<br />

runs of the game.<br />

The story of the first regional contest<br />

was almost the same as the second11<br />

Redford<br />

The locals struck for two runs in the<br />

opening inning and never trailed from that<br />

point<br />

Mezigian and Ackerman walked and Rodriguez<br />

singled to load the bases. Anderson<br />

sent Mezigian home with a single and Ackerman<br />

scored on a fielder's choice, with<br />

Robertson credited with the RBI<br />

Redford added two more runs in the second<br />

inning Musto singled. Kuschel was hit<br />

- f •<br />

by a pitch and Mezigian singled to load the<br />

bases<br />

Ackerman forced Musto at the plate, but<br />

Kuschel scored on a fielder's choice and<br />

Mezigian crossed the plate on a passed<br />

ball. Rodriguez hit the ground ball which<br />

enabled Kuschel to score.<br />

Redford reaped two more runs in the<br />

third when Kuschel walked with the sacks<br />

loaded and Mezigian laid down a good<br />

bunt on the squeeze play.<br />

The bases had been loaded prior to that<br />

when Willard was safe on an erro . Mike<br />

Donahue was hit by a pitch and Musto singled.<br />

(P.C)IC<br />

Rodrigiiez singled to start another Red<br />

ford scoring thrust in the fourth frame.'<br />

stole second and came home on a single<br />

by Robertson<br />

Redford<br />

on a singl<br />

tempt an<<br />

ed with<br />

tallied its final run in the sixth,;<br />

by Anderson, a wild pick-off ata<br />

groundout Willard was credit-<br />

the RBI that inning X<br />

Redford which advanced all the way toT<br />

the semi f nalsofi last year's AAABA cham-<br />

pionships before falling to eventual titlist-<br />

Little Caesa rs. will arrive in Johnstown<br />

next Tuesda y for the week-long double-<br />


QB8BRVBR fc ECCENTRIC Thursday, Augu« 12, 1976<br />

Another ride to Derby roses<br />

i j I A* '<br />

is goal of jockey Manganello<br />

have ooe thing in commonor<br />

she is asked to neme a career<br />

9000 TELEQRAPH<br />

S. of Wesf Chicago<br />

1114311<br />

12"x12<br />

Pf<br />

First Quality<br />

9 patterns to<br />

choossfrom<br />

dozen<br />

ISM E. • MILE<br />

Comat of Daqulndra<br />

vs#4ts*<br />

Cto~> LUMBKR CO.<br />


261-5110<br />

11970 Fl<br />

mi PImmS<br />

•M-VB 11:11<br />

TM«S«FS1I:M<br />

miMuagj<br />



from<br />

1 to 5 yds. ,<br />

WARREN<br />

775-7000<br />

24620 SchMNrr<br />

MtoafMMi<br />

MSTNUB 111:10<br />

MT1S:MSMltJ<br />


T I M B E R S<br />

P0NTIAC<br />

334-1511<br />

888 Orchard Lk. M.<br />

MEa*$fTefc|r*t<br />

MOSTNUKS110:00<br />

Ml 1:90<br />

SAT 15:90 SW 10-9<br />

4x6*8' ....'3.95<br />

6x6x8' .*5.95<br />

6x8x8' *7M<br />


•FT.<br />

•1.25<br />


24"x24"<br />

WHITE<br />

>2.59<br />

. LIMIT 50<br />


GOOD THRU AUG. 15<br />

29450 W 0 Mil* at Middlebeh<br />

HOUR* MOM.-SAT. 9-7<br />

SUNDAY 9-4<br />

LOW 1976-77<br />


but after I lost the bug (five-pound weight<br />

allowance) I had a twgh time," Manganello<br />

said. "I ended up in Ohio and got rolling<br />

again and became the leading rider at<br />

the Cleveland area tracks almost every<br />

year until the late 10's.<br />

"Then I got into the regular Kentucky<br />

racing circuit. Keeneland in the spring and<br />

the fall and Churchill Downs in the late<br />

spring and November, in fact my home is<br />

in Lexington. My wife and six kids stay<br />

there all year round."<br />

Manganello has no problem with his<br />

weight He is slightly more than five feet<br />

tall, but has the muscular upper torso that<br />

is so important to a jockey who must control<br />

the 1,000 pound, high strung thoroughbreds.<br />

After 10 years of riding and going to the<br />

post more than 14,5000 times. Manganello<br />

doesn't play the role of the crusjy old veteran<br />

as he remains one of the most cheerful<br />

personalities in the Jockey quarters.<br />

"1 try to get along with everybody and<br />

I'm always there to help any young rider<br />

who comes to me for advice." he said.<br />

His many years of experience make Manganello<br />

a good source for opinions on the<br />

present state of thoroughbred racing<br />

"Nowadays they are taking better care<br />

of the track's condition and they have<br />

make improvements for the people living<br />

on the backside (bam area) with<br />

tional centers and other thinp," he said.<br />

"Everybody seems to be getting a fair<br />

shake now, but in the old days the big outfits<br />

got their way with everything, but now<br />

the track managments are giving breaks<br />

to the tittle man, too."<br />

On the modem horse medication laws<br />

(phenylbutazone, a pain killing drug, was<br />

allowed for the first time in Michigan last<br />

year following the leads of other states)<br />

ManaganeUo said: "Bute is good in some<br />

cases...but like everything else it's abused.<br />

Trainers use it just to get through the<br />

entry box and out on the track, but they're<br />

not the majority."<br />

After the first couple of weeks at the<br />

DRC meet, Manganello has shown Detroit<br />

racing fans the ability that has won those<br />

2.300 plus career victories. The lessons<br />

came in surprise fashion for the bettors<br />

Two of Manganello's early winners returned<br />

mutual payoffs of $106.40 and $06.20<br />

for a $2 bet.<br />

"I guess when ^ou don't start off winning<br />

a lot of races on the first couple of<br />

days they get to overlook you and bet on<br />

some other jockey that's hot at the time."<br />

Manganello rationalized.<br />

Detroit fans will have the opportunity to<br />

see Manganello in action until October<br />

when he returns to Keeneland in Lexington.<br />

Argonauts led<br />

by Rough-Fores<br />

Just as Jack Nicklaus is the number one<br />

player on the professional golf circuit, the<br />

Rough-Fores are currently in the number<br />

one position in the Argonauts Golf League<br />

The league, played at Idyl Wyld Golf<br />

Course, has the Rouh-Fores leading with<br />

156 points. The Partenders are in the second<br />

spot with 139 points, while Harlan's<br />

Hookers are a close third with 137 points<br />

and the Fairway Duffers are in the fourth<br />

and final play-off position with 134 points.<br />

The Bunker Dunkers are in the fifth position<br />

with 105 points, while the Partusters<br />

fill in the final spot with 95 points<br />

The Partenders beat the Bunker [Junkers<br />

last week 18-14. The Parbusters<br />

knocked off Harlan's Hookers 19-13 and the<br />

Rough-Fores whipped the Fairway Duffers<br />

20-12. "Tt* wind played a key factor last<br />

week." explained Harlan Hooker player<br />

Robert Wells,"Nobody shot a real good<br />

score because of it."<br />

Ralph Richard in dominating the individual<br />

categories as he has a total 34 points<br />

out of a possible 40. Richard also leads<br />

with 13 match points and 13 medal points<br />

With one week left to play before playoffs,<br />

first place is still undecided<br />

Prizes were presented to the low net<br />

scores in the Livonia Women's 9 Hole Golf<br />

League, at Whispering Willows Golf<br />

Course.<br />

Jeme MacDonald took top honors in<br />

Flight A with a 30. while Betty Tesner won<br />

Flight B with a 27, Rose Carpinelli won<br />

Flight C with a 28, Grace Schilinske won<br />

Flight D with a 27 and Ilene Bourbeau won<br />

Flight E with a 30<br />

The team of Bouza and McPhillip continue<br />

to lead Flight A in the Ford Swingers<br />

League, as they have accumilated 248Mi<br />

points Calhoun and Farmer are leading<br />

Flight B with 219Vi points<br />

Duck stamp<br />

contest opens<br />

The annual "Duck Stamp" contest for<br />

wildlife art to adorn next year's Migratory<br />

Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp was<br />

opened July 15. 1976<br />

Final regulations governing the administration<br />

of the contest were published in the<br />

Federal Register on June 19. 1975.<br />

Artists interested in submitting an entry<br />

should write to the Director. US. Fish and<br />

Wildlife Service, Attn: Audio Visual Office.<br />

Washington. D C. 20240. for copies of the<br />

contest rules and an entry form.<br />

East sets exams<br />

Physical examinations for prospective<br />

Garden City East athletes n boy's fall<br />

sports will be offered Monday (Aug. 16) at<br />

9 a.m. in the school fieldhouse. The fee is<br />

$3<br />

ADULTS... $70 JUNIORS $25<br />

FAMILY $150<br />

Special Court Time Rates $6 - $8 - $10 - $12 Per Hour<br />


Call 427-7060<br />


Whirlpool - Saunas - Pro Shop ,<br />

Nursery Available<br />

Clinics and Junior Excellence Programs<br />

^ ' r> hr<br />

TERM<br />

_ -17250 Nowbufgh Road uu.. ***<br />

Livonia, Michigan, 427-7060<br />

• • N<br />

McPhillip and Bouza each fired a 41 to<br />

record the low score in Flight A, while<br />

Mark Berget shot a 40 to take top honors<br />

in Flight B.<br />

Also at Idyl Wyld, the Ford Motor Assembly<br />

League is still led by the team of<br />

Wayne Hall and Bill Wagner with 72<br />

points. Dana Friend and Dan Driscoll are<br />

in second place with 60 points and the<br />

team of Ron Bronhauslander and Frank<br />

Darket are in third with 59 points.<br />

Larry Hoffman had the low score last<br />

week when he shot a 41, while Hall, Wagner.<br />

and Jim Rankin all had 44.<br />

Dan 'Driscoll collected a birdie on ten,<br />

while Rankin collected one on the 11th and<br />

Ken Wrigit and Hoffman each birdied the<br />

17th.<br />

In the Local 157 Golf League, the leader<br />

is Bill LaFever with 51 Mi points, while Dougat<br />

Cameron is second with 49^ points.<br />

Seals wear crown<br />

The Seals, under the direction of Lou<br />

Willoughby. Orlando Masucci, Steve McDowell<br />

and Jon Petrucci. won their division<br />

and the city tournament in the Garden<br />

City Bronco B Baseball League<br />

SERVICE]<br />


We wIM pick up your televtelon set, bring It to our<br />

and have It cheeked by our TV expert*. You will<br />

be notified by telephone of the coat ot repair, H you<br />

Jectde not to have It repaired we wW return It to your<br />

home. All for only S3.<br />



Antennas Ml Accessories<br />

ADD<br />

Variegated Dogwood<br />

28915 JOY RD.<br />


24"<br />

Pot<br />

PHONE 525-5450<br />

green and white leaves, grow to 7-9 feet, thrives In moist<br />

plants won't grow<br />

XK41<br />

HEDGES<br />

For Privacy<br />

and Beauty<br />

Ready to Plant Now<br />

Regel Privtt<br />

$<br />

m<br />

18"-24T Pot $ 5 "<br />

low orowing, usually not over 4-5<br />

feet, with [horizontal branching<br />

white flowers in June<br />

Mentor Bartorry<br />

24"-30 ' Pot O<br />

green leaves turn bright red In<br />

fsl. thorny^ grows up to 5-7 feet,<br />

tolerates dfy soil.<br />

i<br />

$5»5 30"-36" $Q95<br />

Pot<br />

soil where many other<br />

$£93<br />

Peking Cotoneasler 4 ^<br />

shiny, green leaves, berrtes In fall, red fall color. 6 8 feet height, narrow growing.<br />

Dwarf Clavey's Honeysuckle 24" Pot<br />

low growing. 3-4 feet yellow flowers, light green leaf<br />

Zabelli Honeysuckle ie»-2«" * 3 " s b & b $ 7<br />

red flowers, to 9 feet withstands poor growing conditions<br />

Many other plants available. We have a Plant tor eWry spo in your Yard<br />

TriM<br />

$399<br />

mm<br />

mm •• • BH5<br />






16'x32' swim area<br />

4'-7' depth with gradual slope<br />


INCLUDE:<br />

Extra heavy duty-simple construction. Factory finished. Complete<br />

step-by-step installation manual Included (immediate<br />

delivery) plus you* get all these Aqua Star In-ground pool<br />

featurese Pool framed with 4" steel channel (top and bottom)<br />


One of the biggest surprises of the bowP<br />

ing season came during the Parade of<br />

Champions, sponsored by the Bowling Proprietors<br />

of Michigan, when the leading establishments<br />

in the youth movement were<br />

named.<br />

Where would you think the greatest collection<br />

of youth bowlers in any one estblishment<br />

was located'<br />

Chances are that you never would think<br />

it was in Walled Lake. But that is exactly<br />

where it is<br />

Wonderland Lanes in Walled Lake<br />

boasts a youth program with more than<br />

1.100 members That means that most<br />

every youth in the area takes part in the<br />

program<br />

Almost as surprising was the announcement<br />

that Capitol Bowl in Owosso was<br />

next in line- before any of the Detroit<br />

houses were named.<br />

The youth bowling movement is thriving<br />

in the small towns and the enthusiasm has<br />

brought about a total state membership of<br />

more than 37.000, the largest in the country.<br />

AMONG THOSE present at the Parade<br />

was Marion Ladewig. rated the greatest of<br />

In Ihfi feibct By<br />

all women bowlers, who now operates<br />

Northfield Lanes in Grand Rapids<br />

She was all smiles when several of her<br />

students' paraded to the prize table to receive<br />

their trophies Marion claims she is<br />

enjoying the progress of the juniors as<br />

much as anything she ever accomplished<br />

while taking a shot at the 1-3 pocket.<br />

THE GREAT hold that women's bowling<br />

is taking on the game is evidenced again<br />

by the fact that the Women's pro tour has<br />

been given a place on the Detroit schedule<br />

instad of EVirl Anthony and the men<br />

The women pros are scheduled at Hart<br />

field Lanes in Berkley, during the first<br />

week in September and the pro-amateur<br />

that precedes it promises to be larger than<br />

ever.<br />

CONTINUING AN OLD tradition the<br />

John Gavie Sweepstakes again will usher<br />

in the new season.<br />

The event that was inaugurated two decades<br />

ago will be held at Thunderbowl in<br />

Allen Park on Monday. Aug. 23 The men s<br />

all-star leagues will open on the following<br />

night.<br />

The Bowlerettes. strongest of the<br />

women's leagues in which many west<br />

MMT'T, Womtn'i Opwi QoM Tournament!<br />

spwmtw kf Dm Oktamr s EccNbic l * w<br />

mi Wtopritf WHIiws MuMpI Mf C*ro<br />

MEN'S<br />

36 holes medal play: Saturday and Sunday. Sept 11 and 12. Entry fee $22 (greens<br />

fees, trophies and prizes.)<br />

WOMEN'S<br />

18 holes medal play: Thursday. Sept. 16. Entry fee $8 (greens fees and trophies)<br />

Make checks payable to Gary Whitener, tournament director and enclose with<br />

entry blank.<br />

NAME<br />


PHONE<br />


Men's entries close Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 6 p.m Call for starting times on Friday. i|<br />

Sept.10 at 10 a.m. ,<br />

Women's entries close Monday. Sept. 13 at 5 p.m Call for starting times<br />

Wednesday, Sept 15 at 10 a.m.<br />

Open to all residents of Livonia. Plymouth, <strong>Canton</strong>. Garden City, Westland, ||<br />

Redford Township. Farmington, Farmington Hills, Southfield. Birmingham, West<br />

Bloomfield. Bloomfield Township, Bloomfield Hills. Troy. Rochester and Avon 4<br />

Township<br />

Entries may be mailed to Tournament Director Gary Whitener, Whispering j|<br />

Willows Golf Course, 20690 Newburgh. Livonia.<br />

•MMMMMMMMW illMWMWlBWIilWffWi'i—fiT^IOTMMltlllBIWWW^ Hli' i'^U Mil—n I III 'Tfl'f M<br />


V 3 PI TT P RO SHOP<br />

All Pro Line Golf Balls<br />

Reg. 16.00 Doz. SALE 11.97 Doz.<br />


HAN ULTRAS »76<br />

3 W000S -8 IRONS<br />

Reg '350 00 SALE 732.95<br />

10* OFF ON ALL<br />


IN STOCK<br />



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39500 FIVE MILE ROAD<br />

(Between Eckles & Haggerty)<br />

BOSS<br />


13101 W.Warren<br />

3 Blks. E. of Schaefer<br />

Protect Now<br />

Against<br />

Summer<br />

Boilovers<br />

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1976 HAGEN 305 s<br />

3 WOOOS -8 IRONS<br />

Reg '299.00 SALE'174 99<br />



2 WOODS-5 IRONS<br />

Reg .'79.00 SALE'49.00<br />



forWANY 80LF ITEMS<br />

453-9836<br />

OPEN 7 am to 11 pm<br />




28041JoyRd. , 2221 Wayne Rd.<br />

* °' K ®; *r.t<br />

of Middlebelt<br />

3 Blks. S. of Palmer<br />

/<br />

Presto<br />

^ II<br />

-S25?a Mmm<br />

"Prestone"<br />

Car Care Dollar Days<br />

Get a $ 1 .OO cash refund<br />

when you<br />

purchase<br />

PRESTONE n<br />

Coolant<br />

PLUS any one<br />

of the following<br />

products<br />

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When you purchase "Prestone II" Coolant PLUS any one of the<br />

other four products shown above. We'll send you back $1.00. Just<br />

send In the proofs checked below.<br />

• "Prestone II" Coolant. Enclose as proof of purchase cap Inner<br />

liner from jug.<br />

• "Prestone" Cooling System Products. Cash register receipt for<br />

any one can plus "AS number" found at the back of the can.<br />

NAME.<br />

Radiator FJrnh AS<br />

Heavy Duty Sealer AS_<br />


CITY.<br />

Radtator Sealer AS —<br />

Radiator Anti-Rust AS<br />


P.O. Box 6333 • Chicago. Illinois 60677<br />

_ STATE.<br />

ZIP.<br />

One c«h refund per family. Void wherever prohibited, licenced, restricted,<br />

or taxed. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. Offer expires September 1.1976.<br />

1 cocsasw<br />

s 3.79<br />

inti-ru*<br />

siders bowl, will open at Motor Lanes on<br />

Monday, Sept 13. The Ladles Major, working<br />

under a new name this year, will open<br />

duriong the same week at Luxury Lanes<br />

ANN SETLOCK, day manager at Garden<br />

Lanes, exercised a women's perogative<br />

and changed her mind about bowling<br />

in the all-star leagues this coming season.<br />

One time a member of the Colonial<br />

Broach team when it was national champion.<br />

Ann is going to bowl with Helen Kilter's<br />

Miss Lapeer team in the Bowlerettes.<br />

Thuradiy. Augut 12. 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC (R,W,G 9B)*3C<br />

W.W. EDGAR<br />

" I hadn't planned to bowl. " she said, *<br />

and laid off all summer. But Helen needed<br />

to fill several places and Pat Lisowski and<br />

I decided to help her out".<br />

THE WAYNE-WESTLAND Bowling Association<br />

is having its first meeting of secretaries<br />

to distribute supplies at Westland<br />

Bowl on Wednesday, Aug. 25 at 1:30 and 7<br />

p.m. All secretaries are asked to attend<br />

one of the sessions.<br />

RICK CAPALDI hit another high note of<br />

the summer season last week in the Westland<br />

Gassic when he linked games of 210,<br />

228 and 240 for 678. Joe Ropss came<br />

through with a 257 for high game.<br />

Bob Jawor took second place with a 662<br />

series that included games of 223 and 242<br />

There's a close race for high average in<br />

the league with Bob Rose and Dick Beattie<br />

deadlocked at 208 for top place<br />

EARL ANTHONY, the pro southpaw , is<br />

on his way to breaking all money winning<br />

records. He now has passed the $80,000<br />

mark and when he hits $100,000 (which he<br />

is almost certain to do) it will be the third<br />

year in a row he has accomplished the<br />

feat.<br />

Daly raps Americans<br />

Daly Restaurant ended its regular-season<br />

play last weekend in the Women's Fastpitch<br />

League with a 17-11 softball win<br />

over the Americans Daly concluded its<br />

cambaign with a 7-1 record and has a bye<br />

tomorrow (Friday) night as the other four<br />

teams play their final games<br />

Daly built a 17-3 lead over the Americans<br />

in the first three innings of their<br />

tussle, then saw its foe crack eight hits for<br />

seven runs in the fifth inning to make<br />

things a bit closer.<br />

First baseman Nancy Jimenez slammed<br />

her first home run in two seasons for<br />

Daly. She slugged a grand slam in the<br />

third inning.<br />

Debbie Pozan. a Bentley senior, turned<br />

the same thek for Daly an inning earlier,<br />

clearing the bases and scoring herself with<br />

one swing of the bat. Pozan crossed the<br />

plate three times for Daly against the<br />

Americans.<br />

Joanne Pachiva went four-for-four for<br />

the winners, while teammates Karen<br />

McNew and Linda Reid each collected<br />

three hits.<br />

Manager Faith Vasher had her best<br />

night of the year at the plate for the Americans<br />

with two solid singles and a pair of<br />

walks. Mary Rose contributed three singles<br />

and a walk to the Americans' offensive<br />

cause<br />

In the second game of the night, in what<br />

could be described as the upset of the sea-<br />

Skirmish slated<br />

outside Plymouth<br />

Men in blue will meet men in grey on a<br />

field west of Plymouth this weekend (Aug.<br />

14-15) to re-enact a page from American<br />

history.<br />

Although the occasion is called a skirmish,<br />

the only "casualties" will be wooden<br />

stakes and clay pigeons, which will be shattered<br />

to the cheers of friendly contestants<br />

More than 250 costumed shooters from<br />

muzzleloading clubs across the midwest<br />

are expected to attend the Northwest Territories<br />

"Lone Star" Regional Skirmish<br />

The festivities will be held four miles<br />

west o* Plymouth at 6700 Napier Road<br />

north of North Territorial Road The Western<br />

Wayne County Conservation Association<br />

has donated its land facilities for the<br />

two-day skirmish<br />

The public will be admitted without<br />

charge, although a parking fee will be as-<br />

sessed Hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each<br />

day.<br />

Spectators will be able to follow each<br />

team's progress as volley after volley is<br />

fired from the front-loading guns.<br />

Targets are intended to be visual. They<br />

include clay pigeons, which burst when<br />

struck by thunm-sized bullets, and heavy<br />

wooden planks, which must actually be<br />

sawed in half by each team's massed fire.<br />

To round out the event, the 5th Michigan<br />

Regimental Band will be on hand Sunday<br />

to perform patriotic music of the 1800s<br />

Each of the group's 150 members will be<br />

authentically dressed in the style of the<br />

regiment, which saw action during the<br />

civil war.<br />

An antique car display, pancake breakfast<br />

and chicken barbecue are also<br />

planned.<br />

Mack standings<br />



National Division<br />

W L<br />

Berry Appliance (Red) 12 2<br />

Yankees 10 4<br />

Plymouth Merchants 9 4<br />

Thurston 8 6<br />

Oasis Golf Course 4 9<br />

Clarenceville 2 11<br />

Southfield 1 10<br />

American Division<br />

Red<br />

Plymouth Elks<br />

Berry Appliance (Blue)<br />

Adray Appliance<br />

Detroit Mutual<br />

Blue<br />

Mich National Bank<br />

Crowe & Associates<br />

Thomson Sand & Gravel<br />

Lucky Lindy<br />

Tennis tryouts set<br />

TTie first practice session for candidates<br />

for the Livonia Churchill girls' tennis team<br />

will be held Monday (Aug 16) from 8-10<br />

a.m. at the school, announced coach<br />

Audrey Kather.<br />

Tonight, let it be<br />


Action Distributing Co.<br />

Livonia, Michigan<br />

427-8300<br />

><br />

T<br />

.son, winless Ms's dumped the Dreamers.<br />

7-2.<br />

The Dreamers jumped out to a 2-0 firstinning<br />

lead but could not score throughout<br />

the remainder of the contest The losers<br />

had runners in scoring position every inning<br />

after the first but could not bring<br />

them around<br />

. For Ms's (Michigan Answering Service),<br />

it was jubilation and unbelievable satisfaction,<br />

as the contingent counted a four-run<br />

fourth inning en route to its first victory of<br />

the season<br />

Mary Ann Dougherty rapped a two-run<br />

homer for Ms's in the seventh inning and<br />

Maryann Miutz contributed two hits during<br />

the proceedings. Dolores Iscaro earned the<br />

pitching decision<br />

At Livonia's Ford Field tomorrow night<br />

in the final evening of regular-season competition.<br />

Ms's meets Sun Glo at 8 p.m. and<br />

the Americans battle the Dreamers at 9:30<br />

pm<br />


Daly Restaurant<br />

Sun Glo<br />

Dreamers<br />

Americans<br />

Ms's<br />

W<br />

7<br />

6<br />

2<br />

2<br />

1<br />




GENIE "450"<br />

$17^ Installed<br />

1 Year Warranty<br />

Any Suburb<br />



531-0890 or 358-3833<br />


u O O D f Y E A R<br />



16"<br />


LUBE, OIL<br />

FILTER<br />

UP TO<br />

5QTS<br />

1 ~ . • 1 20 WT KENDALL I<br />

L £. A J?L I ! _OU. |<br />

March<br />

Tire Co.<br />

135235 W. WARREN<br />


721-1810<br />

hHWMUM<br />

767 S MAIN<br />


455-7800<br />

•III<br />

28481 TELEGRAPH<br />


353-0450<br />

m<br />

!RANDCLPI-i<br />

; FENCE 1<br />

CC.<br />

Pool & Privacy<br />

Our Specialty<br />

Basketweave $19.95<br />

68' x 6"<br />

\ Shadow Louvre $24.50<br />

8x5'<br />

I Mon. -Fri. 8 -5 Sat. 8 -3<br />

29820 West Nir.a Mile<br />

Farmington<br />

476-7045<br />

30 % OFF<br />


LAWN<br />



27740 FORD ROAD<br />



A four-team, three-state<br />





FRIDAY, AUG. 13-SUNDAY. AUG. 15<br />







FRIDAY'S LOSERS 1:30 P.M.<br />

FRIDAY'S WINNERS 5:30 P.M.<br />

SATURDAY'S 1:30 WINNER vs. 5:30 LOSER 8:30 P.M.<br />


CHAMPIONSHIP 1:30 P.M.<br />


k\ h i r\wt A<br />

*<br />



522-0900<br />


644-1070<br />

1 ' /<br />

•" • : "* > - Sffiife •<br />

Hut hat to offer Pixsa Hut people are a team working<br />

together to provide the best food and best afrvice poaaible to our<br />

cu at oners. You en join that team now.<br />


27250Cherry Hi» Rd.. Daaihorn Hghit<br />

23639 W. 7 MUe Rd, Detroit<br />

1425 Ann Arbor Rd., Plymouth •<br />

31200 10 Mile Rd., Farm Hills<br />

10257 Telegraph Rd, Taylor<br />

7520 N. Wayne Rd.. Wealand<br />

1452 E. 12 Mile Rd., Madison lights<br />

J<br />

15199 E. 12 Mile Rd . Roaeville<br />

20 W 14 Mile Rd, Claw son<br />

4641 Highland Rd.. Pontac<br />

4671 Walton Blvd., Drayton Plaint<br />

4845 Roc ha tier Rd.. Troy<br />

2280 14 Mile Rd.. Wirroi<br />

50151 Van Dyke. Utica<br />

5011 8 Mils Rd., Wairoi<br />

Are baking far dependable people people who like people • for a<br />

vanety of inter a ing joba • part time Good pay and excdlent benefits.<br />

Viait the Piaaa Hut nearest you for complete information.<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />

Insurance Underwriters<br />

Casualty<br />

! Our Commercial Lines Dept. has immediate openings<br />

for Casualty Underwriters with a minimum of 2-3 yrs.<br />

' experience<br />

I<br />

t We otter an excellent fringe benefit package and start-<br />

J ing salary, along with opportunity for advancement If<br />

• you meet these qualifications and are career oriented.<br />

Please call<br />

Mrs. Mayville at 557-5700<br />

Firemen's Fund<br />

Insurance Companies<br />

2 .<br />

Mff<br />

T<br />

4<br />

X<br />

T<br />

HAIR DESIGNER for Northville<br />

salon with ambition and ability to<br />

do or learn the latest in cutting,<br />

blow waving and curling iron use<br />

Also with ability to do rollar sets<br />

For interview call. 34^ 6050<br />


Restaurant<br />

Disco Lounge<br />

Female cook, salad lady, wait-<br />

resses food and liquor Bartender<br />

Apply 3pm to 6pm Downtown<br />

Plymouth across from new First<br />

National Bank on Main Street<br />


500 Help Wanted<br />

HOSTESS. Part Time Evenings<br />

Apply in perso.i 2PM 4PM Mon<br />

Fri Blakeney * Ranch House 28333<br />

Grand River Farmington<br />

Nugget Reataurant<br />



Apply in person. 8-5<br />

No phone calls please<br />

30685 W 12 Mile Rd<br />

Farmington<br />


work nights Redford Area Call<br />

KE 8-0040<br />


Fall. Day-time positions available<br />

Apply in person at . Northland Cen-<br />

ter Maple House<br />


B50 Autos tor Saw<br />

852 Antique Cars<br />

854 American Motors<br />

856 Buick<br />

858 Cadillac<br />

860 Chevrolet<br />

862 Chrysler<br />

864 Dodge<br />

066 Ford<br />

870 Jeep<br />

872 Lincoln<br />

874 Mercury<br />

876 Oldsmobile<br />

878 Plymouth<br />

880 Pontiac<br />

824 Sports &<br />

Imported Cars<br />

882 Thunderbird<br />

884 Volkswagen<br />

816 Auto-True*<br />

Parts & Service<br />

818 Auto Rentals<br />

& Leasing<br />

820 Autos Wanted<br />

822 TfoCKs lor Sale<br />

800 Recreational Vehicles<br />

802 Snowmobiles<br />

804 Airplanes<br />

806 Boats & Motors<br />

808 Vehicle & Boat<br />

Storage<br />

810 Insurance Motor<br />

812 Motorcycles<br />

Go-Karts<br />

Mini Bikes<br />

814 Campeis& Motorhomes<br />


518 Education-Instruction<br />

500 Help Wanted<br />

510 Help Wanted Couples<br />

502 Help Wanted Dental-<br />

Medical<br />

507 Help Wanted-Part Time<br />

508 Help Wanted Domestic<br />

504 Help Wanted Ottice-<br />

Ciencal<br />

506 Help Wanted Sales<br />

520 Secretarial-Business<br />

Services<br />

512 Situations Wanted<br />

Female<br />

514 Situations Wanted<br />

Male<br />

516 Situations Wanted<br />

Male 4 Female<br />


604 Announcements 6<br />

Notices<br />

626 Bingo<br />

610 Cardsof Thanks<br />

618 Child Care<br />

614 Death Notices<br />

628 Entertainment<br />

616 Hall tor Rent<br />

612 in Memonam<br />

622 income Ta» S<br />

Insurance<br />

606 l egal Notices<br />

602 Lost & Found<br />

600 Personals<br />

624 Professional Services<br />

608 Transportation<br />

702 Antiques<br />

706 Appliances<br />

700 Auction Sales<br />

712 Bicycles lor Sale<br />

718 Building Materials<br />

714 Business 4 Ottice<br />

Equipment<br />

724 Camera Supplies<br />

720 Farm Produce<br />

722 Hobbies Coins A<br />

Stamps<br />

744 Horses. Livestock &<br />

Equipment<br />

708 Household Goods-<br />

Oakland County<br />

709 Housenoid Goods-<br />

Wayne County<br />

738 Household Pets<br />

716 Lawn/Garden & Farm<br />

Equipment<br />

710 Misc tor Sale-<br />

Oakland County<br />

7 11 Misc tor Sale-<br />

Wayne County<br />

726 Musical Instruments<br />

740 Pet Service<br />

704 Rummage Sales<br />

730 Sportmg Goods<br />

728 Stereo HI-FI & Tape<br />

Decks<br />

734 Trade or Sell<br />

736 Wanted to Buy •<br />

732 Wearing Apparel<br />


Cook, nice atmosphere, good pay.<br />

ood benefits Apply In perion<br />

ams Horn, 5709 S Telegraph,<br />

dearborn Heights<br />


Teacher, experience necessary<br />

Farmington Hills Nursery 474-1155<br />

474 9199<br />

We reserve the right to classify, revise or reiect any want ad Want ads may be placed until 4pm<br />

Tuesday for the Thursday edition and 4 p m Friday for the Monday edition No cancellations<br />

accepted after noon Tuesday for Thursday editions or noon Friday tor Monday editions No<br />

cancellations before first insertion No cancellations on Double Action Ads The Observer &<br />

Eccentric Newspapers will not issue credit for errors in ads after the first incorrect insertion<br />

Report any errors immediately Phone Room hours are 8 30 am to 5 30 p m Monday through<br />

Friday<br />

500 Help Wanted<br />

LIPUMAS CONEY Island, full or<br />

irt time, experienced preferred.<br />

N Main. Rochester<br />


Person selected will currently be a<br />

Quality Control manager or assist<br />

ant or have sufficient background<br />

as an inspector or parts checker to<br />

be able to assume full quality con-<br />

trol responsibility Reply. Atten<br />

tlon Mr McKinnon. P O Box 2066.<br />

Livonia. Michigan, 48150<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


imum of 1 yr experience working<br />

with general business applications<br />

on a small to medium scale Disc<br />

System required Send Resume to<br />

Technical Manager. P.O. Box 312.<br />

Novi. Michigan. 48050<br />

CUTTER GRINDER for machine<br />

shop Must be experienced in drill<br />

sharpening Good pay and benefits<br />

Apply at Dearborn Machine Prod<br />

nets 19400 W 8 Mile Rd. between<br />

Southfield * Evergreen<br />

WAITRESS Wanted experienced<br />

mature, neat and fast All shifts<br />

Apply at Flame Fine Foods. 24455<br />

Ford Rd. Dearborn<br />


rienced. excellent working condi<br />

Hons, full benefits, apply at 25907<br />

Trowbridge. Inkiter<br />


(DESIGN)<br />


Steel Fabrication<br />

Growing company in air and water<br />

pollution control fabrications<br />

Need experienced DESIGN ES-<br />

TIMATOR who can do materials<br />

and labor quantity take off in plate<br />

and structural steel Position also<br />

provides opportunity for customer<br />

sales contact<br />

Good growth opportunity for qual-<br />

ified man We have doubled our<br />

business in last 3 year<br />

Please apply to<br />

. Enviro-Fab Inc.<br />

12540 Beech Daly<br />

Detroit. Michigan<br />

937-2000<br />

COOKS<br />

BUS BOYS<br />


Full-time, days or nights Good<br />

pay. Paid vacations and meals<br />

Apply<br />

Livonia Big Boy<br />


421-4349<br />


rienced preferred Apply<br />

din Drugs. 21790 W II ?<br />

Southfield<br />

• expe-<br />

rt Alad-<br />

Mile Rd .<br />

INSTRUCTORS for Fall Oasses<br />

Pre school for art and gym Swim<br />

instructor with WSI and Senior L S<br />

for pre school, school age and<br />

adults Women's crafts and folk gui-<br />

tar Farmington area YMCA.<br />

474 3232<br />

LADIES RESTROOM attendant<br />

Older woman preferred Apply in<br />

person after 7 30 PM any day. al<br />

Algiers Drive-In Theater Wayne A<br />

Warren Roads<br />


Phone room Experience neces-<br />

sary Call Mr Marks between<br />

1 and 4 PM<br />


533-5701<br />


Would you like to sell Hallmark<br />

Cards in our bright new store at<br />

Northland'' Salaried opening for<br />

mature Salesperson with good re-<br />

tail store experience. Unquestion<br />

able integrity and reliability re-<br />

quired Apply Glenn's Hallmark<br />

Northland Center 9 30 AM - 5 PM<br />

Mrs Stevens<br />

500 Help Wanted<br />

Automatic Screw<br />

Lathe<br />

Turret Lathe Opr's<br />

Apply between 10 Am 4 2 Pm<br />

27043 Princeton, Inkster<br />

562-4444<br />

BUS BOYS • Evening shift, and co-<br />

op lunch shifts, apply in person<br />

2Pm-4Pm Mon Fri Blakeney's<br />

Ranch House. 28333 Grand River.<br />

Farmington<br />

WAITRESS Full and Part-Time<br />

Apply in person. 2PM-4PM Mon<br />

Fri Blakeney's Ranch House 28333<br />

Grand River Farmington<br />


Excellent training program will<br />

give you experience in office man<br />

agement. budget counseling, busi<br />

ness promotion and personnel su-<br />

pervision Excellent employee ben-<br />

efits. and regular salary increases<br />

baaed on your progress Merchants<br />

Bank of Detroit. 15544 W McNl-<br />

chols Rd . Detroit 273-6500<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


wanted, afternoons and midnight<br />

•2690<br />

500 Help Wanted<br />

Gedit & Collections<br />

Interesting position in collec-<br />

tion dept of nationwide cred-<br />

it company specializing in ap-<br />

pliance loans A good phone<br />

personality and typing skills<br />

are necessary Excellent ben-<br />

efits include profit sharing<br />

525-7800<br />

COLLEGE STUDENT for full-time<br />

or part-time general plant work<br />

Drive fork lift truck Afternoon and<br />

night shifts Send back ground in-<br />

formation to P O Box 246. Novi.<br />

Mich 48050<br />

shifts Westland area<br />

72*-J<br />


Special machine assembly<br />

Must be able to work from<br />

blue prints 22 year old firm<br />

with own product All ben<br />

efits Southfield location<br />

444-4534<br />


ified to manage active men's store<br />

5 day week Good pay Bondable.<br />

local references only Mr Jay<br />

#63 1380<br />


seeking, applicants for ASSISTANT<br />

MANAGERS! A qualified candi<br />

date should possess a minimum of<br />

2 years college or have experience<br />

In the Food Related Industry We<br />

offer a complete benefit package<br />

with an excellent salary adminis-<br />

tration For an interview call 4M<br />

9369 Do not call between the hours<br />

of 11 to 2 Pm or S to 7 Pm Apply<br />

at BURGER CHEF. 1365 Main & .<br />

Plymouth.<br />

HAIR STYLIST-experienced, take<br />

over good clientele Call GA 7 2J2S<br />

or 455 4426<br />


Full Time assistant to Mechanics *<br />

Manual work »IJ3 to 1160 per<br />

week. Dependable, good work re<br />

cord In Person 14154 Telegraph.<br />

Redford<br />


ICES CO located in Farmington Is<br />

seeking a finance adiuster No Ex-<br />

perience necessary Must be high<br />

school grad and have own auto Ex-<br />

cellent training program and fringe<br />

benefits An equal opportunity em-<br />

ployer 474-IT 10<br />

NEEDED<br />


Ambitious person over 21 years of<br />

age. who has a desire to sell and<br />

service new and established »c-<br />

counts Excellent wages and fringe<br />

benefts to qualified individual<br />

Ap*y to:<br />


26855 Toft Rd.. Novi<br />

WANT ED-DRIVERS for single<br />

copy delivery of the Detroit Free<br />

Press Early AM Must have car.<br />

short hours<br />

Good profit.<br />

7»8tl or<br />


K tlme. vara, private school hi<br />

hfleld. good driving<br />

over II. call mornings.<br />

BABY SITTER part time.<br />

rs. my home, own tram,<br />

tlon. Torrv School area, please<br />

after I PM. Ml<br />


Mechanical draftsman, detoi-<br />

ler. Minimum 5 years expe<br />

rience. No trainees. Excellent<br />

pay and benefit* to right<br />

mon. Plont located in Sooth-<br />

field.<br />

444-4534<br />

ABOVE average telephone<br />

suaa.Msf?<br />

iary Southfield<br />

TAILOR<br />

Full time<br />

mi Big<br />


& COOKS<br />


No one Under 25<br />



35200 Ann Arbor Trail<br />


MAN WANTED Full or part time<br />

Must have car for repairing and<br />

cleaning automatic slats washers<br />

HAM Distributing Co 16177 W *<br />

Ml 533-6700<br />

COOK • SHORT ORDER Expe-<br />

rienced, part-full time Appl^4Jl45<br />

Ford Rd <strong>Canton</strong> 2130<br />



Commercial Casualty Rater with 1-<br />

3 years rating In Commercial. Ac-<br />

counts. General Liability and Work-<br />

men's Compensation Excellent ben<br />

eflts including free parking Salary<br />

negotiable depending on experience<br />

and ability<br />


1288 Sixth Ave . Detroit<br />

•65 1570<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />

BARMAID. Expe-<br />

rienced. part-time. Apply 43845<br />

9612130<br />


Ford Rd. <strong>Canton</strong><br />


RIENCED. part-time. Apply I<br />

Ford Rd <strong>Canton</strong>, WI<br />

EXPE<br />

43845<br />

1130<br />


Experienced Must be able lo fit Ir<br />

r Full time poaltlon.<br />

Apply in Person<br />


Somerset Mall<br />

1781 Big Beaver Troy<br />

Tool and<br />

Die Maker<br />

Experienced journeymen,<br />

good pay, excellent fringe<br />

benefits. Steody work.<br />

All Products<br />

12238 Woodbine<br />

Telegropb-Ptymouth Area<br />

RETIRED 7 Want something to do<br />

that pays 7 We need an assistant<br />

manager for a soft ice cream estab<br />

lishment Good hours, good pay.<br />

851 8115<br />

Call<br />

SKIERS we are now hiring sales<br />

personnel, mounters, and ski in-<br />

structors Apply In person at the<br />

Mountain Shop. 28572 Orchard<br />

le Rd.. at 13 Mile<br />



Southfield machine shop<br />

openings for mechamcolly in-<br />

clined men to learn mochinist<br />

trade Call for appointment<br />

444-1077<br />


Permanent part time positions now<br />

available to do telephone work in<br />

our lead department Interviewing<br />

for office in Livonia 20 hour work<br />

week. Monday thru Friday Call<br />

for interview<br />

425-8500<br />


CEIVER for general plant Drive<br />

fork lift truck Send background in<br />

formation to P O Box 246. Novi.<br />

Mich 48050<br />

Dearborn's Own<br />

5th AVE. MENSWEAR<br />

Coming to Fairlane Soon<br />

We need experienced, hord<br />

workng. reliable Men &<br />

Women for our fine Men's<br />

Clothing. Furnishings and<br />

Shoe Dept.<br />






Fairlane Town Center<br />

Community Room<br />

(Upper Level)<br />

Aug 13. 9:30 AM-6 PM<br />

pted<br />

time<br />

days. Apply Burger King. 560 Ann<br />

Arbor Rd . Plymouth<br />

APPLICATIONS being acce<br />

(or morning janitor and part<br />

Bur<br />


Needs part time help $2 20 per<br />

hour to start Afternoons during<br />

Fall * Winter<br />

Apply In Person<br />

23660 TELEGRAPH<br />

Between 9-10 Mile<br />

500 Mp ""tod<br />

DRIVERS"WANTED-for ice cream<br />

vending trucks. 18 or over Call<br />

after 10 30 PM 729-0143<br />

500 Help wunled<br />

WANTED MANAGER for Resale<br />

shop in Oak Park Experience in re><br />

tail clothing desirable 35tl67D<br />


like clothes, earn $5-8 hour, show<br />

ing fashions part or full-time Call<br />

for interview. 538-2165<br />


Needed at once Experienced super<br />

visor or person who has the ability<br />

to handle our printing department<br />

Must have experience with letter<br />

press A rubber plate printing Ex-<br />

cellent oportunity for an agressive<br />

person Send resume to Box 604.<br />


40(R,W,G-iC) OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC Thuraday, Augutt 12, 1976<br />

