Chapter 2 HCS12 Assembly Programming

Chapter 2 HCS12 Assembly Programming

Chapter 2 HCS12 Assembly Programming


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<strong>Chapter</strong> 2<br />

<strong>HCS12</strong> <strong>Assembly</strong> <strong>Programming</strong>

Three Sections of a <strong>HCS12</strong>/MC9S12<br />

<strong>Assembly</strong> Program<br />

• Assembler directives<br />

– Defines data and symbol<br />

– Reserves and initializes memory locations<br />

– Sets assembler and linking condition<br />

– Specifies p output p format<br />

– Specifies the end of a program<br />

• <strong>Assembly</strong> language instructions<br />

– <strong>HCS12</strong>/MC9S12 instructions<br />

• Comments<br />

– Explains the function of a single or a group of instructions

Fields of a <strong>HCS12</strong> Instruction<br />

• Label field<br />

– Optional<br />

– Starts with a letter and<br />

ffollowed<br />

by letters, digits, or<br />

special symbols (_ or .)<br />

– Can start from any column if<br />

ended with “:”<br />

– Must start from column 1 if not<br />

ended with “:”<br />

• Operation field<br />

– Contains the mnemonic of a<br />

machine instruction or an<br />

assembler directive<br />

– Separated from the label by at<br />

least one space<br />

• Operand field<br />

– Follows the operation field and<br />

is separated p from the<br />

operation field by at least one<br />

space<br />

– Contains operands for<br />

instructions or arguments for<br />

assembler bl di directives ti<br />

• Comment field<br />

– Any line starts with an * or ; is<br />

a comment<br />

– Separated from the operand<br />

and operation field for at least<br />

one space<br />

– Optional p

Identify the Four Fields of an Instruction<br />

Example<br />

loop ADDA #$40 ; add 40 to accumulator A<br />

(1) “loop” is a label<br />

(2) “ADDA” is an instruction mnemonic<br />

(3) “#$40” #$40 is the operand<br />

(4) “add #$40 to accumulator A” is a comment<br />

movb 0,X,0,Y ; memory to memory copy<br />

(1) no label field<br />

(b) “movb” is an instruction mnemonic<br />

(c) “0,X,0,Y” is the operand field<br />

(d) “; ; memory to memory copy” copy is a comment

Assembler Directives<br />

• END<br />

– Ends a program to be processed by an assembler<br />

– Any statement following the END directive is ignored ignored.<br />

• ORG<br />

– The assembler uses a location counter to keep track of the memory<br />

location where the next machine code byte should be placed.<br />

– This directive sets a new value for the location counter of the<br />

assembler.<br />

– The sequence<br />

ORG $2000<br />

LDAB #$FF<br />

places the opcode byte for the instruction LDAB #$FF at<br />

location $2000. $

dc.b (define ( constant byte) y )<br />

db (define byte)<br />

fcb (form constant byte)<br />

- These three directives define the value of a byte or bytes that will be placed at a given<br />

location.<br />

- These directives are often preceded by the org directive.<br />

- For example,<br />

org $2000<br />

arrayy dc.b $11,$22,$33,$44<br />

dc.w (define constant word)<br />

dw (define word)<br />

fdb (form ( double bytes) y )<br />

- Define the value of a word or words that will be placed at a given location.<br />

- The value can be specified by an expression.<br />

- For example,<br />

vec_tab _<br />

dc.w $1234, abc-20

fcc (form constant character)<br />

• Used to define a string of characters (a message)<br />

• The first character (and the last character) is used as the<br />

ddelimiter. li it<br />

• The last character must be the same as the first<br />

character.<br />

• The delimiter must not appear in the string.<br />

• The space character cannot be used as the delimiter.<br />

• EEach h character h t iis represented t d bby it its ASCII code. d<br />

• Example<br />

msg fcc “Please Please enter 1, 2 or 3:” 3:

fill (fill memory)<br />

- This directive allows the user to fill a certain number of memory locations with a<br />

given value.<br />

- The syntax is fill value,count<br />

- Example<br />

space_line fill $20,40<br />

ds (define storage)<br />

rmb b( (reserve memory byte) b t )<br />

ds.b (define storage bytes)<br />

- Each of these directives reserves a number of bytes given as the arguments to the<br />

di directive. ti<br />

- Example<br />

buffer ds 100<br />

reserves 100 bytes y

ds ds.w w (define storage word)<br />

rmw (reserve memory word)<br />

- Each of these directives increments the location counter by the value indicated in<br />

the number-of-words argument multiplied by two.<br />

- Example<br />

dbuf ds.w 20<br />

reserves 40 bytes starting from the current location counter<br />

equ (equate)<br />

- This directive assigns a value to a label.<br />

- Using this directive makes one’s one s program more readable readable.<br />

- Examples<br />

arr_cnt equ 100<br />

oc_cnt equ 50

loc<br />

- This directive increments and produces an internal counter used in conjunction with<br />

the backward tick mark (`).<br />

- By using the loc directive and the ` mark mark, one can write program segments like the<br />

following example, without thinking up new labels:<br />

loc loc<br />

ldaa #2 ldaa #2<br />

loop` deca same as loop1 deca<br />

bne loop` bne loop1<br />

loc loc<br />

loop` brclr 0,x,$55,loop` loop2 brclr 0, x, $55, loop2

Macro<br />

- A name a e ass assigned g ed to a ggroup oup of o instructions st uct o s<br />

