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CMS-1403-FC rulemaking. In section III. M. of this final rule with comment period, we describe certain limitations on the types of services for which a Medicare telehealth payment will be made when these entities serve as the originating site. These requirements are similar to those in place under current policies for the existing list of telehealth originating sites, but are also tailored to address the particular characteristics of the newly added originating sites. It is necessary to address these requirements in a timely manner in order to avoid potential duplicate billing and payment, and to ensure that facilities appropriately furnish the requisite scope of services for which payment is included in their bundled or prospective payment. For the reasons described above, we believe that completion of notice and comment rulemaking prior to adopting these policies would delay timely implementation of policies that are important to quality care and program integrity. Therefore, to the extent these requirements are not self-implementing, we find good cause to waive notice and comment rulemaking as a delay in implementation would be contrary to the public interest. As detailed above in this section, we are implementing certain aspects of sections 131(c), 144(b), and 149 of the MIPPA as described in sections III.C., III.J., and III.M. 1010

CMS-1403-FC (respectively) of this final rule with comment period on an interim final basis for CY 2009, and include a 60-day comment period. XIV. Collection of Information Requirements Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, we are required to provide 30-day notice in the Federal Register and solicit public comment before a collection of information (COI) requirement is submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval. In order to fairly evaluate whether an information collection should be approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires that we solicit comment on the following issues: ● The need for the information collection and its usefulness in carrying out the proper functions of our agency. ● The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection burden. ● The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected. ● Recommendations to minimize the information collection burden on the affected public, including automated collection techniques. 1011

<strong>CMS</strong>-1403-FC<br />

rulemaking. In section III. M. of this final rule with<br />

comment period, we describe certain limitations on the<br />

types of services for which a Medicare telehealth payment<br />

will be made when these entities serve as the originating<br />

site. These requirements are similar to those in place<br />

under current policies for the existing list of telehealth<br />

originating sites, but are also tailored to address the<br />

particular characteristics of the newly added originating<br />

sites. It is necessary to address these requirements in a<br />

timely manner in order to avoid potential duplicate billing<br />

and payment, and to ensure that facilities appropriately<br />

furnish the requisite scope of services for which payment<br />

is included in their bundled or prospective payment. For<br />

the reasons described above, we believe that completion of<br />

notice and comment rulemaking prior to adopting these<br />

policies would delay timely implementation of policies that<br />

are important to quality care and program integrity.<br />

Therefore, to the extent these requirements are not<br />

self-implementing, we find good cause to waive notice and<br />

comment rulemaking as a delay in implementation would be<br />

contrary to the public interest.<br />

As detailed above in this section, we are implementing<br />

certain aspects of sections 131(c), 144(b), and 149 of the<br />

MIPPA as described in sections III.C., III.J., and III.M.<br />


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