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improving their scientific capability. Their scientific and technical staff are<br />

encouraged to visit the ICARDA Center for varying periods, ranging from a few<br />

days to 6 months, for exchange of ideas, material or for formal training. The<br />

program often organizes conferences and workshops with a view to provide an<br />

opportunity for fellow scientists from the world over to meet and discuss latest<br />

information on the subject. Proceedings are published and widely distributed.<br />

Also literature on different subjects is compiled and made available to interested<br />

persons.<br />

Perhaps the biggest achievement in the chickpea improvement is the advancement<br />

of sowing date from spring to winter in the Mediterranean region. Doubling<br />

of yield has been observed by this single change. In order to make this feasible,<br />

ascochyta blight resistant and cold-tolerant lines are needed. Such lines have<br />

been identified from the germplasm collection and also developed through hybridization<br />

and are being made available to the national programs through<br />

international nurseries. Also, the associated technology has been worked out<br />

which aids further in improving the yield. Countries in the ICARDA region<br />

which do not practice winter sowing have an excellent opportunity to increase<br />

their production substantially by adopting this practice.<br />


de CADOLLE, A. 1882 L'origine des plantes cultivdes. Paris. pp. 258.<br />

GONZALEZ FRAGOSO, R. 1921. New or little-known Sphaeropsidales of the Spanish Fungus<br />

flora (in Spanish). Ascochyta Espafiola para el Progreso de las Cicncias. Congreso de Oporto, VI.<br />

Cicencias Naturales: 35-37.<br />

HAMAWI, F.M. 1979. Food legume production: the contribution of West Asia and North Africa to<br />

the world situation. In Food Legume Improvement and Development. IDRC Publication. 15-22.<br />

I.ADIZINSKY, G. and ADLER. A. 1976. The origin of chickpea, Cicer arietinum L. Euphytica<br />

25:211-217.<br />

VAN DER MAESEN, L.i.G. 1972. (icer L.a monograph of the genus, with special reference to the<br />

chickpea (Cicer arietinvin L.h its ecology and cultivation. Commun. Agric. Univ. Wageningen<br />

72-10, pp. 342.<br />

VAVILOV. N.I. 1926. Studies on the origin of cultivated plants (in Russian). Leningrad:129-238.<br />


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