lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!

lamhil september 2012 - E-Pao!


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LAMHIL SEPTEMBER <strong>2012</strong> 15<br />

and what it means to forgive. I think that<br />

the hardest people to forgive are the ones<br />

who are the closest to you. If someone else<br />

wrongs you, it is easier to forgive, because<br />

you most probably don t expect much from<br />

that person anyway. However, if someone<br />

who is close to you, a friend or partner for<br />

example, does something, which requires<br />

forgiveness, then it means that they have<br />

betrayed your trust to some extent. I think<br />

that the level of trust breached determines<br />

how easy it is to then forgive someone. I<br />

think if someone made a genuine mistake<br />

and this hurt you, then there is nothing to<br />

forgive, but if someone intentionally betrays<br />

your trust or does something even though<br />

they know it will hurt you, then this makes<br />

it much more difficult to forgive. Keep in<br />

mind, hurting people often hurt other<br />

people as a result of their own pain. If<br />

somebody is rude and inconsiderate, you<br />

can almost be certain that they have some<br />

unresolved issues inside. They have some<br />

major problems, anger, resentment, or<br />

some heartache they are trying to cope with<br />

or overcome. The last thing they need is<br />

for you to make matters worse by<br />

responding angrily.<br />

Biblical Perspective of forgiveness .<br />

I think, by remembering<br />

where we stand, by meaning our words<br />

when we say in our prayers each night<br />

Forgive our trespasses* as we forgive those<br />

that trespass against us. We are offered<br />

forgiveness on no other terms. To refuse it<br />

is to refuse God s mercy for ourselves. I<br />

think that if God forgives us we must<br />

forgive ourselves. Otherwise, it is almost<br />

like setting up ourselves as a higher tribunal<br />

than Him.<br />

The willingness to forgive is a sign of<br />

spiritual and emotional maturity. It is one<br />

of the great virtues to which we all should<br />

aspire. Imagine a world filled with<br />

individuals willing both to apologize and<br />

to accept an apology. Is there any problem<br />

that could not be solved among people<br />

who possessed the humility and largeness<br />

of spirit and soul to do either or both<br />

when needed? Darkness cannot drive<br />

out darkness; only light can do that. Hate<br />

cannot drive out hate; only love can do<br />

that.<br />

Some of the Bible verses, which<br />

talk about the forgiveness, are placed<br />

below.<br />

Matthew 6:14-15 NIV<br />

For if you forgive men when they sin<br />

against you, your heavenly Father will also<br />

forgive you. But if you do not forgive men<br />

their sins, your Father will not forgive your<br />

sins.<br />

Matthew 18: 21-22 NIV<br />

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, Lord,<br />

how many times shall I forgive my brother<br />

when he sins against me? Up to seven<br />

times? Jesus answered, I tell you, not<br />

seven times, but seventy-seven times.<br />

Matthew 5:23-24 NIV<br />

Therefore, if you are offering your gift<br />

at the altar and there remember that your<br />

brother has something against you, leave<br />

your gift there in front of the altar. First<br />

go and be reconciled to your brother; then<br />

come and offer your gift.<br />

Let !FORGIVENESS be a<br />

guiding principle of one s life and let us<br />

enjoy peaceful , physical and Spiritual,<br />


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