500 Hdp Want*)<br />


Wx>lesale office supply &<br />

equipment company n««d$ a<br />

competent inventory taker lo<br />

work in the Inventory Control<br />

Dept. Steady, good benefits,<br />

with chance for advancement.<br />

Please call Mr Chmielewski:<br />

496-3400<br />

United Stationers<br />

Supply Company<br />




HAIRDRESSER with tome ctien-<br />

late Interacted In hair cutting only<br />

~ el lent opportunity Must be cs-<br />

ortented Cal ~<br />

Call Rag Doll<br />

J»05ll<br />

NOW HIRING Female Instructors<br />

lor new figure salon In Wayne<br />

Muat be 21 or over Must have trim<br />

flfure Must (|e neat, clean and de-<br />

pendable No experience neces-<br />

sary Will train Inquire In person<br />

at Metro Mall Shopping Center, in<br />

Wayne, or call. 711 MM<br />


time, permanent sales/stock posi<br />

IMn available in fine tobacco, wine,<br />

liquor store Sales experience pre<br />

(erred Bottle n' Gift. Green-I<br />

Shopping Center, across (rom<br />

Northland<br />

NEW CAR<br />

Prep Manager<br />

at a high volume dealer,<br />

must have some experience<br />

Farmington area<br />

478-1368<br />


To Manage I car auto repair facil-<br />

ity Must have experience <strong>Canton</strong><br />

Twp area Call 3*7 2000<br />

500 Help wont*)<br />

OFFSET PRESS Operator. Exp*<br />

rienced A B Dick »M0 and MuJtl<br />

Uth 12M operator with some cam-<br />

era etperience Royal Oak loca-<br />

tion. Call (or appointment. MI-5252<br />


Must be familiar with Semi Auto<br />

matlc. MIG and Stick Electrode<br />

welding Apply In person<br />


Grand River<br />

Novi. Michigan<br />


& NAILERS<br />


We are now taking applications<br />

Apply<br />


BOX CO.<br />

4M Farmer ST Plymouth<br />

time, evenings. Saturdays and fun<br />

days Also full time Monday<br />

Friday for our busy picture frame<br />

shop in Southfield Call Mr Jack<br />

son 571-0130<br />

PART TIME Bartender wanted<br />

Call 417-3170<br />

CETA Vocational Education<br />

The City of Livonia is accepting ap^<br />

plications for CETA Vocational<br />

Education participants to be<br />

trained as a licensed PRACTICAL<br />

NURSE At the time of application<br />

and on the program starting date,<br />

each applicant must be a Livonia<br />

resident and have been unem<br />

ployed or under-employed for 30<br />

days or more Preference will be<br />

given to family heads, veterans. II<br />

to 24 year olds. FSB recipients Ap<br />

plications must be made in person<br />

by 5 Pm.. Wednesday. August 25.<br />

1175. at the Civil Service Commis<br />

sion Office at Pierson Center. 32525<br />

7 Mile Rd . Livonia All applicants<br />

will be interviewed at the time of<br />

application.<br />

500 Mp wontad<br />

PROFESSIONAL Painters wanted<br />

Clean and neat Call svenlngs^^<br />

Temporary<br />


100<br />

Packaging Clerks<br />


Days: I Am to 4:M Pm<br />

Afternoons: $ Pm to 110 Am<br />

Must be 15 years or older<br />

CALL<br />

967-43M FOR OFFICE<br />


OR<br />


Monday thru Friday<br />

10 Am to 3 Pm<br />

525-0330<br />

Witt Service^<br />

EARLY RETIREE with all aroukd<br />

machine shop experience. Farm-<br />

infton area Send letter of baOk-<br />

ground and eiperlnce to: Box 544,<br />

Observer k Eccentric Newspaper.<br />

38251 Schoolcraft. Livonia. Midh-<br />

igan 45150<br />

HOSTESS, nights, apply in person<br />

Palace Restaurant, 1M81 Green<br />

field, near Schoolcraft<br />

I D k O.D GRINDER<br />

Experienced necessary Salary<br />

commensurate with experience<br />

Small manufacturing firm Li-<br />

vonia 421-0510<br />


work in job shop Must be expe-<br />

rienced Overtime, all benefits<br />

Days f7 M an hour 291-1510<br />


time, all benefits, days »7 50 an<br />

hour 291 1510<br />

Production &<br />

Machine Operators<br />

We're now taking applications<br />

Apply<br />

S.M.C.<br />

500 Junction. Plymouth<br />



for light electronic assembly oper<br />

at ion Pleasant working conditions<br />

Located at 333 Park St between 14<br />

and 15 Mile Rds off Livemois<br />

Apply between 9 and 11 AM only<br />


Two to three years experience<br />

Delemere Industrial area. Royal<br />

Oak Day shift Overtime Hospi-<br />

talisation Call M9-4560<br />

BRIDGEPORT MIlJ. Hands with<br />

experience making cartridges and<br />

holders, lop wages and fringes<br />

DH Vogel Manufacturing 31625<br />

W 5 Mile. Livonia. 477-0130<br />


WANTED<br />

Dishwashers<br />

Kitchen k Counter Help<br />

Beef Sllcers<br />

Cooks<br />

Students Welcome<br />

Full-Time Summer<br />

Part-Time During School Year<br />


Between 2-4 PM<br />



18901 W 8 Mile<br />

5 bl W of Southfield<br />

No Phone Calls, Please<br />

Ask for Mr Hoffman<br />


Athens Restaurant Harvard Row<br />

Mall. 11 Mile and l.ahser 356-6463<br />

FOUR openings for dependable<br />

people preferably with welding or<br />

metal work expenence Will train<br />

Willing to work long hours and<br />

weekends Own transportation Call<br />

between I AM - 5 PM ask for<br />

851-7277<br />

WAITRESSES - 3 or 4. for the fall<br />

bowling season Good workers<br />

ooly Bar Maid, part-time, some ex-<br />

perience necessary Plymouth<br />

Bowl. 40475 Plymouth Rd<br />



Minimum 4 Years Experience<br />

Experience on 360-D O S<br />


S. M. C.<br />

800 Junction. Plymouth<br />

WANTED mature woman to serve<br />

as sorority housemother,'MSU Call<br />

64 2 4125<br />


Taking applications for expe<br />

rienced waitresses Apply in per<br />

son Troll Inn 13090 Inkster Rd<br />

Redford at Schoolcraft<br />

OLDER gas attendant for eves Me-<br />

chanic for Sals Johnnie's Union 76,<br />

MM South Wayne Rd Westland<br />

PART-TIME janitorial work In-<br />

side cleaning Redford - Livonia<br />

area Early evenings IMS hrs per<br />

week. Must br 18 and have car<br />

Apply 33921 Plymouth Rd Uvonia ^<br />

AUTO HAULAWAY Company,<br />

needs a terminal manager, and an<br />

assistant terminal manager to<br />

handle a fleet of 300 trucks. Expe,<br />

rienced. excellent benefits Send re-<br />

sume to Administrative Manager,<br />

PO Box 4299 Dearborn. Mich<br />

46126<br />

Housekeeping Aides<br />

Day shift. fulWme Pleasant sur<br />

rounding* GREAT BOSS' Apply<br />

Mrs Click 9 AM to 3 PM. Monday<br />

through Friday<br />


HOME<br />

3MM Folsom Rd Farm<br />

477-7400<br />


Models needed to advertise high<br />

fashion clothing stores Mr Cah.be-<br />

tween II AM to I PM 759-5447<br />



We have an immediate opening for<br />

a part time-phone collector This<br />

position will Involve evening work<br />

and require no previous collection<br />

experience You must have clear<br />

speaking voice and be able to work<br />

a minimum of 55 hours per month<br />

Also, must be reliable For appoint<br />

ment, call Sue Pitrone at 352-1834<br />



Northwestern Hwy<br />

Southfield. Michigan. 48075<br />

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F<br />

EXPERIENCED waitresses cooks<br />

k bus boys Apply weekdays. Pal<br />

ace Restaurant. 4170 Orchard Lake<br />

Rd.. Orchard Lake Village between<br />

8 AM - 5 PM<br />




Other full 4 part time poeltioas<br />

' M A - K<br />

Restaurant. 8 Mile Grand River.<br />

COOKS<br />

Full-time All 3 shifts open Mast<br />

be experienced Top pay for niht<br />

men Apply: Palaw/ Fine Foods<br />

31471 Southfield Rd ^Birmingham<br />

500 Htlp Want*)<br />



A y /» to 5 day work week<br />

)110 to $120 per week. Hos-<br />

pitalization &'Disability Insur-<br />

ance<br />



18901 W. 8 Mile<br />

Apply Between *2-4PM<br />

Mon thru Fri.<br />

Ask For Pete Hoffman<br />

502 Help Want*)<br />

Dental-Medical<br />



Accurate typiat. experience wth<br />

Blue Shield billiiig 47M0M<br />


Bloomfield orthodontic office 25 qo<br />

30 hrs per week, 5-5 Experience<br />

preferred but not necessary, If<br />

pleasant k responsible. Call eve-<br />

nings. 151-7172<br />


All shifts, full time, will train<br />

Fringe benefits<br />


Convalescent Center<br />

28349 Joy Rd Westlond<br />

261-9500<br />

502 Hdp Wanted<br />

< Dtntd-Medkal<br />


and LPN for Pediatric office, Roch-<br />

ester area. » 371-0503<br />


Al Shlfta. full time, experienced<br />

preferred but not necessary Apply<br />

in person<br />


Convalescent Ctr<br />

21017 Middle belt. Farm<br />

Between Grd River & 8 Mile<br />

INTERNIST'S office ki Blrmtag-<br />

ham sacking a mature person far<br />

medical assistant's duties Some<br />

lab experience. ECG and Venepunc-<br />

ture. some front office procedural<br />

CaU for appointment 644 7944<br />


Al Shifts See Mrs Mayville<br />

Nightingale West<br />

8366 Newburgh Rd<br />

Westland. Nr Joy Rd<br />


Full-time. Apply In person: Univer-<br />

sity Convalescent A Nursing Home.<br />

28590 Five MUe Road Livonia; lo-<br />

cated between Inkster and Middle-<br />

belt Roads -«<br />

Income Tax Preparers<br />

No experience necessary, free<br />

training, full or part time during<br />

tax season Employment opportu-<br />

nities in your neighborhood for<br />

those people who successfully com-<br />

plete training Excellent earning po-<br />

tential<br />

Nationwide Income Tax Servii<br />

584 7640<br />


Deli Full and part time Exi<br />

rience preferred, not required<br />

Apply 29145 Northwestern Hl^<br />

way at 12 Mile. Southfield See,<br />

between 2 PM - 5 PM S56-2<br />

TELEPHONE WORK Part tlrte.<br />

evenings Pleasant Southfield of-<br />

fice Call Mrs Duncan', betw.<br />

PM 9 PM 557<br />

EXPERIENCED Day Barmaid,<br />

cellent salary Medical Insura<br />

and Life Insurance Sixpente.<br />

15101 12 Mile. Warden 776-:'6*2<br />

Surface Grinder Hand<br />

Must be first class on tool workj I<br />

block north of Plymouth Rd 1<br />

block east of Newburgh<br />

Royce Tool Corp.<br />

37100 Armhein. Livonia<br />

No Phone Calls<br />

urriV/L mnnnuBn, *n,vwv<br />

114,000 For busy Orthopedic pr<br />

tice. medical bookkeeping and i<br />

experience a must. Will superv<br />

OFFICE MANAGER. $11,000 to<br />

rac<br />

IDS<br />

experience a must. WUI supervise<br />

staff<br />


Northland Medical Bldg<br />

569-5254<br />


)6M For expanding Ophthalmology<br />

office Must know insurance Good<br />

raises<br />


Northland Medical Bldg<br />

569-5 2M<br />

RN - LPN<br />

Full-Time. Part-Time. Afternoon &<br />

Midnight shifts Good starting sala-<br />

ries. modern facilities See Mrs<br />

Ferguson<br />

Nightingale West<br />

8365 Newburgh Rd<br />

Westland Nr Joy Rd<br />


Full & Part time<br />

Apply m person<br />



25300 Lahser Rd., Southfield<br />

502 Hdp Wanted<br />

Dtntd-Medkal<br />


Needed for Novi Podiatrist.<br />

Woman experienced In Medical In-<br />

surance Claims. fuU time CaU<br />

Mrs. Sweet 4250337<br />




Apply in person between 9 k 4 Pm<br />



352-7390<br />

DOCTOR'S office, NW Detroit, ful<br />

time front office Assistant Should<br />

be knowledgeable In total office op-<br />

eration Including aU insurance, bi-<br />

ting and collection SimUar expe-<br />

rience wUI qualify Pleasant office,<br />

good hours and benefits Salary<br />

commensurate with experience<br />

Please write, stating qualifications<br />

and experience, to: Box 548, Ob-<br />

server k Eccentric Newspapers,<br />

34251 Schoolcraft, Livonia. .Mth-<br />

«an 48IM.<br />

504 Hdp Wanted<br />

Office-Oericd<br />

DENTAL Hyglenist, 2 days, good<br />

with children. EstabUshed prsc<br />

8734515<br />

tice Just West of Pontiac<br />

RN'S<br />

with psychiatric experience<br />

Full-time midnights " Apply<br />

Ardmore Acres<br />

Hospital<br />

19810 Farmington Rd<br />

474-3500<br />


mont Medical BuUding. must have<br />

previous experience typing letters,<br />

and assisting the doctor CaO be-<br />

fore 6PM 624-7769<br />


On job training classes, starting Au-<br />

gust 16 at 9 AM Minimum 18 years<br />

old FuU time only Earn * team<br />

Apply: Mrs McCarthy. 9 AM to 3<br />

PM. Monday through Friday<br />


HOME<br />

30405 Folsom Rd Farm<br />

477-7400 "<br />


tionist Neat, pleasant, mature,<br />

with executive ability Experienced<br />

preferred Capable of managing<br />

busy office Will have later opening<br />

for Chairslde only Redford area<br />

Send resume to: Box 562, Observer<br />

k Eccentric Newspapers, 36251<br />

Schoolcraft. Livonia. Michigan<br />

481M<br />

STENOS<br />



If you have past experelnce work-<br />

ing In an office, uae your spare<br />

time and skills to make money<br />

Temporary and full-time assign<br />

menu are available in your area<br />

Apply In person or call for an ap-<br />

pointment today.<br />

Interviewing Dally 9 AM-3 PM<br />

See Maryann Burns<br />

28M9 5 Mi at Beech Daly<br />

Or Joan Sebelhaus<br />

292M Ryan Rd at 12 Mile<br />


Temporary Services<br />

965-7000<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


for Southfield firm; typing neces<br />

sary Phone. 3M-1I19<br />

GENERAL OFFICE, typing, good<br />

with figures, calculator ana adding<br />

machine, experienced Farmington<br />

location 538-7146<br />

504 Hdp Wanted<br />

Omce-Qericd<br />


Mature young woman needed<br />

progressive Southfield Firm ~<br />

math aptitude aad general<br />

skills Typing M WPM excel!<br />

working conditions and fringe I<br />

eflts 9 Mile. Evergreen area Cat<br />


Typing, light shorthand, fit<br />

ing. order processing. Customs<br />

er phone contact, lots of de-<br />

tail work Pleasant 3-girl off<br />

fice in Southfield. with ben><br />

•fits. Call 9-5PM 557-747}<br />


Busy internist needs your expe<br />

rience in assisting in front desk pro-<br />

cedures<br />


Northland Medical Bldg<br />

569-5 2M<br />

PIZZA MAN wanted, must have<br />

perience Apply in person. Dinto's<br />

Sua, 27235 W 7 Mile. RedfOrd<br />

Township; near Inkster Rd<br />

WAITRESSES, niaht shift, apply in<br />

S -rson. Palace Restaurant. 12*81<br />

reenfield. Near Schoolcraft<br />


Good Knapp Salesmen earn big<br />

commissions and never buy she M<br />

NO Investments' FREE Eqiip<br />

ment' FREE Training Prolan'<br />

Interested'' Write Ralph Kell;y,<br />

Knapp Shoes. 950 Knapp Centre.<br />

Brockton. MA 02401<br />

MALE-and female applies its<br />

needed for positions open 139 |W<br />

Maple 644 42M<br />




FriAge benefits Bedford VUla Nirs<br />

ing Home. Southfield 557-3333<br />


Experienced preferred Typing es<br />

sential 12 Mile - Evergreen area<br />

CaU Monday. Tuesday. Thursday,<br />

Friday, between 94 PM 355-9118<br />

RNS or LPNS<br />

Day & Afternoon Shifts<br />

Full Time<br />

Apply in person<br />


Convalescent Ctr<br />

21017 Middlebelt, Farm<br />

Between Grd River & 8 Mile<br />


Frozen Custard • Con<br />

feci Ion Store in NW Suburb<br />

required full-time person<br />

lo assume take charge posi<br />

, lion Recent references<br />

557-0194 Week da yk<br />


Strong on International, with g *>d<br />

management skills required for<br />

growing Company Send resunv to<br />

Box 558. Observer k Eccen ric<br />

Newspapers. 34251 Schoolcraft. Li-<br />

vonia Michigan 48150<br />

FOOD BROKER desires soim >ne<br />

in<br />

iper<br />

>88.<br />

Obaerver k Eccentric Newspapers.<br />

to take competitive pricing<br />

Super Markets 10 to 15 hours<br />

week plus mileage Write Box<br />


Plate * Structural Fabrication<br />

Growing company in air and water<br />

pollution control fabrications<br />

Need experienced FOREMAN who<br />

can read plate and structural steel<br />

drawings and supervise a depart-<br />

ment of M to » shop personnel I<br />

Good growth opportunity for qual-<br />

ified man We have doubled our<br />

in last 3 years<br />



12M0 Beech Daly. Detroit<br />

937-2000<br />

DELIVERY BOYS and Piixa<br />

makers wanted. Immediate open-<br />

Im Apply. Dlno's Pitaa. 28421<br />

FiW mIE Livonia after 4PM<br />


60(R,W,G-3C) OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC Thursday, August 12, 1976<br />

504 Hdp Wonted<br />

Offiet-Oericai<br />

SECRETARY tor I girl life insur<br />

ancy agency Experienced desired.<br />

Southfield area. S»*M0<br />


Sharp g*l. over 25 with good bust<br />

ntu skills lor buying office of<br />

wholesale drug company Back<br />

ground in pharmaceuticals and<br />

health and beauty aid products<br />

helpful Novi area Call Miss Har<br />

rter weekday* between IS AM and<br />

J PM.<br />

349-5000<br />


Basic one-girl office super typist<br />

shorthand, record keeping and re-<br />

ceptionist On 10 Mile near South<br />

Held 557-17*<br />

SECRETARY for Birmingham ia^<br />

yer. shorthand typing and light<br />

bookkeeping 644 J7?7<br />


CLERK<br />

Publishing Co in Southfield needs<br />

•n accurate CLERK TYPIST who<br />

will work with head bookkeeper in<br />

preparing related paper work and<br />

lournal posting Modern pleasant<br />

office Excellent company benefits<br />

37W hour week Starting salary<br />

SIOO per week Call MRS TAUB<br />

557-0100<br />


Intelligent, capable woman wanted<br />

for local insurance agency Basic<br />

bookkeeping • insurance experience<br />

required Excellent working condi-<br />

. tions snd starting salarv Call for<br />

appointment 474 »9<br />

SHARP secretary part time with<br />

full-time expected in near future<br />

Good typing shorthand general of<br />

voung<br />

Laui<br />

353 3040<br />

504 Help Wanted<br />

OfSce-Oetical<br />


FICE needs fast, accurate typist.<br />

Some telephone contact. Office<br />

•kills needed, insurance experience<br />

helpful II Interested send resume<br />

W: Box $74. Observer ft Eccentric<br />

Newspapers. SCSI Schoolcraft. U<br />

voma Michigan 48150<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />


(or Southfield CPA Firm, pleasant<br />

working conditions, experience nec-<br />

essary Salary commensurate with<br />

experience and ability<br />

US 1880<br />

I<br />

For<br />



the Regional Sales Office of<br />

one ol America's largest A most<br />

prestigious Manufacturers Expan<br />

sion ol this olllce has necessitated<br />

the adding ol a second Executive<br />

Secretary Previous experience<br />

should include normal Secretarial<br />

Skills All big Company beneifts<br />

are included Southfield location<br />

Salary to start. 8866 per month<br />

Rapid advancement lo a higher<br />

pay scale possible within I year<br />

To discuss this further Call Mr<br />

R T Barber<br />

559 2620<br />

CETA Position Are you over 55,<br />

have ollice skills and need an<br />

extra income 7 We are Counseling<br />

[Clinic and need you For more in-<br />

'formation please call 852-4550<br />

504 Help Wanted<br />

Office-Clerical<br />

SECRETARY lor Insurance Otflci<br />

must be experienced In Auto. Cast<br />

ally. Fire and Health Part tlmt<br />

Redford location Call Lee Leino<br />

5J5 6910<br />



Stenos Sr Typists 55 wpm. Dtcti<br />

phone typists. Accounting Clsrki<br />

PBX Operators. Legal Secretaries<br />

Insurance Underwriters. Raters<br />

Coders. Poll Typists. Claims an<br />

Workmen's Comp<br />



MI-MI5 961-8751<br />



Day, Afternoon ft Midnight shilU<br />

part ft lull-time. Experienced only<br />

522-77M<br />

506 Help Wonted<br />

Sdes<br />

CAMERA and/or Dark room sal<br />

Full time, knowledge of pnoton i<br />

only Birmingham. Burt. 642<br />

Livonia. Sandy.<br />

ft'<br />

525 41<br />

A CASH CHRISTMAS can be yours<br />

by showing Sarah Coventry Je r-<br />

elery Free kit No collection or < t-<br />

livery 476-8*0<br />

rpag . - ,<br />

fice skills for voung law firm in<br />

Southfield Call l.aura Springer<br />

SECRETARY needed for small<br />

sales olfice located in Laihrup Vil-<br />

lage to handle correspondence and<br />

other sales activities Must be able<br />

to work independently, good typ<br />

ing, and some shorthand required<br />

Excellent starting salary and<br />

fringe benefits Submit resume in<br />

full confidence, outlining expe<br />

rience and salary required, to Box<br />

580 Observer ft Eccentric News<br />

papers 36251 Schoolcraft Uvonia.<br />

Michigan 48150<br />


AUDIT 8. PAYROLL Adding<br />

machine experience pre-<br />

ferred<br />

Aooly Mrs Hubbard, Central<br />

Accounting<br />

Montgomery Ward & Co<br />

12 Mile & Telegraoh<br />

An<br />

Sou'hfield<br />

Equal Opportunity<br />


Bookkeeping department of Nation<br />

al Publishing Company located in<br />

Southlield needs an accurate<br />

I CLERK TYPIST Excellent opportu<br />

roty lo work with head bookkeeper<br />

Modern pleasant ollice Excellent<br />

employee benefits Vi hour week<br />

Starting salary $100 per week Call<br />

MRS TAUB at<br />

557-0100<br />

Employer<br />

EXPERIENCED Girl Friday"<br />

needed (or underground construc-<br />

tion co Accurate typist with short<br />

band ability preferred Apply in<br />

person. 44480 Grand River. (2nd<br />

floor i Novi<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />

Minority Applicants Welcome<br />


Livonia area Experienced secre<br />

tary with general ollice skills in |<br />

eluding shorthand required lor<br />

sales office Bookkeeping knowl-<br />

edge helplul Send resume to PO<br />

Box 536 Observer ft Eccentric<br />

Newspapers J6ISI Schoolcraft. Li-<br />

vonia, Michigan 48150<br />


rat* good phone<br />

small ollice<br />

last and accu<br />

attitude (or a<br />

892-3737<br />


experienced In lugguage. chi ia<br />

helpful Contact Mr. Kaye 10A I<br />

5PM Churchill Jewerly ft Gifts<br />

21921 Greenfield<br />

506 Help Wanted<br />

Sales<br />


Experienced In Children's Weir.<br />

Mature Call Youth Center Store.<br />

Southfield SMI<br />

ARE YOU Makina all the<br />

you want' We offer a pay<br />

every month Call between 4:30<br />

PM 8 30 PM 5SI 59S4<br />

1U<br />

REAL ESTATE Sales Men<br />

Women for our New enlarged<br />

flee TOP^COMMISSION ft Tra<br />

leree Referalls Member ol UNfcA<br />

Mvltl-Llst ft Interstate National |e<br />

lerral Service<br />

Call Mrs Mallon<br />

427 5300<br />

Mallon Rlty<br />


H.E.<br />

17310<br />

SALESLADIES wanted lor Lidht<br />

ing fixture showroom Will tri in<br />

Modern Wholesale Electric. I! >78<br />

Middlebelt. wst North of 5 Mfle<br />

Come in Friday at 12 noon Ask for<br />

Mr Roth<br />


wanted to join sales lorce ol M eh-<br />

igan's fastest growing retail fu ni-<br />

lure chain No experience neies-<br />

sary. just ambition Call betw en<br />

12 noon-6 PM. weekdays 534 *332<br />

NEED 3 ambitious people lor Ms<br />

agement positions, lull-time, s art<br />

immediately 455 9847 or 261^622<br />



Experienced keypunch oper-j<br />

atpr New Cente area Call,<br />

Mr Cody at<br />

875-8300<br />

SECRETARY Southlield 13 Mile<br />

area Advertising PR lirm I girl<br />

office good typing spelling and<br />

grammar a must Light book ,<br />

keeping desirable 6465458<br />


Immediate opening lor individual<br />

to perform keypunch (unction in<br />

the Oak Park Southfield area,<br />

Twv years experience required on<br />

an IBM. 129 Keypunch with 12 00Q<br />

key strokes per hour Excellent hen-<br />

ellts Please call (or appointment<br />

867 3600:<br />

Equal Opportunity Employer M'F,<br />

LEGAL<br />


Full-time oosi'ion. New Cen-<br />

ter area Call Mr Lobsinger<br />

875-8300<br />



For new restaurant in Troy area<br />

Must be good with (igures Short-<br />

hand not necessary Call (or ap<br />

pointment MRS RICE<br />

562-1662<br />

An Equal Opportunity Employer<br />



This is a salaried position Min-<br />

imum 3 years experience or educa-<br />

tion in Receivables or Payables<br />

Other phases would be a plus Must<br />

type Room lor promotion Paid<br />

Life ft Health Insurance We are<br />

headquarters (or an expanding fran-<br />

chise organisation located near<br />

Northland Call Mrs Luke (or an<br />


Full and part-time, ove<br />

Only experienced need apf<br />

Paid vacations, frmgd-ben-<br />

efits See Mr Warren. Sfr<br />

man Prescriptions. Maple<br />

Lahser Rd. Birmingham.<br />


Due lo promotions and rapid ex| an<br />

sion. we must add 4 young mei or<br />

women lo our sales stall Above<br />

erage earnings to Start, with op<br />

portuntty to advance For dei ails<br />

call 967 204 5, Thurs<br />

5<br />

Fri.. Sat<br />


Need reliable person to assist m»<br />

ager, opportunity to earn<br />

week An Equal Opportunity Em-<br />

ployer For Interview, call<br />

Sales Associates<br />

Experienced only Highest comnois<br />

sions in town Call Mike Cheyjine<br />

Century 21<br />

Libby & Associates South<br />

642-8100<br />

2 GO GETTERS<br />

Wanted - Who are Interested In<br />

ture management position Dial I<br />

UM<br />

506 Help Wanted<br />

Sdes<br />

AVON<br />


ABLY No experience neces-<br />

sary Call for information<br />

334 2109 352-2926<br />

422-2252<br />

EARN 9500 to f1.000 between now<br />

and Christmas Work part-time eve-<br />

nings displaying Hostess and deco-<br />

rator gifts 4644159<br />



New orpnixatlon will train, no ex-<br />

perience necessary 6M-M18<br />

MARRIED COUPLES only, inter<br />

ested In earning $150-1200 per week<br />

part-time Call Rich 5»>0I9<br />

BE A<br />


We will trion you in Mich-<br />

igan's finest Real Estate<br />

School and provide you with<br />

all the modern tools and fccil-<br />

ities needed, in the Real Es-<br />

tate profession Highest com<br />

issions paid and a very lucra-<br />

tive incentive plan.<br />

For details, call 522 8300.<br />

ask for John Buggy.<br />

Integrity<br />

Realtors<br />

THE TOY Chest needs help<br />

earnings lor showing a guaranteed<br />

line ol toys and gifts No delivering<br />

or collecting No cash investi<br />

Fantastic hostess plan Toy<br />

507 Help Wanted<br />

Part Time<br />


ice operator 5-9PM shift and con-<br />

tiant. Will train Must write le-<br />

gibly and be able to spell. 336-3100<br />

WILL YOU care for adult Retarded<br />

and Disabled persons in your<br />

home' Stays from a weekend to 30<br />

days $10 per day. CaU<br />

R C Daniels. 4154110<br />

508 Htlp Wanted<br />

Domestic<br />

BABY SITTER tor first grade?.<br />

Near Woodale School. Partington<br />

Hills Before and after school Call<br />

after 6 PM 47S 4JS0<br />

RELIABLE Baby Sitter wanted,<br />

evenings ft some dsys. Twycking-<br />

ham Sub. Southlield Your own<br />

transportation preferred but not<br />

necessary. 352 5837<br />

WOMAN wanted to live In Care<br />

for elderly lady, room and board.<br />

$110 a month 414 4709<br />

MOTHER S HELPER to tare for<br />

household and 10 year Old girl<br />

Mother in wheel chair. 5 of 6 days<br />

weekly Near Somerset Mall Will<br />

consider live-in. Reply wi(h refer-<br />

ences PO Box 668. Obaerver <br />

Ample parking air condi<br />

ng Rentals (or all occasion?<br />

036 or 46445011<br />

rew vat'On<br />

GR 4 9636<br />

618 Child Care<br />



certified Small class<br />

dual<br />

pro<br />

the morning Full<br />

available Limited<br />

S'd'e<br />

su * perm is much md<br />

aiilention Educaiionol<br />

go am in<br />

day care<br />

en ollmeni<br />

476 8110<br />

62j4 Professional<br />

Services<br />

BFTTER MILEAGE and improved<br />

pe (ormance tor your car through<br />

emission "Adjustment We come<br />

to you guaranteed 8514810<br />

6?6 Bingo<br />

REY-UT<br />

5050 San Souci HaU<br />

9 Mile W o( Middlebelt<br />

very Thursday. 7 PM Sharp<br />

Every" MONDAY 7 30 PM<br />

Congregation BNai Moshe<br />

14390 W 10 Mile Rd<br />

Corn Church. Oak Part<br />

628 Entertainment<br />


portaHIc organ wilh rhythm box<br />

liable For background danc<br />

sing-a-long etc 3534566<br />


Mi d Reading! Hypnotism! Ctos<br />

UpMagic' By Bill Nagler OR Brth-<br />

da Magic & Balloons 1 By Bilv the<br />

CHwn 356 51II 146247*<br />


Children's entertainment Puppets,<br />

mfgic music all occasions CaU<br />

642 7450 or 647-4676<br />




k CARLTON The CROW<br />

Skars o( The Bimbos Show k<br />

The "Funtastic World o( Magr<br />

CALL<br />

398-5357<br />

land<br />

days<br />

vers Th><br />

ne d for your wedding<br />

52J<br />

700 Auction Sales<br />

episncy<br />

21 hour<br />

Tele<br />

FOUND TV, Southfield Arei •Cal<br />

81 M8&5<br />

LOST July. JO. Make Siamea Cat,<br />

Light Beige. Dark Brown Ma*.<br />

POCO Livea at *4II Anghnk Rd<br />

MUe Lady who<br />

near I MUe Lady<br />

please return caO.<br />

aled.<br />

4164212<br />

FOUND. CALICO cat.<br />

tag. Orchard Lake ai<br />

Lake Rd. area.<br />

Mindy an<br />

d Walnut<br />

8 14164<br />

LOST: la New England<br />

Plymouth. Yetto<br />

kkten<br />

Englar<br />

and w><br />

FOUND: Airedale Terrier<br />

and brown, haa celar. Warren. L»-<br />

ley area,<br />

LOST: Sofa cusion tost whil4 mar<br />

tag. emerald men. Igbt<br />

cording. Bates ft Brown area<br />

green area.<br />

LOST: Vtetaly of Tetograia end<br />

lost<br />

as.<br />

Terrier.<br />

Howard. Days |<br />

Sub |<br />

male<br />

FIILL VARIETY of Excellent<br />

M sic k Entertainment Expe<br />

iqneed m providing the finest ki<br />

sic for all social occasions<br />

ry ' 7314*1<br />

Country Auction<br />

r ord IN Trsctor-Fsrm Took<br />

Antiques Household<br />

Ig71 Chevy Pickup. Camper Top<br />

will have a public auction ai<br />

1*65 Collins Road. Dundee. Mrb<br />

Located West of US-!) just North<br />

M40 off Petersburg Road<br />

SjATURDAY. AUG. 14 - II AM<br />

NOTE' Tha Is A Big Sals!<br />


jctloneers; Ltoyd R Braun. Am<br />

rbor, 6654646 Jerry L Hebner.<br />

Ply mouth. 453-4109<br />



experienced musicians you<br />

4524<br />

Dsve<br />

937-2642<br />

To Settle the Estate of<br />

e loie Mr Al VanConho<br />

ESTATE<br />


SAT. AUGUST 21<br />

II AM. Located Al<br />

1*6 KELLOGG RD<br />


Kellogg Rd li off of Old Grand<br />

I tver and N. of 14* s-way<br />

IN ACRES of choice (arm lead.<br />

Ilany antiques. oM automebdee<br />

tractors aad (ana macbtaary. a<br />

ef fa i<br />

3 7<br />

I wil ba<br />

tfab paper cenceratag tbb<br />

Watch For R!<br />

Aactteaeers-Oeorge Y<<br />

3ao. Dombrow 4<br />

For Information, Cal<br />



Utk» Form Bureau "<br />

6981 Auburn<br />

tfti RaMrood Trocks)<br />

Sot. Aug 14<br />

Start* Promptly •<br />

JO AM Till ??<br />

Certified Auctioneer<br />

Paul Hillman<br />

Ample parking, shelter and<br />

refreshments available<br />

New items in cose lots, town<br />

sprinklers, garden tools,<br />

sprayers, misc brands of fertilizer,<br />

garden tools, bird fod-<br />

ders and MUCH MORE!<br />

^veryone Welcome<br />

702 Antiques<br />

ANTIQUES ft yard Mte. Mtlf<br />

a t ' E L t t - E f <br />

PM ON Wetawt Lafee Rd M«<br />

ft Mittlebelt<br />




Oak Drive-In<br />

Flea Market<br />

EVERY SAT ,9-4<br />

2916 NORMANDY. 3 bl. E of<br />

WOODWARD between 13 ft<br />

14 MILE ROYAL OAK.<br />

Refreshments-<br />

Old Fashioned Prices<br />

Free Admission ft Parking<br />



$5 P« SPACE P« DAY<br />

Call 1-731-1773 or 435-4558<br />

Fresh Produce-Accent Pieces<br />



ARTS ft CRAFTS<br />

Spec, of the Week<br />

Ansidant Piont Doctor<br />

% , ° s s<br />

M1411I<br />

AMISH^BLANKET cheat, 41_M<br />

taMe wHh leaves, Hoe<br />

Matt, china cabinet,<br />

wtth I leaves. mir<br />

&tafltaMe w<br />

STpridav • MelPM. MlPir J imujjk».<br />

W. feloomftoMWa WMt Of<br />

•Mr aad asrth ef WMaaO Rd<br />

One Mock south M Quartan Qui<br />

SALE<br />

W J S T y J S T T ^ :<br />

Items with yeltow tag. nurfad way<br />

down Opto Afternoons ewnpt Surv<br />

708 Household Goods<br />

Oddond County<br />

FIFTY" rto of rxxl wool ctrprt<br />

Mc l w m Mte. Www*, mvn<br />


IM MW Ttomasvilte Country<br />

sss.<br />

i Z m ' S m *<br />

WJtsTriafriiio couch. gold pfW<br />

upholstery. excellent coodltloo.<br />

p . I k m velvet ladles chair*<br />

IM each. Maple chad, Ml- I *r*<br />

pine matching tables. US each<br />

HMk ftayl racUnar. M Quarton<br />

706 Household Goods<br />

Oakland Cowify<br />

S 5 S ? M S£5*SSS5<br />

SB* twins<br />

matching tuh chair. flw-JJjJ<br />

Lake Area<br />

House Sale<br />


OTM W. Lincoln sat ft Saw<br />

Aug 14 ft It. II Ull I pm<br />

Traditional funilture. Chlnaaa Chip-<br />

Pie Crua table Maboga<br />

ay tea cart Picks Reed bamboo<br />

runt It ura Klrman Oriental rag<br />

Ptae la MM, Vlctortao met* I una.<br />

Eanpire ftreeeer mirror. Stafford<br />

chtna. Starling aad plated diver<br />

pieces CM crystal stemwsre Wai-<br />

st bookcases. many colledables<br />

Whirlpool w at bar. stove * refrlg<br />

erator Plus much mora bouaehold<br />

miac Mao « aaacutlva wdnut<br />

dssks. calculator, adding machine,<br />

typewriter. plus additional office<br />


Liquidator*<br />

m-tm<br />

BEAUTIFUL oriental teakwood<br />

serosa wtth lade, mother rf PaorlJ<br />

aM aaap ««* figurine* Rose<br />

nman Flower Shop MS-lll<<br />

STEAMER TRUNK. lit TatAe,<br />

chair*, m Girl * bikes. B and $1$.<br />

Electric stove. US M1-7XM<br />

HENREDON Sofa.-M In . ueed J<br />

to. beige with navy Valid<br />

for MM Include* crate After<br />

ft?<br />

FORMICA TABLE (Walnut top<br />

Kal lacs) with I leal<br />

and 4 chalra Excellent<br />

wtth brown maul<br />

i) with<br />

em<br />

04-11<br />

WROUOHT IRON teEeTSaM too.<br />

4 chair* Uka aaw, MM firm WIU-<br />

ttuiMild maple Cannon Ball bad<br />

(Ml); larf. & d ea cheat.7 draw-<br />

chair m Drum table SIS. Sofa by<br />

Ale*. cuatom M In. Mft groen mat-<br />

leee. Uka aaw. •MT Queen Anne<br />

edited chair. Ml. OlrTs Engttah<br />

S T m lady * golf duh* W<br />

Lamp*, etc t M M<br />

706 Household Goods<br />

Oakland County<br />

DWIN0 ROOM hat. wHh eMaaMb-<br />

4 «?w\<br />

WALNUT drop leaf labia. Uta ta».<br />

Ml Royal blue velvet king doe<br />

»» Lamp. M lach £na£<br />

Md other mlacellanaoue 477.10M<br />

SOFA. M la. long, royal bine, like<br />

aaw, IM. Two matcMng chair,<br />

wtth ottoman, royal blue, white<br />

HOUSE SALE. Made (Maine aat.<br />

hand-braided rug. be.uUhil pool<br />

table, metal office<br />

color TV. etc 1X3 So fcoakrook<br />

Ooe*; corner Maple ft SeTu-aa-<br />

brook Croaa Fri. ft Sat.. I AM I<br />

PM -<br />


table. I chalra. china cablad. $17T<br />

$6 1 3224<br />

5J-E5:<br />

aaav chair and ottoman, lit. Alter<br />

I Plf M14MX<br />

BEAUTIFUL. Sturdy, Sola Tradi<br />

Uonal. excellent condition, R****d<br />

Price Won't Laat Keep TrfJJ.<br />

LOVE SEAT. » In B/W conaote<br />

TV. working condition; Polaroid<br />

square ahooter. like new. automat-<br />

ic>adar. electric dry**, good<br />

working condition, any or aU M2 /WD<br />

TWO aat af cudom m*de draces,<br />

•wag* and sheers t years oM. Per-<br />

(net Wlntergreen<br />

47444M<br />


I<br />

Carved living room furniture from<br />

the IMI'a. maple dining room aet<br />

wtth ladder back chair*, kitchen<br />

aat. lovely Louii XV mahogany<br />

double bedroom, den with aleep<br />

bad. aew white refrigerator, wash<br />

er. dryer, many TOOLS Much<br />

hric-a-brac.<br />

18429 Harlow<br />


a blocks E. af Southfield Rd.. 3<br />

S of 7 Mile.)<br />


AUGUST 13 8. 14<br />

HOURS 10 AM - 5 PM<br />


GINI<br />

j 647-1674<br />


FARMS<br />

Growers of Nursery Sod<br />

Top Soil<br />

Landscaping<br />

Evergreens<br />

Seeding, Sodding<br />

Fertilizer<br />

Sand, Peat<br />

Fill Dirt<br />

Stone<br />

DANISH Modem<br />

snd corner table. ITS or bestoffar.<br />

Q|l<br />

MOVING SALE - Art opjects, fine<br />

china (service for ID, * Eiffel<br />

S «. elegant mshogany dssk ft<br />

r Mirrors, silk love seat, cock-<br />

tail table, tea room slse foodI friod-<br />

*r. Patio chairs. Dfccs_soUd state<br />

stereo record player. Fsrtarw«re<br />

broiler. Charmglo portable gss<br />

grill, typewriter* tsble Plsnte. X<br />

matching tall bookcaie*. picture<br />

frames Electric room heater, gs-<br />

rage vacuum, new twin bedspreads<br />

wtth mstchlng pillow shams. mtoc<br />

item* w 7 *<br />

TWIN BEDS, complete, bedspresd<br />

Washer. Dryer, Plnetlque drop<br />

front deak. braided rugs, dl point-<br />

ings 055-2971<br />

706 Housohold Goods<br />

Oddond County<br />

CUSTOM MADE China Ml<br />

MISC. FURNITURE. I barrol<br />

vanity or deak with chair. MS. aov-<br />

atty.<br />

DINING ROOM SET, table M<br />

Inches, with II Inch laaf. I chairs,<br />

buffet, pads. |1M. mahogany.<br />

47447M<br />

LIKE NEW. butcher Mack dinette<br />

aat. room bar, sofa labia, daas ft<br />

chrome. Call •M-WI<br />

MOVING. Bedroom, dining room,<br />

breakfront. living room area rugs,<br />

lamps, pictures. Misc. furniture<br />

MAPLE bedroom set. kitchen sat<br />

family room furniture, baby grand<br />

piano, children'a organ, mla-<br />

cellaneous household M441M<br />

MARBLE top dining table bkek<br />

Iron baae. matching tea troUey.<br />

1750 Pewter framed mirror. I ft I<br />

In * I ft MM Blackamoor porce-<br />

lain lamp. M In high MM X braaa<br />

Doric column lampa M In high<br />

IS50 each. J upholatered hand<br />

carved chairs. MM each. MI-M47<br />

COMMERCIALS, residential<br />

16185 NEWBURGH RD.<br />

464-2080 7AW-7PM 464-2081<br />




569-0219<br />


(11 with 42 In cutting aecUon.<br />

snow plow, wheel weight* snd<br />

chain, other lawn equipment, and<br />

fertilisers, garden tool* including<br />

hoee and carts, cue cart. AN-<br />

TIQUE hall tree. J ANTIQUE Iron<br />

lamps, other lamps. 1X)BSTER pot.<br />

ANTIQUE gum ball and half mile<br />

game, most unususl ANTIQUE<br />

carved wall shelf. ANTIQUE brlc<br />

a-brae, boy's bedroom sd. CUS-<br />

TOM French Provincial sectional,<br />

•tereo and *tand. breakfast set<br />

Magnus chord organ, china. AME-<br />

THYST crystal, cup* snd saucers,<br />

mug collection, kltchenwsre. silver<br />

pieces. Iswn furniture including<br />

wrought iron set snd umbrells. set<br />

of ststnless. books. Isdles' snd<br />

men'* bike*, many mirror*, bar<br />

chair* much ladle*' size I clothing,<br />

from exclusive drea* shop, custom<br />

jewelry, men's clothing • 44 regu-<br />

lar, boy's cldhes - age* 15 • XS<br />

Some art. coatume Jewelry, much<br />


TRISHA<br />

(formerly of<br />

Trisho Conducts)<br />

IS BACK<br />

t<br />

TRISHA & DEE<br />

Estote and<br />

Household Sales<br />

To be on our<br />

Mailing List, call:<br />

643-7004<br />

DRAPERIES, beautiful, prartlcally<br />

new. lined, off white, antique satin,<br />

cover area 14 ft wide, floor to cdl<br />

ing 50 pleats Msde by decorator<br />

Reasonsble M4-0061<br />

706 Housohold Goods<br />

Oddand County<br />


Uqia. 4^jrtaea». MM. 1 brsas, J<br />

MM1M<br />

OLD FASHIONED vanity, single<br />

rattan headboard, oak room divi-<br />

der. oM dad. Rochester area<br />

rtam<br />

MUST SELL twin bed blond mahog<br />

any tafroom sat. studio couch,<br />

leather top end tables, conaole<br />

table, marble planter Inserts. Psn-<br />

asonic portable TV. mirrors,<br />

lampa. bookcases, miac<br />

FURNITURE. Cable Nelson spinet<br />

piaao. household Items, beds, odd*<br />

aid ends. 1HX3 FUmora. South-<br />

field. first house wad of Southfield<br />

Road<br />


free (landing fireplace Uka new<br />

Widdicomb Ung • slie bed and<br />

frame*, X night stsnds (Breton fin-<br />

ish). Moving, mud sell<br />

CUSTOM Made M Inch loose cush<br />

Ion sofa. Frultwood dining room<br />

sd. oval table, with leaf and cus-<br />

tom pad, I chairs, buffet, china cab-<br />

inet. Stereo with multiplex<br />

Wrought Iron, glass, table and 4<br />

chairs Velvd upholstered chaise<br />

Zlg-Zag sewing machine. Matching<br />

fruitwood coffee table and X end<br />

tables Red rinyl recliner chair,<br />

misc items Bdween I AM-S PM.<br />

Mon thru Thufs.. 5M7M1<br />

CONTEMPORARY bedroom, kinga-<br />

ise, 7 pieces, wslnut. free bed-<br />

spread. white baby crib, dresser,<br />

cradle, dressing table, S5I-SXJ5<br />

ROSEWOOD CHAIR, mahogany<br />

deak vanity, dental steel cablnd.<br />

Art Deco table and chair 711-5545<br />

706 Housohold Goods<br />

Oddand County<br />

MODERN WALNUT dinta« room<br />

sM. beautiful area rug. other house-<br />

hold furnishings AIT good condi<br />

BREAKFRONT, with desk, solid<br />

m*hogan. Portable dishwasher.<br />

Solid maple bedroom *et. • ptecae<br />

' XM-71M<br />

CARPETING, Burnt Orange. Tea<br />

cart, Glass coffee table Yellow ac-<br />

cent table Good condition 3M-57X3<br />

MEDITERRANEAN Dining set.<br />

Uka naw. Living room sofa, vary<br />

food condition MM for both or<br />

bed offer 4X7 X445<br />

ELECTRIC STOVE, like new. |78<br />

Gaa stove. M* Old Rockina chair,<br />

txo. Swivel chair, |7. Sleeper<br />

couch. |15. Old barber's chair, tM.<br />

474-XMI<br />


SALES<br />

ESTATE<br />



Competently Handled By<br />

l.G.S.<br />


569-0219<br />

709 Housohold Goods<br />

Wayno County -<br />

BEDROOM tat C0«ptau, qaaa<br />

dttion Moving MM firm Baforel<br />

I'M 455-0309<br />

SINGER GOLDEN Touch 0 Saw.<br />

MM. Singer Future II. lass thanl<br />

r r old am At 1.8 M.E . S1MI<br />

5 MUe Rd M1411I<br />

SINGER Slant-o-matlc sewing ma-<br />

chine In a walnut cabinet Good<br />

condition tlM. After I 4XI-MM<br />

COLONIAL sofa and X chairs, dive<br />

green, good condition. 4M-1M4<br />

FURNITURE ft Porch sale Satur-<br />

day ft Sunday Lawson sofa, blue-<br />

red onion pattern; X blue skirted<br />

chairs; old Victorian Pidgeon hole<br />

desk; wicker rocker and love seat.<br />

Much mtec XMM Acacia, South<br />

fldd; off 10 Mile, between Lahaer<br />

and telegraph JSJ-MlS<br />

POWER drive Jacobean Manor. XI<br />

Inch. XM, HP. M1-1M1<br />

SAT .AUG 14. 10 AM-S PM<br />



S off IS. 1 blk W of Telegraph S<br />

on Helmandale Bear right snd<br />

right on LaBrea Court<br />


Inches. X Mahogany end tables, 2<br />

lampe. Excellent condition. 3S7-M00<br />

MATCHING COUCH - chair, used 1<br />

year. |300 X lampa. glass tsbies. 4<br />

new ledher like game table chairs.<br />

MM new, sacrifice. M00 Ml-1770<br />

WE ARE SELLING furniture and<br />

recreation If you are Interested.<br />

rse come to 31106 Schoolcrtn.<br />

of Merriman<br />

709 Housohold Goods<br />

Wayne County<br />

SINGER<br />

Zig Zag sewing machine, cabinet<br />

model automatic "Dial Model'<br />

Makes blind hems, design*, button<br />

holes, etc. Pay off $53 cash or<br />

monthly payments. Guaranteed<br />



FE 4-0905<br />

BROWN Davenport, festher type<br />

cushion*, very comfortable, good<br />

condition Originally 1500 Self for<br />

1175 Mt-MM<br />

SHAG RUGS, royal blue 15X10,<br />

180 green 9X11124 M2-4337<br />

CLEAN * roliaway bed, $25<br />

f>4*> !K) 1 S<br />

CUSTOM buirt tofs. Itme gmn. J<br />

cushion with tufted side and back<br />

pillows. Square walnut end table.<br />

Chrome and wood bookcase. Round<br />

ceramic hanging lamp. All eicel-<br />

lent condition, very ressonsbly<br />

priced Before II AM M5-I3I2<br />

IVORY WEDDING aown snd man-<br />

Ulls veil, sla IX. lis . Mt-X7M<br />

SALE<br />

16th Anniversary<br />

FINAL<br />

Summer Clearance<br />


25 to 75% OFF<br />



319 E. BROWN<br />

X blks S of Woodward ft Maple (15<br />

Mile Rd ). 3rd bldg on Brown St<br />

wed off Woodward<br />

OPEN: Mon. thru Sat 10-5<br />


ONE pair kitchen drapes, cuatom<br />

made, with canopy top, light yel<br />

low with orange and yellow ball<br />

trim. M 3 hanging fixtures. X for<br />

(fining room anal boy's tennis ball<br />

fldure with all accessories, brand<br />

new Carpeting for stairs and X<br />

landings, gola sculptured, best<br />

offer 542 1142<br />

AQUA ft WHITE French Provincial<br />

5 piece bedroom set. 2 Lenox China<br />

lamps Wall mirror. Collapsible<br />

dog run 10 gallon aquarium outfit.<br />

2 drawer file cabinet After ( PM<br />

557 X523<br />

FURNITURE Beautiful black<br />

vinyl ft chrome set- Includes bar<br />

stools, tabiee. sofa, ft chairs Idesl<br />

for dub. office, recreation or adlvl-<br />

ties room Excellent condition<br />

I3S-7MS<br />

COUCH matching love sest, cus-<br />

tom made, sky-blue, coat |M0. sell<br />

$3M or best offer 4M-X4I4<br />

BLOND DINING room table. 4<br />

chairs. $XS or best offer. 53X-XM4<br />

GIGAN1IC SALE • 50 yesrs accu-<br />

mulatlon. something for everyone,<br />

5X0 N. Holbrook. Plymouth; 1<br />

block north off Plymouth Road, 1<br />

block ead Mill Stred. Thurs.. Fri .<br />

Sat<br />

709 HousMd Goods<br />

Wayno County |<br />

BEDROOM SIT: I drawer mrnmr<br />

with mirror; t .draw«ff dMM;<br />

double headboard aad fodbeard<br />

MA Dark^fne hutch, excelled<br />

709 Housohold Goods<br />

Wayno County<br />


reuad kitchen table, ismaa, end<br />

couch aad chair, coo-<br />

•la Mara*. palnUnp. aad<br />

bad. 1MM drayfWDdrott<br />

BOLSTERED Sofa Bad. oMtpa 1<br />

Ml. Bha Sofa Ml. % cdl aprteg<br />

roll-away IM. High Chair 111. car<br />

bod til. droller Ml 4XMTI7<br />

BEDROOM SET. Dreeaer, Qad.<br />

Double Bed complete $7$ Alum I<br />

dam Storm Door M In. IT. Bumper<br />

Pool table IM Glria M" Bito M<br />

couch n<br />

TWIN »SEDS, complete. I frswer<br />

cheat. 7 drawer 6nk. chair wtth Ot-<br />

taeaaa. walnnt formica kitchaa<br />

taMe. safety gaU. high chair, crib.<br />

Ed,orfM.cdiafUrl«:m_747|<br />

BRAND NEW. Mud MU: Mag<br />

room sd. bedroom sat and dinette<br />

ad. Asking MM (or all. but will sell<br />

separately. After I PM XM-I7II or<br />

after 11 AM<br />

MAGNA VOX STEREO. $75 Coo<br />

temporary chair, tM. Swivel rock<br />

orTSM Bookcaae aingle bed. MB<br />

All in excelled condition 4M1M1<br />

MOVING SALE. Steel taMe. much<br />

furnltura. good coadlttoo. best<br />

offer Sewing machine.<br />

MUST SELL Love seat |140 Di-<br />

nette ad $100 Coffee tsble $15.<br />

Dreaser chert. $45 Swivel rocking<br />

chair. $X5 Refrigerator. $3X5<br />

Desk. MS 47$-MM<br />

MOVING 3 davenports. X bedroom<br />

sets. 1 kitchen set, I occasional<br />

chairs, portable bar with stods.<br />

cocktail tsble snd Pembrooke<br />

table, other miscellaneous items<br />

and appliances 4M42M<br />

CRIB' verv sturdy, complde. air<br />

conditioner $000 BTU. Hawaiian gui-<br />


Liv Room Set. 2 pc new ... $M.$1M<br />

Bedroom Sets MMM<br />

Bedroom Sets, new $n,$ies<br />

Sofs Beds, new $71<br />

Bunk Beds, new $41,M$<br />

Hollywood Bed, comp M7<br />

Tables-End Tables M.M.t?<br />

Gas ft Elec Stoves $XI.$M<br />

Refrigerators $»<br />

Lamps, new M. M<br />

Chests ft Dressers $17.$XJ.IXI<br />

Mattresses....: Ml.MS.Ml<br />

Beds $11.11$<br />

Dinette Sets.new $31<br />

We Deliver<br />

New and Used Furniture<br />


21741 Fenkell (ot Lahjer)<br />

Welfare Orders Accepted<br />

Store Hrs I 30-5 30 PM<br />


ANTIQUE Crystal, tlassware. sil-<br />

ver. Mahogany. Walnut furaithre.<br />

bedroom furniture. 'Lots of<br />

Goodies!'. Daily-Sunday 10 to I<br />

PM. Westland Colonial Vlllaae<br />

Apartments, till Wayne Road,<br />

Bldg. M. Apt 1120, Westland<br />

CHEST d DRAWERS, til Large<br />

drop-leaf .table, seats IX. ITS<br />

Child's harvest table, benches. $M<br />

4X1-M44<br />







117$ Starkwedher Plymouth<br />

453-7450<br />

ROLL TOP deak. perfect condition<br />

one year old. Make dfer Student<br />

desk, bloode. good con * lt>1 ^<br />

BRAIDED RUG. I x IX Like new.<br />

$40 Call after 4 PM 4M<<br />

DUNCAN PHYFE dinlna sd. I<br />

pieces, plus pads After 3 PM^ ^<br />

LOVESEAT. walnut, cane back ft<br />

bottom, removable cushion. Walnut<br />

dining room set. 51 x 41 table. •<br />

cane back chairs. GA X-44M<br />

HAMMOND ORGAN, M00, china<br />

hutch. X crushed velvet chairs<br />

341-7755<br />

MOVING-household furnishings,<br />

•pinet piano, like new, stereo and<br />

radio, sewing mschine, 2M75 ROM<br />

Redford Twp<br />

MAPLE Bookcase bunk beds com-<br />

plete $50 Mshogsny flip-top card<br />

table with drawer $50 274-3042<br />

tar and case.<br />

453-MM<br />

KENMORE electric range, Hd-<br />

point refrigerator, antique l^»lece<br />

dining room sd<br />

ESTATE Milan vendian lace table<br />

ad. complde. Also Richilieu lace<br />

Sd Etc MX-1747<br />


Llnville. off Ann Arbor Trail be<br />

tween Newburg and Wayne Aug<br />

13. 14 I till 5 pm Couch, chairs,<br />

end tsble. Ismp*. 4 piece bedroom<br />

sd Fsmily room set. monkey pod<br />

table, mdd wardrobe, humidifier,<br />

water softener, odds and ends<br />

GARAGE SALE - Electric stove in<br />

birch plywood cabinet. Grandfather<br />

dock. Pembroke table. 2 antique<br />

small rockers, some Victorian sli-<br />

ver and crystal. Farm Bells 23300<br />

Haggerty Road, at I 1 * Mile.<br />

TWO occasional chairs, very good<br />

condition 111 each. KEM1M<br />

CHINA CABINET Modem, dark<br />

flniah. MA 4M-1MX<br />

ROUND Bras* M Inch dining table<br />

with inch smoke glass top, 4 Us<br />

lured Herculon chairs, off white by<br />

Sella. Originally $1XM Usad<br />

months Matching off whila love<br />

aeat. originally ISM. perfect condi<br />

tlon Must sell, bed oner IM-01X7<br />

Ml-MM<br />


Permit tMll<br />


Mattraaa or bos sprtap Ml W<br />

adte sd. Ml Tables from Ml<br />

Salt ft chair from $140 Bedroom<br />

sets from |1M.<br />


XMM W I MUe near Beech Ddy<br />

M3-71M<br />

COMPLETE houaehold lurniahiiigs<br />

"""<br />


sda. swivel rocker. Spanteh di-<br />

nette. wsaher ft dryer, X speed<br />

bike, window fan. sld rack, small<br />

apdiancea, Ice skate* mac 3MM<br />

B3wTWed of Wayne, between<br />

Ana Arbor Trail • Joy. IM-IXM<br />

ANTIQUE DRESSER. W ftjd.<br />

M$ Studio couch. $11 Trunk. M<br />

Small gas stove. $25<br />

SEL1G Olive groan davenport. Mr<br />

ft Mrs Chair ft ottoman All vary<br />

good condition. $1M complete<br />

Ward* Si»utur« M«IM machine<br />

a walnut cablnd. $7$ uas dove^l<br />

years old. Harvest gold 4M14M<br />

BOX SPR1NO mattress seU. * off.<br />

Serta posture Twin. till, full |1M.<br />

queen, MM. king M»<br />

sellout<br />

CLOCKS, grandfather M Inch tail,<br />

triple chimes, moon face. 3 sides<br />

glMa. cod MM. sell MM D«l<br />

sellout. "I-7M1<br />


Small Csrpet Desler - Cfcaaout<br />

Sale Gaod.carpet Id*""**?<br />

utensil set wtth purchase 5M-M77,<br />

J/1 Ml<br />

THREE piece bedroom set. SM.<br />

one coucn. green and flowered<br />

DINING ROOM SET Table,<br />

leaves, buffd. chins csbinet Light<br />

walnut wood Excellent condition<br />

MOO 427-SM7<br />

APPLIANCES snd furniture, excel-<br />

lent condition, must sell immedi-<br />

ately Call after $ PM 477 4«M<br />

DINING ROOM SET In top condi-<br />

tion Small site Contemporsry styl-<br />

ing Drop leaf table, china cablnd.<br />

4 chair After 5 PM 425-4IM<br />

GLASS and chrome lamps; kitchen<br />

set. 4 chairs 451-1233<br />

MOVING bedroom sd. MM Dinlna<br />

room table. 4 chdrs. $1M Hdpdd<br />

pink stove. $M Vacuum. MS<br />

Lounge chair. $15. TV iterao con<br />

sole. $1M. Humidifier. $M Winter<br />

cldhlng KB 4-M41<br />

DINETTE BOOTH. Carpettna 14<br />

sq yds ; World Books Child (raft,<br />

15 Volumes; Antique Dresser;<br />

Stereo 4XX-M15<br />

print cushion, M laches lon|. XM4<br />

FULL SIZE Hollywood bed. maple<br />

headboard, good condition, com-<br />

plde. $35<br />

FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, gas<br />

stove, wtaher. dryer, dinette sd.<br />

kitchen table and chairs, misc^ ^<br />

SILVER plating repairs, sllw.<br />

^ VE $-«7Xl<br />

BABY ITEMS Crib complete,<br />

porta-crib, droller, back pack, car<br />

seat. toys, ddhes. 45HXM<br />

CARPETING. M yards of black ft<br />

white nylon tweed, like naw. $M<br />

474-71m<br />

GORHAM Sterling. Fairfax pat<br />

tern, over IM plecea. 1X4 piece<br />

place setting, plus edras. Initial E.<br />

laooo to replace A»Ung $10M<br />

KK. 3-0042<br />

DINETTE SET. wallet, dropleaf<br />

table. 4 chairs, corner cabinet. $75.<br />

Ke 24031<br />

SWIVEL ROCKER Modern gld<br />

.fabric, high back. $M 45MM5<br />

WOODARD WROUGHT Iron bar<br />


ueed 3 months only, excellent condi-<br />

tion. tM. eUctric and power town<br />

mowers. Ml each, excellent condi-<br />

tion<br />

3M2M4<br />

BUNK BEDS, Ml; sofs and chair.<br />

MM; bedroom suite. |1M convert<br />

ible sleeper. $M. dinette sd. MS;<br />

air condtttoner. 2MM BTU After IX<br />

noon. 342 isso<br />

COLOR TV X5 inch walnut console,<br />

dl channel* pre-set tuning Excel-<br />

lent condition, guaranteed ll»<br />

71»-M04<br />

©barrup ,.,,,,Horne & Service Guide<br />

Hauling<br />


Furniture ft appliance moving, ap-<br />

pliance delivery Commercial serv<br />

feaTclean up removal M7-1IM<br />

4X7-4111<br />


Garage-basemt-yard. M7-ll$<br />


Tree removal, free pickup on some<br />

usable items<br />

Call anytime 334-0*57<br />

End Loader Service Fire cleanup<br />


Rubbish Removal »<br />

Ml-122$ M2M«<br />

Landscaping<br />

II. iJi.ll.<br />

Hearing<br />


Service-Repair-Cleaning<br />

Master Charge 0?<br />

Interior Decorating<br />



Now Looding at Corner<br />

of 8 Mile & Haggerty<br />

Also Deliveries Made<br />

464-2080 464-2081<br />


in Yews. Pyrsmldals. Capttatoa.<br />

Hicksi. Globes ft Spreaders From<br />

M M to Ml M Old planting remov<br />

ed. replaced with new XMM Seven<br />

Ml Rd. S blocks E. of Inkster<br />

KE 4-M17<br />

PROFESSIONAL Interior Consult<br />

ant; room, entire home, floor<br />

s^srtsufss jsss.<br />



ore now cutting a<br />


SOD<br />

on Newburgh Rd. betw 54^><br />

Mile- Also deliveries mode<br />

464-2080 464-2081<br />

Landscaping<br />

NEW ft RENEW • sod ft seeding<br />

Sod delivered or layed on your<br />

grade. Top soil, peat 4 fill. Dirt re-<br />

moved Truck ft Trailer for Hire<br />

Disc ft grading 474-M14<br />


5 YARDS FILL DIRT |15<br />

5 YARDS Xnd TOP SOIL $20<br />

Bulldoxing ft Finished Grading<br />

470-004$<br />



After 4 PM niooos<br />

Janitorial<br />


Cpds. window, floors Hjndr<br />

Landscaping<br />



Trimming, mulching, spraying,<br />

weeding, dividing WltJc.ro ^<br />


KITS<br />

Landscape Design<br />

& Installation<br />


• 4*4x0<br />

4xlsl<br />

0x0x0<br />

MM<br />

J3.M<br />

M-75<br />

MM<br />

Wood Oar |t>Chips M yd<br />

Ohio Blue Wall stone f«7 ton<br />

Napoleon Wall stone M0 ton<br />

Patio Blacks I '

