The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...

The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...

The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...


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46 M. Luoma-aho<br />

Aberystwyth in 1939, Carr <strong>of</strong>ten wrote leaders for the paper and two years later<br />

became its assistant editor. Thus far, Carr’s grosspolitics has received very little<br />

scholarly attention, despite – or perhaps because <strong>of</strong> – the link to the ostracised<br />

<strong>Schmitt</strong>.<br />

Even though Carr cites Großraum as an economic concept, his theory had an<br />

explicitly geopolitical dimension. Carr, like <strong>Schmitt</strong>, premised his theory on the<br />

fact that the era <strong>of</strong> the jus publicum Europaeum, grounded in the political<br />

subjectivity <strong>of</strong> the state, was irrevocably over. Carr, again like <strong>Schmitt</strong>, identified<br />

the Monroe Doctrine as the precursor <strong>of</strong> the new international order, where<br />

some states had great power and others had much less. He, moreover, similarly<br />

acknowledged the power <strong>of</strong> the United States and the Soviet Union in their<br />

respective Großräume, and invested hope in Europe as a potential power<br />

between the two.<br />

Where Carr and <strong>Schmitt</strong> clearly disagreed was on the question <strong>of</strong> the Reich <strong>of</strong><br />

the European Großraum. For <strong>Schmitt</strong> it was Adolf Hitler who had articulated<br />

the political idea <strong>of</strong> the European Monroe Doctrine, asserting responsibility for<br />

protecting German minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. 3 Carr’s international<br />

order also required the emergence <strong>of</strong> a European Großraum to neutralise<br />

the pseudo-universalism <strong>of</strong> liberalism and bolshevism, but one led by the<br />

British Reich. Alone, Great Britain was no match for the great powers, and was<br />

beginning to look like a secondary power. As such, Britain would be faced by a<br />

fearful dilemma: ‘it would have the choice <strong>of</strong> subordinating itself to the policy<br />

either <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union or <strong>of</strong> the United States <strong>of</strong> America’ (Carr 1945: 71).<br />

If there was anything Britain could do to avoid this fate, it must begin, Carr<br />

asserted, by radically altering its international policy. What was needed was a<br />

shift <strong>of</strong> focus from an empire in ruin – the Commonwealth – to a continent in<br />

ruin:<br />

[W]estern Europe, even if she can renew her vitality and escape from the<br />

thrall <strong>of</strong> traditions once glorious, but now stifling to fresh growth, still lacks<br />

the leadership and central focus <strong>of</strong> power which would be necessary to her<br />

among the great multi-national civilizations <strong>of</strong> the ‘hemisphere’ or Grossraum<br />

epoch.<br />

(Carr 1945: 73)<br />

Rome, France and, most recently, Germany had all claimed leadership <strong>of</strong><br />

European civilisation, but had abused their power and fallen from grace. After<br />

the Second World War, Carr wrote, the unprecedented situation had arisen in<br />

which ‘the two European powers most able to influence the destinies <strong>of</strong> Europe<br />

– Russia and Britain – are situated at its eastern and western extremities and are<br />

not exclusively or primarily European powers at all’ (1945: 73). It seemed<br />

inevitable that the nations <strong>of</strong> continental Europe were to be drawn into closer<br />

relations with either (or both) <strong>of</strong> these two powers. Writing in the early post-war<br />

years, he could already see signs <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union asserting ‘hemispheric’<br />

political subjectivity over the states <strong>of</strong> Eastern Europe. ‘A natural corollary’ to

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