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58 STATISTICS OF THE AMERICAN IRON TRADE FOR 1894. THE MANUFACTURE OF ROLLED IRON AND STEEL IN OHIO IN 1891, 1892, 1893, AND 1894, BY DISTRICTS. Iu the following tahle the Lake counties are those bordering on Lake Eric; the Mahoning Valley comprises the counties in the northeastern part of Ohio, including Columhiana county ; the interior counties are the counties south and west of the two first-named districts, except the counties along the Ohio river, which are classed in u district hy themselves. CABS, HOPS, HOLTS. HOOPS, SKELP, SHAPES, AND ROLLED AXLES. Districts. Lake counties. Mahoning Valley Interior counties Ohio River counties Total Gross tons of 2.2-10 pounds. 1*31. !•'-' 1893. 239,051 ' 284,949 280,818 | 303,012 55,172 | 54,215 30,935 51,033 605,976 J 693,209 211,196 176,378 53,157 39,896 480.627 IRON AND STEEL PLATES AND SHEETS, EXCEPT NAIL PLATE. Mahoning Valley Ohio River counties Total Mahoning Valley Ohio River counties Total Total Ohio River counties. Total 37,520 16,647 21,375 36,966 112,508 38,023 16,171 26,665 58,145 139,004 22.599 25,416 24,131 51,265 123,411 IKON AND STEEL CI>T NAILS AND OCT SPIKES. 3,761 ' 59,116 62,877 4,725 51,606 56.331 IRON AND STEEL RAILS. 1 .. 159 2,055 | .. 2,214 249 249 TOTAL ROLLED IRON AMI STEEL. 276,571 a** Q7"» 301,226 S*S Qnfi 76,706 31,129 129,072 160,784 783,575 888,793 3,102 31,185 34.2*7 190 1,369 1,559 233,795 204,896 77,478 123,715 639.S-.I 1894. 235,636 140,386 39,321 30,954 44H.297 14,709 22,833 26,255 43,530 107,327, 2,117 19,779 21,896 222 1,338 1.560 250,345 165,336 65.798 95,601 577.08.)

IRON ORE, COAL, PIG IRON, AND STEEL IN ALL COUNTRIES. The following j*m*t, prepared by Juiucs M. Sivank. General Manager of the American Iron and Seel Association, will apjienr in the forthcominK volume of "Mineral Resources of the United States," compiled by David T. Day. Chief of the Division of Mineral Resources of the I'nitcd Slates Geological Survey. Interior Dcpurlracul. Washington. D. C. In the present paper we shall deal with the statistical results accomplished by all leading ironmaking and coalmining countries. Our inquiries will be carried back as far as authentic statistics have been recorded, discarding all statistics which are of doubtful authenticity. Official sources of information will be consulted wherever possible. The statistics for the United States will be given mainly u|wn the authority of the American Iron and .Steel Association. The authorities relied upon for correct statistics for oilier countries will be mentioned in their proper connection. A> iron ore and coal are the raw materials in the manufacture of iron, t-xct-pt when charcoal is used instead of coal, we shall in each instance give the statistics of the production of these raw materials before giving the figures for iron and steel. The leading countries of the world which produce iron and steel are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Belgium, and .Sweden, in the order in which they are mentioned. As we have heretofore remarked, it i- only in northern latitudes in both hemispheres that iron and steel arcmade in large or even in noticeable quantities. Spain is a large producer of iron ore. but not of iron or steel. The most of the iron ore it produces is exported. Algeria, Greece, Italy, and Cuba also produce considerable quantities of iron ore for exportation. The leading coal-producing countries of the world are Great Britain, the United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary. France. Belgium, Russia, Canada, New South Wales, Japan, and India, in the order in which they are named. Spain and New Zealand also produce coal in considerable quantities. Italy produces chief lv lignite. In the list of coal-producing countries Great Britain comes first and the United States second, although it is not improbable that, when the statistics of production for these two countries at the close of the present century are compiled, it will



The following j*m*t, prepared by Juiucs M. Sivank. General Manager of the<br />

American Iron and Seel Association, will apjienr in the forthcominK volume of<br />

"Mineral Resources of the United States," compiled by David T. Day. Chief of<br />

the Division of Mineral Resources of the I'nitcd Slates Geological Survey. Interior<br />

Dcpurlracul. Washington. D. C.<br />

In the present paper we shall deal with the statistical results<br />

accomplished by all leading ironmaking and coalmining countries.<br />

Our inquiries will be carried back as far as authentic statistics<br />

have been recorded, discarding all statistics which are of doubtful<br />

authenticity. Official sources of information will be consulted<br />

wherever possible. The statistics for the United States will be<br />

given mainly u|wn the authority of the American Iron and .Steel<br />

Association. The authorities relied upon for correct statistics for<br />

oilier countries will be mentioned in their proper connection. A><br />

iron ore and coal are the raw materials in the manufacture of<br />

iron, t-xct-pt when charcoal is used instead of coal, we shall in<br />

each instance give the statistics of the production of these raw<br />

materials before giving the figures for iron and steel.<br />

The leading countries of the world which produce iron and<br />

steel are the United States, Great Britain, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary,<br />

Russia, Belgium, and .Sweden, in the order in which<br />

they are mentioned. As we have heretofore remarked, it i- only<br />

in northern latitudes in both hemispheres that iron and steel arcmade<br />

in large or even in noticeable quantities. Spain is a large<br />

producer of iron ore. but not of iron or steel. The most of the<br />

iron ore it produces is exported. Algeria, Greece, Italy, and Cuba<br />

also produce considerable quantities of iron ore for exportation.<br />

The leading coal-producing countries of the world are Great<br />

Britain, the United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary. France.<br />

Belgium, Russia, Canada, New South Wales, Japan, and India, in<br />

the order in which they are named. Spain and New Zealand<br />

also produce coal in considerable quantities. Italy produces chief<br />

lv lignite. In the list of coal-producing countries Great Britain<br />

comes first and the United States second, although it is not improbable<br />

that, when the statistics of production for these two<br />

countries at the close of the present century are compiled, it will

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