710 Mbc. For Sate<br />

Octoand County<br />

f i g f<br />

LE-Aag, imk, 9 AM - 8<br />

awuth Rd.. Apartment<br />

Plyn Md k. Mayflower Co^p<br />

H g S r S S<br />

hot triad m MUM<br />

JSC OF Furniture, gnrdea<br />

Jacobean trlmmer-edger,<br />

antlqaaa. microscope,<br />

rrs, ouUlde Iroa furol<br />

Brittany Drive. II Kite -<br />

Rd<br />

K .<br />

«MMgg. ant<br />

typa Ore wars,<br />

lore >4455 Bril<br />

LUGGAGE I ptoec M B E fife-<br />

poedU TouriaUr vary nod condi<br />

ItaMNdi Ask for Nfck.<br />

GARAGE SALE Bric-a-brac. low.<br />

boy's aad latkee ctdMag. eMt-<br />

mai trim, school supplies and mls-<br />

ueHaanua. 372* W.TemkortoB. o—<br />

- > U . . L —<br />

north oI<br />

block weat ef<br />

Bloomfield HUU.<br />

•graph<br />

P1VE FAMILY carage aale<br />

Friday ta Wadaaada; clothing<br />

710 Misc. For Solo<br />

Oddond County<br />

COLLECTABLE* aM afdi newemr<br />

parta. motor*, chalna, S.hp<br />

hi to tj<br />

, typewrttare, Twwwlaji<br />

(Ma. iwtag aat. chain IUk<br />

Md aao« lendng. Nov portabfe<br />

toaaal Now gaa Tight flituro. Ro-<br />

cord playera. *lolh««^MU-<br />

cailaaooua 24845 Olen Orehard.<br />

d l* Mile ead d Farmington<br />

luiuat 14. IS. ttom - Ipm<br />

Rd<br />

OARAGE BALE. Ad*ma cadie.<br />

Aag II 4 lOUt; IS AM - S PM. Mia<br />

Liilinnin bouaehold lUms Palnt-<br />

lag*, prlata. glassware. lawn<br />

mawora. tools, palnu. garden hooa<br />

and taola. lumbar. Bloomfield<br />

Towaahip, MO Adama Caatle Dr.. M.<br />

mila north at Big Baa«*r. wart of<br />

Rd<br />

710 Misc. For Solo<br />

Oddand County<br />


MS dhere, now and back jmm.<br />

phone weekdays 883-1897<br />

OARAGE SALE Aug. IS * 14<br />

Tm baby furnishings almort naw<br />

J ^ r L m S d t h S n " blto. MM.<br />

Toro 420 a ia. rider mowor. |M0.<br />

Bloomfield<br />

GARAOE SALE - IS to S. Friday<br />

SSyTaS Rewald Off Elisabeth.<br />

Rochester.<br />

SM7S Everett South<br />

OARAOE SALE. 28820 Arancl.<br />

Farmiadea. W. of Orchard Late<br />

off 11 MUe Aug 11 13. l«h • AM<br />

•I PM<br />

GIGANTIC MULTI Family aala.<br />

Fri. Sat II AM 4 PM Furniture.<br />

liMM. household goods 10 naw<br />

drapn. rod*, picture frame*, chil-<br />

dren's Md iMt'i clothing. toya.<br />

skates. hooka. plants Mill North<br />

•ay; wool of Evergreen. be-<br />

ll • II MUe<br />


• Grandma's treasures. Uncle<br />

Bob's goodie*, back to aehool doth<br />

lag Friday. Saturday. 9-2PM mil<br />

Pepper mill. Farmington<br />

OARAGE SALE • Furniture, toys,<br />

window fan cameras. Friday after<br />

lpm All day Saturday. 17MI Blr-<br />

wood. Birmingham.<br />

GARAOK SALE Miscellaneous Au-<br />

gMrt IS. II. 14. 22229 Wood will.<br />

CuthlWid. haawaon Southfield and<br />

off I Mila.<br />


SALE Including Grandma's<br />

•Bodies. Aug II. IS. 14th. I to I.<br />

Sense antiques, twin beda. dres-<br />

aors. I piece dining room art Uy-<br />

ing room art. kitchen aat. amal) ap<br />

fiances pots aad pans, dishes<br />

etc . drapes and curtains, air condl-<br />

tioner. light flxturaa. lamps. cMI<br />

dr«i and women's clothing, mater<br />

SM. •srJJrsa<br />

Drive. Troy; south of WatUaa.<br />

West of Uvernds Troy Meadows<br />

Sub<br />

OARAGE SALE Aug. I. g. A 7th. I<br />

AM Antique lea bo*, golf clubs. ai<br />

tension ladder, well pump motor<br />

com bi nation screen door. clot hi ag<br />

houaahold goods misc Free col<br />

lea Mb571 Woodland. Blrmlng<br />

ham. Acroaa Holy Name Church |<br />

MOVING SALE Miscellaneous In-<br />

ciutbnj antiques 14881 CloverdaleJ<br />

Oak Park 4 blocks weat of Cool-<br />

kdM 1 blocks north ol I MUe. Sat .<br />

S 987-0190<br />

OARAGE Sala House Plants. Gar<br />

den Tools. Toboggan. This * Thd<br />

Evenlnp pti» Sat.. Sun 24142 Com-<br />

mon, ft .Farmington Hills S. of<br />

14 MUe. W. of Farmington Rd<br />

AFTER MOVING Sal*. Washer,<br />

dryer, horse miscellaneous, books,<br />

much mora Coo ley Lake Rd, weat<br />

of Union Laka Rd.. aouth on<br />

Barnea Mil Immensee. Union<br />

GARAGE SALE Dining room sat.<br />

barroom sat. ate. Thurs. through<br />

Mon II AM • I PM 174M Devon-<br />

shire In Beacon Square Sub off<br />

II Mile, between Evergreen Lah-<br />

OARAGE SALE - Misc. Aug II<br />

llth. Tamerlane. W<br />

Bloomfield All farm Subdlviaion<br />

S of Maple bet Middlebelt. Or<br />

chard Lake<br />


ty good adactlon. Stands, lampa.<br />

u ra<br />

APARTMENT Sale Must sail<br />

everything. Micro Wave. I months<br />

old color T V. (new), humidifier.<br />

Fisher Stereo, king-slse bed. an-<br />

tique barber chair, much more<br />

Ml 207i Ml-7100<br />


Sale Farmington Rd between II<br />

MUe - 14 MUe Aug. II. II. 14th 10<br />

AM4 PM Wedgewood Commons<br />

OARAOE SALE - Aua. 19-2421, An-<br />

». Furniture. Wcydea. Misc.<br />

Mohr. off Kensington, oear II<br />

Mila<br />

MOVING SALE White ailk sofa,<br />

print sofa. Italian end tables,<br />

brown recliner bachelor's chmt.<br />

lawn mower, trimmer, amplifier<br />

equipment, other miscellaneous<br />

household brie-a brae 7145<br />

grove. Birmingham Farms IS Glen-<br />

B1-7454<br />

XI Crafj<br />

IN STORE Garage Sale on<br />

supplies and fixturea. FN-Sat<br />

PriaU dscoupage and macrame<br />

supplies Finished samples etc<br />

Crahlque. Sunaet Plasa. Troy I<br />

JALOUSIE WINDOWS (11). and<br />

door, bast offer Shallow Welt<br />

Pump. II gallon storage tank. MA<br />

SUPER GARAGE SALE - 4 fami-<br />

lies Off II Mile near Southfield.<br />

17440 Nadora Thura . Fri.. Sat I<br />

GARAGE SALE Bltos. toys, cloth-<br />

ing. bric-a-brac Aug II - 14th<br />

3jVs Huntley Court. N W 11 Mile<br />

and Southfield Rd in Huntley<br />

Square<br />

YARD SALE - No preaalesl<br />

Couch, refrigerator, unfinished<br />

wood cabinets. Graeo Formica<br />

aheets. Metal atorage cabinet*<br />

house plants hooked rug. spin-dry<br />

washer, lots more 110*4 McOung.<br />

Southfield. East off Lahser. bet<br />

tween 1-10 MUe Saturday. 14 PM<br />

Sunday n>« PM<br />

GARAGE SALE August II. if<br />

14Ui »am to Spm Clothing men 4.<br />

women'a. boys . summer snd win<br />

ter Miscellaneous books snd house<br />

bold items Mtt Shallow Brook off<br />

i-«H Lake Rd . one block east Of<br />

Telegraph<br />


On Back to School Bargains<br />



M45 Orchard Lake Rd at Caas<br />

Lake Rd<br />

M1-5S44<br />

Mon - Sat 10 - i<br />

Thurs till • PM<br />

TELESCOPE See Mars, IM power<br />

Tssco Refractor SUrbrlte Still In<br />

original case and condition Only<br />

- 640-07M<br />

MOVINO EVERYTHING from air<br />

conditioner to yard<br />

bw signs; seat of Adams, north of<br />

WatUes oh Route Orde Wurday<br />

I PM 1777 Juniper Court<br />


Can't put It all out at one Ume. SaW<br />

urday, Sunday; Auguat 14 18th. li<br />

PM. Thuraday thru Saturday; Au-<br />

gust II.M.Ilrt. 10147 Georgetown<br />

Dr; between Lahser and Tele<br />

graph, off II Mile<br />

OARAOE A yard s^e Thursday<br />

thru Saturday 11144 Whltlock. east<br />

ofFarmlngt<br />

vonia; 1 block W of Merriman. 1W<br />

blocks S. of I Mile, enter df I<br />

MUe. Furniture, misc Collie pupe<br />

August 11 A llth. I AM • 5 PM<br />

MOVING SALE 1 air conditioners.<br />

S iwn mower and spreader, cheat,<br />

resser and mirror, miscellaneous.<br />

15550 Schoolcraft. Redford; East d<br />

Beech Daly 511-MM<br />

GARAGE SALE, furniture, cloth-<br />

ing. misc household Hems, space<br />

heaters, lawn spraying equipment,<br />

utility boxes for pickup 11177 Wey-<br />

her; near 7 MUe A Middlebelt Sat-<br />

urday A Sunday. August 14-15.<br />

POOL. 11x15, Udder filter $60.<br />

Porch gUder with cushions. |10 Bi-<br />

cycles After SPM S35-61U<br />

GARAGE SALE. S950 Harrison<br />

Garden City 1 Blocks north d<br />

Ford Rd Saturday - 14th. 9-8 PM<br />

Every th ing!<br />

711 Misc. For Solo<br />

Wayno County<br />

BIO MOVINO Sala. mlacafiaai<br />

furniture, TV, stereo, beds d<br />

sera. etc. Mortag out d Stale.<br />

Plymouth Rd. L4. Plymouth.<br />

EARLY AMERICAN bpby bad.<br />

dreaaer and deak Toys, baby<br />

ctothea. small appliances. ClaMtaf.<br />

miscellaneous Reasonable Aucuat<br />

13 thru Auguat It. II nooa to I PM.<br />

JOm Hennepin. Garde* CKy. south<br />

d Ford Road, left on Merriman<br />

OARAGE SALK. Furniture, toys,<br />

misc. 1111 Blaekbara. S. of<br />

Plymouth, between Merrimaa and<br />

Farmington. II am to I pm Thurs<br />

lo Sun J<br />

GARAGE SALK. misc Items. M.<br />

Thursday. Friday A Saturday.<br />

17711 FaVway Dr . Llvoale.<br />


10-11, and other misc Starts<br />

Friday, August II. 111SS<br />

Marquette. Garden City<br />


screen set. 115.<br />

140 Fir<br />

replace<br />

maiM<br />

THREE FamUy Garage Sale Aim<br />

It 11. 14 17441 Rexwood. N d I<br />

E of Merriman. I AM 5 PM<br />

GARAGE SALE • I Family Hottae-<br />

hold goods, sports equipment, bs-<br />

cycle, toys, bumper pool, air hock-<br />

ey. clotnkng. books, baby Heme<br />

31488 Washington. Livonia. 1 blocks<br />

north of Joy, west off Hubbard Au-<br />

gust 11. 13. 14. $ Am<br />

GARAGE SALE - Thursday thru<br />

Sunday 3»M Martin, Kimberley<br />

Oaks sub : nesr Fsrmlngton and 5<br />

Mile Lota of misc MI-IM4<br />

POOL TABLE. $125 Ping Pong<br />

tsble, $25 Two used snow tires.<br />

$14. Super I movie camera, MO<br />

Used Ill's; lxl's. lxlO's; 15c per<br />

fod. Colonial chair, 110 Coffee<br />

table. $15 KE 5-1921<br />

GARAGE SALE! LoU of mis-<br />

cellaneous. August 11.14,15th. 10<br />

AM -1 PM. 31514 Judy DrAe. West-<br />

land<br />

711 Misc. For Sale<br />

Wayno County<br />

BEDROOM SET - 3 piece, $100.<br />

Bkck Leather Chair $50 141-1417<br />

GARAGE SALE 1st time Whst<br />

you've always wanted Cheaply<br />

priced 41M2 Lindsay. Plymouth.<br />

E. d Riverside Dr.. between<br />

Arbor Trail A Hines Park<br />

Thursday. Friday. A Ssturday<br />

TWO Family Garage Sale Sal-<br />

Sun. IAM-5PM. Infant, children,<br />

maternity and adult clothing<br />

Stove, many misc items 19448<br />

Hsrdy. 7 Mile A Merrlmsn area f<br />

GE DRYER, ping pong table, port-<br />

able air conditioner, bird house<br />

471-2771<br />

GIGANTIC garsge sals. 10 tables<br />

full of knicinacs, tabks of new<br />

Jewelry, toys, electric roaster,<br />

shower door, clothes • sll slxee, W<br />

of Fsrmlngton, } blocks E d<br />

Levan. take Golf view N off I Mle<br />

to 17M1 Park lane<br />

MOVINO. GARAGE Sale, mis-<br />

cellaneous items for all aaes<br />

Friday, I to I PM, Ssturday. Sun-<br />

day, 10 to 5 11000 Milburn. off<br />

Plymouth Rd west of Mlddkbek.<br />

MULTIPLE FAMILY Gsrage Sak<br />

Aug II. 11. 14. 15 • ? 10 AM • 8 PM<br />

17715 Sheridan. Garden City.<br />

GARAGE SALE. Almost every-<br />

thins Including antiques, household<br />

J oods Wednesdsy Aug llth . M<br />

M 40580 Ann Arbor Rd ,<br />

Plymouth<br />

GARAGE SALE, II7S5 Pollysnna,<br />

Liv $ Mile and Farmington Rd<br />

area. Saturday. 9-7 PM.<br />

GARAGE SALE 31135 Avondak.<br />

Westland Thurs - Sun . I AM to I<br />

PM. Some variety, mosUy clothes<br />

snd iewelry Between Merriman<br />

and venoy.<br />

GARAGE SALE - Friday at I AM,<br />

antlquen. glassware, and appi-<br />

ances, 1730 McCkimphs. Plymouth.<br />

I MUe west d Sheldon Rd.<br />

SALE Trsiler. snowmobile - util-<br />

a lit Pair walnut barrel back<br />

rs. red velvet Chest, hide-a-<br />

EL 1-1793<br />

WATER SOFTNER. Culligan Mark<br />

50 Like new 474-3059<br />

MOVING SALE Antiques, fla<br />

urines, leaded glass windows, furni<br />

ture. 18 mm sound projector and<br />

many misc items Friday. Aug<br />

13; Saturday. Aug 14th. 71 North<br />

Llvernois. Rochester<br />

PORCH SALE 1978 Bates. Blrming<br />

ham Friday and Saturday. August<br />

13 snd 14th 9 sm to 5:30 pm. North<br />

Of 14 Mile, between Greenfield and<br />

Southfield<br />

AREA RUGS, csrpet pieces, pole<br />

Ismp. large picture, curtains<br />

drapes, rode, lawn sweeper, muffel<br />

bosrd set. basketbsll hoop snd<br />

backboard Bike, must sell. 478-1425<br />


Sale. Thursdsy. Friday. August<br />

12.11, 10 AM- 4PM, toys snd treas-<br />

ures. household Items. chUdren snd<br />

adult's cldhes. used snd never<br />

worn, msternity clothes, sixes 10 to<br />

18. 17M Colonial Way. Bloomfield<br />

Hills, west of Woodwsrd South of<br />

Square Lake Road, off Hickory<br />

Grove and Laftser.<br />

YARD Sale Antiques. Primitives,<br />

drysink. Cupbosrds, trunks, boxes<br />

small wooo items. Ids d pood<br />

junk 3855 VanAmberg Rd.. Bright-<br />

on 1 mile N of Spencer Rd Take<br />

1-90 turn right »t Pleasant Valley<br />

turn left on VanAmberg. fdlow<br />

sign Thurs . Fri.. Aug. II. 11. 10<br />

AM 5 PM No Early Birds<br />

LAWN Mower 11 inch reel type,<br />

IHP. self propelled with gress<br />

catcher like new $45, or best offer.<br />

357 4428<br />

OARAOE SALE, »4t0 Pardo. Au<br />

C I3 through 18. 1 block south of<br />

1. West d Venoy.<br />

SKIPPER'S BED oompkte, never<br />

used. 3 drawers, 4 shelves for stor-<br />

age 427-4511<br />

GARAGE SALE Several famlles.<br />

some furniture, typewriter, pic-<br />

tures, linens, kmps Clothes from<br />

Infants to Urge slxe Avon bottks<br />

Starting Fri. 9 - Ull? 558 N Mil.<br />

Plymouth.<br />

BASEMENT SALE Furniture and<br />

miscellaneous SaL A Sun 14 A 15.<br />

from I AM to 5 PM 9310 Sarasota.<br />

Redford; between Joy and W Chi-<br />

cago.<br />

COLOSSAL SALE Antique ice<br />

cream chairs. Orientsls. sports<br />

equipment, tools, appliances, treas-<br />

ures galore Aug 13.14th. 150 South<br />

Rawles. Romeo<br />

709 Housohold Goods Wayno County<br />

GARAGE SALE st M250 Woodlore<br />

corner Franklin Rd.. Franklin<br />

Friday. Saturday. Sunday Chil<br />

dren's clothes, miscellaneous<br />

REFRIGERATOR, frost free, gold<br />

$185 Electric self-cleaning oven,<br />

white $185 Snapper self propelled<br />

mower. $85 855-1735<br />

BASEMENT SALE MiscelUneous<br />

househdd items, books, typewriter,<br />

furniture, tods. 24750 Lois Lane.<br />

Southfield; 1 block east of Lahser<br />

and 10 MUe Rd<br />




MONDAY thru FRIDAY 9 AM-9 PM<br />

SATURDAY 9 AM 5:30 PM<br />

MANY 1-2-3 OF A KIND<br />

Discontinued Models- plastic kits - • from<br />

$9 50 to $350 Great spare time ac-<br />

tivity for men<br />

at<br />

The Doll Hospital<br />

&<br />

Toy Soldier Shop<br />

3047 12 Mile. Berkley. LI 3-3115<br />



Save up to 20% on most items in<br />

our shop on volume purchases<br />

through August 31 1978<br />

•t .<br />

The Doll Hospital<br />

Enter our Summertime Give Away<br />

d over 10 prizes h gift certificates<br />

worth 11500 Free<br />

5947 12 Mile. Berkley. LI 3-5115<br />

GARAGE SALE starts (Aug 15.1<br />

AM Dresser with mirror, chest.<br />

Dime Buggy, dishes, clothing, odds<br />

t ends 2*775 Alycekav. north oil<br />

12 Mile, east d Orchard Lake Rd<br />

GARAGE sale. » AM - 5 PM. Aug<br />

12.15. Misc and clothes. 4430 Ar-<br />

dmore Ct.. Bloomfield Hills. N of<br />

Looe Pine. W of Lahser.<br />

GARAGE SALE Antigues and<br />

household Thurs thru $at. 9AM<br />

SPM 38070 Brookview, N d I<br />

Mile. E of Levan.<br />

TANDEM construction utility trai<br />

er, 1850 or best offer. Sofa-bed. up-<br />

right piano, dflce desk, file c»»-<br />

nd 484-0575<br />

GARAGE SALE starts » AM.<br />

Friday Household goods, clothes,<br />

mtny unusual items 31801 Varao. 1<br />

Livonia; off Merriman. near Six<br />

Mile.<br />

YARD Swings, heavy duty Grass<br />

catcher, tractor type Wash bowk,<br />

one barber Work bench Ught fix-<br />

ture 1210885<br />

BIG GARAGE Sale Bargains Ga-<br />

lore Thurs. through Sun , 10 AM •<br />

8 PM 35449 MTchele. Livonia 1<br />

block north of Joy, off Farmington<br />

Rd-<br />


ANTIQUE Crystal, flassware. di-<br />

ver. Mahogany. Wanut furniture,<br />

bedroom furniture "Lots of<br />

Goodies!'. Daily-Sunday 10 to 6<br />

PM. Westland Colonial Village<br />

Apartments, 8111 Wavne Road,<br />

Bldg M, Apt 1120. Westland<br />

LATE VICTORIAN armless cane<br />

seat rocker 88 Inch mahogany buf-<br />

fet. Kenmore electric self-prop-<br />

efled, lawn mower. 1880-1877 bound<br />

Harpers Monthly, complete After<br />

8PM 421-8882<br />

BABY DRESSER, crib complete<br />

GM infant's seat, and Jumper<br />

45*0747<br />

GARAGE * YARD SALE August<br />

12. 15 Household, glassware, furni-<br />

ture. small appliancer. misc. 18 Ft<br />

pool with accessories 9288 Hn,<br />

west of Newburgh, south d Aim<br />

Arbor Road<br />

MOVING SALE, bikes, furnltura.<br />

toys', tools, household kerns, misc<br />

Fri. Sat and Sun 10 to 5 PM,<br />

18884 Lennane. Redford; South d 7<br />

MUe. East of Beach Daly<br />

GARAGE SALE Kids bikes, toys,<br />

clothes Dinette set. Commercial<br />

buffer, antiques, mist galore<br />

11578 Lucerne. Plymouth; Beech<br />

Aug 13. 14<br />

GARAGE SALE! dining table,<br />

glass top vanity. 12 ft round rug.<br />

cameras, recorders, books. Aucust<br />

12 thru 14. 9 AM 5 PM 2359 Lost<br />

Tree Way off Square Lake.<br />

Bloomfield Twp<br />

GARAGE SALE, cdor TV cldh-<br />

ing, numerous items 841 Spartan<br />

Dr Rochester. University Hills Sub-<br />

d»vision Thursday. Friday. Satur<br />

day 9 5<br />

GARAGE SALE. Saturday * Sun-<br />

day Aug 14-15 from 10 AM - 5 PM.<br />

Furniture, misc items 25080 York<br />

at Lincdn k Woodward In Hunting<br />

ton Woods<br />

THREE FAMILIES no junk. Wed<br />

Aug II - 15.9:30 to dark. 32717<br />

a earthstone Road, north of 12<br />

ile. 5 blocks east of Farmington<br />

Road.<br />


ISO 2 Blue occasional chairs HO<br />

each Blond double bed. vanity $50<br />

2 Mahagony end tables with glass<br />

tops $15 each. 1 White Lany>$15<br />

GARAGE SALE - Antiques, radios,<br />

tools, forge, two 10 speeds, mini-<br />

bikes. engine, motorcycle parts,<br />

toys, clothes and books Thru Sun-<br />

day 15412 Fairfield. Livonia, north<br />

of 5 Mile<br />

TWIN BED. dresser, fuD sue bed,<br />

J snow tires and wheels H78 x 15<br />

Sliding window air conditioner<br />

Misc 35504 Park dale. Liv. 53-7818<br />

or KE 5 2735<br />

GARAGE SALE Bif variety, good<br />

bargains Thursday thru Sunday. 9<br />

AM - 7 PM. 8452 Liberty. 1 block<br />

east of Merriman, south of Joy Rd<br />

COMPRESSOR. $35 Mini bike. $49<br />

Check writer. $31 Bicycle. $2$.<br />

Typewriter. $35 CB, $25 4 2281J2<br />

GARAGE SALE. Fri * Sat .W.<br />

Household goods clothes, dishes,<br />

table k 4 chairs, lounge char,<br />

misc Items 8402 Hawthorne, off<br />

Maplewood, between Middlebek k<br />

Merriman<br />

GARAGE SALE, 38414 NorthBeM*<br />

Livonia. Wayne and Joy Rd Au<br />

gust 12-18. 1MPM<br />

HUGE GARAGE SALE, camptog<br />

equipment, trailer awning, furni-<br />

ture, snow blower, bikes, books,<br />

clothes, toys 14700 Berwick; south<br />

of Five, west of Merriman<br />

Tuesday. Aug. 10 • Saturday. 14th<br />

10 to 5<br />

BEAUTIFUL 5 ft taU artificial<br />

Yucca plant from Arizona Beat<br />

offer CaU after 4 PM 4b-ss21<br />

FLUFFY soft and bright - are car-<br />

pets cleaned with Blue Lustre<br />

Rent electric shampooer. $2 Loefl-<br />

ler Pro Hardware, 20150 Five Mie<br />

at Middlebelt GA 2-2210<br />

A-l GARAGE Sale. Hitchcock rock-<br />

er. chairs, dresser, coffee table,<br />

wedding gown. chUd's work bench,<br />

toys, clothes 1972 Maverick, books,<br />

lawn mower, brass pony bit Wed<br />

thru Sat. 15450 F«x, Redford. near<br />

5 Mile<br />

GARAGE SALE-c loth ing. dishes,<br />

misc Thurs 25550 W Warren<br />

Dearborn Hts near Beech Dtfr-<br />

DRAPERIES * SHEERS. Stereo<br />

Stand, Weddina gown sixe.l. bov's<br />

clothing size 9 mos to I 1 * Lke<br />

new. real cheap 522-2374<br />


Sale. Aug 12-I4th 9 AM-5 PM<br />

Lke new. girl's clothing, sixes 2-7<br />

Westinghouse dehumidnier, mac<br />

electrical and household items,<br />

toys 35280 Bennett. Livonia N of 6<br />

Mile. E of Wayne Rd .<br />

LOTS OF misc items, also cloth-<br />

ing and plants, and Muskin pool fil-<br />

ter. horsepower 190 Hamilton<br />

St. Plymouth 1W blocks N of Ann<br />

Arbor Trail<br />

NEIGHBORHOOD garage sale,<br />

baby items, toys, clothes, lots d<br />

misc 29138 Mmton, S. of W Chi-<br />

cago. E of Middlebek<br />

GARAGE SALE! Lots of mis-<br />

ceUaneous. August 13.14.15th. 10<br />

AM 9 PM 52584 Judy Drive. West<br />

land<br />

GARAGE SALE • Chrome Lampa.<br />

like new. double oven stove. Many<br />

Misc Sat Only. Aug. 13. 14475 Elen<br />

Dr. W of Farmington. bet 5 Mie<br />

Schoolcraft<br />

POOL FILTER Hp. Muskin. $85<br />

24' liner. $85 4x8 sun deck. $75<br />

555-1810<br />

GARAGE SALE. August 14 k IS<br />

ExceUent buys 45821 Rregate. Can-<br />

ton. "» Mile W of Lilley. T block N.<br />

of Warren<br />

HELP! We're bulging at the<br />

•seams! Gold contemporary sda.<br />

$75. $ x 4 Jalousie window with<br />

storms and screens, $75 Formica<br />

and metal table for two and 2<br />

chairs. $25 Duncan Phyfe table<br />

$25 Baby dressing table. $10 MBC<br />

clothing and household Items<br />

Thurs Fri. » to 5 PM 30920 Wen<br />

tworth. Livonia; 4 blks N d 5<br />

Mile, off Merriman Rd.<br />

YARD Sale Aug 14. 15th 10 AM-0<br />

PM 32911 Florence, corner Venoy.<br />

Garden City TV, Motorcycle hel-<br />

met. chUdren's items, household,<br />

much pise.<br />


Thursday. Friday. 1-5 PM 27755<br />

Bark ley. Livonia. Lyndon-Inkder<br />

area Tools, bric-a-brac. toys, chil-<br />

dren's clothes, much more<br />

SINGER sewing machine, 8iS<br />

Dress form, adjustable. $8. Sun<br />

lamp. $20. Clothing - women's. 2<br />

ra«n made fuV coats (slse M0).<br />

Cloth coat AU weather coat.<br />

927-114$<br />

WEDDING GOWN, white, slae 10.<br />

Victorian style, with train and vail<br />

$115 AfterS JO 427-8008<br />

WEDDING GOWN, ivory chiffon or-<br />

gandy with matching tram and<br />

vdl. Trimmed with Spanish lace<br />

Site 10 $90 After 1:00 45M788<br />

GARAGE SALE - August II thru<br />

IS. 10am-7pm 29081 Leona. Garden<br />

City. Home, auto k childrens<br />

Items Women's clothes Much,<br />

miich more at low prices ,<br />

GARAGE Sale Aug 12 • 14. M.<br />

Miac items. Toys. Books. Furni-<br />

ture 31715 Wyoming Joy • Merri-<br />

man<br />

GARAGE SALE, baby crib, movie<br />

camera, color TV. table k 4 (hairs,<br />

shrub trimmer 0518 Chirrewa.<br />

Westland<br />

HONDA 1972 CT70 traU bike, bump<br />

er pool table. 10 speed bike. 2 year<br />

crib 427 9568<br />

.GARAGE SALE. Thurs Fri .Sat.<br />

Noon-8 PM 28839 Barton. Garden<br />

City Kelsey Printing Press, type-<br />

writers. cameras, lawn mower.<br />

smaU appliances, skis. rugs, au-<br />

tomotive stuff, candles, books, re-<br />

cords. Christmas decorations, other<br />

misc<br />

NEW, NEVER been used: Indoor-<br />

outdoor carpeting, red tweed 12 x<br />

40. $200 42M106<br />

GARAGE SALE. Saturday. August<br />

14th, 9 AM 38852 Rayburn. North<br />

of 5 Mile and West Of Leva|i MB-<br />

ceUaneous Items including Nancy<br />

Drew Books and National Qeofjra<br />

phic Magazines<br />

SINGER, like new (lyr 1, Stretch<br />

Stritch. Zig-Zag. $140 $11-1732<br />

GARAGE SALE Inchidlnc many<br />

pieces of furniture. 43070 Ver-<br />

sallies, off She Id en, S. of Joy Rd.<br />

enter Sub on Arlington<br />

GARAGE SALE Girls bedroom<br />

furniture, antiques, furniture, mk-<br />

ceUaneous. 29891 W Warren. Gar-<br />

den City. ^<br />

GARAGE SALE. Fri..Sat 9A|I-<br />

8PM 5855 Woodland Pass. Fox<br />

croft Sub . Quarton Telegraph Rd<br />

couches. 2 arm chairs, metal<br />

desk, bikes, wagon, toys, books,<br />

bedspreads * drapes, decorating<br />

items and accordions<br />

BLUE DANUBE DISHES, reduced<br />

price, blue driftwood stemware,<br />

must sell. Good Buys Early Ameri-<br />

can globe lamp. Red and Blue<br />

kitchen Items. Bates Queen Eliza-<br />

beth full White Spread. Blue oval<br />

table cldh. napkins perma press 5<br />

ft Pine Christmas Tree, Drapes<br />

Keep Trying. 478-4128<br />

GARAGE Sale. Aug 9 and Aug 12,<br />

13. 14th 5859 Tabor Drive•. W.<br />

Bloomfield; between Middlebelt<br />

and Orchard Lake. N of Maple<br />

Furniture, drapes, lawn mower,<br />

toys, carpeting, misc<br />

CHANDELIER, contemporary,<br />

crystal cracked glass and chrome<br />

like new. 478-3717<br />

YARD SALE, 2-family. .Fri.Sat.<br />

10AM 8PM 19981 Indian, S. d<br />

Grand River. E of Inkster<br />

DOUBLE SINK, coppertone w»h<br />

faucet $15 White metal cabinet. 24<br />

inches wide $20, T V outdoor ki-<br />

tenna $10 Girl's 20 in bke hMh-<br />

rise handle bars $20. 4S3-2587<br />

GARAGE SALE. August 13. M<br />

9055 Hemingway. South Redford.<br />

Washer, bike, stereo and much<br />

more,<br />

SUPER GARAGE Sale, furniture,<br />

household Items, clothes, misc.<br />

South d Maple, between Cranbrook<br />

and Boutnfleld. 091 South<br />

Glenhurst. Birmingham. Thurs..<br />

Fri . 9 to 5. Sat. 9 to 1.<br />


Sale. 4 families. August 13. 14. IS<br />

19729 W. 9-Mile Rd. near Ever<br />

green<br />


steamed glass walnd kitchen cup-<br />

board. chalra. chests, oak dressers<br />

beds, bookcases, marbletopi wash<br />

stands Queen Anne walnut 54 Inch<br />

round table. Ids. Ids more Starts<br />

Thursday 48735 12 Mile Rd near<br />

Beck. Novi<br />

TRASH TRINKETS Treasure Sa£<br />

Fri Sat Aug. 13.14. 10-8 >0783<br />

Wakednn. sAtold. $ Mile-Beech<br />

Daly area Cash and carry.<br />

MOVINO SALE. Tore 1<br />

wan old. Antique black kettles<br />

&£ dishwasher Maple bookcase^<br />

manv new items all reasonable v*<br />

mila Dorth d Maple off Orchard<br />

Lake 827S Nicholas. Thursday.<br />

Friday. Saturday<br />


Starttaf Saturday. August 14. AM<br />

22745 Hawthorn. Farmington. Otf<br />

Grand River MJsc. Items, tools<br />

GARAOE SALE- Mud OOD ereiy<br />

EF a-<br />

9AM SPM 17233 Klrkshire; 1 Mo<br />

Id 14 MUe.bdween Southfield<br />

block<br />

k<br />

FOUR FAMILY Qirofo SoU<br />

Super stuff Furnkurt. large swim<br />

mlng pool COW. » P ll0B<br />

rium. cldbds. toys.<br />

Mams Come see Anfuat 13,14th, 9<br />

AM 5 PM 5080 Snowshoe Orck.<br />

d Gilbert Lake Rd , bdwtea<br />

Maple Rd k Quarton '<br />


Winry. Rochester Somdhing for<br />

everybody Children's toys, clothes,<br />

furniture, etc. 9;30 am to 5 pm.<br />

Wed . Aug 11 thru Sat Aug 14<br />

SIX Family gsrsgeisie Baby fur-<br />

niture toys, children s clothes,<br />

household Item. A^g 12-14_9 AM to<br />

8 PM 23101 Purdue. 2 blocks N d<br />

9 Mile. 4 blocks W of Middlebelt<br />

U CU. Ft. Whirlpool frost-free<br />

freezer. 8 months old. Maytag 18<br />

lb washer. |New 20 In Craftsman<br />

snow thrower Craftsman rldlag<br />

lawn mower Assorted garden im-<br />

plants<br />

828-9847<br />

piements. potted indoor pli<br />

GARAGE SALE. Avoo Pn*»cU.<br />

air conditioner, lamps chair. chU-<br />

drens clothing, misc 7375 Heather<br />

SmU, -*ne ofr 14 Mile Rd be-<br />

tween Orchsrd Lake * Middlebelt<br />

Rds Thursday - Friday Saturday<br />

9 AM - 5 PM<br />

OIOANTIC MULTI • Family Oa-<br />

rage Sale. Aug. 12. IS. 14. 9AM to $<br />

PiT 391$ Edate Drive J Mock<br />

Wed d Cooiidm. South of Wdtles<br />

BIKES. kltdMB chairs, dining<br />

room chdi*. game table cbalrv<br />

toys A toy chest, assorted kitchen<br />

tons Lou d ddhlng. Infad «kn»<br />

$ years. M M<br />

GARAGE SALE, complde houae<br />


Rd<br />

MOVING BARAOE S«le. $•» in-<br />

Trall. 1 block wed d<br />

* Walnut Uka Rd Too*<br />

ITS!? Aug IMf • AM-4 PM<br />


moss green, good condition<br />

GARAGE SALE. Augwt II k 141k,<br />

M • 4 PM. MlOMeope. telescope.<br />

field *kWn<br />

UPRIGHT Bel k HoweU tape re-<br />

corder. $50 48 Base Salanti accord-<br />

ion. $20. Kenmore gas dryer. $50<br />

Portable barbecue. $20 425-7900<br />

UTILITY Trailer. 5*18. 4 ft<br />

$17$.. 581-811$ or 27*4174<br />

GIGANTIC Yard Sale. Aug 13 thru<br />

18 Dishes. Toys. Furniture k Cloth-<br />

ing 20235 Floral between 74 Mle<br />

Ros.; between Middlebelt - Inkster<br />

take Angling St i<br />

MOVING * Garage sale.Yri.. SaL.<br />

urnlture. appliances, Itlcycles.<br />

G tio. lawn and misc items. 4x18<br />

i traUer. 15780 Riverside. U<br />

vonia.<br />

5 FAMILY GARAGE Sale AM. 13.<br />

M. 15th* 10 AM - I PM 12700 La-<br />

verne. between Beech 4 Inkster.<br />

south Schoolcraft. Baby items,<br />

clothes, books, miscellaneous<br />

BARGAINS Garage Sale. S820 Wi-<br />

nter. I block north of Ford. *<br />

blocks east d Newburgh August<br />

14. 1$.<br />

GARAOE SALE - 29SI4 Barton.<br />

Garden C&». between Ford Rd<br />

and Cherry HBI. Saturday. Sundmr.<br />

Formica dinette set. fender ampl-<br />

ftor Danish tumfcure. Upholstered<br />

chairs Misc<br />

FOUR FAMILY forage sa». houae<br />

hold Items, dothlni. humidifier<br />

kerosene stove. 11200 Mayfietd<br />

ead d Farmington Rd. south off<br />

Plymouth' Rd.<br />

GARAGE SALE, a little bk of ever-<br />

rthing Including some antiques<br />

Startinc Friday. 402» Gilbert, M<br />

Ann Arbor Trai k Haggerty Rd.<br />

GARAGE SALE. LIvobIb. —<br />

Rayburn. l.vonia. ? blocks N. Treaa<br />

ures August II. 12 15839 Noia<br />

Circle. 5 Mile Newburgh. 9 to 5<br />

Pm<br />

POOL FILTER make offer, as a.<br />

After 8 281 7887<br />


Air conditioner, room divider,<br />

large floor fan. mower, boat prop,<br />

etc . other miscellanous household<br />

items Saturday, Sunday. 276J7 Lyn-<br />

don North of Schoolcraft. West d<br />

Inkster.<br />

Aug 12<br />

Clothes,<br />


thru 15. 10 AM., school<br />

games, bike, unlcycle. truck tires,<br />

household goods, no junk 8014 Wil-<br />

low Creek. <strong>Canton</strong>. Nottingham For<br />

est Sub off Ford. Rd W of Lilley<br />

BABY BUTLER crib<br />

playpen, best offer.<br />

GARAGE SALE Aug I4-I5th.<br />

9AM-8PM Many Goodies. Bkes.<br />

Clothing, Furniture 8738 Deering;<br />

near Warren. Iqkster. Garden Cly<br />

YARD SALE household goods,<br />

clothes, books, quality articles Au-<br />

ust 13, 14 15130 Lahser. Detroit<br />

(ear 5 Mile<br />

BASEMENT sale. Fri.. Sat . Stm.<br />

10 AM - 4 PM. 843 Brandon, off<br />

Newburgh in Westland.<br />

GARAGE SALE Five femilifs<br />

Furniture, clothing, plants, MBC<br />

851 Pacific. Plymouth. Farmer and<br />

Sheldon area Thurs Fri Sat<br />

MOVING; selling aU Appliances,<br />

furniture, yard sports A household<br />

equipment, dishes, old trains k<br />

otter assorted items 9 AM - 9 PM<br />

Saturday k Sunday only. 9010<br />

Brookline, off Joy Rd.. in<br />

Hypo oft. i<br />

GARAGE SALE 7940 GarV. W«t<br />

land, corner of Ann Arbor Trai<br />

Machinist took, antique dresser,<br />

radio. Uble. sewing machine, can<br />

nng Jars Aug 12. IS. 14. and IS 10<br />

am to 8 pm<br />

Parage SALE. Rockwell saw. an<br />

tique glass and ceramics. smaU<br />

kan. bedroom ed 55585 Nancy,<br />

west of Farmington. south d W<br />

Chicago. Weekends only. Augu«<br />

14. IS. 21. 22<br />

GARAGE SALE. August It. 13 k<br />

14. Many-baby Hems, south d 5<br />

Mile, east of Middlebek istll Sun<br />

bury. 10 to 8.<br />

garage SALE.' miscellaneous,<br />

small appliance*, dishes, cameras,<br />

men and women's clothes Satur-<br />

day. Sunday. 124 PM 3S5S5 Wed<br />

Chicago, Livonia.<br />

GARAGE A household sale. Maple<br />

single bed. complete. 2 desks. waA-<br />

er. dryer k many other bouaehold<br />

Items Au«ud 13-14, 18 AM - • PM<br />

*100(R,W,G-7C) OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC Thuraday, AuguM 12, 1976<br />

712 Bkydes For Sde<br />





4th ANNUAL<br />


EB 0KS<br />


712 HcydM For Sd»<br />

714 Swims, & 0«tc»<br />

tquipmtnv<br />

feel free<br />

716 Lpwn-Carden<br />

e. i »<br />

& Form cqupmeni Eq»<br />

f . T . * ' * 7 ~<br />

3* * J £ 1 # ? "i > ><br />

tm<br />

• • B8<br />

pA»W ..A.CWWW"""<br />

:: v:vA.-•'' • *:<br />

716<br />

ft Farm<br />

3f 1*<br />

AUGUST 27-28-29<br />

Springfield Oaka<br />

Daviaburg, Michigan<br />

Big league rough and tumble, profaaaional rodeo with<br />

some of the world'a grealeat cowboys and cowglria on<br />

double tough stock!<br />

718 Buldhtg Mattriab 718 BukSng MatoMt<br />




been<br />

one<br />

Ring out the news about our greet (iafesifled bargajn.<br />

For just $6.00 you can place e word ad, 2 issues in a row, in the most effective<br />

classified section around. If a the way to clean out your extra household Items and<br />

seve money at the same time<br />

A quick phone call to our "t "ad-visprs and more then 162,000 families throughout the<br />

suburbs of Wayne and Oakland cdu . jnties will know what you have to offer and you don't<br />

have 10 wait a month for results! Set the phones ringing today and call us nowl<br />

words e 1 week $6.00<br />


522-0900 (Wayne County)<br />

644-1070 (Oakland County)<br />

852-3222 (Rochester/Avon)<br />

FEED HAY k STRAW Plants ft<br />

Potted Rosea Jars. aU sixes and<br />

lids Large flower poU Sunabtoe<br />

Farm Produce, west of Newburgh<br />

on Ann Arbor Trail<br />

721 Flowers & Plants<br />


cenU to SIM August IS through<br />

15th 1* AM - * PM. S4*4* Sta Mle<br />

Rd Just west of Stevenson High<br />

School<br />

INDOOR PLANTS, hardy, exottc.<br />

unusual. smaU. large. Some bloom<br />

year rouiid. reasonably priced^ ^<br />

|722 Hobbies-<br />

Coins & Stamps<br />

726 Musical Instruments<br />

r<br />

O<br />

Whatng Appard<br />

HUM for Mb. al good coodX><br />

•I rim. nuMkk CaD alter<br />

RALEIGH GRAND PRIX • J years<br />

old II lacs. excellent condrtion<br />

BICYCLES • t speed lady's. gMTa.<br />

•ictlMl cesteltton IM Boys 111 4<br />

CM ft wheel barrel. US 2744*U<br />

- SCHWINN Collegiate • speed de-<br />

*Mu*e. men's. M' r CINDER-CEMENT Blocks. SM<br />

FORTY U l l II ft aad longer, FORTE PIANO COMPANY often JIWOOL SKIRTS •<br />

fifty H I . 143- aad longer, never aood rebuilt pianos. 2 Stetoway • i dresaes. gowns coaU.<br />

