Bioidentical Hormones - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging

Bioidentical Hormones - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging Bioidentical Hormones - U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging
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RISKS AND BENEFITS OF ESTROGEN PLUS PROGESTIN 167 ment recommnendations for healthy post- Author Coetetbotf ... DrAnderon,. a menopausal -ponopal sity, Chieogn/E.nenton, women It: and with Robedt Wafoace, an Uni- intact iervesgotor of tre Worrrrn Conrdiating Health Initiatnve Center. hudsU Chinscal arenssto versty of the Iowa. datate. I-w the City/Daerrpsl Sian. toquEs Progarr R. Ilssom Of. Nationa f-ear, uterus. Lung, and This trial did not address the stdyand tahesr-ponbdity on thteintegrity of fte short-termi Blond Instf~t.te risks and Clinical C~oodinasrg benefits of Center hor An- dots sod rte accurac of rthe data anlyses Study conept dt Z. LoC.on. and denigo, noon RosIonun E, Pattersn, Anderson, and Ros L. Prentice, fed H.isuctin mones Cance givenfor Reserrh the Cente treasmentrofsneno- Prentan. Data and Safety Muontltorte Based: Janet Wittls pausal nymptoms. On she basis ofHlERS Acquislitio .I of data: Kooperbntg Anderson Preotire, Stnfasrrck, LaCrais, tack-n, tcftelr BeresO.d. Eugtene Howad. 8surood, cry Margaret Cohten. EUleahei Chenern Barrtt-Connr, Hasand other secondary prevention trials, Doid Detoets. Jolhmarn Kotchen, Ocleve. ten Darn. fohanna Dwyer, Robert P. Heantey, Victo the American Heart Association recoin- Analynis and inierpretatn ofdata mended RossuorcAndeaginst iniiating fisimen Vogei, L.eRoy Waiter, oe, Pr-nnor sod toter, IaCr-c4 YVusuf mendedagaint Ropebkeg,tStefanck,lJadnson. snitaltri postteno- Drafting or Pond1eglSatpprt the waecipt Rsoa.Anderse, The Bahonal Blond Heat.t lnstitstn Lung, funds the and WHI program. Wyethpausal hormones for the secondary pre- Prenice t Ayrrt lR-notcs p-ouded tine study mednacn tavcntio cadiovasular ventin ofcrdiovscul, of disase."The dsease. The Critcal inlfertoa reviooo cntent: of the R.sso-, --aonyf for Andersor. inportant in- LaCrnis. tIne and ptocebhuf American Acbr-otdgrreti Hearts Associ.ation The WIl Steeleong made Coireittee no t iKooyedsrtg. Stefani ck. alsn, aerenfonn, Homad, goate~fucknonstedge the dednatd ryfon of firm the recommendation for prsmary pre- Johnson, Koscien. Oskeon. Staiissica WHI penyetise poticiponti Andersn. and Prentice, of key WHI- Coopeincrstget-r staff and venison while awaiting the at results the danicul from rnter berg aind the Clinical Coodinat- mg Center A fat Itoting of the W951 roresgaros ai randomized clinical trials such as WHII, Obtained funding, Ronsoon. Andersn, Prentic,, be fsoond at htrypc/cesw- hi.nrg and stated that contunuauion of she treat- St1fanok, beresfond, Ho.ard, Adnrantrac. Ktother. tcisnial, Ockern or watevel supptn Ron- ___________________ mini should be considered on the ba- snre And-ror, Pretice. L.Criora, loopenberg. REPO~aPCs sss of established noncoronarv benefists Stefanick. iocksn, tiresford, Howad, lohns..n, 1. The corcten, W -nsensHealth Ockene. Initiaftiv Stedy Crony D.