- Use macro and endm to define a macro.<br />

- Example of macro<br />

sumOf3 macro arg1,arg2,arg3<br />

g , g , g<br />

ldaa arg1<br />

adda arg2<br />

adda<br />

endm<br />

arg3<br />

- Invoke a defined macro: write down the name and the arguments of the macro<br />

sumOf3<br />

is replaced p by y<br />

$1000,$1001,$1002<br />

ldaa $1000<br />

adda $1001<br />

adda $1002

Software Development Process<br />

• Problem definition: Identify what should be done.<br />

– Develop the algorithm.<br />

• Algorithm is the overall plan for solving the problem at hand hand.<br />

• An algorithm is often expressed in the following format:<br />

– Step 1<br />

– …<br />

– Step 2<br />

– …<br />

– Another way to express overall plan is to use flowchart.<br />

• <strong>Programming</strong>. g g Convert the algorithm g or flowchart into<br />

programs.<br />

• Program testing<br />

• Program maintenance

Symbols of Flowchart<br />

Terminal<br />

Process<br />

IInput t or<br />

output B<br />

Decision<br />

no<br />

yes<br />

A<br />

on-page connector<br />

A<br />

Subroutine<br />

off-page connector<br />

Figure 2.1 Flowchart symbols used in this book

Programs to Do Simple Arithmetic (1 of 5)<br />

Example 2.4 Write a program to add the values of memory locations at $1500, $1501, and<br />

$1502, and save the result at $1510.<br />

Solution:<br />

Step 1<br />

A ⇐ m[$1500]<br />

Step 2<br />

A ⇐ A + m[$1501]<br />

Step 3<br />

A ⇐ A + m[$1502]<br />

Step 4<br />

m[$1510] ⇐ A<br />

org $2000<br />

ldaa $1500<br />

adda $1501<br />

adda $1502<br />

staa<br />

end<br />


Programs to Do Simple Arithmetic (2 of 5)<br />

Example 2.4 Write a program to subtract the contents of the memory<br />

location at $1505 from the sum of the memory locations at $1500 and<br />

$1502, and store the difference at $1510.<br />

Solution:<br />

org $2000<br />

ldaa $1500<br />

adda $1502<br />

suba $1505<br />

staa $1510<br />


Programs to Do Simple Arithmetic (3 of 5)<br />

Example 2.6 Write a program to add two 16-bit 16 bit numbers that are stored at<br />

$1500-$1501 and $1502-$1503 and store the sum at $1510-$1511.<br />

Solution:<br />

org og $2000 $ 000<br />

ldd $1500 ; D

Programs to Do Simple Arithmetic (4 of 5)<br />

Example 2.7 Write a program to add two 4-byte numbers that are stored at<br />

$1500-$1503 and $1504-$1507, and store the sum at $1510-$1513.<br />

Solution: Addition starts from the LSB and proceeds toward MSB.<br />

org $2000<br />

ldd $1502 ; add and save the least significant two bytes<br />

addd $1506 ; “<br />

std $1512 ; “<br />

ldaa $1501 ; add and save the second most significant bytes<br />

adca $1505 ; “<br />

staa $1511 ; “<br />

ldaa $1500 ; add and save the most significant bytes<br />

adca $1504 ; “<br />

staa<br />

end<br />

$1510 ; “

Programs to Do Simple Arithmetic (5 of 5)<br />

Example 2.8 Write a program to subtract the hex number stored at $1504-$1507<br />

from the hex number stored at $1500-$1503 and save the result at $1510-$1513.<br />

Solution: The subtraction starts from the LSBs and proceeds toward the MSBs.<br />

org $2000<br />

ldd $1502 ; subtract and save the least significant two bytes<br />

subd $1506 ; “<br />

std $1512 ; “<br />

ldaa $1501 ; subtract and save the difference of the second to most<br />

sbca $1505 ; significant bytes<br />

staa $1511 ; “<br />

ldaa $1500 ; subtract and save the difference of the most significant<br />

sbca $1504 ; bytes<br />

staa<br />

end<br />

$1510 ; “

Multiplication and Division (1 of 2)<br />

Table 2.1 Summary of <strong>HCS12</strong> multiply and divide instructions<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