RALEIGH EIGH CompetltioiT bicycle.<br />

BOLENS II bp. garden tracer, MASSEY Farguson, II HP, tractor<br />

THx7%xim. 25 cents each Cal<br />

uaed. $SM MM4 l*M BTU conatrtK- irands model 0. Stetoway Grand •Aaleiope A leather<br />

wkb extras, rMsonably pne*4 EXECUTIVE U-shaped desk^MJ*<br />

hydro drive, very good. I*M<br />

wth mower, suachmrnt, $751. self'<br />

after SPM 471-7411<br />

| lion beater, thermoatet controlled, model L. Baldwin Grand model M. Hems<br />

Cal from I to IPM. MUn<br />

propelled, lawn mower, like naw<br />

4534*44 5 ft .1 Chkkering Grand I ft .4<br />

4774SM TWO I ft . «ara«e steel doors, beat<br />

Fisher Grand S ft .I. Three uaed<br />

SCHWINN. Obi's II to. blue wlh CLOSED OFFICE. Desks. «*.<br />

banana seat Md butterfly<br />

chalra. drafting Uble. and equto-<br />

LAWN SWEEPER for tractor jW.<br />

offar. AflarH P * inm]<br />

spaieU 1124 Greenfield IS5-2Mlor<br />

BOLENS 22 In. FMC mulching<br />

720 Farm Produce<br />

2724182<br />

*4*-7*M , .<br />

b«r5 »jo #wta ment. adder*, coal tre«», mia-<br />

mower, i n model l». 474*5*4 PIPE NIPPLES, black aod galvaceUaneous<br />

Private. 72M7M<br />

RIDING Tractor mower. I HP.<br />

nised IMM pteces. eU orjteoa- SECOND cutting hay. |1 a bate, USED SMILEY BROS MINK. V, length Beautiful coat la<br />

LADY'S II speed bike. Mka new.<br />

best offer 21175» IBM CORRECTING fctectek: 0<br />

sweeper, snow plow aad trailer TORO LAWN Tractor. 7 hp. aood<br />

tmdTtloo Beet efter<br />

meaL up to S*Voff 72M75* reflate red Togaenburg doe goat, a SPINET PIANO 1595<br />

53^-7*24<br />

typewriter. like naw. has had Ittte<br />

B. Also 5 piece redwood outdoor condition. I2M 522 1X23<br />

horses boarder $5* a month. 2 sad-<br />

GIRLS I speed Schwinn Falrladv u«o I7M aaw. ask in i |4M. 47*4331 Srnlure |7$ 4SM5II<br />

dles 47V4M5 Also a Good Selection of<br />



Used Grands and Conaotes<br />

ort Jacket, medium blue<br />

UfeO neW. $M Cal 47744*<br />


STEAM CLEANER for carpetr I*<br />


ihort coot, slae 41<br />

FOUR USED lawnmowers, 123 to<br />

READY. U pick pickles, freeser<br />

frame. emee*ent<br />

in old. aD acceeaortoa. «podtoa<br />

Special factory rebate teu us sal<br />


42V443S<br />

condition. IN OMW GIRL'S I SPEED Schwton Breear<br />

M* CaU after 5 PM. suosu<br />

I corn, etc ... At the Roy Sehuks<br />

at dealer cost Limited quantities. Ida wlndowa. Insulated and stogte<br />

1010 N Hunter. B'hom.<br />

B excellent condition, $44 52*4122<br />

These prices on In-stock items<br />

Farm, 715^ LBley. between Joy and<br />

aad brushes After I PM$H444I<br />

glaze Inserts Screens, shuttera.<br />

Ml 7-1177<br />

2 GOWN and veil siae *<br />

I Warren Rds.<br />

tl Boston like new. $3M<br />


cabin eu Misc. beating meateriab.<br />

Open Wed .Thurs ,Fri,<br />

SCHWINN booty duty^aad M Ml BOYS tl inch Bananna seat 5 715 Commercial<br />

P..reg OIS-4ALE 117115<br />

w offer.<br />

2*7-47*4-' *"<br />

Stingray; other heavy duty and 9 speed Bike. $25 ~ 42247*<br />

5H P .reg »50 .SALE I2WJ5<br />

portable chimneys ,etc.<br />


'til 830 PM<br />

»irv<br />

Industrial Equipment NEW CASE 1976<br />

Mulch. Straw. Rabbits. MUk cans.<br />

IH.P .reg |4t5..SALE |2M*5<br />

455 8220<br />

I cow manure.<br />

Other days 'til 5 PM LEATHEJ 1 COAT slse 7. tan. like<br />



CRAFTSMAN drill MM*. WMf<br />

GA 14414<br />

Free Parking<br />

new. $M CaU after 7 PM 4S3-2M*;<br />

ALSO USED. $1142*425 *<br />

J E R R Y uaed. $27S Craftsman 7 Inch 2 HP<br />

Lawn ft Garden Tractor Open Sun 114 4371444 421SS Greenwood Dr.. 1 block N. at<br />

TEN SPEED Scbwnn ContinwUl<br />

^<br />

Skill uw 135 Black ft Decke 7 Big II" Wheels, all Hydraulic<br />

Ford Rd.. off of Lily. <strong>Canton</strong> Twp.<br />

BRAND<br />

BALDWIN acroeooc spinet, w<br />

Vanity, exceUent condkton. bss -ISM — IMRA Inch Skill saw with case. m. Drive and Lift. Lights, etc. VINTAGE Wheeliorse tractor, alac-<br />

ANDERSON'S nut. good condition, best offer.<br />

than IM miles ao bike |7S<br />

Craftsman, large power »ac wlh<br />

trie start, cab. mower, saow ttlM thrOw GARAGE. 1H car complete wth<br />

lSfd.<br />

82&78J4<br />

7J4 Business & Office alachmenu. naw. m. CrafteMM $1,750<br />

er. chains, etc . 1351, 477-1 aluminum tilt door a 2 windows, BLUEBERRIES<br />

SCARS II speed Mke. \ I jronr<br />

bench saw. new. |7$ 142-7012<br />

FORD I* HP gear drnre tewngf- very good cooditton. WUI help dis-<br />

good condition IM<br />

Equipment<br />


den tractor^tltiM mower, 42 in assemble $425 Also kitchen win I ExceUent picking. Urge flavorful LUDWIG DRUM SET Good co<br />

JACUZZI Air Compressor. IMi HP<br />

BOY'S SCHWINN Collegiate<br />

LfEGAL PILE CABINET. Black 2<br />

SI 151 W II MUe<br />

snow blade. 1*00<br />

ITM1M dow. casement. 54XM tochs wth berries. 45 cenU per lb Open 7 AM<br />

lion. $244 SSH<br />

Kohler engine. 2M ft hose, tws<br />

screens 44243K till sundown, seven days a week<br />

iwer with lock, few mo old Senco roofing guns, best offer Farmington HUls<br />

4711 IM<br />

GREENHOUSE - lean to type,<br />

IM USED Pianos SplneU. Con-<br />

K S W T S f t "fif'aSft 6 l<br />

gtess and aluminum construction<br />

Take M-24 to M 21. then M 21 three aotes. Grands. UprtehU. Players,<br />

alter 4 :». «<br />

477*937<br />


new in boi. $275 Afttlr'l Pm.<br />

mUes east of ImUy City Bring the |2M to IU« Daily I to I PM 2M<br />

FARMALL A TRACTOR with by<br />

1.0M sq ft. IH In Blanket, IK<br />

IBM Executive typewriter. D<br />

47*1253<br />

| entire family.<br />

FenkeU 1*3-3222 ScanUn's<br />

GIRLS bteycte. Ike<br />

Model, like new.<br />

mi 45*4473 716 lawn-Garden<br />

drauUc WOO Also apple crates for<br />

I.0M sq. fl. IH in. Blanket. 1175<br />

sate. 4211143 TORO PROFESSIONAL 72 la. cot Free Info a Delivery, 227-4W<br />

7M-I4M<br />

After I.<br />

& Farm Equipment<br />

riding reel mower, new I1.4W. sel<br />

NATIONAL Cash register. mullple<br />


SCHWINN onUnenUl II aaad. touts, few months old. CaB awrrr<br />

FIVE hp. riding lawnmower. eicel- for $40* Evenings 453-41l4^drys BARN WOOD SIDINO-unpalnted. Pick your own Take M43 (Van<br />

LAWN MOWER Eicellent cwnh<br />

like now. eatri aa IM W TW mgs<br />

4S2-2177<br />

lent condition. tUS 9374741<br />

1x12. any length, phone 5174SI-72N Dyke) 2 miles N of Ebnont to Dry<br />

tlon 145 47M*M<br />

j > '<br />

den Rd and turn rifht at blnker<br />

I ><br />

FoUow signs Excellent picking.<br />

Open 7 days week 7 AM • till dait.<br />

7244111<br />

dr NEW Wedding G«»wna 4<br />

•es. suitable for brides ,<br />

1 not hers proms Flower<br />

^ri dre,<br />

•ea. etc Leas then H . ..<br />

price<br />

5MMI7<br />

736 onted To Buy<br />

WANTCp. A daas 2 trailer hitch. ....<br />

Ta ftt S["74-71 Torino Jlon»efo or ......<br />

Coaaar. Call after I or wee ken da.<br />

BARGAIN. Piano Knabe. like new<br />

$2M Down, continue payment. Hal<br />

PaM For ISI4IM 12*4773 WANTED COLOR TV<br />


CLARINET, must seU due to ortho<br />


don tics III! 42M74I<br />

211<br />

FLUTE Gemetohardt, sUver, $150.<br />

OLD TOY trains Aay<br />

includes case 1514742<br />

makei makes, moat^^auga'<br />

i Charlie<br />

KILN. Crusader, 20i27. Cone II PV<br />

rometer. silicon carbide<br />

shelves. 2 years old ISM I2MMS<br />

LAPIDARY steb saw. I0" Made,<br />

power feed, full hood. And Misc.<br />

Ins. 1*747*<br />

AMETHYST • 22 pound Brazilian<br />

roek. deep color, |14S 81*4457<br />

724 Camera Suppftes<br />


- August 21. Saturday, one day<br />

only 10 AM to S PM at 1502 Rafr<br />

dolph, downtown Detroit next to<br />

I The Music Hal Much to select<br />

from.<br />

CHARGER CORDS for Met; «2<br />

unk. and Brauns F4M unit.47*4*11<br />



Nil on P body only $130<br />

Nikon TN/f2 0 auto Nikkor I<br />

Olympus OMI fl 4 case I2M<br />

Minolta SRT101/fi.7 auto $175<br />

Minolta SRTlll/fl 4 auto H$6<br />

Canon fl/fl.4 canon lens<br />

Kontca T/flJ auto, case $175<br />

Yashica TLX ft.7 «se. Utest $t«<br />

Mamiya C 220QI clean $11*<br />

Mamiya CS20 f21 nice for<br />

S/IMM lens for CS30 1150<br />

135mm Nikkor for Bronica 1150<br />

Komi Omega rapid 1x7 for UK<br />

Graflex XL/li7 back 1250<br />

4*5 CrownGraphic lat model<br />

2xc CrownGraphic roU back SIM<br />

IxlO View camera bo* • $150<br />

PoUroid SX7I dekix model<br />

Polaroid 115 Pro model only $115<br />

Tope on Super DF1.4 case<br />

43TCM Nikkor Zoom only $110<br />

500mm Nikkor lens TM $75<br />

ReUna I1C F2* Xenon case M<br />





•CAMERA<br />

301 7N. Woodward<br />


3 BLKS. S.^OF 13 MILE<br />

WESTS! DE<br />

119-6355<br />

FIAT 1175 XII. am-fm stereo, cassette.<br />

rust proofed, alarm, Mo red<br />

for winter, only IIH miles. $4IM<br />

ASA I PenUi with 55 mm. IM mm.<br />

2M mm lenses Best offer. 441-0756<br />

726 Musical Instruments<br />

PIANO. Jansaen console. I<br />

After I PM or weekends: I37J<br />

KIMB ALL SPINET with bench Ex<br />

celent cooditton MM<br />

ELECTRIC Gutar wlh Randal<br />

PK Amp Valued at *M. Mast<br />

Sacrifice Lite new $211 5**41*3<br />

GIBSON GUITAR. 1175 modal<br />

ESIMD. exceUent conditloa. totonation<br />

recently set. hard Ml<br />

case (optional!. 4*44tu<br />

PIANO. GrtoaeU upright excoBent<br />

tone, needs reflnahkg $175 or beat<br />

offer. 47I4MI<br />

MOSKlTE 12 strtoi etectrlc Tbta<br />

haDow! body DuaT pick up. bard<br />

shell caM. excoBent condition. Be*<br />

offer over 1229. Call evenlnp<br />

1734341<br />

GUITAR Magnum bass wlb lh4<br />

vo^ampUfter speak*. E ^ W J<br />



Savbi|s up to I** We must reduce<br />

our Inventory now. Save aa Low<br />

rey. Hammoad. Baldwin<br />

Wurtttsar organs Chlckering. t r<br />

tttser. Story ft Clart. Yamaha.<br />

Mason ft Hamlia and Kbnbafi<br />

pianos Naw and uaed By now aad<br />


ITIIS Telegraph 4177 Dlxls Hwy<br />

Bknfd 8ilia Drayton Plstos<br />

HAMMOND M l. Spinet wtth<br />

bench. 2 magna! draw b a r ^ ^ B<br />

Excol^^^^^^^H<br />

GUITAR<br />

A<br />


Expert Instruction<br />

Pontiac Music & Sound<br />

2534 Orchard Lake Rd<br />


682 3350<br />

LOWREY ORGAN, bke new.<br />

aacrlfice. » 4K<br />

DRUM SET, 5 piece. Baas<br />

Tom. Mounted Tom. High<br />

Snare drum, reasonable<br />

BABY GRAND piano GrtoneL ST<br />

walnut Good condition $M*. F~<br />

local delivery. *474<br />

MAYPAIR 5 string banjo wlh R<<br />

aator and case EiceUent<br />

lion. $15<br />

CUSTOM Tele caster 1173 Gutai<br />

black with maple neck tockid<br />

case Peavy 24*. IN RMS. six<br />

In. speakers In bottom. WUI sr'<br />

rate, both exceUent $*M 427-J<br />

BABY GRAND - Cable N4<br />

Solid mahoaany. Ivory kevs<br />

condition. Must sell, make offef<br />

728 TV. Stereo, Hi-Fi<br />

& Tape Decks<br />

ZENITH 23 in color coneole T<br />

Lite new $225<br />

M344 II<br />

RCA color TV. 25 tn,<br />

condition 1350 Moving CU<br />

IPM.<br />

TWO QUAD Stereo SeU and<br />

pair of speakers Motorola S<br />

nel stereo console in w a tout Dre al<br />

cabinet<br />

PIONEER. AM FM I track<br />

receiver, with 2 Pioneer sp<<br />

1135 EiceUent condition 4774*1<br />

MAGNAVOX 21 to color TV<br />

sole $50 4*44Ml<br />


Radio, and Speakers 125 142*865<br />

MAGNOVOX Stereo. AM-FM rafto<br />

Wrack Upe deck Beat offer<br />

for Jeanette or Bonnie<br />

HI Fidelity components and Bar<br />

clay enclosure. M00<br />

JULIETTE I track stereo record<br />

er. FM-AM-FM Multiple* sysb m<br />

50 watt receiver. 125 watt per<br />

nel. two 4-way speakers 1250<br />

5334 B2<br />

NIKKO 5*1 AmFm stereo reccfc ar<br />

Akai stereo cassette deck, tim<br />

table and speakers. 1275. Will el<br />

componenU separately 4IS-J712<br />

729 CB Radios<br />

SAVE UP to 25* on name brSnd<br />

CBs and antennas In stock 1 raa<br />

FCC temporary, tost for slopp.!*<br />

by GrinneU's. 251 E MerrilL<br />

444-1 135<br />


Michigan's II CB Dlscouab r<br />

AD Major Brands 24 HrJiefair<br />

34*51 Ford, WestUnd 32**7*0<br />

730 Sporting Goods<br />

BASKETBALL backboards. sU K<br />

tural plastic, better than (ibrr<br />

glass Theee are secoods. bat dt**<br />

not barm performance $M MM 7tl<br />

BRUNSWICK AIR hockey, pro<br />

Masai slxe Coin operated Mint < on<br />

dn.on. best offer 47* Ml<br />

HA1G ULTRA golf clube. left hi nd<br />


Direct froes factory showrobm<br />

SAVE FROM M to 4** Ta>toe<br />

starting M tow as H4I.M Bu] di<br />

net from manufacturer. I ft..' ft..<br />

I ft . Qwnrrted slate Ubtes All >ro<br />

feeslonal equipment All U|>IM<br />

priced far Immediate sate and<br />

livery Open dally CaD.<br />

399-7255<br />

WINCHESTER. 34M 4<br />

EUREK/ IKA T*lt. 10*10 used once<br />

UMflnn<br />

m 2731<br />

732 Wearing<br />

LADIES drewaa, slse 72* al<br />

b**sr* 1<br />

I w*' ^<br />

Bedroom Sets Chests<br />

DeeksTRelrlgerators. Wringer<br />

Gas Ranges Electric<br />

Dressers and Household. —<br />

KE 141M • UV.V<br />

L<br />

PIANOS WANTED ',,".<br />


IlLlN PIANOS S41-4<br />

ALL<br />



COPP» 45 55c<br />

BRASS 30-40c<br />

LEAD 12c<br />

i ALUMINUM 1018c<br />

BATTKIES $1 25<br />

( arhde-Nickel -Silver „<br />

Plymouth Iron & Metal<br />

40251 Schoolcraft<br />

WeeKdays 8-4:30. Sat 8-4_-<br />

1425-1110 453 108tf<br />

i WAN! ED MERCURY Mark * Out<br />

board motor. IM* to IM* Or tower<br />

half tdf pans 422 772*<br />


Lionel ft American Flyer<br />

72*-5*M<br />

340-7725<br />


Newspapers $1 SO per IM Iba<br />

I Tied- K> magasines White IBM<br />

cards 7c lb Capper 54c**e Brass<br />

I 22c411. 12v batteries. $15* All non<br />

M 4<<br />

Official Weight SUtion<br />


N«M Brush St , Wayne<br />

72I-74M<br />



M7-1I74<br />

738 Household Pets<br />

SIBI RIAN HUSSY. 2 year old<br />

spay td fcgaale Pwebred. friendly."<br />

Do« st bark IM or best offer<br />

•47-37S2<br />

DOBERMAN PUPS AKC rejpr "/<br />

ure L Hi* « SB<br />

CRSAT DANE Beautiful fawn<br />

spavV-d female, all shots bouse-<br />

vard BlRI4INGIIAM HU?ANE SO^<br />

ClE Y M34M*. 5M llll or *47-2710<br />

EN( I.ISH SPRINGER Spaniel. I<br />

wee a. AKC. Champion line<br />

447 10*3<br />


ma! . II moa AKC. bouaebrokea. "«<br />

large MI40I . .<br />

HUIKY Mix Golden blond, male.--<br />

II nonths. bousebroken. •flecnoaita.<br />

needs fenced yard. M<br />

sma I children BIRMINGHAM HU "<br />

MAI E SOGETY M7 2710. 534-1111 .<br />

M24M5<br />


147-2711. SM-llll<br />

0*1-7*21<br />


Malamute. Groat Done. Af<br />

pm Hound. Cockapoo. German<br />

| Sho thalr. German Shepherd.<br />

Poole. Samayed neutered. Sibo- •<br />

VIH HHKI<br />


dal,<br />

" AKC. Black Labr-<br />

111<br />

M2-IM* Tllntatare Poodle. Scotch Tar<br />

Old English Sheepdog, small<br />

herd. Weimar*ner Gste-neu<br />

tar d and dedawed Manx. Mlaad-<br />

Pw stan Kittens Several puppies. «•<br />

POJDLE. Chocolste colar anrebn<br />

I male. Miniature 125 45**ll * '<br />

qj MCI cock-a pee punpieeT<br />

7 reeks aM. declawed. tall<br />

|30l Belleville M7 I 1432<br />


vol ng kittens, losing ter kte4 tovto|<br />

families Smokey ®rey ftj»btte<br />

also beautifully marked Tabby.<br />

IS 'mSSi<br />

m mmm DimUi^»m<br />

IRSH TCRRIER mala.<br />

Al C, Champion sirod.<br />

9m w<br />

I caU. I year « w ote_Very »*•/ af- — •<br />

Mejrto^l-14-71 > it*' to an •<br />

PM:<br />

B1RHIU m UTTCI r n ^ -<br />

Vmt HiWTWQ<br />

• •

738 Household Pits<br />

iCHNAUZER. miniature, AKC<br />

line 1 male. It<br />

744 Horses, livestock<br />

& Equipment<br />

TWd kALE Whippet pup*<br />

oid MUrlPM<br />


oe*<<br />

MALE Obedience<br />

male. IS mos<br />

To lovMg<br />

GREAT DANE pupa<br />

Murs and Mack thai<br />

ken will deliver<br />

AKC. solid<br />

tholi. house bro<br />

141A3M39M<br />

S 3 SEV.<br />

Odnywd papers<br />

weeks old.<br />

AKC registered.<br />

435-9974<br />

HAMSTERS, tl<br />

479-9123<br />

FREE TO GOOD HOME young '«<br />

mate. Mock Shepherd/X. well<br />

jiaved. . 479-NN<br />

KITTENS. • weeks" long haired<br />

Litter trained Free to good homes<br />

s r<br />

BORZOI. (Ruaslon Wolf Hound)<br />

Champion Sired, solid colors, and<br />

flashy spotted, large selection<br />

After 9Pm 6f9 2954<br />

AKC • Female Afghan. 9100 Fe-<br />

male Shitiu. $50 Lease or sell<br />

721-M71<br />

DALMATIANS AKC. champion<br />

it red. show and pets. shoU. worm<br />

ed. . 422 7S73<br />

LHASA<br />

shots<br />

APSO puppies AKC and<br />

729-1448<br />

COLLIE Shepherd<br />

old. spayed hoi<br />

With children<br />

female. 2 years<br />

houaebroken. good<br />

|1M WI-MM<br />

AKC Iriah Setter puppies « weeks<br />

old sire and dame on premises<br />

After J PM 3344455<br />

ENGLISH Setter pups Champion<br />

bloodlines wormed and shot*<br />

477 *34<br />

LHASA APSO Dog<br />

trained Best offer<br />

obedience<br />

9514494<br />

MALAMUTE. l* Yeard old. no<br />

paper*, houaebroken. spayed, li<br />

censed 925<br />

FREE. 4 darling tiger kittens. 1 fe-<br />

male. ) male M7-S9M<br />

FREE Aniens. » weeks, litter<br />

trained, ralaed with dogs. 729-3229<br />

SIAMESE KITTENS. • weeks old.<br />

wormed Seal A Blue Point, make A<br />

females Also Redpomt Siamese<br />

Stud Service 5334M2<br />


female eicellent Pedigree.<br />

Inf. AKC. OSA Ideal with<br />

dren $2M<br />

•chill<br />

M4S0M<br />

FEMALE dog. part cocker spaniel<br />

I years old. spayed, license and<br />

shots current loves children, $15<br />

425M15<br />

HOHSE TRAILER Prii-de-NatIon<br />

Electro Groom Naw Deh<br />

lorn boots site $ Riding<br />

cloth**, miscellaneous, Cooley<br />

Rd . we*t of Union Lake Rd .<br />

on Barnes HU Immensee.<br />

REGISTERED HALF Tenneaaee<br />

walker. 19* hands high Eicellent<br />

er. food disposition MM Must<br />

Mil 477-457$<br />

HORSE BOARD - Eicellent care,<br />

grained twice dally. • Mile - Farm-<br />

ington Rd . Livonia. |70 a month.<br />

476-4473<br />

PUREBRED Arab Bay stallion,<br />

•user breeding, also 1174 French 2-<br />

H trailer reasonable 3994413<br />

BUCKSKIN. • year old Gelding<br />

Speed and action IS 2 hands Eng-<br />

lish or Western $3M 417 71*.<br />

4SS49M<br />


All Breed Registered<br />

Horse Auction<br />

Sat Aug 14 • 7PM<br />

Fenton Horse Sale<br />

U S 23 bet Clyde * Center Rd<br />

Reg Sale Every Sat • 7PM<br />

699-2200<br />

806 Boots & Motors<br />

SIDEWINDER Class. II" flbergUs.<br />

1174. like new. with trailar ll.W<br />

Used only 4 time* 4M-1919<br />

DELCRAFT ALUMINUM 12 ft.. Mk<br />

Johnson motor Trailer Ute MW-<br />

$7M 4594310<br />

HOUSEBOAT 42 ft. all ej«trlc.<br />

Hoeing out estate Must sdl^ Mr^<br />

FIFTEEN Ft boat with 50 hp John<br />

»1.<br />

electric start, trailer, asking<br />

561-4447<br />

O'DAY 17. 1975. Inboard, wheel<br />

steering. 170 Ship • shore. RDr.<br />

riectric head. loaded Ml 4415<br />

BOAT. 14 ft ; 10 HP<br />

trailer, must sell. $300<br />

Merc', tilt<br />

421-IMS<br />

Thuraday, Auguat 12, 1976 OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC<br />

