1 I - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

1 I - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

1 I - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

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BRO<br />

BRO<br />

BRO 55<br />

Brookfieid Benj., marble cutter, bds. 253 Brown Asa, bds. 73 W. 6th<br />

Brown Isaac, plasterer, bds. 338 W. Row<br />

•\V. Court, s.s. b. Baymiller and Free­ Brown .-Augustus 0., wool carding ma­ Brown Isaac F., sl.bt. elk., bdw. n.s. W.<br />

manchinery,<br />

37 Walnut<br />

Oth, b. Linn and Baymiller<br />

BROOKFIELD Edward V., fWm. B. & Brown A. B., conductor, 0. & M. B. R., Bi-own Isabella, teacher, hds. 299 W. 8th<br />

Son,) W. Sth<br />

h. 22 Carr<br />

Brown I. C, saddler, res. Walnut Hills<br />

Brbokfiald fclrerett, stone cutter, 507 W. Brown A. W., elk., 141 Walnut, bds. 316 Brown Ira, elk,, 105 Main, h. 260 W. 7th<br />

Sth<br />

Longworth<br />

Brosvn Israel, dfanghtsman, City engi­<br />

BROOKPIBLB Wm., (Wm. B. Sc Son,) Brown Mi.ss B., teacher, bds. 299 W. Sth neer's <strong>of</strong>fice, li. 97 Laurel<br />

2;)3 W. Court, b. Baymiller and Brown Barney, blk. smith, re;u: 213 W. Brown Israel, tr'ad'i-. 528 Race<br />

Freemrin<br />

Front<br />

Brown J., finisher,'0 Baum<br />

ROOKFIELD WM, & ROy, Brown Barney, lab., s.w.c. Spring and<br />

Brown J., machinist, wks. 69 E. Front<br />

B (William & Edward V. B.)<br />

Abigail<br />

Brown J., bds. 243 W.Sth<br />

Marble worlcs, s-ccl'linu and Bth BROWN Ben. Franklin (B. & Brown^,<br />

Brown J., bds. 83 High<br />

Broolcman Conrad, tailor, 13^^ Pl.-asant res. College HiU<br />

Brown J. C.,rcal estate agt., 332 Vine<br />

,BrooUmiin John, plasterer, 63 Ritten­<br />

BROWN J.L., (Neave.B. & KiIgour)re3.<br />

Brown Mra. BridL,'et, 4-18 George<br />

house<br />

ROWN & BROWN, (Ben Franklin Covington<br />

ROOKS & BRERD,<br />

B. 8c Cliiis. Brady B.), Attorneya, Bllnwy J. M., (J. M. B. & Co.)<br />

B (Frederick F. B. Sc Abel ». B.) B Bank bldg., s.w.c. 3d and Main BROWN J. H., (Fallis, B. cSc Co.) s.w.c.<br />

Queen City Varuish Co., 43 Vine BROWN & BRO , (Richard & Geo. B ), 4th and Smith<br />

Broolts Chas.. 109 Betta<br />

Livry ;ind Sale liable, s.s. 6th, b. Brown J. M. & Co. (J. M. B. 6c Joseph<br />

ROOKS J'lBKX. S.,<br />

I\l;iin and Sycamore<br />

Kirkup), steam guage manuf., 250<br />

B Select .schdol, m E. 4tb,<br />

Bro\\'n Mis. Catharine, e.s. Bank al., "b. •E. Front<br />

h. 434 \V. 4th<br />

3d and 4th and ."Main and Walnut Brown J. T., agent sewing machines, 6<br />

Brooks Frank, lah., 630 W. Sth<br />

Brown 0. D., bell hanger, 2 E. Mulberry VV. 4th up stairs, re.s. Newport<br />

BROOKS Frederick F., (B. Sc Breed,) Brown Chas., butcher, w.s Ham. road, Brown Jackson, .steward, bds. 14 E. 7th<br />

149 John<br />

i near Brighton House<br />

Brown Jas., blk. smith, bds 46 Barr<br />

Brooks James, lab., 34 con. E. 8th I BROWN Chas. (Spinning Sc B.), n.e.c. Brown Jas., lab., n.s. 6th b. Culvert and<br />