Operation<br />

emul unsigned 16 by 16 multiply (D) × (Y) → Y:D<br />

emuls signed 16 by 16 multiply<br />

(D) × (Y) → Y:D<br />

mul unsigned 8 by 8 multiply (A) × (B) → A:B<br />

(Y:D) ÷ (X)<br />

ediv unsigned 32 by 16 divide quotient → Y<br />

remainder → D<br />

(Y (Y:D) D)÷(X) ÷ (X)<br />

edivs signed 32 by 16 divide quotient → Y<br />

remainder → D<br />

fdiv 16 by 16 fractional divide (D) ÷ (X) → X<br />

remainder → D<br />

idiv unsigned 16 by 16 integer<br />

(D)÷ (D) ÷ (X) → X<br />

divide<br />

remainder → D<br />

idivs signed 16 by 16 integer (D) ÷ (X) → X<br />

divide<br />

remainder → D

Program Loops<br />

• Types of program loops: finite and infinite loops<br />

• Looping mechanisms:<br />

– do statement S forever<br />

– For i = n1 to n2 do statement S or For i = n2 down to n1 do<br />

statement S<br />

– Whil While C ddo statement t t t S<br />

– Repeat statement S until C<br />

• Program loops are implemented by using the conditional<br />

branch instructions and the execution of these<br />

instructions depends on the contents of the CCR<br />


I ← i 1<br />

I ≤ i 2 ?<br />

S<br />

S<br />

Figure 2.4 An infinite loop<br />

yes<br />

I ← I + 1<br />

no<br />

I ← i 2<br />

I ≥ i 1 ?<br />

S<br />

yes<br />

I ← I - 1<br />

no<br />

true<br />

C S<br />

false<br />

Figure 2.6 The While ... Do looping construct<br />

initialize C<br />

(a) For I = i 1 to i 2 DO S (b) For I = i 2 downto i 1 DO S Figure 2.7 The Repeat ... Until looping construct<br />

Figure 2.5 For looping construct<br />

S<br />

C<br />

false<br />


Condition Code Register<br />

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

S X H I N Z V C<br />

Figure 2.8 Condition code register<br />

• Four types of branch instructions<br />

– Unary (unconditional) branch: always execute<br />

– Simple branches: branch is taken when a specific bit of CCR is in a<br />

specific status<br />

– Unsigned branches: branches are taken when a comparison or test of<br />

unsigned numbers results in a specific combination of CCR bits<br />

– Signed branches: branches are taken when a comparison or test of<br />

signed quantities are in a specific combination of CCR bits<br />

• Two categories of branches<br />

– Short branches: in the range of -128 ~ +127 bytes<br />

– Long branches: in the range of 64KB

Condition Code Register<br />

• C: the carry flag. flag C=1, C=1 implies a carry is generated generated.<br />

• V: the overflow flag. V=1, implies the result of a 2’s<br />

complement arithmetic operation is out of range.<br />

• Z: the zero flag. Z=1, the result of an operation is zero.<br />

• N: the negative flag. N=1, the most significant bit of the<br />

result of an operation is 1.<br />

• H: the half-carry flag. H=1, there is a carry from the lower<br />

four bits to the upper four bits as the result of an<br />

operation operation.