- and risks, possibhle coronary beneftss and Studs sopewmion R-ossu, Anderon, loCroin sign of tine Wo-nen Healt Inittonn canica teial and risks, and patient preference. Stefa-icti, Jackso, Oeresfod, Howard, sohnso obeco1 nl tdr1otolCi Results ros9sat from XVrHI indicate that the Ktotcn "Orline. 1. O nf9 MCIl .E~e p-~ combbsned postmsneoopuLhomne .Stefonoc Ictrint. Stanfond Center, for pausal hor fRech in th-rpyiandcnrnay namones eton hseatdoresn. Safod aq-athtuWn nnrit. a- eono CEE, . 0.625 sensnent mg/d, of plus the MPA, rdenpid 2.5 olo mg/d, evidenc Di.- Pre P-enonStanfnlUniiwtC Sled eb 1 a. Gray9,91 een20 Pti47fet63ooon should not be inuiiated orcontinued for i. AMen. Unioerstyofshtcnoin, foodisn: A-snifrs therain te preent di..os and profog life in p05 t the primary . prevenrison of CH D. In ad- B. Assf, B-na Urronityr. Providenc, RI: Tomn meoasa .oeren Ann tneter Med. 1992;1 17: dision, the substanstial risks for cardio- Bi.My A LAhresyforAc owTcfiinsr Cowe ReSN itti7 vascular disease and breaost cancer must serh Center, Henry gOan. RosinPrebyterian-St fAc Rfpin A.t-. vn e SndrAn RfOf f be wesgbed agatinst she benefit for frac- Lokes hfndicol Unesi-dy Cente,. Choago,.I. of Nevda, Seem fitRbert Gregoy BrOn, L. r. Bathe. trerayonseraniphtsandhyioprncerns Wake, untan. 1990;t2:2s9-2os. -Are - Ma4 sure sin selectisng from she available baret Itorcerty Schoof of Medicine, Winston. 5. Adam MR. ogents Ktaplan so prevent Jo. Manisc St. osteoporosis. et al1 lohihi- Deere, NC, Mtle Caun, Kan-rP-intanefewisn sonfso-enoyarterythrruscle-osbys7-ketaer- W of Ilenhni. Oaklnd, Calif; Roma T. Chlebnnmst, trastlo in vanectomend monkeys: fork ot an effert Wrikeg Grap foe the Wnmos.W Reaso Harinu-UCLA Researh nod Educatin Institte, To- of added -etigutprogestron. orn aqun Arteroncleris_ F.RuoM 1990.10. rB MD. N- roe ColA, Dard Curb, 0 Unmeor"a of Hama, Ho- 10s1-to57. It cf.W. nd ore,., Iliosncrra w ---,ttrys- w,.ia~~ Ga-ns iCin~u, L. Audrrs, PhD, Ca,- B. Bas 1. Prentie, PhD. Werss An-. NS. cinn Ore CL, . Ohio. .B fad Jennifer ifH. Wd4ant Hays. AB, Baylor Wahng Collge dm of JR Derneaud risk of fratoMs uf Z. LaCena., PhD, and Ch 'K-lopbekeg, tine PhD. hip and Medokire, lower Houton. Tev, Gerrd Hel~s. Un-osty FIn~dnatdron-Cac-ueeR of Iorroerovn pstnenop..asa sh Cenmer Seattle, -n Wash ofetg-nt Nnstir NFoci Caoia a 1fc ;s Susa Hendro, Mama Wayne L. stfnckk I Med. PhD l9oScasn31195-1198. St-nor Unoeroty Cncl State Snroerdy, School of Medklne/Htaef Honystal CenoterStantntd. 7. Genat Cald, HKc. RreccaD Bylink lavso.unoMD Di. Gallagher )C, hro Ham Detroit. ST, Win,h Borbara V. Ho-cad, State MedStar Unootnty Re- Clinica Steig,,rfPHerbersn. Center. CoabS:htiid ffenr ofestnenesafateonnp-rt- A. neahi lointid, Wonhivofon, DC; ladion Hssa, Georg e rropuosa hone A. los. Be-eford, cusses Cynecol PhD, Fred HaclorN 1990:7k: Carm esarh Woshrgten Lln-fty, Wavyhrgtoo, Cevim, DC, F- Seaftil, dl~er Nb- Wash. Baiboar 579 t5B4. Hoadi. e bt Uwenityrof Star Reveurci Caliloria, Institate, loome ufntnDR Orange KooC. S. Steinihng inhono, on arhker unronstyof taSSitinSi, Tennese, eta. Memphis; Amt-U Hnoard airhyn nthe effert ofestroen MDkso ,M. piacmnntrhrrapy MPH, Uonesl ofToeseMo. add. U.Niersty of Catevorar, Los Aigde,;s sane 510- on Bhe rkobfn ph brass caer. JAMA. n591,2655r9B5. th lasefdodey fKatchenMOMD. duogutl. fy Xitrcnen, Medical Coflege -ono, Miknaake,l.dth of Wucon~n, Mlifoo- OchrhDinut 1990. kt en; Le--n curler, tiN-vrityof Pittsburgh, M.ncactraei Pitts. 