WANTED MERCURY Mark 9 Out<br />

board motor or lower half for<br />

parts IM0 to IM0 422 777$<br />

810 Insurance, Motor<br />

STARCRAFT. 117$<br />

Sleeps 6. stove, sink<br />

offer<br />

tent trailer<br />

$1.M0 or best<br />

851 2939<br />

812 Motorcycles,<br />

Go-Korts-Mini Bikes<br />

812 Motorcycles,<br />

Go-Karts-Mini Bikes<br />

814 CanjNrs And<br />

Motorhomes<br />

HONDA XL SM. adult jwimd.<br />

miles, eicellent condition besl<br />

offer WW*"<br />

HONDA SSicc. 1973.<br />

perfect condition $M<br />

YAHAMlTiM. 1975 Asking $13M]<br />

Like new Call between I and<br />

PM 522 2120. M4 IS<br />

YAMAHA. 1974. 500 CC M9 Miles,<br />

like brand new Asking $1,029]<br />

After 5 30 PM NM<br />

YAMAHA 1973 $M. 5000 mlies, elec-<br />

tric start, adult owned, eicellent<br />

condition. $750 279-9993<br />

PUREBRED Arabian colt. J year<br />

old Bay $000 94I-79M<br />


Small, private stable Boi stalls.<br />

" th Troy<br />

979-9205<br />


mare 14.2. Gentle<br />

ars old. Bay<br />

3M994I<br />

REGISTERED Quarter horse 7<br />

year old mare. Eicellent youth<br />

norse. English and Western Call<br />

Barb after $ pm 479-1967<br />

QUARTER HORSE. $ year old geld<br />

ing Black We*tern pleasure, eipe<br />

rienced rider $3^4 Also Pinto<br />

Pony. mare, small, aood with chil-<br />

dren Western saddle and bridle<br />

$1M 459 4330<br />


Palamino<br />

t iarter<br />

ne, trained west-<br />

ern. tfM After 4 30 522 9205<br />

800 Recreational<br />

Vehicles<br />

SWAY BARS, helper springs. CB's.<br />

air horns hitches, tires, batteries<br />

accessories RV service Call for<br />

appointment Snelder's RV Service.<br />

579-1050<br />

PICK UP CAMPER, 10W Ft com-<br />

pletely self-contained, with 73 F2M.<br />

eicellent shape 93.200 KE 7 1804<br />

HONDA 1973 SL 70<br />

$296<br />

Mint condition<br />

GR 4 2668<br />

YAMAHA 1974 . 360 Enduro. 1100<br />

miles, like new $900 or offer After<br />

5 PM 479-3745<br />

HONDA. 1973. CT 70. low mileage<br />

eicellent condition 2 unblemished<br />

helmets. $300 or best offer 494 7853<br />

1971 KAWASAKI 500 SemKustom.<br />

very good condition. 1550 After<br />

4:30 PM. 4211090<br />

SUZUKI 1972. TC 125. eicellent con<br />

dition $3M or best offer 537 2611<br />

453 9390<br />

HONDA 1973. SL 350.<br />

KAWASKI • 1973<br />

rebuilt engine, new<br />

Call after 5 PM<br />

250 Trail bike,<br />

parts. $400<br />

459-4145<br />

HONDA XL250 1973. eicellent condi<br />

tlon. under 600 miles Phone after 5<br />

PM. 455-6291<br />

SUZUKI RV 90<br />

dition $300<br />

1974 eicellent con<br />

437 3790f<br />

YAHAMA. 1973. TX 750. semi cus<br />

torn, chrome, hog wheel, headers<br />

must sell today $1000 or best offer<br />

538 4409<br />

HONDA. 1971. Sl.350. eicellent con<br />

dition. rebuilt engine $400 1971<br />

Honda SL70. eicellent condition<br />

both adult owned. $300 464 0430<br />


1972. * ton Camper special. $1,500<br />

682 0 08<br />

LAB - COCKER Spaniel miied<br />

male needs new home Likes chil<br />

dren good watchdog 4M132I<br />


latnre. 2 healthy males. 7 weeks<br />

old. oon shedding, champion blood<br />

line. AKC. vet checked, shots.<br />

SM 1453<br />

FEMALE Siameae. 3 years old.<br />

spayed, declawed. free to good<br />

home ProferaMy with yard<br />

Ml 3545<br />

MIXED Terrier puppies<br />

good hame<br />

$3 To<br />

535 1285<br />

,VW Dune Buggy fiberglass, con<br />

vertlble top. very good condition<br />

tiaoo 531 0862<br />

MINI T Roadster IM9 VW frame<br />

Professionally built engine Car<br />

completed 7 2 7$ Must be seen<br />

$2,950 464 4996<br />

802 Snowmobiles<br />

YAMAHA 1973,<br />

$575 or best<br />

"ssE 2763|<br />


made Good shape $125<br />

YAMAHA Enduro, 1971. custom<br />

E inted tank, many eitras Cham<br />

r. konies. 21 inchs Evenings<br />

642-1434<br />

HONDA 1973<br />

eitra parts<br />

350 good condition<br />

721 5M<<br />

YAMAHA 1974<br />

Used very little<br />

X 1,500 trail bike<br />

Best offer 525 7833<br />

SUZUKI T 500.1975.<br />

like new, best offer<br />

adult owned<br />

546-03U<br />

OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog puppies<br />

I .oak elsewhere then see us 339-9753<br />


registered. $50<br />

S years. CFA<br />

453-1672<br />


dm AKC. champion background,<br />

parents X rayed $175 6*1672<br />

CUTE." HEALTHY miied breed,<br />

part Cocker Spaniel part Beagle<br />

puppies $19 each Call after 5 Pm<br />

391-5932<br />

DALMATION puppies<br />

tered champion sired<br />

AKC reps<br />

Ml 4397<br />

FREE to good home my two neu<br />

tered and declawed litter trained<br />

cats Must give them up They<br />

need love 953-2731<br />

AFFECTIONATE, playful, attrac<br />

live spayed adult female cat Fre<br />

to select home 52^1445<br />

APPALOOSA gelding, must sacn<br />

flee, beautiful show quality, reels<br />

tered. 4 year*, eicellent ai*<br />

position. Vickie 4S5-1305 437 2054<br />

POMERANIAN, auburn female. 2<br />

years. AKC. Champion line, $1M<br />

After 9 PM, SM I1M<br />


registered. 9 weeks old. black *<br />

tan! first shots 942 9527<br />


ed. S rare white, two black and<br />

white, bom July 4. 453-4402<br />

AKC Registered Golden Retreiver<br />

puppies, mother snd father Loader<br />

bog approved, stud and breedod<br />

Choice of 9. Lake Orion 693-I3M<br />


free<br />

"Arctic Cat"<br />



Moore's<br />

Motor Sport<br />

21001 Pontioc Tr at 8 Mi<br />

South Lyon 437-2083<br />

Mon thru Fri 10 AM - 7 PM<br />

Sat 10 AM • 9 PM<br />

804 Airplanes<br />


$435<br />

Chandelle 19 ft<br />

SI 1490<br />

806 Boats & Motors<br />

SNIPE. 1973. 1SW model wtth trail<br />

er $1,308 also M Horse Mercury<br />

outboard motor $200 9*2-6171<br />

VIKING 19 ft., deep V. 179 HP,<br />

Volvo inboard-outboard. tilt and<br />

trim, eicellent condition 692-3972<br />


boat 19 Ft Lit Dude Trailer Com-<br />

pletely equipped Spare tire, motor<br />

mount anchor, etc Mint condition<br />

$2000 2294739 479-3390<br />

HONDA, 1973 CL 100<br />

perfect condition, $450<br />

600 miles<br />

455-4705<br />

HONDA 1975 CL-360<br />

months old Helmet,<br />

brand new $750<br />

1.300 miles,<br />

gloves Like<br />

626-1121<br />

BMW-R 754. 1974. custom seats<br />

luggage racks, back rest, good con<br />

duion. low mileage OfTer. cal<br />

weekdays. 10 AM I PM. 535-Ml<br />

HARLEY Davidson 90. 1975 Mini<br />

bike Eicellent condition Moving<br />

must sell $350 64V68T<br />

YAMAHA 2M 1974. road bike,<br />

miles, eicellent condition Mus<br />

sell 9900 or best offer 533 2941<br />

537 1791<br />

KAWASAKI 1972 750 Clean, mus<br />

sacrifice Best offer Chambers<br />

Barnett clutch.Cafe Bars 422-1M<br />

YAMAHA 9M 1975. mint conditior<br />

$1300 or best offer After 5 PM<br />

474 766 i<br />

BMW 1979, 750 cc. many eitras.<br />

most new, low miles 25% off 42 1 27*<br />

SKI BOAT 1971. M ft 13$ mere Ei<br />

cedent condition With trailer<br />

423 2154<br />

BOAT<br />

$17$<br />

HOIST. $4M; Boat trailer.<br />

692 I3M<br />

FIBERGLASS 15 ft speed boat. 40<br />

HP Johnson, trailer, skis. 3 life<br />

pockets. $1900 firm After 9 PM<br />

95149M<br />

HONDA 1973,<br />

mint condition.<br />

$520<br />

MT 250. Elunot<br />

less than 200 miles<br />

642-70*2<br />

HONDA. 1973 . 3S0CB. very clean<br />

with eitras. first offer over $SJ0<br />

take home 4M-14J3<br />

HONDA CB 750. 1974. eicellent ca<br />

dition. low mileage, must sel<br />

$1500 or best offer 62^74<br />

SUZUKI 1972.<br />

condition<br />

SO cc. TS trail, good<br />

479-1MI<br />

YAMAHA<br />

sell. $425<br />

1974 250 Enduro Must<br />

4554324<br />

YAMAHA 1973. I7S, Enduro<br />

Eicellent condition Eitras<br />

offer , ^ fi<br />

YAMAHA 1970 125. for street of<br />

dirt, low mileage $250 53*2923j<br />

after 5 PM<br />

HONDA CB 3M. 1971. $300 GA I<br />

HONDA. 1973 . 750CB. 9.000 mil<br />

bock pad bar. 9" over front end. 2<br />

helmets. 1 full faced, eicellent conf<br />

dition Best offer Take over pr<br />

merits 427 4125 42242!<br />

MATCHING 92 inch sofa. 3 chairs<br />

table lamp, end table, pole lamp<br />

Good conaition After 9 PM 459-24/9<br />

HONDA CT - 70 cc. trail bike. A<br />

shape low mileage. 9300 or be<br />

offer Call Bryan 944<br />

HARLEY 1974 Sportster XLCI^<br />

1.000 cc Hog wheel In back Gol<br />

metallic fleck paint job King a<br />

Queen seat, oil cooler, sissy ba<br />

9.100 miles Eicellent conditio!*<br />

Only $1 900 M*M*3<br />

>ld<br />

J<br />

NOMAD 1971 20 foot S<br />

Self-contained Eicellent<br />

GA<br />

9<br />

tlon<br />

I S3M<br />

GLOBESTAR travel trailer 1975.<br />

ft used om<br />


.VELCR/<br />

GMC<br />

ROMAN X D».<br />

OMES<br />

LCRAFT<br />

LTD<br />

PORTA CABIN tftl.<br />

sleeper, wardrobe. Llk<br />

I<br />

Hon $990<br />

camper 6<br />

Like new condi<br />

best offer. 494 47M<br />


9 to 9. 9*10 ft add-a-room.<br />

condition, aakiai $375 M2 S9«2<br />

AIRSTREAM I960 self contained<br />

sleeps 4. eicellent condition $1,200<br />

474 5939<br />

820 Autos Wanted<br />

MECHANIC NEEDS 1997 to 1972<br />

car or truck Wrecked, running, or<br />

)unked Call anytime 99B4IM<br />

NEEDED<br />


Shorp low mtleaae cars and<br />

trucks.<br />



Roger Peck Chev.<br />

Farmington 474-0500<br />

VW CAMPER I9M. be*t offer, car<br />

peting. tape extras $49-1100.<br />

949-9939<br />

TRAVEL Trailer, | self-contained,<br />

sleeps 9 Good condition. $950<br />

After 7 pm 421-5321<br />

CONVERTED sc!<br />

frigerator. john.<br />

sale. $3,500<br />

bus Stove, re<br />

s $ Quick<br />

6450750<br />

WOODSMAN 1970,119ft very good<br />

condition, self-conlained. eitras.<br />

$1.$00 After 5 Pm 421 7011<br />

FOR RENT: Luxury Executive mo<br />

torhome. air. generator, micro-<br />

wave oven Sleeps 7 . 477-2242<br />

APACHE RAMADA 1973. Solid<br />

State, fully equipped, sleew 9 Ei-<br />

cellent condition After 9 PM<br />

427 4822<br />

GO-CART, excellent condition. |8<br />

hp Tecumseh. racing slicks,<br />

ual dutch. $130 or best offer<br />

421 4970<br />

HONDA 1971, CB350. electric starj.<br />

rood condition, owner aniious.<br />

good<br />

$400 Call 494 0900 or. 425 6322<br />

HONDA 1974 450CL. 2.400 miles. e><br />

cellenl condition Must Sell $6<br />

523-*<br />

KAWASAKI 1975. KZ400. deluie 4<br />

de engine eitras. 3000 mil<br />

375<br />

as-<br />

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1971. Eledrj<br />

Glide, white, police special.<br />

good condition. 14.000 miles.474-<br />

SUZUKI 1971 50 cc. Trail Ho<br />

eicellent condition.<br />

HONDA 1974 3M<br />

or best offer<br />

3000 Miles.<br />

421:<br />

SHASTA. 19 ft 1972. trailer, excel-<br />

lent condition, self contained,<br />

sleeps 6 $2900 464 8487<br />

All Units Reduced<br />


TITAN<br />


High inventory. ov*r 50 MOTOR-<br />

HOMES 17. 20. 35, 27 and 31 ft<br />

available<br />

H W Motorhomes<br />

981-1535<br />

TRAILER, heavy duty 4 x 6 x 2W<br />

with lights. $95 533 2923. after 5<br />

PM 728 $509<br />

YAMAHA 1974 TX500. eicellent<br />

dition $850 644 34W<br />

SUZUKI<br />


Many Models<br />

your<br />

Moore's<br />

to suit<br />

Needs at<br />

Motor Sport<br />

21001 Pontioc Tr at 8 Mi<br />

South Lyon 437-2083<br />

Mon thru Fri 10 AM • 7 PM<br />

Sat 10 AM - 6 PM<br />

HONDA. 1972 CLSM, very good ct*i<br />

dition. 6.000 miles $550 97941<br />

SUZUKI GT 390, 1974. eicellent cop<br />

dition. low miles, adult owned<br />

many eitras, $650 or best offer<br />

Afer 12 noon 453-09H8<br />

YAMAHA 60, 1971. good condition<br />

must sell $160 453411$<br />

SUZUKI. 1973. TM 125, never betn<br />

HOLIDAY 1972 Trav ler. 24 ft . ex<br />

cedent condition, loaded, tandem<br />

aile. hook up included 4534769<br />

CHAMPION Motor'Home 24 ft<br />

1974. sleeps 8 454 Chevrolet engine<br />

Eicellent condition. M.300 4254615<br />

SEVENTEEN and a halT ft travel<br />

trailer, sleepa 6. gas elednc refrig<br />

erator. oven, toilet, spare tire,<br />

good condition. 91.196 451-0845<br />

VEGA FOLDING Camper. 1975<br />

model, sleeps $. heater, water,<br />

sink, and etc $1,500 PA 14409<br />

KROWN 1973 tent camper 7 sleep<br />

er. ice boi. stove, furnace<br />

$1095 422-<br />

WINNEBAGO. 1973. Mini Winnie,<br />

under 13.000 miles, eicellent condi<br />

tion. $7500 4S3-M7I<br />

TOUR-A-HOME 17 ft travel trail<br />

er. refrigerator, stove, sleeps $.<br />

gas electric lights $800 532-0671<br />

WILL ACCEPT late model motor<br />

home as down payment for 3 bed<br />

room northern chalet Call Mr<br />

Mayer KE 11611<br />

good condi-<br />

4257695<br />

TOUR A HOME trailer<br />

tion.<br />


Champion<br />

raced,<br />

offer<br />

mint condition 1350 or<br />

464 <<br />

HARLEY 1974. SR 100. dirt btl<br />

only, good condition Reasonably<br />

422-!<br />

HONDA 1972. 350. $550 l»?3<br />

HONDA 4M, $950 Low mile*(<br />

After 6 Pm 255-5<br />

SAIL RIG tor Grumman conoe. 17<br />

ft or larfer Aaking $140 455-2149<br />

SUN FISH SAIL boat<br />

trailer $9M (If no<br />

after 7 PM)<br />

with Alcort<br />

answer call<br />

479-4113<br />


$ week* old. $»<br />

Cocks poo mi Dotes<br />

9474*27<br />

BEAUTIFUL HEINZ $7. female. 3<br />

months all first »hot*. hou»e<br />

broken, love* children, all acce*<br />

483-1391<br />

FOR SALE, full<br />

Poodle pupa, male ft female<br />

blooded block<br />

437-7971<br />


position. Ul-color. 7<br />

AKC registered. $1M<br />

lovely dts-<br />

weeks Old.<br />

557 7951<br />

PEKINGESE pupa, adorable 9<br />

week*, full Wood, unregistered, $w<br />

$42-4979<br />


ful. healthy kitten*.<br />

bMutl<br />

I7743M<br />


pop*. AKC. champion blood line. $<br />

^ ||25 964-7994<br />

SCHNOODLES. I male. 1 female. $<br />

week* old Father: Miniature<br />

Schaauser. Mother: Miniature<br />

1 BEAUTIFUL OM Enallah Sbao^<br />

dog*, female pupplaa. aired by Ta<br />

Sum. champion Spiffy Chicken,<br />

am of Foalwia Dam Lady Lalhe,<br />

both AKC and OFA. for sala to<br />

I on Co ownership^bnaM<br />

ALUMINUM 31 ft pontoon boat, al<br />

most new. can be seen at 34M Mid-<br />

bolt. Pine Lake Sunday from 2<br />

to S Pm Ml 4-1344<br />

JOHNSON M HP. 1979 19 ft Mir<br />

roricraft Deep Fisherman with UK<br />

trailer Many accessories $1,800<br />

Like new.<br />

534-4754<br />






for the non-boat<br />

Soiling program<br />



43M Cass Elisabeth Rd<br />

Ask for Ted Wade. 6W «»l<br />

SAILBOAT CLOSE OUT. new 12 ft<br />

and 14 ft AFC Ready to sail Full<br />

factory warranty. $#*> off IM Mar-<br />

vin Marine. Inc . 537 5865<br />


hp . M9<br />

Martin. 4W<br />

537-5119<br />

IAIL BOAT. CL19, 1974. Pamco tilt<br />

trailer, mint condition Used 1$<br />

Eitras<br />

1-7327<br />

740 Pet Services<br />


19 years espe-<br />

Center<br />

M141M<br />

Collie<br />

REG11TERED • ^<br />

rfs?'bJoodbSfoffafter IPIC<br />

Ml 3493<br />

FEEDE* MCE ft rmto.<br />

price*, pinkies available<br />

BOARDD90 OT<br />

Ml<br />

A li bhkkl's<br />

Cherry HU1 Rd<br />

WORLD<br />

374M rise MM. Uvo^a<br />

•944919<br />


snd medium sued dop. li<br />

CANINE OOVE^n t L„|„ n<br />

ttt|<br />


39 HP<br />

start W<br />

29 ft.<br />

motor<br />

field<br />

Electric<br />

MXIi9<br />

O'DAY<br />

trim<br />

Daysallor, 17 ft<br />

I trailer, tal<br />

Excellent<br />

wood<br />

$»M9<br />

vang<br />

5413133<br />

THOMPSON Upstroke. 17 ft. IM<br />

HP Evtnrwde. 3$ gallon bulk ln gas<br />

k Push botton shift BultTln<br />

.1 locator Plua trailer Man*<br />

•Mras Eicellent condition. $1399.<br />

OLASTRON 1972, tlTt Open<br />

I p Electric 41<br />

i top. trlaler and moor<br />

Ing cover 939% After 9PM 4&349M<br />

LONE STAR 14 ft.<br />

•4m*. 39 |m Johnson new trailer<br />

boat cover, depth sounder. MM.<br />



m, Sell. Swim Fish. Picnic<br />

rem Camp. Private.<br />

Not Just A Beet Yard<br />



Oaa* Laka Boot<br />

4399 Caoa Elisabeth<br />

H<br />


purple, front shocks, eicellent, 11<br />

w condition $150 329-25<br />

MOTO<br />

dressed<br />

GUZZI 1972. 850. ful<br />

eicellent condition. $1.4! I<br />

421 52 $<br />

KAWASAKI 990. Z 1. 1975 3.000<br />

miles padded bar. perfed con* i<br />

tion. first $1600 535 92*5<br />

SUZUKI. 74V» GT 550, new com I<br />

tlon 1.979 miles, bought new 19" S.<br />

uaed 3 months, leaving state, mi it<br />

sell $950 557-7117<br />

HONDA CB-500 1973 Like<br />

Only 2.100 miles Sissy bar<br />

pod. new battery. $1,200 or<br />

offer<br />

id<br />

b4st<br />

1$<br />

SUZUKI. 1974W.<br />

owned. 17M miles<br />

new shocks $550<br />

TS 195. ad It<br />

mint conditli n,<br />

5224 41<br />

SUZUKI. 1972. TCM.<br />

tlon. low mileage<br />

good con 11-<br />

474-7 47<br />

HONDA MT2M. 1974. Enduro,<br />

miles, eitras, like new Must s ;U<br />

a 525-7 &<br />

SUZUKI 1972 TS125 Low mllei<br />

Very good condition Hof^up<br />

many extras $225 459^W2<br />

KAWASAKI 1973 1 * SR4M Very<br />

mileage. Eicellent condkti<br />

$1,990<br />

ow<br />

in.<br />

459-1492<br />


$1M or best<br />

5 HP mini-b ke.<br />

KE 3-1782<br />

ROCKFORD TORA Don t wait<br />

Christmas. en)oy riding this I<br />

now trail bike right now<br />

HONDA<br />

miles<br />

wife"<br />

». lo<br />

s Mke<br />

1973. 500 cc. under 8 0M<br />

ood condition, eit as,<br />

479- 216<br />

SUZUKI 1». 1972. Eicellent ccfridl<br />

tlon Trail and road gear $34<br />

427- Ml<br />

TRIUMPH. 19M. 9S0 Boonev lie<br />

[many new parts partially<br />

lied, runs good Best offer IM 899<br />

TRIUMPH Chopoer<br />

frame hoa wheel, f<br />

must see Jl.lM<br />

fully<br />

CC. r<br />

Mi<br />

SUZUKI 1973. 2M Good<br />

I Call after<br />

SUZUKI 1974 TM 125 Never rac<br />

Used 4 months Bell Star helmet In-<br />

cluded Eicellent condition $4$5<br />

HONDA 1973* custom Hog<br />

$ inch eitension $1100 or Wst<br />

offer GA l-5j27<br />

TRIUMPH 1972. 650 Bonneville,<br />

cellent condition, eitras Call af<br />

SPM<br />

HONDA 1972. CL175.<br />

tlon. low mileage. $300<br />

Pm<br />


Glide. $3,400 Don<br />

HONDA 125 CB. $ months old.<br />

miles, best offer 979-OIHS<br />

II a te<br />

HONDA. 750. 1974. eicellent<br />

tlon. eitras. low mileage, ml<br />

sell. $1475 or best offer 9244*45<br />

YAMAHA 1974 390 Enduro.<br />

condition. $925 or besl offer<br />

after 6 PM<br />

SALE<br />

Titan • Concord<br />


17 . 20 22 ft<br />

$8,495 UP<br />

Urge selection Immed Delivery<br />

H W Motorhomes<br />

981-1535<br />

DODGE 1972 mini-motorhome. ex-<br />

cellent conditio^. 23000 miles,<br />

sleeps $. automatic, power steering<br />

brakes.<br />

522!<br />

CREE travel trailer. 1$ ft . self con<br />

talned, new carpet plus add a-<br />

room, loaded with extras. $1150<br />

453 68M<br />


extras<br />

1976 cab over. 9 foot.<br />

427 8023<br />

CAMPER CAP. 9 ft 42 inches high<br />

with furnace. slide-In unit with<br />

sink, stove, ice bo*, dinette bed. 6<br />

months old $7M 455-2149<br />

1973 LITTLE DEN. pickup camper.<br />

9V» foot, sleeps sis. self contain-<br />

e^l. like new $1125 352-94M<br />


f» tandem deluie; completely self<br />

contained Old*m»bile, 1974. cus-<br />

tom cruiser. 3 seat, loaded with<br />

many eitras. willi sell together'or<br />

separately, must lie seen to appre-'<br />

date 792$ Kaiser Plymouth<br />

455-3017<br />

SUZUKI 1972W. 250 cc. 2 cylinder,<br />

low mileage, eicellent condition.<br />

$395 $32 1295<br />

SUZUKI 1975. 550. eicellent condi-<br />

tion Call evenings. 5324094<br />

gid<br />

HONDA 1973. SM<br />

miles 9550 Must sell<br />

.uall<br />

525-7 8M<br />

HONDA 1972. 7$9 very cl an<br />

many aitroa. $1.9M firm, • 722-JMU<br />

Rd<br />

A* for Tod Wade<br />

OUTBOARD MOTOR. « h.p. Tank<br />

OLDER hot jaod<br />

M HP<br />

ft. • •<br />

S S R l f<br />

STJl ^UFT<br />

MS Mmw a<br />

Use .91i.M».<br />

19N. tl<br />

m crulaar Twin<br />

EiceUoM omM-<br />

799-7942<br />



Michigan's Largest S«toctlfl*i<br />


Rupp<br />

Rutman<br />

Spoedway<br />

Foi<br />

Ul 1 Indian<br />

Artie Chi '<br />

Mai<br />

Moto-Becane<br />

• Go-Carts<br />

) Wheelers<br />

AU Blkas to 9t% Off<br />

Used Bike* from $99.M<br />

LIST<br />

Mini Bike Deluxe $3M<br />

Rapp Rondster $3M PR<br />

Indian lMcc $4p MM P •<br />

RoppMX49 |<br />

139cc 9 9p |<br />

(OW<br />

$1*9 95<br />

M<br />

La Baron Sports, Ir c.<br />

34711 Dequindre s. # a<br />

Mile. Trey<br />

585*3535<br />


V'<br />

YAMAHA 125 MX. 19M. good condi<br />

tion. $325 or best offer. 291 $294<br />

HONDA 1972. CBSM Low mila ge,<br />

electric start Padded sissy liar<br />

rack Chrome hl-way par<br />

helmets Eicellent Con<br />

dition.<br />

455 7296<br />

HONDA 1974. 7M, all chrome,<br />

torn paint, must see. $2900 or<br />

offer After 5 PM<br />

HONDA 1970. Trail 70 Low rtiile<br />

age Eicellent condition Phone<br />

tween 10 AM I PM. 9294572<br />

YAMAHA 197S. TX 6M. low ipile<br />

age. eicellent condition, with<br />

met. $1200 728-<br />

HONDA. 1973. 3M. $3M After 9<br />

HONDA 1973. 4M. luggage<br />

beck rest, craih bar*.<br />

2.7M miles, eicellent<br />

9996 Days. 45*1922, or c<br />

ask for Kevin.<br />

FROLIC travel trailer<br />

equaliser hitch, new<br />

16 ft Reese<br />

tires, nice.<br />

M2 2192<br />

DISCOVERER Rectrans Motor<br />

Home for Sale 25 ft sleeps 4. com-<br />

pletely self contained and fully<br />

January 1974.<br />

OT1 CaU<br />

new in<br />

45-2QM<br />

cus-<br />

best<br />

479-3992<br />

hel<br />

257$<br />

PM<br />

HONDA 1971. 3M.<br />

mileage. $4M<br />

very<br />

HONDA 1974<br />

tlon. Fairing ant<br />

$1,350 or best offer<br />

SUZUKI 1975. SM 1.9M<br />

es. must sell to highest<br />

4314M7 or<br />


THOUSE CAMPER. 1971 Sleeps 4<br />

adults Sink, ice box. radials. Lear<br />

Jet AM-FM stereo Excellent mil<br />

leoge. $2,496 $974IM (If no an-<br />

swer 3M4933)<br />

816 Auto-Ti<br />

Parts &<br />

ruck<br />

Service<br />

FOUR FIRESTONE Radial tires.<br />

GR70-I5; also twb Mlchelln Radl<br />

als. Snow Tlrea. 3I5-IS $1W com<br />

plete After $ PM 474-7117<br />

SET OF four<br />

s - s. good condition. $M<br />

15 inch Crsger map.<br />

— 642-1'49<br />

FOUR NEW Goodyear tires, black.<br />

H79 i IS. 9 ply. Wlret cushioned po-<br />

lyglas $200. GA 2-4007<br />

RACING Formula 1 drivers, many<br />

parts, wheels and fiberglass<br />

bodies. 29375 Ross Dr Redford<br />

Twp<br />

750. eicellent<br />

and many ei<br />

431-2971<br />

2342<br />

RUPP 1975. M Trail Bike, ei<br />

condition low miles. $225<br />

1974, 4 HP mini-trail<br />

condition. $130.<br />

HONDA 1975 7M. 1.9M mIMs Adult<br />

ned Like new After 5 PM:<br />

$1,900 477-SM6<br />

814 Campers And<br />

Motorhomes<br />

VW 1979 Wastphlla camper Excel<br />

lent condition 4719917<br />

TRUCK CAMPER. 19* Ft . self<br />

contained Many extras fl.lM.<br />

GR<br />

FOUR 1979 Cofvette wheels *<br />

Ures. 4.9M mites. $4M or best offer<br />

5424211<br />

NEW rord V9<br />

arate with accessories<br />

5pm<br />

2 Litre, In<br />

$330 After<br />

422-5037<br />


New ft uaed. SUtfles or set Also<br />

for Pickups. Vans ft Motorhomes<br />


Auto Supply<br />

30254 Ford Rd. Westland<br />

West of Middlebelt<br />

We<br />

Buying<br />

Are<br />

Now<br />



100 TO 200 MORE<br />



Leo Calhoyn<br />

Ford, Inc.<br />

41001 PLYMOUTH RD<br />

453-1100<br />

822 Trucks For Sale<br />

FORD F-3M. 1974. sharp black<br />

truck. V4. 4 speed and full power<br />

Price includes like new boi cover<br />

93.199. Call now Tom Holier Ford.<br />

Farmington 474-1393 474 1 $39<br />

1973 FORD IM pickup. 392V9.<br />

power steering, cab high top. 2<br />

snow tires on wheels. 31.000 miles.<br />

$24M AfterS WPM. 478 1848<br />

FORD PICKUP. 1997. $4M ~oTbest<br />

offer 19M Ford PickUp $5M. both<br />

in good condition 453-7$32<br />


349-4697<br />

824 Sports And<br />

Imported Cars<br />

CORVETTE COUPES 1979, 2 lo<br />

choose from, loaded, automatic, air<br />

conditioning Roger Penske Chev<br />

355 1000<br />

CAPRI 2900, 1974 . 2 door 33.9M<br />

very easy miles, car looks new' 4<br />

speed. AM-FM radio, eledric defog-<br />

ger. steel radials and more' Spe-<br />

cial this wtek $2,297 Art Moran<br />

Pontiac-GMC. Telegraph. North of<br />

12 Mile 353MM<br />

WE BUY<br />







Bill Brown<br />


35000 Plymouth Rd<br />

Livonia. Michigan<br />

427-9700<br />

1974 BRONCO<br />

M OM miles, automatic transmls<br />

sion. power steering. 4 wheel drive,<br />

beck seal, perfed Only<br />

$4,195<br />


4IMI Plymouth Rd<br />

flymoutl<br />

453 1327<br />

CHEVROLET 1975 . 4 wheel drive.<br />

V9 automatic with extras Askini<br />

$5000 Call after 5 30 Pm<br />

Asking<br />

522 «31<br />

Always<br />

Bigger<br />

Cash<br />

CARS<br />



For Out of State Market<br />



1104 Baldwin<br />

GMC 1973 Power steering, brakes.<br />

Mon $1 W0 Ml 4 4678<br />

FORD 1970. Vton camper special<br />

Dual tanks, oversiied tires, clean<br />

With 9 ft camper cab-over $2,000<br />

356 8941<br />




75 Chevy Custom 10<br />

Automatic, like new $3,695<br />

75 Toyota High Lux<br />

Low mileage $2,795<br />

74 Chevy Blazer<br />

4 wheel, air $4,795<br />

73 Ford XLT Pick up<br />

Loaded, air. stereo $3,495<br />

72 Ford F IM Custom<br />

Automatic, air $2,895<br />

70 Chevy Custom Pick up<br />

Automatic, air $1,795<br />

BOB SAKS<br />

OLDS<br />

Grand River at Drake<br />

478-0500<br />

FORD I9M. * ton pick up. 4 speed<br />

dition. $850<br />

transmission.<br />

Call<br />

good condit S35M23<br />

TOYOTA. 1974. Celica. MOM one<br />

owner miles, 5 speed, stereo tape<br />

Only $2.$65 Art Moran Pontiac<br />

GMC. Telegraph, North of 12 Mile<br />

3531000<br />

FIAT 124. 1975. Spyder convertible<br />

5 speed performance, classy looks,<br />

beautiful condition' Save a bundle!<br />


3S341M<br />

BRICKLIN - 1975. all automatic A<br />

I condition Call for more informa-<br />

tion Call collect 214292 4137<br />

TOYOTA Celica GT 1974 Automat<br />

ic. undercoated Excellent condi<br />

tion $2.$M 455-95M<br />

KARMANN GHIA 1972 Dark<br />

green, air conditioning Excellent<br />

condition $l,$50 ;Dave' 857 8445.<br />

Evenings: 85?4282<br />

MGB 197 I. Bracken with tan men<br />

or. eice|ent condition Warrantee<br />

363-94M<br />

DATSUN. 1974 . 2MZ. red. automat<br />

ic. AM-FM. rear defogger sharp<br />

$4,495 O'Hara Datsun. 35655<br />

Plymouth Rd 425 3311<br />

OPEL GT. 1971. 4 speed, green me-<br />

tallic. like new. rebuilt engine<br />

Best offer Stella Buick 531-25M<br />

TRIUMPH 1974 Spitfire 1500 AM<br />

FM. excellent condition No rust<br />

Radials $2,850 525 1074<br />

MG-B 1974 Low miles, new Mich-<br />

elins. Ziebarted, AM-FM Stereo<br />

$3 400 644 5493<br />

AUDI FOX 1975 4 speed, am fm<br />

radio, air. excellent condition.<br />

$4500 After 6 Pm 332 5994<br />

AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite, I9M con<br />

vertlble Excellent condition $10M<br />

455 2639<br />

MGB I9M. Good running condition,<br />

new clutch, exhaust system, top<br />

good tires $800 After SPM 3554326<br />

MG MIDGET 1970 New paint<br />

tires, windows Sharp' 30 MPG<br />

Must sell Best offer 422 1865<br />

CHEVY 1972.<br />

power steering,<br />

with boot. $1$»<br />

pickup, half<br />

saddle tanks<br />

After 5 538 1294<br />

ton<br />

cap<br />

CHEVY three quarter pickup. 1974.<br />

with new Astro cap. loaded low<br />

mileage, set to carry any camper<br />

eicellent condition<br />

4534<br />

823 Vans<br />


FE<br />

FE<br />

5-5900<br />

8-8825<br />

ALWAYS<br />


For 1969-1975 clean cats and<br />

trucks.<br />


354 3105<br />

FORD E IM. Van. 1976 . 351 Stick.<br />

Steel Radials. 2.000 Miles. Many<br />

eitras Best offer 533-4999<br />

FORD. 1974. Van. automatic trans<br />

mission 6 cylinder, power steering.<br />

14.000 miles $2.695 Roger Peck<br />

Chev 474-05Q0<br />

, ALFETTA<br />


Through Augusl 20<br />

Come In & Tesl Drive<br />

Holy's Motoring Legend<br />

at<br />


OF TROY<br />

1815 MAPLELAWN<br />


643-7870<br />

DODGE. 19M. Window Van. hard<br />

lo find $996 Roger Peck Chev<br />

474 05W<br />

DODGE 1971 window Van Mint<br />

condition Automatic, slant 6 en-<br />

gine 91.796 KE 5-1708<br />

821 Jurk Cars Wanted<br />

j<br />

$INSTANT$<br />

$CASH$<br />

FOR<br />

JUNK<br />

& WRECKED<br />

CARS<br />

CALL<br />

E & M<br />

474 4425<br />

A GOOD DEAL for your Junk car<br />

or truck We pay more for those<br />

that run Quic* pick-up ^92-74 49.<br />

9344565<br />

HIGH$$ HIGH$$<br />

WANTED ;<br />

$25 - $50<br />

ON ALL<br />


Must Have Title<br />


401 1 1 Schoolcraft<br />

453-3411 261-9120<br />


CALIFORNIA 1974 Ford Custom<br />

van. custom paint, and mural<br />

Mags, radials. tuck and roll nauga<br />

hyde and shag interior couch/ bed<br />

Stereo with Jensen speakers CB.<br />

air conditioning, power steering<br />

brakes, air shocks, headers, dual<br />

exhaust 302 V4. $5 900 464 7772<br />

CHEVY window van 1975. automat-<br />

ic. AmFm stereo, custom interior,<br />

must see. $5100 689 8357<br />

FORD 1972 window van. 12 passen-<br />

ger. excellent condition, sacrifice,<br />

heavy duty equipped 826-2245<br />


plus to Corporals Prooldent 8<br />

• Latest model. Latest fea<br />

IM. Installed your car<br />

lays. 944 1904;<br />

Firm J?1<br />

Dai<br />

Evenings.<br />

991-3411<br />

PARTS for 391 Cleveland Alutni<br />

num Intake, heads, bare block<br />

plus other part. ' MM919<br />

B F<br />

KROWN. 1971 camper, sleeps 9,<br />

add a-room fully carpeted, drapes,<br />

daaets. porta potty, furnace. Kicol-<br />

STcooiKlon^lM. 43I4M9<br />


eicellent condtlon After l:N PM.<br />

479-1949<br />

N1MROD taut camper<br />

condition, sleeps 9. roe:<br />

now. prices going up ft 19 PI<br />

Ml-14<br />

STARCRAFT 1971. 14 fl . 413 B»<br />

glee, 399M miles, power Mooring<br />

mi brakes. AM FM sterwo g track<br />

rotor, Bleeps 9. self<br />

Una. $13,299<br />

APACHE 1973,<br />

APACHE EAGLE, bask tent<br />

Goodrich show tires. 79 X 14<br />

427-3991<br />

ALL FOREIGN CAR body work.<br />

57$ 1988<br />

TWO IN9 Tord Van Windsors<br />

t Unted. wUI open rear door<br />

beet offer Call after S P M ^<br />

820 Autos Wanted<br />

Car F6r Sale?<br />



Becaukd we Mil so many, wi<br />

need goorf used con of oil<br />

kinds. We pay CASH and<br />

con i40W.<br />

Bob<br />

478-0500<br />

U<br />

Saks<br />

Farmington<br />

V<br />

Junk Cars k Trucks<br />

High $ Psid<br />

Call John A Dude's Towii<br />

339-4044<br />

Wanted<br />

iwing<br />

7294995<br />


WANTED<br />

•<br />

FREE<br />

739-3333<br />

PICK-UP<br />

268-1090<br />

822 Trucks For Sale<br />


1973. Custom, power, automatic.<br />

49.9M miles Roger Penake Cbev<br />

355-1000<br />

DODGE D IM. 1975. Pickup. 13.<br />

miles. Spirit of 79 Like new and<br />

S 1ced right. 93.3M. Tom Holier<br />

ord. Farmington. 474 IStt. 474-ISM<br />

EL CAMINO 19M Dark Mue. black<br />

Interior with custom cover $750<br />

Tyme<br />

1972 FORD F-250<br />


With Ronger pocko^e. V-8.<br />

automatic, power steering<br />

and brakes, dual gas tanks,<br />

west coast mirrors, rear step<br />

bumper, cap, two tone green<br />

A lot of truck for only<br />

S2.295<br />

JACK<br />

DEMMER<br />

FORD<br />

37300 Michigan Ave.<br />

(Just E of Newburgh)<br />

PA L -2600<br />

DODGE MAXI-VAN 1972. Roysl<br />

Sportsmsn. B-200. sutomstic trans<br />

mission, power steering, sir, cruise<br />

control, $29M After $ 64 2 59M<br />

DODGE 1973 Mail Van Motor<br />

home Pop top. stove, refrigerator,<br />

dinette, sleeps 4. deluxe interior<br />

94.7M After 5 PM 722-510I<br />

DODGE 1979 Van 2M. I2M miles,<br />

air. AmFm quad tape, radials. cus<br />

torn Interior - eiterior 995-23M<br />

DODGE 197I Window Van V-3.<br />

automatic. Body, good condition<br />

42.9M miles fl.SM ? Dave' 4534993<br />

DODGE I9M Van<br />

radials. stereo tape<br />

needs repair<br />

Rebuilt engine,<br />

deck, body<br />

GA Ml<br />

CHEW VAN 1975. fully custom<br />

ixed. power steering - brakes,<br />

stereo, mags II.000 miles, eicel-<br />

lent condition $5500 479-4793<br />

FORD I9N window van 6 cylinder,<br />

low miles Automatic, set up for<br />

camping, with furnace, mosquito<br />

nets on windows Good tires, inieri<br />

or - mint condition Has some rust<br />

on body Asking $775 535M094<br />

CHEVY<br />

wheel b<<br />

brskes<br />

tlr<br />

VAN 1974. *«. Ton long<br />

power steering, power<br />

tomstic. steeT radial<br />

penciled snd carpeting<br />

Kr. 3-0412<br />

DODGE. 1973 VAN. Tradesman<br />

IM. 9 cylinder automatic, excellent<br />

condition. $2695 M41304<br />

FIAT SEDAN. 1972. eicellent condi<br />

tion $995 Avis Ford<br />

Telegraph al 12 Mile SM 3100<br />

BMW Bavaria 1973 Automatic<br />

Good condition 4 door sedan $5200<br />

or best offer 851-9321<br />

MGB 1971. AmFm. wire wheels, re<br />

dining seats, convertible $1.2M or<br />

best offer. 5» 0509<br />

VW 1971<br />

condition. $975<br />

Body and engine in good<br />

TRIUMPH 1972 Spitfire Sharp' No<br />

rust 50.000 miles $1,895 728 3534<br />

miles,<br />

trade<br />

1974 MG MIDGET<br />


Radio, heater 19.000<br />

one owner, new car<br />

$2,495.<br />


FORD<br />

9600 Telegraph<br />

Between Plymouth $i w Chicago<br />

255-5840<br />

CORVETTE 1975. spotless rinna<br />

mon brown, automatic, air AM<br />

FM telescopic 4 tilt wheel, leath<br />

er. L-92. new tuneup. mags, lug<br />

gage rack. 15.000 Miles, must see<br />

Will consider clean middle-siw cai<br />

in trade M2 719<br />

DATSUN, 1973. 1200 coupe, auto<br />

matic. radio, mint condition. $1<br />

Call 646-7684<br />

FIAT 1974.<br />

miles. $3,500<br />

Xl-9 green 19<br />

689-436$<br />

TRIUMPH SpHfire 1970 convert<br />

ible. yellow with blsck top<br />

speed, good condition. $1.1M<br />

42543$$<br />

TRIUMPH TR250 I9M Looks anc<br />

runs great, must sell, $7W 338 443<br />

PORSCHE 914. 1973 Driven fo<br />

pleasure not for sport $3,900 Ver<br />

clean, eicellenl condition 352-907<br />

DODGE Van 1972 . 319. automatic.<br />

S wer brakes. 127 In wheel base<br />

II between 9 AM-4 PM Ask for<br />

__ ck. J»56I2<br />

CUSTOM FORD van<br />

finished with mursls.<br />

$2,580 or best offer.<br />

completely<br />

very clesn,<br />

349-2507<br />

BEAUVILLE 197$ Sport Vsn, air -<br />

front and bock, steel belled tires,<br />

many estros. Just reduced. $$1M<br />

479-2792<br />

824 Sports And<br />

Imported Cars<br />

MG 1973 MIDGET. 20,000 miles,<br />

school teacher i car. Eicellent con-<br />

dition. AM FM rtereo $*2M 557 M97<br />

rebuilt motor, Malibu<br />

model, sun roof, new brskes. new<br />

generator, great mileage. $399 CaU<br />

between 19 A 11 PM 945-1M7<br />

VOLVO I9N Swedish engine*red<br />

Only 9«7$ Tyme SolOs<br />

499 UN<br />





Huge Selection<br />

Hsrd Cover Books<br />

Ceramic Ministures<br />

Travel Cages—Training Equiffneni<br />

Complete Services Boarding A Gr<br />

824 Sports And<br />

Imported Cars<br />

CORVETTE 1979. burgandy tan<br />

automata<br />

age Cal<br />

Pm<br />


Coll<br />

DE<br />

(R,W,a9C)*llC<br />

£& loaded, low mile<br />

weekdays 9 to $<br />

994 7110<br />

I9M. like new. $5S»<br />

453 5344<br />

JAGUAll 1997. 429G Power<br />

bralun. s ecring windows Air. ei<br />

celleet caxhtion Must see Best<br />

offer MS ISM<br />

75 & '76<br />

dO SALE<br />


UP TO<br />

$1,000<br />


Ful Factory Wsrranty<br />

ijlVONIA<br />


34301 Plymouth Rd<br />

Wayne A Farmington<br />

iBetwee$<br />

Rds )<br />

PORSCH :<br />

cellenl<br />

1973 914 1 7 LTR Ex<br />

condition. 34000 miles<br />

. 6447192<br />

RENAUIT 1974. air. AM-FM rear<br />

window Be fogger 19.000 miles 4<br />

door 4 sieed. excellent milage, ex<br />

cellent c ndilion. $2,675 349 09M<br />

TRIUM1 H GT6, 1970 37 000 miles<br />

AmFm<br />

$1200<br />

MG Midfeet l»73 AM-FM. luggage<br />

rack. ne» racing exhaust, no rust<br />

Excellent condition<br />

64 7 2765<br />

anjjWhe<br />

VOLVO<br />

Air. lowl<br />

lion<br />

BMW B KVARIA 1973. automatic 4<br />

door se ion. completely<br />

$5,200 ( all 326 $IM or<br />

FIAT<br />

sell A<br />

75 124 coupe, in need to<br />

rust proofed AM-FM<br />

stereo, est offer<br />

TOYOT<br />

lage<br />

Celica ST 1974. low mi<br />

lial snows included, under-<br />

coated. ery well maintained<br />

CORVE TE<br />

miles. •<br />

loaded<br />

ranty.<br />

1976. automatic 5.400<br />

blue with black interior<br />

best offer, still ivxler wsr<br />

773-25*4<br />

HONDA<br />

excelled<br />

$7M or I I<br />

coupe. 1972.<br />

. 40 m.p.g.<br />

)est offer «<br />

74<br />

T i<br />

Datsun B-219. 4<br />

M FM radio<br />

Ca^-i. 2 door.<br />

radio, r ick<br />

71 Op« I<br />

nice, ni<br />

"71 Pin<br />

Wagon<br />

slonelly<br />

request<br />

er. loai<br />

drive. 14850<br />

than<br />

from<br />

player<br />

Kood<br />

offer<br />

speed<br />

$9 000<br />

M<br />

Est<br />

stereo good condition<br />

647 7517<br />

1974. 2 door Stick shift<br />

mileage excellent condi<br />

549 4975<br />

"SRS<br />

557 S423<br />

531 4958<br />

37.900 miles<br />

steel belts.<br />

525-4455<br />

GT. nicc.<br />

$2 395<br />

$1,795<br />

$1 995<br />

SCuire<br />

brown $1 995<br />



34M1 P ymoulh Rd. 425 54M<br />

Between Wayne t. Farmington<br />

Rds<br />

MERC1 DES 1970. 280SE profes<br />

restored, ressonable offer<br />

fed Call 4-7 PM 478 59»<br />

CORVE ITE 197$<br />

$94M<br />

rhite. black leath-<br />

3534329<br />

CORVE TTE 1976 air<br />

ing. brakes, windows<br />

Power steer-<br />

Auto irasns-<br />

mtssionL rear defogger. raised let-<br />

ter tire i. low mileage $$.675 Ml-<br />

207$ $51-72<br />

yellow outstanding<br />

rAechanlcally perfect, new<br />


car,<br />

19M c<br />

profess onally oonc ,<br />

p irchase<br />

F ilvey *<br />

vey Motors<br />

MAI<br />

Exclusive<br />


Solei - Leasing<br />

:uropean Delivery<br />

Ports - Service<br />

3te Motors Ltd<br />

$64 S Woodward<br />

Birmingham<br />

644-8400<br />

ai<br />

***\<br />

A<br />

m ,<br />

• »#<<br />

•;n<br />

i<br />

,St<br />

v .<br />

/ 1<br />

am fm<br />

m*ust see and<br />

293 4409<br />

MGB *7$ convertible. I 0M ml let<br />

virtual y now every eitra $9M less<br />

price 4 months s^o<br />

MOB M74. AM-FM stefeo snd tape<br />

jage rack, new top.<br />

ion. must sell Best<br />

29I 5935<br />

TOYOtA Celics. ST. 1W4. silver<br />

ersy, i Ir. am-fm stereo, best offer<br />

Eves . $47 8890<br />

CORVfTTE 1976 , 4.500 miles, 4<br />

losded. mint condition.<br />

299-4248 or 54H902<br />

Complete Services Boarding & Or »mmg<br />

Pets'N' F Particulars<br />

22B30 MO( INEY AVE<br />

Across Froi i Formin<br />

474 6806<br />

aton Plaza<br />

Open Monday- »alurday8 AM.-6PM<br />

Matte' C* roo-Sank k mtricua<br />

CHEVY * TON.<br />

37.9M miles, a<br />

Roger Pock Chev<br />

8ltra nice<br />

stake. In<br />

Avis Ford<br />

Ot 12 MUe<br />

FORD<br />

FORD F-1N PICKUP. 1973. V4.<br />

43147M<br />


Rancino,<br />

«A ILABU<br />

f m PICKUP*<br />

ICrestwood Dodge<br />

floydrice<br />

F-350<br />


120(R,W,G-10C) OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC Thur«Uy, Augu«t 12, 19:<br />

824 Sports And<br />

Imported Cars,<br />

SUBARU. 1*7). AM FM. radiate.<br />

m Ml ••IS<br />

MOft-GT 1ST I. 4 speed, wtth over<br />

drive, stereo cuaetle 7314175<br />

VOLVO 197V 244 GL. U.Wc'mllet.<br />

» MPG highway. iMPG^cjtr<br />

AUDI POX. 1973. M OM miles, e*<br />

cellent condition. UlOO or besl<br />

offer C4-1M7<br />

TKIUMPH TR4 I97J Low mile<br />

. Zlebert AM PM. e*cellent conno<br />

9S.M9 4M-MM<br />

X<br />

JAGUAR body «wk painting, inairance<br />


866 Ford<br />

GRAN TORINO 1*71. 4 doorTiT.<br />

automatic. po««r *te*rta|. sir.<br />

Vary goad ceadaloa b7-M77<br />

ItTJ. Wagon autamatM*.<br />

k Ford.<br />

•t U Mis. 194-1199<br />

PINTO IIT4. Runabout. tl.M*<br />

miles*, automatic etojrl top. Sport<br />

opuon «roup deluxe interior. Mkbifcll<br />

MM 179<br />

- 1975 MAVERICK<br />

2 ddbr, 6 cylinder, automatic,<br />

power iteering. foctory air.<br />

rod to, vinyl top. protection<br />

group. Lik* new, 14,000<br />

m.l#9<br />

— S3.195<br />

JACK<br />

? DEMMER<br />

FORD<br />

•3*300 Michigan Ave<br />

«^fb»t JE. of Newburgh)<br />

~ PA ^1-2600<br />

NG IMP. Fastback ts>. 1<br />

4 ju-*d. power steering<br />

AmFm cassette. Jenaerts<br />

Interior |T99.<br />

—..^..ICK 197). 150 automatic,<br />

pops* steering power brakaa.<br />

radio* good caadttlon 21.099 mies.<br />

BIMfc. 417497*<br />

fmmo<br />

HO 1973 wagon Medium light<br />

Qiuwwuh Kh blue ulterior 991 V* auio-<br />

_ I 91.199. 4114453<br />

GIIIWADA 1979. V9 Automatic,<br />

poffr steering A brakes, air coodi-<br />

.lofflng. back window defroster<br />

MWANG Ml. 1979. automatic<br />

pogai steering, eicellent condkion<br />

i l » - 7114349<br />


Ir. hardtop $995<br />

I £ 5 Maverick<br />

A.JJJJ]4vjiic. 2 door, radio, heaters<br />

$695<br />

'^SSR ^° RC '<br />

r. hardtop, automatic<br />

£S ' • * 395<br />


ST FORD.<br />

*9»«en p5mo2h f 4*C. Chicago<br />

~ 255-5840<br />

1974 four door hardtop. V4<br />

•. power brakes, power<br />

... air. radio, tinted wis<br />

' white wal Urea, vinyl top<br />

21^H miles, dark green, one<br />

Like new condition 1150*<br />

91*4794<br />

F&£ON 1994. Rubs good 9119.<br />

1914799<br />

NG n. UN. Ghla 4 cyln<br />

:k. AmFm. low mileage<br />

g - b r ^ e s s h a ^<br />

RjELlI 1979 Fairlane Good trane-<br />

poJJWon or beat offer!<br />

__rANG 1973 Grande White<br />

grean vmyl top. air condtlaoteg.<br />

— brakes, power staorkag.<br />

Tinted glass, naw tiraa. new<br />

tlraa. Excellent cooditton,<br />

m-iui<br />

EXTRA<br />

866 Ford<br />

TORINO UNO 1973. I! 1 door, vinyl top. V9<br />

automatic ... powar steering<br />

and<br />

vary clean, low mITe i lie an*.<br />

PPTO . RUNABOUT 1971. Good<br />

conduit Inn. must seH 1999 4794199<br />

GALAXIE • IM. Il.lt* mie*.<br />

power a leering, power brakaa. good<br />

condition.!** UMUI<br />

TORI INO 1971 Automatic, power,<br />

Good condition 5314113; KE54W<br />

GALAXIE, INS. I door. Powar<br />

Mdertof. automatic, eicellent tires<br />

Mil Marilyn, south of Ann Aibor<br />

R4-. west of Haggerty<br />

er<br />

bod<br />

Q9e<br />

1976 PINTO<br />

S2S78J3<br />

ioor. automatic, radio, heatwhite<br />

ude walls, wide<br />

ly side moldings, low milenew<br />

car bank rates<br />

595<br />


FORD<br />

9999 Telegraph<br />

letween Plymouth k W Chicago<br />

255-5840<br />

RANCHERO. 1971. asi-c. 4 *>eed.<br />

excellent runnin« condition, needs<br />

body work. 91199 Office. 5344900;<br />

le. 4744934<br />

ID 1999. 9. 4 door. Galaii* 3<br />

er steering, automatic, good<br />

chantcaDy. 5»OJ»<br />

ICON- 19 Passenger. LTD<br />

lire, automatic, air Power Steer-<br />

Brakes Rusted Good transpor-<br />

00 KE 7 IMM<br />

INO SQUIRE WAGON 1973.<br />

tr steering, air. rack, aulomaticl<br />

radial tires, good condkion<br />

7194991<br />

liAVERICK, 1971. 1 door, stick<br />

white, blue interior. 49.999 mfles.<br />

n+w like appearance. 9995 619-7114<br />

it ADA Ghla Coupe. 1979. SOI<br />

. power steering and brakes<br />

automatic, stereo, defogger<br />

more 94.499 4354X10.<br />

999-7531<br />

1974 GRAN TORINO<br />


naaenger. factory air, automa<br />

kl power steer In? and brakes 1 to<br />

rHoese from.<br />

$3,495<br />


410*1 Plymouth Rd<br />

453-13T<br />

STANG 1971, Mach l_, V4. auto<br />

»tic. air conditioning. bv Mfc<br />

e. A-I condition, calf after 9 PM<br />

4534139<br />

4ADA. 1975.!door. V4. auto<br />

•Uc. power steering, brakes.<br />

"TM sterto. flight bench seat.<br />

• window defogger 7»6or..<br />

PINTO 1971 Squire waion. luggage<br />

rkek. needs work 9900 or oat<br />

otter. CaU after 5 PM<br />

LTD. 1971. vary good condi<br />

powar. air. AmFm stereo, vinyl<br />

top, new tire*. 9*495 49*7*9<br />

MUST ..ANG 1971. Boaa 391-4 speed.<br />

AM Fl FM. power windows. WS* or<br />

offer 477-1991<br />

t>ea Ol<br />

....ANG 1S70 Automatic tr__<br />

th<br />

MUST<br />

ilesion. 39.999 miles, power steer<br />

If. 91.999 4*44115<br />


: tfl74WPALA WAS0H<br />

Af. condttionod. real claan<br />

T" 0 " ******<br />

rH7SRMSTiCJyU<br />

A^ coodtioned. cruiaa and ,<br />

tM whMi. iharpl ^<br />

tS7SVOA<br />

Automatic tranamiaaion, air<br />

condltioood. priced to Mil<br />

*M$S**<br />

NTiMvant<br />

4 door nutomnlic t<br />

miaotoa radio, white<br />

area.<br />

• 1 , 1 9 1<br />

711<br />

i n<br />

wtioata. ottear ntalBMc.<br />

• 4 , 4 9 5<br />

.AM/FM<br />

72 VW RAJA -<br />

AM/FM radio, etvee moteMc.<br />

•1,495<br />

THIS<br />

ISTHE<br />

PLACE<br />

FOR<br />

VALUE!<br />

\VALVE<br />

I974AFRU0<br />

Automatic transmission,<br />

power st»«rtng, air conditioned.<br />

low mll«ag«<br />

W74CAJJ«ESTAn<br />

Air conditioned, priced to<br />

1974 IMPALA<br />

2 door, hardtop, air condi- II<br />

ttoned. runs exceUent<br />

•40875|<br />


453-4600<br />

Low maaaga. aunroof. radial<br />

tiraa. atereo. automatic,<br />

trensmlesion. 3 to o»<br />

•rom: potd. graan. and bkM<br />

matalBca. tactory<br />

74 VW Convarttbla. Low<br />

m*eage radial tiro*, stereo<br />

• 3 , 4 9 5<br />

74RWACMV9W<br />

Excellent condition. 100%<br />

warranty.<br />

nad/Btack m lar lor, radial |<br />

tlraa. rally whaala. full<br />

in«rum®ii iwio'i<br />

• 2 , 6 9 5<br />

/•<br />

866 Fad -<br />

LTD. 1973 ate Hon wagon, powy<br />

steering - brake*, air.<br />

lion 33.999 miles Asking<br />

MUSTANG 1997 convertible. Aromatic.<br />

power steering, good am*<br />

Uon. 1999 or best offer 5114399<br />

FORD 1999. LTD Squire Waj«j<br />

FORD 1974. LTD. power brntoa.<br />

power steering, new steel bated<br />

radial tire*, a* conditioned, eicellent<br />

condition H.5S9 93*4797<br />

CLUE 1979. 9909 miles eicelenl<br />

condition. 94490 Call aflerJ^PM<br />

FAIRLANE. 1995. 9119<br />

1975 TORINO<br />


9 passenger, factory air. automatic.<br />

power steering and brakes, economical<br />

family or utility wagon for<br />

only<br />

$3,195<br />


41001 Plymouth Rd.<br />

453-1317<br />

PINTO 1974 Squire Waaon. 10.000<br />

miles, air. fully loaded. 11500<br />

942-2021<br />

FAIRLANE 1999. V9. automatic,<br />

good .running condition. M J 0 M I M g u<br />

GALAXIE 1995 . 4 door, automatic<br />

power brakes and steering. rad»<br />

115. 477-1131<br />

MUSTANG MACH I 1975. loaded,<br />

tow mileage, eicellent condkion.<br />

13575 or best offer Must sell. 53749IB<br />

FAIRLANE. 500. 1999. 15.500 actual<br />

miles, runs perfect . stick. 4 door,<br />

od gas mileage. Must see to beve<br />

#925 557-7147<br />

MUSTANG 1995 Eicellent eon

I<br />

.1 «•'<br />

14C*( R,"W,0-12C) OBSERVER ft ECCENTRIC Thorny, Augu* 12, 1976<br />

876<br />

| trfck^MW condition, low<br />

eniAtt Solon t«T4. loaded IS 000<br />

nDM. mint. I37M MUM sal<br />

OLDS M. IM. brow®, vm<br />

clean. food ear*. |7M<br />

FOUR DOOR INI Power BAE*<br />

lent running condition 70.000 orwi<br />

Ml tollea (family ewnersh^$4&<br />

876 OMsmoWt<br />

UP TO<br />

7EC0BD0IA<br />

•4,658 $1,799<br />



•harp MMI miles. tqulpmontloaded<br />

lltM Ask for Tom. 47440*<br />

CUTLASS SUPREME 1173 I ....<br />

'hardtop, a If. bucket aaata. console.<br />

17AM miles After 9 PM. — ~ -<br />


SEDAN. 1171. loaded perfect condi;<br />

tlon 11900 45843H<br />

DELTA 1171. M Air. power rteer<br />

Ing. brakea; good condttlon.^JSO.<br />

$ 3,177<br />

76 DUSTER.<br />

fr«B<br />

>2,945<br />



20H01 Grand River af Mlddlmbmll<br />

4 7 6 - 7 9 0 0 KE 1-8200<br />

BOB DUSSEAU pr<br />

31625 GRAND RIVER<br />

FARMINGTON 474-3170<br />

876 Oldsmobik<br />

DELTA M Royale 1172, 4 door hardtop.<br />

vinyl roof, factory air. powar<br />

steering • brakea. phis more . Stoel<br />

balled tires. Excellent cond«loa<br />

$1.8 JO ^ * II1-7111<br />


SEE<br />


OLDS<br />

For Metropolitan<br />

Detroit's largest<br />

Inventory<br />

of 1975 and 1976<br />

Oldsmobiles<br />

Troy Motor Mall<br />

Birmtngham-Bloomfield Hills<br />

643-0070<br />

i<br />

VISTA Cruiser Station .Wagon. 1972.<br />

ower steerlni ing h brafces. radllue.<br />

asking $1,700 M7-I482<br />

CUTLASS SUPREME 1971. gower<br />

steering 4 brakes, air.<br />

stereo, landau top. warranty ty.<br />

4453 1725<br />

CUTLASS SUPREME 1974 Power<br />

brakes, steering, windows Low<br />

mileage. 13750 . 8444589<br />

OLDSMOBILE M. IN9 air coodi<br />

tioned. 4 door hardtop, newly<br />

tuned. 2 snows, going to college,<br />

best offer 851-7193<br />

DELTA Royale M. 1975. convertible<br />

Loaded mint 15295 111-1125<br />

STARFIRE 1975. 4 speed, power<br />

steering 4 brakes, many extras<br />

U050 4 59 2058<br />

OLDS F-15. 1966 1350<br />

Will the REAL<br />

1. AVIS<br />

Sales<br />

Servicji<br />

FORD<br />

(Nfew,<br />

Stand Up!<br />

474-7755<br />

DELTA M. 1973. 2 door Vatyl top.<br />

full power, air. tilt wheel, AM-FM.<br />

Mkchelin Radials Mini condition<br />

$2,575 M11535<br />

876 Okkmobttt<br />

CUTLASS 1171 Supreme. 4 door,<br />

automatic, powar steering and<br />

brakaa. air. AM-FM ImmaculaM.<br />

CUTLASS SALON II7I. auoUnaUc.<br />

power steering. brakes, air. stereo,<br />

undercoated 15320 . 4744514<br />

CUTLASS Salon. It7k Loaded, mahogany<br />

and buckskin 15.000<br />

332-0567<br />

OLDSMOBILE - 1174. custom cruller.<br />

3 seat, loaded with many<br />

extras Shasta Travel Trader. 21<br />

Ft. tandem deluxe, completely self<br />

contained. Will sell together or sep-<br />

arately. must' be seen to appreciate<br />

7921 i " Kaiser. Plymouth<br />

4554017<br />

OLDS 19«9 2 door Deka M. good<br />

condition, must sell. 522-0121.<br />

211-2103<br />

878 Plymouth<br />

DUSTER. 1974. I cylinder, full<br />

power and air Nice car at the<br />

right price 12.195 Tom Hober<br />

Ford, Farmington 474 1 536<br />

CUDA 1971. 340. red and black,<br />

very good condition 11500 After 6<br />

PM 4744089<br />

SATELLITE SEBRING Plus. 1974.<br />

311 VI. 17 mpg Excellent condition<br />

12295 Home 817 9021 Work.<br />

Ext 311. 477-3900<br />

FURY 111. 1973 360 automatic 4<br />

door Loaded, low mileage 12500<br />

485-2353<br />

VOLARE 1976. Custom. 1.050 miles.<br />

Still in warranty, power steerina -<br />

brakes, automatic, rustproof $3,700<br />

or best offer<br />

Satellite. 1973. Custom 4 door.<br />

47.550 miles, air conditioning, auto<br />

matic. power steerina - Drakes,<br />

$2,300 or best offer Call between 5-<br />

7 PM, 681-0807<br />

CUTLASS SUPREME 1976. Land<br />

DUSTER 340, 1973 . 2 door, hardtop.<br />

au. wife's car. 2-door. air. power<br />

8 cylinder, automatic, power steer-<br />

steering, power brakes. AM-FM<br />

ing and brakes, vinyl top II,515<br />

vinyl rool 8.000 miles like new<br />

O'Hara Datsun. 35655 Plymouth<br />

Rd 425-3311<br />

lEU.. <br />


lUSED CARS YOi<br />



1874 CUTUSS<br />

V-8 automatic, power steering,<br />

power brakaa, AM/FM<br />

steroo radio, air conditioning,<br />

vinyl roof ^<br />

1974 CUTUSS<br />

9 PASS. WAGON<br />

V-l automatic, powar ataerlng.<br />

power brakaa. factory air<br />

conditioning, radio, heeler,<br />

white aidewalla ^ 6 9 5<br />

1975 BUICK<br />



2 door hardtop. V-8<br />

automatic, powar ataerlng.<br />

power brakea. AM/FM atereo.<br />

factory air. vinyl roof, extra<br />

aharp. one owner.<br />

$4,495 »r<br />

'•assr<br />

V-8 automatic, power<br />

ateerlna. power brakea.<br />

factory «r. tnnyt rool. AM/FM<br />

stereo, low mlwa. show room<br />

$2,895<br />

1974 LINCOLN<br />

Loaded with ad factory options,<br />

leather Interior with<br />

lipstick package, showroom<br />

$6,995<br />

1974 CHEVROLET<br />

BLAZER<br />

Power ataerlng, power<br />

brakea. air. V-8 automatic,<br />

low. low mlea. AM/FM M/FM ra radio<br />

$4,995<br />

1974 FIIBIRD<br />

•TRANS AM<br />

V-l. 4 apeed. powar ataering.<br />

power brakea. AM/FM atorpo.<br />

Urea, aharp. aherpl<br />

$3,899<br />

,# casss E<br />

2 doorherdtop. V-l<br />

automatic, power etoerlng.<br />

power brakea. factory efi.<br />

Vinyl roof, radial, wMte aide<br />

wale, extra aharp.<br />

1.72 ram ac<br />

/-8 automatic, powar steering<br />

brakaa, factory air aondt<br />

ilng. bucket seats, aporta corv<br />

e. AM/FM stereo, white wa«a,<br />

>2,496<br />

19739UICK -<br />

OfCTRA229<br />

4 door, hard top. loaded, lao-<br />

**y «»r. vinyl roof, only 18,000<br />

mlea. ahowroom natal<br />

1979 OLDS 98 -<br />


Loaded plus air conditioning<br />

and stereo radio, cruiae control.<br />

tHt wheal, one of a kind!<br />

$5,795<br />

1973 OLDS CUSTOM<br />

CRUISER '<br />

0 paaaenger. loaded, air<br />

conditioning, AM/FM radio,<br />

aharp. aharp car V .<br />

$2,995<br />

1979 CAMARO<br />

Automatic, power ataerlng.<br />

power brakaa. rally wheels<br />

showroom new<br />

$4,395<br />

1972 OLDS 99<br />


AM/FM, loaded, air conditioning.<br />

extra aharp.<br />

$2,295<br />

1973 OLDS 99<br />

Loaded, plua AM/FM atereo.<br />

air conditioning, vinyl roof,<br />

showroom new<br />

$3,495<br />

1973 CUTUSS<br />

2 door hardtop. V-6 automatic,<br />

power steering, power brakea. ra-1<br />

dlo. heater, white walla, vinyl root.'<br />

factory air conditioning, ehow-'|<br />

room new! 2 9 5<br />

1974 OLDS 99<br />

AM/FM aiereo. loaded plua<br />

oondltloning, super aharp V<br />

S4.295<br />

RjSrw'SSSieAi<br />

V-S automatic, powar<br />

steering power brakee, radio,<br />

heater,- white aide walls,<br />

vacation special., j<br />

1975 ELITE<br />

Cuatom, V-l automatic, powar<br />

aMering. power brakaa. air<br />

conditioning, vinyl rool,<br />

AM/FM radio, fire red, low<br />

"issr<br />

Automata, power steering<br />

/FM, power wtnr<br />

7,000 actual mftee,<br />

AHuUl Ul/n iOO l2M0 -'r2.0u0<br />


r GRAND RIVl H AND DHAKt 4 78-Obf<br />


'f I I<br />

Thursday, AuguM 12, 1976<br />

L&SAI 3E8<br />

312 Uvonia 312 Uvonia<br />

312 Livonia<br />

rrrtn<br />

UVONIA<br />


But you need a lorge home,<br />

then tee this appealing bungalow<br />

with 4 bedrooms, gas<br />

heat and new roof, j Asking<br />

$26,900 Call 425-7300.<br />

'st UNITED<br />


Open Sat.-Sun 2-5<br />

9910 SELTZER - Plymouth -<br />

Middlebelt area Super 3 bedroom.<br />

built-in pool, garage,<br />

finished basement. " Asking<br />

only $33,900<br />

GRAMCO<br />

525-7400<br />

MERR1MAN-7 MILE. 4 bedroom<br />

Brick t^jed. larp family room, attached<br />

garage. 1400 sq ft. S44.SOO<br />

477-MM<br />

COME * SEE THIS beaatlful barpin<br />

at m.M0 SAM Lawrence<br />

Drtva. Brick ranch family room,<br />

basement. t*k car garage S23-72M<br />

OPEN SAT * Sun. 2-8 PM. 14SS7<br />

Garden. Uvonia. 3 twdroom ranch.<br />

I full baths, family room, baat<br />

offer 427 3M»<br />

BY OWNER. UwniaT Kovdale<br />

Meadows 3 bedroom brie* reach,<br />

family room, screened perch, fin<br />

carpeted through<br />

out After S:M PM ^ • G A 2-4411<br />

OPEN SUNDAY li J44C Wood<br />

Dr. All the goodie* Burton Hallow<br />

Sub Colonial, m irparate dining<br />

family room n with fireplace<br />

uTftoor »r utility. • 2H 1H bat bat*. ha. 4 bed<br />

up. 1 bedroom and library<br />

down, panelled and tiled rec room.<br />

Fait occupancy Mi.Ml Reel Estate<br />

One. •44-4700<br />

UVONIA<br />


Nice 3 bedroom ranch with<br />

20 ft. living room, ottoched<br />

goroge. newly decorated inside<br />

ond out. Won't lost at<br />

$24,900.<br />

1st United<br />


8. ASSOC<br />

477-4700<br />

BY OWNER 7 Mile - Newburgh 3<br />

Ranch. 4th in basement 2<br />

finished rec roo. fireplace<br />

US S48.SM<br />


OPEN SUN 2-5<br />



3 bedroom 2 baths, ranch with base<br />

ment. new kitchen carpet. 2 car garafT<br />

Must be scan to be appre<br />

dated 2N22 Mason<br />

MURNINGHAN 261-9610<br />

THIS AD<br />


Fantastic •tic assumption on this U-<br />

vonia brick brii ranch. 3 bedrooms, recreation<br />

room. 3Vt car taranr plus<br />

much more. Asking M3.M0 Call<br />


chamberlain<br />

721-8400<br />

IN A HURRY?<br />

Great aaaumption and quick occupancy<br />

goes with this ) bedroom<br />

brick ranch Full finished base<br />

ment. large kitchen plus dining ell.<br />

wood deck patio. 2 car garage,<br />

fenced lot. Walking distance to<br />

everything SM.8M<br />

Cardinal<br />

West, Inc 522-5333<br />

SHARP 3 bedroom ranch, carpet<br />

inc. drapes, tiled basement. IW<br />

bath, family room, natural fireplace.<br />

stove, refrigerator, dish-<br />

' r. I car attached garage, gas<br />

•rill M s<br />

MS.MO<br />

13S lot. ,7V*«fe assumption<br />

484 3880<br />

OPEN SUN 2-5<br />

NEW HOMES - 4 LEFT<br />

Hli Rd between Ann Arbor Rd 4<br />

Joy Rd. Brick and aluminum Trilevel.<br />

3 bedrooms. 22' family room<br />

with fireplace 00x120 ft. lots.<br />

137.MO<br />

Century 21<br />

CORNERSTONE 478-4660<br />


4 bedroom with nice treed lot. full<br />

partially finished basement, super<br />

larp kitchen, natural fireplace in<br />

living room First offering Just<br />

133.MO<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford 424 Inc. 525-4444<br />