Mnemonic<br />

Table 2.2 Summary of short branch instructions<br />

Function<br />

Unary Branches<br />

BRA Branch always<br />

BRN Branch never<br />

Simple Branches<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

BCC Branch if carry clear<br />

BCS Branch if carry set<br />

BEQ Branch if equal<br />

BMI Branch if minus<br />

BNE Branch if not equal<br />

BPL Branch if plus<br />

BVC Branch if overflow clear<br />

BVS Branch if overflow set<br />

Unsigned Branches<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

BHI<br />

BHS<br />

BLO<br />

BLS<br />

Branch if higher<br />

BBranch h if higher hi h or same<br />

Branch if lower<br />

Branch if lower or same<br />

Signed Branches<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

1 = 1<br />

1 = 0<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

C = 0<br />

C = 1<br />

Z = 1<br />

N = 1<br />

Z = 0<br />

N = 0<br />

V = 0<br />

V = 1<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

C + Z = 0<br />

C = 0<br />

C = 1<br />

C + Z = 1<br />

Mnemonic Function Equation q or Operation p<br />

BGE<br />

BGT<br />

BLE<br />

BLT<br />

Branch if greater than or equal<br />

Branch if greater than<br />

Branch if less than or equal<br />

Branch if less than<br />

N ⊕ V = 0<br />

Z + (N ⊕ V) = 0<br />

Z + (N ⊕ V) = 1<br />

N ⊕ V = 1

Mnemonic<br />

Table 2.3 Summary of long branch instructions<br />

Function<br />

Unary Branches<br />

LBRA Long branch always<br />

LBRN Long branch never<br />

Simple Branches<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

LBCC Long branch if carry clear<br />

LBCS<br />

LBEQ<br />

LBMI<br />

LBNE<br />

LBPL<br />

LBVC<br />

LBVS<br />

Long branch if carry set<br />

Long branch if equal<br />

Long branch if minus<br />

Long branch if not equal<br />

Long branch if plus<br />

Long branch if overflow overflowis is clear<br />

Long branch if overflow set<br />

Unsigned Branches<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

LBHI Long branch if higher<br />

LBHS<br />

LBLO<br />

LBLS<br />

Long branch if higher or same<br />

Long branch if lower<br />

Long branch if lower or same<br />

Signed Branches<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

1 = 1<br />

1 = 0<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

C = 0<br />

C = 1<br />

Z = 1<br />

N = 1<br />

Z = 0<br />

N = 0<br />

V=0 V = 0<br />

V = 1<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

C + Z = 0<br />

C = 0<br />

C = 1<br />

C + Z = 1<br />

Mnemonic Function Equation or Operation<br />

LBGE<br />

LBGT<br />

LBLE<br />

LBLT<br />

Long branch if greater than or equal<br />

Long branch if greater than<br />

Long branch if less than or equal<br />

Long branch if less than<br />

N ⊕ V = 0<br />

Z + (N ⊕ V) = 0<br />

Z + (N ⊕ V) = 1<br />

N ⊕ V = 1

Compare and Test Instructions<br />

• Condition flags need to be set up before conditional branch<br />

instruction should be executed.<br />

• The <strong>HCS12</strong> provides a group of instructions for testing the condition<br />

flags flags.<br />

Table 2.4 Summary yof compare p and test instructions<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

CBA Compare A to B<br />

CMPA<br />

CMPB<br />

CPD<br />

CPS<br />

CPX<br />

CPY<br />

Compare A to memory<br />

Compare B to memory<br />

Compare D to memory<br />

Compare SP to memory<br />

Compare X to memory<br />

Compare Y to memory<br />

Compare instructions<br />

Test instructions<br />

Operation<br />

(A) - (B)<br />

(A) - (M)<br />

(B) - (M)<br />

(D) - (M:M+1)<br />

(SP) - (M:M+1)<br />

(X) - (M:M+1)<br />

(Y) - (M:M+1)<br />

Mnemonic Function Operation<br />

TST<br />

TSTA<br />

TSTB<br />

Test memory for zero or minus<br />

Test A for zero or minus<br />

Test B for zero or minus<br />

(M) - $00<br />

(A) - $00<br />

(B) - $00

• <strong>HCS12</strong> provides<br />

a group of<br />

instructions that<br />

either decrement<br />

or increment a<br />

loop count to<br />

ddetermine t i if th the<br />

looping should be<br />

continued.<br />

• The range of the<br />

branch is from<br />

$80 (-128) to $7F<br />

(+127).<br />

Loop Primitive Instructions<br />

Table 2.5 2 5 Summary of loop primitive instructions<br />

Mnemonic Function<br />

DBEQ cntr, rel<br />

DBNE cntr, rel<br />

IBEQ cntr, rel<br />

IBNE cntr, rel<br />

• The range of the TBEQ cntr, rel<br />

TBNE cntr, rel<br />

Decrement counter and branch if = 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Decrement counter and branch if ≠ 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Increment counter and branch if = 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Increment counter and branch if ≠ 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Test counter and branch if = 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Test counter and branch if ≠ 0<br />

(counter = A, B, D, X, Y, or SP)<br />

Equation or Operation<br />

counter ← (counter) - 1<br />

If (counter) = 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

counter ← (counter) - 1<br />

If (counter) ≠ 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

counter ← (counter) + 1<br />

If (counter) = 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

counter ← (counter) + 1<br />

If (counter) ≠ 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

If (counter) = 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

If (counter) ≠ 0, then branch<br />

else continue to next instruction<br />

NNote. 11. cntr t iis the h loop l counter and dcan be b accumulator l A, A B, B or D and dregister i X, X Y, Y or SP. SP<br />

2. rel is the relative branch offset and is usually a label

Implementation of Looping Constructs<br />

ffor i = n1 1tto n2 2ddo S<br />

n1 equ xx ; starting index<br />

n2 equ yy ; ending index<br />

…<br />

i ds.b 1 ; loop index variable<br />

…<br />

movb #n1,i ; initialize i to n1<br />

loopf ldaa i ; check index i<br />

cmpa #n2<br />

bgt next ; if i is greater than n2, exit the loop<br />

… ; performs loop operations<br />

… ; “<br />

inc i ; increment loop index<br />

bra loopf<br />

next …

for i = n2 downto n1 do S<br />

n1 equ xx ; starting index<br />

n2 equ<br />

…<br />

yy ; ending index<br />

i ds ds.b b 1 ; loop index variable<br />

…<br />

movb #n2,i ; initialize i to n1<br />

loopf ldaa i ; check index i<br />

cmpa #n2<br />

blt next ; if i is greater than n2, exit the loop<br />

… ; perform loop operations<br />

… ; “<br />

dec i ; increment loop index<br />

bra loopf<br />

next …

While loop<br />

� Loop terminating condition is checked at the start of the loop<br />

� In the following example, icount == 0 is the condition to be check.<br />

� The update of icount is done by an interrupt service routine (not shown below).<br />