9. Gerhordonde Medical atos. VM, Lnndn orese S. BeprIdaciesarbargh, Pa, Oortfrj Lane, State Unicrsdyuof Financf5 NrscYok Dislosr.tor, DInaCnn. eugeno-a in femle oi-vestigafo hnormons and ot Stony cuinrecta Brok: tben D. Langt, UvNurty of Caii- cance by safote Cane on)2 Caunes ossnop-ces Cuntro 19923:3 .stahssparatly forded by Merk freon, Sue Diego. Lasftia/Choia and Ptarr Vita; Dr tacm Norma L-nse, 359-3600 in an inesingutor on I ostn- Lrcorroy nf Medicine and ON~tisfr of New por-ss iersy. stdy funded It, HidIny by Mend S. Grady and D, 1 hormone Basin T. et 01. Ra.nizevad stady N-madi Co.s tina E. Lends~, univrsty of Alabam at Bitun libidninmncen of estrgen PInsfandndtby progesin rntrr for & sernday GamtlrPlu.p-eentiur wnmgtiam Munran Liacher, Unroersty of Flordd. -aeuticak nf cnocray hrartdis.eosin postnenpaasIomv GoneAenuiytobsoes Foe ).A.n Camespod-e Maono,. Begkm lacquer end F. aAMA. t99820,605 Macho, i-St13. Wames Hmprtal, Hror Medial Schoblof,Boson. MD, 11. OiMo Godstem of F, W-mns~ Mansoni, Healon Stample Irotiavie, orf. Pustineen- National Ma..: gore &argo. Uninrcrsdof Mnneuto. Hear. Mo- Lang, pos.frirnh and Binod Insttt.W r us and 0705 seconday BRkfdedge pitevnb.o Dr. aiof -epnsis: ldith Ockene. univerity of Musach- nary One ecnnt Rockiedgo in the Nurse Ctr Healon tote 300, Stady MSrl966, dun intern Bethsda setis Medal School, Woceste, MD May Jo 20017 O'SRivtmn, e -ma Med. rsou 2001.t35s-B. .ih~gonf Gamnes i. U.Ninoy ofcaioLMi. eami. Pla; Lor-ence Andero, Philips, PhD , DMssno 12, orAndeig&,P.NesvyLKHnflk.mpAS~e.rti.lin of Pablir ealthr Soenoeve Fred ry-ior ty, Agantm Ga; Cheryf Ritenbaugh. Hutchin-o Ka- Cancer cation Reseach of hormone Center, replacement f tODO Fii-aer therapy .er after Peoannte ouut Center nI. Health Ace- Reseowi N, MP-1002, Port- nyicndiW PO tnn 19020, infarction Seattle, is assossted WA mite land. woe Ors~uiiohnobmn. cadiac UnreNity of Cateonia, Dau. evnts dutng foow Wino9 up. J2dm 10204e~o Coil Candlot goevetoroin 2001; orgl. Sacannto ORprlnt: Rober WHI Schehenk, Chrnrco University Coordinatung of Tecas Centon., 3B Divc 1-7. Healtitorcr Centor, SandAniteaoyfciaWasnertrdnnon of Pablic '10. Heelth Heckbert Sv~en-e, Son Koplin Fred RC, Hosihinso W~ins NS, Con et - 01~ R~ik tote, of Albert cinstei Coadege of Medicidne. cer Blows, Researc recrrnt Contnc, cornary f tO Pairiem -rol Ace in relui.ton N, teoc and r- MP- NYr: M-mrn rreUno, State Unruersy uf New rek 1002, cnt PO ivihoatino sac 19024. of pnstnenpa...aM Seattlr, WA 9B109-f hurrvne 020. therapy at Baiafl.; Linda Van H.n, BNotinwet-r Uneren. dmint It Med 2001,101:17W9 1173. us2 JAAw.ylal 7i, 2002-SVcl200.14.Sn3(fRyinote 02if02 Aoserics Medical Asnir itun. Asll righf csrevr ed_ DDw loa de d frm. u-s cm nat -- at Notional l steirr c HIh, A on Apri 1 6. 2007