OWNER 8 MUe Farmington \<br />

acre. 4 bedroom Colonial. 71 baths.<br />

larp living room, fireplace, family<br />

room A den. carpeting throughout<br />

Asking M3.SM 48-0114<br />


Large lot. 100UW' 3 bedrooms, for<br />

ma I dining room, and finished base<br />

ment Asking 847.800 Call ROGER<br />


Norwood-<br />

No 12. Inc. 478-2000<br />


Clean clear thru is this super 3 bed<br />

room brick ranch with 1W baths,<br />

beautiful family room with fireplace<br />

and doorwall. full baaeoiajtt.<br />

country kitchen, attached 2 car ga<br />

rage. Immediate occupancy.<br />

S44S00<br />

Cardinal<br />

West. Inc 522-5333<br />

OPEN SUN 2-5<br />

JULY 15<br />

38620 MORNINGSTAR<br />

Don't read this ad unless<br />

you're reody for a dream of a<br />

home at a bargain price Located<br />

in Livonia near Newburgh<br />

Rd.. 4 bedrooms, dining<br />

room, large kitchen, family<br />

room, recreation room in<br />

basement. 2 fireplaces, covered<br />

terroce, central 6ir, «ttoched<br />

garage % ocres wfth<br />

a beautiful view, all this and<br />

much more for only $64,000<br />

J.L. HUDSON<br />

Real Estate Co.<br />

453-2210<br />

Coventry Gardens<br />

FIRST OFFERING $44,900<br />

Be the first to see this desirablt 3<br />

bedroom brick ranch with wet plas<br />

tered coved ceilings, marble still. 2<br />

full baths, finished rec room With<br />

complete modern kitchen, attached<br />

2 car garage in tranquil park-Uke<br />

Coventry Gardens Call WALT or<br />

ELSIE<br />

Norwood<br />

No 1, Inc. 464-2800<br />


S Mile - Merriman area 3 bedroom<br />

with larp living room, central ir.<br />

new carpet and drapes, di ih-<br />

washer, etc. Very dean iniide i nd<br />

out. with low taies. One acre lot<br />

with lots of Maple. Elm. E SvergrOen<br />

and Fruit trees.<br />

$43,000<br />

For appointment. call:<br />

42S-S7I1<br />

Dbirrur<br />


311 Home tor Sale<br />

Oakland County<br />

302 BummgharrvBloomfield<br />

304 Farmmfltorv-West<br />

BloomtieW<br />

309 Northville-Novi .<br />

306 Rochester-Troy<br />

306 SouthtieKJ-Lathrup<br />

319 Homes tor Sale<br />

Wayne County<br />

312 Livonia<br />

314 Plymouft-<strong>Canton</strong><br />

318 Redtord<br />

316 Weslland-Garden City<br />

320 Other Suburban Homes<br />

. for Sale<br />

321 Real Estate<br />

Servlca<br />

330 Apts for Sale<br />

360 Business Opportunities<br />

351 Bus i Professional Bldg<br />

for Sale<br />

346 Cemetery Lots<br />

352 Commercial-Industrial<br />

322 Condominiums tor Sale<br />

324 Co-ops tor Sale<br />

344 Country Homes<br />

326 Duplexes'or Sale<br />

350 Farms tor Sale<br />

312 Uvonia<br />

CHOICE<br />

AREA<br />

THREE bedroom ranch features<br />

central air. oven and range, dishwasher.<br />

full basmcent with rec<br />

room. 2Vh car garage plus large<br />

lot $37,500 Seeing is believing<br />

Call 525-4200<br />



HOME!<br />

Integrity<br />

Realtors<br />


tifully maintained Uvonia Home,<br />

uicellent assumption. 3 bedroom<br />

Brick Ranch. Aluminium sided 2<br />

car garage, finished basement, all<br />

rooms carpete •ted. Many Extras.<br />

$37.MO. 427-M50<br />

422 4449<br />



30 X 15 INGROUND POOL<br />

with patio on treed lot Central air<br />

conditioning and vacuum, 2W<br />

baths, formal dining room, paneled<br />

family room, schools nearby.<br />

• ""I"<br />

Classified Real Estate<br />

336 Florida Property<br />

for Sale<br />

354 Income Property<br />

for Sale<br />

356 investment Property<br />

lor Sale<br />

340 LaheS Resort<br />

Property for Sale<br />

342 lakefront Homes<br />

for Sale<br />

364 Listings Wanted<br />

336 Lots A Acreage lor Sale<br />

332 Mobile Homes<br />

lor Sale<br />

364 Listings Wanted<br />

336 Lots & Acreage tor Sale<br />

332 Mobile Homes<br />

tor Sale<br />

356 Mortgages—Land<br />

Contracts<br />

346 Northern Property<br />

334 Out ol Town Property<br />

366 Real Estate to Exchange<br />

362 Real Estate Warned<br />

328 Townhouses'or Sale<br />


400 Apartments to Rent<br />

312 Uvonia<br />


move your family right into this<br />

gracious 4 bedroom. 2^ bath colonial<br />

with central air. IMMEDIATE<br />

OCCUPANCY. Treat yourself to formal<br />

dining room, large kitchen<br />

plus dining and (amtly rooms Only<br />

$57,900 Call: 5224000<br />

One<br />

Way<br />


3 bedroom brick ranch, finished<br />

basement with wet-bar,<br />

l'/j baths, new draperies,<br />

aluminum awnings, garage,<br />

immediate occupancy Asking<br />

$33,900<br />

GRAMCO<br />

525-7400<br />

SPACIOUS CAPE COD. 3 bed<br />

rooms. 2 baths, dining room. Fam-<br />

Uy room with fireplace, built-ins,<br />

carpeting throughout including<br />

basement and patio. Gas grill.<br />

tastefuly decorated and land<br />

scaped 5 I V Mile. Levan area, eicellent<br />

schools<br />

4*4 7944<br />

422 Commercialindustrial<br />

to Rent<br />

426 Convalescent-<br />

Nursing Homes<br />

406 Oupiexes to Rem<br />

410 Fiats to Rent<br />

414 Florida Rentals<br />

402 Furnished Apartments<br />

to Rent<br />

406 Furnished Houses<br />

to Rent<br />

428 Garages to Rent<br />

404 Houses to Rent<br />

432 Living Ouariers<br />

to Share<br />

416 Mobile Homes to Rent<br />

424 Office—Business<br />

Space fo Rent<br />

420 Rooms to Rent<br />

41? Townhouses-<br />

Condominiums to Rent<br />

420 Rooms to Rent<br />

412 Townhouses—<br />

Condominiums to Rent<br />

,116 tf«'»lm"B»nllil«<br />

430 Wanted to Rent<br />

434 Wanted to Rent Resort<br />

Property<br />

436 House Sitting Service<br />

312 Uvonia<br />


CLEAN air. CITY water. LOTS of<br />

good earth GOOD HEAVENS, how<br />

can you pass up this custom built<br />

quad? 3 bedrooms, family room<br />

with fireplace, more than an acre<br />

and a half laden with fruit, pine<br />

and birch trees Only fSS.SM Call:<br />

4M-0M0<br />

One<br />

Way<br />

T.N.<br />

WHY PAY RENT? ,<br />


3 bedrooms, family room, covered<br />

screeend patio, large<br />

wooded lot. 2 cor brick garage.<br />

Just reduced to<br />

$25,000 Phone for appointment.<br />

Phone 453-7733<br />

Tom Noteboert Real Estate<br />

312 Livonio<br />

UVONIA<br />

ELITE<br />



you're handy with paint brush this<br />

solidly built 4 bedroom home In<br />

prestigious Rosedale Gardens Subdivision<br />

of Uvonia will reward you<br />

richly Super buy for larp family<br />

at $38.MO with big 18 ft. living<br />

room. 18*12 ft. dining room. 8*10<br />

ft kitchen. 18 ft master bedroom<br />

Full basement. 2 car garage on<br />

double lot. 11428 Melrose<br />

RYMAL<br />

SYMES<br />

538-7740<br />

OPEN THURSDAY 5 30-8 30<br />

15010 HEYER<br />

Castle Garden Sub. west of Newburgh.<br />

south of S Mile. FIRST OF<br />

FERING on this excellent assumption.<br />

Sharp brick with 3 larp bedrooms.<br />

beautiful family room with<br />

parquet floor and natural fireplace<br />

Family kitchen. 2 full baths. 2 car<br />

garage, swimclub membership<br />

available Call WALT or ELSIE<br />

Norwood<br />

No 1. Inc 464-2800<br />


your neighbors won't hear you in<br />

tNs 4 bedroom California ranch 2<br />

natural fireplaces. 1 acre lot with<br />

lovely stream Only $89,900 Call.<br />

484-OfOO<br />

One<br />

Way<br />

BURTON HOLLOW 2600 sq ft.. 4<br />

bedroom Volonial Tavtne lot Excellent<br />

condition. 7"*% assumable<br />

mortgage. $78,500 4254555<br />

BY OWNER 3 bedroom brick<br />

ranch I Gara Garage central air. carpeting.<br />

Finished basement with wet<br />

bar. Many extras. Plymouth - Mid<br />

die belt area 422-0597<br />

THREE BEDROOM ranch, at<br />

tached breexe-way and garage<br />

larp treed lot. Priced to sell quick<br />

ly By owner. $28,900 4844125<br />

v §&<br />

312 Livonia<br />


will certainly appreciate this 71<br />

3W treed lot The home is ve#i<br />

tastefully decorated throughou 1<br />

fireplace in living room, screened<br />

porch and attached garage Asking<br />

$28,900 Call: 4844800<br />

One<br />

Way<br />

OWNER • 7 Mile • Middlebelt. I<br />

bedroom Ranch, fenced yard, bui t<br />

ISM. 818.8M 477-28*<br />


this 3 bedroom face brie i<br />

RANCH with full basement<br />

paved street with great assumf<br />

tion Any reasonable offer will b?<br />

considered GREAT starter horn<br />

for only $24,900 Won't last' Call<br />

5224000<br />

One<br />

CHARM<br />


3 bedroom brick ranch, fami .<br />

room with fireplace. 2Vi baths, ce i<br />

trai air.- custom landscaping ard<br />

privacy yard Asking $48,900 Cal<br />

5224000<br />

One<br />

Way<br />

THREE BEDROOM brick ranch<br />

years old. full basement, assun<br />

able. Buyers only. Tiffany Par i<br />

484-9217<br />


who en)oy» country atmospherje.<br />

85x186 ft lot. 2 bedroom rancv<br />

family room, garage, fruit tre^s<br />

and grape arbor A real buy<br />

$21,900<br />

Red Baron<br />

422-8220<br />

w f m<br />

jom tarn<br />

fl*4 md to ymmt<br />

or Omts* arroent.<br />

kavt yeer canI hand* *k«w«r<br />

>»« call.<br />

312 Livonia<br />

Realty World Brokers Bring\bu Their Best<br />


New On The Market Beautifully maintained home<br />

on a large double lot. Ottering 3 bedrooms, big<br />

living room with firepiac^, formal dining room,<br />

breakfast nook pigs attach|ed garage Priced to sell<br />

at $33,900 Call 455-8400<br />

UVONIA<br />

Exceptional value, with too many extras to list.<br />

Lovety. well decorated, carpeted throughout, 4<br />

bedroom, Th baiths, Colonial. Family room and<br />

central air conditioning. Well landscaped lot. All for<br />

only $57,900. C Allen -421-2100.<br />

F T<br />

CANTON<br />

I „ t<br />

7 beautiful acres B^d a'efntonnial home. Enjoy theponvenience<br />

of the city with a country atmoepherehorsas<br />

permitted. $52,900. Makino, Inc. 326-7660.<br />

18419 West<br />

fireplace.<br />

with wet bar<br />

Assume<br />

Estate 838-3680<br />


WEST -'<br />

'ON<br />

459-3700<br />

' " '<br />

OM RANCH #12025<br />

Mint condition, 3 bedroom, 1973 brick ranch,<br />

beautiful kitcher and dining area, cozy family room<br />

with natural ireplace. IV* baths, basement,<br />

attached 2 car g arage, and more $44,500. Garden<br />

City Call 525-5" >00. REALTY WORLD-Camelot<br />


Included in this CANTON "S panish"<br />

Ranch. 20 x 18 family room. Th car<br />

garage, plus 5 decorator appliances,<br />

immediate occupancy. $46,9D0 459-<br />

3700.<br />



525-5600<br />


On a premium court lot. This 6ne of a<br />

kind Colonial has all the "goodies." 4<br />

bedrooms. 2Vk baths, central air<br />

conditioning, oversized garaje with<br />

immediate occupancy. $56,900<br />

459-3700.<br />


First offering on this lovely 3 bedroom<br />

COLONIAL. A great deal o charm<br />

and warmth is expressed with<br />

decorating touches throughout this<br />

home. Extra large rear yard ( deal for<br />

family fun and small childrer) backs<br />

up to a private woods givirig good<br />

pnvacy. Sharp French doors n family<br />

room! Asking $53,900 Cdll 455-<br />

8400<br />


Large older home near downtown<br />

Plymouth. Walk to schools and<br />

shopping. 3 bedrooms plus den on<br />

first floor. Big family kitchen With nook<br />

plus separate formal dining room.<br />

Complete exterior including rim has<br />

been newly covered with lextured<br />

aluminum for etey care!! Asking<br />

$36,900. Call 455-8400.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2j-5<br />

Fantastic Colonial in beautifjl Arbor<br />

Croft Subdivision. 1464 H irtsough<br />

(between Sheldon and McKinley)<br />

Professionally decorated, dne of a<br />

Kind.Carpeted throughout. Family<br />

room with fireplaoe. New central air<br />

conditioning, finished baserrjent. Call<br />

Barb Olson 453-4059<br />


CANTON<br />

455-7790<br />

SH AEFER<br />


MIL FORD<br />

68£ 1543<br />

S, INC.<br />



This is what all your friends will say<br />

about this 3 bedroom Colonial with a<br />

master bedroom 19 x 12. 1Mt baths, •<br />

formal dining room, beam ceiling and<br />

natural fireplace in family room,<br />

country kitchen. fuU basement, completely<br />

landscaped, not a drive by. a<br />

real value at $53,500. Call Ron Miller.<br />

455-7790 or 453-1544<br />


This beautiful 3 bedroom all brick<br />

ranch offers new carpeting, a kitchen<br />

made for a large family plus much<br />

much more. First time offered at<br />

$25,900 478-4100.<br />

$3,000 ASSUMPTION<br />

Inkster, Cherry Hill schools. Clean 3<br />

bedroom brick ranch home with<br />

basement, carpeting throughout, and<br />

garage. Assume $21,500 mortgage.<br />

8'/*%, $230 per month. Quick<br />

occupancy. C. Allen 421-2100.<br />

WAYNE<br />

4 bedroom ranch, V* acre, all<br />

aluminum, 2 car attached garage,<br />

central air conditioning, family room<br />

wifh natural fireplace, country<br />

kitchen, spacious and warm.<br />

$36,900. Makino, Inc. 326-7660.<br />


No Multi-List— yet<br />

Super Colonial in Garden City's best<br />

area. 3 bedrooms, family room with<br />

natural fireplace, finished basement<br />

with bar, Th baths. 2 car attached<br />

garage, beautiful built-in heated pool,<br />

professional landscaping. Just<br />

$49,900. Call 525-5600. REALTY<br />

WORLD-Camelol ,<br />

> t u<br />

,1 \ , J-Si<br />

i.<br />


IN Howell on 10 acres, this custom Plantation<br />

Colonial features over 3.000 sq. ft. 3 fireplaces,<br />

family room, library. 4 large bedrooms, first floor<br />

laundry, attached 2 car garage, plus new barn with<br />

horse stalls. Priced to sell 478-4100.<br />


Westland. With Livonia schools<br />

Excellent condition. 3 bedroom, brick<br />

ranch with family room, central air<br />

conditioning and basement. Walk to<br />

schools and shopping. Asking<br />

$32,900 C.Allen -421-2100.<br />


Nice 3 bedroom starter or retirement<br />

home. 2 car garage, large lot. walk to<br />

shopping, good assumption<br />

$19,000. Makino. Inc. 326-7660.<br />


#17715<br />

Brick ranch, 3 bedroom, family room<br />

with nature fireplace, great recreation<br />

room with wet bar, central air<br />

conditioning, gunite pool with heater,<br />

attached garage with electric door<br />

opener; Tonquish Village, Westland.<br />

$41,900. Call 525-5600 REALTY<br />

WORLD-Camelot<br />


Good business opportunity in T.V.-<br />

Audio repair. Shop located in<br />

shopping center. $27,500/6 year<br />

balance on lease. Call 838-3880.<br />


See this all new four bedroom<br />

Colonial that has all the custom<br />

features for the most discriminating<br />

buyer. Family room with beautiful<br />

beams, paneling and full wall<br />

fireplace, formal dining room,<br />

beautiful lot with mature trees and Th<br />

baths, privileges on Duck Lake in<br />

beautiful Axford Acres. Let us show<br />

you this home today. $54,900. Open<br />

Sunday 1-5. Directions: West on M-<br />

59 to north on Harvey Lake Road.<br />

Follow open signs. Call 363-1591.<br />

er finders.<br />

•jjJ^laiS-lal^k<br />


20905 GREENVIEW. to settle estate<br />

beautiful aluminum bungalow on Vi<br />

acre, gas heat. 2 car garage<br />

Reduced to $21,500. Open to all<br />

offers Homer Real Estate 838-3880.<br />


Americana look. Partially remodeled<br />

4 bedroom farmhouse. On seven<br />

acres with barn. Hartland/Fenton<br />

area. CO-020. 632-7469 or 658-<br />

1543.<br />



Pick out that 2. 5 or 10 acre building<br />

site now. Lakefront property also<br />

available. Livingston and Oakland<br />

Counties. CffU or come in for free<br />

map. 685-1543 or 632-7469.<br />



come with this three bedroom brick<br />

ranch, two additional bedrooms on<br />

lower level, the kitchen will impress<br />

the most discriminating Lady of the<br />

House, with all kitchen extras, island<br />

counter with grille, large pantry and<br />

much mord. Threebaths. family room<br />

with fireplace and bow window, two<br />

car garage, full basement, are only'a<br />

few of the many features. A real<br />

bargain at $57,900. Call 363-1591<br />

I I •<br />


Plenty of history and lots of character<br />

surround this large home with its 3<br />

bedrooms, large living room, full wall<br />

fireplace, formal dining room, library<br />

and den. Just $37,500. Plus a little<br />

love will make it a dream. 478-4100 .<br />

R. D. SHIMMIN CO. INC.<br />


363-1591<br />

/ HOMER<br />



838-3880<br />

r<br />

EXEC<br />

UVONIA<br />


BEAUTY<br />

A SENSATIONAL 22 ft master bed<br />

room sets the keynote for this "big<br />

family" quad level with 1800 sq ft<br />

for luxury living Has spacious family<br />

room. 23 ft living room. 4 spacious<br />

bedrooms 1* hatha, drapes,<br />

curtains and carpoting. Lovely<br />

screened porch, gas pill, big trees<br />

In yard. IS car garap. at 837.8M<br />

Une forms early. 35340 Joy Rd<br />

RYMAL<br />

SYMES<br />

478-9130<br />

PANELED ,<br />


With natural fireplace, in lovely<br />

Livonia. 7 Mile & Merriman<br />

area Country style kitchen includes<br />

oil built-ins. 3 bedrooms.<br />

sporieis condition, full<br />

tile basement. 2 car garage,<br />

priced at $38,500 First time<br />

offered<br />

SUMMIT<br />

427-3200<br />


A PAIR<br />

of youig'uns just starting out or<br />

old'uns planning on retiring for this<br />

2 bedroom home Clean eoough to<br />

move right in Asking 834.SM. Call.<br />

444-0000<br />

One<br />

Way<br />

UVONIA<br />

M L00l

H> OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC Thuraday, Auguat 12, 197><br />

312 Lfoonki<br />


tey on ttaa i bedroom<br />

Quad wtth t fell baths, nunmoth<br />

family rtxn^ and ttarpfarr<br />

tall bUMMd. excellent floor 1 pot<br />

torn. attached t car garage. fencrd<br />

lot. A *eai at m m<br />

Cardinal<br />

West. Inc 522-5833<br />

312 Uvonb<br />

"Livonia Ranch"<br />

ftarp broadfront brick torturing I<br />

targe bedrooms. country kitchen In<br />

daAng built-ins. 2 full hatha. nice<br />

carpet, full basement central sir.<br />

itantaom storms ang screens, ga<br />

rage, and landscaped yard Priced<br />

ALGER F.<br />

QUAST<br />

REALTORS 538-2000<br />

Here Is fiat "HOME IN THE NORTH" with swimming. boaWiQ, fishing and<br />

akaSng * your front yard y«t leoa than 35 mltea from Oofcoit and 7<br />

nxnutes from V-75 The 3 bedroom. 1V» bath, log-aided ti-nfal is located<br />

tn a setting ol 30 la« Norway tunes snd oak trees, yet • on a paved.<br />

oounty-maintBinad road on a peninsula on Indlanwood Lake, in the Lake<br />

Orion School District Tha lv*ig-dlning \oom • 32W and has a 10-too»<br />

beamed ce*og A balcony overlooks tha i tlaidstone tleklstone fireplace and Franc French<br />

doors to a large screened porch The Kitchen has an eating area and I It<br />

large enou

312 Livonki<br />


1st offering on this 3 bedroom<br />

brick ranch. IVi baths,<br />

mud-room, large island kitchen<br />

and dining orea, cathedral<br />

ceilings, doorwall to o<br />

beautiful patio and yard, finished<br />

rec room with 4th bedroom<br />

and fireplace. 2 car garage<br />

ond more. Owner transferred<br />

Asking $44,900.<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD S. 261-4200<br />

BEAUTIFUL MM sq. ft. executive<br />

home in prestigious area Beautifully<br />

decorated. 4 bedrooms. 2 baths<br />

u r p lot. w.aan » MM<br />

Country Living<br />

AT IT S BEST' Excellent assumption'<br />

) bedroom brick home with<br />

IS baths, eitra room, new carpeting<br />

. Mil 10 fenced lot and 2W car<br />

garage' IMMEDIATE OCCU<br />

PANCY! Move before school!<br />

ELLIS 476-1700<br />

UVONIA<br />


Sharp 3 bedroom brick ranch,<br />

formal dining room, kitchen<br />

built-ins. finished rec room.<br />

2Vi car garoge and a beoutiful<br />

treed lot Asking $40,900<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD S 261-4200<br />


Trade your home in on this sharp S<br />

bedroom brick raneh. entrance vestibule.<br />

den wall to wall carpeting,<br />

central air conditioning, country<br />

kitchen with built-ins, 2 full baths,<br />

doorwall to huge patio, partly finished<br />

basement. 1 car attached garage<br />

$42 500<br />

LEE<br />

Call Lee and start packin' 2C1-S7M<br />

312 Uvonia<br />


$3,000<br />

Reduction for fast sale on all brick<br />

3 bedroom ranch home, wall to<br />

wall carpeting. Iar|e living room,<br />

fall basement. car garage,<br />

fenced lot. quiet subdivision. Short<br />

poaaeaaion<br />

LEE<br />

'Call Lee. and start packin' Wl-5700<br />

BY OWNER, spotless 3 bedroom<br />

brick k aluminum ranch with 1 car<br />

attached garage. North of S Mile,<br />

west of Levan Very close to shop<br />

ping k schools Features Include:<br />

central air. finished basement, fire<br />

place. pulman kitchen overlooking<br />

family room-dining area, master<br />

bath Other extras Asking $43,900<br />

4M41S2<br />


314 Ply mouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />

and attached side entrance<br />

CI.<br />

ted garage Superbly cared for<br />

and providing endless comforting<br />

txtras $7».»00<br />


453-8200<br />

TRAILWOOD I Ranch model, S<br />

bedroom. 2W bath, family room,<br />

fireplace, patio, central air. fill<br />

basement, finished home office or<br />

hobby room. 2 car garage, profes<br />

stonally decorated and landscaped<br />

Many extras $75,900 By owner<br />

453-4491<br />

Reduced for quick sale. 2 bedroom ranch with family<br />

room, fireplace, attached garage, treed lot. Excellent<br />

condition $29,500 Terms. |<br />


Call today on this 3 bedroom brick home with breezeway<br />

and attached garage. Outstanding double lot nicely<br />

treed and fenced $26,000.<br />


FOR GARDEN AND KIDDIES 100 x 200 ft lot. aluminum<br />

sided ranch with 3 bedrogms, full basement, large<br />

kitchen. 2'^ car garage Only $30,300 20430 Westland,<br />

Southfield-<br />

ONLY $17,900<br />


sided 2 bedroom with gas heat Large fenced yard.<br />

Jsr<br />


535-2720 474-<br />


COUNTY SINCE 1922<br />

R LIN G S INC.<br />

199 N. Main<br />

Plymouth<br />


IS<br />


18211 Freemont. Livonia. 4 bedroom Quad-level with<br />

2'^ baths. 2 car attached garage Many extras. $41,500<br />


Whi ir« Th* Action Is<br />

Luxurious<br />

Take your pick ot thaaa naw 31<br />

4 bedroom colon* and ra<br />

modets desifned and built In i<br />

true tradition of Oraanspan quality<br />

construction that has been tha<br />

trademark ot axoaiUnca to» nwrlir<br />

half a cantunf.<br />

The vary hi^»»v rated North* tlte<br />

Community Schools ana<br />

available for your children<br />

See all our furnished modets now . J.<br />

Your next move will be 1<br />


Priced from •M.000.<br />

Some modeHi<br />

Sales by Frank<br />


HOUSES I I<br />

/(ffloviArca<br />

of fine homes<br />

Models Looasad at 9 MHe<br />

and Center Street<br />

in 30 to 80 deys<br />

Realty Co<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />

Hilltop Retreat<br />

This home is a delightful cu<br />

torn built palace that hqs<br />

everything Situated on<br />

acres is this fantastic quc^d<br />

level home with 4 bedroom,,<br />

family room with fireplaoi,<br />

lovely kitchen with bu«lt-ir<br />

including a charcoal grill,<br />

terraces, carpet throughou<br />

walk-out basement If you<br />

a nature lover, this is '<br />

place for you $115,000<br />

J.L. HUDSON<br />

Real Estate Co<br />

453-2210<br />


CHARMER...<br />

Plymouth Hough Pork<br />

Has long been admired for its beau<br />

tiful settings and individualized<br />

komes And this example has K<br />

1: 4 bedrooms. 2<br />

5<br />

1 is the only way to descrifc<br />

this adorable all olummu<br />

* baths, formal<br />

feiing room. 2 fireplaces, famiy<br />

foom with cathedral celling. 19x15'<br />

ranch IN PLYMOUTH TWP<br />

bedrooms, family room, fomal<br />

dining room, natural ftr.<br />

place, full basement, 2' s air<br />

Garden room, with Andersen win- garage This home will se<br />

dows. a beautiful inground healed<br />

self, so hurry and call DlC<br />

CANTON 159,900<br />

2 ACRES<br />

Price slashed on tho spacious 4<br />

bedroom brick colonial, country<br />

kitchen, formal dining. 2 1 * baths,<br />

family room plus rec room. Price<br />

includes all furniture<br />

Red Cari<br />

REALTORS 5:<br />

Plymouth Township, 3 bedroom Split-level, 2 full<br />

baths, 6 ft sliding doorwall off family room, attached 2<br />

car garage. 60x231 lot. $50,900<br />

Garden City, 3 bedroom brick ranch in nice area,<br />

finished basement, large kitchen, 2 car garage<br />

$31,900<br />

Four bedroom older home m city of Plymouth, dining<br />

room and full basement $21,900<br />

Just listed 2 bedroom doll house in Plymouth Town-<br />

ship, full basement, cgrpet throughout, garage.<br />

$28,500<br />

Three bedroom Bi-level on dead-end street, 1 V* baths,<br />

ideal for large family, new garage $29,500<br />

453-4800 MULTI-LIST SERVICE 427-7797<br />

BONNVILLE 261 0990 MA#K<br />

REALTY<br />

KANCH m the heart of Plymou h.<br />

walk out master bedroom to u*race.<br />

privacy, trees 4 bedrooms,<br />

baths, 25W ft famllv room, '%<br />

mortgage Owner 1167 W Mapfc-<br />

$59,900 4 53-200<br />

1st OFFERING<br />

4 bedroom colonial, family ro m<br />

fireplace, carpeting throughcit,<br />

lovely subdivision, kitchen apili<br />

ances and priced to sell now<br />

only 146.900<br />

Kavanaugh<br />

18224 Farmington Rd 478-i<br />

30 to 60 DAY<br />


314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


3 bedroom, formal dining room,<br />

basement, gas heat Owner transferred<br />

Asking $26,500 Call<br />


Norwood<br />

No 12. Inc 478-2000<br />

ONLY $41,500<br />

For this sharp 3 bedroom<br />

ranch in the Plymouth areo"<br />

All brick with aluminum trim<br />

Beautifully landscaped yard<br />

Attached 2 car garage Much<br />

more Call for details Ask for<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West, Inc 453-7600<br />


in town location, large treed lot. 3<br />

bedroom family room, wth Franklin<br />

fireplace, interior needs work,<br />

new gas furnace, aluminum sidkig.<br />

storms and screens. $31,850 Immediate<br />

occupancy Buyers only<br />

455-2124<br />


Just $39,500 for this gorgeous bng<br />

rambling 3 bedroom brick ranch<br />

with attached 24 garage on FAN-<br />

TASTIC 14 acres All cyclone<br />

fenced, about 25 young fruit trees<br />

on back portion Good assumption<br />


427-5010<br />


5 Lovely lakepointe Colonial. 4 bed<br />

room, 2W baths, beautifully land<br />

scaped Many extras 41623 Green<br />

brier. Plymouth 453-1716<br />

PLYMOUTH AREA - Mint condition<br />

3 bedroom brick ranch Fam<br />

Uy room, fireplace Carpeting &<br />

drapes thruout Pool, gas gnll.<br />

many more extras $42,500 455 7143<br />

Individually elegant<br />

Remarkably distinguished<br />

Distinctively different plans «i*i Jesigns for the home buyer<br />

looking tor a gracious lifestyle, but with the convenience of<br />

expressways, diviersified shopp ng areas, churches and ex<br />

cellent schools nearby<br />


&<br />




Priced from<br />

$80,200<br />

Models open...<br />

Daily & Sunday I 7<br />

(Closed Thursdays)<br />

626 5710<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


This is the home for you lo-<br />

cated m a very Pleasant<br />

Plymouth area Three bed-<br />

room brick ranch with full<br />

basement and fenced yard<br />

with dog run Walking dis-<br />

tance to town An outstanding<br />

value for $29 900<br />

J.L. HUDSON<br />

Reol Estote Co<br />

453-2210<br />

2 MILES FROM Plymouth 3 bedroom<br />

brick Ranch wtth 1st floor<br />

laundry Interior and exterior perfect<br />

Features galore 1%% assumption<br />

available By owner $50'i<br />

4554956<br />

CANTON<br />

Only $3,800 down can move you<br />

into this brick ranch with 3 bed<br />

rooms. fuU basement, family room<br />

with fireplace, central air. fenced<br />

yard Asking only $35,900<br />

Norwood<br />

No 10. Inc 459-2800<br />


in Livonia's "Rosedale Gardens".<br />

Brick charmer decorated lo perfection<br />

3rd bedroom to be completed<br />

Formal dining room, natu<br />

ral fireplace in living room, fireplace<br />

in finished basement, patio,<br />

garage, trees Just listed Hurry<br />

$35,900<br />


HARTFORD 414 INC<br />

21<br />

47MOOO<br />

PLYMOUTH AREA-by owner. Immaculate<br />

3 bedroom brick ranch.<br />

24 car garage, carpeted, famly<br />

room, patio, beautifully decorated<br />

Ml.500 453-5540<br />

COLOR<br />

me<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />



Elegantly decorated 4 bedroom. 24<br />

bath COLONIAL in <strong>Canton</strong>'s moat<br />

desirable sub Thia home has everything<br />

... needs absolutely NO decorating.<br />

Offers 2 story foyer, famly<br />

room with fireplace, dining area,<br />

beautiful formica kitchen, 22 a<br />

master bedroom with walk-in closet<br />

and bath, covered patio with gas<br />

grill and attached garage Priced<br />

at $55,900 Call: 522-6000 for appoint<br />

ment to view this lovely home<br />

One Way<br />

FOUR bedroom Colonial Full finished<br />

basement. 24 baths, famly<br />

room with fireplace. 24 car ga<br />

rage, fenced yard, large patio, carpeting<br />

throughout will sacrifice<br />

CaD for appointment Open House<br />

Sundays $46,900 4557350<br />

Thuraday, Auguat 12, 1976<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />

PLYMOUTH TWP., 3 bedroom colonial.<br />

family room, finished rec<br />

room. pool, air conditioners.<br />

$51,000 Nicely decorated 453-6052<br />

CANTON • 4 bedrooms, 24 baths.<br />

? uad. 2 car garaae. formal dining,<br />

amily room, fireplace, cedar<br />

fence, redwood deck, other extras,<br />

$55,900 4 59 2248<br />

SUPER RANCH - $49,900<br />

No children living in this<br />

Clean 3 bedroom brick ranch<br />

Fell basement, I Vj baths,<br />

large family room with natu-<br />

ral fireplace. 2 car attached<br />

garage New on the market<br />

Call<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West. Inc 453-7600<br />


314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


living at its best will be found ai<br />

this three bedroom brick and akinu<br />

num colonial in PLYMOUTH TWP<br />

Fully carpeted except for the huge<br />

21' kitchen Natural fireplace in the<br />

family room 24 car attached ga<br />

rage and central au- for $47,900<br />

Call GARY niTMORF. for purlieu<br />

lars<br />

Century 21<br />

IL R». . ' 4CO TXN<br />

Boardwalk Div 459-3600<br />

PLYMOUTH Sharp 3 bedroom<br />

brick ranch in weU established<br />

community Fully panelled and car<br />

peted, central air. large patio, gas<br />

BBQ. full basement low taxes<br />

54% assumption available occu<br />

pancy flexible. $40,900 By owner<br />

453-8946<br />



^\*\\«U«l|l..UlllM|l,,,,,//w<br />

RAISED RANCH. 3 bedrooms.<br />

2V* baths, walkout lower level<br />

family room with full-wall fireplace.<br />

fully carpeted $56,500<br />

Ref. 30<br />

For The Month Of August Only j Hi<br />

313-632-6222<br />

Model Open 7 Days 11-8<br />

ADLER<br />

9500 Highland Rd (M-59)<br />

Hartland, Mich 48029<br />

It's a red-letter cjay when the<br />

Thompson-Brown $ign goes up in<br />

front of your home because that<br />

means that your ho I ne will be featured in Homes for Living Magazine,<br />

assuring maximum exposure to home buyers--here, and across the<br />

country And there' s no need to have the house-hunting blues. You<br />

can preview homes for sale right in the comfort of your living room by paging through our magazine. If<br />

you're paling at the thought of relocating, we'll put the color back in your face when we show you a<br />

Homes For Living I Magazine from your new home town, and tell you that we have a good friend there:<br />

another Homes Fo Living Member, who's ready to help you find your new home and get your family<br />

settled.<br />

So...Whateve<br />


d<<br />

situated on a cul-<br />

family room compli<br />

home with a for<br />

tremendous value.<br />

0703<br />

9 A TREASURE<br />

your real estate needs, Buying or SeMing, f<br />


-sac. Full brick wall fireplace in beamed<br />

ments this lovely four bedroom, 2V4 bath<br />

3l dining room and paneled den. A<br />

Immediate occupancy. $79,900. 642-<br />


and ready for imrm ediate occupancy 4 bedrooms. 2V4 baths,<br />

spacious den and rst floor laundry. Large family room with<br />

fireplace. $88,900. Call 261-5080<br />

4I> OBSERVER k ECCENTRIC Thursday, Auguat 12, 1976<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />

FARM HOME on 3% ocrev<br />

lorge 2,000 sq ft. home has<br />

3 bedrooms, 2'/» baths, dinmg<br />

room, family room with<br />

fireo'oce All maior systems<br />

ore n®w including plumbing,<br />

heating, wiring, septic ond<br />

well Excellent home for the<br />

active lomi ly Asking<br />

$57,000<br />


on nice ' J acre lot three bed<br />

rooms, 1 1 1 baths, large kitchen.<br />

fireploce den or small<br />

dining room full basement<br />

and 2 car garage Offered at<br />

$39,500<br />

WM<br />

FEHLIG<br />

Real Estote<br />

453-7800<br />

906 S Man. Plymouth<br />

THREE bedroom ranch. 1W baths<br />

carpeted, finished basement w«h<br />

fireplace 133 M0 After 5 PM<br />

453-3537<br />



314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />

This maichle** 4 bedroom quad level has a family<br />

room with cawed fireplace, an inviting Florida room<br />

plu* w many extra* throughout the home that they<br />

«mph cannot be described, thev must be seen Priced<br />

»t$S7,S00.<br />


SMILEII You're found the space and comfort you've<br />

been looking for ai ihn roomy 4 bedroom ranch with J<br />

full baths, (full bath off master bedroom), finished<br />

baaement and a lovely family room Just great for the<br />

large family or live in parents. You can't find more<br />

house for the mono 1 $35,W0 «<br />


Priced Reduced<br />

harp 4 bedroom brick coloni-<br />

I , 2"» baths, family room,<br />

natural fireplace, formal dining<br />

room, kitchen built-ins,<br />

and loads of cupboard spoce,<br />

laftached 2'/> car garage,<br />

patio, pool aod more Asking<br />

$56,900 Owner anxious<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD S 261-4200<br />

X OWNER 2 blocks from dowrv<br />

wn Plymouth. 1 owner Custom<br />

jUt. immaculate 8 rooms and<br />

Mth. full finished basement wth<br />

fireplace New carpeting through<br />

put Maintenance free Garage wlh<br />

Screened patio Will consider land<br />

contract 138.500 Thurs Sat Sun.<br />

or after SPM 4534929<br />

anytime<br />

BY OWNER <strong>Canton</strong> Contempo<br />

rary 4 bedroom J baths, famly<br />

room with fireplace, patio, completely<br />

carpeted Attached garage,<br />

central air. landscaped corner lot<br />

4534*3<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


Pool Party:<br />

RSVP<br />

INVITE THE GANG to Chrbfcn<br />

your fabulous 32 ft pool and deck<br />

Patio and gas BBQ huge pw<br />

shaped lot on cozy cul-de-sac Wsures<br />

privacy for summer parties<br />

Freshly painted trl-level hofne<br />

boasts reclaimed brick. 3<br />

rooms, big rec room, ca<br />

thru-out. 2 car attached gai<br />

tow taxes, low 7% interest as<br />

tion. 142.500 full price 10041<br />

Ct. Plymouth Twp<br />

RYMAL<br />

SYMES<br />

478-9130<br />


Lovely 3 bedroom brick ranch full<br />

basement with rec room 4 tar.<br />

Family room wtth fireplace P «io<br />

with as grill Deck and bf<br />

aroun / heated pool 2W car<br />

rage $39,500 Days 885-8825. I venings<br />

453- 973<br />

First Federal<br />

Realty, Inc. [0<br />

nitnTAl! t lAI 1 All/<br />

Ju»t listed 11 It is your golden opportunity to move into<br />

dlit outstanding area. Beautiful living room with<br />

picturesque bay window, large kitchen with built ins,<br />

1 Vi bsths. formal dining room. 3 generous sue bed<br />

rooms snd a lovely family room with fireplace. Ex<br />

cellent assumption Call Today.<br />


Picture 3 generous sue bedrooms, a family room with<br />

wood burning fireplace, a huge kitchen with built ins<br />

and s full finished basement. A friendly happy neigh<br />

borhood waiting for a friendly happy owner. 138,900<br />

478-3400<br />

from the<br />


PEOPLE!<br />

JUST LISTED -tine 3 bedroom brick ranch in south Redford. finished recreation<br />

room. 2 car garage, fenced lot. gas heat, wet plaster. 1 block to Our Lady of Grace,<br />

handy to shopping and business, assumable mortgage<br />

PRICE $31,000 CALL 261-1600<br />

TOP VALUE -here is a 3 bedroom broadfront ranch in North section of Westland.<br />

Livonia school district, finished basement, super sharp condition and decor, Yh bath$.<br />

landscaped to perfection, 2 car garage,<br />

PRICE $35,500 y CALL 261-1600<br />

RANCH -3 bedrooms. |u$t decorated inside and out, new roof, large kitchen, garage,<br />

handy location in City of Uvonia<br />

PRICE $22,900 CALL 261-1600<br />

COLONIAL -sharp 3 bedjroom brick with aluminum trim, tastefully decorated, large<br />

kitchen with dining area, finished basement. 2 car attached garage with opener,<br />

doorwall to rear yard<br />

PRICE $30,900 ' CALL 261-1600<br />

CONDOMINIUM -3 bedrdom with lull basement, patio, pool, central air conditioning,<br />

custom draperies, all appliances, professionally landscaped, sharp!<br />

PRICE $33,900 CALL 261-1600<br />

Bl-LEVEL -3 bedrooms, family room, carpeting, immaculate condition, fenced,<br />

garage, good mortgage assumption, come take a look at this nice neighborhood.<br />

PRICE $39,500<br />

CALL 261-1600<br />

EARLKEIM ot Dearborn, Inc. LIVONIA OFFICE<br />


261-1600 / G I B<br />

ca &<br />

f , / ' y\<br />


Attractive Colonial with 4 large bedrooms and 2 full baths, kitchen<br />

buitt-ms. adioining breakfast area, formal dining room, raised hearth<br />

fireplace in the family room Beautiful prime area west of Winglake.<br />

immediate occupancy. Call John Kare 477-6300 or 348-9664 (W-<br />

75)<br />


Lovely brick 4 bedroom quad-level in Southfield Meadows. Eat-in<br />

kitchen, formal dining room, large family room, natural fireplace.<br />

Room for pool table in recreation room. For swimming a 16x32<br />

inground gunite pool. 2 car attached garaga Many more<br />

beautiful extras. Call Shirtey Smith 477-6300 or 478-3775<br />

(E-31)<br />


OFFICE<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


STOP to see this lovely 3 bedroom,<br />

2 bath ranch LOOK at<br />

the excellent location LISTEN<br />

to the wind whisper through<br />

the trees of the park-like<br />

grounds One look and youll<br />

be impressed with this truly<br />

superb home $32,900<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

426 INC 425-7272<br />


QUAINT<br />

Beautiful older 4 bedroom<br />

brick home in the heart of<br />

town Formal dining room, sitting<br />

room, large kitchen, 2<br />

car garage and more Asking<br />

$32,900<br />

Century 21<br />


261-4200<br />

BRICK- $38,900<br />

Immaculate 3 bedroom brick<br />

ranch, I Vj baths, full basement,<br />

large fomily room,<br />

large corner lot Good assumption<br />

Hurry! Call<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West, Inc 453-7600<br />

314 Plymouth Conton<br />

Outshines All Others<br />

PLYMOUTH TWP - In A-1 condition<br />

3 bedroom brick ranch<br />

with a beautiful fmnced basement.<br />

natural fireplace in the<br />

family room, like nfcw carpeting<br />

thru-out, dream kitchen<br />

with all built-ins, 2'/» car gorage<br />

$44,900 i<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD N 261-2000<br />



Sparkling clean 3 bedroom<br />

brick split-level 1 '/j boths.<br />

beamed ceiling in large family<br />

room, country kitchen, gc<br />

rage and much more Asking<br />

$38,500<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD S 261-4200<br />


RANCH, with attached 2 car ga<br />

rage, central air. first floor toiav<br />

dry room. 2 full baths, large famly<br />

room with natural wood burring<br />

fireplace. $51,900 453-488*<br />


owner. 3 bedroom Colonial, central<br />

air. attached 2 car garage, carpeting<br />

throughout, family room with<br />

fireplace $48,500. F.xtris 453-5519<br />



RANCH<br />


'22,500<br />


Compare before you buy<br />

Model Open Daily A Sunday 12 -6<br />

Hlite Homes<br />

42780 Joy Rd North of Ford Rd.<br />

Between Lilly & Sheldon Plymouth. Mich<br />

459-5550<br />

Other Models from $ 17.500<br />

JJibble JRealtg<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

CLEAN and in move-in condition. This ranch style, 2<br />

bedroom conommium unit is ideal for young couple or<br />

retirees. Kitchen appliances included. Carpeted<br />

[throughout. Window treatment too 6912 New Providence<br />

Way North of Ford Road West off Sheldon<br />

ALL ORIGINAL Victorian home in Northville Mechani-|<br />

cally excellent. Strong and solid, 4 bedrooms, parlor.<br />

Clean, dry basement. Just $38,500<br />

453-1020<br />

• .<br />




EARLY AMERICAN Colonial - 2,100 sq. ft.. 4 bedrooms,<br />

Th baths, family room, large foyer with open<br />

staircase, carpeting allowance, half acre estate-size lot<br />

$65,500<br />

FOUR BEDROOM. Th bath Colonial - paneled family<br />

room, first floor laundry, Th car garage, 2,240 sq ft on<br />

half acre lot $65,900<br />

CALIFORNIA RUSTIC styled Colonial - 2,100 sq. ft.. 4<br />

bedrooms. Th baths, wallpaper. Carpeting throughout<br />

Many custom features on ^ acre $65,900<br />

DIRECTIONS: 1-96 to Pleasant Valley exit, right 1 mile<br />

to Spencer Rd.. left 1 mile to Subdivision and Model<br />

MODEL open 1-7 P.M., closed Wednesdays.<br />

Many Lots available for Custom Building Or Will Build<br />

to Suit on Your Lot<br />


227-5851 • 227-5859<br />


Luxurious, to be sure! You will agree when you step inside this most<br />

unique home which features 4 bedrooms. Th baths, full wall fireplace<br />

in the huge living room. Lovely kitchen, large dining room with<br />

buitt-in china cabinet Country atmosphere on 2 1/3 acres northwest<br />

of Milford. For a personal tour phone Shirley Smith 477-6300 or 478-<br />

3773.L»83<br />


Elegant custom built multi-level home in country atmosphere. Imported<br />

tiles from Italy, all oak floors, intercom throughout with<br />

AM/FM, huge family room with 10 ft. brick bar. huge recreation<br />

room, two patios. 4 bedrooms, and 3V* baths For a<br />

9664. (H-57)<br />

IrkAlIO'/<br />



K<br />

314 Plymouth <strong>Canton</strong><br />


4 BEDROOM - $45,900<br />

Great buy on thrs large colonial,<br />

2'/j baths, basement, formal<br />

dining, family room fireplace.<br />

2 car attached garage<br />

Coll:<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West, Inc 4 53-7600<br />

316 Westland<br />

Garden City<br />



Huge 4 bedroom brick home<br />

tha' is ideal for o large family.<br />

17 ft family room, 2 fireplaces,<br />

huge kitchen with<br />

built-ms, finished basement,<br />

bocks up to woods Move in<br />

before school starts $42,900<br />

1st" United<br />


8. ASSOC<br />

477-4700<br />


All brick ranch, oversized rooms,<br />

fireplace in family room, full basement.<br />

on large Cul-de-sac lot.<br />

$33,500 Ask for BILL WINTERS<br />

TEEN<br />

chamberlain<br />

721 8400<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 14 1678 Woodbourne.<br />

Westland 3 bedroom Colonial<br />

m baths Country kitchen. Solarian<br />

tile Extra large lot. Full<br />

basement, attached garage. aU<br />

drapes, air conditioner $29,500<br />

Ask for Fran Lewis 728-9771, 328-<br />

3404 Century 21, Steinhauer. Inc<br />

316 Wtstkmd<br />

Gordon Qty<br />



Westland. super sharp brick ranch<br />

Partly flniahed basement and 2 car<br />

garage plus much more All br<br />

only IM.tOI CaD now to see. aak<br />

for JEAN PROCH and bring your<br />

checkbook<br />

chamberlain<br />

721-8400<br />

WESTLAND, 3 bedroom brick<br />

ranch, full flniahed baaement central<br />

air. over 2W car garage, large<br />

covered patio. Immaculate shape<br />

42V0540<br />


Super Assumption<br />

3 bedroom brick ranch, finished<br />

basement, new 2 cor<br />

garage, above ground pool<br />

Only $27,900 Take over 7%<br />

VA. balance $21,100, $233<br />

payments Call<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West, Inc 4 53-7600<br />