Brooks Jessi', shoe mkr., 222 W. Row I 8th and Walnut<br />

Broadwai'<br />

Brooks Mrs. Ixuira, 149 Longworth ! Brown Chas., bd.^. IG Union<br />

Brown J;is., news carrier, 49 Chesnut<br />

Brooks Mrs. Mary di-ess mkr., 227 Long- Brown Chas., lab., 11 Hiimer<br />

ROWN JAMES r,.<br />

worth<br />

! BROWN Chas. Brady (B. Sc Brown), res. B C'linmission Mercliant,<br />


I Storrs tp., on river road<br />

312 Sycamore, res. Clifton<br />

B AVholesale Boots and Shoes, 2-2 W. Brown Jli--. Clara, Queen City Laundrj-^, Brown Jas. Mc W., pasti-y cuuk, Spen­<br />

Pearl, res. Mt. Auburn<br />

j 225 Elm<br />

cer Ilouse<br />

BROOKS Oliver A,, (Huntington Sc B.j, Brown Conrad, cooper, 522 Race, h. 502 Brown Jaa , miller, s.w.c, 4th and Lock<br />

res. Cleveland<br />

1 Race<br />

h. 54 Lock<br />

Brooks Robt., carp., w.s. cutter, b. Court . Brown Cyrus W., salesman, 74 W. 4th, Brown Jessee — moulder, 121 W. Sth<br />

and Clark<br />

bds. 27 Lonijworth<br />

Brown Jno., 701 Elm<br />

Brooks Mrs. Surah, 111 Clinton ! Brown DanM, bds. f-3 High [ertyl Brown Jno., Mt. Auburn<br />

Brooks Sidney, c<strong>of</strong>. h., ami billiard sa­ ' BROW^ Dan'l (D. & R. B.), 132 E.Lib- Brown Jno., brass moulder, 189 Walnut<br />

loon, 204 Vine<br />

I Brown Dan'l belt mkr., 65 Walnut, h. ^3 Brown Jno., carp., e.s. Lock nr. 3d<br />

Brooks Sidney, plasterer, 43 Ban- I E. 3d •<br />

Brown Jno., cai-p., 213 Richmond<br />

Brooks Miss T., music teacher, 149 Long- ! Brown David M., salesman, 103 Peai-I, h.<br />

Brown Jno.. grocer, n.s. Gth, b. Culvert<br />

worth<br />

I 39 Barr<br />

and Canal<br />

Brooks Thoma3, carp., n.e.c. Lodge and Brown DeWitt C-, teacher, Hughes High Brown Jno., hostler, 323 Plum<br />

Gano<br />

i School<br />

Brown Jno., l;i)>., rear20i; W. Front<br />

BROOKS Thomas B., (J. B. Ramsey 6c ROWX D, & R , Manuf. <strong>of</strong> Hn.siery, Brown Jno., pipe layer, bda. .'j:•^^ "^V, 5th<br />

Co.),2G9 W. 9th<br />

and wh. deal, in Notions and Fancy Brown Jno., tailor, n.e.c. Elder and<br />

Brooks W. A., car]j., andstair builder, E. B Goods, 2.53 Mtin and 104 W. 5th, Pleasnnt<br />

s- Hammond, b. 3d and 4th, h. 194<br />

and Cigar Manuf., n.e.c. Wal­ Brown Jno., tenmster, 429 W. Sth<br />

Bai-r<br />

nnt and Sth<br />

Brown Jno,, -wks. Franklin cotton fac'ry<br />

Brooks ,fi-eicrht master, C.,H. and Brown E , coiichman, 202 Webb Brown Jno. C, grocer, 3u7 Walnut<br />

D. R. R., bds. 96 Hath.uvny<br />

Brown Mi->. E., 13-5 Lonu'worth<br />

Broivn Jno.D., pattern mkr.,s.e.c Spring<br />

Brookstein John, lab., tlS2 M;un<br />

Brown E. T. (0. & E. T. B.), res. Mt. an

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