N equ<br />

…<br />

xx<br />

icount ds.b<br />

…<br />

1<br />

movb #N,icount<br />

wloop ldaa #0<br />

cmpa icount<br />

beq next<br />

…<br />

…<br />

bra wloop<br />

next …

While loop<br />

�� Loop terminating condition is checked at the start of the loop<br />

� In the following example, icount == 0 is the condition to be check.<br />

� The update of icount is done by an interrupt service routine (not shown below).<br />

N equ<br />

…<br />

xx<br />

icount ds.b<br />

…<br />

1<br />

movb #N #N,icount icount<br />

wloop ldaa #0<br />

cmpa icount<br />

beq next<br />

…<br />

…<br />

bra wloop<br />

next …

Example 2.14 Write a program to add an array of N 8-bit numbers and store the<br />

sum at memory locations $1500~$1501. Use the For i = n1 to n2 do looping<br />

construct.<br />

Solution:<br />

N equ 20<br />

org $1500<br />

sum rmb 2 ;sum is @ $1500:$1501<br />

i rmb 1 ;i is @ $1502<br />

org $2000<br />

movb #0, i ; i ← 0<br />

movw #0, sum ; sum ← 0<br />

lloop ld ldab b i ; B = i<br />

cmpb #N ; is i = N?<br />

beq done ; if equal, branch to done<br />

ldx #array ; X = address of array<br />

abx ; X = B + X, , array y pointer p<br />

ldab 0,X ; B = [x]=array(i)<br />

ldy sum ; Y = sum<br />

aby ; sum = array(i) + sum<br />

sty sum ; sum = Y, the new sum<br />

Start<br />

i ← 0<br />

sum ← 0<br />

yes<br />

i = N?<br />

Stop<br />

no<br />

sum ← sum + array[i]<br />

i ← i + 1<br />

Figure 2.9 Logic flow of example 2.14

inc i ; increment the loop count by 1<br />

bra loop ; branch back to loop<br />

done swi ; software interrupt<br />

array dc dc.b b<br />

end<br />

1234567891011121314151617181920<br />

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20<br />

Example 2.15 Write a program to find the maximum element from an array of N 8-<br />

bit elements using the repeat S until C looping construct. construct<br />


no<br />

Start<br />

max_val ← array[0]<br />

i ← N-1<br />

max_val < array[i] ?<br />

yes<br />

max max_val val ← array[i]<br />

i ← i - 1<br />

i = 0?<br />

Stop<br />

yes<br />

Figure 2.10 Logic flow of example 2.15<br />


N equ 20<br />

org $1500<br />

max max_val val ds ds.b b 1<br />

org $2000<br />

ldaa array ; set array[0] as the temporary max max<br />

staa max_val ; “<br />

ldx #array+N-1 #array N 1 ; start from the end of the array<br />

ldab #N-1 ; set loop count to N - 1<br />

loop ldaa max_val<br />

cmpa 0,x<br />

bge chk chk_end end<br />

ldaa 0,x<br />

staa max_val<br />

chk_end dex<br />

dbne b,loop ; finish all the comparison yet?<br />

forever bra forever<br />

array db 1,3,5,6,19,41,53,28,13,42,76,14<br />

db<br />

end<br />


Example 2.14 Write a program to add an array of N 8-bit numbers and store the sum<br />

at memory locations $1500~$1501. Use the For i = n2 to n1 do looping construct.<br />

SSolution: l ti<br />

N equ 20 ; N=20<br />

org $1500<br />

sum ds ds.b b 2 ;sum is @ $1500:$1501<br />

i ds.b 1 ;i is @ $1502<br />

org $2000<br />

movb #N, i ; i ← N<br />

movw #0,sum ; sum ← 0<br />

ld ldab b #N #N−1 1 ; B = N −1 1 or 19<br />

ldx #array ; X = address of array(1)<br />

loop abx ; X = B + addr. of array(1)<br />

ldab 0,X ; B ← [array(i)]<br />

ldyy sum ; Y = sum<br />

aby ; sum=array(i)+sum<br />

sty sum ; refresh sum to Y<br />

dbne b,loop ; i = I−1, branch if B ≠ 0<br />

done swi ; software interrupt<br />

array dc dc.b b 123456789101112131415<br />

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,<br />

dc.b<br />

end<br />


Bit Condition Branch Instructions<br />

[] brclr (opr) , (msk),(rel) []<br />

[] brset (opr) , (msk),(rel) []<br />

where<br />

opr specifies the memory location to be checked and must be specified using<br />

either the direct, extended, or index addressing mode.<br />

msk is an 8-bit mask that specifies the bits of the memory location to be checked.<br />

The bits of the memory byte to be checked correspond to those bit positions<br />

that are 1s in the mask.<br />

rel is the branch offset and is specified in the 8-bit relative mode.<br />

For example, in the sequence<br />

loop inc count<br />

…<br />

brset $66,$E0,loop<br />

…<br />

the branch will be taken if f the most significant f three bits at $66 $ are all ones.

