W. Richard Bowen and Nidal Hilal 4

W. Richard Bowen and Nidal Hilal 4

W. Richard Bowen and Nidal Hilal 4

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calorimetry. However, such approaches cannot reveal the spatial distribution<br />

of these components. An adaptation of AFM that can achieve this is<br />

the Scanning Thermal Microscope (SThM) [50]. Here, the normal silicon<br />

cantilever is replaced with a Wollaston wire probe, brought to a sharp<br />

apex in the form of a cantilever. The spatial (<strong>and</strong> thermal mapping) resolution<br />

of such probes is on the order of a micron. Whilst this is useful,<br />

they also have the additional ability to apply heat locally to a surface <strong>and</strong><br />

to record the power required to deliver a constant temperature increase to<br />

that point in the sample (in a manner analogous to Differential Scanning<br />

Calorimetry (DSC)), therefore providing detailed thermal characterisation<br />

at that point on a sample (the so-called Local Thermal Analysis (LTA)).<br />

To date, LTA has been the main area of application of this approach in<br />

pharmaceuticals.<br />

Six et al. have demonstrated the ability of SThM analysis to distinguish<br />

<strong>and</strong> identify phase-separated material in solid dispersions of<br />

itraconazole <strong>and</strong> Eudragit ® E100 polymer [51]. Such dispersions of<br />

a poorly soluble drug in a soluble matrix represent a classic route to<br />

improving the bioavailability of such drugs. SThM images of dispersions<br />

containing 10%, 40% <strong>and</strong> 60% itraconazole showed an increase in<br />

surface roughness with an increase in drug loading, possibly linking the<br />

rough surface areas to phase-separated drug. Phase-separated regions of<br />

the drug are not desired as they would be less liable to release the active<br />

ingredient than molecular dispersed drug. LTA has been used to characterise<br />

the different phases by a comparison of the glass transition (T g) of<br />

different dispersions with that of the pure compounds of drug <strong>and</strong> polymer.<br />

LTA showed that the penetration of the probe tip into a sample of<br />

pure itraconazole occurred at around 333 K, which is in good agreement<br />

with the previously determined T g for the drug by DSC of 332.4 K. In contrast,<br />

the penetration of the probe tip into pure Eudragit ® E100 occurred<br />

at a much higher temperature of 383 K compared to its T g of 318 K determined<br />

by DSC <strong>and</strong> was linked to the fragility of the sample [51]. It was<br />

also observed in dispersions with low drug loading (10%) that the probetip<br />

penetration was at a temperature in between the T gs for itraconazole<br />

<strong>and</strong> Eudragit ® E100, an indication of intimate mixing of the components.<br />

At high drug loading (60%) dispersions, the T g was similar to that for the<br />

drug, indicating separation of the components.<br />

In another study by S<strong>and</strong>ers et al. [52], SThM combined with LTA<br />

was used to distinguish between two polymorphs of cimetidine, types<br />

A <strong>and</strong> B. These two pharmaceutically useful anhydrous polymorphs of<br />

cimetidine had previously been tentatively distinguished by AFM phase<br />

imaging in a variable humidity environment [48]. An underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

<strong>and</strong> ability to detect <strong>and</strong> distinguish between different polymorphs in<br />

drug formulations is of particular significance, as different polymorphs<br />

can have different physicochemical properties <strong>and</strong> can convert from one

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