S. OF FORD<br />

Super sharp brick ranch, J bedrooms.<br />

family room, finished basement.<br />

2 1 * car .garage, $32,500

316<br />

bedroom starter home.<br />

33134 Donnelly Garden Ctty. tor<br />

salt by owner. After SPM.<br />

Ga 1-1715<br />


Neat, well londsooped. 3 badroom<br />

brick front ronch. Carpeting<br />

throughout, J'.i cor gorage<br />

Asking $23,900<br />

GRAMCO<br />

525-7400<br />

Immaculate<br />

Throe bedroom brick ranch which<br />

• fuly carpeted and ao clean you<br />

could move to today. Full basement<br />

Nicely landscaped backyard<br />

offer* real privacy ExceUent assumption<br />

available. Priced at<br />

Century 21<br />

Boordwoik D'v. ' 459-3600<br />

RODEO<br />

TICKET<br />

WINNER<br />

Cftartot B. Roberts,<br />

14620 Bit* Skios /<br />

Livonia. Ml 48150<br />

But you must call the Promotion<br />

Dept. of The Observer &<br />

Eccentric by 5 p.m., Friday,<br />

August 13. 1976, to claim<br />

your two free passes to the<br />

4th ANNUAL WORLD<br />


Davtsburg, Michigan, 261<br />

8600. ext 209 i<br />




Owners Florido bound, wont<br />

to go See this newly deceroted<br />

3 bedroom osbesios<br />

ranch with br -i wo il Ik rv:.. Div * 459-3600<br />

ah a<br />



Large 4 bedroom ^family<br />

home with a fantastic fomily<br />

room, 2Mi car garoge, in desirable<br />

area Only $28,900.<br />

Century 21<br />

HARTFORD S 11 525-7733<br />

THREE BEDROOM ranch wtth attached<br />

2 car garage, finished rec<br />

room. 12 X 14 screened patio, corner<br />

tot. beautiful landscaping, carpet<br />

throughout lVfc bath, built - Ins,<br />

close to schools. Westland 7294199<br />

WESTLAND, nice, clean 2 bedroom<br />

house wtth central air. now<br />

carpet, garage. 120.000 2344903<br />


Move right in and relax on the sandy beach or enjoy<br />

swimming and tie your boat to your owp dock. Appeal-<br />

Hhg ranch with fireplace in living room, 20'x20" family<br />

room, separate dining room and adjoining screened<br />

porch overlooking lake. Three bedrooms, den or 4th<br />

bedroom, 2 baths, 2ft car garage. 3 zoned sprinkling<br />

system §nd many other custom features. EXCELLENT<br />

WEST BLOOMFIELD 8CHOOLS. Priced for immediate<br />

occupancy at $79,500.<br />

> 4<br />



851-0300<br />


SMMtbly deeovaaed S bedrooea brick ranch to priaae move- to condition<br />

^Crocked Lake Sparkling kitchen with built in. and planmag«nwr. 2<br />

ftreatoeee aad 24 betha. Family room baa wet her, aad walk-out to<br />

pMiaTreiy a boeae for the dtaenminating aeeewtiva. Cal 629-2234.<br />


Over 14'Tt of glaaa doorwall. lo wak out deck, J large beAnoms,<br />

cathedral celtoga. Large eouMty kitchen with aneck bar. rough sawn<br />

cedar ertsriorOBered ot apprdtoal. V I M 629-22J4.<br />


Year round boeae with 3 bedrooms, natural sione Rnptooa.<br />

end garage. Secluded setting to aroe ot fine home* CaU Sari* at 429<br />

22)4.<br />

Hi<br />


11 A.M.-5P.M.<br />


Wt CUSTOM bdM for tha "V«y Panterfttr" borne bam who is<br />

for toe QUALITY hnaaa «ai«sa so *• fancy's need* Wa wB<br />

lot or oare. Lots available in West Bloomfield. Oxiurd aad<br />

T itolj Wa w« atatot ym in ftadMg a tot of jour<br />

gee eta MODBL aa Kaytoa Dr otf HOer Rd. to<br />

CmllMt<br />

316 Westland<br />

Garden Qty<br />

3 *<br />

mm y-m "5J5U ^<br />

5 JL »i<br />


Room-room galore. This outstanding<br />

tri-level is in movein<br />

condition. A fomily room<br />

plus a spacious recreotion<br />

room, 4 large bedrooms, 116<br />

baths, modern kitchen, tastefully<br />

carpeted throughout, attached<br />

2 car garage See ond<br />

move right in, $33,900<br />

HARRY S.<br />

WOLFE<br />


323M Five Mile GA I40t0<br />

Better Than New<br />

WESTLAND. built 1«71. sparking 3<br />

bedroom broadfront ranch, an<br />

larger than average rooms You<br />

wUI love the kitchen, slidtog doorwall<br />

to patio, huge garage wkh<br />

thermostat controlled overhead furnace.<br />

Quick occupancy. OS.500<br />

LOVE<br />

422-9278<br />

Japanese Gardens<br />

Highlight the many fine features<br />

of this extraordinary<br />

home with "2" family rooms,<br />

beautiful rec room with wetbar,<br />

covered terrace leoding<br />

V> picturesque backyard with<br />

pool ond gardens. Central air<br />

and much, much more. This<br />

has to be the finest home in<br />

town<br />

CENTURY '21<br />

426 INC. 425-7272<br />



7V7% MORTGAGE<br />

New custom built 3 bedroom brick<br />

ranch home. FuD basement, gas<br />

heat. buQt-ln oven and range, carpeting.<br />

Sellers wil give you credk<br />

if you do your own Interior patot-<br />

Ing. Below market at 133.000 Moat<br />

desirable area. Only 2 left, so cal<br />

for details.<br />

n /1 s 2<br />

» f f iM ^ mora<br />

, g £ ** * i§<br />

318 Redford<br />



large shaded yard surrounds<br />

this ottroctive 4 bedroom<br />

bnck home, 2Vi baths, fireplace,<br />

attached 2 cor garoge.<br />

aluminum trim, central air<br />

Call 425-7300<br />

1st UNITED<br />



Only $26,900<br />

Sharp and clean 3 large bedrooms,<br />

aluminum trim, new roof, big klchen<br />

plus dhbig room, garage<br />

Red Carpet<br />

REALTORS 522-3500<br />

BRICK RANCH. 3 bedroom. 2<br />

baths, finished basement wtth bar.<br />

Gas fireplace. Redford Township.<br />

$31,999 ' 3540318<br />


Large 2 story borne In Redford<br />

wtth I bedrooms, dm ing room. 2*<br />

baths and 2 car garage. $33,900<br />

Century 21<br />

CORNERSTONE 478-4660<br />

3<br />

« HOT<br />

off the press but cool wtth Central<br />

Air. Beautiful 3 bedroom brick<br />

Ranch in Redford Tow ash^ wlh 2<br />

full baths, wet plaster, roc room,<br />

oversixed 2 chr brick garage. Al<br />

this on a 7Sx300 ft. lot. Asking<br />

•44.100.<br />

Century 21<br />

CORNERSTONE 478-4660<br />

VERY CLEAN 3 bedroom ranch,<br />

over 10SA sq. R. living area. 24 car<br />

garage, large fenced yard. ^<br />

owner. 122.9<br />


5 Points, near I Mile Attractivt<br />

aluminum sidtag. 3 bedroom, phi;<br />

large family room, new furnace.<br />

etoctrlcaL roof. 2 car garage and<br />

drive, ooe half acre lot. sharp con<br />

318 Redford<br />

i*<br />


CLEAN 3 bedroom brick ranch, features<br />

all akiminun trim, ful finished<br />

basement, nicely landscaped<br />

lot. and complete wtth a 2Vt car garoge.<br />

Now offered at $30,990. Cal<br />

5224300.<br />



HOME.<br />

Integrity<br />

Realtors<br />


LEXINGTON-7 MILE - beautiful<br />

brick ranch. 3 bedrooms, large<br />

kitchen with built-ins. 2 baths, finished<br />

basement, central air. 2*4<br />

car garaga. 133.500<br />

DAHLBY near Grand River-brick<br />

bungalow. 2 bedrooms, expansion<br />

attic, full basement, only 923.900<br />

FHA or VA<br />

BRADY-7 MILE.-cute brick ranch.<br />

2 bedrooms, family room, nicely<br />

landscaped tot. only 117.500<br />

TOWER<br />

478-5090<br />

OPEN SUN. 2-5<br />


Aluminum brick front bungalow,<br />

3 bedrooms, finished<br />

basement and 1'/» car gorage.<br />

Choice area Won't las'<br />


Hartford 401 ' 537-6808<br />

SOUTH REDFORD Four bedroom<br />

catontoL 24 car garage, central<br />

air. 939.900. 95«7 Crosley Open Sunday.<br />

Aug 5th. 14 PM 2554794<br />

SHARP 3 bedroom, carpeted, dsning-el.<br />

new furnace, garage, base-<br />

ment. fenced, air conait litioner.<br />

newly decorated Close to transportation<br />

924.000 5314772<br />

BY OWNER, brick ranch. 3 bed<br />

rooms. 14 baths. Beautiful rec<br />

room, with bar. feature rock waU<br />

and TV room. New kitchen carpeting<br />

and cabtoets. pteanty of ator<br />

Thuraday, Auguat 12, 1976 OBSERVER & ECCENTRIC<br />

AUGUST 27-28-29<br />

Springfield Oaks<br />

Davisburg, Michigan<br />

Big league rough and tumble, professional rodeo with<br />

some of the world s greatest cowboys and cowgirls on<br />

double tough stock!<br />

318 Redford<br />

THREE BEDROOM home, situated<br />

on IM' x 100' corner of Beech Daly<br />

and Capital. Zoned professional<br />

service. May be used for doctors,<br />

dentists, or offices 9374) I IS<br />

2 STORY<br />

$35,900<br />

Immaculote 3 bedroom oil<br />

aluminum trim Large fomily<br />

roOm, 1 Vt baths, finished<br />

basement, 2'/J car bnck and<br />

aluminum garage Low foxes<br />

I owner home Ask for:<br />


CENTURY 21<br />

Hartford West, Inc 4 53-7600<br />

Pool Lover's Arise<br />

THIS IS IT! A doorwoll the<br />

only one in the neighborhood)<br />

overlooks o mini ocean<br />

of your own with this huge<br />

20 x 40 Gunite ond tile pool<br />

3-4 bedrooms, finished basement,<br />

paneled garage, brick<br />

and aluminum exterior. 6<br />

Mile, Beech By appointment<br />

255-5130<br />


For very little down and a tow<br />

monthly payment, you can have<br />

this full 3 bedroom ranch Large<br />

country kitchen with aD appliances<br />

Built on a 135 deep tot wlh<br />

fuBy paved street Asking 121.900.<br />

CaD: 522 4000<br />

One Way<br />

REDFORD TWP • Just listed<br />

Value and beauty aD In one Stun<br />

ntag 4 bedroom aluminum, huge liv<br />

ing room wtth natural fireplace, formal<br />

dining room wtth bay wtodow<br />

2 baths, plush new shag carpeting<br />

abnost finished basement, garage<br />

perfect landscaping Only 929,950<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

HARTFORD 414 INC 47»4I0(<br />


3 bedroom brick ranch, fireplace<br />

finished basement. 2.<br />

. , FOUR, YES FOUR<br />

so ohoaas from, large two ssory Colonial*, priced from $63,900 to<br />

967.9V0. 2 to 2Vt bathe, baaement 2 car attached garafee. family rooma.<br />

end freptocee. And oae even baa needy two ecroe of toad. Bach one baa<br />

its own benefits and if you warn an excellent bay to the mid<br />

range, eel ne i today, 3*3-9307.<br />

price<br />


flat, does to shopping, exosUrm hail, home doea la<br />

school* stately white brick cotontol. tots of Kvtog spaas, everything you<br />

need, cnKreltor. ang extras you mna me. Only $73,900. Cal J434}07.<br />


Cuetom quad, • bedrooms, 3 ful betha, fWeptoes interna, a * . 2totoO<br />

deak, end *aaat completely surrounded by water. M a t far Kf haft<br />

fomily thai tores tohe Evtog- Loced to Oshtoad'e mom atctoahre Isk*<br />

living ssaaa. $l07,000iCsfl 343-gS07. j, • .<br />

A- 363-8307<br />

OipoHp line<br />

318 Redford<br />


Garfield Near 9 Mile<br />

Brick and aluminum Cape Cod. I<br />

bedroom down wtth full bath. 2 bed<br />

rooms up with fuD bath, basement<br />

2 car garage, playhouse. 4 acrt<br />

lot. beautiful condition CaD for ap<br />

pointment.<br />


5324 200 f<br />

Beautiful ravine tot. 2 fireplaces<br />

bedrooms plus 2 tower level. I tile<br />

bath plus 2 4 baths Loaded wit<br />

extras 954.500 5M4M2<br />


in this 3 bedroom brick ranch, central<br />

air. heated Florida room, fin<br />

iahed roc room. IH baths, carpeting<br />

throughout, formica cabinets In<br />

kitchen, nicely landscaped wtth gaa<br />

BBQ. 14 car garage Asking<br />

937 900. CaD: 4444900<br />

One W


(Dbsprup<br />

Thuraday, Auguat 12, 1976<br />

Reol t5l9te Mint Ack<br />

318 Rtdford<br />

)!* 318 Rtdford<br />


TOR CENTURY 11<br />


"$44,900"<br />

WESTERN GOLF AREA' 120 x IJtf<br />

tot 3 bedrooms (4th possible>. 1*4<br />

baths. 2 FIREPLACES. (Insta)<br />

basement, attached 2 car garage<br />

141*7 Brady (Make offer).'<br />

"FAmily Room"<br />

$32 900 "BEST BUY IN TWPJ<br />

Brtck S bedrooms, family room.-ATi<br />

TACHED GARAGE, basement)<br />

kttchen with daiette. ike-new car.<br />

peting and decorating throughout,<br />

(fast occupancy >. 98000 assumes<br />

74 < > $250 payments HURRY)<br />

17445 Fo*<br />

"Old World Charm"<br />

132 100 BIG FAMILY HOME!<br />

(KM sq ft I Brick (alumnum<br />

trim i. 4 bedrooms fireplace, krg«<br />

dfimg room, klchen with dinette,<br />

carpeting throughout, (newly deco.<br />

rated i. finohed basement. 2 car ga><br />

rage. Spanish Stucco Roff. 1430<br />

taxes 11319 Seminole "ALOTA<br />


"Something Special"<br />

947.900 WOW IS THIS SHARP' 4<br />

bedroom brick ranch (alumnum<br />

trim i (14 ft bedroom with bath);<br />

huge II x 12 modern kitchen (built-<br />

ins i. family room (rased hearth<br />

•fireplace*. 2 car attached garage,<br />

walk-out basement to 120 x 121<br />

country lot with aiground heated<br />

pool-patio area and basketball<br />

court I2M9 Salem DONT MISS<br />

THIS<br />

"Wow"<br />

947 900 Custom built Roman bric^<br />

ranch on beautiful 124 x 135 coun-<br />

try lot in prestigious Western Golf<br />

area 3 bedrooms. 2 baths 2 naht<br />

ral fireplaces, finished rec room<br />

oversue 24 car attached garage,<br />

covered 25 x 17 patio area. Fof<br />

fussv buyers only" 13933 Gai><br />

field<br />

"$34,900"<br />

MINT CONDITION' 3 bedroom<br />

bnck ranch in popular Joy Rd and<br />

Beech Daly area of Redford How<br />

9602 taxes 1 CENTRAL A IR CONDI-<br />

TIONING. new roof, new carpet<br />

ing. large kitchen. 12 x II Florida<br />

room addition, finished rec room<br />

iwet-bar and brick raised hearth<br />

fireplace) garage 9003 Rockland<br />

"Doll House"<br />

121 900 GOLDIE LOCKS & THE 3<br />

BEARS' 3 bedroom cutie Enclosed<br />

front porch, dmng room, base-<br />

ment. garage. 70 x 129 country kit<br />

overlooking scenic Lola VallyP<br />

Park Newer furnace, roof, and »k<br />

ing (low S3II taxes' f<br />


626-4711 275-4422<br />

SHARP, completely decorated<br />

brick snd sluminum 4 bed<br />

lonlal with pass hall floor<br />

Park slxe trees enhance<br />

Ung' Charming rough aawn<br />

family room with raked hearth|flre-<br />

pkce. plus bonus in ckverly<br />

basement rec. room Swim jdub<br />

membership. Let us introduce Jou'<br />



626 4711 775-4422<br />

ran<br />

. WANTED<br />

a family to buy thia quaint 2 bed-<br />

room home<br />


Is the pride of owning yeur own<br />

home in Fsrmlngton HUls Only<br />

$16,999 Land contract terms avail<br />

abk CaU: 522-6000<br />

One Way<br />


except the taxes 5 bedroom home<br />

in Farmington Hills. Featuring<br />

190x152 tot wtth dinng room and<br />

swimming pool Just reduced' AA-<br />

ing $26,900<br />

Century 21<br />

CORNERSTONE 478 4660<br />

SHARP 4 bedroom brick ranch. 14<br />

baths, enclosed porch. 24 car at-<br />

tached garage, bin fenced yard<br />

Must sell Mid $30 s Abrsms<br />

692-6532<br />


built Colonial. Quarton School 4<br />

large bedrooms. 24 baths. 2 fire<br />

placee Formal dining room, large<br />

living room; both with bay win-<br />

dows Country kitchen with eating<br />

area Glassed Florida room Large,<br />

finished rec room. Newly carpeted<br />

and decorated throughout Brtck<br />

and aluminum 24 attached ga<br />

rage, large lot. Assumable mort-<br />

gage $97,500 647-7068<br />


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IT L<br />

Now it is even easier<br />

advertise in the Observer<br />

Eccentric Classified Section. Ji<br />

dial our classified department, tell<br />

us what you would like to advertise<br />

and charge it, to your Ba<br />

to<br />

&<br />

Americard or Master Charge<br />

account.<br />

Whenever you call, be sure to<br />

have your Bank Americard or<br />

Master Charge ready and give us<br />

the account number and expiration<br />

date directly from the card. Then<br />

the total cost of your ad will be<br />

billed directly to your monthly<br />

statement, simplifying your record<br />

keeping while earning money or<br />

you and your family.<br />

You can benefit twice from t lis<br />

bonus by placing a Double Acti on<br />

Family Want Ad. Double Action ds<br />

run two consecutive issues for ne<br />

low price of $6.00, with no chanc es<br />

or cancellations in the second &d.<br />

These 15 word ads save you $2j00<br />

off the regular cost of placing an ad<br />

in two issues and are so easy to<br />

place now that you can charjge<br />

them.<br />

So arm yourself with a list of<br />

unwanted itpms and your favorite<br />

bank card and strike a blow against<br />

inflation by calling us today.<br />


522-0900 Wayne County<br />

644-1070 Oakland County<br />

852-3222 Rochester/Avon Tovinship<br />

b a ^ r u ^ t i<br />

-<br />

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ID* OBSERVER Ic ECCENTRIC Thuraday, Aufuft 12, 1976<br />



ADS AND Wlh<br />


4th ANNUAL<br />



r" m mm<br />

AUGUST 27-28-29<br />

Springfield Oaks<br />

Davisburg, Michigan<br />

„<br />

Big league rough and tumble, professional rodeo with<br />

some of the world's greatsst cowboys and cowgirls on<br />

double tough stock!<br />

»y owner. Cute i<br />

aluminum sided, bind yard. tew<br />

uim road Asaumabk hud<br />

contract Surer* oak. Ill.000<br />

Fsrmlngton llttls 4774m. Aler<br />

mm. «74-ino<br />

SUMMER COMFORT with Caatral<br />

AW and tarwly mrnwd porch k><br />

large. fenced yard Unusually<br />

sharp S bedroom Ranch on scenic<br />

lat Family room, naw kitchen. 14<br />

24 car garage A k>t of<br />

Mm price «».7*> ASK<br />


Bvkg for<br />

chamberlain<br />

"6 4 7 - 5 9 5 0<br />

KENDALWOOO subdivlalea. attrac-<br />

tive 1 bodrssm ranch, large lot ma<br />

ture trees. carpeted thru-out cen-<br />

tral »um.dinar, electro eutic air<br />

cleaner. finished basement. many<br />

custom extra* Wak to schoob. aa-<br />

sumabk 0* mortgage Buyers<br />

only, by owner Call between IB<br />

A Ma PM 330.300 47*4010<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 1-4<br />

4)19 PINEHURST-N of 15<br />

Mile. W of Orchord Lake Rd,<br />


>o expand in rh«* 4 bedroom<br />

2'? both Colonial. Family<br />

room with fireplace. 1st floor<br />

utility room, large summer<br />

optio and 2'h cor artoched ga<br />

-age REDUCED TO $75,900<br />

626-4800<br />


304 Farmington<br />

West WoomfWd<br />

Want Desperately<br />

3 bedroom Ranch, I '/* both*,<br />

fireplace. dining room, 2 cor<br />

rage, full basement. Kend-<br />

all wood or Wes'brook Manor<br />

S^b Low S50V<br />

Ask for<br />

Steve Woodruff<br />

Real Estate One<br />

261-3600<br />

304 Farmin<br />

West<br />

BY OWNER. 4 bedroom Colonial.<br />

2450 sq. ft.. baths, family room,<br />

fireplace, air conditioning, abrm<br />

and sprinkler systems, and more<br />

Farmington Hills. 3M.300 c '^ | 7 g 7<br />

ALTA LOMA aactlon. custom buit<br />

ranch, all new decor, large treed<br />

lat. I bedrooms. 14 baths. 74* as-<br />

sumable mortgage 4774000<br />

BY OWNER<br />

privileges. I<br />

a r g K * c<br />

R. Upper Strata Lake<br />

_ J bedroom ranch. 24<br />

arage on secluded 4 acre<br />

363-5719<br />

BLOOMFIELD HILLS schoob. 4<br />

year old well maintained brick and<br />

aluminum colonial, assumable<br />

74* loan. 4 large bedrooms. J<br />

with walk-in closets and hardwood<br />

ftoors Imported English wool car<br />

pat in formal hvme and dining<br />

room and master bedroom 24<br />

ths. full baaement. large country<br />

chan. Just oft brick and wood<br />

leted family room which leads<br />

a heavy wooded back garden.<br />

1*3 ft deep with large fruit trees<br />

at 171.500 for quick sate.<br />

i»7iu<br />

306 Southfield<br />

Lothrup<br />



LON1AL Professional decorated<br />

central air. 4 bedrooms. 1* bafta.<br />

enlarged famUy room wth bult-ln<br />

formica cablneta phis wak-In bar.<br />

Completely carpeted and wal pa<br />

pered KBchen has redwood deck<br />

off eating area, gas barbecue, self<br />

cleaning oven, instant bot water<br />

etc Basement completely flnbhe<<br />

with dark room, sprinkling syften<br />

and huge backyard Located<br />

cul-de-sac, walking distance<br />

schools Swim Cteb Prtveleaes N<br />

Brokers 175.000 1*1*<br />

RODEO<br />

TICKET<br />

WINNER<br />

RobartE Barlow<br />

4416 Far Hill<br />

Bloomfield HUls, Ml 48013<br />

But you must call the Promo-<br />

tion Dept. of The Observer &<br />

Eccentric by 5 p.m., Friday,<br />

August 13. 1976. to claim<br />

your two free passes to the<br />

4th ANNUAL WORLD<br />


Davisburg. Michigan, 261-<br />

8600. ext. 209.<br />


MAJOR REDUCTION - ExceOent<br />

value in prime Colony Park 4 bed<br />

room Colonial wBh 24 baths. Bre-<br />

placed family room and convenient<br />

lit floor laundry. M M<br />

chamberlain<br />

|6 2 6 - 9 1 0 0<br />

FARMINGTON HILLS, independ<br />

Commons Subdivision<br />

jus 4 bedroom Colonial,<br />

^rge family room. den. first<br />

IE*<br />

undry. professionally decorated.<br />

Uy carpeted, drapes, central air<br />

id electronic air cleaner Thermo-<br />

Pi<br />

aecui<br />


Enjoy the comfort and prestige oi<br />

home ownership in Farmington<br />

without the high cost Lush, i<br />

manicured landacaping hugs tha<br />

spotless I bedroom brtck ranch<br />

where entertatatag will be a pleas<br />

ure. Imagine a rec room finished<br />

as an Old* English Fub wtth bar<br />

and fuH - completely equipped mod-<br />

ern kitchen This unique home abo<br />

features a IS car garage and<br />

more Just reduced to 330.000 ML<br />

i37ss<br />

electronic<br />

l windows. aU appliances ta-<br />

ded Complete burglar and Are<br />

rurity system with automatic dk-<br />

I r. S3 ft inground swimming pool<br />

tth attached whirlpool Profes-<br />

sionally landscaped with automatic<br />

underground sprinklers. OPEN<br />

$AT £ SUN 1 to 5 PM 25041 Liv-<br />

ingston Circle. OR call lor spjxitat-<br />

*ient 4774054<br />

BY OWNER - S bedroom cu*or<br />

built Ranch, family room, fire-<br />

place. central air, finished I<br />

ment with wet bar, 045.000 Opej<br />

gat-Bun. 1PM4PM 55040*<br />

OPEN SUN 2-5<br />

Sharp Cranbrook<br />

Village Ranch, offer<br />

excellently maintainec<br />

appearance, in addition<br />

to 3 bedrooms, dining<br />

room, family room,<br />

pa rtially finished<br />

basement and set 01<br />

large lot. Assumablp<br />

mortgage. $40,500<br />

29474 Candlewooc<br />

north of 12 Mile, we|i<br />

of Southfield Road.<br />

645-2500<br />


Assoc. Inc. Realtors<br />

Birmingham<br />

CHARMING CUSTOM buut 2 bad<br />

room home In Farmington Beauti<br />

dining room.<br />

B basement, extra large lot, wlh<br />

I natural flrepkce.<br />

ture trees. Move-in condition.<br />

..mediate occupancy Assumable<br />

mortgage. 00.000 Open S»av<br />

iy 1-5 or by appointment. 22401<br />

torsi 470-3040<br />

I!<br />


best describes this value Set on a<br />

weB treed 4 acre lot. Thia 3 bed-<br />

room brtck ranch features a huge<br />

(amity room 2 fireplaces, an k-<br />

Iround, heated frool and much,<br />

much more Reduced to 055.500 lor<br />

a quick sate ML 14007<br />


Thia large 0 room. 4 bedroom fam-<br />

ily home is the largest home for<br />

the money in Farmington Hlls<br />

Rural setting, large family room.<br />

lUS additional room could be fifth<br />

bedroom, office or den 04* mort-<br />

gage assumption possible Only<br />

050.000 ML 10tK<br />

Century 21<br />



478-5904<br />


$52,990<br />

Now Being Built<br />

story coloniol home, op-<br />

ox. 2,100 sq ft of liv»ng<br />

nd bonus spoce 3 bed-<br />

ooms, 1 Vi baths, formal liv-<br />

ng room, formal dining<br />

•oom. plus bo-ius space fam-<br />

ly room and bonus space<br />

master bedroom suite. Ask<br />

#119.<br />

Al Baron<br />

652-4550 or 851-5700<br />

PULTE<br />

Homes of Mich.gon, Inc<br />

about Lot<br />

Col<br />

OWNER Cape Cod Souttiflekl<br />

Mile 4 bedroom*. 24 baths, baa •<br />

ment. 2 fireplaces. 24 car gara« .<br />

Brick, gas heat, many extra*,<br />

140.000<br />

500-10 7<br />

306 SouthMd<br />

Lothrup<br />

306 SouthMd<br />

Lothrup<br />

rOUR BEDROOM brick ranch<br />

Mile-Telegraph area. Dining room<br />

family room wlh fireplace. 1t<br />

floor laundry. Central air. Fenci d<br />

yard with patio and gas grill. 1 ci r<br />

attached garage 2300 Sq Ft 255^5<br />

Mulroy Drive. Shown by appoat^<br />

ment J5/-2J*<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4<br />

18421 Soratogo in Lathru<br />

Village. S of 12 Mile and V/<br />

of Southfield Stunning 3 be (<br />

room Cape Cod with 2 ft,<br />

baths, formal dining roorh,<br />

den. 2 fireplaces. finished re:<br />

reation room with wet bor, c<br />

tached garage. $51,900<br />

EARL<br />

KEIM<br />

Realty North. Inc.<br />

550-1<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 14<br />

4 bedroom colonial 2* baths, large<br />

marhle foyer, curved stairway,<br />

MOO sq fl Lake area. 4140 Old Do<br />

mtalon Drive, off Orchard Lake<br />

Rd., between Walnut Lake and<br />

Lone Pine By owner 1*3.000<br />

0124121<br />


LOT 130x133<br />

4 bedroom brick Coloniol.<br />

beautifully decorated >n coon-<br />

try otmosphere, centrol air<br />

conditioning, fomily room,<br />

dining room, 7Vi boths<br />

Coll Ann Valentine<br />

Real EStote One<br />

474-7317 261-2600<br />


pvailable on this spotless, 4 bed-<br />

room brick ranch AD new alumi-<br />

hum trim provide* maintenance<br />

free enjoyment In one of Farm-<br />

ington Hills' finest developments<br />

Close to school* and (hopping. Cal<br />

[for additional details 050.000 ML<br />

15442<br />


ion this i poll ess J bedroom brick<br />

Inuaeh. Nestled on a large, fuly-<br />

landscaped lot. this home reflects<br />

pride of ownership in an area of<br />

property appreciation The list of<br />

extras Is practically endless<br />

Priced to »ell fast. First lime of-<br />

fered 055.500<br />



and an excellent aiaumption. too -<br />

are available on thi* "neat as a<br />

pta" brick ranch Featuring 3 bed-<br />

rooms. garage, basehtenl. famly<br />

room, a large, well treed lot. and<br />

much more Tranfer forces sale<br />

First time offered Hurry, it won*<br />

teat<br />

Century 21<br />



478-5904<br />

LAND LOTS of LAN[><br />

Plus charming, comfortable 4<br />

bedroom, family home, wi h<br />

custom features throughout<br />

Formal dining room, hyje<br />

country kitchen, first flopr<br />

laundry room, 2 full batf<br />

full bosmement Half ocfre<br />

treed lot. attached 2 car g j-<br />

rage Owner transferred<br />

Only $54,500 Terms<br />

525 V00<br />

Century 2<br />

Gene Darke Realty<br />


please call immediately for<br />

appointment to inspect this de-<br />

lightful brick and aluminum<br />

ronch with picture windowed,<br />

carpeted and draped living<br />

room, three pleasant bed-<br />

rooms ond convenient formica<br />

kitchen Tiled basement, 2 car<br />

garage and lovely land-<br />

scaped lot. Only $39,900.<br />

557-3500<br />

BRICK CAPE COD-m beautiful<br />

tree shaded Lothrup Village<br />

Four bedrooms (2 down & 2<br />

upl fireplaced living<br />

separate dining room, lo<br />

23 ft family room and<br />

ern kitchen* with built-in*-<br />

Wet bar in tiled base<br />

new furnoce with electr<br />

air cleaner and 2 cor at-<br />

tached garoge. $54,90p<br />

557-3500<br />

A DREAM KlTCHEN-with Oil<br />

new built-ins plus out-<br />

standing housekeeping<br />

throughout makes this 3 bed-<br />

room ranch just right for yd<br />

Carpeted and draped livil<br />

room, new fixtures in the l'/j<br />

baths, fenced yord. two<br />

garage and situated in Sc_,~<br />

field's delightful Conterbu'Y<br />

Gardens Sub. $34,900 5$7-<br />

3500.<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 5 00<br />

PM 28860 Lothrup BlJd.,<br />

Lothrup Village Rambling<br />

ranch with 25' step down iv<br />

ing room and outstanding fi^e<br />

place Three large bedrooi<br />

family room, dining roam,<br />

kitchen with built-ins, base<br />

ment and attached double go<br />

rage with electric door open<br />

er Only $45,000 557-3500<br />

Cranbrook<br />

Assoc., Inc. Realtors<br />

2SB40 Southfield Rd<br />


RANCH. 1.7 acre*, pond behind<br />

house, detached I car garage,<br />

could be stable 4 bedrooms. 3<br />

baths. 2 powder rooms, exceptional<br />

family room with studio ceBlng.<br />

ppnelled with knotty pine board<br />

and fireplace Recreation room on<br />

expoeed lower level, wtth second<br />

fireplace and bar Oper 4.000 sq<br />

exceUent traffic pattern.<br />

Mo x<br />

BROOCK<br />

4130 Orchard .Lake OU000<br />

Open Sunday 1-4<br />


23140 Brandywynne Nqrth<br />

of 9 Mile ond W of Tele<br />

graph. Immaculate 4 bed<br />

room brick tri-level with<br />

mal dining room, fa<br />

room with fireplace, beautjfu<br />

landscaping and covered<br />

patio Also 2 car artoched ga-<br />

rage. $49,900. Your hostess<br />

will ,be Bess Leiser<br />

chamberlain<br />

557-6700<br />

306 SouthMd<br />

Lothrup<br />


10031 Saxton<br />

t Ivtag<br />

2 kitchen*. 2 baths, at-<br />

tached 2 car garage wtth<br />

0 MUe . Evergreen. IHi<br />

Bnck ranch. 4 bedroom<br />

rooms. 2 klchens. 2 I<br />

tached 2 car garaae wkh opener.<br />

Large lot. 140,300 Open Sat. IcSun<br />

1 to O PM. or by appomtment<br />

317-1130<br />

308 Rochostor-Troy<br />

CAPE COD. Just decorated 4 bed-<br />

rooms. toads of extras. In beeattful<br />

Maanoba. 0 MUe and Southfield<br />

id-fortl-<br />

Mid-forties By appointment.<br />

500-4221<br />

BY OWNER • Cranbrook VBIage<br />

Birmingham Schoob. 4 bedroom<br />

m bath colonial Includes: central<br />

air. new carpeting and draperies<br />

throughout, finished rec room<br />

large yard and patio wtth gas BBQ.<br />

electric door opener, paneled fam<br />

Uy room with flreplaac. 744* ao-<br />

sumable mortgage, lmmediaae oc-<br />

cupancy 047-7000<br />



Attractive 3 bedroom, 2'/j<br />

bath Colonial with family<br />

room, central air, ond 2 cor<br />

garage SpociQus kitchen with<br />

appliances . A jump<br />

ahead of the market ot<br />

$43,900<br />

559-8333<br />


BY OWNER 10 MUe Berg Rond<br />

Area. 3 bedroom Ranch, on H I<br />

treed lot. natural fireplace, large<br />

family room, utility room, attached<br />

garage 034.000. 35* 2113<br />


OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />


17441 REVERE S of 13 Mile<br />

E of Southfield Owner mov<br />

ing out of country ond must<br />

sell his 3 bedroom, 2'/j bath<br />

centrally air conditioned<br />

ranch. Features include o 1st<br />

floor utility room, fomily room<br />

with fireplace, finished rec<br />

room and artoched 2 Vi car ga<br />

rage<br />

559-8333<br />


308 Rochwtw-Troy<br />

SOUTHFIELD. 12 MUe • Oree*<br />

field. 3 bedrooms. 1» bath Cotoi*<br />

Air conditioning, humidfler.<br />

famUy room, flekh^d basement<br />

S40 940 Buyers only. 8074112<br />

. OPEN SUNDAY 24<br />

403 Parkdale In Rochester Fir* of-<br />

fering. Modern kitchen." out-<br />

anting rec. room with wet bar<br />

IH ear<br />

rated.<br />

taste hi ly deco-<br />

ER.<br />

r garage, tastefulv<br />

priced under |40,ooo<br />



8*8710<br />

TROY BY OWNER - Cape Cad<br />

Style. 3 bedrooms, phis unfinished<br />

expansion area, for beirooms. I<br />

bath. 2 fuU baths, large kitchen. Uv<br />

Ing room family room with comer<br />

fireplace. Central air, attached 2<br />

car garage on large corner lot Mid<br />

40-s open Sat • Sun. 1 to 5. 40M<br />

Hyde Park. Long Lake between<br />

John R and Dequindre. 5244733<br />


Quiet luxury describes this<br />

Williamsburg Colonial ranch<br />

Formal dining, a fireploce in<br />

the living room and family to<br />

fit your moods Full finished<br />

walk out lower level com<br />

plements the ravine wooded<br />

lot A must for the discnm<br />

note buyer. $76,500<br />

Weaver Real Estate<br />

Rochester 651-8140<br />

308 Rochtstir-Troy<br />

Troy's E Long Lake Estate<br />



Offering pork-like lot with<br />

trees, potios, woterfoll ond<br />

gos grill. All brick ranch with<br />

dining oreo, Cothredal<br />

ceiling in fomily room and<br />

games room. Professionally<br />

decorated. Priced in the bw<br />

$50's. Take over 6%%<br />

mortgage. Immediate<br />

possession.<br />

689-4722<br />

BY OWNER - Troy. Stonerid«e<br />

Sub. 2 year old brick colon*L 4<br />

bedrooms, 2W baths. 1st floor laun-<br />

dry. family room with fireplace. 2<br />

car attached garage wBh opener,<br />

finished basement, double in-<br />

sulation. thermo-pane windows,<br />

other extras Must sen. Reduced to<br />

044.000 07*4007<br />


Beautiful 4 bedroom brick colonial<br />

in a great area of Troy. Custom<br />

buUt in 1073. Din tag room, famly<br />

room, library, basement. 2H car at-<br />

tached garage, won't last at<br />

•07.500<br />


TROY • By owner I year old cur<br />

torn 3 bedroom cotonlaL famly<br />

room, fireplace, large kttchen. for-<br />

mal dining room. 1st floor laundry,<br />

attached I car garage, tiled haae<br />

ment. landacaped. patio, carpeted,<br />

draperiea. dishwasher, range, test<br />

occupancy 055.500 meow<br />

•OPEN SAT. 1-4<br />

COME AND SEE this very appeal-<br />

ing 3 bedroom, IH bath Ranch<br />

with nicely flniahed rec room<br />

full basement, office, pitched<br />

beamed ceUings and open floor<br />

pkn. Many super decorator touch-<br />

es. Hedge lined yard with priv<br />

patio. Walk to Birmingham<br />

schools At 1554 Witherbee. E<br />

Adams. S of Big Beaver 039.000.<br />


chamberlain<br />

6 4 6 - 6 0 0 0<br />

TROY Immediate occupaixpr 3<br />

bedroom ranch. 1*4 baths. fuB baae-<br />

ment. custom patio, large ktteheo<br />

and family room Garage, air condi-<br />

tioner. 040,500<br />

THREE bedroom brick. 2 car ga-<br />

rage, 2 acres, city of Troy..Zoned<br />

OSC. 005.000. Good terms, by<br />

owner TU 5 PM. 302 i»30<br />

TROY. Somerset Woods area. Ike<br />

In a forest Imagine 4 bedrooms. 2<br />

full baths family room with Bre-<br />

pkce. dinlna L. equipped kitchen,<br />

carpets, ternflc rbkie, terrific loca-<br />

tion, terrific open feeling The Brey<br />

Co. Realtors. 045-1744<br />

TWO year old claaakc WUllamsburg<br />

Colonial 2.000 aq ft.. 4 bedrooms<br />

with den. first ffoor laundry, profes-<br />

sionally decorated throughout<br />

Loaded with extras. * acre knd-<br />

scaped lot 007.000 3754107<br />

LATHRUP VILLAGE ranch, bj<br />

owner. 3 bedroom. famUy rojom<br />

dining room. den. pkv room.<br />

ation area. 3 fuU baths, ab.<br />

matlc sprinkkrs and more U<br />

1001. Open Thuraday 9<br />

thru Sunday. 124. 17341 R ,<br />

Dr.. 1 block N. of 10*. 2 block* E<br />

oft Southfield Principals awl^l<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4<br />

18250 New Jersey in SoJth<br />

field. S of Ten Mile and W<br />

of Southfield, executive cok ni<br />

al with 4 bedrooms. !'/j<br />

baths, family room, den c »n-<br />

tral air, immediate o< :u-<br />

pancy. 2 car attached got ge<br />

$59,900<br />

EARL<br />

KEIM<br />

OPEN SUN. 1-5<br />

Mil Fairway Ridge South. W<br />

BkoanfteM<br />

Yea must see thia new cuatom bult<br />

home in desirable Bloomfield m<br />

tha Lake Featuring a large foyer.<br />

4 large bedrooma formal dtatag<br />

ream, beamed ceiling family room<br />

with ratted hearth fireplace,<br />

dmm kttchen. w»k out baaement<br />

and many, many qualty features.<br />

BROOCK<br />

Raattors<br />

0014700<br />


baths. 4 year* old. % acre on cul-<br />

de-eac, newly decorated. fuBy land-<br />

scaptd many extras Must -aaB<br />

quickly 000*0. 02M3M<br />

ROlllNG ACRE<br />

FARMINGTON - One of o<br />

kirid •" o'prime areo Youll<br />

love this 0tyli0h 3 bedroom<br />

contemporary ranch. Owner<br />

needs fast oction Thi* hoi<br />

is priced rhousonds of dollon<br />

below market value<br />

142.900<br />

Century 21<br />

MANY COMFORTS In this 3 bed-<br />

room Ranch with big, covered<br />

porch Spactoua kttchen wtth al<br />

buBt-lna. 2-way fireplace between<br />

Bvtag and dm«K rooms, famly<br />

room. 2 air units Good vakie at<br />

040.000.<br />

chamberlain<br />

6 2 6 - 9 1 0 0<br />

OPEN SUN 34<br />


tlltt-lakster) Blrmliam Scboote<br />

Price reduced mm Deertof. S bed-<br />

room ranch. 2 baths, family rooan<br />

wtth fireplace, basement, fenced<br />

yard, garage<br />

3022 AppoUne<br />

cathredral cefllng Bvkg room. #•-<br />

Is bed recreation roam, redwood<br />

deck, good price.<br />

RHODES<br />

Ofc 0424014 Eve. 040-1W4<br />

Realty North, Inc.<br />

55*41300<br />


acre of lahd. large 4 bedroom* 2H<br />

baths, central air. 2 fireplaces ex-<br />

quisite open paneled famUy room<br />

bright modern kitchen wtth aood<br />

cupboard space, circular dive,<br />

plush decor, attached extra six aa<br />

rage By owner 300.000 3M 1004<br />

\DPEN SUNDAY 1-4<br />

27744 Lothrup in Lothrup Vil-<br />

lage, E. of Southfield, h of<br />

11 Mile, Custom built 4 >ed-<br />

room quad level with 20' liv-<br />

ing room, finished recreafcon<br />

room. 2 full boths, fireppce,<br />

2 car attached gor<<br />

$56,500<br />

EARL<br />

KEIM<br />


Secluded lane near Tel-12 MaD, l*<br />

acres professlonaUy kndscaped 3<br />

bedroom, custom brick ranch 24<br />

baths, glass doornails. famUy<br />

room with bullt-ln BBQ. large<br />

patto. 2 sided stone fireplace. 1st<br />

door laundry, carpeting, cuatom<br />

drapes, heated 2H car garage.<br />

002.000 Owner<br />

3534002<br />


HIDE<br />

AND SEEK<br />

TUCKED AWAY ta Secluded Lane<br />

at 20501 thia lovely brick colonial ia<br />

a hidden treaaure worth teektag.<br />

At 045,000 K Just may be the beat<br />

priced 2H bath home ta Southfield.<br />

Has step down famUy room wlh<br />

natural fireplace, large living room<br />

and formal dtatag room, door waB<br />

to patio, carpeting thru-out. 2W car<br />

attached garage. fuU basement is<br />

partially finished, nicely land-<br />

scaped.<br />

RYMAL<br />

SYMES<br />

478-9130<br />


Juat reduced to 004.000<br />

Executive Ranch, on lovely w<br />

tot In eul-de-eae, larg< rooma. 2<br />

baths, rec room, terraced and pro<br />

landacaping Great LC terms<br />

Century 2<br />

Gene Darke Realty<br />

0514700<br />

ge<br />

Realty North. Inc.<br />

C<br />

BY OWNER - 3<br />

ranch, attached 2 car garaaa. Bre-<br />

place, no baaement. 11 Mle Lab-<br />

ser^aaaumable 7%<br />

.S:<br />

20 great acres to rove oo_ ^<br />

Price* to seU fast at 370.000 ,<br />

ALSO:<br />

(lit tonal<br />

tat hor<br />

b*y at<br />

acres available fer ad-,<br />

home site adjoining, a<br />

040.000 Land Contract<br />

SOaddtt<br />

ditto na<br />

great<br />

terms<br />

34*4700<br />


2 ACRES NOVI , ..i<br />

OPEN SUN 1-5. *.<br />

UMM1T • W of Haggerty.'<br />

N of |2 Mile Immaculate 3 bad-<br />

room ranch situated in private<br />

Ueed telling 2 acres. famUy room<br />

fireplace, living room, attached ga-<br />

rage Unbelievable at 354.000 Cal<br />

CENTURY 21 ...<br />


311 Homes For Sato<br />

Oakland County<br />

AVON. Three bedroom houae. 14<br />

large lot. 131000. Ll 15423<br />


Beat of two worlds How doe* this<br />

appeal to you '• having accaaa to<br />

the nicest and largeat private<br />

beaches without having to pay to<br />

kefronl Uses on one of the moat de<br />

sirable lakes in Oakland County •<br />

Wat kins Lake. One block from<br />

very well built 4 bedroom. 2 bath<br />

custom ranch Newly landscaped<br />

call af*r 0 PM or weekend*.<br />

074-1470<br />

A GOOD FIT for the young famly!<br />

UnsuaUy sharp 3 bedroom. 14 bath<br />

Ranch - very close-In Troy wth<br />

Birmingham schoob Nice open<br />

floor plan with pitched-beamed ceil-<br />

ings. new carpeting, no wax kttch-<br />

en floor, fuU basement, gorgeous<br />

shrubbed patio in large, fenced<br />

yard Yours to inspect 140500.<br />

chamberlain<br />

6 4 6 - 6 0 0 0<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

28650 Eldorado in Lothrup<br />

Village, S of 12 Mile and W.<br />

of Southfield. Chotming 2<br />

bedroom brick ranch with I Vi<br />

baths, fomily room, fireplace,<br />

full basement, 2 car artoched<br />

garage, good assumption.<br />

$44,900<br />

EARL<br />

KEIM<br />

Realty North. Inc. S0*-1300<br />

ROCHESTER SCHOOLS, near Oak-<br />

land University, five bedroom coto-<br />

nial. large tot. first floor laundry,<br />

excellent condkion 3754504<br />

IN ROCHESTER, brick. Cape Cod<br />

by owner. 3 bedroom plus (den).<br />

14 bath, custom drapes, large<br />

kttchen. basement, gas heat, U<br />

> Open Sunday 124PM 310<br />

North wood 051-4547<br />

TROY, by owner. 3 bedroom brtck<br />

ranch Family room with fireplacr<br />

finished basement. 2 baths. 24 car<br />

garage. 0001753<br />

PRICE REDUCED - Must sel thfc<br />

week Southlield. Cuatom 3 bed<br />

room. 24 bath ranch No Frtdm;<br />

night or Saturday cals. 557-3722<br />

COLONIAL - 3 bedro 14<br />

T s<br />

_ custom<br />

draperies. famUy reom. air condi-<br />

tioned. flniahed playroom Jn bfae-<br />

ment, large fenced tot AO offers<br />

conaldered 142.000. Buyers onhr<br />

5570100<br />

0 MILE It BERG. 3 bedroom<br />

ranch, family room, garaft. 2<br />

baths, gas heat, floor plan Ideal lor<br />

in-law living.<br />

ROSS<br />


535-5400<br />

OPEN SUN. 2-5<br />

25W WEAVERTON - Rochester. 4<br />

bedroom aluminum sided ranch,<br />

family room with Franklin stove,<br />

garbge. large lot. N off Auburn<br />

Rd between John R Deqatadre<br />

n o GENES DR. large 3 bedroom<br />

ranch. 14 car garage, atty **w*r<br />

and) water. ttl^OO From Roches-<br />

ter lake Walton Blvd we»t to N on<br />

Dexter to W on Genai.<br />

Bateman<br />

Realty<br />

- 651-8518<br />

BY OWNER, lovely family home in<br />

desirable NW Troy. 4 large bed-<br />

room*. family room, large kgcheai.<br />

first floor laundry, den, Immacu-<br />

late throughout wtth central ak. hu-<br />

midifier. etectrlc door opener, beau-<br />

tiful large tot backing onto rumtag<br />

stream. Assumable 74* mort-<br />

gage. 004.500 OPEN SUN 3-5 PM<br />

* 04*2307<br />

NEED MORE SPACE 7 This tern<br />

ily-slxed Colonial will give you<br />

to sq ft of Uvtag area Includes<br />

bedrooms. 24 baths, a flrepkced<br />

family room plus Bbrary. Custom<br />

out.^l M M ED IATE^PO^EMkST<br />

300.000 Call<br />

647-0500<br />

BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom qaad. pan<br />

eked family raom.<br />

fSS:<br />

Evergreen area. By owner. fBBjm<br />

12 MILE. Greenfield, 3 bedrwm.<br />

Colonial, 14 botba. air. humidfler.<br />

gas barbecue, carpeting through<br />

out, family room, ftnkhed baao;<br />

55T4112<br />

ment, ek»H to school.<br />

M0.000 ,<br />

SOUTHFIELD. 4 bedroom cotoatel<br />

family room, flrepkce, 24 baAs.<br />

first floor laundry, baaemeat. at-<br />

a a<br />

J<br />


chamberlain<br />


"ONE ACRE"<br />

Cuatom built ranch featuring for-<br />

mica kitchen, formal dtatag room,<br />

4 large bedrooma. family roam<br />

wtth natural flrepkce. I deorwala<br />

to beautiful landscaped greunfe<br />

flniahed baaement, attached I car<br />

farefa. Prtve mum<br />

ALGER f<br />

Q U A S T<br />


476-1040<br />


Ikk I bedroom home wtth a 2<br />

garage k eat cask close ta ad<br />

and shopptag. but ake tta priced<br />

la Ml al RUN Cal:<br />

One Way<br />

SOUTHFIELD. 0 MUe • Evenree*<br />

area. 2 bedroom. 14 belh teicb<br />

ranch, central air. first floor laun-<br />

dry. attached garage, ful tited<br />

baaement. much more 3BU0M<br />

LOVELY Lathrup home en deebte<br />

basement, attached larag<br />

clous storage arpa. 74*<br />

able mortgage B3JW. By<br />

10000 San Dtega. Immediate<br />

43447*7<br />

pancy<br />

LARGE 4 BEDROOM colonial 14<br />

batbo. central air, electreete<br />

cleaner. 14 car attached<br />

Opener. PaneBed

0<br />

Thursday, Augutf 12, 1976<br />

Rgol tstate mint Ack<br />

©baprurrCHErfentr<br />

311 Homes For Sd*<br />

Oddand County<br />

CLEAN 1 bedrooma. ideal starter<br />

home. near downtown Royal Oak.<br />

JUT.ML. • 5434751<br />



Plantation charm. 2 natural<br />

fireploce* one in 30*17' living<br />

room, one in master bedroom<br />

Exceptionally large bedrooms<br />

with dressing room,<br />

basement. 3 car garage<br />

65 75 acres. 4 ocres ore loke<br />

Could be subdivided.<br />

$250,000<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

Of MILFORD<br />

1-685-8715<br />

UNION LAKE SUB . by owner7~$<br />

bedroom*, brick and aluminum<br />

Cap* Cod. naw family room addition<br />

2 baths $56 000 JO 4974<br />


U PM MMS York Solid brick 3<br />

bedroom colonial, multiple baths<br />

family room, air unit*, formal din<br />

ing room, cheery kitchen and<br />

breakfaat room, finished and carpeted<br />

rec mm, 1 car garage Re<br />

duced to $51 »00 Ask for Rose<br />

Shirley Cash Really 5434488<br />


Lake privileges. 4 bedrooms. 24<br />

baths, formal dinini. upstairs<br />

study, laundry center fully carpet<br />

ed 1700 sq ft colonial. 24 car, 4<br />

acre IM.RO.<br />


Soaring beamed ceilings spacious<br />

living room. 4 bedrooms, J baths,<br />

walk out lower family. 1800 sq ft<br />

bt-level 1 car. bullt-lns. S43.WO<br />


et-1427<br />

71/2%<br />

557 2006<br />

BERKLEY, U7I Columbia St<br />

Home with a character building<br />

room (or your children' W.IOO<br />

Howard T Keating Associates Ask<br />

for Ruth 6461234<br />

311 Homos For Sde<br />

Octtand County<br />


J^st listed this quod-level for<br />

nature lovers, featuring brick<br />

and rough sawn cedar, large<br />

tOvered deck, plush carpeting.<br />

huge fenced yard, paved<br />

tpods. many, many extras,<br />

brick raised hearth fireploce.<br />

2Vi car garage<br />

McCullough Realty. Inc.<br />

4479 Pontioc Ik. Rd 681-6100<br />


Immediate possession is offered<br />

on this 4 bedroom Colonial<br />

in one of Waterford's finest<br />

areas Tostefully decorated<br />

throughout, with many extras<br />

included Priced to sell at<br />

$55,900<br />

McCullough Realty*. Inc.<br />

4479 Pontioc Ik Rd 681-6100<br />

BUILDER'S HOME 3.000 sq ft of<br />

luxury 3 huge bedroom*, balcony<br />

overlooking Otter Lake Family<br />

room, fireplace. 3 bath*, library,<br />

basement, formal dining room. l4<br />

car attached garage A steal - high<br />

|70's. Waterford Ask for Broker<br />

Abrams 682 6532<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homes For Sale<br />

BY OWNER<br />


Enjoy lakeside swimming, tennis,<br />

fine schools Spacious 3 bedroom.<br />

14 bath colonial on beautiful<br />

street, in Grosse Pointe Woods 2<br />

fireplaces, family room, large<br />

porch, quality throughout 1713<br />

Broadatone. between 7 * 8 Mie<br />

koads OPEN SATURDAY-SUN-<br />

DAY. 1-SPM sarins aai-4862<br />


On Lake Orion, 2 bedroom, faD<br />

basement, stone fireplace, lakefront<br />

view. 2 car garage. 693-1895<br />

Have your Master Charge or<br />

B a n k A m e r i c a r d handy<br />

whenever you call<br />

644-1070 Oakland County<br />

522-0900 Wayne County<br />

852-3222 Rochester/Avon<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homos For Sde<br />


