Functional Significance of Cell Volume Regulatory Mechanisms

Functional Significance of Cell Volume Regulatory Mechanisms

Functional Significance of Cell Volume Regulatory Mechanisms


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LANG ET AL. <strong>Volume</strong> 78<br />

molarity may approach values exceeding isotonicity by a 858, 1142). Causes include excessive sweating, osmotic<br />

factor <strong>of</strong> ú4 (1033). Any blood cell passing the kidney diuresis, lack <strong>of</strong> ADH or defective renal response to ADH,<br />

medulla experiences exposure to this high ambient osmo- and drinking <strong>of</strong> seawater (553).<br />

larity and subsequent return to isosmolarity within sec- Even though extracellular osmolarity increases due<br />

onds. Medullary cells have not only to cope with this to accumulation <strong>of</strong> urea in uremia (803), urea easily pasexcessive<br />

extracellular osmolarity for prolonged periods ses cell membranes and does thus not usually cause os-<br />

but encounter rapid changes <strong>of</strong> osmolarity during transi- motic gradients across the cell membrane. Nevertheless,<br />

tion from antidiuresis to diuresis, when medullary osmo- as shown in several cell types, high extracellular urea<br />

larity rapidly decreases toward isosmolarity (63). concentrations may trigger cell shrinkage by modifying<br />

Less dramatic alterations <strong>of</strong> extracellular osmolarity the set point for volume regulatory mechanisms (see sect.<br />

occur during intestinal absorption, which exposes intesti- IIIA). <strong>Cell</strong> shrinkage may be the signal for increase <strong>of</strong><br />

nal cells to anisosmotic luminal fluid and may modify osmolyte concentration in the brain, which has been ob-<br />

portal blood osmolarity and liver cell volume (460). served to parallel enhanced urea concentration in uremia<br />

Other tissues are exposed to altered extracellular os- (1223).<br />

molarity during a variety <strong>of</strong> disorders. Although moderate, Rapid correction <strong>of</strong> chronically enhanced osmolarity<br />

these alterations are still highly relevant challenges to cell may lead to cell swelling, namely, to cerebral edema (28,<br />

volume control. 1157). Chronic increases <strong>of</strong> extracellular osmolarity are<br />

Because Na compensated by cells through accumulation <strong>of</strong> osmolytes,<br />

/ salts (mainly NaCl) contribute ú90% to<br />

extracellular osmolarity, a significant decrease <strong>of</strong> extra- which may not be rapidly readjusted. Cerebral betaine,<br />

cellular osmolarity is necessarily paralleled by hypona- inositol, and glycerophosphorylcholine, for instance, may<br />

tremia. A variety <strong>of</strong> clinical conditions can lead to hypona- remain enhanced for days after correction <strong>of</strong> extracellular<br />

tremia (20, 21, 90, 816, 905, 1265). Hyponatremia may re- hypertonicity (746, 1208). Conversely, rapid correction <strong>of</strong><br />

flect an excess <strong>of</strong> water, either due to excessive oral load<br />

or due to impaired renal elimination, or a deficit <strong>of</strong> Na<br />

hyponatremia may prove similarly harmful (1141, 1156).<br />

/<br />

due to renal or extrarenal loss (90, 606, 1264). In both<br />

cases, the hyponatremia reflects a decreased extracellular<br />

osmolarity, leading to cell swelling. Excessive water in-<br />

B. Alterations <strong>of</strong> Extracellular Ion Composition<br />

take is seen in psychiatric disorders (22). Causes for im- Even at constant extracellular osmolarity, cell vol-<br />

paired renal water elimination include inappropriate antiume constancy may be challenged by altered extracellular<br />

diuretic hormone (ADH) secretion, glucocorticoid defi- ion composition (see Table 2).<br />

Most importantly, an increase <strong>of</strong> extracellular K / ciency, hypothyroidism, and renal and hepatic failure.<br />

con-<br />

Renal and/or extrarenal loss <strong>of</strong> Na / may result from min- centration depolarizes the cell membrane and eventually<br />

leads to cellular uptake <strong>of</strong> K / eralocorticoid deficiency, salt losing kidney, nephrotic<br />

with accompanying anions<br />

syndrome, osmotic diuresis, vomiting, and diarrhea (90). (mainly Cl 0 and HCO 0 3 ) and subsequent cell swelling. Con-<br />

versely, a decrease <strong>of</strong> extracellular K / Moreover, a wide variety <strong>of</strong> drugs including diuretics,<br />

could result in cell<br />

cyclooxygenase inhibitors, and certain central nervous shrinkage due to cellular loss <strong>of</strong> KCl (see Table 2).<br />

An increase <strong>of</strong> extracellular HCO 0 system active drugs may lead to hyponatremia due to<br />

3 concentration<br />

loss <strong>of</strong> Na / and/or to retention <strong>of</strong> water (90). Hyposmolar could swell cells by electrogenic entry, hyperpolarization,<br />

reduced driving force for K / hyponatremia is further observed after burns, pancreati-<br />

exit, and subsequent accumutis,<br />

and crush syndrome (90). lation <strong>of</strong> KHCO3 (976). During correction <strong>of</strong> extracellular<br />

Hyponatremia does not necessarily indicate hypos- acidosis in the course <strong>of</strong> the treatment <strong>of</strong> diabetic ketoacimolarity<br />

but may occur in isosmolar or even hyperosmolar dosis, increasing extracellular pH allows the cells to extrude<br />

H / through the Na / /H / states (90). Extracellular osmolarity may be enhanced de-<br />

exchanger, similarly leading<br />

spite normal or even decreased extracellular Na / concen- to cell swelling (1255).<br />

tration during hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes Several organic anions such as acetate, lactate, and<br />

mellitus (27) and ethanol poisoning (1010). Moreover, hy- proprionate swell cells by entry <strong>of</strong> the unionized acid,<br />

intracellular dissociation, stimulation <strong>of</strong> Na / /H / ponatremia cannot be equated with cell swelling. As de-<br />

exchange<br />

tailed in section IVF, cell swelling or cell shrinkage may by cytosolic acidosis, and subsequent accumulation <strong>of</strong><br />

Na / prevail in diabetes mellitus. Burns, pancreatitis, and se- and organic anions (see Table 2). A similar effect is<br />

vere trauma, all conditions associated with hyponatremia exerted by CO2. In general, acidosis favors cell swelling,<br />

(see above), may actually lead to muscle cell shrinkage whereas cellular alkalosis has the opposite effect (see<br />

rather than cell swelling (507). Table 2). Along these lines, the cellular accumulation <strong>of</strong><br />

Extracellular osmolarity is increased in hyperna- lactate in muscle exercise triggers volume regulatory<br />

tremia, due to excessive oral intake and/or renal retention mechanisms (1048).<br />

Isotonic replacement <strong>of</strong> Cl 0 <strong>of</strong> Na with gluconate leads to<br />

/ and/or renal and extrarenal loss <strong>of</strong> water (325, 553,<br />

/ 9j07$$ja07 P18-7 12-30-97 09:41:42 pra APS-Phys Rev

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