The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...

The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...

The International Political Thought of Carl Schmitt: Terror, Liberal ...


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212 M. Ojakangas<br />

enemy (‘the enemy is a negated otherness’ (ibid.: 63)) and to define enmity in<br />

Hegelian terms (‘in the reciprocal recognition <strong>of</strong> recognition [Anerkennung der<br />

Anerkennung] lies the greatness <strong>of</strong> the concept’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1950: 89)), the core <strong>of</strong><br />

the concept is nevertheless absolutely anti-Hegelian. This is because, for Hegel,<br />

what remains outside the concept – outside objective knowledge – is identical to<br />

nothing. In other words, what does not make a difference in terms <strong>of</strong> objective<br />

knowledge makes no difference at all (cf. Hegel 1977: 58–66). For <strong>Schmitt</strong>, the<br />

enemy is precisely something that remains outside the concept and outside objective<br />

knowledge. Certainly, for <strong>Schmitt</strong> too, the enemy is something objective, but<br />

this objectivity is not the objectivity <strong>of</strong> concept but that <strong>of</strong> power (Macht): ‘<strong>The</strong><br />

enemy is an objective power’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1950: 89), not a ‘metaphor or symbol’<br />

(<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1996a: 27). As an objective power, the enemy ceases to be a mere<br />

concept and therefore a passing stage <strong>of</strong> negation, becoming a genuine interruption<br />

– not only <strong>of</strong> a dialectical development <strong>of</strong> history but also <strong>of</strong> objective knowledge.<br />

Certainly, this power can, and in <strong>Schmitt</strong>’s view must, become an object <strong>of</strong> knowledge<br />

and reflection because the self is the result <strong>of</strong> such reflection – the enemy is a<br />

‘measure <strong>of</strong> myself’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 2004: 72) – but this can occur only after the event,<br />

namely the appearance <strong>of</strong> the enemy, has taken place. Even then the intellect is not<br />

capable <strong>of</strong> exhausting the enemy completely, because the event is not prior to<br />

knowledge and reflection merely in a temporal sense, but also, and above all, ontologically.<br />

<strong>The</strong> enemy is the other and no amount <strong>of</strong> reflection can reduce its otherness<br />

into an immanence <strong>of</strong> the same. 6<br />

However, like all <strong>Schmitt</strong>’s central concepts, the enemy is also a constitutive<br />

concept. <strong>The</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> the enemy is the concrete precondition <strong>of</strong> the collective<br />

identity <strong>of</strong> friends. It is the enemy who brings about the ‘existential affinity’<br />

<strong>of</strong> those ‘who just happen to live together’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1993b: 210). In other words,<br />

the enemy is not only a counter-concept to immanence but also a transcendent<br />

fundamental concept. Yet the enemy is not a substantial foundation <strong>of</strong> order,<br />

because the enemy has no substance but only a form, an empty form: ‘An enemy<br />

is whoever calls me into question’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1988: 217). This is the reason why I<br />

cannot agree with those who argue that <strong>Schmitt</strong>’s concept <strong>of</strong> the enemy is essentialist.<br />

7 <strong>The</strong> enemy is not a natural given in <strong>Schmitt</strong>’s theory. <strong>The</strong> enemy, ‘the<br />

most extreme intensification <strong>of</strong> otherness’ (<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1992: 38), is thoroughly<br />

contingent. <strong>The</strong> enemy may be another race, speak another language, pr<strong>of</strong>ess<br />

another religion or represent another culture. Nevertheless, there exists no a<br />

priori criterion either for the enemy or for the friend in <strong>Schmitt</strong>’s theory. <strong>The</strong><br />

enemy is anyone who is concretely disclosed as a real threat, as the one who<br />

calls me into question. Moreover, the enemy calls me into question only at the<br />

moment ‘in which the enemy is, in concrete clarity, recognized as the enemy’<br />

(<strong>Schmitt</strong> 1996a: 67). <strong>The</strong> enemy is, in other words, an event – a double event <strong>of</strong><br />

appearing and recognition. It is this event that founds an order. However, this<br />

order is completely different from the totally administered Babylonian unity <strong>of</strong><br />

the world. It is an order based not on worldwide control <strong>of</strong> humanity but on the<br />

tension between separate political entities. It is a political order – and where<br />

there is the political, there is openness.

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