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IRON ORE, COAL, PIG IRON, AND be found that their positions have been reversed. The United States is usually first of all countries in the productiou of iron ore. Other countries than those above mentioned produce small quantities of iron ore, coal, pig iron, and steel, and still other countries possess undeveloped resources of iron ore and coal. THE UNITED STATES. Iron Ore.—The Census Office does not give exact statistics of the production of iron ore in the United States in any year prior to 1880. The statistics which it gives for 1850, 1860, and 1870 are only approximately correct, but for 1870 they are more nearly correct than for either of the other periods, and for the purposes of this paper they may be regarded as complete. We will begin our record, therefore, with 1870, premising that iu no previous census year and probably in no previous calendar year was the production as large as in that year. The production of iron ore in the United States in the census year 1870 was 3.031,891 gross tons; in the census year 1880 it was 7,120,362 tons; in the calendar year 1889 (census of 1890) it was 14.518.041 tons. From 1870 to 1880 the increase in production was over 134 per cent., and from 1880 to 1889 it was over 103 per cent. Our imports of iron ore, as will presently be shown, greatly increased after 1878. The production of iron ore in the United States since 1889 has been ascertained and published by the Division of Mineral Resources of the United States Geological Survey, the figures having been collected by Mr. John Birkinbine. The production in 1890 was 16,036,043 gross tons; in 1891,14,591,178 tons; in 1892.16,- 296,666 tons; in 1893,11,587,629 tons; and in 1894,11,879,679 tons. It may be proper to add, for the information of the future statistician, that 1893 was the year of the greatest financial and industrial panic the United States has ever experienced, which will account for the great decline in the production of iron ore in that year and lor other reductions to be noted hereafter. In the last few years, beginning with the year 1889, but excepting 1891, the Lake Superior iron-ore region has supplied more than one-half of the annual production of iron ore in the United States. In giving below the figures which will make this fact clear we give also the statistics of the Lake Superior ironore industry from its beginning in 1854. Three Slates. Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, now comprise the Lake Superior ironore region which was originally confined to Michigan alone.

STEEL IN ALL COUNTRIES, The following table gives the shipments of iron ore from the Lake Superior mines from 1854 to 1894, in gross tons. The word shipments in this connection and elsewhere in this paper is used in its strict sense, and is not synonymous with production. 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1SIJ2 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 Year.. Gross Ions. 3,000 1,449 36,343 25,646 15,s7ii 68,832 114,401 49,909 124.1H9 203,055 243,127 236,208 -_'>.;•; 473,567 Ycurs. 1869.... 1870...- 1871.... 1872.... 1873.... 1874..., 1875.... 1876... 1877.... 1878.... 1879.... 1880.... 1881... Gross tons. 491,449 617,444 830,940 779,607 900,901 1,162,458 919,557 891,257 992,764 1,(il.'»,087 1.111,110 1,375,691 1,908,745 2,3f-t..-A-| V"- 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892.....-,. 1894. l.n.-s (mis. 2,965.412 2.353,288 2,518,692 2,466,372 3,568,022 4,730,577 5,063.693 7,292,754 9,012,379 7,062,233 9,069,556 6,060,492 7,748,932 Imports of Iron Ore—Prior to 1879 statistics showing the quantity of iron ore annually imported into the United States were not preserved by the Treasury Department. In that year we began for the first time to import iron ore largely from Europe, and since then the statistics of the quantity of iron ore annually imported have been preserved. Prior to 1879 such iron ore as was imported came largely from Canada. Thia ivftfi notably tincase in 1873, 1874, ami 1875, in which years more than one-half of our iron-ore imports was received at lake [Kirts from Canada. In no year before 1879, however, did our total imports of iron ore exceed 100,000 tons. In that year they amounted to 284.141 tons. In the following table we give the total imports of iron ore into the United States in the calendar years from 1880 to 1894. YMD, 1880. 1881. 18.12. 1883. 1884, Gross Ions. Yean. Gross Ions. 493,408 782,887 589,655 490,875 487,820 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 390,786 1,039,433 1,194,301 587,470 853,573 Years. Gross tons. 1,246,830 1U2.S56 806,585 526,951 167.307 The first shipment of iron ore from Cuba to the United States ...is made in August, 1884, by the Juragua Iron Compauy. In was October, 1892, the Sigua Iron Company also commenced to ship


be found that their positions have been reversed. The United<br />

States is usually first of all countries in the productiou of iron ore.<br />

Other countries than those above mentioned produce small<br />

quantities of iron ore, coal, pig iron, and steel, and still other<br />

countries possess undeveloped resources of iron ore and coal.<br />


Iron Ore.—The Census Office does not give exact statistics of<br />

the production of iron ore in the United States in any year prior<br />

to 1880. The statistics which it gives for 1850, 1860, and 1870<br />

are only approximately correct, but for 1870 they are more<br />

nearly correct than for either of the other periods, and for the<br />

purposes of this paper they may be regarded as complete. We<br />

will begin our record, therefore, with 1870, premising that iu no<br />

previous census year and probably in no previous calendar year<br />

was the production as large as in that year.<br />

The production of iron ore in the United States in the census<br />

year 1870 was 3.031,891 gross tons; in the census year 1880 it<br />

was 7,120,362 tons; in the calendar year 1889 (census of 1890)<br />

it was 14.518.041 tons. From 1870 to 1880 the increase in production<br />

was over 134 per cent., and from 1880 to 1889 it was<br />

over 103 per cent. Our imports of iron ore, as will presently be<br />

shown, greatly increased after 1878.<br />

The production of iron ore in the United States since 1889 has<br />

been ascertained and published by the Division of Mineral Resources<br />

of the United States Geological Survey, the figures having<br />

been collected by Mr. John Birkinbine. The production in 1890<br />

was 16,036,043 gross tons; in 1891,14,591,178 tons; in 1892.16,-<br />

296,666 tons; in 1893,11,587,629 tons; and in 1894,11,879,679<br />

tons. It may be proper to add, for the information of the future<br />

statistician, that 1893 was the year of the greatest financial and<br />

industrial panic the United States has ever experienced, which<br />

will account for the great decline in the production of iron ore<br />

in that year and lor other reductions to be noted hereafter.<br />

In the last few years, beginning with the year 1889, but excepting<br />

1891, the Lake Superior iron-ore region has supplied<br />

more than one-half of the annual production of iron ore in the<br />

United States. In giving below the figures which will make this<br />

fact clear we give also the statistics of the Lake Superior ironore<br />

industry from its beginning in 1854. Three Slates. Michigan,<br />

Wisconsin, and Minnesota, now comprise the Lake Superior ironore<br />

region which was originally confined to Michigan alone.

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