168 RISKS AND BENEFITS OF ESTROGEN PLUS PROGESTIN 14. Grodsten F. Mrtson JE, Colditz GAA Wi/St WC, 25. Grady D. Herrngton D. Bitter V. et a, for the 34. SIhalter C. Luhbn J. Trla R. Sturgeon S. 8ritonW Speneer FE. St.epfer MJ. A prnpectre. obserna- HERS Reesarnfh Group. Cardunaouolur diusW out- L. Homler R. Menopausal estrogen and entgention study of paeerpaosal hano-on thferopy rod cone di6hrti8 yers of hnomniebrorpy- Heat and prosgti.repyetent tepy nd brertu uarcernuk. pim-ry preenter of rardbuasular disease AnnM. Ersroen/progestl Ropiacenent Study Ellow.up JAMA. 2/001023 485.491 ten Med. 2000:133:933-941. (HERS I1) JAMA. 2002.288:49-57. 35. Ross PK. PanhnHi HA, W. PC. Pke MC. Effect 15. The Wrntrg Group forI the PEP TrW Effects of 26. Smon A. Hul. Caleyn A. et a. Po-tmeno- of hr-on pereplarenttherapyor breast cancer k: ho..onerpdacenrent therpy no erndmetra hiStoo- pausal hrn thepy e and i f stke th Heart engeronus estog ph. progeshe. J N&af Cnogy In poetneeopaasal woen: the Pnstrnnso ard EstrogAn -ptogSen Replaceent Study (HERS). rt itL 2000.92:328 332. po.usal Errogen/Pros0n. ntetseno tPEPillTteal. Ciratr 2001.103:638-642. 36. Coldit GA. Hnkison SE, Hter D), et a. The JAMA. 1996;275370-375. 27. V-uor CM, B. LM Keern N, Sorrel PM So- urof etrgens and proge-tor and tre ikofrbrast 16. tNe DG. Fitrpnatk ALt BiMd DE. et at SurMit isea S. Hoenit. Rf. A linroul trial of astrngen. rcr-in postrrreoaamr.EnglJMed. 1995. ostertainmrotntotdinoodscoloresntr -nerefand the replcement therapy after irhenri stroke. N Engf J 332:1589-1593. Cardiosrsculur HealthStudy. An Fridnnco( 1995; Med. 2001345:1243-1249. 37. MgnourotC, Baro M C) ortEN, BergsbomR, 5:275-285. 28. Hodis HN. Mack WJ. Lob.RA, at. B.Estrogen in Admi H-0, Peruron .I1. Breant-cerinskfolfolndg 17. Con DR. RMgmoon Ort-alyss and life tables. J R the pr.eentlon of atherosclroois a randomired, long.-tenr rstrogen and nestrogen-progesttn Slat Stx 1972;34:187 220d d- blnd rorrbolted tetl. Ann tItem Med. 2001; repacement therapy. Itl Cancer 1999-81:339- 18. O rlen PC, Fleeing RT. A mldtple testng pro- 135S39-953. 344. cedre for dinita Mal btiometrice. 1979:35:549- 29. Arngem P. Stot S, Kothry W Smerft P. ron 38 Greendab GA. Rebheorin 8A, Sle A. et ad Effesr 556 Sdurky C. Effed of o.a pmobenn2pisat hormnne of estrogen and estroger-progetin on raror- 19. Feedmrn LS, Andersor G, Kipni V, t d. Ap- repLrent on progresuton of athnrosdoeis: a n. graphk pareechymot delity. AMtn totem Med. 1999: proacfeu to moritoong the reiults of org-term dt- domedzmnveedtrW AlnnnrosfermTh,- iV-SWo, 130:262-269. eaSa pre-erton spat: no.Ptles hom the Womrens 207l1;21:262-26d. 39. Gmdtein F. Nnenmb PA, Stlmpfer Ml. Pot. Heaith lortwuen Control C/n Trils. 1996517:509- 30. Castefsgar ), Petre Gortham S. G-ri. Rod. moenopousil homrn e therapy and tie ik of coIn- 525. ngoa LA. Recent epidriologcd studes of the a- rectal -anuer are-le and me-anolysoi. A. lMed 20. Gail MH. Bnrto- LA. Byat DF. et at. Proeutng snttiohbetrcenn fononnreptcmenmttherapy nd 1999,106.574-582. Heruiduared probebilithesof deeloping bremtstcan reno s nthmoerbhofm a reroec.n Dg Sa.I 1998 40. hi1eS MR. MeadeTh. Wile SC. Hmnre rctor f hitn f-NakIs whore being eaaOned anna- 18:117-123. placemnt therappynda cedo-ascidardoearr. the caus ay Nal Cancer est 1989:91:1879-1886. 31. Grdy D, Weeer NK. HemngtonD et0 a . Post- heorndorred ettoled ha. Cr Found Symp. 21. Pitue 0. Catlun AM. LerJ. IEstrogenre- reropustJ heotone thertpy incasesrisk tare- 1995.191:150-160. ptac ent theriapy: defenonants of persutroce roth roos tnrorboernolkrtd-eera the Heart tnd Esgenl 41. Torgeprn Dl, EI-Seyer SE. Homooe replacetreatment Ooset GYeNyO-. 200t197:97-100. pmgestrr RepaeetSt/udyyAnn In/ter Mee. 2000: ment therapy and pre-eobtn of nonnerteorna harc- 22. WrtgGroup for the PEP Toil Efects of etra- 132:689-696. rre-: a meto-anoysir of raodoroktd thils. lAMA. gen or retorpnlprogestin "m m-s on hetd di..e 32. Col.bativoeGr -ponHmnrca Fartsirres it 2001.285:2891-2897. rrk futorsonpost-qinoaulm.s onrn lAMtA.1995. Cancer reat cancer and hormoe reptucement 42. Writg Group for the PEPI Tnil. Effects of 273 199-200. therapy:colhborat reanarlysIs of data fro 51 epa- honone therapy on bone mineral dueity: results 23. HeerklgtnDM. RebusooDM. r8rarhunKB.etM d ierobgiWoltradiecofS2.7J5 -er o thrbeea t/n- from the Posteenop.uoal Estrogen/Progestin at. Efects of esbogen replacement on the progres- ce rnd 10 .411 roonent with.ut b-rstrarort ta-n Inteesentons (PEPI) Trul. )AMA. t99627S5l36dskn of remoury rteryathr-snlerois. N EnglMed. cet. 1997,3S0.1047-1OS9. 1396 2000:343:522-529. 33. Huelty S, Furberg C. BRaett-Coeno E. et a, for 43. Mnsca L. Cot/ms P, Henhgton DM. et /a Ho- 24. Srhulan SP. Thieman DR. Oyang P. et al. EE- the HERS Rfeearrh Group. Noncardiooaruulr dis- moon replacenst therapy and cidbousracuh disfectt of oa-te hroone therapy on rcurrent isWhe- eas outAones dunng 6.8 year of hnomroe therpy: - ase atent t hr heuhthcae prfesrorut lio the ula in poterenopuasal 0meo wdh -nst.We un- Hearsand Eroenlprobgestt RqaycmrtStudy oF- American Heart As.ution. Crrruturin. 2001,104: gir I Am Coll Cardinl 2002.39:231-237. bw-up (HERS I1). JAWM. 2002;288:58-6. 499-503. 02002 Amiri-r etdi,,al Afrmsiote AU rights roseroed. tReorted) lAMA. July 17. 2002-Vol 2883 No. 3 333 Dotloaded fum cnrj~ba-.rom at Natlonat Iorituct of Hldh. on April 16,2007