NEWLY lilted brick ranch ta seeluded<br />

letting • tree*' • Super<br />

patio' Quality - plus throughout 3<br />

bedroom. fuU basement, huge lv<br />

Ing room, massive family room. 2<br />

Florida room* In town conven<br />

lent to all $62,500<br />



626 4711 275-4422<br />

FERNDALE A real doll house 2<br />

bedrooms, aluminum siding remodeled<br />

and carpeted 1 year ago.<br />

fenced yard, nice neighborhood.]<br />

$18,000 396445J<br />

WANT to gel away from the city<br />

Let us take you to the Brighton<br />

areas Ranches from 125.900 Som'<br />

lakefront homes, and coloniah<br />



626-4711 275-442<br />


3 new houses Prairie View Sub<br />

SPANISH RANCH on a hilltop<br />

with 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, formi<br />

dining room wtth balcony Wakou<br />

lower level and courtyard 173,500<br />


bedrooms. 2 baths, cathedral ceil<br />

tag Special master suite AMFM<br />

intercom 170.000<br />


bedrooms. 2 fireplaces, wet ba<br />

24 baths Much more 174,000<br />

All 3 models open daily 1-5<br />

Model Phone 227-3081<br />

20th Century Reaky 437 4981<br />

BY OWNER Pleasant Ridge, large<br />

14 story. 3 bedrooms, dtatig roon.<br />

cedar closets, dark room. J car garage<br />

$27,500 Buyers only 54241*<br />


complete choice of colors l< options<br />

available Hartlartd schools 3 bed<br />

room. 14 bath ranch, full base<br />

ment. huge 2 car attached garag*.<br />

V, acre site, gorgeous view of tup<br />

country $43,900 Call after 5 PM<br />

• 32 7891<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homes For Sale<br />


OPEN<br />

SUN. 2-5 ~<br />

8491 Wellesley -Terrace<br />

Waterford. Michigan<br />


MAGNIFICENT! FIVE bedrooms,<br />

THREE fireplaces. 34 baths - contained<br />

In this SPACIOUS home Adjacent<br />

to the MARVELOUS recreation<br />

room is a second kttchen • d^<br />

nette and a combination workshop<br />

- mud room N on Telegraph to W<br />

on Dixie Highway, to left on Waterford<br />

Hill Terrace, to left on Wellesley<br />

Terrace<br />


DELIGHTFUL' A spacious fireplaced<br />

recreation room A just<br />

right kitchen, dining room A deck<br />

circles an above ground heated<br />

pool. The site is in a secluded roll<br />

tag treed area<br />


REDUCED TO SELL' Walk out of<br />

a lovely dtatag room to a shaded<br />

screened porch This gracious<br />

home offers a pert kttchen. adjacent<br />

utility room, fireplaced hvtig<br />

room, carpeting Too good to miss'<br />



6 E Church. Clarkston<br />

1-625-5700<br />

WELL BUILT HOME in exceUent<br />

condition Scenic location wkh<br />

huge mature trees 4 bedrooms, 2<br />

baths, family room and super rec<br />

room Walk to elementary school<br />

Adjoins Edgewood Country Ckib<br />

$57,500<br />


chamberlain<br />

626-9100 626-6330<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homes For Sde<br />


THE<br />


ARE<br />

FULL OF<br />

WHITE<br />



CUSTOM<br />

Brighton Three bedroom brick<br />

ranch, 14 baths, family room wlh<br />

fireplace, covered patio. fuD basement<br />

attached garage 948,900<br />

Great American<br />

681-0502<br />

881-0502<br />

UNION LAKE Brick, 4 bedroom<br />

tri-level. 1 acre, large family room<br />

with fireplace Screened patio,<br />

basement, 2 baths. 14 car attached<br />

garage, appliances, prime condition<br />

$61,500 8740 Wise Rd .<br />

313-3834011<br />

Brighton Area<br />

FABULOUS is the word for this unusually<br />

elegant ranch on 10 acres<br />

Central air. wet bar and fireplace<br />

ta family room, second fireplace ta<br />

lower level Large inground pool<br />

with cabana 3 stall barn and cor<br />

ral. Convenient to Expressway<br />

Country gentleman - call for details<br />

BEAUTIFUL Setting for this<br />

unique cedar and brick split level<br />

on 8 plus acres Large living room<br />

with nreplace. family room, close<br />

to X-way Only $53,900<br />

Century 21<br />

Brighton Towne Co<br />

229-2913 Collect<br />

BRIGHTON. 4 bedroom Virginia<br />

Colonial in Prairie View Hlls.<br />

many extras Assume mortgage at<br />

•4% Owner $79,500 S17446-3700<br />


Plymouth area, new 5 bedroom<br />

home on 2.3 acres Two complete<br />

kitchens, gas heat/black top road<br />

or could be 2 separate apartments<br />

Builder designed for multiple use<br />

Three miles west of US 23. off M<br />

38, Open Sat Sun 14 10530 Hall<br />

Road. Hamburg Twp $54,800<br />

Agent 453-5158 Finch Roberts Building<br />

Co. 453-4128<br />

a<br />

0<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homes For Sale<br />


Fantastic 5 bedroom home on Ni<br />

acre elevated site, balcony overlooks<br />

unique living room wtth 25 ft<br />

cathedral ceiling, natural fireplace<br />

and a 2 story bay window Strlktag<br />

paneled breakfast room with natural<br />

fireplace, formal dining room<br />

with crystal chandelier, kkchen<br />

with built-ins. spacious Butler's<br />

pantry with second oven, private library<br />

Naturally beamed recreation<br />

room with full bar. large open<br />

hearth fireplace, and optional pool<br />

table. 3 full and 2 half baths, cen<br />

trai air. attached 2 car garage,<br />

many other features Offered oy<br />

owner<br />

$92,500 396-1119<br />


HOLLY<br />


Open Daily 9-9<br />

Open Sunday 1 -5<br />

14003 FENTON RD-FENTON<br />

1-629-4196<br />


ful is the only way to describe<br />

this all brick. 4 bedroom home.<br />

24 baths, large carpeted livtag<br />

room with fireplace, outstanding<br />

recreation room wlh<br />

beautiful wet bar. 3 car heated<br />

garage, covered patio, nicely<br />

landscaped corner lot (#248)<br />


aluminum clad. 3 bedroom<br />

home, close to schools and<br />

shopping Ideal starter home<br />

Priced $17,900 Call today lor<br />

more details (#2351.<br />

WE ARE NOW parceling several<br />

acres into building sites bi Tyrone<br />

Twp. south of Fenton<br />

Call now to reserve your building<br />

spot for the future at<br />

today's bargain prices<br />

DEARBORN W 24109 Calvin.<br />

$31,500 Reduced for fait sale Beautiful<br />

3 bedroom aluminum colonial<br />

New carpeting and drapes, appliances<br />

Call for appointment after<br />

5:30 2774911<br />




© B A P R T I * rrentri<br />

Classifie<br />

320 Other Surburban<br />

Homes For Sale<br />


bedroom Colonial on Culde£ac<br />

Well landscaped lot backing to<br />

Commons Charming fireplaced<br />

family room with doorwaD leading<br />

to patio Formal dtatag room -<br />

much more $51,900<br />

chamberlain %<br />

6 2 6 - 9 1 0 0<br />

LARGE 5 bedroom farm house on<br />

3 acres Family room, 14 baths<br />

dtatag room, basement, heatrf ga<br />

rage * large barn All good<br />

tion 25 minutes to Ann Al<br />

$49,900 Pierson k Riemem<br />

der Realtors 4754101<br />

Eves 475-2084 , 475-1489 , 475 1824<br />

ATTRACTIVE ranch at North<br />

Lake. Chelsea schools 3 extra<br />

large bedrooma. brick fireplace,<br />

large balcony, wakout basement 2<br />

baths. *. acre lot Privacy $52,900<br />

Pierson k Riemenschneider Realtors<br />

4754101<br />

Eves 475 1824, 475-1469, 4754084<br />

South Lyon Area<br />

OPEN SUN 1-5 Pm 21621<br />

Dixboro Rd . north of 8 Mile<br />

Over 2600 sq ft of fine living<br />

in this contemporary<br />

ranch Features 3 bedrooms.<br />

2'/j baths, dining room, family<br />

room, fireplace, redwood<br />

deck, attached 2 car garoge<br />

and much more On over 6<br />

aces Owner transferred Asking<br />

$79,900 Must sell<br />

Century 2 1<br />

HARTFORD S 261 4200<br />

BERKLEY. St Johns Woods. 4<br />

bedroom brick ranch, new furnace<br />

with central air. new carpeting,<br />

fireplace. 14 baths. 14 car garage.<br />

large rec' - room, many<br />

extras. $45,900 By owner. 549-7449<br />

EXCELLENT TERMS on execu<br />

live home in South Lyon school do<br />

trict Close to US-23 Price adjusted<br />

to $79,500 CaU Carol Salton at<br />

Fletcher 4 Assoc Realtors 1-789-<br />

2379. 1 789-0062<br />


Engbsh Tudor, over 2100 sq ft . 4<br />

bedroom. 24 baths, nice lot<br />

$64,900 Also nice ranch, garage,<br />

basement on 5 acres Under<br />

$50 000 3 bedroom ranch, full base<br />

ment. $31,900<br />


229-6155 - 229 4527<br />

ROMEO, unique 3.000 Sq FL custom<br />

brick ranch on 9/10ths acre. 4<br />

bedroom. 24 bath, first floor laundry.<br />

carpeting throughout. 14 closets.<br />

built ins. tuD basement, 24 car<br />

garage with opener, patio. atumK<br />

num awnings fenced yard plus<br />

many extras Assume 64** martgage<br />

or land contract Special at<br />

$85,000 Transferred owner. 7524775<br />

322 Condominiums<br />

For Sale<br />

PLYMOUTH By Owner. 2-bedroom<br />

townhouse. basement, central<br />

air. many extras $29,500 4 55-4071<br />


bedrooms. 2 baths. fuUy carpeted,<br />

fireplace, breakfast room, many<br />

extras Days ask for Gtager. a»<br />

5708. Evenings, 354-3087<br />

NORTHFIELD HILLS. Troy 2 bed<br />

rooms, 14 baths, fireplace Carpet<br />

tag, patio, pool, tennis courts By<br />

owner. $39,500 Phone 858-2340 or<br />

681-4565<br />


Exquisitely decorated 2 bed<br />

room condo with 1 '/j baths,<br />

family room, fireplace, full<br />

basement, modern kitchen<br />

with built-ins, 1 cor attached<br />

garage, clubhouse and pool<br />

$43,500<br />

EARL<br />

KEIM<br />

Realty North, Inc<br />

559-1300<br />

ATTRACTIVE, carpeted, decorated.<br />

2 story. 14 bath, luxurious<br />

master bedroom. 2nd bedroom or<br />

den spacious kkchen. separate dtamg,<br />

large livtag area, appliances,<br />

central air. private patio, garaae.<br />

tiled basement. $37,500 NorthvtlTe.<br />

Novi area. 34M382<br />

CANTON TWP 3 bedroom. 14<br />

bath Condo FuD basement. Central<br />

Air Children welcome $28,900<br />

Low assumption Owner 4S54886<br />

Special Savings<br />

NOW<br />

2 bedroom ranch condominiums<br />

ot Barkridge<br />

Glen, Westland full basement,<br />

carpeting, oven-ronge.<br />

refrigerator<br />

Formerly $26,490 - Now<br />

$23,490 • 5% down available<br />

Newburgh Rd '/» miles<br />

S of Ford Rd<br />

3 2 6 - 1 2 1 3<br />

BY OWNER Knightsbndge Condo<br />

2JOO so fl on one floor 2 bedrooms.<br />

24 baths, Bvtag room, dining<br />

room. den. kitchen, breakfast<br />

area, utility room, screened porch,<br />

security ivitem, own entrance. 2<br />

car attached garage, automatic<br />

openers 68^1428<br />

BLOOMFIELD HILLS • Sham end<br />

unk. centrally located. 3 bedroom<br />

bt-level. country kitchen, famiy<br />

room livtag room, carpeted and<br />

draped, garage, central air A»<br />

sume 7V* mortgage Good occupancy<br />

$43,900<br />


Charming 3 bedroom. 14 baths,<br />

carpeted, draped Living room, dtatag<br />

room, au kitchen appDances<br />

Fireplace, central a*, finkihed rec<br />

room in basement. Club houae.<br />

swimming pool and tenntf courts<br />

Assume i\% mortgage Good occupancy<br />

Just reduced $37,500<br />


SQUARE - First floor, 2 bedrooms.<br />

2 fuD baths, carpeted throughout.<br />

aU appliances, air conditioned,<br />

basement, carport Wak to topping<br />

center Assume |% mortgage<br />

Good occupancy. $64,100<br />

Real Estate Exchange Group<br />

645-9070<br />

Peterson<br />


40M Telegraph. Bknf Hlls<br />

A-l LOCATION<br />


Spooous 2 bedroom. 2 bath,<br />

with balcony, full basement<br />

and carport. Carpeting, drapery<br />

and kitchen appliances<br />

Excellent a$Jumpfion.<br />


278-0060<br />


balks, garage, central air, affiances.<br />

peel, nicely decorated.<br />

m m tr* wil assume AppotaV<br />

ment between tarn and 2:Mpa. .<br />

mmHH<br />


522:<br />

644-10<br />

322 Condominiums<br />

For Sale<br />

LIVONIA $44,900<br />


Luxurious 2 story townhouse wlh<br />

finfched basement, built-ins. t(>M<br />

clous rooms. 14 baths, formal dtarg<br />

room, patio. 14 ear attached<br />

garage, central air<br />

Red Carpet<br />

REALTORS 522-3500<br />


Beauty combined with thrift 3 bed<br />

rooms, (largest master bedroom in<br />

the areai 14 baths, large 1st floor<br />

laundry room Full basement 2<br />

car garage, super gigantic private<br />

garden TXt assumable. $67,900<br />

Call owner for appointment 8510885<br />

NOVI AREA 4 bedroom condo<br />

Fully decorated Reduced to sell k<br />

move in by school $31,900<br />

348-9711<br />

SECRETARY - Receptionist<br />

needed by Birmingham Real Ea<br />

tale Company Advertising Assistant<br />

with other general duties and<br />

part-time Receptionist Accurate<br />

typtag. filing, occasional ad writing<br />

- no shorthand Varied, interesting<br />

career Work equivalent of 4 w«ek<br />

days, plus Receptionist oo Saturdays<br />

Call Mr Richards. 6464W00<br />


Royal Oak. Birmingham *<br />

Bloomfield • 1. 2 A 3 bedrooms<br />

CaD for fuU details<br />



Real Estate<br />

644-0330<br />

PEBBLECREEK-spacious town<br />

house condo. over 2000 sq ft 3 bed<br />

rooms, den. 24 baths. Roman surv<br />

ken tub, 2 way fireplace ta large<br />

livtag room and dm ing room. aD<br />

built ins m kkchen. custom decorated.<br />

carpeted and draped, immediate<br />

occupancy, good assumption<br />

$74 900 By Owner 8516854<br />


3 BEDROOM Condominium in<br />

Southfield Extra large Master, 24<br />

baths, formal dtatag, completely<br />

modern kitchen with breakfast<br />

area Full, finished, carpeted base<br />

ment with 4th bedroom or office<br />

Attached garage, central air. car<br />

peting, drapes. AND MORE Excel<br />

lent recreational facilities LOW<br />

MAINTENANCE FEE $49 900<br />


3 5 8 - 4 6 6 3<br />

TWO BEDROOM. 2 bath, second<br />

floor with balcony Conveniently lo<br />

cated. Long Lake k Telegraph Ap<br />

pkances. ar. carpeting k drapes<br />

assumable mortgage $30,900<br />

642362<br />

COVENTRV m Royal Oak. J bed<br />

room. 24 baths, den. extras<br />

$35,500 Open evenings 6-8 W«k<br />

ends 124 1985 Seabright. 5491481<br />

Smart & Thrifty<br />

One bedroom condo, new<br />

on market, large living<br />

room, carpeting through<br />

out. nice size basement,<br />

clubhouse, pool and picnic<br />

area Asking $21,500 CaU<br />

464-0800<br />

One Way<br />

ROCHESTER Beautiful 2 be!<br />

room. 2 bath Condo in private wocjded<br />

setting Exceptionally la<br />

rooms, with loads of closet spade<br />

Uniquely decorated wlh natuia<br />

stone wall m bvtag room and d|i<br />

ing room Central air. 2 wo6d<br />

decks, finished basement, work st<br />

tag appliances, and central vadu<br />

um Pool and park area $36,900<br />

651-8135<br />


IN MIND*<br />

When we put this 2 bedroom conjdo<br />

on the market Price of $24,900<br />

chides stove, refrigerator, carpk<br />

tag throughout and locker storage<br />

area Can 464-0BOO<br />

One Way<br />

322 Condominiums<br />

For Sale<br />

*9D<br />

DONT MISS the best value n<br />

Yovi<br />


^ new unM at $29,990 will not equal<br />

he value of ths $28,500 unl by<br />

ttwner 476-2530. 47*4098<br />


Open Saturday 1-4 Exquisite condo<br />

n exceUent location 3 queen-sized<br />

bedrooms. 2*4 baths, super recrea<br />

tion room, fireplace in living room<br />

Immediate occupancy Owner miat<br />

sell $39 900 West of Haggerty.<br />

Souh of 8 Mile 'o 48265<br />

Lehigh Lone<br />

Cardinal<br />

West, Inc 522-5333<br />

QUALITY condo. 3 bedroom*. 24<br />

bath*, family room with fireplace<br />

finished basement wkh built-in •torage,<br />

wet bar and study Plus many<br />

extras Southfield 355-IW7<br />

LIVONIA Owner 2 bedroom<br />

Condo Carpeted throughout Ftaished<br />

basement wkh bar Assume<br />

$171 payment Owner will consider<br />

land contract $22 000 522 M59<br />


Convenient recreation is yours wlh<br />

4 lakes, tenne courts large pool<br />

and full service clubhouse aD wlhui<br />

walking distance This 2 bed<br />

room. 14 bath unit is great for en<br />

tertaining offering both famiy<br />

room and recreation room Pnced<br />

at $32,490 See It Today '<br />



$28900 1 bedroom condo Middlr<br />

belt 6 Mile area Large rooms pn<br />

vate basement. 1st floor Pool<br />

52S 7896<br />

BY OWNER Lake Orion 2 bedroom<br />

condo Carpeting, kttchen ap<br />

bances Garage No maintenance<br />

Eake privileges and more Low a*<br />

sumption lion $19 900 After 5 PM<br />

391OOM<br />

SUMMER COMFORT Condo wlh<br />

Central Air. pool and clubhouse<br />

privileges Just right size wlh 2<br />

bedrooms. 14 baths kitchen wlh<br />

aD built-ins (inc refrig ). basement<br />

Lite new. just redecorated Immediate<br />

possession VALUE' $24 900<br />

chamberlain<br />

6 4 7 - 5. 9 5 0<br />

SOUTHFIELD 2 bedroom tri-level<br />

condo 7*i assumable mortgage Ap<br />

phances drapes, carpeting Immediate<br />

occupancy Mr Owens 867-<br />

7858 or 559-2845<br />


bedrooms full basement. 14<br />

baths, central air. stove k refrig<br />

erator. upgraded carpeting walpa<br />

per, $4000 down takes over payments<br />

of $253 per month Immediate<br />

occupancy. caD 455-3391<br />


In Lake Orion<br />

Immediate occupancy. 2 bedroom<br />

ronch style with foil carpeting,<br />

kitchen appliances,<br />

8'i% fmoncmg ovailob'e<br />

$19,490 Phone 391-3400<br />

and ask for Bev Moretsky<br />

PULTE<br />

Homes of Michigan. Inc<br />

TOWNHOUSE 3 bedrooms. 24<br />

baths. fuUy carpeted formal dtatig<br />

ABSOLUTELY THE best deal<br />

room, full basement Private vard<br />

bedroom Condo wkh family nx<br />

wkh redwood deck 10 Mile W o<<br />

on lake Many extras $34,900 Al ; Telegraph $54,900 3556251<br />

6 PM: 349-4824<br />

FOR SALE or lease with Optionito<br />

buy One bedroom Stove, refrigerator<br />

Carport Will sell completely<br />

furnished 549-4^75<br />

SOUTHFIELD. Evergreen and 12<br />

Mile. 2 bedrooms, family room. 4<br />

baths, laundry room, private courtyard<br />

High assumable 7*it mdrtgage<br />

OPEN SUN I to 4 By<br />

owner SMO«76<br />

NOVI<br />


Extra sharp 3 bedroom 1st 0<br />

condo with fuD basement,<br />

ing at^d draperies throughout. 2 car<br />

ports and more Reduced j to<br />

$32 000<br />

Kavanaugh<br />

18224 Farmington Rd 478 2J<br />


LAKES Three lakes surround the<br />

beautiful 3 bedroom condo, 14<br />

baths, family room wkh fireplace<br />

and doorwaU to redwood deck<br />

peting throughout, deluxe a<br />

ances and central air Tastehjly<br />

decorated Assumable 7*4t m<br />

gage, sacrifice at $34,900 Quick<br />

cupancy<br />

$29,500 FOR 1.150 sq fl of Ivkig<br />

area Best priced one bedroom "<br />

dominium m the aduk-only W<br />

complex Located on Newburgh<br />

Rd . between 8 Mile - 7 MUe Imtj<br />

diate possession Owner trsj<br />

ferred<br />


125 E MAIN ST. Nthvl<br />

349-3470<br />

OPEN SUN. 1-5<br />

Sharp 2 story Condo. m prestig^us<br />

sub. near 10 MUe and Teleg<br />

Three bedrooms. 24 baths<br />

air. includes aD Uke new<br />

ances. and private patio wkh<br />

and BBQ Priced at $51,000<br />

Maplebrooke. located north of 10.<br />

lake second street, west of THe<br />

graph<br />

$45 2500<br />


Assoc Inc Reakors<br />

Birmingham<br />


14 bath. fuDy carpeted, ful<br />

ment. finished patio, complete fi<br />

kie* $33 900 bays 1514313<br />

ntags, 641<br />

NORTHVILLE • 2 bedrooms. |l4<br />

bath condo Family room<br />

place, landscaped, patio and mi<br />

$6,800 assumes Calf 4S3-2414 or<br />

8229 ask for Jim<br />


Luiurlous Oxford Oaks. 2<br />

rooms, has full basement,<br />

tennia. pool, and superb tot<br />

$30 900<br />



»1-3900<br />

BY OWNER I bedroom<br />

minutes N. o( Trey off WI.<br />

privileges. private . garage, c<br />

air, washer, U dryer. dryer, U% men<br />

m.ooo<br />

SR.""" 4<br />

326 Duplexes For Sale<br />


DUPLEX<br />

2 unit $35,500 W Chicago 10 dn<br />

3 unit $56,000 Plymouth 13 dn<br />

5 unit 80 000 7 MUe 10 dn<br />

4 unit $59,900 Westland 15 dn<br />

4 unit $48,000 Plymouth 10 dn<br />

Mostly brick, appliances separate<br />

utilities, easy terms<br />


RED CARPET 5224S00<br />

BIRMINGHAM colonial duplex<br />

projected revenue $9600 Net lv<br />

come $3400 Excellent hedge<br />

against inflation Asking $79,900<br />

$810869<br />

2 For The Money<br />

Sho'p duplex Each unit has 2<br />

bedrooms, bath kitchen, living<br />

room and basement Live<br />

m one and rent the othe' Ask<br />

mg $41 900<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

426 INC 425-7272<br />

J30 Apts. For Sale<br />

NORTHVILLE-4 Unit apartment<br />

louse in town total rent mcome<br />

1605 zoned commercial $53 900<br />

4594342<br />

Deluxe Apt. Bldg.<br />

4 units. 1 1 3 bo'hs eoch door<br />

walls, balconies Beoutifu 1<br />

view, high on o hill m White ,<br />

Lake Two AH opplionces<br />

c'uded $81,900 with moder- v<br />

ore assumption<br />

McCullough Realty. Int t<br />

4479 Pont.ac Lk Rd 681-6100<br />

332 Mobile Homes<br />

For Sole<br />

CHAMPION 1973 $1,000 down<br />

Take over payments Plymouth<br />

HUls MobUe Home Court 4554043<br />

BENDIX MOBILE Home. 24 x a 3<br />

bedrooms. 2 full baths, on large<br />

lot Utility shed Plymouth Hlls<br />

$15,570 4554J38<br />

DOUBLE WIDE 1971. Broadmoor.<br />

24 x80, central air. 2 large bed<br />

rooms. 2 fuU baths, livtag daitag<br />

family, kkchen and many exfas<br />

Furnished or not. Stratford ta<br />

Wixom Best reasonable offer Rdo<br />

cated. must seU Days 862-1779<br />



Sates k Park<br />

New k late model mobUe homaa.<br />

for sale Sites available for new.<br />

and late models Space avalaWr<br />

Swimming pool and clubhouse CM<br />

dren welcome<br />

1976 CHAMPION 56 X 14<br />

Priced ot $8495 COMPLETE<br />

Credit terms easily arronged<br />

56230 W 8 Mile Rd<br />

W ol NorthvHIe<br />

Mon • Sat 1-7<br />

437-2046<br />


ATLANTIC 1074. ta Chateau NeeL<br />

moving out of stale. be*t offer.<br />

OHM<br />

SHERWOOD PARK. 14 1 79. Ike<br />

new. completely h mis bed I bedroom*.<br />

large kkchen. shed waaher<br />

and dryer included «I0J« 48MM6

10D*<br />


Thursday, August 12, 1976<br />

(Dbarrur Reol estate Wont A05<br />

332 Mobile Homes<br />

For Sde<br />

GREENWOOD 12 X 60. 2 bed<br />

rooms, I at each end, excellent coo-<br />

ditton No hallway Air conditioning<br />

and extras 15.500 S Lyon schoob<br />

437 *273<br />

NEW YORKER 1972. siep-up ktch<br />

en, 3 bedrooms, complete with ap<br />

phances. 12 x 65 wtth 8x20 expando<br />

Take over mortgage must sell<br />

45*2855<br />

338 lots And Acreage<br />

For Sde<br />

FARMINGTON 116<br />

Acres corner 1-96 at Drake Rd<br />

overpass Zoned recreational busi<br />

new 474-1745<br />

H j ACRE in Plymouth Townshp.<br />

100 x 200 feet, zoned Apts AU utili-<br />

ties can accommodate 4. 1 bed<br />

roim units 4534)376<br />

BIRMINGHAM 2 lots 75x120 each,<br />

residential, call 83*5836<br />

340 Ldce-River-Resort<br />

Property For Sale<br />

HILLMAN"AREA. ESS Lake lot, 84<br />

ft frontage. 252 ft deep. 141 ft at<br />

road Many beautiful trees $11,500<br />

cash $12,500 terms 824-1774<br />

342 Lakefront Property<br />

FOREST LAKE. Alger. 4 bedroom.<br />

1W story Chalet, fireplace, dish-<br />

washer. intercom system through-<br />

500 feet from beach and ckib<br />

out.<br />

house. $32,000<br />

55*0633<br />



Marlette - Skyline Champ»n<br />

Victorian • Fairpoint - Baron<br />


Manufactured Homes<br />

ON NOVI RD.<br />

(1 block S of Grand River)<br />

NOVI 349-1047<br />

1972 BUDDY. 12 x 60 2 bedrooms.<br />

drapes appliances, can<br />

carpeting drapes appli<br />

$6500 477-4847 4744523<br />

NOVI<br />

E{ho Valley Estates Colony<br />

2 bis. I is perked with special con<br />

dNions Asking $11,000 Second tot<br />

nerds to be perked, asking $9 000<br />

Etch lot has a $524 17 paving as<br />

segment Calftl^<br />

Gary L Tousley Real Estate<br />

474-2045<br />


CASEVILLE AREA • On the lake<br />

AVON Two lots 80x135 each Best<br />

ofler LI 3-5423<br />

BRIGHTON AREA. 5 and 10 acre<br />

pSrcels. wooded, rolling buildrg<br />


Thursday, August 12, 1976 OBSERVER fc ECCENTRIC *11D<br />

400 Apartments To Rant<br />



7 fkxx plans to "choose from<br />

featuring air conditioning, G.<br />

E kflEKen. polios or balconies,<br />

conveniently located to 1-75.<br />

852-6260<br />


Petrol's grandest luxury apart<br />

ment build ng offering a unique bal-<br />

ance between modern utility aid<br />

traditional charm. Amenlies to<br />

etade: \ ' / •<br />

• Heated Valet Parking Oarage<br />

and lanced partial bt '<br />

• Mat*: linen, aad hotel services<br />

• Two restaurants beauty mop<br />

and sundries shop ta bnldtag<br />

• Nearby club recreational hot<br />

it tea wfth swimming pool i<br />

tennu court (handball and<br />

squash courts opening late sum<br />

•MTW<br />

• Twelve Boor roof garden offer-<br />

ing enparaleled views ot down-<br />

town. BeDe Isle and Lake St.<br />

Clair,<br />

• Delightful Common Areas wfth<br />

front daak staffed 7 days a week<br />

Superb location. 7 minutes from<br />

downtown Detroc in historic Indian<br />

Vlta|» / West Vilage residential<br />

community just off major bus<br />

Many unfts nckide » ft Ivtag<br />

rooms wfth fireplaces. 2 ful haft<br />

rooms, formal din tag rooms, out-<br />

standing closet and storage, mod<br />

ern kitchens, service entrances and<br />

spectacular views. One bedrooms<br />

Btartini at ISM and two bedrooms<br />

from OftS to MM wlh all utilities<br />

Included<br />

Cal GREG MCDUFFEE tor to<br />

duties<br />

Higgens Mgmt. Co.<br />

824-8012<br />

Alter 1 JO pm * weekends. S2&4JM<br />

Detroit has a great deal to offer<br />

you and we have a great deal lo<br />

offer Detrofters "<br />

400 Apart mints To Ront<br />


BURT RD<br />

Spacious 1 bedroom apartment<br />

91W monthly rental tachittes:<br />

• Air Coodklontag A heat<br />

Carpeting<br />

• Hotpotat Appliances<br />

Ckue to shopping No children or<br />

pets, please<br />


SM-9427<br />



In Southffeld on Lahser Rd . near<br />

10 Mila. Two bedrooms. 9H badis.<br />

ful rec room, central air. shag.<br />

irmet kitchen Including douBfc<br />

self-cleaning ovens, dishwasher<br />

and breakfast nook. Patio, earport.<br />

swimming pool, clubhouse Chil-<br />

dren allowed JJ95<br />

•AM-IPM J564M4<br />

WAYNE ONE bedroom. Appb<br />

tea. disposal, ceramic bath, car-<br />

ing. laundry 9175. heat Includ-<br />

ed Adufts Security deposit ZK4074<br />

400 Apartments To Ront<br />


In town location. I bedroom wth<br />

appliances. BM par month tactad-<br />

ing all utilities except electricity.<br />

•424 IM<br />



In Waterford Twp on Scott Lake<br />

Rd MUe N. of Elisabeth La*e<br />

Rd Complete Whirlpool electric<br />

kitchen with dishwasher Many<br />

extras<br />

. 682-1952<br />

400 Apartmtnts To Ront<br />


us new 1 and 2 bedroom<br />

rtments from |1M Your month-<br />

rental includes:<br />

ir Conditioning A Heat<br />

rpeting<br />

rapes<br />

otpotat Appliances<br />

se to shoppng No Children or<br />

Immediate occupancy<br />


53A2497 5JS4IJ4<br />



TWO Bedroom apartments for ma-<br />

adufts-2 and 9 bedroom town-<br />

with ful private basements<br />

with IM baths, spacious,<br />

friendly, beautifully landscaped<br />

Newly decorated and carpeted,<br />

across from a park, waking db<br />

Unce to 2 cftv golf courses and a<br />

tennb court. Closets and cupboards<br />

galore We do love children and<br />

n^ve playground Managed wlh<br />

loving care. No pets or motorcy-<br />

cles. please. Prices start at E3S<br />

month and up. Hours 10-6 daily<br />

Sunday by appt Manager IS21 W<br />

13 Mile. E of Crooks<br />

RODEO<br />

TICKET<br />

WINNER<br />

John R. Urban<br />

34046 Tomahawk<br />

Westland. Ml 48185<br />

But.you must call the Promo-<br />

tion Dept. of The Observer &<br />

Eccentric by 5 p.m.. Friday.<br />

August 13. 1976. to claim<br />

ycror two free passes to the<br />



Davisburg. Michigan. 261-<br />

860Q. *xt 209.<br />



bedroom spacious townhouse apart<br />

ment. Sub-lease from Sept. I<br />

throogh May 1. IMS plus sectrt^<br />



Liaurou* 2 bedroom, l bath apert-<br />

ihent available. Prestigious bca<br />

tion No pets 1 year lease MM per<br />

mpnth For more information<br />

P*A* «n<br />

642-7400<br />


1 bedroom apartment. I1M. 2 bod-<br />

room apartment ISO 1 and 2 bed-<br />

room apartment available end of<br />

August includes new brown shag<br />

carpeting. GE applances. heat and<br />

water, beach on Caas Lake. G E<br />

air condktoataa. 2120 Shroder Bhrd<br />

I btocks north of Orchard Lake<br />

Rd off Caas Lake Rd No chldren<br />

or pets please For appointment<br />

call Ml 7 MS or Ml* Ml<br />




Arc op ung applications now. start-<br />

ing at S21S month Convenient lo<br />

shopping and transportation. Com-<br />

munity activkies nearby Shown 10<br />

AM - • PM daily except Thurs<br />

Cal:<br />

651-2460<br />

v Plymouth Hills Apt<br />

Cfty of Plymouth. 7»4 S. MUI near<br />

Ann Arbor Trail. New I A 2 bed<br />

room from HIS Including washer,<br />

dryer, refrigerator, electric range,<br />

carpet, air conditioning. No pets<br />

455-4721<br />

GARDEN CITY, available now A<br />

Sept 1st. 1 A 2 bedroom apart-<br />

ments. near transportation A shop-<br />

png. Catering to senior cklxens. no<br />

Jets 8 9179 11*5 KMMI<br />


Select I or 2 bedroom models now<br />

available at FRANKLIN SQUARE<br />

APARTMENTS Come see the de-<br />

luxe features you can enjoy, or call<br />

us at 4274970 Model hours: 9 AM<br />

to 5:30^M. daily; Sat I to S PM:<br />

Sun I to S PM<br />


2S940 Lancaster, Livonia<br />

I block E of Middlebelt Rd<br />

off S Mile<br />

ADULTS ONLY Unfurnished 2 bed<br />

room apartment, Plymouth Off<br />

street parking, no pets Between 5<br />

PM A 8 PM. GL 3-2164<br />

L-<br />


tive 2 bedroom apartment, on Sec-<br />

ond floor of older home Schtjol-<br />

craft-Eckles area No garage $17$.<br />

Includes all utilities except elec-<br />

tricity One year lease Credit refer-<br />

ences and $250 security deposit No<br />

pels. 349-2319<br />

CANTON<br />

. COMMONS<br />


1, 2, 4 3 BEDROOMS<br />

FROM $136<br />







397-0300<br />


1 bedroom, drapes, appliances, air<br />

conditioner Carpet, utilities, ex-<br />

cept electricity 917S.<br />


bedrooms from 91M. Extra li<br />

rooms, air conditioned, pool.<br />

ances, carpeting. All utilities includ-<br />

ed except electric. Quiet residen-<br />

tial surroundings. 4SS4M5<br />

NORTHVILLE upper, unfurnished,<br />

one bedroom, heat and water fur-<br />

nished. working couple only. $185 a<br />

moQth. plus security J4MI46<br />



Round Hill<br />

Apartments<br />

West Bloomfield-Unlon Lake Area<br />

Hospital Rd S. of M-59<br />

N of Cooley Lake Rd Union Lake<br />

I and 2 bedrooms, 1H baths, car-<br />

pet. drapes, appliances, central<br />

air. clubhouse, pool, tennis courts,<br />

free carports Special areas for chil-<br />

dren. small pets<br />

RENTAL FROM 1230<br />

Open Daily 1-7PM Sat-Sun 123<br />

363-5443<br />

ONE bedroom apartments. MM<br />

monthly. Ooe month's security<br />

Maple and Cooldge Shopping con-<br />

veniences Birmingham, newly dec-<br />

orated Call Manager after 4 pm<br />

•44-1W7<br />

S Y L V A N<br />


Singularly beautiful aetting ft<br />

Ing oa I lakes Winter and lummw<br />

recreation at your doorstep! 1 and<br />

2 bedroom apartments kiclude ful<br />

carpeting, luxury applancee. pri-<br />

vate balcony or patio, private part<br />

aad beach Exceptional value from<br />

121ft. INCLUDES HEAT.<br />

1607 CASS LAKE RD.<br />


6 8 2 - 4 4 8 0<br />





Overlooking Grand Traverse Bay.<br />


gant address, whether your move,<br />

b for recreation, employment relo-<br />

cation or retirement Wlckford,<br />

Wakefield, and Westerly. Houses<br />

are within waking distance to shop-<br />

png. banks, professional services,<br />

churches, and the beach, and are<br />

convenient to marinas, ski slopes,<br />

fishing and area businesses<br />

2 BEDROOM<br />

I or l'/a BATHS<br />


Gas. hot water heat<br />

Air conditionng<br />

Private laundry /storage room<br />

Shekered deck/patio overlooking<br />

k .<br />

Self-cVan range/oven<br />

Dnhwasher<br />

Compactor and removal service<br />

Disposal (al GE appliances)<br />

Large, frost-free refrigerator<br />

Available cable TV<br />

Sheared broadloom carpeting<br />

Al nsulating glass<br />

Latest sound insulation<br />


SEPT. 1976<br />

FROM $295<br />

y<br />

Cal: •1M444456. Write: ftick ta-<br />

gersoll. c/0 Joynt Realty Co.. SIS<br />

Bay Street. Traverse City. Mi<br />

Singles Welcome<br />

Immediate Occupancy<br />


Grand River I MUe Area<br />

Behtod Botaford Hoapftal<br />


1 BEDROOM for $219<br />

2 BEDROOM for $259<br />

3 BEDROOM for $315<br />

Quiet prestige address, swknmng<br />

pool, air conditioner, carpeting,<br />

stove and refrigerator. aU utilities,<br />

except e la ctr lefty Included<br />

Laundry facilities<br />

For nformation phone<br />

477-8464<br />

27883 Independence<br />

Formington Hills<br />

Children Welcome<br />


Spacious 1 and 2 bedroom models<br />

featuring carpeting, air condi-<br />

tioning. GE draam kitchen tactad-<br />

Ing dishwasher, patto, balconies,<br />

swimming pool, tennis courts and<br />

more. Convanletly located near 1-73<br />

and Rochester Rd.<br />

• One Bedroom from 1234<br />

Two Bedroom "from CMl<br />

689-3090<br />

B49 Rochester Ct. Troy<br />

WAYNE I bedrooms, no pete er<br />

children, appliances, air condi-<br />

tioner. laundry facilities. 9IM to-<br />

c ht des heat. Adufts only S22-9SM<br />

a , GARDEN CITY<br />


tlM Middlebek I bedroom wart-<br />

r , i y A g<br />


*>* Royol Ook<br />

2-3 Bedroom Apts<br />

2 Both - PorcK<br />

Sp66obv corpe»ed, oir condi-<br />

tioned, utilities Included<br />

Swimming pool. Adults. No<br />

pen Open doily 1 PM -<br />

PM<br />

- L 2400 Parmenter<br />

4et.' Coolidge 4 Crooks<br />

reik N Of 14 Mi<br />

On Boa rw ood<br />

MT. VERNON<br />

TOWNES -<br />


room, air conditioned, front apart-<br />

ment Rent includea garage. Kill<br />

ties, except etactrfcly MIS per<br />

month I year leaae. no children<br />

no pets. I month security deposit<br />

Resident Manager now taking appl<br />

cations lor immediate occupancy.<br />

After I MMMl<br />

Canterbury Apts.<br />

Off Woodward Ave. Opposite<br />

St. Joseph Mercy Hospital<br />

From $195<br />

^ Balcony • Carpet<br />

Pool •Security<br />

334-.8900<br />

WESTLAND. attractive 1 and 2 bed-<br />

room apts. from 91M monthly. Dec-<br />

orated, carpeted, air conditioned<br />

and Wvely groends Country Vi-<br />

lage Apts 7 28-IM0<br />


GREEN<br />



One bedroom 9195 up. two bed-<br />

rooms 9275 up. Personal washer<br />

and dryer included in your apart-<br />

ment.<br />


• II Hole Golf Course<br />

• Indoor Pool.<br />

Outdoor Olympic Pool<br />

• Built-in Vacuum<br />

• Clubhouse and Ballroom<br />

• Fully Carpeted<br />

• Air Conditioned<br />

• Appliances<br />

• Walk-in Closets<br />

• Spacious Parkng<br />

• Ice skating rink<br />

• Six month lease<br />


474-7284<br />


M10 TELEGRAPH SSI 2340<br />

1 Bdm 1248 to 9275<br />

1 Bdm. phis den 9310 to 9325<br />


404<br />

DEARBO aTo<br />

n „ —A<br />

Kern<br />

eights area<br />

single<br />

Meal<br />

One<br />

IUH» bedroom Very private. Avail-<br />

able by Sept 1st 271-2435 or<br />

LO 2-9M5<br />


&<br />


We offer o -unique TOTAL<br />

monogemenl and/or rental<br />

service for home owners<br />

Ask for Bob Phillips<br />

Leasing Manoger<br />

643-0100<br />

C r a n b r o o k<br />

Assoc.. Inc. Realtors<br />

THREE bedroom ranch home,<br />

fully carpeted, finish^ basement<br />

2 bath. 2 car garage. H mile from<br />

Livonja MaO. 9300 6244422<br />

406 Duplexes To R«nt<br />

BIRMINGHAM, convenient B-<br />

No peta Avaiable Oct: I M<br />

'£<br />

IRMINGHAM - One unit of tade-<br />

by-slde S story duplex 9 bedrooms.<br />

W baths, heated Ftai<br />

1 tarida room. car-<br />

peUng, stove. Available end of<br />

Aug at 9394.<br />

GOODE Ml 7-1898<br />


75, executive ranch,, S bedrooms.<br />

IH baths. paneMd famUy room.<br />

1. After 9 PM<br />

•M4I99<br />

patio, treed lot. 9{9M.<br />

WOODWARD MUe. 4 bed<br />

rooms, some applances. ful bur<br />

and. fireplace. B29 9<br />

utilities<br />

CARRIAGE HOUSE, five<br />

Mrrace. S car garage.<br />

I32S References. Avela ble<br />

her 1. Near Cranbrook. BboraleM<br />

Hlls 44M911<br />


Eicelent condition. 997S per month<br />

M S - ' ' • • " J s<br />

FORD RD. aad Evertreen Aran. I<br />

bedroom brick ranch, full baae<br />

ment. $>M a month plna de £**-<br />

R I V E R B E N D<br />

• • • H a P artme<br />

Luxuriously carpeted and draped 1 and 2<br />

bedroom apartments and 2 bedroom 1* bath<br />

townahousM. Obhwashers. ak conditorung<br />

HOTPOINT appliances, glass door walls onto<br />

balconies, wsflt-ii closets, imposing Commu-<br />

nity Mouse and swimming pod exclusively tor<br />

residents<br />

Open dally and 8 in day It em. - 7 p.m<br />

Monthly rent includes aff utlHtm except efccttcjry<br />

FROM # 215to *310<br />

e Hudson's Weeland 5 mlnuj^jray<br />

e DSR at your doorstspH<br />

e Expressway accessibility,<br />

RESIDENT MANAGER GArtieJd 1-4977<br />

30500 West Warren<br />

t Studios from $1)85<br />

Apartments ..from %<br />

TownHomes . .from $315<br />

JOHN F. UZNIS Builder - Developer , 91; Fri.-Sat., 95; See., 12-4<br />

Models laea: MM.-T<br />

from I-94<br />

take<br />

Rawsonville<br />

Rd<br />

south to<br />

Textile Rd.<br />

Then \\2<br />

miles<br />

west to<br />

Harbour<br />

Cove<br />

i<br />

Eugene M. Curtis & Associates<br />

(313) 482-7666<br />

Management<br />

.OXFORD<br />


garage, brick AvaSeMa<br />

TTCeMplas only, no pets.<br />

If spring fever is catching up with you, you should<br />

catch up with' what's happening at Deer Creek. Our<br />

indoor pool and health club will keep you in the<br />

swim of things year-round. And there's nothing like<br />

our townhouses and apartments with spiral staircases,<br />

sunken living rooms, beamed ceilings, and huge baths<br />

with sunken tubs. But hurry to Deer Creek today -<br />

Spring fever spreads quickly.<br />

MiMMbhlwmi • Wewtta Tawnbeueaa Prem SMS<br />

PHONE: 458-2424<br />

D e e s ( r e e k P a r k<br />

Located in Plymouth, ju«t east of Haggarty, en Joy<br />

Mana«edbv<br />

T<br />


2 New Buildings<br />

Ready for I nmediate Occupancy<br />

Spacious 1 tyedroom apartments with<br />

overlooking ttte<br />

irtmenta available<br />

lake. Save* al apartmenta<br />

without any steps whatever<br />

frorlri $180<br />

We also have other apartmenta from S159 to $255<br />

depending on availabilify.<br />

and landscaped<br />

kitchen<br />

In rent<br />

Manager's office of en 6 dJ/s. 9 A.M. to 5 P M<br />

Or call < or appointment<br />

628-4600<br />

w Shew<br />

f<br />

.T,.<br />

-<br />

rthr--a * — i

IH><br />

418 Mobfle Homes<br />

To Ront<br />

S K coodklontog *<br />

1<br />

laka^rtvlhfaa on Cass Lake 11®<br />

•sum<br />

MODERN I BEDROOM Furn.hed<br />

mobile unk Farmington Hilt 8<br />

Mmih minimum lease. Kitkmca<br />

aad Security rebuked 479449*<br />

419 Moble Horn'<br />

Spoce To Ront<br />

3 MONTHS<br />


All sizes<br />

Including Dbl Wide<br />

Sherwood Mobile<br />

Village<br />

Comer Michigan & Haggerty<br />

41275 Old Michigan<br />

397-0302<br />

420 Rooms To Ront<br />

SLEEPING ROOM for mature gen<br />

tlemaa. convenient location ta<br />

Plymouth outalde entrance 4S3J74S<br />

PLEASANT room In chose area,<br />

between II and II mile Rd. near<br />

Woodward Young basfaesswoman<br />

home privilege* no smzy family home on half acre for country living. 2 car garage,<br />

natural fireplace, family room. Plenty of space for the growing<br />

family. $31,900. Call 261-2600 (39382)<br />

Matchless 3 bedroom brick ranch, novel family room with<br />

walk-out doorwall, I V * baths with real ceramic tile. Immaculate<br />

interior. Gleaming kitchen, spacious basement; Large yard<br />

with trees and storage building. $39,900 Call 851-1900<br />

NOVI<br />

Beautifully decorated 4 bedroom Tri-level in pretty Heatherbrae<br />

Subdivision. Central air conditioning, fully carpeted,<br />

natural fireplace in family room and lovely country kitchen<br />

with built-ins. Walk to the club and pool. Good Assumption.<br />

$53,900. Call 261-2600 (40775)<br />

•. >• BRIGHTON<br />

Kensington Park area 10 acres, 4 bedroom custom Colonial,<br />

central ait conditioning, 3 fireplaces, partially finished walkout<br />

basement overlooking acreage with stream. 4 stall horsebam.<br />

fenced conal and more. $225,000 Call 477-1111<br />

(38584)<br />


Brick ranch located on larpe lot. Easily accessible to transportation<br />

and shopping. Rill basement oversized flaraae.<br />

Fast Occupancy. Gas heat country kitchen. $33,900 call<br />

851-1900<br />

WAYNE<br />

Attractive 3 bedroom brtck ranch, 2 baths, fourth bedroom<br />

and beautifully finished recreation room with wet bar In<br />

baaement. Antique brick fireplace. Many extras. $27,900. Call<br />

328-2000(40591)<br />


Sharp 3 bedroom home with family room, nice backvard rd and<br />

good Assumption with low payments. Only $26,500 Call I32§-<br />

2000 (40904)<br />

•iy.V;<br />

j,f , y«. i •»>' j 'A 7 ^ • liA LV<br />

—<br />


to share 2 bedroom houae. G*rd«i<br />

cay<br />

3 PM.<br />

Ask for Ltada S254521; list<br />

479-7909. ext 171.<br />

WOMAN over 49 to share my<br />

home. 129 a weA. Westland area.<br />

4964 MS<br />


for same to share large house • responsibilities<br />

on five acres north a(<br />

Rochester Asking for 8290 a month<br />

phis some help wlh maintenance<br />

Reply in chiding age A phone num-<br />

ber to Box 592, Obaerver A Eccentrie<br />

Newspapers. ..... 39251 Schoolcraft,<br />

Livonia. Mlchigi higan 49150<br />


apartment wtth same. Plymouth<br />

area. 8199 per month 4594228<br />

REFINED. HIP young lady. 2341.<br />

To share wkh 2 other girb. neat 4<br />

bedroom home, downtown Blrmtogham<br />

Reply Box 578. Observer A<br />

Eccentric Newspapers. 39391<br />

Schoolcraft. Livoniai Michigan<br />

49150<br />

YOUNG MALE looktag for at*rt- SINGLE MALE. J4 .Yuhes to<br />

ment and roommate CaU Lee share Westland home. S35 weekly.<br />

65 14431 phis half utilities Straight 77949}$<br />


Dearborn schools, central air con ditioning and a formal dining<br />

room are just a few of the feature; of this attractive 3 bedroom<br />

brick ranch. Recreation room wi h wet bar, maintenance free<br />

exterior, 2 car garage/$35,900 Cb 261-0700 (40665)<br />

CANT<br />

Charming 4 bedroom. 2^ bati pillared Colonial. Natural<br />

fireplace in family room, 2 car attached garage. Spotlessly<br />

clean and superbly decorated. O rily $60,900 Call 455-7000<br />

7<br />

w<br />

WESTllAND<br />

Sharp 3 bedroom brick ranch .. winding street in desirable<br />

all brick subdivision. Spacious fenced lot with oyer-sized 2<br />

car garage. $32,500 Call 455-7C 00(40358)<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

E<br />

16974 FITZGERALD. Livonia. Choice area! Offers the ultimate<br />

in gracious living and has II the desired features. Sits on<br />

spacious lot and is super clean md well cared tor. 4 bedroom<br />

Colonial, 2'A baths, family roor \ fireplace and more. Owner<br />

transferred. Call 261-0700 (3 9699)<br />

OPEN SUNDAY 1-4<br />

18938 FLAMINGO, Livonia. S farp 3 bedroom ranch; kitchen<br />

built-ins. complete with c arpe ing and drapes. 2 air condi-<br />

tioners, tiled basement gas ieat. patio, garage. Close to<br />

Livonia Mall. Call 261-2600<br />

OPENS<br />

37562 WHITNEY, Wayne<br />

ranch. Large lot, famity room<br />

car garage, full basement In i<br />

more-cust6m features! <<br />

if .<br />

St£<br />

v<br />

Y 2-5<br />

bedroom custom built<br />

natural fireplace, attached 2<br />

i area of Wayne. Many<br />

(40702)<br />

•t •<br />

. 4*. -m,<br />


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