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34 IRON ORE, COAL, PIG IRON, AND Steel.—The Bessemer process received early recognition in Austria, the erection of the first Bessemer works in that country having Iwen commenced in 18G2 at Turrach, in Upper Styria. The production of Bessemer and open-hearth steel in Austria-Hungary amounted to 499,600 metric tons in 1890. The production of puddled and other kinds of steel in 1890 is reported to have amounted to 58,995 metric tons. The production of steel rails in Austria and Hungary in 1890 was 144,046 metric tons; in 1891 it was 112,839 tons; and iu 1892 it was 102,808 tons. SPAIN. We subjoin such statistical information concerning the coal, iron, and steel industries of this country as appears to be trustworthy. The official statistics for 1891 are for the fiscal year. Iron Ore.—The total production of iron ore in Spain in 1890 is reported to have been 5,788,743 metric tons; in 1891 it is reported officially to have been 5,679,600 tons; in 1892 it is reported to have been 5,405,170 tons; and in 1893 it is reported to have been 5,497,540 tons. The province of Biscay, in which is situated the important port of Bilbao, annually produces over five-sixths of the total iron-ore production of Spain. Of the total production of the country more than five-sixths are exported. Of the irou ore produced in Spain in 1892 there were exported 4.773,827 tons, of which there were shipped from Bilbao 3,918,- 544 tons, Great Britain taking 2,650,753 tons; Germany, 766,- 302 tons; France, 390,319 tons; Belgium, 75,249 tons; the United States, 34,164 tons; and other countries, 1,757 tons. Coal.—The production of bituminous coal in Spain in 1892 is reported to have been 1,424,185 metric tons, and the production of lignite is given as 37,011 tons: total of coal and lignite, 1,461,196 tons. Spain also produces a very small quantity of anthracite coal. The production of all kinds of coal in 1891 is officially given as 1,287,988 tons. Spain is a large importer of coal, chiefly from Great Britain. Pig Iron.—The production of pig iron in Spain in 1890 appears to have been 179,433 metric tons; in 1892, 247,329 tons; and iu 1893, 260.450 tons. Steel.—The production of Bessemer and other steel in Spain in 1890 is said to have been 63.011 metric tons, and in 1891 it is officially stated to have amounted to 78,413 tons. The recent progress iu the development of the iron and steel industries of Spain is largely due to the aid of English capital.

STEEL IN ALL COUNTRIES. :;:. ITALY. We are indebted to the Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and Commerce of the Kingdom of Italy for >tati>tics of the mining and metallurgical industries of that country for 1893, from which we compile the following information. In 1881 the Government restricted to 200,000 tons the quantity of Elban ore to l>c mined each year, and iu 18x5 it further limited the annual production to 180.000 tons. These quantities have respectively been mined each year, but, while the quantity annually mined has been a fixed number, the quantity annually shipped has fluctuated. The production of iron ore in the whole of Italy in 1893 was 191,305 metric tons; the production of all kinds of mineral fuel, or coal, was 317,249 tons; the production of pig irou was 8,038 tons; and the production of steel was 71,380 tons. Italy imports most of the pig iron used in its iron and steel works, and it also imports, large quantities of coal, chiefly from Great Britain. We have received from Mr. Herbert Scott, chemist at the Royal Mines of Elba and Iron AVorks of Follonica, a detailed account of the exportation of the iron ores of Elba to various countries from July 1,1851, to June 30, 1894. The total exports in these years were as follows, in metric tons, the exports to the mainland of Italy being included. Years. 1851-52 1852-53 1853-54 1854-55 1855-56.- 1856-57 1857-58 1858-59 1859-60 1880-61 1861-62 1862-63 1863-64.. 1865-66 Metric tons. 22,663 25,994 48,262 60,530 61,418 72,875 50,279 44,010 35,690 54,440 67,739 106,572 101,625 114,488 98,417 Years. 1866-67 1867-68 1868-69 1869-70. 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1878-74 1874-75 1875-76 1878-77 1877-78 1878-79 1879-80. 1880-81 Metric tons. 72,583 60,047 55,075 60,162 47,765 127,187 173,575 219,153 174,617 202,912 182,545 180,740 202,966 318,394 349,294 v. ,,. 1881-82 1882-83 1883-84 1884-85 1885-86.. 1888-87- 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91- 1891-92. 1892-93- 1S93-94 Metric tons. 213,349 177,595 230,458 176,672 170,418 175,097 195,825 126,614 213,598 160,712 208,581 115,124 172,089 We regret that lack of space prevents the incorporation in this paper of all the interesting statistics sent to us by Mr. Scott. The exports to "America" are all the details which we can give.