167<br />

ment recommnendati<strong>on</strong>s for healthy post- Author Coetetbotf ... DrAnder<strong>on</strong>,. a<br />

menopausal<br />

-p<strong>on</strong>opal sity, Chieogn/E.nent<strong>on</strong>,<br />

women It: and<br />

with<br />

Robedt Wafoace,<br />

an<br />

Uni-<br />

intact iervesgotor of tre Worrrrn<br />

C<strong>on</strong>rdiating<br />

Health Initiatnve<br />

Center. hudsU<br />

Chinscal<br />

arenssto<br />

versty of<br />

the<br />

Iowa.<br />

datate.<br />

I-w<br />

the<br />

City/Daerrpsl<br />

Sian. toquEs<br />

Progarr<br />

R. Ilssom<br />

Of.<br />

Nati<strong>on</strong>a f-ear,<br />

uterus.<br />

Lung, and<br />

This trial did not address the stdyand tahesr-p<strong>on</strong>bdity <strong>on</strong> thteintegrity of fte<br />

short-termi Bl<strong>on</strong>d Instf~t.te<br />

risks and<br />

Clinical C~oodinasrg<br />

benefits of<br />

Center<br />

hor<br />

An-<br />

dots sod rte accurac of rthe data anlyses<br />

Study c<strong>on</strong>ept<br />

dt Z. LoC.<strong>on</strong>.<br />

and denigo,<br />

no<strong>on</strong><br />

RosI<strong>on</strong>un<br />

E, Pattersn,<br />

Anders<strong>on</strong>,<br />

and Ros L. Prentice,<br />

fed H.isuctin<br />

m<strong>on</strong>es Cance<br />

givenfor Reserrh<br />

the<br />

Cente<br />

treasmentrofsneno- Prentan. Data and Safety Mu<strong>on</strong>tltorte Based: Janet Wittls<br />

pausal nymptoms. On she basis ofHlERS Acquislitio<br />

.I<br />

of data:<br />

Kooperbntg<br />

Anders<strong>on</strong> Preotire,<br />

Stnfasrrck,<br />

LaCrais,<br />

tack-n, tcftelr<br />

BeresO.d.<br />

Eugtene<br />

Howad.<br />

8surood,<br />

cry<br />

Margaret<br />

Cohten. EUleahei<br />

Chenern<br />

Barrtt-C<strong>on</strong>nr,<br />

Hasand<br />

other sec<strong>on</strong>dary preventi<strong>on</strong> trials, Doid Detoets.<br />