Example 2.17 Write a program to compute the number of elements that are<br />

divisible by 4 in an array of N 8-bit elements. Use the repeat S until C looping<br />

construct. t t<br />

Solution: A number divisible by 4 would have the least significant two bits equal 0s.<br />

N equ 20<br />

org $1500<br />

total ds.b 1<br />

org $2000<br />

clr total ; initialize total to 0<br />

ld ldx # #array ; lload d th the starting t ti address dd of f array tto RReg. X<br />

ldab #N ; use B as the loop count<br />

loop brclr 0,x,$03,yes ; if bit-1 & 0 are 0s then branch to yes<br />

bra chkend ; if the above condition is not met, branch to chkend<br />

yes iinc ttotal t l ; iincrement t the th total t t l counter t<br />

chkend inx ; increment the Reg. X, so it points to the next addr.<br />

dbne b,loop<br />

forever bra forever<br />

array db<br />

end<br />

23481213192433322018535280829094100102<br />


Instructions for Variable Initialization<br />

• [] CLR opr []<br />

where opr is specified using the extended or index<br />

addressing modes. The specified memory location is<br />

cleared.<br />

• [] CLRA []<br />

Accumulator A is cleared to 0<br />

• [] CLRB []<br />

Accumulator B is cleared to 0

Shift and Rotate Instructions<br />

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has shift and rotate instructions that apply to a memory<br />

location, accumulators A, B, and D. A memory operand must be<br />

specified using the extended or index addressing modes modes.<br />

There are three 8-bit arithmetic shift left instructions:<br />

[] asl opr [] -- memory location opr is shifted left one place<br />

[] asla [] -- accumulator A is shifted left one place<br />

[] aslb [] -- accumulator B is shifted left one place<br />

The operation is<br />

C<br />

b7 ----------------- b0<br />


The <strong>HCS12</strong> has one 16-bit arithmetic shift left instruction:<br />

[] asld []<br />

The operation is<br />

C b7 ----------------- b0 b7 ----------------- b0 0<br />

accumulator A accumulator B<br />

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has arithmetic shift right g instructions that apply ppy to a memory y location<br />

and accumulators A and B.<br />

[] asr opr [] -- memory location opr is shifted right one place<br />

[] asra [] -- accumulator A is shifted right one place<br />

[] asrb [] -- accumulator B is shifted right one place<br />

The operation is<br />

b7 ----------------- b0<br />


The <strong>HCS12</strong> has logical shift left instructions that apply to a memory<br />

location and accumulators A and BB.<br />

[] lsl opr [] -- memory location opr is shifted left one place<br />

[] lsla [] -- accumulator A is shifted left one place<br />

[] [ label ] lslb [] [ comment ] -- accumulator B is shifted left one place<br />

The operation is<br />

C b7 ----------------- b0 0<br />

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has one 16-bit logical shift left instruction:<br />

[] lsld []<br />

The operation is<br />

C b7 ----------------- b0 b7 ----------------- b0 0<br />

accumulator A<br />

accumulator B

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has three logical shift right instructions that apply to 8-bit<br />

operands operands.<br />

[] lsr opr [] -- memory location opr is shifted right one place<br />

[] lsra [] -- accumulator A is shifted right one place<br />

[] [ label ] lsrb [] [ comment ] -- accumulator B is shifted right one place<br />

The operation is<br />

0<br />

b7 ----------------- b0<br />

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has one 16-bit logical shift right instruction:<br />

[] lsrd []<br />

The operation is<br />

0 b7 ----------------- b0 b7 ----------------- b0<br />

accumulator A<br />

C<br />

accumulator B<br />


The <strong>HCS12</strong> has three rotate left instructions that operate on 9-bit<br />

operands.<br />

[] rol opr<br />

place<br />

[] -- memory location opr is rotated left one<br />

[] [ ] rola [] [ ] -- accumulator A is rotated left one place p<br />

[] rolb [] -- accumulator B is rotated left one place<br />

The operation is<br />

b7 ----------------- b0<br />

The <strong>HCS12</strong> has three rotate right instructions that operate on 9-bit<br />

operands.<br />

[] [ ] ror opr p<br />

place<br />

[] [ ] -- memory y location opr p is rotated right g one<br />

[] rora [] -- accumulator A is rotated right one place<br />

[] rorb [] -- accumulator B is rotated right one place<br />

The operation is<br />

C b7 ----------------- b0<br />


Example 2.18 Suppose that [A] = $95 and C = 1. Compute the new values of<br />

A and C after the execution of the instruction asla asla.<br />

Solution:<br />

accumulator A<br />

C flag<br />

1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1<br />

1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0<br />

Figure 2.11a Operation of the ASLA instruction<br />

0<br />

Original value New value<br />

[A] = 10010101 [A] = 00101010<br />

C = 1<br />

C = 1<br />

Figure 2.11b Execution result of the ASLA instruction<br />

Example 219 2.19 S Suppose that m[$800] $800 = $ $ED and C = 00. CCompute<br />

the new<br />

values of m[$800] and the C flag after the execution of the instruction asr<br />