ITALY.<br />

We are indebted to the Minister of Agriculture, Industry, and<br />

Commerce of the Kingdom of Italy for >tati>tics of the mining<br />

and metallurgical industries of that country for 1893, from which<br />

we compile the following information.<br />

In 1881 the Government restricted to 200,000 tons the quantity<br />

of Elban ore to l>c mined each year, and iu 18x5 it further limited<br />

the annual production to 180.000 tons. These quantities have<br />

respectively been mined each year, but, while the quantity annually<br />

mined has been a fixed number, the quantity annually<br />

shipped has fluctuated.<br />

The production of iron ore in the whole of Italy in 1893 was<br />

191,305 metric tons; the production of all kinds of mineral fuel,<br />

or coal, was 317,249 tons; the production of pig irou was 8,038<br />

tons; and the production of steel was 71,380 tons. Italy imports<br />

most of the pig iron used in its iron and steel works, and<br />

it also imports, large quantities of coal, chiefly from Great Britain.<br />

We have received from Mr. Herbert Scott, chemist at the<br />

Royal Mines of Elba and Iron AVorks of Follonica, a detailed<br />

account of the exportation of the iron ores of Elba to various<br />

countries from July 1,1851, to June 30, 1894. The total exports<br />

in these years were as follows, in metric tons, the exports to the<br />

mainland of Italy being included.<br />

Years.<br />

1851-52<br />

1852-53<br />

1853-54<br />

1854-55<br />

1855-56.-<br />

1856-57<br />

1857-58<br />

1858-59<br />

1859-60<br />

1880-61<br />

1861-62<br />

1862-63<br />

1863-64..<br />

1865-66<br />

Metric tons.<br />

22,663<br />

25,994<br />

48,262<br />

60,530<br />

61,418<br />

72,875<br />

50,279<br />

44,010<br />

35,690<br />

54,440<br />

67,739<br />

106,572<br />

101,625<br />

114,488<br />

98,417<br />

Years.<br />

1866-67<br />

1867-68<br />

1868-69<br />

1869-70.<br />

1870-71<br />

1871-72<br />

1872-73<br />

1878-74<br />

1874-75<br />

1875-76<br />

1878-77<br />

1877-78<br />

1878-79<br />

1879-80.<br />

1880-81<br />

Metric tons.<br />

72,583<br />

60,047<br />

55,075<br />

60,162<br />

47,765<br />

127,187<br />

173,575<br />

219,153<br />

174,617<br />

202,912<br />

182,545<br />

180,740<br />

202,966<br />

318,394<br />

349,294<br />

v. ,,.<br />

1881-82<br />

1882-83<br />

1883-84<br />

1884-85<br />

1885-86..<br />

1888-87-<br />

1887-88<br />

1888-89<br />

1889-90<br />

1890-91-<br />

1891-92.<br />

1892-93-<br />

1S93-94<br />

Metric tons.<br />

213,349<br />

177,595<br />

230,458<br />

176,672<br />

170,418<br />

175,097<br />

195,825<br />

126,614<br />

213,598<br />

160,712<br />

208,581<br />

115,124<br />

172,089<br />

We regret that lack of space prevents the incorporation in this<br />

paper of all the interesting statistics sent to us by Mr. Scott.<br />

The exports to "America" are all the details which we can give.

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