Jolhmarn Kotchen, Ocleve. ten Darn. fohanna Dwyer, Robert P. Heantey, Victo<br />

the American Heart Associati<strong>on</strong> recoin- Analynis and inierpretatn ofdata<br />

mended<br />

RossuorcAndeaginst<br />

iniiating fisimen<br />

Vogei, L.eRoy Waiter,<br />

oe, Pr-nnor<br />

sod toter,<br />

IaCr-c4<br />

YVusuf<br />

mendedagaint<br />

Ropebkeg,tStefanck,lJadns<strong>on</strong>.<br />

snitaltri postteno- Drafting or<br />

P<strong>on</strong>d1eglSatpprt<br />

the waecipt Rsoa.Anderse,<br />

The Bah<strong>on</strong>al<br />

Bl<strong>on</strong>d<br />

Heat.t<br />

lnstitstn<br />

Lung,<br />

funds the<br />

and<br />

WHI program. Wyethpausal<br />

horm<strong>on</strong>es for the sec<strong>on</strong>dary pre- Prenice<br />

t Ayrrt lR-notcs p-ouded tine study mednacn tavcntio<br />

cadiovasular ventin ofcrdiovscul, of disase."The dsease. The Critcal<br />

inlfertoa<br />

reviooo<br />

cntent:<br />

of the<br />

R.sso-,<br />

--a<strong>on</strong>yf for<br />

Andersor.<br />

inportant in-<br />

LaCrnis.<br />

tIne and ptocebhuf<br />

American Acbr-otdgrreti<br />

Hearts Associ.ati<strong>on</strong><br />

The WIl Steele<strong>on</strong>g<br />

made Coireittee<br />

no t<br />

iKooyedsrtg. Stefani ck. alsn, aerenf<strong>on</strong>n, Homad, goate~fuckn<strong>on</strong>stedge<br />

the dednatd ryf<strong>on</strong> of<br />

firm<br />

the<br />

recommendati<strong>on</strong> for prsmary pre- Johns<strong>on</strong>, Koscien. Oske<strong>on</strong>.<br />

Staiissica<br />

WHI<br />

penyetise<br />

poticip<strong>on</strong>ti<br />

Andersn.<br />

and<br />

Prentice,<br />

of key WHI-<br />

Coopeincrstget-r<br />

staff<br />

and<br />

venis<strong>on</strong> while awaiting the<br />

at<br />

results<br />

the danicul<br />

from rnter<br />

berg<br />

aind the Clinical Coodinat-<br />

mg Center A fat Itoting of the W951 roresgaros ai<br />

randomized clinical trials such as WHII, Obtained funding, R<strong>on</strong>so<strong>on</strong>. Andersn, Prentic,, be fso<strong>on</strong>d at htrypc/cesw- hi.nrg<br />

and stated that c<strong>on</strong>tunuaui<strong>on</strong> of she treat- St1fanok, beresf<strong>on</strong>d, Ho.ard,<br />

Adnrantrac.<br />

Ktother.<br />

tcisnial,<br />

Ockern<br />

or watevel supptn R<strong>on</strong>- ___________________<br />

mini should be c<strong>on</strong>sidered <strong>on</strong> the ba- snre And-ror, Pretice. L.Criora, loopenberg. REPO~aPCs<br />

sss of established n<strong>on</strong>cor<strong>on</strong>arv benefists Stefanick. iocksn, tiresford, Howad, lohns..n, 1. The<br />

corcten,<br />

W -nsensHealth<br />

Ockene.<br />

Initiaftiv Stedy Cr<strong>on</strong>y D.-<br />

and risks, possibhle cor<strong>on</strong>ary beneftss and Studs sopewmi<strong>on</strong> R-ossu, Ander<strong>on</strong>, loCroin sign of tine Wo-nen Healt Initt<strong>on</strong>n canica teial and<br />

risks, and patient preference. Stefa-icti, Jackso, Oeresfod, Howard, sohnso obeco1 nl tdr1otolCi<br />

Results ros9sat<br />

from XVrHI indicate that the Ktotcn "Orline. 1. O nf9 MCIl .E~e p-~<br />

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pausal hor<br />

fRech in th-rpyiandcnrnay<br />

nam<strong>on</strong>es et<strong>on</strong><br />

hseatdoresn.<br />

Safod<br />

aq-athtuWn<br />

nnrit.<br />

a-<br />

e<strong>on</strong>o<br />

CEE,<br />

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0.625<br />

sensnent<br />

mg/d,<br />

of<br />

plus<br />

the<br />

MPA,<br />

rdenpid<br />

2.5<br />

olo<br />

mg/d, evidenc<br />

Di.-<br />

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P-en<strong>on</strong>StanfnlUniiwtC<br />

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eb 1 a. Gray9,91 een20 Pti47fet63oo<strong>on</strong><br />

should not be inuiiated orc<strong>on</strong>tinued for i. AMen. Unioerstyofshtcnoin, foodisn: A-snifrs therain te preent di..os and profog life in p05 t<br />

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be wesgbed agatinst she benefit for frac- Lokes hfndicol<br />

Unesi-dy<br />

Cente,. Choago,.I.<br />

of Nevda, Seem<br />

fitRbert<br />

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of Ilenhni. Oaklnd, Calif; Roma T. Chlebnnmst, trastlo in vanectomend m<strong>on</strong>keys: fork ot an effert<br />