$1000.<br />

Solution:<br />

memory location<br />

$1000<br />

1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1<br />

1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0<br />

1<br />

C flag<br />

Original value New value<br />

[$1000] = 11101101<br />

C = 0<br />

[$1000] = 11110110<br />

C = 1<br />

Figure 2.12a Operation of the ASR $1000 instruction Figure 2.12b Result of the asr $1000 instruction

Example 2.20 Suppose that m[$1000] = $E7 and C = 1. Compute the new<br />

contents of m[$1000] and the C flag after the execution of the instruction lsr<br />

$1000 $1000.<br />

Solution: 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1<br />

memory<br />

location<br />

$800<br />

0<br />

0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1<br />

Figure 2.13a Operation of the LSR $800 instruction<br />

1<br />

C flag Original value New value<br />

[$800] = 11100111<br />

[$800] = 01110011<br />

C = 1<br />

C = 1<br />

Figure 2.13b Execution result of LSR $800<br />

EExample l 2.21 2 21 SSuppose that h [B] = $BD and d C = 11. CCompute the h new values l of f<br />

B and the C flag after the execution of the instruction rolb.<br />

Solution:<br />

accumulator B<br />

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1<br />

0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1<br />

Figure 2.14a Operation of the instruction ROLB<br />

1<br />

C flag<br />

Original value New value<br />

[B] = 10111101<br />

C = 1<br />

[B] = 01111011<br />

C = 1<br />

Figure 14b. Execution result of ROLB

Example 2.22 Suppose that [A] = $BE and C = 1. Compute the new<br />

values l of f mem[$00] [$00] after ft the th execution ti of f the th instruction i t ti rora.<br />

Solution:<br />

C flag<br />

1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0<br />

0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 accumulator A<br />

Figure 2.15a Operation of the instruction rora<br />

Original value New value<br />

[A] = 10111110<br />

C = 1<br />

[A] = 11011111<br />

C = 0<br />

Figure 2.15b Execution result of rora

Example 2.23 Write a program to count the number of 0s in the 16-bit<br />

number stored at $1500-$1501 and save the result in $1505.<br />

Solution:<br />

* The 16-bit number is shifted to the right 16 time.<br />

* If the bit shifted out is a 0 then increment the 0s count by 1.<br />

org $1500<br />

db $23 $23,$55 $55 ; test data<br />

org $1505<br />

zero_cnt rmb 1<br />

lp_cnt rmb 1<br />

org $2000<br />

clr zero_cnt ; initialize the 0s count to 0<br />

ldaa #16<br />

staa lp_cnt<br />

ldd $1500 ; place the number in D<br />

loop lsrd ; shift the lsb of D to the C flag<br />

bcs chkend ; is the C flag a 0?<br />

inc zero_cnt ; increment 1s count if the lsb is a 1<br />

chkend dec lp lp_cnt cnt ; check to see if D is already 0<br />

bne loop<br />

forever bra<br />

end<br />


Shift a Multi-byte Number (1 of 4)<br />

• For shifting right<br />

– The bit 7 of each byte will receive the bit 0 of its immediate left<br />

byte with the exception of the most significant byte which will<br />

receive a 0.<br />

– Each byte will be shifted to the right by 1 bit. The bit 0 of the<br />

least significant g byte y will be lost.<br />

• Suppose there is a k-byte number that is stored at loc to<br />

loc+k-1.<br />

– Method for shifting right<br />

• Step 1: Shift the byte at loc to the right one place.<br />

• Step 2: Rotate the byte at loc+1 to the right one place.<br />

• Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for the remaining bytes.

Shift a Multi-byte Number (2 of 4)<br />

• For shifting left<br />

– The bit 0 of each byte will receive the bit 7 of its immediate right<br />

byte with the exception of the least significant byte which will<br />

receive a 0.<br />

– Each byte will be shifted to the left by 1 bit. The bit 7 of the most<br />

significant g byte y will be lost.<br />

• Suppose there is a k-byte number that is stored at loc to<br />

loc+k-1.<br />

– Method for shifting left<br />

• Step 1: Shift the byte at loc+k-1 to the left one place.<br />

• Step 2: Rotate the byte at loc+K-2 to the left one place.<br />

• Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for the remaining bytes.

