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42 STATISTICS OF THE AMERICAN IKON TRADE FOR 1894. PRODUCTION OF OPEN-IIEARTH STEEL. Our statistics of the production of opon-hcarth steel in the United States include steel made in the open hearth by the basic process, which we have not undertaken to classify separately. Direct costings are included with ingots. The production of oiien-hearth steel ingots in the United States; in 1894 was 784,936 gross tons, against 737,890 tons in 1893, an increase of 47,046 tons, or over 6 per cent. The following table shows the production of open-hearth ingots and direct castings by States during the past five years. Mill ' '.r •• tons. New York and New Jersey Pemisylvniim Other States Total 1890. 1891. 12,586 15,049 417,612 58,823 9,262 513,232 14,316 18,499 472,607 51,524 22,807 579,753 ISM. 1S,620 19,511 551,010 60,834 19,914 669,889 ]••>., 24,759 17,591 616,516 50,385 28,639 737,890 ISM. 26,204 21,363 659.969 54,182 23,218 784,936 The open-hearth steel made in 1894 was produced by 53 works in ten States, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and California. The quantity of open-hearth steel rails produced in 1894 was only 1,085 gross tons, California, as usual, making the larger part. PEODH HON OF CRUCIBLE STEEL. The production of crucible steel iu the United States in 1894 amounted to 51,702 gross tons, against 63,613 tons in 1893, 84,- 709 tons iu 1892, 72,586 tons in 1891, and 71,175 tons in 1890. The crucible steel produced in 1894 was made in nine States, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Maryland, Tennessee. Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. Of the tolal production of 51,702 gross tons of crucible steel in 1894 New Kngland contributed 652 tons; New York, 3,705 tons; New Jersey, 5,470 tons; Pennsylvania, 39,257 tons; the Western States, 1,877 tons; and the Southern States, 741 tons. PRODUCTION OF MISCELLANEOUS STEEL. The production of steel in the United States in 1894 bv various minor processes amounted to 4,081 gross tons, against 2,806 tons in 1893, 4,548 tons in 1892, 4,484 tons iu 1891, and 3,798

STATISTICS OF THE AMERICAN IRON TRADE FOR 1894. 43 tons in 1890. Blister, puddled, and "patented" steel, including i< "patented" steel castings, are embraced in these figures. TOTAL PRODUCTION OF STEEL. The production of all kinds of steel in the United States in 1894 was as follows: Bessemer steel, 3.571,313 gross tons; openhearth steel, 784,936 tons; crucible steel, 51,702 tons; all other steel, 4,081 tons: total, 4,412,032 tons, against 4,019,995 tons in 1893 and 4,927,581 tons in 1892. TOTAL PRODUCTION OF ROLLED IRON AND STEEL. By the phrase rolled iron and steel we include all iron and steel rolled into finished forms, as follows: (1) all sizes of iron and steel rails; (2) plate and sheet iron and steel; (3) iron aud steel plates for cut nails and cut spikes; (4) wire rods; (5) iron and steel structural shapes; (6) bar, bolt, hoop, skelp, and rolled axles. Hammered axles and other forgings are not included. The production of all iron and steel rolled into finished forms iu the United States in 1894 was 4,787,807 gross tons, against 4,975,685 tons in 1893, a decrease of 187,878 tons, or 3.7 per cent. Twenty-seven States rolled cither iron or steel or both iron and steel in 1893 and 1894. The following table gives the aggregate production by Stales of iron and steel rolled into all kinds of finished forms in 1893 and 1894, in gross tons. State*—Gross tons. Staies-GrON* tons. 1KO. Maine New Hampshire... Mmathoitttt Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware Maryland Virginia West Virginia Kentucky Tennessee a Alabama 6,866 2,900 95,782 13,497 29,975 126,675 2,862,833 32,499 135,088 34,394 76,352 40,303 8,584 24,542 2,786 3,100 79,392 10,420 18,912 123,389 77,596 2,865,392 : 27,652 5,283 24,378 103,319 34,449 5,120 ; 28,326 • Ohio 639,884 Indiana ! t49,055 Illinois. 407,070 Michigan 13,932 Wisconsin 71,416 Minnesota 6,000 Missouri 28,103 Iowa 1,677 Colorado 48,643 Oregon 1,522 Wyoming 0,290 California 23,581 577,080 156,763 432,598 11,445 64,932 4,530 20,391 5,200 74,637 1,254 5,372 19,091 Tolal ! 4,975,685 4,787,807 Pennsylvania made 59.8 per cent, of the total production of rolled iron and steel iu 1894, 57.5 per cent in 1893, 53.5 per cent. in 1892, 56.4 per cent, in 1891, 58.5 per cent, in 1890, .57.4 per



Our statistics of the production of opon-hcarth steel in the<br />

United States include steel made in the open hearth by the basic<br />

process, which we have not undertaken to classify separately.<br />

Direct costings are included with ingots.<br />

The production of oiien-hearth steel ingots in the United States;<br />

in 1894 was 784,936 gross tons, against 737,890 tons in 1893, an<br />

increase of 47,046 tons, or over 6 per cent.<br />

The following table shows the production of open-hearth ingots<br />

and direct castings by States during the past five years.<br />

Mill ' '.r •• tons.<br />

New York and<br />

New Jersey<br />

Pemisylvniim<br />

Other States<br />

Total<br />

1890. 1891.<br />

12,586<br />

15,049<br />

417,612<br />

58,823<br />

9,262<br />

513,232<br />

14,316<br />

18,499<br />

472,607<br />

51,524<br />

22,807<br />

579,753<br />

ISM.<br />

1S,620<br />

19,511<br />

551,010<br />

60,834<br />

19,914<br />

669,889<br />

]••>.,<br />

24,759<br />

17,591<br />

616,516<br />

50,385<br />

28,639<br />

737,890<br />

ISM.<br />

26,204<br />

21,363<br />

659.969<br />

54,182<br />

23,218<br />

784,936<br />

The open-hearth steel made in 1894 was produced by 53 works<br />

in ten States, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey,<br />

Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and California.<br />

The quantity of open-hearth steel rails produced in 1894 was<br />

only 1,085 gross tons, California, as usual, making the larger part.<br />


The production of crucible steel iu the United States in 1894<br />

amounted to 51,702 gross tons, against 63,613 tons in 1893, 84,-<br />

709 tons iu 1892, 72,586 tons in 1891, and 71,175 tons in 1890.<br />

The crucible steel produced in 1894 was made in nine States,<br />

Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Maryland,<br />

Tennessee. Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan.<br />

Of the tolal production of 51,702 gross tons of crucible steel<br />

in 1894 New Kngland contributed 652 tons; New York, 3,705<br />

tons; New Jersey, 5,470 tons; Pennsylvania, 39,257 tons; the<br />

Western States, 1,877 tons; and the Southern States, 741 tons.<br />


The production of steel in the United States in 1894 bv various<br />

minor processes amounted to 4,081 gross tons, against 2,806<br />

tons in 1893, 4,548 tons in 1892, 4,484 tons iu 1891, and 3,798

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