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Ga-ns iCin~u,<br />

L. Audrrs, PhD,<br />

Ca,- B.<br />

Bas 1. Prentie, PhD.<br />

Werss<br />

An-.<br />

NS.<br />

cinn<br />

Ore CL,<br />

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.B fad<br />

Jennifer<br />

ifH. Wd4ant<br />

Hays.<br />

AB,<br />

Baylor<br />

Wahng<br />

Collge<br />

dm<br />

of JR Derneaud risk of fratoMs uf Z. LaCena., PhD, and Ch 'K-lopbekeg,<br />

tine<br />

PhD.<br />

hip and<br />

Medokire,<br />

lower<br />

Hout<strong>on</strong>. Tev, Gerrd Hel~s. Un-osty<br />

FIn~dnatdr<strong>on</strong>-Cac-ueeR<br />

of Iorroerovn pstnenop..asa<br />

sh Cenmer Seattle,<br />

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Wash<br />

ofetg-nt<br />

Nnstir<br />

NFoci<br />

Caoia a 1fc ;s Susa Hendro,<br />

Mama<br />

Wayne<br />

L. stfnckk<br />

I Med.<br />

PhD<br />

l9oScasn31195-1198.<br />

St-nor Unoeroty Cncl State Snroerdy, School of Medklne/Htaef H<strong>on</strong>ystal<br />

CenoterStantntd.<br />

7. Genat<br />

Cald,<br />

HKc.<br />

RreccaD<br />

Bylink<br />

lavso.unoMD<br />

Di. Gallagher )C,<br />

hro<br />

Ham<br />

Detroit.<br />

ST,<br />

Win,h Borbara V. Ho-cad,<br />

State<br />

MedStar<br />

Unootnty<br />

Re-<br />

Clinica<br />

Steig,,rfPHerbersn.<br />

Center. CoabS:htiid<br />

ffenr ofestnenesafate<strong>on</strong>np-rt-<br />

A. neahi lointid, W<strong>on</strong>hivof<strong>on</strong>, DC; ladi<strong>on</strong> Hssa, Georg e rropuosa h<strong>on</strong>e<br />

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cusses Cynecol<br />

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Cevim,<br />

DC, F-<br />

Seaftil,<br />

dl~er Nb-<br />

Wash. Baiboar<br />

579 t5B4.<br />

Hoadi. e bt Uwenityrof<br />

Star Reveurci<br />

Caliloria,<br />

Institate,<br />

loome<br />

ufntnDR<br />

Orange KooC. S. Steinihng<br />

inh<strong>on</strong>o,<br />

<strong>on</strong> arhker<br />

unr<strong>on</strong>styof<br />

taSSitinSi,<br />

Tennese,<br />

eta.<br />

Memphis;<br />

Amt-U<br />

Hnoard airhyn nthe effert ofestroen<br />

MDkso ,M.<br />

piacmnntrhrrapy<br />

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ph<br />

brass caer. JAMA. n591,2655r9B5.<br />

th<br />

lasefdodey fKatchenMOMD. duogutl. fy Xitrcnen, Medical Coflege<br />

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of Wuc<strong>on</strong>~n, Mlifoo-<br />

OchrhDinut<br />

1990.<br />

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M.ncactraei<br />

Pitts. 9. Gerhord<strong>on</strong>de<br />

Medical atos.<br />

VM, Lnndn<br />

orese<br />

S. BeprIdaciesarbargh,<br />

Pa, Oortfrj Lane, State Unicrsdyuof<br />

Financf5<br />

NrscYok<br />

Dislosr.tor,<br />

DInaCnn.<br />

eugeno-a<br />

in<br />

femle<br />

oi-vestigafo<br />

hnorm<strong>on</strong>s and<br />

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cuinrecta<br />

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and Ptarr<br />

Vita;<br />

Dr tacm<br />

Norma L-nse, 359-3600<br />

in an inesingutor <strong>on</strong> I ostn- Lrcorroy nf Medicine and ON~tisfr of New<br />

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It, HidIny<br />

by Mend<br />

S. Grady<br />

and<br />

D,<br />

1 horm<strong>on</strong>e<br />

Basin T. et 01. Ra.nizevad<br />

stady N-madi Co.s<br />

tina<br />

E. Lends~, univrsty of Alabam at Bitun<br />

libidninmncen<br />

of estrgen PInsfandndtby<br />

progesin<br />

rntrr<br />

for<br />

&<br />

sernday<br />

GamtlrPlu.p-eentiur<br />

wnmgtiam Munran Liacher, Unroersty of Flordd.<br />

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nf cnocray hrartdis.eosin postnenpaasIomv<br />

