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The Frogs Who Demand a King* 63<br />

defended against coups d’état because it was founded on real and freely accepted<br />

institutions. But the coup d’état occurred within the system through the good offices of<br />

Messrs Pflimlin, Mollet, Pinay and Coty. Perfect: we will not go backwards. What we<br />

need now are other men, other groupings, another government, a programme. Above all,<br />

remember that the Fourth Republic has died of its powerlessness.<br />

And that this powerlessness came upon it because a visiting general had pounced on<br />

the executive and had gained the upper hand in Algiers. The system was appearance. For<br />

three years already, the colonels and the colonists had been the reality. At least neither<br />

Mollet nor Gaillard had been brought to power by force and under the threat of a military<br />

putsch. The New Look system was born of an Algiers uprising and blackmail of the<br />

paras. Moch has recently revealed that a good proportion of France’s mainland Army had<br />

openly supported de Gaulle. He was therefore imposed on us by the Army.<br />

I am not repeating this to recriminate: one judges things by the way they go. But that is<br />

just the point: they have gone very badly: since June, General de Gaulle has made<br />

concession after concession. At the present time, the French government is entirely in the<br />

hands of the Army; scarcely a few days ago, the Prime Minister pronounced the<br />

significant phrase: ‘We must not hide from the fact that the Algerian war will last a long<br />

time.’<br />

Is that better than invoking the ‘closing moments’? Perhaps, but it also tells us that de<br />

Gaulle has chosen all-out war. He will certainly not have chosen it with a light heart, but<br />

because he could not do otherwise. Perhaps people will say that this is another reason to<br />

vote ‘yes’: ‘He will have the support of the French masses.’ But it is precisely that this<br />

mute or almost mute support, those mouths that open to let out a single word as<br />

ambiguous as the words of General de Gaulle himself, all this is useless. Ambiguity turns<br />

against the person who gave it birth.<br />

Some people say ‘yes’ because they want to say ‘no’ (No to the colonels)? Other<br />

people say that other ‘yes’ for that other ‘no’ (No to de Gaulle and the system, see you<br />

soon Soustelle). Who says ‘yes’ and means ‘yes’? And what does that mean? Without a<br />

programme, this pile of voting papers is useless; it hides too many hatreds, already smells<br />

of punch-ups. The only ones who can benefit from a ‘yes’ vote, provided it is huge, are<br />

the fascists. They do not ask them-selves about the meaning of the vote but simply think<br />

that victory will give them a bit more time, either to get de Gaulle involved up to his neck<br />

in the war, or set up organizations and mechanisms which will allow them to overthrow<br />

him one day.<br />

Gaullist republicans, you vote against the system – you elect the resurrected<br />

system.You vote for de Gaulle against Massu – you give the colonels time to organize a<br />

putsch against your elected representative.<br />

Do not forget; the ambiguity all stems from that: de Gaulle is not a fascist, he is a<br />

constitutional monarch; but today, nobody can vote for de Gaulle any more: your ‘yes’<br />

vote can go to fascism alone.<br />

Let us finally understand that one cannot extract a country from its impotence by<br />

entrusting all power to a single man. The only way to avoid those honeyed monarchies<br />

that have no grip on reality, and at the same time the helping hand of the Algiers<br />

commandos, is for us to extract ourselves from our own impotence, is for us to create a<br />

programme, an alliance of parties, defensive and offensive tactics against all those who

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