lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!


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LAMHIL SEPTEMBER <strong>2012</strong> Editorial...<br />

03<br />


What has western civilization brought upon us? Obviously, we can say<br />

wisdom and development. But we cannot forget that it has been the causative factors<br />

for the attenuation of the old folklores, when we do was grasped the magnitude of<br />

the inevitability in following the doctrines of western civilizations and cultures, keeping<br />

aside the value of Christianity. Those who were born during the late 20 th century are<br />

fortunate for they might have been the last immediate descendants who can rekindle<br />

the folklore and happen to see the relics of our ancestors with their own eyes. Because,<br />

those were the years our grandparents who are in their late octogenarians or more<br />

happen to be the relics of our ancestors who could recount the legends of their<br />

fathers and forefathers.<br />

We all might have been told about the myth of our forefathers who had<br />

chosen the red shawls and rifles instead of a home land. In the present scenario, we<br />

might think that they were thoughtless of not choosing the home land. But the fact<br />

was that, they were supreme warriors and hunters who only needs red shawls to<br />

survived the cold winters and rifles to protect their hunting grounds which obviously<br />

was their home land. Alexander the Great once said, I am not afraid of a pack of<br />

lions lead by a sheep but I am afraid of a pack of sheep lead by a lion . We can say<br />

that our forefathers were all lions-liked with a scattering lions-liked leaders (chieftains)<br />

united with one purpose guarding their villages and hunting grounds. How did the<br />

Anglo-Kuki war of 1917-1919 instigate the rebellion? Exhuming deeper for the clue,<br />

we will only conclude that the British has a fear and already knew the efficiency of our<br />

forefathers as a warriors and so on persuade them to fight in their fronts against<br />

France during the First World War. They might act like savages as warriors and hunters<br />

do, but the strongest strength of their might was only the reasons of unity and fraternity<br />

among them.<br />

The way of life our forefathers had live the way they hunt, the way they<br />

dance, the way they sing, the way they recite poems, the way they grieved and mourned<br />

for the death. We are all yearning to see them, but by now the folklores of our<br />

ancestors only belong to stories at these times of our years. The western civilization<br />

that the British had brought upon us only became the necessary evil for very much of<br />

our younger generations. The generations of nowadays are only the specs in a shadow<br />

of our ancestors with no more unity and fraternity, with a bunch of lions lead by a<br />

sheep as it was in the context of Alexander the great. Yearnings for life that our<br />

folklores had shimmers, I might want to do the same again and live the life of warriors<br />

and hunters or live the life of savages or whatever the case it was during the past, these<br />

wisdoms only belongs to legends and only in the forms of stories today. No matter<br />

how much I want to take my part again among them, it only became a distant dream.<br />

**For feedback and suggestion reply to jangmin.sampar@gmail.com

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