Shift a Multi-byte Number (3 of 4)<br />

Example 2.24 Write a program to shift the 32-bit number stored at<br />

$1520-$1523 to the right four places.<br />

Solution:<br />

ldab #4 ; set up the loop count<br />

ldx #$1520 ; use X as the pointer to the left most byte<br />

again lsr 0,X ; logical shift right the MSB, bit 0 moves to C flag<br />

ror 1,X ; rotate right with the C bit<br />

ror 2,X ; rotate right with the C bit<br />

ror 3,X ; rotate right with the C bit<br />

dbne<br />

end<br />


Shift a Multi-byte Number (4 of 4)

• Changing a few<br />

bits are often<br />

done in I/O<br />

applications.<br />

• Boolean logic<br />

operation can<br />

be used to<br />

change h a ffew<br />

I/O port pins<br />

easily.<br />

Boolean Logic Instructions (1 of 4)

Boolean Logic Instructions (2 of 4)<br />

• The AND function can be used to clear bits.<br />

•<br />

• Example:<br />

Clears the upper four pins of the I/O or Input/Output port located<br />

at $56. $0056 is for one of I/O ports in 9S12.<br />

ldaa $56 ; A

Boolean Logic Instructions (3 of 4)<br />

The OR function can be used to set bits (change from 0 to 1 and<br />

from a 1 to 1)<br />

Note: X+1= X + 1 1 set bit) X+0= X + 0 X (no<br />

change)<br />

Example: p<br />

Set the upper three pins of the I/O or Input/Output port located at<br />

$56.<br />

ldaa $56 ; A

Boolean Logic Instructions (4 of 4)<br />

The EOR function can be used to toggle bits (change from 0 to 1<br />

and from a 1 to 0)<br />

Note: 0 ⊕ 0 = 0 ; 0 ⊕ 1 = 1<br />

1 ⊕ 0 = 1 ; 1 ⊕ 1 = 0<br />

Example:<br />

Toggle the lower four bits of the I/O or Input/Output port located at<br />

$56 or $0056<br />

ldaa $56 ;A

Program Execution Time (1 of 2)<br />

• The <strong>HCS12</strong> uses the E clock as a timing reference.<br />

• The frequency of the E clock is half of that of the crystal oscillator.<br />

• There are many applications that require the generation of time<br />

delays.<br />

• The creation of a time delay involves two steps:<br />

– Select a sequence of instructions that takes a certain amount of time to<br />

execute.<br />

– Repeat the selected instruction sequence for an appropriate number of<br />

times.<br />

• FFor example, l the th instruction i t ti sequence on th the next t page takes t k 40 E cycles l tto<br />

execute. By repeating this instruction sequence a certain number of times,<br />

any time delay can be created.<br />

– Assume the bus clock frequency is 24 MHz, each cycle = 41.67 ns<br />

– Therefore, the instruction sequence on the next page will take 5 μs to<br />

execute. (35+1+1+3)×41.67 ns = 40 ×41.67 ns = 1.7 μs

Program Execution Time (2 of 2)<br />

For example, p the instruction sequence q below takes 40 E cycles y to execute.<br />

Assume the bus clock frequency is 24 MHz, each cycle =<br />

Therefore, the instruction sequence will take<br />

loop psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

nop ; 1 E cycle<br />

dbne x,loop ; 3 E cycles<br />

24 24 MHz = 1 μs<br />

1 24 MHz ≈ 41.67ns

Example 2.25 Write a program loop to create a delay of 1 ms = 1000 ×1 μs.<br />

Solution: A delay of 1 ms can be created by repeating the previous loop 1000 times.<br />

The following instruction sequence creates a delay of 1 ms.<br />

ldx #1000 ; 2 E cycles<br />

loop psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles 21 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles 24 E cycles<br />

psha ; 2 E cycles<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

nop ; 1 E cycle<br />

dbne x, loop ; 3 E cycles<br />

Note: The 2 E cycles for the ldx #1000 is insignificant.<br />

1 1<br />

⎡⎣2+ 1000× ( 21+ 3) ⎤⎦×<br />

= [ 2+ 1000× 24] × ≈1ms<br />

24MHz 24MHz

Example: p Write an instruction<br />

ldab #100 ; 1 E cycle<br />

sequence to create a delay of 1 second. out_loop<br />

in_loop<br />

ldx<br />

psha<br />

#10000 ; 2 E cycles<br />

; 2 E cycles<br />

Solution: By repeating the previous<br />

pula<br />

psha<br />

; 3 E cycles<br />

; 2 E cycles<br />

instruction sequence 100 times times, we can<br />

pula ; 3 E cycles<br />

create a delay of 1 second.<br />

psha<br />

pula<br />

; 2 E cycles<br />

; 3 E cycles<br />

1<br />

{1+ 100× ⎡⎣2+ 10000 × ( 21+ 3) + 3 ⎤⎦}<br />

× ≈1s<br />

24MHz<br />

psha<br />

pula<br />

nop<br />

; 2 E cycles<br />

; 3 E cycles<br />

; 1 E cycle<br />

dbne x, in_loop ; 3 E cycles<br />

dbne b, out_loop ; 3 E cycles<br />

1E cycles for<br />

ldab #100<br />

2E cycles for<br />

ldx #10000<br />

3E cycles for<br />

dbne x, in_loop<br />

Note: # of E cycles for one iteration of<br />

th the out_loop t l = [2 [2+10000×(21+3)+3]<br />

10000 (21 3) 3]<br />

3E cycles for<br />

dbne b, out_loop

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