G<strong>on</strong>eAenuiytobsoes<br />

Foe<br />

).A.n<br />

Camespod-e<br />

Ma<strong>on</strong>o,. Begkm<br />

lacquer<br />

end<br />

F.<br />

aAMA.<br /><br />

t99820,605<br />

Macho,<br />

i-St13.<br />

Wames Hmprtal, Hror Medial Schoblof,Bos<strong>on</strong>.<br />

MD,<br />

11.<br />

OiMo<br />

Godstem<br />

of<br />

F,<br />

W-mns~<br />

Mans<strong>on</strong>i,<br />

Heal<strong>on</strong><br />

Stample<br />

Irotiavie,<br />

orf. Pustineen-<br />

Nati<strong>on</strong>al Ma..: gore &argo. Uninrcrsdof Mnneuto.<br />

Hear.<br />

Mo-<br />

Lang,<br />

pos.frirnh<br />

and Binod Insttt.W<br />

r us and<br />

0705<br />

sec<strong>on</strong>day<br />

BRkfdedge<br />

pitevnb.o<br />

Dr.<br />

aiof<br />

-epnsis: ldith Ockene. univerity of Musach- nary<br />

One<br />

ecnnt<br />

Rockiedgo<br />

in the Nurse<br />

Ctr<br />

Heal<strong>on</strong><br />

tote 300,<br />

Stady<br />

MSrl966,<br />

dun intern<br />

Bethsda setis Medal School, Woceste,<br />

MD<br />

May Jo<br />

20017<br />

O'SRivtmn,<br />

e -ma<br />

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2001.t35s-B.<br />

.ih~g<strong>on</strong>f Gamnes i. U.Ninoy ofcaioLMi. eami. Pla; Lor-ence<br />

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Philips,<br />

PhD , DMssno<br />

12, orAndeig&,P.NesvyLKHnflk.mpAS~e.rti.lin<br />

of Pablir ealthr Soenoeve Fred ry-ior ty, Agantm Ga; Cheryf Ritenbaugh.<br />

Hutchin-o<br />

Ka-<br />

Cancer<br />

cati<strong>on</strong><br />

Reseach<br />

of horm<strong>on</strong>e<br />

Center,<br />

replacement<br />

f tODO Fii-aer<br />

therapy<br />

.er<br />

after<br />

Peoannte<br />

ouut<br />

Center nI. Health<br />

Ace-<br />

Reseowi<br />

N, MP-1002,<br />

Port- nyicndiW<br />

PO tnn 19020,<br />

infarcti<strong>on</strong><br />

Seattle,<br />

is assossted<br />

WA<br />

mite<br />

land.<br />

woe<br />

Ors~uiiohnobmn.<br />

cadiac<br />

UnreNity of Cate<strong>on</strong>ia, Dau. evnts dutng foow<br />

Wino9<br />

up. J2dm<br />

10204e~o<br />

Coil Candlot<br />

goevetoroin<br />

2001;<br />

orgl. Sacannto<br />

ORprlnt:<br />

Rober<br />

WHI<br />

Schehenk,<br />

Chrnrco<br />

University<br />

Coordinatung<br />

of Tecas<br />

Cent<strong>on</strong>.,<br />

3B<br />

Divc<br />

1-7.<br />

Healtitorcr Centor, SandAniteaoyfciaWasnertrdnn<strong>on</strong><br />

of Pablic<br />

'10.<br />

Heelth<br />

Heckbert<br />

Sv~en-e, S<strong>on</strong> Koplin<br />

Fred<br />

RC,<br />

Hosihinso<br />

W~ins NS,<br />

C<strong>on</strong><br />

et<br />

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01~ R~ik<br />

tote,<br />

of<br />

Albert cinstei Coadege of Medicidne.<br />

cer<br />

Blows,<br />

Researc<br />

recrrnt<br />

C<strong>on</strong>tnc,<br />

cornary<br />

f tO Pairiem<br />

-rol<br />

Ace<br />

in relui.t<strong>on</strong><br />

N,<br />

teoc and r-<br />

MP- NYr: M-mrn rreUno, State Unruersy uf New rek<br />

1002,<br />

cnt<br />

PO<br />

ivihoatino<br />

sac 19024.<br />

of pnstnenpa...aM<br />

Seattlr, WA 9B109-f<br />

hurrvne<br />

020.<br />

therapy<br />

at Baiafl.; Linda Van H.n, BNotinwet-r Uneren. dmint It Med 2001,101:17W9 1173.<br />

us2 JAAw.ylal 7i, 2002-SVcl200.14.Sn3(fRyinote 02if02 Aoserics Medical Asnir itun. Asll righf csrevr ed_<br />

DDw loa de d frm. u-s cm nat -- at Noti<strong>on</strong>al l steirr c HIh, A <strong>on</strong> Apri 1 6. 2007

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