view - National Center for Education Development

view - National Center for Education Development

view - National Center for Education Development


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8= 5'jf5't, cGwljZjf; / ;fdflhs s'/Lltk|lt ;r]tgf<br />

9= ckl/lrt JolQmx¿;―u cfjZos ;xof]u cfbfgk|bfg<br />

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11= ;fj{hlgs:ynx¿df kfngf ug'{kg]<br />

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19= ldtJolotf<br />

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4= dfGohgx¿;―u ug'{kg]<br />

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6= cfk"m hGd]sf] :yfgsf] dxŒj, ;b\efj / ljsf;<br />

7= lhNnfsf JolQmTj<br />

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10= ;dfhdf /x]sf s'/Lltx¿<br />

11= :yfgLo:t/df ePsf ;ª\3;+:yfx¿<br />

12= afnclwsf/ / pkof]u<br />

13= dlxnf clwsf/<br />

14= /fli6«o ;Dkbfx¿sf] k|of]u / ;+/If0f<br />

15= ;fj{hlgs:ynx¿sf] ;/;kmfO<br />

16= cfk"m a;]sf] uflj;÷gkfsf] kl/ro, ;+/If0f / sfo{<br />

17= cfk\mgf] kl/jf/ / l5d]ssf dlxnf, k'?if, hfthflt, ljleGg wdf{jnDaL, ljleGg k];fut<br />

JolQm cflb;―u ;dfg Jojxf/<br />

18= cfk"m /x]sf] lhNnfsf] ef}uf]lns :j¿k / ;fdflhs /xg;xg<br />

19= cfk"m /x]sf] lhNnfsf] ;fdfGo gS;f;DaGwL sfo{<br />

20= k[YjLsf] pTklQ / agf]6<br />


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