BioSciences - Polysciences, Inc.

BioSciences - Polysciences, Inc.

BioSciences - Polysciences, Inc.


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Biochemicals<br />

<strong>BioSciences</strong><br />

SAR-GEL ® Water Indicating Paste .............................................<br />

Water indicating paste provides a fast, reliable way to detect water bottoms in<br />

storage tanks containing gasoline and gasoline/alcohol blends, diesel, jet fuel,<br />

fuel oil, solvents and other materials.<br />

Advantages:<br />

• Easy to apply - no messy jars, no need to mix, easy cleanup<br />

• No guessing - complete color change from white to brilliant pink<br />

• Faster reaction - immediate detection means less time wasted<br />

• Easy to see water line - does not run<br />

• Useful in detecting water content in laboratory recycled reagents,<br />

as well as other stain line reagents and solvents such as xylene and absolute alcohol<br />

Sodium Polyanethole Sulfonate [52993-95-0] AH4g .............................<br />

[CH(C 6 H 3 [SO 3 Na]OCH 3 )CH(CH 3 )-] x<br />

For inhibition of blood coagulation in vitro and to stabilize collodial solutions like milk and gelatin.<br />

Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate, ACS Grade [10102-17-7] H2g ..................<br />

MW 248.18<br />

Used to remove silver bromide crystals that remain in the photographic emulsion after latent image<br />

development. Techniques of Autoradiography, Rodgers, 25 (1973)<br />

Stains-all [7423-31-6] H5g ...................................................<br />

MW 559.6<br />

Stains proteins red, DNA blue, and RNA bluish-purple. Also useful for staining acid polysaccharides.<br />

Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 264, 73 (1972); Anal. Biochem., 29, 421 (1969); 56, 43 (1973); J. Histochem. Cytochem., 22, 1169 (1974)<br />

TDMAC-heparin (Tridodecylmethylammonium heparinate), 2% (w/w) solution CH5g<br />

TDMAC-heparin (Tridodecylmethylammonium heparinate), 7% (w/w) solution CH5g<br />

TDMAC-heparin has proven to be an effective antithrombogenic coating when<br />

applied to a variety of materials used to make catheters and tubing. For most<br />

materials a simple immersion of the device to be coated, air drying and sterilization<br />

are sufficient to provide an antithrombogenic surface that will resist clot<br />

formation. Technical Data Sheet #172<br />

TDMAC-heparin, 2% (w/w) solution (~1,000 USP units/ml)<br />

TDMAC-heparin, 7% (w/w) solution (~3,500 USP units/ml)<br />

Trans. Am. Soc. Artif. Int. Organs, 15, 1 (1969); 18, 312 (1972); Am. Thor. Surg., 14, 219 (1972); J. Biomed. Mater. Res., 7, 145 (1973)<br />

Thiocarbamyl nitroblue tetrazolium chloride (TCNBT) [36889-43-7] HU4ad ..........<br />

MW 935.93 mp 192° (dec.)<br />

Useful for assay of dehydrogenases. J. Histochem. Cytochem., 15, 1 (1967)<br />

12-Tungstosilicic Acid [12027-43-9] A2bg .......................................<br />

MW 3310.7 H 4 SiO 4 12WO 3 XH 2 O Formula Weight: 2878.28 (anhy)<br />

Catalyst for organic synthesis, minerals separation, reagent for alkaloids. Soluble in water.<br />

XTT [111072-31-2] HU7ad ....................................................<br />

(Tetraxolium XTT; Sodium 3’-[1-phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium]-bis[4methoxy-6-nitro]benzenesulfonic<br />

acid hydrate) MW 673.5<br />

Useful in in vitro cell growth assays with possible applicability to a variety of<br />

problems in cellular pharmacology and biology. An improved colorimetric assay<br />

for cell proliferation and viability utilizing XTT has been reported. An XTT-based<br />

colorimetric cellular cytotoxicity assay for melanoma and other tumor cells has<br />

also been reported. Technical Data Sheet #486<br />

Cancer Res., 48, 4827 (1988); J. Immunol. Methods, 142, 257 (1991); 147, 153 (1992)<br />

Catalog # Size<br />

24615-1 1 oz<br />

24615-12 12x1 oz<br />

tubes<br />

24139-5 5 g<br />

06728-100 100 g<br />

03943-1 1 g<br />

03921-50 50 ml<br />

03813-25 25 ml<br />

01165-1 1 g<br />

03424-25 25 g<br />

19661-100 100 mg<br />

19661-500 500 mg<br />

For more information please call (800) 523-2575 or visit: polysciences.com 7

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